Transcripts For KICU 10 OClock News 20140123

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slained sergeant, thomas smith, and the officer who accidently fired the shot, michael mays. both with 30 years experience between them. >> reporter: i poke with retired b.a.r.t. chief here about what he knows. we spoke about 90 minutes ago and he shared with me what he knows about both officers. officer michael hayes seen here in a video about holiday shopping safety. >> specifically look for items left unsecure. >> reporter: mays has been with the transit agency for 14 years, and prior to that, he was an officer with the moraga police department. >> a dedicated, hard working officer. he had a drive working personality. he was approachable. he was just someone you could talk to. >> reporter: a source tells me mays is the father of a teenage daughter. both men were hired before he became police chief and he regarded them highly. detective smith was someone who who started working for b.a.r.t. at an early age in 1990. >> he was a civilian police employee who was used to patrol the parking lot, and serve as eyes and ears for the officers on patrol. >> my name is sergeant smith. >> reporter: the retired chief tells us he appointed smith. declined to say what could have led to the deadly shooting, saying only that his heart is heavy. >> i was completely devastated by it, because we were talking about officers that i worked with very closely when i was at the department. >> reporter: he says, as fares he could tell, the two men worked well together. live in walnut creek, amber lee, ktvu, channel 2 news. now to the case both men were investigating. today we learned smith, mays, and six others were following up on an armed robbery at the fruitvale b.a.r.t. station. we get that part of the coverage from allie rasmus. >> officers worked into b.a.r.t. headquarters with heavy hearts, as the department mourned the loss of tom smith. a 23 year veteran of the first. >> we're shocked. we're grieving and please give us some time. >> reporter: smith was one of seven b.a.r.t. police, five undercover detectives, and two uniformed officers doing a search of an apartment in dublin. while the officers were inside the one bedroom apartment, one of the detective's guns went off, striking and killing smith. a brief glimpse of sergeant smith as he was rushed to t heambulance. >> he is just in the bed, he wasn't moving. i don't think he was conscious at all. >> now we can go forward and try to reconstruct exactly what happened. >> reporter: the apartment b.a.r.t. police were searching was the home of 20-year-old john henry lee. lee was on probation for a previous misdemeanor. last wednesday morning, police say he robbed a man at gunpoint at the fruitvale b.a.r.t. station garage. lee was in a stolen car when he led san leandro police on a chase. it says a pursuit ensued that ended when a honda collided with a tree, and rolled. he was stopped by a police k-9, officers found a loaded handgun inside the honda. lee was arrested, and has been in police custody since thursday. yesterday, b.a.r.t. police went to his apartment to recover some of the items stolen. all of the officers doing that apartment search were wearing bulletproof vests at the time. we don't know where the bullet, or bullets struck sergeant smith, but we expect to get more information when his autopsy results are released. that autopsy was conducted today. stay with ktvu for continuing coverage, as new information emerges from the investigation, we will bring it to you on air, and to your mobile device. tonight at 10:30, the split second decisions law enforcement often face, and the training b.a.r.t. officers received to make those decisions. developing news out of oakley, in contra costa county. that's where an 11-year-old boy died this evening. police say it appears he accidently shot himself in a home on yosemite circle, shortly after 7:00 tonight. the boy died a short time later. we don't know how he got the gun, who's gun it was, or what type of gun it was. at this point, the boy's name is not being released. now to the red flag warning, prompted by wind in the unusually dry conditions this winter. the fire spread quickly this afternoon because of those dry conditions. news chopper 2 captured these images around 3:00 this afternoon. a spokesperson for contra costa fire says they didn't implement an aggressive effort, because no structures were threatened. the warm weather broke a few records around the bay area. >> our chief meteorologist here now with a few numbers, and also another red flag warning in the middle of july. >> reporter: that red flag warning just went into effect for the hills of the north bay. we did have a few records today. the red dots, oakland, that was a record downtown. mountain view was the a record. san jose tied at record at 72. 75 was the warm spot in livermore. the red areas represent the red flag warning. if you look close you'll see the fire weather warning stays in effect until 3:00 tomorrow morning. along the coast, a high surf advisory, that starts tonight, and goes into tomorrow night. so the swells are coming up. we've got fire danger conditions, and more warmth. we could see more records tomorrow. when i come back, we'll get specifics for tomorrow. big waves are hitting hawaii right now, and heading this way. in fact, they're said to be the biggest in a decade. some 50 feet high, and those waves are expected to arrive on the san mateo county coast by friday, just in time for the world famous mavericks competition. for a while it looked like conditions might actually be a little too dangerous for the big wave contest, but then organizers decided it was a go. >> now they have just 34 hours and counting to prepare. at half moon bay, they found they were working against the clock to get ready. >> reporter: word went out today that the big wave surfing competition is on. everyone is keeping an eye on the waves. surfers tonight caught a few waves close to where the mavericks big wave surfers will be catching rides on epic waves come friday. >> pretty exciting. these big wave guys charging super hard. >> reporter: despite early concerns about wind, contest organizer jeff clark is now forecasting excellent conditions for friday's competition. strong south winds could have created conditions similar to 2010, when a rogue wave washed ashore, and knocked spectators to the ground. the latest forecast now has that wind staying offshore. >> i think we're going to see waves upwards of 40 feet. upwards of 40 feet. it's pretty exciting. all the guys are tuned up, and ready to go. >> reporter: they'll be patrolling the beach, and bluffs. >> the best imagery you're going to get is on your television, that's opposed to putting yourself in a precarious position where you're going to get hurt. >> reporter: competitors arrive from all over the world. they'll be staying here in rooms overlooking the water and the parking lot is in for a major transformation into a venue ready for thousands to watch all the action on giant monitors. >> it's a great team effort, to put this up in 48 hours and have 30,000 people come into this area in 48 hours, it's unbelievable. >> reporter: 24 of the world's best surfers are starting to arrive for the competition. we spoke with one surfer, who says he has a feeling of relief knowing that the competition is on, and the conditions are coming together for big waves here. ktvu, channel 2 news. the number of flu related deaths here in the bay area jumped again today to 28 confirmed cases in all. 6 new deaths are being reported. 3 in contra costa county. two men and one woman. san francisco reported one, marking its second this season, and sonoma added one more, in addition to three previous deaths. officials in san mateo confirmed one more, bringing the total there to four. in contra costa county, officials tell us, people seem to be taking their advice to get the flu shot. >> we're urging, especially young, healthy people to get vaccinated to protect themselves, but also so that they can protect those around them. >> by getting the advantage seep, you are less likely to spread the flu to your family, friends, and coworkers. uc berkely is trying to keep its students free of the flu now that classes have resumed after the holidays. tomorrow, it is hosting a new drop in flu clinic. scheduled to be open between noon and 2:00 p.m. members of the community can also stop by and get a vaccination. it is not just for students. some students can get the shots for free. chanting no guns, no hate, no mistakes. marching with a woman who's two sons were shot within 19 days. the group walked from the exact spot where 13-year-old lee weathersby was gunned down. the uncle of oscar grant, the 22-year-old shot and killed by a b.a.r.t. officer in 2009 was also there and called for community action. >> it's going to take us to stop this. we've got to love our babies. we've got to let them know that we love them. >> lamar broussard was killed along with his best friend, derrick harris. at this point, no arrests have been made. short shorts, pompoms, and a lawsuit. >> my goal is to change the way nfl cheerleaders are treated. apparently that's the way it's been done for 50 years. new developments tonight in a toxic discovery at san francisco state university. officials there are scrambling to find alternative locations to hold classes following that discovery. ktvu's heather holmes is live at sf state after looking over the results of a recent infection that led to the closure of a university building. >> reporter: julie, this 82 page report right here details not only levels of asbestos, but also lead paint and mercury. this is the science building and all the contaminants are above recommended levels. so tonight, this building is off limits. the sprawling science building, where 250 faculty and staff work and 10,000 students per semester study, suddenly shuttered. >> we're closing the entire building for the full spring semester at sf state. >> reporter: the university spokesperson says a routine inspection earlier this month turned up potentially hazardous materials. prompting what officials thought would be a temporary closure at the building. but this revealed a problem greater than first thought. asbestos was discovered in the basement. numberers also found -- inspectors also found peeling red tape. >> there's a lot of work to be done. >> reporter: the university is working on where to put students before the spring semester begins on monday. >> we are repurposing some areas. >> we have no idea what's going to happen. >> reporter: the freshman isn't sure where her business calculus class is going to be held, and if it will door coordinate with her work schedule. >> i had my schedule planned out, and i'm supposed to be going back and forth. knowing i need to go downtown could mean more money and more stress. >> reporter: this letter told students about the building close oar, and the relocation of classes. we asked what the findings mean to any of those who spend anytime in this building. they are working with experts to identify any potential health effects. heather holmes, ktvu, channel 2 news. oakland police are looking for an suv, and its driver linked to a deadly police shooting. the driver took off in the suv, but a passenger got out and ran, a chp officer with his dog chased the man, investigators say the suspect had a gun, and that the officer fired, killing the man. the chp dog was wounded, and is expected to recover. police are still trying to find the driver. new information now on monday night's deadly caltrain accident in the south bay. today, the santa clara county coroner's office says it's unclear whether the incident was a suicide or accidental. a second person was seriously hurt, and had to undergo surgery. investigators hope he'll be able to provide information once he recovers. new details involving the construction of the eastern span of the bay bridge. there are concerns about the long term reliability of the span. new supervisors were moved after questioning materials used on the bridge. an engineering firm suggested rejecting some of the rods used for the beam. governor jerry brown offered his state of the state address today. he spoke for 17 minutes, and urged lawmakers not to spend the state's new multibillion dollar surface. the governor even used his dog to help make his point. >> reporter: the governor handed out this, a mock playing card with the picture of his pooch. it says a prudent corgy knows to nibble at his kibbl were. -- kibble. a $10 minimum wage, and healthier books. >> a budgetary surplus in the billions. in the billions. but don't spend it. that's the point. >> reporter: that was the message on the flip side of the card. how good budget years are followed by bad. >> we should make sure we protect the rainy day fund, so we don't have these up and downs in the budget. >> reporter: no sweeping projects, or proposals, only a one liner on high speed rail. some favor a more balanced approach. >> not every dollar needs to be put away in a reserve, or for a repayment to debt. >> reporter: california's lingering drought also played center stage. >> we need everyone in the state to save water. >> reporter: republicans say they've been thwarted for years trying to build more reservoirs and water storage. >> literally, i guess this is very trite, but up a creek without a paddle. >> reporter: one republican said governor brown is sounding more republican every day, but brown's tight approach on money and the surpluses to show for it could help him in this election year should he decide as expected to run again. at, we've posted more video of the governor's speech today. bay area classic car owners left high and dry by a man they trusted. >> the bank called me, and said the check was no good. >> $33,000, no good. >> no good. 33,000. >> tomorrow at 5:00, 2 investigates a high profile car dealer who promised fast money and never delivered a cent. how justice is finally being served. that's tomorrow at 5:00 on ktvu. . overnight lows, are not as cool as last night. a little bit of wind to the north will keep temperatures off the bottom. you think we'll see numbers in the mid-30s, the low 30s. i don't think we'll see new 20s. you'll see frost in some of the inland bay valleys. tomorrow, temperatures slightly cooler than today. today we had lots of 70s, tomorrow, we're going to have lots of upper 60s, with a few low 70s showing up. a possible record. the red flag warning in the north bay hills, we'll talk about that when we come back, into the five-day forecast, there's a little bit of change coming towards the weekend. i'll day that in for you at 10:45. just know, slightly cooler tomorrow. a 10-year-old boy honored as a hero. how he spotted a missing man, and what he did next. then at 10:30, the raiderettes cheer for the team from the sideline. but one says the a small town in sonoma county is ordering mandatory water restrictions. they are doing that even though their water supplies are normal. >> reporter: heelsberg, the grape growing town of 11,000 has more than normal water supplies. >> right now, we have water, but we are experiencing a 15% increase in water usage. >> reporter: the city has had voluntary measures for 7 months, but the city council imposed restrictions immediately. >> we're homing we can educate the rest of the community, and they see how easy it is to conserve, and it becomes second nature. >> right now, outdoor watering every other day. no filling of pools, and no car washing. the goal is to use 20% less water. >> we are way over-spoiled with all the little things we do every day. it's not going to be that hard. >> reporter: tougher restrictions may be ahead. the city says it will stop washing sidewalks and cut landscaping watering. >> if we all do our part, maybe it won't be quite as difficult if it comes down the line we have to do even more. >> reporter: the city says it's trying to send a message. >> what we're trying to do is alert everyone that it's time to conserve. conserve now. >> reporter: for now, the city says it will keep it's plaza fountain going. the conservation message may really hit home when the plaza grass turns brown. ktvu, channel 2 news. house speaker john boehner joined his republican colleagues it to support legislation aimed at drought relief. it would also temporarily halt restoration of the san joaquin river and mean less water to repopulate salmon. >> when you look at what's been going on here in california, and you come from my part of the world, you just shake your head, and wonder what kind of nonsense does the bureaucracy do out here. how you can favor fish over people is something people in my part of the world would never understand. >> senator dianne feinstein issued a statement. she's worried the proposal could affect existing water protection. a 10-year-old boy from berkely is crediting his eagle eyes for spotting a missing alzheimer's patient. he also received a certificate of appreciation for doing the right thing. he had just seen a picture on his grandmother's phone, and she insisted he call police. >> i'm going, that's him. >> he was ecstatic to be recognized, and his classmates really supported him. he said it was pretty cool to help get the man reunited with his family and his mother says she's very proud of her son. our coverage of the b.a.r.t. shooting death continues. the training officers go through, and how it compares to other departments. >> tonight, i sat down with the cheerleader for the oakland raiders. why she says the team is violating state law, and is filing a to those who've been denied ewelcome to covered california. now, you can no longer be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at a member of the oakland raiders cheerleading squad is accusing the team of foul play. she says the team is breaking the law. the ravenette accused the team of violating labor laws. jana katsuyama spoke with that cheerleader today and is live with the woman's accusations. >> reporter: in public, the cheerleaders are only known by their public names. i did reach out to the raiders today, but they had no comment. on every game, they're on the field, cheering on the team. she was living her dream. >> raider nation, i'm raiderette lacey, and i look forward to seeing you in the stands. >> reporter: she felt becoming because one of the football fabulous females wasn't so fabulous when it came to the pay. >> i really wanted to see how the season played out. >> reporter: today, lacey filed a lawsuit against the team on behalf of herself and fellow raiderettes. it speaks that the contract promises $125 for each of the home games, but violates laws by requiring them to attend additional charity events, and other events with no compensation, and no meal breaks. they get no payment until the end of the season. lacey's attorney says the cheerleader's pay can be docked for minor rule violations. such as wearing the wrong clothing, or bringing the wrong pompoms to practice. >> i was be shocked at the kind of provisions in the contract, and the sophistication of the raiders could give this kind of contract to their employees. >> reporter: lacey said it was a shocking difference from her last job with the golden state warriors. >> the number one goal, i hope to come out of this lawsuit is to have the raiders change their policy and procedures. >> there is a separate nationwide effort that was launched on the website, so far that has 27,000 supporters so far, that effort to ask nfl teams to pay cheerleaders a living wage. her attorneys say they want back pay and a change of policy. the raiders have 30 days to respond. reporting live in alameda, ktvu, channel 2 news. a 27-year-old man is recovering tonight from knife wounds he received after he was jumped by a would be robber in berkely. it happened at 6:00 monday morning on bancroft, and dana street. investigators say the suspect pulled out a knife, and demanded the victim's car keys. a struggle ensued, and the victim broke free. the suspect was caught a short time later, and taken into custody. he's been identified as 27-year- old damian alexander patterson. president obama today took a firm stand against sexual assault on college students. >> three years ago, we sent every school district, college, and university that receives federal funding new instructions clarifying their legal obligations to prevent, and respond to sexual assault. we have seen progress. >> the president signed a memorandum establishing a white house task force that works with colleges, and universities to prevent, and respond to students sexual assault reports. a white house report found that 1 in 5 female college students are assaulted, and only 1 in 8 student victims report it. a new plea from san francisco police to help solve the beating death of a man in his 80s. this friday marks four years since the attack that killed juan chen. police say he was attacked by a group of teenagers. it happened at oakdale, and third, as chen was walking home from a nearby muni stop. he died two months after the attack from injuries related to the beating. a $100,000 reward is now being offered for information leading to arrests. back now to our continualing coverage of the shooting of a b.a.r.t. police officer. some people were surprised that b.a.r.t. officers were searching an apartment. today b.a.r.t. says that's actually not uncommon. details now on the officers training and a key reason why a gun may have been drawn. >> reporter: we're used to seeing b.a.r.t. police patrol stations and trains. but yesterday's shooting was many people's first awareness that b.a.r.t.'s long arm of the arm extends well beyond the platform. >> just like any law enforcement officers in the state. >> reporter: they follow their investigations wherever that takes them. we wanted to know just how much training b.a.r.t. officers do get. entry level steers go through 6 months a the academy, a year of probation. lateral officers who are coming in through other departments go through 12 to 16 weeks of training. they exceed the state required 24 hours every two years. so with all of that training, how did one b.a.r.t. officer kill another in an apparent accidental shooting. >> i think this is one of the things that all officers fear the most. >> reporter: daniel lawson is a former sfpd captain. he says when officers encounter an unlocked door, that's a red flag someone might be inside. >> that could be trigger the officer to pull their firearm. but then proceed with caution. >> reporter: whether the officer's gun misfired, or he fired on accident is unclear. >> you need a second guess. but these decisions are made in split seconds. i snap my fingerer and that decision has to be made. >> a split second decision that changes lives forever. it was another mixed day on wall street. the dow lost 41 points due in part to a disappointing earnings report from ibm. the nasdaq added 17. added a half billion dollars in apple in the past two weeks for a total of $3 billion. icon is renewing his push for apple to buy back $150 billion worth of stock. that would double the value of his stock, but some analysts say it would ruin apple. so far, no comment from apple. netflix keeps growing, and expects to be even larger by spring. the company said it's added 4 million subscribers around the world, and now has a total of 44 million. profits soared by 45%. compared to a year ago. the news sent shares up 17% in after hours trading. coming to the rescue for a second time. >> i'm like oh, my god. here we go again. >> how this two time hearo found herself jumping back into action. >> a slight fires broke out today in the midst of protests in ukraine. at least two protesters were killed by police. demonstrator are angry that the ukrainian government decided to forge ties with moscow rather than a european union. the obama administration is calling for calm. israel announced today that it has foiled an al-qaeda plan to attack the u.s. embassy in tel aviv, and hit other targets inside israel. israeli intelligence officials say three palestinians plan to provide suicide bomb vests to four militants posing as russian tourists. the arrests were carried out in december, but just made public today. several unnamed state department officials say the u.s. has not been able to verify the israeli allegations, in particular, the alleged links to al-qaeda. the defense department said today a soldier from monterey has been killed in afghanistan. edward bali was shot by insurgents who were attacking his base in kandahar province. his family said he was on his third tour of duty in afghanistan, and had done two in iraq. he grew up in salinas, and is survived by his wife, christy. former secretary of state, hillary clinton is scheduled to visit california this spring. in san francisco, she's scheduled to appear as a keynote speaker at a three day marketing summit. in san jose, she's scheduled to take part in the speakers series and in san diego, clinton will address medical professionals, where she will address the implementation of the affordable care act. a blow for honda today as "consumer reports" says it can no longer recommend the honda fit after it placed last on a crash test. the test looks at how cars hold up when they hit a wall on the driver's side at 40 miles per hour. the insurance institute for highway safety says the structure of the fit car collapsed around the driver. the steering wheel moved, and the driver's head hit the instrument panel. in addition to the honda fit, five other so-called mini cars rated poor on the crash tests. the fiat500, the hyundai accent and the mitsubishi mirage. the chevrolet spark was the only small car to receive an acceptable rating. a state of the art medical center. and layoffs at target, as the retailer continues to take hits. >> up firs uñ a vallejo woman is being credited with saving not just one life, but two. >> two different times she witnessed crashes on the freeway. the latest today. she had the presence of mind both times to do the right thing. >> i'm just like, oh, my god. >> reporter: keenia williams slammed her brakes. staring her down was a multivehicle wreck on interstate 80. >> they tried to put her brakes on. it hit the wall, which made her flip to her roof. >> reporter: she says there was a woman trapped in a smoking vehicle. screeching right into her mind was a memory. >> i'm like oh, my god, here we go again. >> reporter: she jumped out of her explorer and into action. >> jammed the door wide open, and she was upside down. i'm reaching for the seat belt. she fell down a little bit, but i was able to get her out. >> reporter: moments later, a chp officer arrived on scene. >> he's like, what made you do that? well, it's not my first time that i've saved somebody. >> reporter: a big rig crash was bursting into flames. williams stops her car, jumps over a stream of leaking fuel, and pulls the unconscious driver to safety. the two were reunited a week later when her bravery was recognized by the city of san francisco. >> i must be a real angel. >> reporter: she's a single mom, a christian, and faith she says played a role. >> that's my god. my father upstairs. he's telling me, this must be my calling. >> reporter: that woman whispered two words. williams says that she will never forget. >> the highway patrol officer was in the ambulance with her. she was like, thank you. i was like, you're welcome. >> reporter: one young woman saving not once, but twice. a generous donation from facebook ceo mark zuckerberg and his wife, dr. priscilla chan. the money will help pay for a new state of the art building. a spokeswoman says she was very impressed by the work they're doing there. construction is expected to be completed next year. at least one person is dead after a huge storm dumped snow on much of the northeast. the weather system from kentucky all the way up to new england. in washington, d.c., snow covered roads made for treacherous driving conditions. many federal government offices opened two hours late. city offices and courts were also closed in philadelphia, where people are dealing with 14 inches of snow. in minneapolis, extremely high winds created a ground blizzard. advisories warned of temperatures from 25, to 35 degrees below zero. many schools across the state canceled classes today. black ice, and snow made driving very dangerous. temperatures today were up there. here are some of the records again, 75 in oakland. it was 74 in mountain view. in a tied record, 72 at san jose. the warm spot was livermore at 75. temperatures tomorrow are going to be slightly cooler than these numbers. one of the reasons we're going to see cooling is we've got a little bit of fog right along the coast. take a look here, and you'll see it. we haven't seen that in a while. little patches of it. but it's out that pretty much now in a larger form. showing up at half moon bay in pacifica. by tomorrow, it is should move that fog away. fire weather warning goes into effect tonight at 10:00 it went into effect. it stays into effect until tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.ment the store there is where is the winds? those should pick up overnight, and into the north bay. there's the high surf advisory. that is also starting to verify. you take a look at the current buoys offshore, and what you're going to see. they go up 8 to 12 feet. swells are on the increase. tomorrow's weather forecast, there's no big change. the extended forecast, we're going to continue with that increased fire in the north bay. that's because of this offshore flow. here's the high pressure center. it's pushing the winds offshore. it's going to make for a great mavericks contest on friday. this offshore wind really cleans up. a nice offshore flow. a dry pattern holds us really into the weekend. but the next day or so, we're going to see temperatures, just a little bit warmer. lots of 60s, even low 70s, as you go into the weekend, temperatures are going to pump up a little beyond that. we've just got this pattern where it's staying warm. 67 in napa. 69 in pittsburgh. 68 in livermore. these forecast highs are right above the average and slightly cooler than what we had today. still repetitive, this weather we've been experiencing is just non-stop, day after day. a few records here. a few records there. cool overnight lows. then the five-day forecast that looks like this. you've just got sunshine shooting across the top there. weekend warms up a little bit. as we head into next week, dry, dry, dry. the next shot for rain. somewhere around february 2nd, 3rd. >> somewhere way down the line. >> right now, we are dry for this five day, and the next one. >> 25 below in minneapolis right now. >> oh, my gosh, it's wrong. >> doesn't feel like january. more trouble for target tonight. the minneapolis based retail chain announced it is laying off 475 workers, and will eliminate another 700 vacant positions. it also announced it will stop offering health insurance to part time employees this spring. the income dropped last year, due in part to expansion in canada, and sales slumped after hackers stole information from 110 million target customers. what happened to the cal bears? >> it's exactly what julie always tells us, you've got to watch the game. that's why they play them. you get a little overconfident there. undefeated in the pac-12, facing usc who hadn't won a single game in conference. it looked logical on the court, but not to that man. early, 11-3 usc run. the bears would stay tight, but they just couldn't get over the hump. justin cobs led them with 22 points. fade on the baseline, coming up. got it to drop, and one. but cal was still down 9 at half. trojans just able to maintain the margin throughout. 23 off the bench. the freshman from serbia. that made sense in any language. 77-69, first conference loss for the cal bears. the schedule said san jose state was playing number 7 san diego state tonight, and that is when the bad news started for the spartans. aztecs hot. make it 16 straight wins. tenacious defense does it for them. winston shepherd on the dunk right there. high percentage shot. aztecs 17-1 on the year. the spartans looking for their first conference win, it didn't add up. 75-50, pretty much says it all. we'll let you know who the yankees long time warrior fans know about this. keeping this team healthy is something this team seemingly has always had issues with. can't help thinking, here we go again. andrew bogut missed practice, described as day-to-day. but in this instance, help could be on the way. jermaine o'neal's return could be within a week. you bet, anxious to return. >> schedule gets shorter and shorter. you see your team needs you, against indiana, would have had a couple of big guys. it gets tough to watch. i don't necessarily like as much watching games. all in all, we are trying to do something special. going for a serious run now. all of that money, the yankees don't have to pay a-rod certainly burned a hole in their pockets. they spend it in a big way. luring japan's top pitcher. $155million. $20million they had to pay to his team for taking him away. masahiro tanaka, it will be a bargain if he pitches anything like he did over there. like he did over there. >> thank you to thsuffered in silence... hoped... and lived in a state of fear... welcome to a new state... of health. welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage. financial help for those in need. and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll now at so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can >> today on "tmz" -- >> in hollywood, ain't no doubt about it, jews don't do manual labor. >> we got video of the stars of the hollywood hillbillies. >> you never see jews do and manual labor. they're all smart. >> she just spent the day with her jewish manager, who didn't do one lick of work besides talk on a cell phone. he leans back and said i'm going to make so much money off this. >> brook burke at a gas station in malibu. >> she's in a little workout outfit. >>eo

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