Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20161023

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them in court. >> be careful what you wish for, mr. trump. if you sue the accusers, the lawyers who represent these women will have the opportunity to depose you. in plain english, you will be required to testify under oath. >> jessica drake, who worked for wicked pictures as an adult purcha performer and director, said she met trump ten years ago in lake tahoe. she alleged he invited her to his penthouse suite. she said she took two colleagues with her. >> we met donald again. when we entered the room, he grabbed each of us tightly in a hug and kissed each of us without asking permission. he was wearing pajamas. >> drake says after she left trump's penthouse suite, he repeatedly called her and asked her back and even offered her $10,000 and the use of his jet. from the beginning trump has denied each and every allegation of abuse. he has accused the women of trying to hurt his campaign and of trying to to gain attention. back to you, peg heagy. >> thank you very much, marianne. the presidential candidates are rallying for support in battleground states. donald trump is repeating his threat to sue every woman who made a claim against him, saying they're all, quote, liars. hillary clinton is hoping recent allegations against trump will encourage his former supporters to vote for her. nbc's chris pollone has more from washington. >> reporter: it was billed as a policy speech. donald trump in gettysburg, pennsylvania, laying out his agenda for his presidency's first 100 days. like all trump speeches, it touched on a wide ranges of topics from the leadership of abraham lincoln -- >> it is my hope we can look at his example to heal the divisions we are living through right now. >> reporter: -- to making mexico pay for a border wall. >> remember, i said mexico is paying for the wall. >> reporter: trump once again mentioned the women who have come forward to accuse him. he's now threatening to sue them. >> the events never happened. never. all of these liars will be sued after the election is over. >> reporter: all of this happening as a 11th accuser came forward saturday in los angeles. the clinton campaign, which polls show winning or within the margin of error in every swing state, is trying to run out the clock. clinton is in pittsburgh, campaigning with her running mate tim kaine for the first time this week. >> you probably know people who are thinking about voting for donald trump. i understand that they need a president who cares about them, will listen to them. and i want to be their president too. >> reporter: with early voting already under way in 34 states for clinton and trump, time is running short. chris pollone, nbc news. now our election coverage continues in about seven minutes. we're following two ballot measures that will directly affect children in california's public schools. that story is coming up tonight. for a thorough prep for next month's election, find our voter's guide on our website, put in your zip code to learn more about the issues and candidates that are specific to your region. and a warning tonight for parents and children in san carlos. two 11-year-old girls reported a suspicious encounter with a man there. this encounter happened yesterday afternoon near the corner of laurel and cherry streets. the girls say the man approached them asking to buy their scooters. they declined and rode away. the man came back asking if the girls, quote, wanted to have some fun. the man is described as white, in his 50s, with gray hair and blue eyes. he has an average build and was wearing green shirt and blue pants. new at 6:00, the pentagon wanting his money back. nearly 10,000 california national guard soldiers have been ordered to repay huge enlistment bonuses. this coming after a decade after they signed up to serve in iraq and afghanistan. the "los angeles times" reports the pentagon demanded the money back after audits revealed overpayments. the national guard offered the bonuses of $15,000 or more in the height of two wars. now soldiers say they feel betrayed at having to repay that money. this month marks 50 years since the founding of the black panther party in oakland. it is a movement that has taken a stand against police brutality nationwide. tonight a gala dinner will celebrate the group's anniversary. our own nbc bay area's christie smith is at the party at the oakland museum of california. a big night, christie, 50 years. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. this was put together by former black panther party members, all part of a three-day conference. tonight there is a gala and celebration, a program being held here at the oakland museum. there was music and speakers outside of city hall to mark the 50th anniversary of the black panther party in oakland, at a time of what they saw as police brutality. there have been panels and lectures going on. earlier this month the oakland museum opened an exhibit with rare items. many of course remember pictures that drew a backlash at the time. a former member talked about the journey and why it matters today. >> we started a year and a half ago. we're very pleased at the results and the response that we had. we look at it as a renaissance to answer the questions plaguing our communities and our nation. that's why it's called "where do we go from here" as our theme. >> reporter: the exhibit was planned independently of other events and activities going on. it runs through february 12th. live in oakland, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> christie, thank you very much. take a look at this. a huge plume of water shooting into the air overnight in santa clara. this after a car hit the hydrant and crashed through the front wall of a popular pizza spot at 1:00 a.m. firefighters are struggling to get the water turned off at the corner of homestead and wood ham. that window will need to be replaced. the driver ran away on foot and police found him a couple of blocks away from his house, where they arrested him. in redwood city, a similar crash. this time the driver was being chased by police, ending with a black mercedes in the side of an appliance store. a witness who was headed into the store said he pulled up to the store and it was a cloud of dust. the damage is tough to see here because he was part of the crew that built the showroom. >> we spent a lot of time here making the showroom really nice, installing all the cabinets, all the appliances, polishing the concrete floors. it busted a water main and the place did flood. it's a little devastating, how much work it's going to take again to bring it back to that standard. >> he says that officers at the scene told him that the driver plowed into the side of this building here going about 80 miles an hour. we have reached out to police to get more details about the suspect. coming up next here at 6:00, a test drive here. new bay bridge ramps are now open ahead of monday's workday rush. plus -- >> reporter: bilingual education. california voters defeated it years ago. it may be making a comeback, this time to help business. and you'll be voting on it this november. i'm chuck coppola, that story coming up. did you see all the clouds we had today? i'm meteorologist anthony slaughter. high and mid-level cloud cover, a sign that things are changing. we're tracking rain ahead as soon as monday. security medical facity invacavy back behind bars. an inmate who managed to escape from a medical facility in back aville back in custody tonight. jarvis brown was apprehended at a home in richmond. california department of corrections and rehabilitation workers took him back into custody without incident. he's serving a three-year sentence for evading a peace officer while driving recklessly. he was set to be released in march. now he could face more time because of this incident. two ballot measures next month will be affecting children in california's public schools. one of the measures wants to extend taxes on the richest 1.5% of californians to pay for those schools. the others would change how english is taught. nbc bay area's chuck coppola is live with the details. if you have kids in school, chuck, this is important to you. >> reporter: that's right, good evening, peggy. there's a big push going on this weekend. members of the california teachers association holding events in 18 cities across the state, talking about propositions 55 and 58. 58 would extend for 12 years higher income taxes on individuals who make $250,000 or more per year and couples making more than $500,000. teachers say the money raised by prop 55 would help recruit new teachers and restore cutbacks made during the great recession. >> after all the cuts, teachers weren't just leaving for better paying districts. they were leaving for a new profession. if proposition 55 does not pass, i fear there will be another cycle of cuts that will take years to recover from. >> reporter: the other measure, prop 58, would expand foreign language immersion programs but also end english taught in english only. a former state gubernatorial candidate who led the effort to end bilingual education, is against the proposition. >> 70% of young latino immigrant children were being placed for years in these spanish almost always programs and were having a hard time learning english. >> reporter: but supporters say the measure will improve california's next generation of employees and business leaders. >> we're competing directly with other world economies. why not give our students the tools to be able to close that deal in a language where they're doing business? >> reporter: on prop 55, that's the higher taxes on the wealthy, there is a big gap, the amount of money being spent on the campaign. $57 million by supporters to just 3,000 by opponents. opponents also saying at least half of the money wouldn't go to education but instead to the general fund. live in santa clara, i'm chuck coppola, nbc bay area news. >> chuck, thank you so much, very interesting. the cleanup in oakland continues. several homes are still flooded after a water main break sent water gushing down the street. take a look at the water here. the scene was restored at 11:30 p.m. last night. this is what it looked like. many families had no water since yesterday morning. that's when a pipe cracked and the water main buckled. the 580 on-ramp even flooded. parts of montana street in oakland collapsed, causing a massive sinkhole. people here say it's the third time in five years that east bay crews have had to fix bursting pipes. new on and off ramps at treasure island are seeing their very first drivers today. this is changing up drivers in the area. the ramps opened up this morning. they replaced the tight turns and hair-raising emergenmerges all know. now if you're heading westbound across the bridge and exiting sierra buena, it will be on the left side. the bay bridge will open up to joggers and cyclers. they'll be able to go all the way to the east bay. a nice day to do it today, i understand the sunset outside is really nice. >> beautiful, another day of bright, sunny skies tomorrow as well. if you want to hit that bike path or do some jogging tomorrow, it will be dry. the sunset just glorious this evening. you can see the high, thin clouds painting a picture across the skies this evening from the north bay into san francisco, even across the peninsula. dali city, wow, spectacular this evening. through the next couple of days, numbers are looking good. 75 for the tri valley. 63 for san francisco, cool and breezy there. low 70s expected for inland valleys. a good amount of cloud cover across the region today. that's because we have a storm system that's moved inland. it's fall een apart as it moves inland. here comes that next burst of cloud cover that will be with us tomorrow. that will get things going as we head towards monday. rain chances as soon as monday morning for the north bay. your forecast for your sunday, 70 degrees tomorrow for san jose. 61 for half moon bay. 66 by the afternoon in san mateo. low 60s for san francisco from the marina district over towards the financial district, low 60s there. low 70s for the north bay, napa to mill valley. oakland, 68 degrees in the tri valley, managing another bright day with the mid-70s. the futurecast shows the story. the rain is coming our way as soon as monday. tomorrow, a good amount of cloud cover. tomorrow night, the rain sets up across the north bay. this is monday morning around 6:00 a.m. you'll notice our first showers moving into the north bay. they'll stay there until lunchtime. by the evening commute we'll start to see rain showers in places like san francisco, oakland, toward the tri valley and east bay as well. notice the south bay, staying virtually dry for monday. even until about tuesday morning. that's when we'll start to see the first showers across san jose and all across the peninsula. tuesday will be the day to watch for everybody getting showers. monday, the commute into san francisco, the north bay, you will get wet. tuesday, the system falls apart. then our next rain moves in for wednesday, thursday, friday. futurecast, the next round of rain monday and tuesday. nothing from san martin towards morgan hill, even san jose, just trace amounts. farther north into san francisco, oakland, a quarter or half inch. generally speaking, heavy rain will fall across the north bay. we're expecting a half inch to inch in the valley floor. that's monday and tuesday. we dry out for wednesday. wednesday night, the next system pushes back in. and that will bring rain for thursday. more widespread rain and actually some pretty gusty winds with this system coming in for thursday and friday. and then as we head towards next weekend, we'll have some cool fall air nonprofits. you know what that means, halloween just around the corner. next monday looks dry so far for trick or treaters trying to get the kids out there with dry costumes. >> that is so exciting. i think the kids are getting amped up, approaching that fever pitch. >> and the parents too. >> that's right. next, clinching a multi-billion dollar deal to create the nation's largest entertainment company. because she doesn't understand what cancer is. because she can't spell emphysema. because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. because she is my daughter, and the surgeon general says that raising tobacco taxes... is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. that's why i'm voting yes on 56. rger. juswithin the st ho -- a-t- d-t confirmthat it'sg it's the latest massive media merger and it's a big one. within the past hour at&t has confirmed it is buying media giant time warner. this agreement brings together at&t's wireless, broadband, and satellite tv services with time warner properties which include hbo, cnn, and warner brothers studios. it will cost at&t $80 billion and it has to be approved by regulators. kelly, this is going to wrap up the sharks' road trip. >> reporter: they've been out on the road a long time, after a big opening night. the sharks have spent the last week and a half away from the shark tang. coming up on sports we'll talk about the team in detroit, as they wrap up their five-game rhodie. highlights next. stunned by the same nguins team that at in the snely p final lt season. >> reporter: a hot start to the season was dampened thursday. the sharks were beaten by the same penguins that beat them last season. they're wrapping up a five-game rhodie in motown, what could be their final game at the joe, set to be demolished when the red wings move out at the end of the season. early in the second, jonathan ericsson gets the puck, pushes it up to gustav nyquist. the red wings strike first. later in the second, sharks turn the puck over. and nyquist is going to light the lamp again. his second goal of the game. 2-0 detroit. final seconds of the period, byrnes shoots the rebound. the ref of wave off the potential goal. replay confirms the puck bounced often the post, no goal. sharks are down 3-0 right now in the third period. how about some college football? colorado and stanford. haven't lost to the buffaloes since 1990. that's a long time. pushing mccaffrey back and looking good early on. mccaffrey gets a pitch, runs left for seven yards and the first down. later in the drive, mccaffrey going to slice and dice his way for nine yards. stanford would end the drive with a field goal that put him up three. and actually that was an interception. so fourth quart know stanford with a chance to score. ryan byrnes fumbles the snap. colorado recovers. later in the quarter, cardinals down seven. byrnes throwing deep, picked off for the third time in the game. stanford goes on to lose 10-5. that say shocker. it is week seven in the nfl. the raiders take on the jags in jacksonville sunday. 49ers host the bucs at levi's. a big nhc clash between the seahawks in the desert. >> seattle squeaks out the win against atlanta. we still don't know what to expect out of arizona. >> no, we don't. this is an explosive team. they're going to see some things on film that they can get some big plays against that seattle defense. they had some big, big miscues today. >> they did, coach. that's what really stood out to me, that defense with early thomas lining everybody up, but they gave up a lot of big plays. >> arizona seemed to be going for the big play all the time. >> they do. that's their style. carson polialmer has big play people, but you can't live and die by big plays. >> duncan down the field equates to success. >> seahawks and the cardinals sunday night. see you at 7:00 eastern. settle theeph andiwife... bun or no bun? that was the question in the debut of the new food network show today. seth and his wife settled the debate, where else, on the basketball court. it's called "aisha's homemade." she made stuffed peppers. steph wanted the original version with the buns extra crispy. aisha won a game of horse, how about that? her homemade series airs saturdays at 9:00 a.m. pacific, promising a real live look at her new cooking book, i already have a copy myself. sloppy joes was my least favorite meal growing up. >> i'm right there with you. my mom used to make those as well. i haven't tried aisha's though, maybe it will be a little different. >> i would try hers. >> that's so much. we'll be right back. a new record today iflorida. ==vo== keys' annl stone crab ea. competitors hado eat all o a new record today in florida at the annual stone crab eating contest. competitors had to eat all their claw meat or risk being penalized. the top eater was juan mallen. he chowed down 25 claws, beating the old record. but could he beat joey chestnut? this is a little more appetizing. >> than the hot dog one, i was thinking the same thing. >> thank you for choosing nbc bay area. nbc bay area news special. tonight, we investigate a mental health crisis that's plaguing college athletes: eating disorders. we examine why the problem often goes undetected and untreated. plus. female: i don't want someone else to have to go through what we went through. announcer: his business was shut down in one city, but popped up in another. we investigate a south bay personal trainer accused of making unwanted sexual contact by clients at his gym. then justice delayed. paul ryan: the fec is atrocious at enforcing our campaign finance laws. announcer: we reveal how political gridlock within the federal elections commission gets in the way of protecting voters and enforcing fair elections. but first-- david armstrong: i wasn't going to pay a tax that breaks state and federal law, and be looking at 10 years to life. announcer: a san jose pot shop caught in a bitter battle with the city, trying to make a deal for over a million bucks. here's investigative reporter bigad shaban. bigad shaban: good evening, and thanks for joining us. for the next 30 minutes, we investigate. we begin tonight in san jose, where the owner of a marijuana shop has refused to pay the city's business tax for years. federal law says possessing and even selling marijuana,

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Stanford , California , United States , Oakland , Marina District , Afghanistan , Redwood City , Florida , Washington , Seattle , San Francisco , Mexico , Arizona , Iraq , Colorado , Hollywood , Pennsylvania , Spain , Morgan Hill , Jacksonville , San Carlos , Californians , Spanish , Jessica Drake , Jonathan Ericsson , Bryan Byrnes , Tim Kaine , Gustav Nyquist , Jarvis Brown , Los Angeles , David Armstrong , Santa Clara , Gloria Allred , Chuck Coppola , Terry Mcsweeney , Hillary Clinton , Paul Ryan ,

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