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Stimulating $710.00 k. Any us. New. A looming legal battle over net neutrality one Republican says no to the tax bill. C.b.s. News on the hour. I'm Pam Colter despite thousands of comments urging them not to do it f.c.c. Commissioners on a party line vote agreed to scrap the Obama era rules that ensured equal treatment for content on the Internet we will call the vote commission Kleiber and I dissent sure rightly I commissioner card I wish your resume were still I dissent the chair votes I the items adopted today's vote dials back the 2015 rules that prohibited Internet service providers from charging premium fees for faster speeds among other things as you see Commissioner Jessica Rosen Wartell voted against it net neutrality is Internet freedom but Commissioner Michael O'Reilly downplayed the impact of the ruling on consumers this decision will not break the internet court challenges are expected Bill rake off c.b.s. News Washington President Trump says they have tremendous support for the g.o.p. Bill to overhaul the tax system but for the moment he's lost Florida Senator Marco Rubio over the issue of the child tax credit unless they can figure out a way to add to the $1100.00 figure. I will support the Republican majority is so narrow they can only afford to lose 2 senators and still pass the measure and 2 g.o.p. Senators have missed some votes recently for health reasons that Cochran and John McCain who's battling brain cancer is friend Lindsey Graham is more concerned about McCain's health than his vote and anything I say McCain that out of this for you know just for John take a little time to rest up it's Ok that there are 2 or is it a couple set of schedule standing in front of fragments of missiles today u.n. Ambassador Nikki Haley said it's undeniable proof that Iran is arming who the rebels in Yemen emphasizing Tehran's misbehavior in the neighborhood c.b.s. Is Kiley at what the u.s. Is trying to come down hard on what Iran is doing in the region beyond. The nuclear deal and so they are saying that they are still you know carrying out really destabilizing activities by backing rebels by giving them the missiles that they can launch one firefighter has been killed battling the wildfires that continue to threaten Southern California California captain Brendan Holley says conditions for battling the blazes are still dangerous we don't have the humidity recovering to help the fuels have more sure we have winds pushing the fire and with a red flag warning that's been going on for about a week or so it's been extremely on Wall Street the Dow dropped 76 points today this is c.b.s. News honesty integrity experience when you need to know what's happening in your world turn to c.b.s. News radio that team you can trust. We. Used to examine whether the Denver metro area going to be cold tonight might see an early snow shower Larry overnight temperatures near 20 mile breezy mostly sunny Friday nicest day of the next few high temperatures well in the fifty's lows near 30 Saturday's highs forty's low fifty's color Saturday night and Sunday a little light snow possible sundaes highs thirty's weather brought to you by Colorado flat fee realty pay less keep more Colorado flat fee Realty dot com We're all just ork here or 710 k. And us. Hey a special treat on the Thursday Dan Cathy show while I am out fighting for truth justice and the American way and my law practice brother Craig Silverman will be flying this ship you can be sure be talking about everything in resting on the some including should there be a special counsel to investigate the special counsel after all of this evidence of anti Trump bias that are much more on the 1st day in capital show and countless weekday afternoons from 4 to 7 right after Chuck and Julie on Newstalk 710 k. 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See who Jonathan Lee Iverson us because he'll be with us shortly. I met him. Several months ago through my wife and he absolutely fascinated me a time to speak. And I wanted to share. Him with you because I think you'll find him fascinating too I can't keep a secret here Mr Producer he was the Ike What do they call him the center ring ring leader he was the ringmaster the ringmaster of Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey which probably doesn't exist anymore. But he was the ringmaster and he's an African-American gentleman with quite a story but man can he saying he can dance and it's even more than that very charismatic and he's got a wonderful story so I want you to meet the last the last. Of the because Barnum and Bailey Ringling Brothers doesn't even exist anymore. The last of such gentlemen and and I would say if not the best certainly one of the best but I think you really enjoy it I really do so stick with us sort of a holiday thing to tell you what's not a holiday thing memory Jackie Spear she gave testimony that she was sexually harassed when she was a staffer in Congress now she's a congresswoman in Congress and now she wants to she says invoke the 25th Amendment to the Constitution to remove Trump I want you to hear what she has to anybody who says we should invoke the 25th Amendment is an idiot and that then would include Jackie Spear know why are they idiots because as a simple matter of mathematics simple matter of mathematics for the House of Representatives to impeach a president it is a majority vote then it goes to the Senate for trial and removal or not ultimately for the 25th amendment process to take effect requires a 2 thirds vote of the House and the Senate so she's an idiot right off the top but now now I know why they set this whole sexual harassment thing up they've been harassing harassing sexually endlessly on Capitol Hill it's pervasive they harass each other they harass their staff they harass strangers strangers harass They all kinds of weird crap going on in our Roman Congress. All comes up all of a sudden doesn't come up under Bill Clinton presidency you know doesn't come up under Barack Obama's presidency you know suddenly there's an epiphany and the Epiphany occurs when they're trying to get rid of Trump and they want to bring up all the allegations against Trump So it turns out Jackie Spear really was politicizing the issue unfortunately cut 6 actually cut 8 go well I've been speaking out about the vocation of the 25th Amendment since early this year it's not do since early this year that means upon or nearly upon Donald Trump's inauguration his swearing in as president Jackie Spears has been saying he needs to be removed on the 25th Amendment and she wants to be once you get a pat on the back for oh wow you were ahead of everybody go ahead but that is not equipped to do the job when he lashed out at Kim Jong un and said we he wasn't going to feel the fire and fury I mean he was inciting an international and saying he wasn't inciting an international anything genius if you wanted to invoke the 25th Amendment and you don't get to invoke the 25th Amendment that's not the process these people don't read the Constitution and one of progress of saving care about the Constitution her power Milhouse Benito Obama he was the one provoking by appeasing the North Koreans and by subsidizing and paying the Iranians sounds to me like Obama is the kook that I had I think nuclear war and the 25th Amendment is there to be invoked by the vice president and the majority of the members of the cabinet if the president is not right there so how would you invoke it you're not even coherent. But Allison camarade formally of Fox and now at c.n.n. She's on light and go ahead David do you think the president is incapacitated you think the president President Trump is an entry on fit somehow I do believe that he does not conduct himself in a manner that is consistent with the presidency so she's a liberal and she doesn't believe he should be president there you go that's it early last year she said we should I wanted to invoke the 25th Amendment which she cannot do and moreover she says it's because he's provoking the Nimrod who runs North Korea and she's got it all backwards but you know she's aiding and abetting the Nimrod who runs North Korea isn't she can't 9 go but just help us understand because impetuous is not incapacitated so why are you able to connect these in your mind let me just say this good for Allison Camerata My guess is she'll be fired in a few days by c.n.n. Go ahead to that because he has his finger on the nuclear button now he is in a position to make a decision for us to attack another country with a nuclear weapon and if you get insulted and then have to lash out at people this woman sound like a fool talk about mental incapacitation no offense you liberals aren't the only ones who can throw those phrases around but Jackie spirit you sound like you have a screw loose you sound like you have more than a screw loose go ahead with foreign leaders he's done it with Kim Jong Un He's done it with others that is not someone that I believe has the capacity to do the job Senator Corker has made the same comment on while Sen Corker Well we all have to rely on Senator Corker and we. Had many others have commented about that as well you know it's one of those issues that no one really wants to talk about but well you never stop talking and you never stop talking about it. Oh yes c.n.n. Has had whole shows on it with the idiot Brian Stelter among others and the other idiot Don Lemon and by the way idiot is the word that should precede any mention of a host on c.n.n. You know I had this ability to talk about it because we are in fact trying to guard the country against war that is now you're not you voted you voted to arm Iran with nuclear weapons you're a fraud that's what you are a fraud and I had a look president is not going to invoke the 25th Amendment I mean so where do you go from here but I don't know that that's actually going to be the case I think I know who's mentally off here seriously I don't know why you think Mike Pence may actually do all we have he might do it he might and she doesn't even understand that you need 2 thirds in the house I listen I'm warning you America if they take the house I said that the day after the election they're going after him all these investigations of the corruption at the top of the f.b.i. And so forth they're all going to go away all the sun they're going to turn this into an impeachment effort and so those of you say hey let's go 3rd party hanging I have an idea we should go 3rd party well who's we what are you going to do we you know we you him her her her what about you know we should go 3rd party really. Let me tell you why I'm going to vote Republican not because I like what they're doing and matter of fact in many Cajuns I despise them if you listen to the show truly you know Mark it's not a binary choice we get these idiots telling us all what's not let's see there's a Democrat Party Republican Party libertarian what else well you could write somebody it oh I didn't even know I can write somebody in When's the last time that worked as a as an effective measure very few times go ahead. There would be I think it's my responsibility and Congress's responsibility here we say not supposed to resign and you sound like an idiot I'll be right back. Mark on Newstalk 7. 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Are x. Dot com. She was I think sometimes all the more she was a name I gave. Him for years on the radio. Dial back to Market News Talk 7 to Katie and you watch. You know ladies and gentlemen. My wife used to be. The top lawyer ringing Brothers Barnum and Bailey really the entire enterprise there before she moved on to other things and we went to their circus a couple months before sadly and really sadly the circus left town and never came back I Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey and I met the ringmaster and I was so intrigued by the ringmaster and I was so you know during the course of the circus. Watching him as well as of course everybody else I told her I have to meet this guy I want to meet this guy I want to know more about it and then I said I'd like to bring on the radio show to share you and what you've done throughout your life in Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey. I mean it's it's Christmas time it's Hanukkah time and this is the time to do it I felt so and he was the 1st African-American ringmaster in nearly 150 years of Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Jonathan Lee Iris and how are you my friend I'm great I love that introduction. Oh you gave me 20 bucks and that's what I do not know. But I want people to get to know you and meet you because let's start this way. Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Dia mystic to you were with them for quite some time weren't you absolutely I was there for roughly 18 years. More than this and of course it's something that's just. I did it for over almost over half my life and it's just something that's really etched into my bones you know we have a saying in the circus world once the sawdust is in your blood you'll never be the same and it's true it was really everything it was it gave me everything it gave me my family and they gave me a life like no other just imagine you know you get to make a living and have a life my wife worked for the show my children work for the show and of course I did and so we travel played work together and you know My children haven't been without me since they were born they never been away from me thanks to Ringling Brothers and that really was the great culture of circus and that's what I miss most of all. And you probably miss performing and you miss the audience right Oh absolutely I think most importantly I just miss the culture of. The great American pastime which is the greatest show on earth I miss the culture of just going from city to city and coming from Mill year with. The many people who just really loved going to the circus and I would be friends some people you know I would go to some you know I would be invited many times to people's homes with dinner and we have actually maintain relationships with several people throughout the country but I think most of all I just miss you know I miss my comrades you know I miss those wonderful train runs as you know we lived on a mile long circus train and we crisscrossed this beautiful country on the rails and those are the things I miss most of all and of course bringing magic and enjoy and look. People giving that to people taking them away from their troubles you know I think the circus is probably the only form of entertainment I know of where everybody across the board I don't care who you are what what shall you come in what your political views may be everybody is drawn to it and that to me was always the biggest thrill and the source of pride for me that you know no matter who you are it really was the children of all ages. And these were acts that these people from all over the world the best from all over the world you know they had to. Try out to be members of a service like this which was the biggest in the world and so you really met people from every corner of the earth and absolutely that was always that to me was also another wonderful gift. To actually be immersed in culture and to be immersed and and and really other people's worlds you know and they're bringing their lives over here and they becoming acclimated to our American life and it was just so much fun and it was wonderful and to know that we've maintained those relationships even after the show closes a really wonderful thing I mean you really connect with people and you just kinda find out you have a common humanity no matter what language you speak no matter what culture you're from I think that was again another wonderful gift that the greatest show on earth gave me. And I'm speaking to Jonathan Lee Iverson who was the last of the great ringmasters And yes the question I don't know why this would be controversial you know I was taken in the back at some point or wherever we call it and I saw all these magnificent animals the elephants the trainers they just love their elephants in the in the tigers in the lines and so forth and you have veterinarians there and . How did you see them and the people who who cared for them interacted with them heroic. Some of the most patient people I've ever met in my life I don't think I could have ever had him handle the job. The things they went through the ugly. Accusations hurled at them day in and day out. And knowing what they were doing was just in writing beautiful and really their particular calling I'm not an animal person I'm from New York City the most exotic thing I grew up around was squirrels so I'm not that I don't have that kind of leaning but I sure do have an appreciation for people who do even you know our friends over New York City with the carriage horses I mean you know caring for animals is not something you go into to get rich and it's not something you do for the glamour of it I mean it's really an ugly job you don't have time to yourself most of our animal personnel when we read Ringling Brothers I mean they hardly had any time off because you know the animals needs came 1st I remember a story of Elton and he told me his wife was having with their I think the 3rd or 4th child and he got a call that something. Was amiss in the elephant compound and they needed him and his wife they are going to deliver a table is gone you know how it is in this family animals versus go get the work. Of a child and that's how they were it was like you know I had a multiverse and that's what I thought every day and also you know again I'm a New Yorker so I'm a bit paranoid by nature. These are people I trust my own children and my children have the privilege of being around these animals all the time. In fact they would invite the kids in some time to feed him clean the animals to help them around the stables I mean you know I'm trusting my children with them and you know they had a great time and told this day my children who grew up far more dynamic than I did have such a great empathy for for animals and living things because of that experience they have such a wonderful. Wonderful sense of creatures and it is something that I take pride in and I know it's a gift again from the greatest honor I'm speaking with Jonathan Lee Iverson the last of the great American ringmasters the 1st African-American ringmaster that bar in the valley ever had the last I guess I want to talk you more how did a guy from New York from Harlem wind up in the circus. Don't go away by the way has a great website to make top voice dot com Big Top voice dot com We'll be right back . 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Update The Federal Communications Commission as expected voted today to lift Obama era rules on net neutrality rules that were designed to keep Internet service providers from giving preferential speeds to some customers and not others brands gorup of the commission's broadband deployment advisory committee fuzziness of the rules left a lot of questions about what services and technologies for allowed and by restoring the city law that exists until 2015 authority over their neck goes back to felt for a commission not everyone likes the move New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is among the Democrats who plan to fight it will be filing a claim to preserve protections for New Yorkers and all Americans and will be working aggressively to stop the f.c.c. Its leadership from doing any further damage to the Internet and our economy of c.c. Commissioner Michael O'Reilly an Obama appointee called the repeal of the rules a well reasoned and soundly justified order c.b.s. News update I'm Jim. Here's your commentary What are the Denver metro area going to be cold tonight might see an early stows shower Larry overnight temperatures near 20 mile breezy mostly sunny Friday ices day of the next few high temperatures well the fifty's lows near 30 Saturday highs forty's low fifty's color Saturday and Sunday a little light snow possible sundaes highs thirty's weather brought to you by Colorado flash the realty pay less keep more Colorado the Realty dot com We'd all just ork your 710 k. And us. In the perfect world you have a flawless credit score no debt an employer that pays you a large salary anywhere in the house of your dreams. But all of us don't live in a perfect world if you're looking for a mortgage but don't have one of all the flawless traits that qualify you for a home loan call s.c.l. 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And us I know you're tired of hearing financial as offering some free book when all you really want is to have your retirement and investment questions answered as you can as well we're here to help with that give us a call today for a one on one review at 720-457-6844 tune in Saturday's at 2 pm on 710 k. And us mentor group is a financial services firm the offers a broad array of products and services including insurance and annuity slices to Colorado. We're going to make a much job after them and if you like these we oldsters should be if you waited your mother in law. Comes to see my comment coming up on News Talk 7 to. Marshal of the should live the National at 877381311 it's very sad the circus is for. Bringing Brothers Barnum and Bailey particularly during the holidays it's very very sad you know while major senior groups like a r.p. Lobby for Liberal interest behind closed doors it can feel as if the voices of mature conservatives in this country aren't heard these days but that's where a mac comes in a mac is the Association of American citizens it is a conservative membership organization that fights to protect your interests on Capitol Hill fighting to protect America and limit government rein in excessive government spending and uphold the traditional values of family faith freedom and wants to bring that back to America a Mac. Members also have access to 1st rate benefits including special rates on car insurance an exclusive deals on cell phone service car rentals hotels and more with a strong presence in Washington a Macas focused on producing results rather than rhetoric and does more than talk a Mack takes action I carried you to join a mac today and you can join online at a mac dot us that's a m a c dot us help bring the country back to the values upon which it was built just head over to a mac dot us and become an emacs member today remember a mac is better for you and it's better for America and I'm talking with Jonathan Lee Iverson. The last of the great American ringmasters as he was for Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey and his website it's a beautiful website by the way as you know if you know it's really nice big top voice dot com big top of what you know Mr Producer put it up on our social sites if you would big top voice dot com Big Top voice dot com All right I'm curious everybody's curious. How did a guy from Harlem wind up at Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus well. Well 1st of all I want to give a shout out to Tim Juneau the who actually develop my website new concept Online dot com. You know it was just really a stroke of wonderful luck at think I often call it a happy detour so I grew up really in a wonderful community my mother was very very very active she was one of those nosey mothers who didn't give me any privacy. And she. Happened to discover this wonderful organization called The Boys Choir of Harlem and we both agree that it's something I wanted to do I didn't really know. That it was something I had to work for. So it was the hardest 18 months of my life I thought I would just go in and just start performing but I was 11 years old I joined the choir and boy I learned a great deal about just really you know putting your heels in a ground and working hard and I had to work hard I had to earn that position I had to learn the rudiments of music learn how to breed learn how to conduct myself with the public and you know we're travelling all over the world side to learn how to conduct myself with different cultures and things like that so it was just such a wonderful experience you know being in a choir and the rewards were wonderful and I got to share the stage with so many notable people I got to sing for 4 presidents before I even got to high school and I went from there to the University of Hartford hard school of music where I was studying to be an opera singer and so I graduated and the plan was to go to Europe to further my studies so I was just going to raise some more money and do that but in the process of all edition ing and really just hustling to try to get. Some money to go to Europe I happen into this auditioned for the fireside dinner theater Christmas show the 5 identity it is wonderful to get out in 4 decades in Wisconsin His family owns this beautiful city and I auditioned for them I got that but the director Phil McKinley was also directing Ringling Brothers and he called me later that day said i once you put a dent in Seattle but would you be interested in auditioning for ringmaster Ringling Brothers you know this sounds strange to me it sounds like somebody was calling me to join the CIA but I nodded and thought why not you know and so I audition it was a rigorous audition process it was about 30 other candidates and really the rest was history and you know I thought I would just do it for year or 2 years and you know just be a wonderful dinner guest but it really turned into a life and I end up do it for a teen years but it was it was really really wonderful happy detour in my life it's something I didn't plan but I definitely would do it again how old were you at the time I was 22 years old so you're the ringmaster 22 you must have been one of the youngest rang me I was a young is in fact I was the youngest ringmaster ever I was the youngest ringmaster of the greatest show on earth I joke with my son because on officially he became the youngest because in our very last show he was actually 11 when they hired him to play me. In our final show the one that you got to see and so it was really we had fun with that so we said well there you go your son's the youngest ever but yeah 22 years old in 1980 Yeah I really miss it as a fan as as a person you know who's just sitting down and watch it this must you must really miss this oh you and me both I mean I'm not just somebody who was privileged to work there but. I was a thing. And 2 and I think that's what really made it wonderful for everybody who worked there we were fans of the show you know I remember growing up in New York City and going to Madison Square Garden all the time. To see the Greatest Show On Earth I mean it was just such a major event in my life I mean it was just such an age of innocence and there's something about when the circus comes to town you know. Seeing these people from all over the world. Who you know who suddenly in a sense they become of the world really with their abilities and you see these animals that you will never be exposed to had you not gone to the circus and you see how wondrous and intelligent and humorous animals can be and just the whole atmosphere you know it just smells of cotton candy popcorn and and sawdust and other things and. It is just pure joy you know I mean and that I think that's what it is you know and so every time I hear I hear it all the time even now that you know it's not even than a year but I constantly hear from parents who are you know say you know I have to explain to my my child you know the circus is not coming around this year and I know there's a bit of magic that has left the world and I mean we know we needed now more than ever. Now what are you doing now right now at Currently I'm actually adding of the circus. At the Lone Star circus I'm doing a holiday engagement here in at the movie gardens in the Galveston Texas in fact our show opens tomorrow December 15th until the 25th here in Galveston Texas the Lone Star circus presents 2nd while you know well and it's a Christmas show and then we move the show over to Dallas Texas for December 28th to January 1st and that will be at the Dallas children's theater. From December 28th to January 1st and then after that I'm actually scheduled to be in a play at the Garden Theater in Orlando. March 16th through the 31st it's called the Tennessee walk and I'm going to be doing that but I've been I've been really on myself I've been actually. Writing my book writing my story. About my experience with the greatest show on earth my experience growing up getting to the Greatest Show On Earth the lessons I've learned so I'm in the midst of doing that and is it is tedious so I may have to coast that's writing a book is. It really is it really of but I'm doing that and you know hopefully I'll be able to secure a publisher somebody will be interested and they'll want to hear about the last ringmaster and that's really you know all I'm doing and raising my family and you know let me let me ask you this these aventure going to be at do you list them on your Web site. I haven't list this one on my website it was something I just got it was. You know well you know because I'm Senate going to send a lot of people to your Web site Ok well I'll put it on my Web site Absolutely and I really appreciate what a minute we crashed his website you want to double check his Web site you think showing a crash. I definitely don't want to hurt you I don't want to shut down your Web site a double sure that rich All right I'll tell you what before when we're done don't hang up Jonathan I want you to give this information to my producer Rich and we'll put it up on my sites Ok all right I appreciate it and get a hold of your guy and tell him to muscle up your website because I think there's a lot of people listening who are absolutely intrigued with you I mean you've got enormous charisma you really do. And the thing is nobody you know people have seen in the circus all these years many of them probably know who you are too but you're singing Weiss is incredible absolutely incredible I remember sitting there again with my wife and me and others and saying I can't believe this guy so you know you're supposed to be watching the lines in the lesson of that I'm watching you. Appreciate that all right but you're going to be the Lone Star circus I can't pronounce is you know this for the give us that again Ok it's the movie Garden present Lone Star circus sex no well it's basically c.i.r. You. G o y u x No Well it is dinner and a show and opens December 15th through the 25th and then we move the show over to Dallas Texas at the Dallas children's theater from December 28th to January 1st. Ok I have an idea Mr producer Jonathan has a Twitter site Go ahead link to that will you can we do that yes we will do that and so people can go over there and talk to over it. At your at your Twitter site right sure taught me what are you going to Instagram Instagram Jonathan Lee Iverson Jonathan I hope to meet you again I hope we can all go to dinner I mean you are really a fascinating person to me absolutely terrific thank you very much all right God bless you have a great Christmas God Bless You All right great guy really spend some time with him really like I'm very much. So Rich how we're going to fix this what are we going to do we're going to we're going to link to what you're going to put his and. Tell you what you let's get all the let's call him back tell him what he wants us to put up on my site so our sites don't crash and the reason is we have millions of you want them already so they're built up and I'm sure they didn't expect this but I definitely want to. To draw your attention to them it's a rare person that I meet that really causes me to want to help them and more than that to want to present them to you which is really the point and I can't wait for this book and I'm really sorry that Ringling Brothers Barnum belly is is not working anymore because. There's many many kids out there and you know you folks have a lot of kids who never had an opportunity to go to that circus and it was the greatest circus on earth absolutely was I'll be right back. Mark loved the new song some of us. Managing rental property isn't easy Yeah hi it's me from apartment g. 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An incredible night of stand up comedy from Tim true saying Everett about marriages on a coffee mug it said happy wife happy life has a seriously wrong since the day she threw it out. January 13th 7 pm Bilko theatre Denver tickets on sale now any excess time comma by phone at 89297849 you know it gets a bad rap. To me as on stage for mature audiences and we must be 18 or older to attend . 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Attention. Thanks very. Much. To you was fixed. For. Us coming across see anybody who cares raise your hand. Yeah me neither. She's all over t.v. You know very very important. So preposterous the whole thing and I said to you that I'm going to revote Republican next time no why am I going to do it even though I despise so much of what they do and don't do and so many of them. Because ladies and gentlemen if the Democrats win the House they will impeach this president and whether you like this president or not if you have integrity if you're intellectually honest you understand and agree I think that he hasn't done anything anything that justifies impeachment period and that it would be a coup to top and so there are some things that are more important than others you prioritize these issues that's that last for this Jonathan Lee Iverson did I tell you is he not incredibly impressive incredibly impressive and. Keep an eye on that website of his I'm sure will be back big top voice dot com It's down right now if you pile in you're only going to make it tough for a sub to try try to few hours big top of waste dot com you'll see how impressive he s. In the various things that he's got there and walk you track of him to I should bring him back from time to time don't you think Rich I mean I really like I'm I try to expose you to people like this I mean we have some substitutes on my program when I'm not here who in another themselves in their own right they work very hard in the they were somewhat known but I like to. Promote them even more my buddy Dan Bongino 1st time I knew Dan Bongino he was a Secret Service guy that used to listen to my show Ben Shapiro 1st time I heard of Ben Shapiro I think I read something he wrote at Breitbart way back when and he had a program and mornings in l.a. And I thought that he deserved a national forum too and he's he's done a fantastic job and there's others like that and so why not use my platform to present them to you or at least promote them or at least give them a bigger audience you know if you're like me your favorite part of going to the mall as a kid was stopping by Mrs Fields. It will probably be your favorite part of going holiday shopping this year to something about that 1st soft bite of the perfect chocolate chip cookie just makes you feel like a kid again now this holiday season you can give your friends and family that same feeling of pure joy with a holiday gift arrangement from Mrs Fields Mrs Fields cookies have been around for 40 years everyone knows and loves them remember the very 1st time you had one it's like you finally knew what a chocolate chip cookie supposed to taste like they're so soft and chocolaty just thinking about those cookies makes my mouth warty think I'm kidding it's true and Mrs Field's cookies are freshly baked and ready to enjoy right out of the box so everyone can have what they've always wanted right now here's an exclusive deal for you serious for you my listeners go to Mrs Fields dot com simple enough Mrs Fields dot com click on the microphone in the upper right hand corner you'll see it there and enter code Levin l e v i o n you do all that you'll save 20 percent on any Mrs Field's product including their bestselling peace love cookies Tim which comes with holiday favorites like nibblers bite sized cookies Brownie bites and more we got this for Thanksgiving I'm telling you it was a huge huge hit now we're in the middle of Hanukkah it's not too late and Christmas is also almost here but at some point it will be too late so act quickly just click on the microphone enter promo code Levin l e v i o n get 20 percent of any product at Mrs Fields dot com That's Mrs Fields dot com All right. Let's take a caution I guess I shall David Cantrell Illinois the great w.t. I.x. Go. I got to tell you one day in my little town of 300 I saw the Bard and they were a circus through and after. The love and affection they show those Oh I know. There was you know you know the p.r. War the propaganda war don't hang up that was running against this circus and these these animals and these animal handlers was just pathetic the the politicization of this absolutely awful these caretakers these trainers these veterinarians I saw with my own tonight 2 eyes they love these animals they mean everything to them that's their family. And and for Peta and the rest of them to cherry pick stuff and and accuse them of things the same Peta that's out there slaughtering puppy dogs as I speak Go ahead sir. And seem on the train to be you know it is beautiful . That's terrible we've lost an institution in this country. And it's unfortunate that the company that owned the Ringling Brothers Circus dropped it just really is unfortunate big big mistake in my view 1st they drop the elephants and of course they drop the circus really really terrible ladies and gentlemen we salute our armed forces police officers firefighters and emergency personnel please check out live in t.v. I know you're going to like it and I'll see on the radio tomorrow God bless. The lending floodgates are open again for new I didn't really do and we're in for me now it's never been a fetter time to refinance or purchase a home in Colorado we can still get 30 year fixed rates in the 3 days between your rate and the low there is a call now at 3 o $34.00 party $8200.00 and we get you approved in our not a way to your credit perfect or less than perfect we have a loan program to. 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