Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20170414

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francisco, and the judge there gave no indication as far as when he'll make his final decision on that injunction to that executive order that would de-fund sanctuary cities but the trump administration had a new interpretation of the order saying the so-called sanctuary cities wouldn't be stripped of all federal funding, the grants be stripped of would only come from the department of homeland security and department of justice. at one point during the arguments even claiming that santa clara county would stand to lose only $1 is million in funding and san francisco wouldn't see any federal funding stripped at all. the judge seemed a bit skeptical asking at one point then what's the purpose of the executive order then? the council for santa clara county and san francisco said this would cause irreparable for cities that are tnot cooperatin. here's the deputy attorney for san francisco speaking after today's hearing. >> we are not confident that that is going to stick, and we have seen the administration waffle before and that's why we all felt it was important top continue to hold the administration's feet to the fire and get an order from the court, but we are gratified that the attempts by our two counties to stand up to this bullying did seem to have some effect and get the administration, at least some representatives of the administration, to back down. >> you guys are seeing video right now of protesters before the court hearing. may even have been saying that the federal funding, more than $1 billion being stripped away, would take away valuable services for their workers or for anyone that was out here today of the right now the federal judge has reviewed the briefings. he's heard the arguments and now we're just waiting on a final decision. live in san francisco, peter suratos, nbc bay area news. >> all right, pete, thank you very much. we see the 100-plus protesters out there behind you. this morning we spoke with nbc bay area political analyst larry gersten who says in light of recent court decisions on immigration it's likely that the federal judge would apply whatever the decision is to all 400 or so sanctuary governments in the u.s. though he could offer a narrow ruling as well. any appeal in this case would stay in san francisco and be heard by the ninth circuit court of appeals. meantime, across the barracks berkeley right now getting ready for a scheduled pro-trump rally tomorrow. it starts at noon at civic center park, and as you'll recall a very similar rally in the same location turned violent with protesters and counterprotesters clashing and causing damage to businesses and city property. this was a few weeks ago. the campus was also the site of a violent protest n.advance of tomorrow's gathering a weekly's farmer's market has been cancelled and the city is working with the police department to keep everybody safe. and in san francisco, there will be an anti-trump protest going on as well. tomorrow's ocean beach protest also at noon with those on and expected to demand the president release his tax returns. all right today, a nice change in the weather pattern. blue skies and sunshine and looking to your weekend though, you might need to move up the easter egg hunt while the dry weather lasts. a live look outside at san francisco, and we see nice clear skies there behind the transamerica building. let's turn it over to meteorologist kari hall. the rain is returning on sunday which means for many nokes it will be wet weather to and from services. >> a really good idea to move those easter egg hunts up on saturday. that will be the day to get outside because it will be soggy on sunday, especially during the afternoon. as we take a live look outside in san jose, it looks beautiful as you head out there, and we have seen a lot of sun here for also san francisco as we go around the bay area. seeing all of the bright sunshine and temperatures that have been cool to start with starting to warm up as well. a look at woodside. we also see the sun there, but we're also going to start to see the clouds reaching in ahead of the next weather system. it's set to move in on sunday but we'll start to see the clouds as early as tomorrow afternoon, so as we go hour by hour, seeing nothing but clear skies today. tomorrow afternoon, the clouds increase, but the rain holds off. on sunday we'll start to see the rain moving into the north bay as we go into the late morning hours though some of those later church services, you'll see the showers moving through, and it becomes more widespread as we go through the day. so we'll talk more about this and also more rain ahead in the forecast as we go into next week. that's coming up a little bit later. sam? >> all right, kari, thank you so much. new this morning, we're getting a firsthand look at the largest non-nuclear bomb ever used in a u.s. air strike in combat. we showed you this video new this morning, breaking news on "today in the bay." the bomb nicknamed moab or the mother of all bomb, was dropped on an isis cave network in eastern afghanistan. according to pentagon officials it reportedly killed a few dozen militants there. nbc ekelly cobiella reports. >> reporter: president trump called this a very, very successful bombing, an overnight the pentagon and the afghan defense ministry backing that up. in a news conference in the early morning hours the commander of u.s. forces in afghanistan general john nicholson said they coordinated with the afghan government on this. >> this was the right weapon against the right target. we had persistent surveillance over the area before, during and after the operation, and now we have afghan and u.s. forces on the site and see no evidence of civilian casualties. >> reporter: the so-called mother of all bombs hit this very remote mountainous part of eastern afghanistan not far from the pakistan border. the target, a series of tunnels and caves used by isis militants. the afghan defense ministry said three underground tunnels were destroyed, 36 isis fighters killed and weapons and ammunitions also destroyed. they also echoed the pentagon's line on possible civilian casualties saying no civilian was hurt. in their words, the base was annihilated. kelly cobiella, nbc news, london. >> of course, we'll be following all of those developments, thank you. a look at new video of protesters getting arrested minutes ago of all ages there outside of lawrence livermore labs. now, this is a protest against the lab's role in helping to create military weapons. it happens every single year on good friday. organizers say that they appreciate the lab and they want it to thrive in the community, but that it should change from nuclear weapons development to a green energy lab. now our crew at the scene tells us that nearly all of the protesters, 28 of them, were arrested. typically they are cited and then released. as you can see, the entire thing is actually very peaceful. well, a san jose man recently arrested in connection with a sexual assault is expected in court today. police say the 20-year-old man was arrested on wednesday but the actual attack happened in late february. he's accused of trying to rape a woman near washington open elementary blocks away from santa clara university. police say the victim was able to fight off her attacker. and new video as well this morning of a triple shooting in vacaville. this happened at an apartment complex near i-80. you can see police calming the scene there. they have not released many details, but they say all three victims, though critically injured, are expected to survive. police say citizens have actually helped them to hone in on one suspect while they are collecting information about a possible second suspect. happening right now on the hardwood and on the ice. playoff fever for the bay area, not one but two bay area teams in the hunt for a championship. a look at oracle arena there on left side of your screen, of course, the home of the warriors. on the right the s.a.p. center better known as the shark tank in san jose. as the warriors prepare for what we hope is a long playoff run, fans are being asked to show their true colors. the playoffs begin tomorrow and the warriors play their first game against portland on sunday against oracle. this is being called not just good friday but warriors friday. they are telling everyone to show their spirit by wearing warriors blue and gold. the other team we just mentioned now, the shark in the shark tank is about to be rocking. the san jose sharks will meet edmonton win or lose two. team teal is leading that series 1-0 with game two this evening. rob riddell joins us with all the excitement building. >> reporter: sharks fans aren't the only ones rooting for san jose to advance in the stanley cup playoffs. so are bars and restaurants here in the downtown area. each time the area hosts a main event the city expects nance to spend over $500,000 on food, drink and economic in businesses outside the shark tank. that's according to a study that studied the effects of a maroon 5 convert. we spoke to managers of bars who wouldn't say how much money they make for a sharks game, just that it's a great night for business. >> it's hard to do a guesstimate on it but it's packed though. we always like have to actually count people at the door because we get so crowded >> reporter: sharks lead the edmonton oilers 1-0 in the first round of the playoffs. game two in edmonton and game three returns to the s.a.p. center on sunday. here in san jose, bob riddell, nbc bay area news. >> definitely a bon for the city of san jose. thank you, bob. up next at 11:00, fears we're heading to the brink of war. the u.s. and north korea inching closer to conflict. more on where things stand today and after a passenger being dragged off a united flight went viral, mr. police departments are setting limits on how to respond to these sorts of situations. where chicago pd is now drawing the line. plus, growing job opportunities in automated cars and trucks. we'll take a look coming up in business and tech. =logo!!= ==sam/cu== elon musk says tesla will roll out a tesla pick >> we've recovered over $500,000 for our viewers. if you want help call us or visit bay preparing to beef up it's line--- rolling out a pick-up truck welcome back. elon musk says that tesla is preparing to bove up its line rolling out a pickup truck soon, and its first prototype electric semi-truck by september. scott mcgrew, this is comes, of course, as we've yet to see the model three actually in production. >> reporter: yeah. we often accused tes laugh getting ahead of itself, sam, but semi trucks are getting a lot of attention from high tech, not just tech, a company recently purchased by uber has a fleet of vehicles that can drive themselves. the san francisco business times says otto has purchased an area around pier 70 in the dog patch and will renovate the buildings there for new offices and a research center as well. so not only do you have tesla and auto expanding and so, too, does general motors. right here in the bay area. california's courting those jobs through tax credit. so we've been talking for a while how ought made the cars and trucks are going to be a job killer and also job creator. business reporting has caught the attention of the fed right here in san francisco. this report out of the san francisco federal reserve says the attitude of business reporters and the language they use and the subjects they talk about may be as good an economic indicator as anything else. the fed sauce in fact business reporters often do a better job than standard consumer sentiment surveys at forecasting future economic conditions. now, sam, i am not necessarily saying just because it's the san francisco fed and they watch me, that i'm the business reporter they are talking about, but it could be. back to you. >> because you're the only business reporter in san francisco. we'll toot your horn for you. thanks very much, scott. let's talk about international news or i should say some local news, national news you've been reporting on after the horrific ordeal played out on a united flight in chicago this week. airports in new york city say that that sort of situation will not happen there. police have announced they are going to be taking a, quote, hands off approach when it comes to removing passengers from overbooked flights. the new policy for the new york city airport is safe. officers will not assist in the physical removal of passengers at the aural's request. instead, officers are to ask each instance on a case-by-case basis. developing story right now. tensions growing between the u.s. and north korea as intelligence officials tell nbc news that the u.s. is prepared to launch a preemptive strike against north korea. if it's clear the regime about to test a nuclear weapon. nbc's janice mackie fryer reports from seoul. >> reporter: north korea blamed the u.s. for heightened tension on the peninsula with let's that the u.s. may launch a preemptive strike if they believe north korea is preparing a nuclear test. there's increased activity at the site where these tests have taken place in the past, and with the appearance of equipment and personnel. there were also comments today from north korea's vice foreign minister saying that the supreme headquarters in pyongyang were make the decision on whether there would be a test and that it would be ready to carry it out at any time. that's aggravated the south korean officials here warning of consequences if the north does go ahead with a test and observers also noting that the comment was coming from the foreign ministry so suggesting a diplomatic channel wanting to be open so people taking this as signs that perhaps pyongyang wants to talk. what is also different from past crises is the role of china, stepping up as a mediator or moderator of sorts issuing its own warnings to north korea against any provocation and all served together a lot of anxiety on the korean peninsula but the hope that common sense and rationality will prevail and might eventually lead to talks. now, back to you. >> happening today. it is, of course, good friday, and this is new video into our newsroom showing the good friday procession out of jerusalem. it's an annual event that leads into easter weekend. in the u.s. stock markets closed today for good friday though a lot of people will be recognizing good friday. here in the bay area, we'll be telling you more about that later in the show. new video right now from out of this world showing dramatic changes in california's landscape, at least out of this state thanks to all of the rain. this is the video from space showing the changes from last year compared to this year. you can see all the color that ends up popping up there, poppies, lupine, baby blue eyes and wildfires blooming nra's in the central valley. they are even visible from space. water, once again flowing out of orville dam's spillway this morning as officials prepare for more rain. crews have been repairing the stillway for a few weeks. the spillway was badly damaged during intense rain and that's when they switched to the spillway and it forced thousands of people to evacuate the area. we talk about all of the blooming we can see from space and all that rain, man, has it made for a lush scene. >> the south bay and east bay hills, it's all grown and normally we say those are the brown hills. not as of now, and it's beautiful to head out to a spot like ocean beach to take in the sunshine, but it's definitely too cool to go out there without anything less than some long sleeves and a nice warm jacket. it's also been breezy, too. look at the temperatures now. we're at 58 degrees in oakland and it's 57 in fairfield. we have 56 in san jose and generally some mid to upper 50s as you head out close to this lunchtime hour, and the seven-day forecast is coming up at the bottom of the screen. you'll see that we will have some rain on the way and then things change on easter sunday. our high temperatures reaching into the low to mid-60s where we should be this time of year and um to 60 degrees in san francisco. we'll see this storm approaching and as of now it takes a couple days to get here and we'll see the cloud cover increasing tomorrow and the rain holds off until sunday. as we get a live look out there in san jose, we're going to see the temperatures for the rest of the afternoon reaching into the low 60s. look at the norm a. it's average for this time of the year. 68 degrees, so we'll be a little bit cooler than where we should be, but at least it will be sunny and all clear as you head out for dinner later on tonight. rest of the storm, don't let that worry you because the system will still be far away but on easter sunday for the early morning church services, make sure you take the umbrella. heading out of services raining in the north bay and then starting to approach san francisco by early afternoon. some scattered showers throughout the day. easter egg hunt, including outdoor fess tastes including the cherry blossom festival and rain moving through and on monday night another weather system moves in, and this looks a little stronger. it could bring heavier downpours along with gusty winds which continues into early tuesday and then a third storm system moving in on wednesday so it's going to stay very active over the next several days with more rounds of rain moving in, but with the first one, looks like a fairly weak system. may see up to half an inch for the santa cruz mountains and we're looking at at tenth of an inch to a quarter of an in. up in north bay. a look at the record-setting season and a look at all the skiers out there setting records with the amount of people going to visit, too, 28 degrees and a live look at "heavenly" and we'll see the highs reaching into the 40s and mid-50s and then the rain moves in. we'll bring you back home and take about all the event going on this weekend. i'll help you make plans coming up a little bit later. kari, thanks. a visiting family robbed of a  chance to say a final good-bye. how their tragic loss could help keep other tourists safe. first, happening right now, apple gets the green light to start testing self-driving cars. plus, consumer prices fell by the largest amount in more than two years. the labor department says that prize of goods fell .3%. that means that prices for gas, clothing, cell phone plans, new and used cars, all of those were lower last month. we'll be back with more news in just two minutes. a mother-daughter trip to san francisco to scatter a loved one's ashes takes a horrible well, it was a mother-daughter trip to san francisco to scatter a loved one's ashes that took a horrible turn. thieves break into their rental car and steal those ashes, among other things. nbc bay area's jean elliott has more from san francisco where help is on the way. >> oh, my god, my wall set missing and she's like they took your father! >> reporter: julie wilkinson is heartbroken tonight. she and her mother are visiting san francisco from north carolina on her father's birthday to scatter his ashes. wilkinson say thieves broke into their rental car's trunk at the anchorage square parking garage near fisherman's wharf and stole the scattering tube with joe's remains inside. >> scatter his, ashes and celebrate his birth and instead we're here talking to you guys about how he's not with us anymore. >> reporter: city leaders know thieves target rental cars. >> and you're putting target in your customer's back the supervisor just introduced requiring rental car companies to removing markings that make it clear that a car is a rental. markings like these bar codes. >> want to do business in san francisco or at the san francisco airport you need to get rid of these things to protect your customers. >> reporter: he introduced legislation last year requiring rental companies to warn customers about the break-in problem. the legislation has yet to pass. wilkinson says she's sharing her story to help get that warning out and to hopefully get her father back. >> if anybody sees this and they know about it, i mean, please, please, please turn him in and give him back. >> just heartbreaking for that family. the wilkinsons say the ashes can be turned, no questions asked. they also say it's very unlikely that they will ever return to san francisco. changes right now at an east bay church, and we are told that the weather is partly to blame. a nearly 100-year-old cross used to top the dome of st. joseph basilica in alameda had to be removed. last month parishioners noticed that it was swaying back and forth in the recent rains so engineers decided not to take any chances and remove it. >> i strongly believe in divine intervention because exactly at the time the crane came and was lifting the cross, the belts of st. joseph's child. >> the cross now sits in the foyer there. the church is still deciding whether the cross can be repaired and put back or if it will have to be replaced all together. coming up next, a wanted man vanishing without a trace after he convicted the bay area city where we was last seen and what could make it harder to find this convicted sex offender. >> hey, nokes, before we go to break i want to show you how to join our community. leverage the power of us all as well as the power of google. in the bottom corner of the app there will be a magnify glass. click on that and click your name out the top and that's your profile and you'll pick hours. join the community. that's how we help each other out. we'll get back to you right after this break. ==sam//cu== one suspect an all out search to find him. one suspect--- and an all out search to find him. ==take vo== developing at this hour: a warrant iss one suspect and an all-out search right now to find him. developing at this hour, a warrant issued for a chiropractor after he disappeared in the middle of a sex crimes trial. is he missing or on the run? that's what police are trying to piece together right now. nbc bay area's cheryl hurd has more. >> reporter: the four pictures see here of are dr. darius budnad showing his head shaved with a full beard. the second from the left. during his two-week trial he looked similar to the picture on the far right, clean shaven and a full head of hair. we spoke to police sergeant terry anderson by phone tonight. >> the day that the prosecution rested and the jury was sent to deliberate, that was his last day in court. >> reporter: he was accused of sexually assaulting four women including two underaged employees in 2015. he was a licensed chiropractor at this office in downtown santa rosa. on the day he was as no show at his trial, he was convicted of 11 sexual assault charges and one misdemeanor. >> no indication at this point he wanted to hurt himself and it was a matter of him not wanting to go to jail. if somebody sees him call your local law enforcement agency. >> police say that the chiropractor was in walnut creek with an unknown female. if you see him or know where he is call your local police department. >> this is a protest against the san francisco d.a.'s decision not to charge the two police officers who shot and killed the 20-year-old in 2015. today's protest at noon is at the hall of justice on bryant street coming up in less than half an hour. this is video from the protest at night. police say they shot perez lopez after he lunged at them. he was shot a total of five times in the back and once in the side. you had aiors in palo alto have reportedly released their most recent taser review. "the mercury news report" says there's two separate cases and auditors found in both cases the use of tasers was justified but auditors did find some red flags in terms of how the cases were investigated afterwards including how the suspects were interviewed by investigators. so forget about a personal foul and call this one heartless and one of the greatest football players in the history of the sport and, of course, a local legend with the theft of a football signed by hall of famer jerry rice meant to help kids in need. surveillance images from a chinese restaurant in milipitas. organizers say it shows him walking off with the football. jerry rice had attended that event and signed a ball which was then auctioned off as part of a fund raiser to benefit special needs children at an orphanage in china. the winning bid $3,500. >> things like this happen especially when people are trying to show love for the support of the orphanage. >> that ball was stolen as the winning bidder was posing for a photo with rice. again, there's the image of the theft. right now two men are behind bars after police say they were involved in an armed robbery at at south bay light rail station. 20-year-old matthew stone and 18-year-old lorenzo green were arrested yesterday after a robbery was reported at the blossom hill vta station in south san jose. those two rob a woman at gunpoint and are due in court on monday. bay area transportation leaders will brief state lawmakers on a plan to hike bridge tolls by as much as $3. tolls would be increased and perhaps provide a break for fast track users. state legislatures would have to sign off on that measure and if they do it could be on a ballot in 2018. two secret service are paying the price after a milipitas man jumped the fence and entered the white house grounds. those agents have been fired. 26-year-old jonathan schramm was arrested after agents say he roamed around on the grounds freely for more than 15 minutes last month. the agents fired were assigned to ground patrol duties. meantime, the man has been ordered to stay at his parent's house as he awaits trial. a developing story out of fresno. clean up efforts under way this morning after the streets there were flooded. cars swallowed up or water levels getting up to their tires following hervey downpours in the area yesterday. no reports of any injuries. bay area fishermen are facing a bleak summer that much of the commercial salmon season is likely going have to be cancelled. it's likely about plummeting stock on the river. a look at an unusual experiment that's hoped to give the salmon a better chance at survival. >> there are some tomatoes. >> the sacramento valley another the yolo bypass is a place where things grow. >> primarily the bypass is planted to right. >> reporter: jacob katz grows things here, too t. >> i'm definitely a farm boy. >> reporter: but as senior scientists with the group california trout, his crops don't sprout, they squirm. >> these wednesday are vul of young vancouver jil sal sxwlon for five years he's run in the flood plains raising chinook salmon in rice fields before they continue to the ocean. >> we show that they grow many times faster on the flood plains than they do on the river. >> let's go get bugs. >> reporter: experiment is based on a resource most farmers like to avoid. >> i call them floating fillet. >> reporter: with an abundance of insects in the winter flood plains cats say fish grows stronger increasing their. just a couple miles away researchers are raising similar salmon in pens on sacramento river. >> two, four, five. we check them every week to see how much they have grown. >> weigh 2.7 grams. >> we're looking at great rates in the river compared to the flood plains. >> he says the study has shown fish grown on the river are smaller than those raised in rice fields for one simple reason. >> the river water, there's very few bugs. >> three out of for you salmon runs in the sacramento valley are on the endangered species list and katz says levees and dams have caused much of the problem. his idea is to install gates on levees so river waters can flood these fields during the winter. >> what we've been showing is the rice fields in the bypass can grow food for people in the summer and food for fish in winter. >> katz says his dream is to see these fields teeming with life year round, a paradise for people and the fish. >> it's about the best office anyone can hope for. >> nbc bay area news. let's get to the some fresh snowfall in the seer ya this week. how is it looking there? we'll look straight at the source in heavenly in a couple of minutes. kari right now tracking some sunshine, for now. >> sunshine for now. that's the key. take a live look outside in dublin, and you'll want to the make sure that you enjoy it, maybe change around the easter weekend plans. we will talk about when the rain moves in coming up next. >> it's tax time, and we're answering questions. i'm consume you are investigator chris xhofa. nbc bay area responds next. taking questions from viewers about the i-r-s... after all, it is tax time. consumer invti welcome back. nbc bay area responds is taking questions from viewers about the irs because it is tax time. chris chmura is here now with a few topics he tackled. chris? >> reporter: good morning. we've had people like kalina in oakland saying they are getting phone calls that claim to be from the irs. they suspect it's a scam and we've assured them they are right. the irs does not call people. it does business by the u.s. mail. another helpful reminder, the deadline to file your federal income taxes is not april 15thth this year because that's saturday. it is instead april 18thth. that is tuesday. april 18thth by the way is also when our california income tax files must be in. and lot of you asking about software to figure your taxes and file electronic, the fastest route to the a refund. you have to pay for it, but many people don't have to pay to file fast. if your quarterback is less than $64,000, can you do your taxes and file for free on the irs website. go to and search free file. if you have a consumer question the number is 888-996-tips or online at have a great weekend. >> thanks, chris. you, too. we have a milestone to tell you about right now as we get ready for more rain this weekend. already the wettest weekend on record in the sierra with just under 90 inches of rain and snow. the peeves record was 88.5 inches. the average is 50 inches a year. will this rain and snow season ever end? it apparently will at some point but not right now. >> here we are at the end of april and we're still seeing snowstorms there. it's cold enough to support some snow, but we'll have some rain moving in as we head towards the end of the weekend and us a get this friday and starting to head out, temperatures in the mid to upper 50s so it does feel really cool out there and high temperatures today reaching the mid-60s for the south bay and we're up to 65 degrees in los scatos and gilroy 65, antioch 64 degrees and for the peninsula 62 in belmont while san francisco is up to 62 in the mission district and also 62 degrees in mill valley, so it's a little bit cool behind the storm system that moved through yesterday in the cold front, a couple more dry. we've been talking about the minto. if you are going out this evening to at&t park for the giants game, it will be in the mid-50s at the time the game starts at sunset and then going throughout the evening. lower 50s there, breezy. wear some extra layers. you know how cool it can get there at the stadium. for the peninsula, tomorrow and sunday, it will be warm but ear going to see and 63 degrees for tomorrow. looking at the south bait. 72 degrees. i mean, it will be much warmer than today and controls down and force for the east bay, a drastic job in the temperature as the rain moves in on sunday. going for presidenta, were up to of the, caller, scattered showers offed off all day with a high of only 57 degrees. on saturday at muir woods it's a day you can enjoy the park for free so why not but some of those trails may still be muddy so wear some shoes you don't mind getting messed u.for tomorrow at the san francisco ferry building we've got goatchella going on to pet and food products made from goat's milk on saturday in santa cruz, look at all the sunshine. starting out in the morning before the boardwalk is started and everything opens, it will be in the upper 50s and throughout the day going to see the highs reaching into the upper 60s, and in sanford at the stadium the temperature trend shows that for cardinal palooza tomorrow there's a lot of events starting out in the morning. it will be warming up through the day. you may want to wear some short sleeves and son -- we have the easter parade and egg hunt in sauce leeta. mostly sunny skies and sunday in japan. be prepared for cool temperatures and showers. showers also sunday for the pregame reek strategy. see it in the afternoon with highs reaching not upper 50s. all of the bright sunshine and a look at heavenly right now, and i know you've got more on what's going on there. stam? >> gosh, that's gorgeous. you were talking about breaking records in the sierras for rain and snow. on that note many people will be heading to sierra for the easter weekend and the snow came town in bunches again this week. kevin cooper joining us now on skype from heavenly mountain resort. i see like you have a show and tell plasma thing going on behind you. let's get to that in a second and, first, more importantly. how's the snow? >> unbelievable. right now it's 10% up top, just about tevin inches and that's 34 and 29 inches over at north star so amazing conditions. mid-winter shape, and we're talking over 55 to 58 feet of snow right now here in tahoe. >> those are just staggering eye-popping numbers and is there a good window to get in where the snow is its freshest and fluffiest? what would you recommend for people? >> that's early negotiate and the morning lows will i think down in the 20s so it should keep the snow in mid-winter shape but i would be up and early. at heavenly 8:30, kirkwood 9:00 a.m. and north scar as well 9:00, north facing -- get out there early in the morning a lot of people trying to get out there period. part of 80 was closed down because of all the snow out there. are you concerned about folks actually getting to you or is that all cleared up? >> we did have chain controls over state routes 50 and 88 but it will be slick. cold temperatures as the snow does melt on the roads, the black ice, so as i like to say slow your roll on the way up to kirkwood or anywhere in tahoe and then also carry chains and, remember, always have that phone number hinn hinn 427 rooms. >> you look like a fun guy. bet you'll have a good time this weekend. >> oh, yeah. >> that will do it for that. coming up next, inspiration from the ocean. >> how a close encounter with a humpback whale inspired a world renowned flutist to save sea creatures on the other side of the globe. hey, nokes, before we go to break, i want to show you how to join our community on the waze application. let's go to your a either on iphone or android and in the bottom corner that's a magnifying glass. click on that, your name out the top, your foe trial and then you pick on september 9, 2010, pg&e learned a tragic lesson we can never forget. this gas pipeline ruptured in san bruno. the explosion and fire killed eight people. pg&e was convicted of six felony charges including five violations of the u.s. pipeline safety act and obstructing an ntsb investigation. pg&e was fined, placed under an outside monitor, given five years of probation, and required to perform 10,000 hours of community service. we are deeply sorry. we failed our customers in san bruno. while an apology alone will never be enough, actions can make pg&e safer. and that's why we've replaced hundreds of miles of gas pipeline, adopted new leak detection technology that is one-thousand times more sensitive, and built a state-of-the-art gas operations center. we can never forget what happened in san bruno. that's why we're working every day to make pg&e the safest energy company in the nation. can be long lasting ... well, videos that gallon viral often raft for just a few seconds but for the people involved the effects can be long lasting, oftentimes not in a good way. this story is good though. viviana guzman says the video she shot changed her life and hopefully the lives of some endangered creatures. garvin thomas brings us her story in today's bay area broward >> reporter: one of the great things about patting boarding is how little you do it. there'sed are, and -- when she takes to the water her list is longer than most. there's always a flute. >> that's what i do. always a flute on me. >> it's simple, she says. she takes a flute everywhere because it has taken her everywhere. >> the flute has always been that way. it's always been something that have i've just wondered where it was going to take me, and so far it's taken me to 126 country. ♪ >> viv yapa is a classically trained virtuoso, invited to play with symphonies and orchestras around the world. she's used to drawing crowds wherever she plays. indoors and out and not just with people which leads us to what happened one day last summer. >> she came to you. >> viviana playing on her board off the coast of half moon bay when a very big fan rushed her stage. >> oh, my god! >> the video of viviana's encounter with a humpback whale has been watched and re-watched more than 1 is million times. >> everyone thinks that i was very, very scared, but, no, there's just something -- i feel that they are such gentle creatures. creatures she wanted to learn more about. her research odding this. the most dangered marine mammal in the world. >> last month i heard that it was down to 30. >> viviana is now passionate about saving them, producing an album right now, all of the proceed which will go to saving the species. if it weren't from the nudge from the whale her life wouldn't have taken this turn. her music once again taking viviana in unexpected corrections. what an amazing connection there that will no doubt speak to so many folks. thanks so much for that report, garvin. we'll be back with more news right after this. for the first time in 42- seasons - the show will air live from new york across the en "snl" is making some history tomorrow. for the first time in 42 seasons the show is going to air live not just from new york but across the entire country. that means you can see it here earlier, too, 830 instead of 11 is pock. it will be hosted by former star jillion but it lem gets better, mel can a marc carthy and duane the rock hnser is -- ratings have tlot through the of as the owe dix on politics. services hon. >> yeah. we'll see the showers moving in rand maybe catching up for me on dvr. i always dvr is. >> that will do it for us. see you again for the news at 5:00. have a great weekend. stand by, everyone. we're live in five, four, three, two, one. >> hey, hey, hey! yeah! >> oh, yeah, that's my dance move right there. the youngest, hippest grandma going. we're kicking it off with our favorite viral video of the week. this has more than 18 million views. >> it's like every family gathering at my house. >> you've got to take me to the strip. 62-year-old dancing granny tonya dancing getting it down. kit's on vacation. i just love those moves. >> get it, girl,

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