Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20150926

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relocate into smaller community-based homes and care. are there the community based resources currently in this area for those people? >> clearly, there are not enough services and resources in community placement already. how do they expect us to have a feeling of security for -- and comfort for our family members when they are being forced out of the center? >> reporter: the state has given them three years to make that transition. that's a tall order because the majority of the residents are seniors who have lived here their entire life. or people who didn't do well in the very community homes they are supposed to go back to. >> each of us has our own specific fear but for me it's they are going to lock up my boy. and you're going to meet him and you're going to see how wrong, just how wrong that would be. >> reporter: the center is the only place danny miller has thrived but he can't articulate that. neither can susan, which is why their caregivers are fighting for them to keep the center open as long as they can. or until they can find alternatives to community care. >> i hope we'll find people there who will listen and i believe there are good people there but the system is designed for cost savings for, um, a one size fits all approach. and so i -- i -- i -- it's going to be a long battle but we will not give up. >> reporter: the sonoma developmental center employs 1300 people. now, next thursday, it's going to be pivotable for them. that's when the plan to close this center down will be presented to state lawmakers who will vote on whether or not they are going to do that. sonoma county supervisors and the families will then go to sacramento to say, don't close it down. we can work together to find a better solution. >> such a tough situation. >> it's hard. >> thank you, emily. the nation's top cop is in the bay area tonight looking at how richmond once one of the most dangerous cities in the nation turned things around. kpix 5's da lin on the formula that's getting attention. >> reporter: the nation's top cop didn't come to richmond to give orders. instead, she came to take notes. >> i'm here again to hear from you about what made richmond turn the corner, what else needs to be done. what are your suggestions? >> reporter: the u.s. attorney general loretta lynch stopped in richmond today as part of her national community policing tour. >> it's clear that richmond is working towards really a holistic and comprehissive approach to public safety that's more than just an arrest. >> reporter: once considered the most dangerous city in california, richmond in recent years recorded some of the lowest homicides on record. the police department credits church leaders, youth groups and a gang outreach program called "operation cease-fire." >> if you don't instruments with the community, and if the community doesn't play a major role in making itself safe, then you have almost lost the game before you start. >> poverty -- >> reporter: much of the discussion centered around police shootings of unarmed men. outside of city hall, a small group of protestors demanded the attorney general to investigate the shooting death of a man who was killed by a police officer. >> investigation the death because everything points to this being a murder. >> reporter: inside, the attorney general pledged to spend millions to outfit all police officers with body cameras. the attorney general gave richmond police department $625,000 to hire five more officers. in richmond, i'm da lin, kpix 5. back now to our breaking news in burlingame. these are live pictures right here from chopper 5 where a caltrain has struck a vehicle. we are looking at broadway crossing and we're told that train was headed northbound. you see paramedics there on the scene. right now, no word on the condition of that driver or how that crash might be affecting traffic in the area. it looks as though cars are able to squeeze by. but again, live pictures overhead in burlingame. and a caltrain has collided with a vehicle. we are going to get you more news as soon as it comes into the newsroom. political power play in the south bay. some big names are calling for change. kpix 5's len ramirez reports on those who say it's time to replace mike honda in congress. >> reporter: it's first big shot of the 2016 campaign. congressional candidate ro khanna posing with his new bride and three new supporters san jose mayor sam liccardo, district attorney jeff rosen and county assessor larry stone. it was stone a former long-time mike honda supporter who cut to the chase. >> if he were here today i would tell him what i told him on the phone five minutes ago, that is mike, i think it's time for you to retire. >> reporter: he defeated khanna in the congressional race by 3.6% all three endorsers staying silent and neutral in the campaign. rosen said today he regrets that. >> i felt that it was time to step forward and try to bring about change. >> reporter: mayor sam liccardo said the ethics probe focusing on honda's misuse of congressional office for campaign purposes is not the reason he is going with khanna. >> i had made a decision i was going to support ro khanna before that blew up. >> reporter: we asked for congressman honda's reaction: . "this is tip ro khanna trying to make mountains out of mole hills. there are no surprises on this list of endorsers. the fact that khanna is trying to show his democratic support with this sparse list of endorsers demonstrates the weakness in his support among democrats." it may be a preview of the race to come with honda painting himself as the only true democrat in the running while khanna hits on the need for fresh ideas and new vitality. >> we're in it to win it. i couldn't think of a bigger way and a bigger message of why this district needs change. >> reporter: in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. >> india's prime minister will visit the bay area this weekend and the trip has silicon valley buzzing. [ non-english language ] 's agenda reds like a who's who of high -- reads like a who's who the high-tech heavy hitters. he will meet with ceos of various tech companies and then attend a community reception at s.a.p. center. the valley and the "butte fires" could be under control by next week. the valleys killed four people and destroyed more than 1900 structures. it is now 90% contained. federal officials today told victims of the "butte fire" that help is on the way. 475 homes were lost in the fire. and as the drought drags on, some startups are seeing opportunity in waste water. kpix 5's devin feastly on a trend that's making some sorry looking lawns go green again. >> reporter: it might look like the epitome of waste like you've bribed the fire department to water your lawn but in fact it's an environmentally friendly way of going green without letting your lawn and landscaping turn brown. >> our customers are passionate gardeners who want to maintain their gardens responsibly. >> reporter: they are one of several watering companies to spring up during the drought. most serve pricy peninsula communities like palo alto and use recycled water. the same supply that's piped in to keep golf courses and public parks green. >> we did on relandscaping and letting it die. >> reporter: katherine feinberg was one of the company's first customers. in an age of drought shaming she proudly displays her sign to avoid confusion about how she keeps her yard green. >> a neighbor put in new grass a month ago. people were standing outside the house with their hands on their hips talking about grass being planted among what's going on. >> reporter: customers will pay to keep their lawns green. >> at some level holding a hose on a plant with freshwater feels slightly wrong. so when we gave them the opportunity to use reclaimed water that otherwise was going into the bay, they just jumped at the opportunity. >> reporter: in palo alto, devin fehely, kpix 5. still ahead, a bay area family very thankful tonight after surviving this devastating crash in seattle. we have a live report coming up. >> sticker shock in the housing market. the newest bay area cities to break those records. >> band ac/dc will hit the stage soon. i'm maria medina live near at&t park. park. how much the most expensive femalevery best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for three years on the best brand name mattress sets. but the best rest event ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ font we learned a family from fremont -- tonight we learned a family from fremont was on this tour boat in seattle. fremont family survived but four people were killed. the family was thrown from the boat. >> reporter: they were thrown from the boat. in fact, many of the victims being treated at hospitals all over seattle are tourists. the moody family was visiting seattle from fremont, california. they shared this picture with us. they took this picture just minutes before the crash. it's a pit of katie moodie and her parents. they were ejected in the crash and landed right on the bridge. >> bodies, sirens, screaming, people yelling, call 911. >> reporter: katie moody was on the tour with her parents when it crashed into a charter bus on the bridge. >> felt like we lost control. my dad said oh, no and i looked up and saw the bus coming at us. and it was a really hard hit. >> i remember pushing my wife down so she wouldn't get thrown out and i remember rolling around over people. and i guess rolled right out the window. >> reporter: katie was ejected, too. >> i was thrown out but i must have blacked out or i had my eyes closed. i just remember waking up on the freeway. >> reporter: strangers ran to help her. >> some lady helped me find my mom. made sure we were okay. [ crying ] >> reporter: four people were killed in the crash. 49-year-old claudia moved from austria with her 15-year-old son to attend north seattle community college. 18-year-old [ non-english language ] from indonesia came to study engineering. 17-year-old [ non-english language ] was from china. and [ non-english language ] from japan was 36 years old. they all had severe head injuries. >> really sorry for the people who died. >> just renewed faith in humanity. [ crying ] >> seeing good people. it's just amazing. [ crying ] >> reporter: katie moody broke her collarbone. so did her mother. they will stay in town and recover. it's the latest bay area community to hit the million- dollar milestone for home prices and you're not going to find it in san francisco, silicon valley or marin. kpix 5's da lin on the sticker shock in berkeley tonight. >> this is a good feel. >> reporter: for bay area home buyers, it's a frustrating market. >> i have lived in berkeley for over 20 years and went to uc- berkeley, berkeley is my home. >> reporter: independent filmmaker young sue spent the last year in berkeley going to countless open houses. >> large master bedroom. >> reporter: made multiple offers but no luck. >> i was very depressed because it was beyond what i thought i could afford way beyond. >> reporter: the median price for a single family home in berkeley is now $1,050,000. >> just most my mind. >> supply and demand. there's very little supply. >> reporter: the homes are selling on average 20% above the asking price. >> our clients sales are one- third all cash up to a price range of $3 million. so we're talking about all cash sales. >> reporter: other east bay cities are also breaking records. the median price in piedmont for the first time surpassed $2 million. albany 950. alameda close to 900,000. el cerrito $775,000. oakland, $649,000. san leano richmond have some of the lowest median prices. >> in comparison to the rest of the bay area it's still a relative bargain focusing on relative. >> reporter: as for young she gave up on berkeley and started looking in oakland a month ago. >> had to beg and borrow but we did it. >> reporter: this week she went into escrow on this oakland house to become a homeowner. >> this is the first step to the ownership of my house. >> reporter: so happy? >> mm-hm. mwa! >> reporter: realtors don't think the prices are going to drop. so if you are selling, you're in luck. if you are buying, they say find a good agent. and be patient. in berkeley, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> need to move fast to be patient. but aside from that supply and demand, the realtors say that the record low interest rates and the strong job market are some of the major factors driving up the prices. well, san francisco's embarcadero about to get very loud. >> yeah. that's because legendary rock group ac/dc is taking the stage at at&t park in less than two hours. kpix 5's maria medina is back in black. just for you. >> reporter: so this concert starts at 7:45. fans are already flocking in and they are ready to rock and roll. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: in less than two hours, rock 'n roll fans will be star struck. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: they get to see ac/dc play thunder struck in person at at&t park. >> i just remember them breaking bounds. something new, something fresh that we have never heard before. >> when that band emerged on the american rock scene there was really nothing that sounded like them or looked like them. >> reporter: music critics say ac/dc became pioneers of heavy metal with their influential music and style. >> the intensity of angus young's guitar playing was unmatched at that point. him running around in the schoolboy outfit. >> reporter: the band is definitely at the top but only because they know it's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll. >> you know, they have had an incredible career i think any musician would love to have a career like that. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: all right. so we checked stubhub just a few hours ago and the most expensive ticket for tonight's concert going for more than $11,000. live near at&t park, maria medina, kpix 5. >> all right. the crowds getting ready. let's go outside and look at our weekend forecast. i know ac/dc like the bagpipes. got any bagpipes for the weather? >> nor will you be thunder struck. [ laughter ] >> we're here all week. try the salmon. look at this gorgeous view from the top of the kpix 5 studios. high, thin cirrus cloud cover. yet another amazing sunset is less than one hour away. cue the weekend. it is friday night. and it's going to cool down comfortably coming up this weekend. high temperatures today running quite high away from the water. we're talking 90s. livermore 96. morgan hill 89. san jose 86 degrees. hayward today cooler for you 77. richmond 75. san francisco 70. got to talk about what's going on this weekend for the "supermoon." i have some video to show you of the last "supermoon" but it's not just the "supermoon." it's a "supermoon" and the harvest moon the first full moon of fall and also a total lunar eclipse. all three happening sunday evening. now, when can you see the total lunar eclipse? sometimes they happen after midnight while you're sleeping. this will be just after 7:00 p.m. a total lunar eclipse with "supermoon." we are talking baseball. giants at oakland tonight. first pitch 7:05. beautiful night for baseball mainly clear 70 degrees. other things this weekend the bay area blues festival sunny and warm in martinez. highs this weekend both saturday and sunday in the low 80s. we have the tahoe forecast. gorgeous weather there, as well. warm but not hot. 70s to low 80s. here's the setup. ridge of high pressure is retreating moving off to the east allowing something new to move in which is an area of low pressure. that low is strong. it's going to fire up an onshore flow. temperatures won't be as warm. we are grabbing more of the ocean influence. next week, temperatures will drop below average. highs tomorrow really nice san rafael 80. san jose 81. 70s for oakland and fremont. fairfield 87. your extended forecast calling for about 3 or 4 degrees of cooling each day through wednesday. only the 60s near the bay by wednesday and 70s inland before temperatures rebound thursday and friday. back out here live friday night, the weekend looks great. nice weather to get outside. no rain yet. >> thank you. still ahead, a bay area connection to the volkswagen emissions scandal. >> we are learning that a facility here may have known about the problem for months before it was uncovered. the volkswagen emissions scandal is hitting home. the bay area facility may have done testing connected to the deception. julie watts is live in belmont >> reporter: the lawyers behind the class action says real world testing here may have provided evidence asker as 2013 that something was amiss with those emissions. meanwhile, they believe that this facility might have had something to do with the development of that so-called defect device. >> that research facility may have obtained information as far back as 2013 that the actual performance of these vehicles when road tested here in the bay area right in san francisco was not what was represented. >> reporter: that's what lawyers say they hope to prove as part of a class action lawsuit filed today alleging much of what volkswagen has already admitted, that the carmaker knowingly rigged emissions tests tricking regulators and consumers but lawyers believe this belmont facility may have played a significant role, citing this 2013 fact sheet and report from the center for alternative fuels, engines and emissions, and this volkswagen press release. lawyers believe the testing here in the bay area may have demonstrated as far back as 2013 that emissions from at least one of the now recalled cars, the jetta, exceeded legal limits. volkswagen declined to comment on the accusations citing pending litigation. but the carmaker now admits to installing the so-called defeat devices in 11 million cars hiding the fact that they were emitting pollutants as high as 40 times the legal limit. >> how long will this test snake. >> reporter: those cars have now been recalled. and once fixed, could be less fuel-efficient. but that's not the only reason lawyers say they want volkswagen to buy back the recalled cars. >> how do you feel about the fact that you have purchased a car from somebody that has intentionally deceived you? there is no way you can fix this other than buying back the car. >> reporter: volkswagen's ceo resigned amid the scandal. today that he pointed a new ceo, matthias mueller. the former ceo of porsche. in belmont, julie watts, kpix 5. coming up in our next half- hour, a bombshell from the u.s. house speaker. john boehner stepping down. why it could mean a big opportunity for one california lawmaker. >> a busy day for pope francis in new york. addressing dignitaries saying mass for thousands. but why it's the little things that the pontiff may be enjoyin the most. >> a northern,, our top stories tonight, no injuries to report after a caltrain slammed into two cars at the broadway crossing in burlingame. we're told both cars were unoccupied but right now, it is unclear what they were doing on the tracks. samtrans is providing a bus bridge as the investigation continues. money and time are running out for the sonoma developmental center. the state's largest long-term care facility for developmentally disabled adults is shutting down because of federal funding cuts. the state will have three years to relocate its 400 residents. a family from fremont was among those injured in this duck boat crash in seattle. they were thrown from the amphibious tour vehicle when it hit a tour bus. they survived but four people on the bus were killed in yesterday's crash. pope francis is staying busy on the second leg of his historic u.s. tour. about two hours ago he finished saying mass at madison square garden in new york. kenneth craig live for us in new york tonight. kenneth. >> reporter: allen after a long day he is resting for the nice preparing for yet another big day tomorrow. in one of his biggest events of his trip 18,000 people assisted at mass at new york's madison square garden. the holy father urged catholics to go out into the world and become beacons of hope. [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: the people who walk in darkness have seen a great light. [ applause and cheers ] >> reporter: an estimated 80,000 people waited for hours in central park to catch a glimpse of francis. >> for me, it might be a once- in-a-lifetime experience. so it's well worth waiting. and i love him. he's a great guy, great man. >> reporter: the pope's dagan at the u.n. general assembly. [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: speaking in spanish, francis addressed word leaders on a wide range of world issues ranging from the iran nuclear deal to global warming. [ speaking spanish ] >> any harm done to the environment, therefore, is harm to humanity. >> reporter: during an interfaith service at the 9/11 museum, the 78-year-old catholic leader prayed and encouraged people to embrace their differences and work together. he placed a single white rose at the 9/11 memorial and met with family members of those killed in the attacks. >> it's the pope!! >> reporter: but francis seemed to enjoy moments like this the most. he learned how to use the latest technology from students at a catholic school in harlem. our lady queen of angels. >> reporter: the pope will leave here in now, and leave for philadelphia for the final leg of his u.s. trip. allen? >> kenneth, thank you. now, in philadelphia, tomorrow the pope will say mass at the cathedral of saints peter and paul and visit independence mall and then attend the festival of families. sunday he will meet with bishops, visit a correctional facility and say mass again before going back to rome. a shift in washington, d.c. house speaker john boehner has resigned effective next month. >> it's become clear to me that this prolonged leadership turmoil would do irreparable harm to the institution. >> the announcement should head off a showdown next week with conservative members of his party. they were threatening to shut down the government over funding for planned parenthood. boehner says he was always planning to leave this year but the pope's address to congress yesterday gave him new perspective. >> it's not surprising that he woke up today and thought it's not going to get better so just i'll make the announcement and move on. >> boehner may have led a divided house but says he had good relationships with democrats and shared this story. >> i'll certainly miss the camera theory of the house. maxine waters and i, um, democrat from southern california, came here 25 years ago in the same class. now, you know, there's nothing about my politics and maxine waters's politics that's anywhere close. i got a note that she called so i called her back and, um, she said, you're not -- i've watched you for 25 years here. we came here together and watched your career. and, um, i watched you today and she says i just want to tell you something. i'm really proud of you. >> boehner is famous for tearing up. he did it on the day he took the gavel from former speaker nancy pelosi. and he did it again today announcing his retirement. boehner's heir apparent could be california congressman kevin mccarthy. he was elected to congress in 2007, 7 years later the majority leader. he is described as a realist with conservative appeal. he opposes obamacare and climate change rules. he was also shadowed by actor kevin spacey for his role in- house of cards. locals near the town of susanville are asking how could their favorite fishing spot suddenly dry up? known as mountain meadows reservoir, the residents say they went fishing there saturday but by sunday, the water was all gone. thousands of dead fish covered the area. pg&e owns the rights to that water. it uses it for hydroelectric power. nobody opened the dam. the water just ran out. locals say the lake still had two weeks of water left. and that the fish could have been saved. still ahead a twist on take- out in the bay area. but find out why these meals might be illegal. >> riding your bike on san francisco bay. ,,,, female announcer: sleep train's best rest event ends sunday. don't miss your chance to get sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for three years on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort, even tempur-pedic. and rest even better with sleep train's risk-free 100-day money back guarantee. but the best rest event ends sunday at sleep train. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ breaking news at this hour. chopper 5 overhead right now of a fatal head-on collision in el sobrante. you can see a fire truck at the corner of the screen. two cars crashed on san pablo dam road. you see the pickup truck there flying off the road. another car was left on its side. no word yet on what caused this accident. we'll have details as we get them. take-out meals are more popular than ever. now a bay area startup is trying to expand the menu. but tonight, kpix 5's julie watts tells us what they are cooking up could be illegal. >> so tonight i prepared a pulled pork -- >> reporter: from the quaint street sign to the warm greeting when you pick it up. >> hi there! >> reporter: this isn't your typical take-out. a few times a month renee cooks up a feast at her house on oakland and sells it online through a startup called josephine's. >> i live out a dream to feed people. >> reporter: think etsy for food. customers order online and go to the house to pick it up. most josephine meal are $9 to $13 a deal for busy mom sherylburger. >> it's nice once in a while not to have to cook. >> this is not just food. it's love. >> reporter: the cofounder says it's also about giving folks a taste of different cuisines. >> a lot of our cooks 33% are first generation immigrants so when they are cooking food from their home countries, it's not the same as restaurant food. >> reporter: but the health department has reservations about home cooked take-out. >> it's not allowed. it's against the law. >> reporter: ron browder says with the exception of candy and other nonrefrigerated foods all food for sale in california must be prepared in a commercial kitchen that meets state code and passes regular inspections. >> i think that they know the rules already anyway. >> i would prefer not to talk about that. >> reporter: his cook have access to a commercial kitchen but are not required to use it. >> like "airbnb" or uber and lyft sort of worked with them when they first started. >> going to get two pork, correct. >> reporter: even if it is technically illegal, josephine customers agree as long as the food is good, they will keep coming. julie watts, kpix 5. >> josephine says it does a background check on all its cooks, pays for a food handler's license, and does personal inspections of all the home kitchens. why isn't the county shutting them down? right now it says can't find them. so we told you earlier in this newscast about the ac/dc concert in san francisco? you're probably wondering how loud is it going to be? well, we are at at&t park tonight. and we are going to let you hear it for yourself. i'll have that on bay area nightbeat; come join me at 10:00 on our sister station, kbcw 44/cable 12. and still ahead here at 6:00, a new way to get around on the bay. our paul deanno testing out his skills on the water bike. >> many you want to go out on a bike ride whether on water or land. will it be conducive for outdoor activities this weekend? the answer live coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. believe it or not the 27th season of amazing race is going to debut tonight. >> it's crazy. >> 8:00 here on kpix 5. >> 27th. >> our paul deanno shows us the new type of bicycle invented in the bay area that caught the eye of the show's producers. >> reporter: is a bicycle still a bicycle without wheels? the answer is yes. if the bike is riding on water. you're looking at the revolutionary schiller bike. >> this is such a great workout. such a dynamic way to get out on the water without the cars without the bike lanes and without the paddles. >> reporter: the bike is exactly what it looks like. riders are suspended over the water as two pontoons keep them both balanced and dry. it caught the eye of the producers of the amazing race and the schiller bike plays a big part in how contestants begin their journey. >> it's the world's first water bike race and it's just going to be unbelievable to see the participants racing across marina del ray in los angeles for a chance to win a million dollars. >> reporter: the crown prince of dubai bought one recently posting this picture on instagram. it looks cool. and i can confirm it feels >> feels perfect like a spinning bike. except i have never spun on water before. you start moving quickly. as soon as you pedal top speed is 7 miles an hour. turning is easy and one unexpected benefit is the feel of snorkeling without getting wet. >> unlike a kayak where you can't see straight down, you can see straight down with this bike. >> reporter: the inventor of the schiller bike says it's an experience unlike anything you will get on a regular bike. if i had only one word to describe it i would go with amazing. >> as the founder of a company to see it's a dream tomorrow true to be on tv. especially on the amazing race. >> reporter: if you have the means you want to get a schiller bike. it's awesome. you want to watch 12 of them tonight that will help kick off "the amazing race" just about one hour and 14 minutes away. watch it right here on kpix 5. the season premiere of "the amazing race" tonight at 8:00. got to tell you riding the bike was fun. i can see that down in the caribbean with clearwater. just ride on the bike. forget scuba. outside if you want to talk about your weekend forecast, i hope you do, we are here for the next couple of minutes to talk about. look at the beautiful character to the sky already. presunset in san jose. breezy around san bruno at 69 degrees. 75 in san jose and oakland. low 80s in santa rosa. where do we go tonight? comfortable night. redwood city 58. napa 58 degrees. milder away from the water. livermore waking up tomorrow morning right around 60 degrees. sunrise 7:01. if you are traveling this weekend, lots of places to go which will have a lot of sunshine. yosemite coming up on the 125th birthday. 91 degrees tomorrow. tahoe right around 80. heading up toward redding and lake shasta 94 degrees. ukraine 89. the 70s upper 70s monterey. and area of low pressure to the north and west we're kind of transitioning power in the atmosphere from the ridge which is leaving to the area of low pressure approaching us. that will fire up a stronger onshore flow. as that happens, temperatures drop sunday into next week. temperatures fall by a few degrees every day. we'll be below average by next tuesday and wednesday. nice night tonight a little fog right along the water. gradual cooling coming up this weekend. and even though we have a change which will drop the temperature it won't drop any rainfall. zero rain is expected for the next seven days. highs tomorrow, just cooling back to average. livermore 87. nights 8 nice day in the tri- valley. livermore 87. the hot stuff still a few isolated 90-degree readings in northern sonoma county and lake county. saint helena 90 for you. couple of degrees cooler sunday but still pleasant and sunny in the afternoon. monday a couple of degrees cooler still and by the middle of next week we bottom out with highs in the mid-70s inland. mid-60s near the bay and we'll see highs rebounding by the end of next week. that is the moon, folks. we have a "supermoon" coming up on sunday. but with a bonus. sunday evening around 7:00 a total lunar eclipse. it is an eclipse, it is a "supermoon," it is the harvest moon. and it's going to be at a perfect time for you and your family to view and the weather should cooperate and we just couldn't say thno to that face.ns then we wanted more of that local flavor so betty says... oh yeah, that's betty. you're going to want to do this alligator thing. and betty didn't lead us wrong. a little later we passed some dancing. and who doesn't like dancing? especially when it's followed by fireworks everyone's nola is different. follow yours. baseball up top. something cool around here is about to happen. if you really, really like bay area ball and if you're in the demographic. >> some of the kids in the stands right now, you know, the 12, 13, 14-year-old kids in the stands, they don't really have a clue who we are. >> the bookends of this picture. tim hudson, barry zito, two- thirds of the old a's big three face each other saturday in oakland. there is barry zito an athletic from 2000 to 2014, hudson a team made 1999 to 2004. two former teammates facing off saturday both toward the end of their careers. zito had been in the minors this year. he thought it was really over last week. >> 1-2-3 inning, threw a curve ball. i was like, all right, baby. that's it. [ laughter ] >> then so, um, you know, coming back and being able to get a start, um, here in oakland, is like, icing times 100. it's so awesome. i'm really be able to go up against this guy and watch the familiar colors on the other side and i'm looking at -- buster posey i think i can hit. i mean -- [ laughter ] >> mark mulder the third member of the big 3 joins them on sunday in the pre-game ceremony. speaking of pre-game, how are you feeling about this raiders? three to 4 1/2 point road dog sunday in cleveland. what a shot in the arm if they could somehow pull this off. at issue thes stats. they lost 11 straight road games. oakland has not won in the eastern time zone since 2009. back when v was a kid! the game at 10 a.m. our time. head coach jack del rio says it's never fun being the visitor in a hostile environments but if you are going to be a good team, it's what you have to do. >> winning is tough in this league. whether you're on the road at home winning i tough. play hard, compete, stick together. winning is tough. now when you go on the road the one thing you deal with is crowd noise and they are as loud as you allow them to be. so we go out there and play good football they are not going to be quite as loud. >> 49ers are underdogs. media day for the warriors is monday, three months since winning the nba title. they are set to begin the title defense. training camp starts tuesday. head coach steve kerr who had two back surgeries this summer may not have enjoyed the off season as much as his players but is happy his guys reaped the benefits fitting of a league champion. >> our guys enjoyed themselves. i think it's great, you know? i think there's a school of thought that when you win a title it's like you got to forget it happened and move on to the next thing. i say screw that. i say enjoy every second of it. but i'm going to encourage the guys to remember why we won and it wasn't because we were talented. it was we were unselfish and worked hard. golf, playing with the rolling cameras. in atlanta, he leads the tour championship. jason day in his short game failed him. tied for ninth he is second in the play-off run. here's your play-off front- runner jordan spieth at 18 drained the birdie putt three shots behind stinson here but can win the play-offs if he finishes high enough. next door to the ferry building, the glass cube squash court is back! best of the game like top seed nick matthew are here for the net sweet open. starts in minutes. play starts at 7:00 at the embarcadero. as impressive as this play with the world's best, the unique complete glass court is an eye catcher. >> we are playing for pyramids in cairo and grand central station in new york, this is another one to add to the list. >> it fits in right here on the waterfront with the beautiful lights popping up. we have our own little jewel box here on the embarcadero and when we get the world's best players playing it's electric in here. >> when the lights are up and you're driving the embarcadero and you see it, you can't ignore it. it's right -- it's right there. >> right there. >> 16 of the best men and for the first time 16 of the best women squash players. >> squash. >> squash. >> doing battle just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us. which makes us rebels with one cause. your health. announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how y'all? thank y'all very much. appreciate you now. i appreciate it now. thank y'all. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. hey, we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day from suwanee, georgia-- that's right up the road-- it's the cox family. and from birmingham, alabama, they're better known as hot ham, alabama, it's the larry family. everybody's here trying to win theyself a lot of cash and the possibility to driving out of here in a brand-new, state-of-the-art ford edge right there. give me horace. give me beth. top 8 answers on the board. name something a divorced man hopes his ex-wife will do. beth. beth: make love. steve: make love. horace. pass or play? beth: we're gonna play. steve: they gonna play. bryan, name something a divorced man hope his ex-wife will do. bryan: takes care of the kids. steve: take care of the kids. crystal, name something a divorced man hopes his ex-wife will do. crystal: um, give him money.

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