Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20160731

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hour. crews are inspecting the tracks after a fire burned a portions of the third rail which powers the train. trains were stopped in both directions. it's only in the past half hour that they've been able to reopen those tracks. we'll continue to follow the situation and bring you more as we get it. good news here as it looks like it's been reopened. >> all right. this all happening as a planned weekend closure is affecting b.a.r.t. riders in and around san francisco. robert marshall is with the contra costa county fire department. can you hear me? hello, fire marshal, can you hear me? okay. we'll move on. let's talk about b.a.r.t. closing the tracks between the glen park and daly city stations. lines were long for the shuttle buses b.a.r.t. was offering as a replacement. crowds are expected to be large in san francisco this weekend, the giants game is going on, and a major marathon, and festivals. b.a.r.t. says they're doing their best. >> there's a seamless transition from b.a.r.t. to the bus to b.a.r.t. again. we have an express bus that's going to take you directly from daly city to glen park. >> this is the first of seven weekend closures for the maintenance work. b.a.r.t. says one goal of the repairs is to make the trains quieter while passing through neighborhoods. another developing story tonight, a wildfire growing in monterey county. it's having a serious impact in the bay area as air quality in parts of the south bay are especially bad today. >> and if you've been outside, you certainly have seen this. we have team coverage. let's begin right now with nbc bay area's pete seratas. pete, that thick brown layer over san jose, how is it where you are? >> reporter: as we were driving into morgan hill, you could see the gray skies in the hills. this is off 101. you can see the thick patches of smoke. i spoke with the air quality management district. they said this comes down to the south bay's proximity to the fire. here they are explaining that a little bit more in depth as well as some reaction from residents in morgan hill for folks who are forced to deal with this. >> obviously it's closer so they're more impacted. but it's moving the smoke east and also north. so that's why we're seeing the impacts there right now. >> it's really bad, because i use the attic fan at nighttime to let the cool air in and it's bringing the smoke in. it actually made me sick to my stomach. >> it was most noticeable in the morning. you get up, the first thing coming out of the garage, you really smell it and see it, the visible smoke. >> reporter: a smoke advisory is in place through the weekend. of course if you see smoke outside, it's a good idea to stay inside as much as possible. pete suratos, nbc bay area news. we're checking with meteorologist rob mayeda, tracking the conditions. that was our thought, i wanted to get to work so you could tell me when this would get pushed out. >> that's the cash hetch here a look live over downtown san jose. there's the bay area over my shoulder. we'll zoom in over monterey county. look how the winds are fanning the smoke up through the santa clara valley, right on top of morgan hill. worst air pollution, monterey, san bonito counties. as you can see here, temperatures are running a little bit cooler on monterey bay. notice the hot temperatures in the hills. even as the bay area begins to see cooler temperatures, where they're fighting the fire, they're still seeing 80s and low 90s. notice the wind forecast moving forward. those mid- and upper level winds will continue to push the smoke back up towards the south bay through tomorrow. so while the winds will bring some cooling to the bay area, the wind aloft will continue to push areas of smoke for the weekend into the south and east bay. good news, onshore winds dropping temperatures, as much as 12 degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. so we're watching low clouds bringing a drop in temperatures. but in the meantime, mild and hazy skies likely to stick around in the bay area if the winds hold in the same direction. >> thank you, rob. all of the smoke in the south bay a direct cause of the fire which continues to grow to big sur, right now growing to 33,000 acres, it's only about 15% contained. cal fire tells us full containment is not expected for a month. fire crews have been pouring into monterey county since the flames broke out a week ago. the alameda fire department posted this video. it seems as if the sky is on fire. this is on their twitter page. a brief recap of what firefighters have seen in the past week. right now there are 4,000 firefighters helping to control the flames. who fired the shot? a frightening scene in the east bay as a single gunshot is fired on officers on foot patrol. the officers weren't hit. it happened last night at 8:30 in emeryville, watt street and park avenue near san pablo avenue. the bullet was found in a nearby wall. investigators do not believe the officers were being targeted. a swarm of police cars and fire trucks after violence erupts in downtown san jose. police say four people were stabbed, two of them suffering serious injuries. this happened just after 1:00 this morning by the convention center on south almeden boulevard. officers saw a group in some kind of argument. when they approached, they found the victim with the stab wounds. police say several suspects fled the scene. so far no arrests have been made. police are investigating a motive for the attack. a hazmat scare leads workers at a business to evacuate. the san jose fire department tweeted out these photos. about 9:30 this morning workers were using a machine to break down equipment when gas spilled out at first street near the second harvest food bank. firefighters evacuated the building and called hazmat crews. two employees were taken to the hospital after complaining of a sore throat. no other injuries reported. firefighters deemed the scene safe a short while later. brandishing a handgun and demanding cash. police say about 9:00 this morning, two men walked into the chase bank on monterey road, threatened employees there with guns and demanded money. after stealing an unknown amount of cash, they took off in this, a blue ford focus. they've not been caught so far. no one was hurt in the armed robbery. a scare for a homeowner in the south bay overnight after a pickup truck crashes into his house. take a look at scene here, it happened shortly after midnight in san jose. police say officers arrived near the intersection of story and white roads in east san jose and found the truck smashed into the home. police say the driver was taken to the hospital. he was the only person in the vehicle. no word how badly injured. no one in the home was hurt. the cause of the crash is under investigation. next at 5:00, tragedy in the skies. what witnesses are saying about a deadly hot air balloon crash that killed 16 people in texas. history being made in rio. a group of refugees making a significant milestone for the olympic games. hot air balloon caught fire and a tragic story in texas tonight. 16 people are dead after their hot air balloon caught fire and crashed outside of austin, texas. >> it appears to be one of the deadliest balloon accidents in u.s. history. nbc's chris pollone has the latest. >> reporter: it happened before 8:00 saturday morning near lockhart, texas, about 30 miles from austin. >> i heard one pop before i stepped out the door. then i heard another pop. i'm looking around to see who's shooting, because it sounded like a gun going off. >> reporter: margaret reilly was among the first to call 911. >> i looked over there and saw a fireball go up. >> reporter: a hot air balloon from a balloon ride company caught fire and crashed, landing near high capacity power transmission lines. >> right now we have a number of fatalities. >> reporter: everyone on board is believed to be dead. >> this will be a difficult site for us to work through. >> reporter: the ntsb along with the fbi evidence collection team are investigating the crash. >> it's much like a crime scene. you only get one chance at it. so we want to make sure we do everything correctly. >> reporter: the balloon came down in a pasture. investigators will be looking at many factors, including weather conditions, to see if they factored into the crash. >> earlier in the morning, it was foggy. but at the point in time that the balloon went down, i didn't really see that much haze. >> reporter: right now, it's unclear how the balloon caught fire. >> at 66 years of age, i've never seen anything like it and i don't want to see anything like it again. >> reporter: texas governor greg abbott said in a statement, our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families, and asked those in texas to pray for their loss. chris pollone, nbc news. >> the national transportation safety board reports that over a 50-year period now there have been 70 fatalities involving almost 800 incidents. that's a fatality rate of less than 1 out of every 10 crashes. still to come, an historic moment at the olympics. why rio is so special for one group of athletes. he may be team usa's most dedicated bay area fan. the story of one man's journey to be a spectator at nine olympic games. we're finally starting to see cooler changes in the forecast. san jose, 78 degrees right now. an evening forecast that will drop into the 60s as early as 9:00 tonight. more on some cooling ahead for the rest of the weekend, coming up. we're now less than a week away from the opening ceremony of the rio olympics. six days to go. we're now less than one week away from the opening ceremony of the rio de janeiro olympics, many of us very excited about that. a group of unlikely olympians who will compete in just one week are also excited. they visited an iconic sight in rio today. all the olympians you see here are refugees. they're taking photos in front of the christ the redeemer statue in rio. the team is the first to include refugees at the olympics. they will compete under the olympic flag. they're athletes from south sudan, syria, and the democratic republic of congo, and ethiopia. they were greeted in brazil with a very warm welcome. >> the authorities were waiting for us at the airport, happy to see us. >> the ioc introduced the team last month to draw global attention to the plight of refugees. just in time for the olympics, rio celebrated the completion of a $3 billion subway expansion today. brazil's acting president helped kick off the new metro line. also there, the head of the international olympic committee. this new line is said to be the most important improvement project linked to the olympics. there was delay after delay, and with less than a week to go until the started games, six days to go, it's done. >> getting people around the olympics, important. >> very important. a bay area man may be team usa's biggest and most dedicated man. this will be the ninth olympics for chuck jones. >> he has his pin collection in tow and his family too. here's nbc bay area's jessica aguirre. >> reporter: he went to his first games in 1984. >> i've been really fortunate. it was tied to family. it was seeing the closing ceremonies in los angeles with my mother. >> reporter: then olympic fever took hold. >> what got me hooked is when my dad was doing the track and field. >> reporter: his father is legendary sports caster charlie jones. this was from those games? >> yes, this is my dad's actual sheet that he handwritten. >> reporter: he spent time in korea in 1988. and then it was off to the other raises. >> that was getting to see the usa original dream team play and sitting three rows away from them. >> reporter: atlanta 1996? >> lit the torch. >> reporter: sydney. >> sydney was the people. there was a family that i got to know, and then seeing the opening ceremonies. >> reporter: eight years ago he thought it was time to bring his two daughters, morgan and charlotte, on the adventure. charlotte was just 13 at the time. >> beijing was parkling. sparkling. we went to a food market. they had fried score pe mescorp on a stick. and you know, i said, i'm going to try that. >> reporter: it will be her father's ninth. >> this time i've got my wife, two daughters and a son-in-law now who is coming along. we start off with team handball. we see fencing, badminton, table tennis. we've got diving tickets. >> reporter: it's not all sports and sightseeing. it's also a way to make family memories. their home in menlo park is teeming with olympic mementos, including 5,000 pins chuck selected over the years. obsessive collectist meets the kentucky derby. some classic ones. >> this pin has been there since the dawn of time. >> reporter: much to his daughter's distress, they make it onto chuck's olympic hat. >> dad, you look so old. >> reporter: thanks a lot. and chuck plans on passing on the torch to his daughter. >> now i appreciate it. >> reporter: even if it comes in the form of a hat. jessica aguirre, nbc bay area news. >> chuck says he's going to continue to wear his hat and go to the olympics until he physically can't go anymore. >> that's really cool. >> he's only doing the summer games. as a native californian, he says he doesn't do winter. >> and it's the dad's duty to embarrass the daughter. >> she was prevenappreciative. >> maybe not for the hat. jessica aguirre will have live reports from brazil on all our olympians. >> it's less than a week away, the countdown has been going on for so long, it's single digits. >> did you know you can only see it here on nbc? did we mention that? well, the weather today, maybe olympic caliber for parts of the bay area. temperatures starting to cool off finally as we saw numbers dropping out of the hundred-degree range for a change. in livermore it took you over a week to cool off. east bay, right now 92 degrees close to livermore. here is the issue, air quality the bigger headline as we wrap up the headline from the south bay to the east bay. the hazy skies, cool 60 right now in san francisco. those looking from dublin, livermore temperatures at 92, still dry in the east bay hills, 27%. you see the hazy skies over san jose, 78 degrees. and humidity at about 50%. and even higher humidity as the marine air moves into san francisco. 68 degrees, closer to downtown. but outside at&t park right now, temperatures in the mid-60s. here's the change. marine air is about 1700 feet thick. that has come up almost 750 feet from just two days ago. so look how far inland we think the low clouds will be tomorrow morning into san jose, the tri valley, even into solano county to start the day. during the afternoon we'll see sunshine inland with hazy skies and lots of low clouds staying on the coast. here's the issue, the fire burning, above the marine air you still have some very dry conditions with the humidity levels here in the 20s and 30% range. during the day tomorrow, upper level winds will continue to push smoke, we think, into parts of the santa clara valley and parts of the east bay. south bay locations still dealing with areas of smoke. but ground level ozone not the issue. it's just the smoke particles we'll continue to see for parts of the south and eastern bay area for tomorrow. 83 is the forecast for san jose tomorrow. should see 60s closer to san francisco. if you're heading to gilroy, hazy skies. temperatures close to the upper 80s, not too bad for the gilroy garlic festival. santa cruz, lots of low clouds. temperatures in the upper 60s to wrap up the ekweekend. 80s in santa rosa. low 90s for pleasanton and livermore. we'll see numbers in the 90s to finish off the weekend, thanks to an area of low pressure moving into the north. that means the start of the week ahead isn't looking all that bad. in fact temperatures will run cooler through about monday and then just a short term bump in the temperatures. you'll notice tuesday into wednesday, could get some mid-90s again for the valleys. notice thursday and friday, transparency cool off again. the majority of the seven-day forecast keeps our temperatures in a more comfortable range much like we're seeing this weekend. >> thanks very much. still to come at 5:00, a large fries up for grab in tonight's powerball. >> you're going to get tickets at dinner, right? >> i'm the only one who's going to win so you better be nice to me. >> you better share. plus a frenzy at bay area bookstores. many people in the bay area are dreaming of striking it rich tonight. ==chy== the powerball jackpot is the eigth-largest prize many people in the bay area are dreaming of striking it rich tonight. here we go again, the powerball jackpot is the eighth largest prize in american history, at $478 million. the winner has the option of taking the prize out over 30 years or the more popular option, the lump sum option. >> that's the one i'm choosing. >> you can burn through it quicker. the winning numbers will be picked in 2 1/2 hours. the ticket lines are getting long. a new "harry potter" book coming out tonight, the first in nine years. >> the title, "harry potter and the cursed child." the owners of this bookshop changed their title to go along with the harry potter story line. >> an enormous number of booksellers will be open until midnight because at the stroke of midnight we're permitted to sell the books. >> they're taking a break from that party right now but it resumes at 8:00 tonight. as you heard there, "harry potter and the cursed child" goes on sale at the stroke of mid-night. >> a lot of people excited about that. a san francisco giants pitcher getting a unique lookalike. we'll explain. ==terry/chyron== check out this life-size lego version of madison who doesn't want a little more mad bum? >> check out this life sized lego version of madison bumgarn bumgarner, all to celebrate. the giants beat the washington nationals 5-3. he also took photos about the lego creation now dubbed by the twitter world, lego bum. mad bum is a term of endearment. >> if you didn't know that. was it cooler? >> it's good luck, i think, they won. we do have the breeze blowing through san francisco. the difference with the weather here as it moves forward is we'll see the sea breeze not just impacting san francisco but inland locations tomorrow. 65 around san francisco. look at the valley temperatures tomorrow. upper 80s to maybe a few low 90s in just the hottest spots, cooler into monday. brief mid-week warm-up. second half of next week looks breeze and cool. >> here comes august. thanks, rob. "nbc nightly news" is next. more local news here at 6:00. >> see you then. on this saturday night, no survivors. a hot air balloon catches fire and crashes in texas. all 16 people on board feared dead. one of the worst accidents ever involving a hot air balloon. battleground blitz. hillary clinton explaining her jobs plan in a republican stronghold as some supporters say it may be too complicated. while donald trump responds to the father of a fallen soldier who said trump sacrificed nothing. fighting depression. how meditation and running can be a winning combination in the battle against the illness. and he's back. harry potter returns after so many years. he's changed along with the way books are sold. "nightly news" begins now. >> announcer: from nbc news world headte

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