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Pelley good evening. This is our western edition. Once again, an american president is weighing military options in iraq, this time to try to preserve a democracy created at the cost of thousands of american lives and billions of american tax dollars. Islamic extremists have seized large parts of iraq. Theyre getting closer to baghdad this evening, and the government there is pleading with president obama for help. Today, the president responded. We will not be sending u. S. Troops back into combat in iraq, but i have asked my National Security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support Iraq Security forces, and ill be reviewing those options in the days ahead. Pelley hes confronting a war between two branches of islam, the sunnis and the shia. The democratically elected Iraqi Government, backed by the u. S. , is dominated by the shia; the attacking force is sunni. That force calls itself the Islamic State of iraq and syria. Isis, for short, now holds parts of both of those countries, and its rout of the iraqi army has been so rapid that today the most revered cleric in iraq called on every ablebodied shia to grab a gun. Our correspondents are where the news is breaking, and first well go to Clarissa Ward in baghdad. Clarissa . Clarissa . Reporter good evening, scott. Well, the streets of baghdad are eerily empty tonight. There is a curfew in place, but even during the day, few people are going to work, few people are going to school, and many people are fleeing the country as the security situation deteriorates. Answering the call to jihad, crowds of shiite men swarmed recruitment centers, ready and eager to take on the sunni extremists of isis who have captured two major iraqi cities in as many days. We will go to mosul, god willing, this Young Volunteer said, to kill and defeat them. It was a scene being played out across the country as shiite militias mobilized to fill the vacuum left by the rapidly collapsing iraqi army. We must protect our holy sites, this recruiter shouted. Anybody who can take up arms should do so. The call to arms came from iraqs top shiite cleric, ayatollah sistani, who said protecting shiite shrines is a sacred duty. Isis has already announced its intention to destroy those shrines as it continues its push toward baghdad. In mosul, iraqs second biggest city which fell on tuesday, militants showed off their newly acquired u. S. Equipment, abandoned by the fleeing iraqi army. In a statement, they announced that they are implementing strict islamic sharia law. Women must stay at home, cigarettes and alcohol are banned, and the hands of thieves will be cut off. Today, the group was fighting in towns just 60 miles from the capital. Iraq is descending into a sectarian civil war. Pelley so, clarissa, with the insurgents 60 miles or so from where you are in baghdad right now, how does the Iraqi Government intend to defend itself . Reporter well, thats just it, scott. The government doesnt appear to have any real strategy, other than remobilizing these shiite militias which, of course, only inflamed those sectarian tensions. And so far, weve seen no evidence that theyve tried to find a political solution, trying to reengage and reintegrate those disenfranchised sunni leaders who may prove to be valuable partners in fighting isis. Pelley Clarissa Ward in baghdad tonight. So, the militants of isis, the Islamic State of iraq and syria, intend to create a new nation, a nation of strict islamic law. Its fighters have at times executed some shiite muslim civilians on site, declaring them infidels. Isis was kicked out of al qaeda for failing to obey that terrorist organizations leadership. Isis is headed by abu bakr al abu bakr al baghdadi. The u. S. Has offered a 10 million reward for baghdadi, dead or alive. Holly williams is in northern iraq, where many consider isis to be the lesser of two evils. Reporter the families, many with just the clothes on their backs, are now seeking refuge here in erbil, iraqs safest city, but very few blame the Armed Islamic extremists for the violence. In mosul, the militants paraded through the streets to a rapturous welcome from their supporters. Like the militants, theyre sunni muslims who resent iraqs government. Moussa sher mahmoud fled mosul today with his twomonthold daughter, sabba. I dont like terrorism, he told us, but people are fed up with the government, and thats why theyre rising up. Just 25 miles from mosul is iraqi kurdistan, an autonomous region with its own security force. Its disciplined fighters dont like islamic extremists, but theyre reluctant to get directly involved, partly because theyre also suspicious of iraqs government. Kurdish leader jauad mohammed told us he witnessed iraqi soldiers deserting the battlefield. And what do you think about that . The iraqi army is useless, he said. They dont have any principles. Iraq is plagued by hatreds between shiites, sunnis and kurds. And, scott, as the islamic militants head south towards baghdad, theyre opening up old wounds with deadly consequences. Pelley Holly Williams covering for us in northern iraq. Thank you, holly. The iraqi territory being lost tonight was won by u. S. Forces after the invasion in 2003 at great cost. 4,486 americans lost their lives in iraq, more than 32,000 were wounded. President obama referred to that today, saying american troops have made extraordinary sacrifices for iraq. What more is the u. S. Willing to do . Major garrett is at the white house tonight. Major . Reporter scott, the president met with his military advisers again this morning. He was presented with a range of military and political options. No Clear Strategy emerged. We want to make sure that weve gathered all the intelligence thats necessary so that if in fact i do direct and order any actions there, that theyre targeted, theyre precise, and theyre going to have an effect. Reporter mr. Obama said any military action is at least several days away. And he delivered a warning to iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki work with your sunni political opponents or risk losing your country and the support of the u. S. This should be a wakeup call. The United States is not simply going to involve itself in a military action in the absence of a political plan by the iraqis that gives us some assurance that theyre prepared to work together. Reporter Top White House advisers tell us, scott, there is no scenario that imagines the insurgents taking baghdad. President obama expects Iraqi Security forces to fight there even though they have fled elsewhere. That will give mr. Obama time to plot military attacks and the iraqi Prime Minister an opportunity, perhaps his last, to become the inclusive political leader he has long refused to be. Pelley major, thanks. Now well go to david martin at the pentagon with the president s military options. Reporter the pentagon increased spy flights over iraq using highflying global hawk drones as it developed plans for airstrikes designed to blunt the insurgent march south, and, in the word of one officer, give the Iraqi Government a chance to catch its breath. At the same time, the Aircraft Carrier bush is expected to be ordered into the persian gulf, where it would join ships armed with cruise missiles. B1 bombers, capable of carrying more than 100,000 pounds of satelliteguided bombs, are already stationed in the country of qatar. Despite all the firepower, officials said there are not many lucrative targets when bombing an Insurgent Force of fewer than 10,000, which communicates over cell phones, travels in pickup trucks, and could be hard to distinguish from civilians. In addition to the danger of civilian casualties, airstrikes could drag the u. S. Into the midst of a civil war between sunnis and shiites, although the president has ruled out sending in ground troops. It will take the Aircraft Carrier about 30 hours to reach the northern persian gulf, which is the ideal location for launching strikes into iraq. But the timing of any strikes could also depend on how fast the insurgents march toward baghdad. Pelley and david, heres a question the u. S. Spent more than 25 billion training and equipping the iraqi army. Why is it collapsing . Reporter first and foremost, scott, is that promotions under Prime Minister maliki were based not on military ability but on personal loyalty to him, and the inevitable result was a poorly led army. Second, all american training ended two and a half years ago when the last u. S. Troops left, and the iraqi army has been going steadily downhill ever since, both in its ability to conduct operations and in the morale of its soldiers. Pelley david martin at the pentagon, thanks. It appears a lot of the american weapons david was talking about have now been captured by isis in iraq. Elizabeth palmer is joining us from damascus, the syrian capitol. And, liz, i understand some of that American Hardware is coming back to the extremists there. Reporter yes, there is evidence to show that. Isis has actually suspended its military operations in the area of northeastern syria they control. Its gone relatively quiet up there. But syrians convinced that the weapons you spoke about are being rushed back from iraq, where they were looted into syria by isis, and very soon the fighters will use them to open a new and even bloodier chapter in this civil war. Pelley Elizabeth Palmer in damascus tonight. Thank you, liz. It just may be that the russians have noticed that president obama is busy just now. The state Department Said this evening that the russians have now delivered tanks and missile launchers to rebels in eastern ukraine. Russia annexed part of ukraine this spring. The ukrainian government, backed by the u. S. , has been fighting the rebels who also want to join russia. Tonight, Sergeant Bowe bergdahl is at Brooke Army Medical center in san antonio. As you know, he was held prisoner by the taliban for five years. After his release in a controversial prisoner swap two weeks ago, he was treated at a u. S. Military hospital in germany and flown back to the United States last night. Manuel bojorquez is in san antonio for us. Manuel . Reporter scott, Sergeant Bergdahl arrived here in uniform. Its unclear how long he will stay here or when he will see his family. He has not been told about the controversy surrounding the exchange which led to his release. This morning, he was greeted by Major General joseph desalvo. He appeared just like any sergeant would when they see a twostar general a little bit nervous. But he looked good and saluted and had good deportment. Reporter eventually, the staff here will question bergdahl about his captivity and why he left his outpost in afghanistan. Investigators could recommend a military trial if they determine bergdahl abandoned his post; a conviction could result in jail time and a dishonorable discharge. A lenient option would be a medical retirement that includes a pension. Jeffrey corn is a former military lawyer. I think the real question for the commander is going to be, has he suffered enough . And should we just let him move along . And i think medical retirement would be the logical course of action there. Reporter but what kind of message does that send to the troops or to anybody who thinks hes getting away with something here . Thats the real difficult equation this commander is going to have to weigh. Reporter bergdahl is in stable condition and on a bland diet, although he is requesting peanut butter. Scott, were told there is no tv in his room, and ultimately he will decide when to allow his parents to visit. Pelley manuel, thanks very much. Another General Motors recall was announced today. Hail fell so hard, it made a plane unfit to fly. And why would the owners of this house burn it down deliberately . When the cbs evening news continues. Apples fall, but the apples of your cheeks dont have to. Defy gravity. Juvederm voluma® is the only fdaapproved injectable gel to instantly add volume to your cheek area. As you age, cheeks can lose volume. 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[ male announcer ] look for the easyopen red arthritis cap. Pelley today, General Motors announced another recall, making 38 recalls this year. This time, its more than half a million camaros. Jim axelrod has been following this for us. Jim . Reporter well, scott, the recall is for this remote key and lock combination. G. M. Its for the camaro and g. M. Warns that a drivers knee could bump the key and move it out of the run position. The car could lose power steering, power brakes, and the airbags might not deploy. The problem is blamed for three accidents that resulted in four minor injuries. G. M. Says the camaro ignition system is not defective and unrelated to the recall of 2. 6 million chevrolet cobalts and other cars for a defect that led to the deaths of at least 13 people. Now, g. M. Is going to exchange this key combination for one more like this in which the key and the fob can be separated. Pelley and g. M. s c. E. O. , mary barra, is going to be back testifying before congress. Next wednesday, house submity, she is expected to be grilled about why g. M. For more than a decade did not issue those recall orders on the cobalts. Pelley jim, thanks very much. And we have posted a list of all of the millions of vehicles that g. M. Is recalling on cbsnews. Com. Severe storms are in the forecast tomorrow in parts of nebraska, kansas and iowa. Central texas got hit yesterday. Have a look and a listen. Thats hail pounding a plane recorded by morgan palmer, a meteorologist at our seattle affiliate, kiro. But he was in abilene, texas, visiting family. The plane was damaged, and the flight was canceled. Still ahead tonight, Steve Hartman on the road. But up next, whooping cough has become an epidemic in one state. But your erectile dysfunction it could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. 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Com pelley today, California Health officials said there is an epidemic of whooping cough in the state. 800 cases have been reported in the past two weeks, 3,400 so far this year, and that is more than in all of last year. Two infants have died, and parents are being urged to get their children vaccinated. 2024 seems a long way off, but today the u. S. Olympic committee narrowed down the list of American Cities that will compete against foreign cities to host the summer games that year. The four u. S. Finalists for 2024 are los angeles, San Francisco, boston and washington, d. C. In whitney, texas, the owners of a lakefront home had no choice when the house was left dangling 75 feet up after a cliff gave way. It was just a matter of time before the house would tumble. It had to go, so the owners burned it down. Engineers had determined that the ground could not support bulldozers. Worse still, insurance likely wont cover this. In a moment, one very special father. 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Reporter but when eight yearold logan rosati makes the claim, you cant help but believe her. He wants me to have a wonderful life. I wouldnt trade him for a million dollars. Reporter we first met logans dad, chris rosati, a few months ago. For you, i have two donuts reporter he was on a mission to give away 1,000 donuts all over his home town of durham, north carolina. Were glad to make some people smile. Reporter a few years earlier, chris had been diagnosed with a. L. S. , lou gehrigs disease. Its a terminal illness. But instead of wallowing, he made a conscious decision to spread as much kindness as he could while he could, mostly as an example for logan and her little sister, delaney. I cant teach them every lesson. I dont have enough time. But i can be a good person, and they can see that. Reporter chris says one of the benefits of a. L. S. Is that it puts your priorities in Crystal Clear focus. Good reporter he says dads who think their years matter in the slightest and as the v. P. Of marketing, he was one of them are, clueless. Were missing the greatest experience well ever have, ever. You always think that people who are dying want to get up early and watch the sunrise. I dont. I like to sleep. laughter but if my kids get up early. Reporter then you want to get up. I want that experience, you know. Reporter yeah. Thats also why hes making every effort to make new memories every day. Oh, yeah. Reporter on this night, he arranged for logan, who loves cooking, to work beside a top notch chef. There you go reporter hes got even bigger surprises ahead that he says will wow his girls. But as far as logan is concerned, thats really not necessary. He had her at hello. Because that dad, who has a. L. S. , was the dad i was born with. Reporter and as for feeding her life lessons, he had her at the donuts. What do you think youll remember about him . He tried to make friends with the world. Reporter yeah. I think its hard to do that. Reporter yeah. So im proud of him. Reporter and you can bet right now, hes so proud of her. Steve hartman, on the road, in durham, north carolina. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, im scott pelley. Ill see you sunday on 60 minutes. Happy fathers day, and good your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. We begin with breaking news tonight. A little girl is missing in marin county. She was last seen in samuel p. Taylor state park. Chopper 5 is overhead where the Sheriffs Department has now joined Park Services to try to find her. She is nine years old and she has not been seen since noon. As you can see, theres quite a search crew there. We have a crew as well on the way. We are working on getting a photo of that girl, as well. Well let you know what happens. Also tonight, the people in charge of the big pride festivities in San Francisco have told some gays they are not welcome. Simon perez has the story that certainly seems odd when you first hear about it, simon. Reporter veronica, during pride weekend events are going to fill up Civic Center Plaza here in front of city hall in San Francisco where hundreds of groups get together and really explain to people what it is that they do. But this year, there will be no National Guard presence, no California Military presence at all, because the Pride Committee said, they couldnt come. So to here that we were not allowed to come this year was certainly a shock to us and quite upsetting too coming from, uhm, my standpoint being a gay man openly serving in the california state Military Reserve. Reporter Matthew Reese is a Staff Sergeant in the california state Military Reserve. A state group that backs up the National Guard during natural disasters but this year both the National Guard and the state Military Reserve were told to stay away from San Francisco pride events. We find this to be really particularly disturbing because only lgbt people in the city of San Francisco are being affected by this. That lgbt people throughout the state have full access and are welcoming these recruiters but San Francisco is being denied at option

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