Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140320

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malaysia airlines jet. >> two possible objects related to the search have been identified. the task of locating these objects will be extremely difficult and it may turn out that they are are not related to the search for flight 370. >> reporter: the objects were spotted on satellite images. >> this is a lead. it is probably the best lead we have right now. >> reporter: officials are working to verify the information. >> we have been following every, single lead. this time, i just hope that it is a positive development. >> reporter: the u.s. navy's boeing p8a is part of a massive search for any sign of flight 370. and now, the fbi is involved. malaysian authorities asked the agency to help analyze data deleted from a flight simulator found in the pilot's home. they say several files were wiped from the device in february. investigators will see if recovered information can provide new clues or show if the jet's diverted flight path away from its preplanned route to beijing may have been rehearsed. tara mergener for cbs news. >> president obama said yesterday helping find the plane is a top u.s. priority. a mendocino county sheriff's deputy is dead the victim of a wild crime spree that started in oregon. the police officer's patrol cast was riddled with bullets. a couple was carjacked, locked in the trunk, the driver sped off and killed the deputy in cleone near fort bragg. joe vazquez in mendocino county now talked with the man who got into the shootout with the suspect. >> if my aim had been better, there would be another daddy going home tonight. >> reporter: john mills says he first saw the suspect ricardo chaney urinating on a wall at confusion hills. then the suspect got his shotgun. the first shot went off and i rolled in this way and closed the door and it shut just as he fired hitting that. went out that window over there on some of it. >> reporter: mills was treated for a minor wound from the shotgun lead that ricocheted off the coke machine but the spree gets worse. a police chase turned into a manhunt, 48-year-old ricky del fiorentino a mendocino county county sheriff's deputy confronted chaney along a dirt road. the suspect opened fire. the deputy was killed. other officers found chaney and opened fire on him wounding him in the leg. >> the suspect fired between 6 and 7 round at the lieutenant before the lieutenant fired at him. >> reporter: john mills tells me he also took a shot at the suspect. >> when he came into the clear i was standing out here and i just fired once. and he kind of made a jerk motion so i thought maybe i hit him but i guess not. >> reporter: investigators said they originally believed the suspect committed suicide. but the sheriff late last night told the "associated press" he believes it was law enforcement that fired the fatal shot. in mendocino county, joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> that deputy del fiorentino grew up in napa. he had been with the mendocino county sheriff's office for 16 years. new this morning, another bay area water district is turning to its customers for help to get through the drought. last night the contra costa water district board approved a voluntary reduction in water use. 250,000 customers are now being urged to cut water use by 15%. experts say most customers can accomplish this by reducing the amount of yard watering. the district serves central contra costa county. no rain this weekend but lawrence says there might be a glimmer of hope next week, i guess? >> think we'll see the pattern open up again so maybe showers then. today other than a few high clouds and patchy fog more sunshine and mild temperatures outside. high pressure starting to weaken a little bit so that's allowed some clouds to begin to move across our skies this morning and it looks like starting out fairly mild around the bay area. that ridge of high pressure overhead still holding on. those clouds moving overhead too so yeah, we have some changes in the works over the next few days going to begin to see a few more clouds as we look toward the next couple of days. maybe into the upper 70s still in some of the interior valleys. 70s inside the bay, 60s at the coastline. not as cold this morning due to the cloud cover with 40s and 50s. by the afternoon looking at lots of sunshine, temperatures up to 75 degrees in san jose and concord and 69 in san francisco. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. and so far, still no major issues out there. we have a lot of overnight roadwork. so if you are coming into and out of san francisco, we could show you 101 and 280 still both moving at the speed limit as well as the bay bridge but you will find some roadwork in those left lanes approaching the incline. also once again the nimitz freeway has lots of lanes blocked northbound and southbound 880 northbound between oak and broadway coming into downtown. southbound you will hit it right around jackson. at the bay bridge toll plaza, everything looks good. once you get on the span, incline out to the island, that's where several lanes are blocked for the next 20 minutes. live look at the san mateo bridge, the right side of your screen, and those taillights that's the commute direction westbound 92 still holding steady this morning holding to the peninsula and your east bay drive times still all in the clear. that's "kcbs traffic." back to you guys. >> thank you, elizabeth. the governor is under fire for a comment he made about who should be riding high-speed rail. >> there's a lot of old people who shouldn't be driving. [ laughter ] >> they should be sitting in a nice -- uhm, a nice train car working on their ipads, having a martini. >> oh, no, he didn't! >> the governor made the remark at a labor union dinner in sacramento. his office said it was a joke but not everyone thought it was funny. here's something to note. the 75-year-old governor does "not" drive. he is chauffeured by a chp officer. >> or he will be in that railcar. very good. as we first told you here on kpix 5, trains carrying highly explosive fracked oil had been rolling right here into the bay area. kpix 5 reporter christin ayers tells us california isn't ready if something goes wrong. >> is california ready to respond quickly and efficiently in the case of a rail accident? >> reporter: the hearing convened just days after kpix 5 revealed that these 100-car trains carrying highly explosive bakken crude oil are already rolling through the bay area. now emergency responders are scrambling to prepare for the possibility of this. the kind of explosion that ripped through a small town in quebec, canada, when the very same type of train that is now transporting bakken through richmond derailed leveling a town and killing 47 people. all told, across the u.s., more than a million gallons of crude spilled last year and alarmingly this is what state senator jerry hill concluded. >> today we are not prepared. >> reporter: disaster preparedness officials agreed. >> in some areas, we don't -- we may not have all that we need. >> reporter: the problem, money. a staff report shows the state currently has a measly $13,000 set aside in a fund to clean up an inland crude oil spill that would likely cost millions. >> i'm very concerned by the charts that you gave us on preparedness for truly none response, truly none. >> reporter: the fix could come for a 6.5% barrel fee that governor brown proposes on all crude oil in his current budget. if that budget doesn't pass -- >> there's a potential for a very serious and disastrous problem. >> reporter: christin ayers, kpix 5. >> a railroad spokesman addressed the committee briefly yesterday and cited a 99% safety record but many of these spills have come down to human error. the amount of crude oil coming on trains is expected to increase. san mateo police are looking for an armed man who tied up a 66-year-old woman in her home then stole her bank cards. investigators say this is a surveillance photo of the man using the victim's atm card. police say the man was originally burglarizing the home on edinburgh street on monday when the woman arrived home and surprised him. >> this is an isolated thing not the type of thing that usually happens in san mateo. and so obviously this is something of great concern to us. >> the victim was able to break free and call police. she was treated for minor injuries. 4:39 now. a wine connoisseur of sorts facing charges. a vacaville man allegedly stole 4$00,000 of wine. they say the man was able to steal 350 cases of wine undetected because he worked at american canyon wine warehouse. investigators found more than $73,000 from the sales of that wine at his home and they also found cases of the stolen wine in a warehouse. during a speech at cal yesterday, kentucky senator rand paul demanded an investigation into domestic spying. >> we learned that the cia is illegally searching the computers of the senate intelligence committee. they are the ones supposed to be overseeing the cia! i don't know about you, but that worries me. >> rand paul has been one of the biggest's critics of the government's spying program. he wants to create a committee that will watch the watchers. it's a big blow for bay area ranchers. the federal government is banning them from selling thousands of pounds of grassfed beef. betty yu has the story which you'll only see on kpix 5. >> reporter: bill neimann has been ordered by the usda not to sell $300,000 worth of high-end grassfed beef, the meat on hold for months since rancho feeding corporation shut down its petaluma processing plant. that plant is now under criminal investigation because of charges it processed diseased animals. >> come, cattle! >> moo ] [ . >> reporter: he and others process their meat at the same slaughterhouse saying he has the paperwork to prove his meat is say but the usda says it cannot ensure his product wasn't contaminated. >> the impact of that we probably won't survive. >> reporter: some of the bay area's top organic beef ranchers were caught up in the recall of millions of pounds of meat processed at the petaluma plant. the usda's letter to niman says it doesn't have the authority to offer any sort of combination. the nimans say this is discouraging news and they may sue the usda. betty yu, kpix 5. >> most of the regular beef processed at rancho ended up at jack-in-the-box restaurants. the santa rosa "pressdemocrat" says the fast food chain has recalled those hamburger patties. legal battle on the sale of shark fin soup is ending. a u.s. district court judge says he is leaning toward dismissing a federal lawsuit against the ban. he says he doesn't find anything unconstitutional about the ban. he is expected to issue a formal opinion in a couple of weeks. state lawsuit has already been withdrawn. 4:42. it's a south bay mystery. a tech company is building a $700 million complex near mineta international airport. and only one person knows who is behind it. >> the key to learning more about the hayward fault lies behind a very rusty door on cal's campus. we are going underground where tv cameras have never gone before. coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, being held by forces that stormed the navy's headquar. civilians were among those for hours yesterday... at t facility the commander of ukraine's navy has been freed. civilians were among those held for hours yesterday at the facility in sebastopol. ukraine's interim president says the forces were russian and members of the crimean me lisha. the militia. >> diplomacy remains the only acceptable means of resolving this situation and we are prepared to impose further "costs" on russia for its violation of ukraine sovereignty. >> german chancellor angela merkel says the european union will impose more sanctions on russia and will suspend all g8 meetings until the political situation changes. 4:45. today the chancellor at city college of san francisco will call for an independent review into what happened on its campus a week ago. [ screaming ] >> students going head to head with the campus police in protests that turned violent. two students were arrested. another was pepper sprayed. chancellor is also proposing a plan to establish procedures to promote, in his words, respectful dialogue on campus. there is a $700 million mystery in north san jose. a major tech company is going to build a massive complex near mineta international airport. as kpix 5's len ramirez reports, only a few people know which company is behind the project and they're being tight- lipped. reporter: this is the land here in north san jose, 20 acres, enough for 10 seven story buildings double the size of facebook's campus and large enough for 10,000 workers but which mystery company will be moving in? mayor chuck reed knows but isn't saying. >> i can't tell you who the company x is. but there is a company behind the project. it's not a spec building. obviously, it's a pretty big company because they are talking about 2 million square feet of office space which would be the largest deal we have done in san jose since the internet boom went bust and one of the largest in the history of the city. >> reporter: the developer isn't saying either. the property has been owned for years by piri ariaga. the development deal is already approved by city council. expect a big announcement soon. in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. i think google is moving the barge there. [ laughter ] >> coming back from stockton. >> big secrets with these companies. what's going on? got some great weather, spring is going to start today. it's going to happen today, folks. looks like it will be a nice day outside a lot of sunshine some high clouds overhead this morning and patchy fog at the coastline. high pressure breaking down a bit. as that ridge weakens, that low approaches the coastline brings a few clouds. opener that, though, we are looking good as high pressure still going to hold on strong enough to bring us some warm temperatures by the afternoon. a little bit cooler though in spots especially out toward the coastline with more of a sea breeze kicking in for today. if you plan to travel around the state today you'll find a few clouds scooting across your skies otherwise fair weather 70 yosemite 82 fresno 65 and partly cloudy into monterey bay and 77 in sacramento. computer models showing you some of those high clouds moving through. maybe a couple of patches of fog toward the beaches, as well. going to see more of that overnight tonight as that fog will start to make a return and probably play into the weekend forecast, as well. 73 vallejo. inside the bay 60s and 70s. next couple of days nice weather as we look toward spring lots of sunshine into the weekend just patchy coastal fog then a chance of showers by tuesday of next week. let's check the roads with elizabeth. great looking spring forecast. and it looks okay on the roads. we have been watching the chp reports. there was an accident involving a deer coming into sausalito. for a while the left lane was blocked now it looks like everything is cleared to the right-hand shoulder. we're talking about southbound 101 approaching rodeo avenue but actually you can see there's no delay in our sensors. if you are heading to the golden gate bridge right now this is a great time to go four southbound lanes open in the commute direction or try golden gate ferries a little later everything mass transit is on time including bart. they have more than 27 trains all good to go. and we also checked with ace train number one and they left stockton with no issues. here's a live look at the bay bridge. left lanes blocked approaching the incline, no delay at 4:49 between oakland and the city. and here's a live look at san mateo, westbound and eastbound 92 still moving well past the high-rise on to the incline. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." 4:49. aftershocks from the big quake off the eureka coast still being picked up. there were four more shakers yesterday centered about 20 miles south near ferndale. bay area seismologists are doing a little something different to warn us about the next big one. kpix 5's andria borba takes us deep below ground somewhere tv cameras have never gone before. reporter: it looks like a dungeon for naughty cal students but behind this sturdy rusted door scrawled with do not enter signs lies the key to learning more about the hayward fault. >> it goes down and hangs a right. >> reporter: it's built and blasted out in the early 1900s by the college of mining. it looks like you would want an old mine shaft to look, damp, dark, covered in cobwebs with one important geographical feature. >> they realized the hayward fault's close relationship to it. >> reporter: at one point the shaft was 900 feet long but numerous cave-ins have shortened it. it cuts 200 feet into the side of the cal campus but we can only go about 15 to 20 feet inside because it isn't safe without the proper crews and safety equipment. that's all changing. cal will soon cover the brittle shale rock with concrete and install seismic equipment to combat the bay area's biggest nemesis, earthquakes. >> we like to put our equipment in quiet places because that means that we're measuring the earth's noise. >> reporter: covered in cars, students and music, the berkeley campus is hardly quiet except inside the cave where there isn't even a ripple in the standing water. >> we like to be close to the hayward fault. the problem is that the hayward fault is full of buildings and cars and roads and things. but the old mine is actually fairly excluded so that when the hayward fault starts moving, we can hear it doing something. >> reporter: an old mine with new tricks all part of a plan to give the bay area a little heads up before a big quake hits. under the cal campus, andria borba, kpix 5. >> cal hopes to have the seismic equipment installed in the mine shaft in the next six weeks. it is 4:52. some new developments in the search for flight 370. coming up at 5:00, the first signs of possible wreckage 13 days into the search and the conditions standing in the way of getting confirmation. >> but first, the newest dinosaur discovery with the very interesting nickname. the reason sign it is are calling it the chicken from hell. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to crash and explode in sea. in the mean time, the wife d in the it could take a year to figure out what caused the news helicopter to crash and explode in seattle. the family of the man killed in the crash is talking. bill strothman was an award- winning photographer from komo- tv. he was about to retire. a memorial with flowers was created to the crash site to remember strothman and the pilot, gary pfitzner. >> everybody got to know and love bill. but i got to marry him. [ laughter ] >> i was the really lucky one. he was the best father you can ask for. >> a medical examiner said both men died of blunt force injuries. investigators say a large portion of the helicopter burned simply gone now. still, they do plan to reconstruct the recovered wreckage to determine what happened. a former government employee in new jersey has admitted to an unusual theft. he says he stole $460,000 in quarters. thomas ricca worked as a building inspector. he had access to the room where they kept the money checked from parking meters. he helped himself to the quarters on four separate occasions. he got 5 years' probation and must pay back the money. scientists are calling it the chicken from hell. >> it's the newest thing in ancient animals. paleontologists put together bones they found at three different locations in north and south dakota. they say the new dinosaur is, quote, a really weird looking bird. [ laughter ] >> okay. >> scientific. >> it is. it weighed about 500 pounds, stood about 10 feet high and had very large hands with shar claws. >> chicken from hell. >> delicious. >> maybe not. 4:56. progress in the search for the missing malaysia airlines jet. coming up the discovery that could provide much-needed answers. >> reporter: a northern california sheriff's deputy is dead after the suspect leads authorities on a crime spree across two states. we spoke with one man who confronted the suspect on a shootout. ,,,,,,,,,,,, we get to the end of the day dinner'and i am toast. suit. in fact, we've had toast for dinner. but tonight i nailed it. kfc family feast. 9 pieces any recipe, 3 large sides, 6 biscuits, $19.99. do not give up on dinner. ♪ it is probably the best lead we have right now. but we need to get there find them, save them, to know whether it's really meaningful or not. >> day 13 of the search for missing malaysia airlines flight 370 and there may finally be a breakthrough. two objects spotted by satellites in the southern indian ocean may be debris. >> a mendocino county sheriff's deputy is dead this morning the victim of a wild crime spree up in oregon. deputy ricky defiorina was shot to death. >> the suspect fired about 7 rounds at the lieutenant before the lieutenant fired at him. >> san jose gave a tech company the green light to build a huge complex near the mineta international airport. it will be 10 seven-story buildings. only the san jose mayor knows the name of the come. from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. nearly 5:00. get you out the door with weather and traffic. >> just a few hours spring begins and it looks like a nice day ahead as we'll see a lot of sunshine and just a couple of passing clouds. out the door we go. a lot of high clouds moving overhead this morning. as high pressure begins to weaken just a little bit, a few clouds moving in along the coastline, too. so as we head throughout the afternoon, we should see a mixture of sun and clouds. it will stay warm inland and cooler temperatures at the beaches in the 60s. out over the bay we have a few clouds moving overhead. because of that the temperatures are up a few degrees. 55 in san francisco. 53 in san jose. and 44 in santa rosa. this afternoon, we are looking at 70s in most spots. 75 in the napa valley. 72 in santa rosa. 73 in oakland. and about 69 degrees in san francisco. all right. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. now that we're at 5:00 on the nose, a lot of the overnight roadwork is already cleared or in the clearing stages. that includes up and down the bay bridge, some of the nimitz freeway roadwork. here's a live look

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Australia , Sebastopol , Sevastopol , Misto , Ukraine , City College , California , United States , Fresno , Vacaville , Beijing , China , Russia , Quebec , Canada , San Francisco , American Canyon , Berkeley , Sacramento , Perth , Western Australia , Indian Ocean , Oc , , Monterey Bay , Petaluma , Malaysia , Sausalito , Germany , Napa Valley , Oakland , Kentucky , Stockton , Oregon , Fort Bragg , New Jersey , South Dakota , Ferndale , Lisha , Dagestan , Colorado , Russian , German , Malaysian , Angela Merkel , Joe Vazquez , Chuck Reed , Andria Borba , Michelle Griego , Christin Ayers , Linda Macdonald , Betty Yu , Ricardo Chaney , Thomas Ricca , Len Ramirez ,

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