Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20240622

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gonzalez was taken by his mother. we are working on finding out what his mother to 20-year-old, christina rodriguez, will be facing. two people recovering from an accident at a popular ride at great america. officials with the park say a worker was hit by an oncoming train at the flight deck ride this is friday night. he was reaching for his cell phone someone had dropped on the tracks. witnesses who saw the accident say the worker was bleeding and not moving. he was rushed to a hospital a guest also suffered a hand injury. that person has been treated and released. cal osha now has two investigators looking into the accident. they say it does not appear the ride malfunctioned. new details now on a former camp supervisor facing child pornography and month lefttation charges. he apparently exaggerated his qualifications to get the job at a south bay camp. this according to the "contra costa times." he started as an intern in 2013 before being hired on as staff. the santa clara county office of education confirms it does not check references for nonpermanent staff applicants who prove themselves while time is spent as a volunteer. they're looking into policies and procedures. he remains in jail after his may 7th arrest. as many of you well know weekend traffic can be unbearable in the bay area. next weekend, it could be all-time awful. there are several reasons for that. nbc bay area's chuck copapola with why. chuck. >> reporter: in one sense, you would think that weekend traffic in the bay area would be less hectic. next weekend it's going to be especially difficult, because of two very high profile visits which may alter reality for drivers on the roads. next saturday presidential candidate hillary clinton arrives in san francisco, attending a fund-raising drench in the city's mission district. she was here last month, but is back to find political rain-makers, those who come through with big bucks and will get a seat on her finance committees. the traffic grid lock may actually begin friday afternoon. that's when president obama arrives in san francisco to attend two fund-raisers for democratic candidates including those running for congress. he was here last in february. this time he'll also be speaking in the union square area at the u.s. conference of mayors. if you need another reason to perhaps stay off the roads, just if the nba finals goes to seven games, that game seven would happen next friday in oakland around 6:00 p.m. i'm going to take b.a.r.t. reporting live along highway 101, i'm chuck coppola, nbc bay area news. >> chuck, i think that's a good idea. right now we want to take you outside as you can see behind chuck there, really a beautiful day outside. cooler, though after a warm saturday. taking a look live at san jose city hall. let's bring in meteorologist rob mayeda. you see the brown hills behind city hall there, they were green for a brief moment in time. >> yeah it seems like not that long ago. temperatures in the 90s, continues to drop the humidity levels off in the hills. we saw more on saturday. this morning lots of low clouds around healdsburg starting off in the upper 50s and temperatures in the 70s today. south winds keeping the temperatures running relatively cool around healdsburg in the north bay valleys today. and downtown san jose sunshine. but now only climbing close to 80. that's down from the upper 80s we had around downtown san jose just yesterday. so the sea breeze strengthening as we wrap-up the weekend. some of the inland temperatures running a handful of degrees cooler and we see the winds bringing once again more low clouds misty skies, much like you're seeing now in san francisco. so a cool start to tomorrow. mild start to the workweek. then we're going to begin to see much warmer changes and 90s coming back in the picture. and we're tracking what's going to happen with tropical storm carlos. will any moisture have a chance of reaching parts of california. we'll examine that in a few minutes. >> all right rob. thanks a lot. get your personal forecast right there on your smartphone. download our nbc bay area app. it's free for your iphone and android devices. in foster city police are investigating a disturbing killing. this happened last night a few blocks south of brewer island. police and firefighters responded to this emergency medical call and found an elderly woman dead and an elderly man bleeding. investigators say it appears the man killed the woman and then stabbed himself several times in an attempted murder/suicide. that man is being treated at the hospital. both the suspect and victim are in their 90s. it is not clear what led up to that killing. a go-pro may be partially to blame for a motorcycle crash that injured two bikers on the expressway in santa clara. we are told about 45 riders were on a birthday ride one of the motorcyclist's bike stalled. at the same time rider turned around to get a shot of the group on a go-pro camera and collided with a bike who are was stalled. both are in the hospital. stopped by storms. the american woman on a mission to row across the pacific ocean ended her attempt this weekend, because of bad weather. sonja baumstein left from choshi japan, a week ago headed from san francisco. yesterday she had to send out a distress signal and was rescued by the japanese coast. we spoke to baumstein before she left on her adjourn aboutjourney about her hopes and her fears. >> i have really high hopes for what's about to happen. i'm afraid of losing my boat. that's one. because i spent three years of my life creating this thing. >> it's not clear if the body was damaged. it's a very special boat. the vessel sent a signal every 30 minutes to scientists studying climate change. the 6,000-mile journey would have taken baumstein until late september to complete. no woman has yet rode solo across the pacific. >> big endeavor for sure. next relief for b.a.r.t. riders. when you can expect delays once again. and airline passengers stranded for 20 hours and kept in the cold while they waited. >> nightmare. >> we're going to show what happened and how the airline is responding tonight. plus the country reeling from catastrophe. more on the deadly floods that hit georgia. and to make things worse, new animals still running on the loose. what's being done now to save the animals trapped by the floodwaters. (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. schedule again through the east b. b.a.r.t. is up and running on schedule again through the east bay. it was closed for maintenance work and system upgrades between the fruitvale and coliseum stations over the weekend. for many weekends over the past several months, representatives say their work is not done in the east bay. they're going to start working on an area of track between west oakland and the transbay tube this summer. work begins tomorrow on a bridge that was damaged during a quake up in napa last month. you can see the damage in this video here. cracks on the oakville cross bridge have been shut down since damaged in may's 4.1 magnitude quake. the quake sped up the time line. initially the project was expected to take more than two years. now the goal is to have a new bridge open by new year's day, in about six months. >> this would certainly qualify as a terrible trip. united airlines passengers say they are outraged after a 20-hour delay, and less than pleasant accommodations during their travels. passengers on a flight from chicago to london were diverted to canada yesterday when the plane had some sort of malfunction. some passengers say they were forced to sleep in army barracks really, really cold army barracks. >> we froze through the night, because there wasn't any heat. there's a hereto heater there, but it wasn't on. like i said we had to share a bathroom. in the middle of the night, i opened the door the door to the other room was open and there's a lady sleeping in a bed, and she goes what are you doing! she didn't realize we had to share a bathroom. >> hello. and by the way, by the time they finally got there, it was actually 48 hours since they had departed to take their flight. passengers say flight staff stayed in hotels and were unavailable to talk to any of the passengers. they said that hotel space was not available for the passengers, but that's where the staff stayed. the airline provided meals and will refund the cost of the tickets. severe flooding in the capital of the former soviet republic of georgia killed 12 people and set off big game hunts for escaped zoo animals. can kelly koba reports on the danger andtage caused by the flooding. some of this video has graphic images. >> reporter: the floodwaters rose so fast overnight, people say all they could do was run. the city is covered in mud and debris today, and to make matters worse, rescuers are having to be on guard against zoo animals. tigers, bears, wolves. as they look for survivors. it's a safari on city streets. a hippo looking for food a bear with nowhere else to climb. and on georgian television a big cat, clearly stunned and covered in mud is roaming free. dangerous floods from the river are washed over the capital, filling the streets with mud and debris trapping people in water, and destroying zoo enclosures, like this one for the bears. this woman said the floods came so fast she ran. in 20 years, i've never seen anything like it. local officials said the damage is in the millions of dollars. the city is warning residents to stay away from the mud-filled streets, while the zoo animals are hunted down. there were six lions, six tigers three bears and 18 wolves at the zoo. more than 30 animals escaped. >> you know we couldn't rescue all of them unfortunately, and special forces had to kill them very unfortunately. >> reporter: some captured like this hippo cornered shot with a tranquilizer dart, and moved to a safe place. a zoo spokesperson says it's difficult to know how many animals are still alive and roaming the city. they're trying to save as many as they can. three zoo staffers were killed in those floods overnight and the zoo director calls this all an unbelievable tragedy. back to you. >> meteorologist rob mayeda here with your micro climate forecast. and as usual here in the bay area really there's some changes on the way. >> we're seeing at least the middle of a cooling trend now. temperatures in the 60s and 70s outside. in fact, san jose fairly cool now. 68 degrees as you can see there with the hazy skies around downtown san jose right now. and over in pleasanton very pleasant indeed. 73 degrees. that was in the mid 90s around this time on saturday. so the cooler air reaching the tri valley. there is a look at the ocean air conditioning at work. downtown san francisco. 61 degrees, winds 15 to 20 miles per hour. that coupled with the low clouds about 2,000 feet thick, no problem spilling inland. we'll see it again tonight. west at 15 bringing in that cooler air across the tri valley. so tomorrow morning, you're going to get the low clouds into livermore. the delta and even out to sacramento or stockton if you're headed that way early tomorrow. and we could see some drizzle at times around the east bay, certainly along the coast and around the golden gate grij for the morning and afternoon like today, patchy low clouds some drizzle perhaps around pacifica and half moon bay. sunnier skies around santa cruz. so as you notice the seven-day forecast, first half of the week looks mild. it's the second half of the week where the temperatures climb up. mostly 50s through 7:00 with lots of low clouds. sunshine inland by noon. but you can see there, the temperatures running very mild. all-day sea breeze keeping temperatures in the 70s to lower to mid 80s, inland south of downtown san jose. 78 degrees tomorrow. 85 closer to saratoga and south san jose. we'll see warmer temperatures. san francisco in the upper 60s for the north bay tomorrow. near 70 in san rafael. upper 70s around napa and santa rosa. and you see the tri valley there. considering the trend we saw this weekend, low to mid 80s. for midweek, temperatures beginning to climb up. upper 70s around san jose for tomorrow. and by wednesday, mid to upper 80s likely. san francisco warming close to 70 on wednesday. for the north bay, numbers back into the mid 80s by wednesday. and 90s could be in reach for the tri valley by wednesday. but the hottest stretch of weather coming up very likely as we get into next weekend. so some of the things we'll be looking at as we finish off the workweek, what happens with maybe some of this moisture from tropical storm carlos right now, winds at 07 miles per hour. we'll briefly strengthen to category 1 hurricane, as it tracks just through looks like port vie arta and eventually central mexico. so the moisture from that storm will likely stay away from the bay area. instead we get high pressure which is going to try to build in as we head towards next weekend. so a trough of low pressure approaches the pacific northwest coast, high pressure begins to expand back across california. and that will likely lead to warmer valley temperatures so by the time we get towards next weekend, it looks like we'll see temperatures beginning to climb into the 80s to low 90s by next saturday. and then by next sunday. now you're seeing temperatures soar into the mid 90s. so quite a change from this weekend, and it's good timing at least from a weather standpoint because summer actually -- officially begins next sunday. so right on schedule. those temperatures climb up. mild start to the week. and by next weekend, the heat is on. south bay, tri valley north bay valleys have a chance to reach the mid 90s towards the end of next weekend. back to you. >> all right, rob, thank you. coming up next a festive approach to the drought. the story behind this patriotic display in one south bay neighborhood. mmm, red white and blue pancakes. it's patriotism on a plate. i bet washington and jefferson would have eaten these. and at $4.99, that's less than a lincoln. red, white & blue pancakes are back and only $4.99. denny's. welcome to america's diner. well it is flag day, and one san jose couple found a way to be patriotic and save water at the same time. dan and claudia decker are like a lot of homeowners dealing with the tough drought and had to let their lawn turn brown to can conserve water. this is what they did. they painted a beautiful american flag in honor of flag day today. but they're also looking into what to do in the future. >> i hope everybody enjoys it. and maybe the next holiday coming up we'll think of another thing to paint. st. paddy's day, maybe a shamrock or two. maybe the drought will be over by then. >> even the outfits are color coordinated. >> very nice. >> the deckers say the flag has been getting a lot of attention. not only do the neighbors like it but so do strangers coming over to ask for help in painting a lawn flag of their own. thousands of people broke out the tie dyed shirts in the hate ashbury neighborhood. if you're going to san francisco, be sure to wear flowers in your hair. here's a look at some unique sights and sounds you'll only see at the haitght-ashbury fair. 11 bands on 2 stages. also hundreds of vendors selling everything from psychedelic art to hand-crafted soy candles, and more. roughly 50,000 people expected to attend this thing. i love looking at these pictures. outdoor events like the haight-ashbury street fair generate hundreds of millions of dollars annually for the city or so we're told. >> that's pretty amazing, all those street fairs bringing in a lot of cash and also bringing in cash the warriors in oakland. doing pretty well. mindi bach watching closely from the newsroom. >> do you think? she's been working. >> i can take a deep breath because we're at halftime. oh my gosh my heart has been racing the first two quarters. we also have some day baseball. the diamondbacks making themselves right at home in the giants' ballpark. san francisco looking to avoid being swept by arizona. and after being shut out on saturday the a's back up. we'll have highlights. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. there are 162 games in an mlb regular season. i'm sure there are those days the players want to forget. and today was certainly one of those. errors and double plays gave the giants their eighth straight loss at home. of the last time that happened in 1993. it was a difficult one for san francisco. they did not want to be swept by the diamondbacks in their own ballpark. chris heston on the hill. and in the fifth, the bases were loaded and arizona's chris owing just rips it over the glove of justin maxwell in two runs. they led 4-0 going into the bottom of the ninth. the giants loaded the bases, only had one out. buster posey comes in to pinch hit, the opportunity to be the hero. instead, he grounds into the team's fifth double play of the game. also had three errors. and this kid wants to smack some sense into them. >> this was one of our ugliest games. there's no getting around them between the errors and double plays. you know we -- we had our chances there. but you put your big boy pants on, come out and be ready to go tomorrow. >> the a's looking to avoid being swept in anaheim. no other starter you want on the mound than sonny gray. he gets navarro, and kyle kubitza, take a seat. gray struck out nine allowed one unearned run in 7 2/3 innings pitched. bases loaded in the seventh, eric sogard brings in two. he had three rbi on the day. the a's win big. 8-1, the final there. and the situation at fifa just keeps growing stranger. the man in power at the world governing body of soccer amid a corruption scandal said he would step aside. now he may not. the british broadcasting company cites a source who says sepp blatter may reseek the post of president. he resigned amid a corruption scandal led by the fbi. that's when they had officials from fifa arrested. he said he would clean it up and step down when the successor is elected. his critics want him out now. how about the infectionfedex st. jude classic. the shot of the day had to go to scott brown. this is his approach on 17. this 75-foot chip. nails it. he would finish tied for 12th at 6 under. your coleader on 11 fabian gomez. that's a birdie putt moves him to 10 under. on 18, this is for birdie, as well. it drops just perfectly. he gets a four-stroke win. gomez picks up his first career pga tour victory. let's go to michigan and the quicken loans 400 for nascar. lots of rain. that would mean lots of delays. a delay on lap 52 kyle busch, ends up into the wall. his right front tire was knocked into the engine. that would bring out the yellow flag. and kevin harvick blows his right front tire so he would have to pit. and on lap 135, kyle larson had to go into pit row. so kurt busch takes a lead. two laps later, another caution flag. they would call the race with rain and 62 unfinished laps. busch picks up his second win of the season. and right now, steph curery. lebron james working on another triple double with 20 points 8 boards and 8 assists. the warriors lead the cavs by one at half. and the nba finals game five. it has been exciting. this has been an aggressive game terry and peggy. we have seen a lot of flagrant fouls already. it's been crazy. these players are going after it. >> and you're getting paid to watch it. >> it's been great. and i'm going to get dinner so i get paid to eat and watch it. >> all right. >> i'll be back at 11:00. >> looking forward to that. >> i'm working, i'm working. >> she is, for sure. mindi, thank you. of the solar system. . well, a message from the edge of the solar system. today's spacecraft is sent to land on a comet by german scientists woke up from seven months of silence. the comet lander which is called philae was able to communicate with earth for more than a minute. >> it landed back in november sent data back and then powered down until now. scientists are hoping that new samples collected by ph i lae will reveal details about how planet and maybe even life evolved. >> boy. cool. >> heavy expectations on that thing. >> impressive. thank you for choosing bay area news. we'll see you back here tonight at 11:00. >> until then, good night. nd a lot of time online around here. but with all this speed from xfinity, it's all good. hey, why don't we do some homework for a change? gary, you too. stuff. yes! lovin' the new design! konichiwa hirosan. five minutes... all this speed is very empowering. check out the new hardware. with the fastest internet available, xfinity is perfect for people who need to get a lot done at home. and now you can go even faster. we've just increased the speeds on two of our most popular plans. doug mcconnell: hello, i'm doug mcconnell, and we've got some great discoveries for you along "the open road." we'll see two summits of marin's mount tamalpais through the hello, i'm doug mcconnell. we've got some great discoveries for you. we'll see two summits through the artistic eyes of a documentary film maker, volunteering his time and talents to give the mountain tlc. we'll meet a young family caring for each other and the land and giving us fine food. we'll be inspired by four-wheel bob, a wheelchair hiker you won't soon forget. and we'll be stunned by nature's beauty and dr. ready's photography. [music] danita rodriguez: th

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