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Yeah, there aint too many out there. Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening, this is our western edition and there is breaking news in the west where Arizona Governor jan brewer has been under tremendous pressure over a controversial bill. The bill would allow businesses to deny service to someone on religious grounds. Supporters say its about religious freedom, opponents say its really about discrimination against gays and lesbians and others as well. Carter evans is in phoenix where the governor has just spoken. Reporter scott, there were cheers from the crowd here tonight as governor brewer announced that she will veto senate bill 1062. Her decision puts an end to a debate here in arizona that had become a national controversy. I have not heard one example in arizona where a Business Owners religious liberty has been violated. The bill is broadly worded and could result in unintended and negative consequences. Reporter the bill would provide Legal Protection for individuals or corporations refusing to do something they claim offends their religious beliefs. Cathy harris group, the center for arizona policy was one of the architects of the bill. Is this an effort to protect all religious freedoms or is this an ert to protect a fundamentalist christian agenda . It is an effort to protect people of all faiths. Reporter so would 1062 protect a muslim wedding photographer who does not want to photograph a jewish wedding. Yes. Reporter the language in arizonas bill is broader than religious freedom laws proposed in other states. Those laws offered a shield from lawsuits to businesses or individuals who cited religious beliefs as reasons to refuse services to samesex couples. Legal guidance in other states including arizona was provided by the Alliance Defending freedom. We lige us liberty when properly exercised and protected is good for everyone. Thats why this is a good law. Doug napier is with the alliance. According to tax documents the conservative group spent more than 41 million in 2012 to promote dlisian christian values and also funded lawsuits an developed legislation to stop abortion and samesex marriage. There is nothing that identifies as individuals as a homosexual. That is a smoke screen. It is a distraction from what this bill is. Reporter but lawyers have been outspoken on their views homosexuality. This is one of the groups top attorneys speaking to pastors in illinois last year. By being quiet about homosexuality, you may be condemning some of your people to hell. Reporter now, governor brewer has until saturday to act on this bill, though she is expected to make a decision by friday. The governor had been under intense pressure from both sides to make a decision. Pelley carter evans in phoenix tonight, thanks very much. Now another issue for people all over the country, the extreme weather. Rain is finally coming to the droughtplagued west, but it may be too much, too fast. And that arctic air mass is spreading, bringing cold temperatures back across the north and into the south. We have a team of correspondents covering the weather. First, vinita nair in joliet, illinois, where its below freezing tonight. Vinita. Reporter good evening to you, scott. Thats right. And the wind chill has actually made it feel as though it is 24 degrees below zero. Unfortunately, it will not warm up. It will stay below freezing in this part of illinois until at least next week. Okay. Reporter as many as six times a day, faith keating gives her sixmonthold son tony, her sixmonthold son tommy, treatment for a respiratory condition brought on by the cold. Keating has lived in this shelter with her four children since december. She came to missouri to find a job. We were always outside, always in the cold. I dont have a car, so its either taking the bus or walking. Reporter so how does the weather affect you day to day . I have to figure out are we risking somebody getting sick again or somebody getting worse than they already are . Reporter across the upper midwest, temperatures are 1035 degrees below normal. Chicagos low was 2 degrees. Grand forks, north dakota, was 11 below. This photo taken from space shows nearly 80 of the great lakes covered in ice. In minnesota, mail carriers have been unable to make deliveries to mailboxes buried in snow. Ready . Reporter back in illinois, keating said she is unsure when her family will move out of the shelter. Is the weather stopping you from being able to get back on your feet . Its definitely making things a lot harder. Reporter unfortunately, it is only going to get worse, the overnight low for the Northern Plains is negative 20. Scott, that wind chill will be negative 40. Pelley vinita, thanks very much. Now, for a look at whats ahead, were going to turn to eric fisher, chief meteorologist at our cbs station in boston, wbz. Eric how long is this going to last . Reporter scott, evening. It look like a couple of weeks before it changes. In the meantime, the next couple of days, the coldest of the week these are the highest tomorrow, below zero in the twin cities. Theyre seeing blizzard conditions tonight, chicago looking at a high of 7. Then highs on friday, Single Digits again chicago. 10 in detroit, 7 in buffalo. Just bitterly cold there. The last few days of february, and many cities, especially in the midwest, scott, looking at a top 10 if not a top five coldest february on record. Pelley and what about the rain thats finally coming to west . This is mainly going to be a good thing. We havent seen a radar like this across california in a very long time. Some heavy rain moving in and there will be several bouts through tonight and another on friday and another on saturday and early sunday morning. Lots of chances for more rain, mountain snow as well in a place dealing with historic drought. In terms of rain totals, these are numbers they have not seen in so long. Youre looking at 13 inches around the bay area, 35 in southern california, although, scott, some areas of localized flooding could result because of that rain. Pelley eric, thank you. With the possibility of flooding, folks in california are preparing. Randy paige from kcbs is in glendora, at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains. Randy. Reporter scott, just five and a half weeks ago, a wildfire came roaring through this portion of the San Gabriel Mountains taking up everything in its path. Tonight the concern is this bare earth could kick quickly turn into rivers of mud. Residents here hope sandbags and concrete barricades stop or redirect mudslides caused by the downpour. It will be like Niagara Falls and this 100foot area will have water and mud pouring into my backyard. Reporter he ripped out a wall in preparation for for what he worries, will be a wall of mud. In the long run, we need the rain. Its a blessing. It will affect someplace us more than others. Thats the way it will be. You prepare for it. Well clean it up on the backside. Reporter los angeles has had barely more than one inch of rain since july. This storm is expected to bring two to four inches of rain in just three days. And scott, the city has issued a voluntary Evacuation Order for some of the mountainous areas. I must tell you we have spoken to a number of residents who say they intend to stay. They say they stayed to protect their homes during the fires and intend to stay for the flood. Reporter randy paige of kcbs, thank you very much, randy. There is news tonight about the presidency, both the man who holds the office and the folks who might want to succeed him, a cbs News New York times poll out tonight find only 40 of americans are satisfied with the presidency of barack obama. 59 say theyre disappointed. When we asked republicans whom they would like to see run for president in 2016, jeb bush led the list, followed by rand paul, marco rubio, and chris christie. On the democratic side, far more want Hillary Clinton to run than Vice President joe biden. Secretary of state kerry said late today that it would be a grave mistake for russia to send troops into neighboring ukraine. Last weekend the ukrainian president was toppled by violent protests. Today, russia unexpectedly mobilized troops near the border in what it calls a training exercise. Clarissa ward is in the ukrainian capital kiev. Reporter tonight, ukraines opposition leaders chose independence square, the center of the revolution, to introduce the countrys new government. To booing from some of the crowd. Parliament must ratify the new ministers tomorrow, but for some there were too many familiar faces on stage. Katerina is a 27yearold teacher. People are angry. Especially these days, people are very angry. Reporter ukraines ousted president , viktor yanukovych, fled the capital five days ago, following a week of violence in which 80 protesters were killed. Now, the country is trying to move forward, but it wont be easy. Ukraine is almost bankrupt. It needs 35 billion over the next two years. So far, russia has refused to recognize the countrys new leaders, and president putins decision to put Russian Troops on ukraines border has raised fears that russia will try to intervene in ukraines politics. In the crimea region in the south of the country, also home to a Large Russian naval base, clashes broke out. Crimea is not russia, one group chanted. At least one protestor was killed. Back in the square, katerina had a stark message for putin. Leave ukraine alone. Leave ukraine. Leave our people to make our future. Dont disturb us any more. Pelley Clarissa Ward is joining us from in front of the barricades in the square. Clarissa, you talked about ukraine being broke. The value of the currency has been dropping like a stone. Did anything today change that . Thats right, scott. Today it even hit a 10year low. It has decreased nearly 20 just in the last month alone. What this underscores is how serious this crisis is and those new leaders who were up on that stage tonight, theyre going to face some really tough choices bah the Economic Reforms this country needs to survive are going to be very painful and very unpopular. Pelley and the u. S. Has pledged some economic support just today. Clarissa, thanks very much. For a nearly bankrupt country, ukrainians are still marveling at all that president yanukovich left behind. For example, this unfinished megamansion on the black sea. When workers there realized the president wouldnt be there to pay them, they walked off the job. Outside kiev, he had a massive garage filled with classic cars. One armored s. U. V. Could be worth more than half a million dollars. A viewer called our attention to this picture today and we thought it captured the epic suffering of the syrian civil war. These are refugees pushing toward a United Nations Food Distribution center january 31 in damascus. Three years ago, a popular revolt rose up against the dictatorship. Now about 150,000 people have been killed. At least 2. 5 million have fled their homes. Humanitarian relief like this is rare. Coming up, how did ancient whales wind up in desert sands . Nasa admits a mistake that could have killed an restaurant. Have killed an astronaut. And the child who made the pope do a doubletake when the cbs and the child who made the pope do a doubletake when the cbs evening news continues. Nothing else. M prunes, it works, simple as that. Its a natural source of fiber and 5 essential vitamins. Its the smart choice for me. Try sunsweets amazing juices and new amazing prune light. Ive got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. Its time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that wont relieve all your symptoms. New alka seltzer plusd relieves more symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. Oh what a relief it is. Dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza. He said victoza works differently than pills, and comes in a pen. And the needle is thin. 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Stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, th or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza. Its covered by most health plans. Pelley today, nasa investigators said a close call at the space station last summer was the most serious incident ever during a spacewalk. It should have been prevented, they said. An italian astronaut was in danger of drowning because of a leak in the cooling system of his space suit. Heres bob orr. Reporter 44 minutes into his space walk last july 16 astronaut Luca Parmitano reported water inside his helmet. I can feel it in the back of my head. I dont understand where its coming from. Reporter the fluid buildup quickly got worse. Mission flight controllers ordered parmitano and his spacewalking partner back inside the international spacestation. Later, parmitano described his close call. I experienced what its like to be a gold fish in a fish bowl from the point of view of the gold fish. Reporter and nasa spacewalk officers Karina Eversley conceded excess water in a space helmet presents a real danger. Choking or drowning is definitely a possibility. Reporter nasa engineers still dont know what caused the leak, but an investigative board has concluded the incident should never have happened. In a 222page report, investigators criticized nasas failure to properly handle a similar water buildup parmitano had experienced one week earlier during a july 9 spacewalk. Had the source of the water been investigated thoroughly, the subsequent mishap would not have occurred. Investigators found engineers quickly dismissed the first leak as the likely result of a faulty drink bay. While investigators found no evidence nasa acted recklessly, administrator Charles Bolden warned ever putting Mission Needs ahead of safety. In a memo to his staff he wrote nasa says it will not conduct any more nonemergency space walks before the problem is better understood and new safeguards are put in place. Scott, that could be later this summer. Pelley scott, thanks very much. Today scientists from the smithsonian said they solved a mystery, how the remains of ancient whales wound up in a desert in chile. Now researchers say theres evidence of four mass strandings. The whales were almost certainly killed by toxic algae in the pacific and floated to shore and remains preserved in sands for more than five million years. A simple blood test could change the way doctors screen for fetal defects. Ould change the way doctors screen for fetal defects. Its got 1080p video, three times zoom, and a twentymegapixel sensor. Its got the brightest display, so i can see what im shooting even outdoors, and 4 mics that capture incredible sound. Plus, it has apps like vine and free cloud storage. My new lumia icon is so great, even our wipeouts look amazing. Honestly, i want to see you be brave before chantix, i tried to quit probably about five times. It was different than the other times i tried to quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Its a nonnicotine pill. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. That helped me quit smoking. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking, or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. 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It was very devastating to read that the baby might not make it through the birth, the baby might be stillborn, or if she does make it through the birth she may not live up to her first birthday. Reporter but that standard blood screen isnt definitive and has a high rate of false positive results, so she was given the option of an amniocentesis, amniocentesis, or a more targeted blood test which annualizes fetal d. N. A. Circulating in the mothers blood. She opted for the blood test. After worrying for more than two weeks, shes got good news. There was no defect. It was the best feeling ever to know everything was fine and in a few months we were going to have a perfect baby little girl so we were happy. Reporter since 2011, the fetal d. N. A. Blood test given to fontaine has been used to screen highrisk pregnant women for several chromosomal defects. Researchers wanted to find out if this d. N. A. Test could be useful for lowrisk women as well. 1,900 women and found for down syndrome the standard screening had a 3. 6 false positive rate compared to. 3 for the fetal d. N. A. Screening. Thats a 10fold reduction in false positives. Dr. Diana bianchi of Tufts Medical Center led the study. Far few women are made anxious and need to go on for further counseling and certainly theres a reduction in the need for an invasive diagnostic procedure. Reporter the d. N. A. Test costs as much as 1,500. Given the potential benefits of avoiding further invasive testing, that might change. Pelley doctor, thanks very much. It is carnival season in italy, a time for kids to dress up in costumes. Well, this little boys mom has been dressing him up as pope francis. Today in st. Peters square, they came face to face. The pope and 19monthold don yelley de sanctis. The child was overwhelmed but he was soon smiling again back in mommas arms. But what a picture for the family album. Talk about striking gold in a salt mine, they did, and we will next. Cut [bell rings] this. Is jane. Her long day on set starts with shoulder pain. And a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for. All day relief. Hmm. [bell ring] roll sound action so i got the new nokia lumia icon. Its got 1080p video, three times zoom, and a twentymegapixel sensor. Its got the brightest display, so i can see what im shooting even outdoors, and 4 mics that capture incredible sound. Plus, it has apps like vine and free cloud storage. My new lumia icon is so great, even our wipeouts look amazing. Honestly, i want to see you be brave honestly, i want to see you be brave it may seem strange, but people really can love their laxative. Especially when its miralax. It hydrates, eases, and softens, to unblock your system naturally. So you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. Where its headed and when. T weather talent appears at wx center with generic pelley finally tonight, as you know, the salt mines are a euphemism for the workplace, no matter where you work. But some folks really do work in a salt mine, and jim axelrod tells us that in this endless winter, theyre working harder than ever. Reporter there has been no shortage of reasons to curse the weather the last few months. 1,800 feet below ground in cleveland, ohio, a small group of 100 or so workers at a salt mine has been praising it. This has been a great winter. You cant top this one. Reporter you may be one of the few people in america who has loved this winter. Yeah, and there aint too many out there. Reporter men like david diaz, a mechanic at the mine, and maintenance supervisor p. J. King. Its a good thing. We always say let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Reporter with demand for road salt spiking in the 12 states and two canadian provinces they supply, the Cleveland Mine is running three shifts a day, seven days a week, to keep the salt spreaders filled. Blasting, drilling, loding, hauling, dumping and processing 16,000 tons of salt a day. And it all comes right through here . Its pretty much a steady stream like that throughout the clock. Reporter mine manager steve horne has been in the business 25 years and has never seen demand like this. We havent been hand to mouth quite yet, but we have seen our inventories diminish rapidly. Reporter here, directly under lake erie, these men are replenishing those stockpiles and their Bank Accounts even if theyre working overtime to do it. Is that a good thing or a bad thing . Absolutely a good thing. Reporter a little more money in the pocket . Absolutely. Reporter so a bad winter above ground does not mean a bad winter below ground. Thats the truth. Reporter you know its not a normal winter when another day in the salt mines is actually thought to savor. Jim axelrod, cbs news, cleveland. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. Here we go. The first of two storms drenching the bay area and tonight, we could even see thunderstorms. Good evening, im ken bastida. Im elizabeth cook. Lets start live in the north bay. It is getting soaked right now. This is how the commute looks. Pretty slow going. This is right along lucky drive in larkspur a notorious spot for flooding. A live look at the east bay for you. The rain starting to pick up in walnut creek after a brief break this afternoon. And we have reporters and cameras all over the bay area tonight. We start with paul deanno. Paul . Reporter the radar really, really is getting active. We told you yesterday that the evening commute would be the worst of this. Well, its commuting by rail, its commuting by road or sfo with a nearly threehour departure delay right now because of the rainfall. So pick a road. First 80 from San Francisco across the bay bridge through oakland, berkeley, richmond all the way to vallejo, we have steady soaking rainfall. Rainfall rates in excess of one half inch per hour thats the yellow you see on your television screen. This is all the stuff thats coming up from the south. You see just as much rain offshore as onshore. Theres more to go. Palo alto getting rainfall and in the north bay bodega bay, healdsburg, santa rosa, novato, mill valley all getting very heavy rainfall. What to expect in evening, it will be on and off but soaking rain at times this evening. There will be gusty winds especially at the coast. They could be gusting to 50 miles per hour. And we only get this a couple times a year. There is the rare chance not a guarantee but a chance of a few thunderstorms in the bay area this evening. So very wet, very windy outside right now. And this weather will likely continue for at least the ne

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