Transcripts For KPIX CBS 5 Eyewitness News At 630PM 20130107

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- to us? - i mean to you. what he did to you. - adrian monk, this is the van. - we can't just say that. we have to be sure. - i am sure. look at this light. - it doesn't look new. - exactly. he is diabolical. he has replaced the broken headlight with an old headlight, not a new one. it's been repainted, see? - maybe. maybe. - what is it? rice. ansara was buying food the night she died. she bought rice. i saw the sales receipt. - we have to bring this to the police. - what? - i need a bag. - this is the third bowl you chipped this week. i don't want to hear your excuses. i've been warning you for a month. - mr. nichols, please, i'll pay for the bowl. - you can take it out of my pay. just tell me what it's worth. - it's worth a hell of a lot more than you. adios. you're fired. you can pick up your check on friday. hey, hey, hey, hey. the apron. - [speaks in yoruba] - what does that mean? - "he is the guy." - what does that mean? but don't just listen to me. listen to these happy progressive customers. i plugged in snapshot, and 30 days later, i was saving big on car insurance. with snapshot, i knew what i could save before i switched to progressive. the better i drive, the more i save. i wish our company had something this cool. you're not filming this, are you? aw! camera shy. snapshot from progressive. test-drive snapshot before you switch. visit today. oh hi, yes. wow you really went all out on the decorations, huh? yeah, but i'm so slow taking them down after all the fatty holiday food. but that's normal. what do you mean that's normal? it doesn't have to be. to me normal means feeling good inside. not slow. try some activia. activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten three times a day. keep a video diary and let me know about your new normal. [bell dings] - good morning. beautiful. - that's where she was killed. - uh-huh. - but there's no marker. it seems like there should be a plaque or something. - monk... she is not trudy. i spoke to natalie. she's worried about you. - yeah, well, i'm worried about natalie. - shut up. let me talk. you and i both know what's going on here. you're frustrated. it's been 12 years since trudy. you're getting your wires crossed. we haven't been able to solve her murder, so you're fixating on this case, on this woman. - i'm not fixating. - there's got to be six dozen flowers here. natalie says you've missed two appointments with dr. bell, and you're not eating. - i'm not hungry. - she also said that-- that you and your friend samuel have a suspect. - kenneth nichols. - and you're planning to go undercover in his restaurant to get closer to him? - [speaking yoruba] "he's the guy." - okay, um... you don't happen to have an oh, i don't know, say, evidence? - he has a record-- drunk driving. and we found some rice on the van. - some rice? well, doesn't he own a restaurant?? - yes. - well, it's not exactly a smoking gun, is it? i mean, there's rice all over this town. it's the san francisco treat. - all right, i'll check the guy out. i'm on it. i promise. but you, you need to step back, buddy. okay, i was there 12 years ago. it ate you up. you were crippled. you could not leave your room. i won't allow that to happen again. so promise me that you'll think hard, long and hard before you do anything stupid. - i promise. - good. have a good day. - looks good. - what is that? is that a speck? we better make sure. - i need a plate. where are the plates? what have you been doing? - well, we did this fork and this knife. - we've been washing them american style. - what the hell does that mean? what about the potatoes? - oh, yeah. - what did you do? you were just supposed to peel them. they look like dice. - [whispered] american style. - american style. - why do you keep saying that? that doesn't make any sense. - is there a problem here? - no, sir. these are the new dishwashers. monsieur adrian and monsieur samuel. i was just showing them the ropes. - well, they can't be any worse than the two clowns we just fired. well, i stand corrected. that's coming out of your pay. listen, i just did a fish run. when they're done here, i want you to have them unload the van. - will do. - i'll be at the bar if you need me. please don't need me. - you heard the man. retournez travaille. get back to work! - adrian monk. adrian monk. tuesday the 17th, the farmers' market. - oh, kenneth picks up fish and produce every week, if he's sober enough. - and where is the farmers' market? - uh, vinton street, near the wharf. - how far is that from where-- - it's close, maybe five blocks. - then the puzzle is complete. he was driving back from the farmers' market. he's obviously an alcoholic. he had been drinking, and he ran a red light. - maybe, maybe. - no, not maybe. yes, this is what happened. - there's no proof. samuel, we need evidence. when we prove it, if we prove it, and you want to... do something to him, i'll help you. - why would you do this for me? you didn't even know her. - of course i knew her. we were married for seven years. what are they doing here? - who? - john and carolyn buxton. i was just at their house. their maid was killed two weeks ago. - adrian monk, what is going on? - i don't know. [phone rings] she was on the phone. - who was on the phone? - the maid. the--the woman who was killed. that's why she removed her earring. hello, my name is adrian. i'll be your server. i have your soup. - uh, we haven't ordered yet. - i just assumed you wanted soup. was i right? and for the lady, tiramisu. - dessert? - why wait until the last minute? i understand you're friends of my employer, mr. nichols. - yes, we've known kenneth for years. why? - have we met? - no, no. i'm new here. i'm sorry to hear about your housekeeper. someone mentioned that she was killed recently. she was bludgeoned the death. is that right? more coffee? - wait a minute, i do know you. he was there. he's with the police. - are you a detective? - actually, um, i'm moonlighting. - as a waiter? - well, uh... you know our motto, to protect and serve. when i'm a cop, i protect. and at night, i serve. - but it's day. - exactly. i--i've been thinking about your case. the morning you returned from your trip, you said you found your cell phone. - that's right. i forgot to take it with me to barbados. it's no big deal. - but when you got home... - it was lying on the kitchen floor. what's this all about? - i'm just tying up loose ends. how is that tiramisu? - it's good. delicious. - great. i'll tell the chef. - oh, yes, one more thing. does kenneth nichols have your cell phone number? - kenneth? of course he does. we talk all the time. - especially during baseball season. they talk after every game. - may we see the wine list? - no. [speaks in yoruba] definitely [speaks in yoruba]. - and we can prove it? - we can't prove he killed ansara. but he committed another murder, a maid, a housekeeper, the same night. where's the phone? - this way. who are you calling? - captain stottlemeyer. we need a copy of nichols' phone bill. that's the smoking gun. - actually, this is the smoking gun. outside, the both of you. i think it's time for your break. i obsessed about my weight my whole life. i figured i was just born that way. i was always on some new, life-stopping diet. and then, weight watchers. it lets me be me. and i naturally became a healthier me. i amazed myself. get used to it. because when a weight loss program is built for human nature you can expect amazing. introducing the new weight watchers 360 program. join for free and expect amazing. because it works. now is the best time to stock up and save... petsmart. save up to 25% on thousands of items during the petsmart stock up and save sale. and save up to $3 on nutro® natural choice® dog food, including new natural choice® young adult formula. at petsmart®. is the only yogurt brand endorsed by weight watchers and your taste buds have always endorsed us. so, you know what this means... this is a real win win! yoplait, it is so good. - the smell! i can't breathe! [sobbing] i can't get a break. first the incense, then the dead housekeeper, and now this. oh, god it stinks! oh! [coughing, choking] it's like chemical warfare. - adrian monk, will you please stop talking about the smell? sometimes you are like a big, crying infant. we have other problems, adrian monk. that's better. - can i say something? - is it about the stink? - no. yes! i can't breathe! - would you just think of something else. you said that another woman was killed. what did you mean? - it stinks in here! - adrian monk, just keep talking. - here's what happened. kenneth nichols was driving that night. he was in this van. he called his friend john buxton, but buxton wasn't there. he was in barbados on vacation. [phone rings] the housekeeper, maria fuentes, answered his cell phone. they talked for a minute. while they were talking... - ansara. - trudy. trudy. - adrian monk, what happened next? - he hit her and kept driving. - oh, my god, i just hit somebody. - maria overheard everything. at that point... - she knew too much. - he had to keep her quiet. so he kept her on the phone. he kept her talking while he drove across town. - i just pulled over, and she's hurt pretty bad. but someone's called 911, and an ambulance is on the way. - hold on. i have a book here. okay, it says to keep her warm and keep her head still. - ansara. she was a flower. she was so young. she was just beginning. [both sobbing] we are turning. what is happening now? - now he kills us. fine with me. - we must go on. trudy, ansara, they would want us to go on. they would want us to be strong. they are here with us now. do you not feel it? - not anymore. - well, i am not going to give up. and neither are you. - samuel... this is your final lesson. this is how we do things in america. we cry a lot. we confuse our dead wife with other people's dead wives. and then we give up. [sobs] - we're stopping. - that can't be good. we've got to get these ropes off. god. - i have an idea. i have an idea. can you reach into my pants? - yes. - my cigarette lighter. - ah. [groans] i got it. i got it. - okay. - i got it. - okay. okay. - what's that smell? - my flesh, it's burning. - it stinks. - sorry. - [groans] - look at her! look at her! you son of a bitch. her name was ansara. say her name. say it! say it! - ansara. ansara. - and that's trudy. say her name. - i didn't know her. - say her name! - i never met her. - say her name. - all right. trudy. [both panting] [natalie and samuel laughing] - here. - oh, what are these? - a good-bye present. it's comedy cds. it's richard pryor, monty python, bill cosby. if you think i'm funny, these guys are gonna rock your world. - thank you. but i know these guys, and they are not as funny as natalie teeger. "two bags a day." [laughing] how do you do it? - i don't know. i'm just funny. i am. - i guess this is good-bye. - there is no such thing. we will meet again, adrian monk. someday you will come to africa to visit. - maybe. - no maybe. i'm saying yes. - or you will come back here. either one, we'll see. we'll see. nobody knows. what's it like? - what is what like? - knowing. - knowing is everything. but your turn will come, adrian monk. you are next. do not give up. - never. - this is for you. - thank you. - no man has a greater friend than adrian monk. - no man has a greater friend than samuel waingaya. captioning by captionmax

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United States , Barbados , France , San Francisco , California , French , America , American , Richard Pryor Monty , Maria Fuentes , Carolyn Buxton , John Buxton , Kenneth Nichols , Jamie Lee Curtis ,

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