Battleground tracker polling from those 11 key states. Well talk to Bernie Sanders about how he plans to get his supporters on board with clintonkaine. Well hear from the head of the republican party, Reince Priebus. And well get update on the news that mosquitoes carrying the zika virus are here in florida. Its all ahead on face the nation. Captioning sponsored by cbs good morning, welcome to face the nation im john dickerson. Our cbs news Battleground Tracker shows a twopoint bounce for Hillary Clinton in those 11 key swing states following the Democratic National convention. Hillary clinton now leads donald trump 43 to 41 . Thats the same bounce that trump got after the Republican National convention. We begin this morning with senator Bernie Sanders who joins us from burlington, vermont. Not all of your supporters are behind Hillary Clinton and shes going to need them. What would you tell your supporters that they should do now . I would tell all of my supporters, we got over 13 million votes, to take a hard look at the real issues impacting the American People. Which candidate, for example, wants to overturn this disastrous Citizen United Supreme Court decision which allows billionaires to buy elections and undermining american democracy. That is Hillary Clintons position. Which candidate wants to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. Thats Hillary Clinton. Which candidate understands the Climate Change is real and that we have to transform our Energy System in order to help save this planet. Donald trump thinks that climate is a hoax. Hillary clinton understands that it is real, we have to act boldly. Which candidate wants to give huge tax breaks to billionaires on this massive levels of income and wealth inequality. Thats donald trump. Hillary clinton believes that we should raise taxes on the wealthy and do away with loopholes for corporations. Which candidate is trying to bring us together which is Hillary Clinton and which candidate is trying to divide us up running a Campaign Based on bigotry that is donald trump. I would ask, john, of my supporters to get away from the personality conflicts that media tries to bring forewar and focus on the real issues impacting the American People. When do you that, i think the choice is pretty clear, that is that Hillary Clinton is far and away the superior candidate. Dickerson i hate to stick up for the media this isnt just a media creation they were making a lot of noise during Hillary Clintons speech, there are a lot of people who hear what youve said, youre obviously going through the issues because these are people who got interested in your campaign because of the issues, theyre not buying it. So, i wonder, Sarah Silverman said, the bernie more bust people youre being ridiculous. John, i dont agree with you when you say, they are not buying it. We have over 13 Million People who supported my candidacy. And i have no doubt that there are some of those people who will not vote for Hillary Clinton. But i would say that the vast majority of them, i think as the campaign progresses and people take a hard look at the issues, who is better for the middle class . What is bet are for super bowl who is better forethe environment . Who is better for the lgbt community. I think more and more of those people will come on board secretary clintons campaign. Dickerson during the convention when Hillary Clinton mentioned you you looked like you had a bit of stoic look on your face, what was going through your mind . I always have that look on my face. Nothing new, i am not always the smiley kind of guy. But i believed that the convention was a very good convention. I thought that secretary clint clintons speech made some very, very important points. But the most important point to me, john, is that i happen to agree with secretary clinton that donald trump is not not that a typical campaign, the whole nature of his campaign is not on issues as much as it is on bigotry, trying to divide us up. On making americans think that we have to hate mexicans or hate muslims, the constant insults against women. His socalled birther efforts are against president obama that is not what our country needs. In the stressful times we have to bring our people together not divide us up. Dickerson what are you personally going to do to help Hillary Clinton get elected . Im going to do a couple of thing. Number one, i intend to campaign vigorously to make the case that on issue after issue, clinton is far and away the superior candidate. Number two to state focused on the real issues impacting the American People. I want to see health care expanded so that every american gets health care as a right which exists in every other industrialized country. We worked on an agreement to make sure that public colleges and universities will be tuition free for families earning 125,000 a year or less. That is 83 of the public. John, im going to go around the country, do my best to make the case that at a time when our country faces many serious problems, by far Hillary Clinton is the superior candidate. Dickerson do you see your role as possibly blowing the whistle as Hillary Clinton moves off in some of those promises or if she were to become president if she doesnt keep her eye on the ball as you see it that your job will be, wait a minute, youre not keeping your promises . Thats a good point. We work with the clinton people to forge what is far and away the most Progressive Democratic platform in the history of any party in this country. And to answer your question, yes, i will return to the United States senate, hopefully with a Democratic Senate. Im going to do my best to see that we have a Democratic Senate. Hope. Ly we will have secretary clinton as president. In that capacity i surely will do everything that i can to make sure that a Clinton Administration and a Democratic Senate and the house agree that i can stands up for working families. Is prepared to take on the billionaire class. Is prepared to try to create a vibrant democracy not allowing billionaires to buy elections. Ill do all of those things. Dickerson thanks for much for being with us, senator. Thank you. Dickerson joining us now is Donald Trumps campaign manager, Paul Manafort who is in south hampton, new york, this morning. Mr. Manafort, start with kyser khan who spoke talked about sacrifice that donald trump had not sacrificed anything. What is the final response from the Trump Campaign to that . Look, this is mr. Khan mr. Trump all of us give him our sympathy and empathy for the loss of his son. That was a real tragedy. Issue is not mr. Khan and donald trump the issue is, radical Islamic Jihad and risk to the American Homeland, thats the issue. All the lives lost in the war over there are tragedy and we are sorry for it. What mr. Trump has talked about, which should be the discussion here today is, how do we protect our homeland from refugees coming in from areas that are unsafe. Mr. Trump has made it very clear that he believes there needs fob temporary suspension from those areas until we can have system that can process it. That is the issue. The second part that have issue is to remember that all of these lives that were lost needlessly, lost because of the war that didnt have to be. The iraq situation with president obama and secretary clinton took office in january of 2009 was totally different world than it is today. Because of the failed leadership and mistakes they made including secretary clinton as secretary of state, is isis arose, middle east destabilized, war in syria developed all of this is what we should be talking about. Mr. Khan went through enormous loss. He isnt the issue. Issue is the American People are focusing on, really media needs to be focused on is to focus on American Homeland security and how to prosecute the war against isis. Dickerson i hear what youre saying. When mr. Trump was asked about this second thing he brought up was that mr. Khans wife didnt say anything. Why did he take that was important to bring up right away . These are clinton talking points. Dickerson that was mr. Tru mr. Trumps answer. But the folk you was not on where where it needed to be. Part of the question. What needed what needs to be focused on is why are we at risk. What is the war all about . I think i cant get into all of the issues as mr. Trump can. He is not the issue. We feel sorry for what he went through. Have to stop the risk of radical jihad. Thats the focus. Frankly in the acceptance speech apt the convention, mrs. Clinton, her policy to do that was simply regurgitating the exact policy of the obama administration, nothing different there. Nothing new is going to happen. Mr. Trump said were going to do it differently. Thats what we should be talking about not mr. Khan and his tragedy. If you want to get into that narrative why arent we talking about the victims who spoke at the Republican National convention who lost their loved ones to illegal immigrant criminals. War not talking about that. Dickerson its a good point. Did speak at the Republican National convention, i think distinction people boo say is, Hillary Clinton then didnt talk about Patricia Smith or in the way that mr. Trump talked about mrs. Khan that would be the distinction. Mr. Trump was asked about mr. Khan he didnt raise mr. Khan the point mr. Trump continues to focus on is, we need to focus on protecting our homeland security. That is the issue. Not the tragedy of the khan family. Dickerson the reason this came up is the question of the ban on temporary muslim immigration, mr. Trump now talks about street territorial system stopping people coming in from places where territories where there is terrorism. He also talks about extreme vetting. But is it still the case in that extreme vetting the first criteria would be whether someone is a muslim or has that changed . Weve been talking about geographic suspension for months now this is nothing new. He announced in his Foreign Policy speech at the National Press club three months ago. Hes been consistently talking about it since. What the focus is, the region and anybody who wants to come in. That is the issue. Who they are, what their religion is, isnt the subject. The key is, we need to have a system that allows us to understand who is coming in from these terrorist activity areas. In syria we have no idea. Obama administering has not seemed to be bothered by that. Secretary clinton doesnt seem to be bothered by that. Mr. Crumb trump is. Dickerson hill donald trump participate in the president ial debates. He says he wants to. Just like we dediscoverred in the hack of the ndn dnc mrs. Clinton likes low audience. Thats what she conspired for to keep Bernie Sanders from getting large audience. Mr. Trump says i want a debate ill do three. I want it to be the maximum audience. Going to sit down with the commission in the next week or so Start Talking to them. We want to make sure that we have a broad audience understanding so that we can get understanding ever the difference between mrs. Clinton trying to define her selves as change ache and mr. Trump that will end the gridlock. Dickerson do you question the independence was commission that set up the dates for the debate . They havent contacted the parties or campaign. No. Not at all. Were saying that our position to going to be we want the maximum audience participation. Thats all. Dickerson lets switch to russia briefly here. Did donald trump think that russia a threat to american nation natural security interest . Well, i think mr. Trump said on campaign trail biggest threat to failed leadership on the part of obama and clinton. As far as russia or china or syria or isis, they are all threats. He has said that he will have robust policy that will put American Interest first, make america safe, he believes that strong leadership with clarity of vision will keep out of the uncertainty of the world in a better place. Ironically the point he was trying to make last week which was ignored or taken off of the clinton narrative, was that here we are in the United States with 33,000 missing emails that the fbi cant have access to, and most likely because of the insecure unsecured nature of the server in clintons home for country probably have access to those 33,000 emails. Who knows what secrets are in there. Its an example of the clumsiness and lack of personal interest by secretary clinton ahead of Americas National security interests. Dickerson House Speaker paul ryan said russia is a global menace, is that something that donald trump would disagree with, do you think . I think mr. Trump has made it very clear he views russia to be somebody that we need to be firm with. And he is defined that he would put American Interests first in dealing with russia as well as any other country. Get into what his specific words are he said that. He used russia as a foreign power has its own interests at stake we in the United States have to put americas interests first. Dickerson thanks so much for being with us. Thank you, john. Dickerson we turn now to the chairman of the Republican National committee, Reince Priebus in racine, wisconsin, mr. Chairman, Paul Manafort said that donald trump wants to participate in the debates but doesnt sound like a full blown commitment. Is there anything unfair about the way that the debates are set up now at this moment . S. Well, were going to be working with the commission, john, in what theyre putting together. Certainly were not going to agree with anything that our nominee doesnt agree with, it would be incumbent upon them to communicate with us and others about what they have in mind. Were not going to be having debates on saturday and sunday nights, i dont believe. Its up to the nominee. Of both parties to make that that decision but certainly rnc will be involved in supporting our nominee in his position on this. My personal view is that we need maximize the audience and thats going to be either tuesday, wednesday or thursday night. And thats where we stand on the ish u. Dickerson these debates, dates have been set for a long time. Independent Commission Set them a long time ago why are bee just now hearing about this from the rnc . Well, they dont communicate to us. No one from the commission has called me. I know there was study pointed out lot of flaws with this commission, and its been a hot topic, i think, in our party for a long time. Whether or not the rnc and dnc should take over these debates is a topic that has been discussed in the past. Im fine with working with the commission as long as theyre tholing work with us. But im not talked to them at all. Dickerson mr. Chairman are you saying you didnt know that the debates were set for these debates, announcement on debate. They can set whatever dates they wanted. I dont really care when they set the debates. When they communicate with the nominees and they have contract put together we choose the moderators and choose the networks that are going to be in charge of these debates, that to me is the time when all of this gets set. If they have target dates thats fine. But they havent communicated any of those things with the people that actually have to work with the nominees and the networks and everyone else to put actually these things together. Dickerson so theres one sunday and monday night you think theres a problem been that. The audience will be too small because of the competition with football . Well, i think its i dont understand why we would have Hillary Clinton and donald trump debating each other which is of interest to the entire country, lets face it, this is election like none weve ever seen theres a Massive National interest, we just spaw that in both National Conventions in breaking records. Why would we present the next president of the United States, one of the two of these folks, on a sunday night or a monday night . Why wouldnt we want to maximize the audience and viewership so that people can feel free to watch. I dont understand why they would do that. Dickerson do you agree with the nominee that its a rigged system, the debates . No, i dont know whether the commission is rigged i just think theres a lot of flaws with this commission, they are working hard, not taking anything away from them. Its not easy. Ive been through thick and thin with these debates as everyone understands. But theres no reason why there wouldnt be a give and take. By the way, i think there will be a give and take. What were seeing is, having a debate on a sunday night or a monday night is not the ideal time. We should resift it. Dickerson let me ask you about Something Else mr. Trump said, he wouldnt meet with conservative donors, the Koch Brothers that would make him a quote, unquote, puppet. House speaker paul ryans meeting, Governor Scott walker meeting with them and mike pence that ising to relationship are they all puppets . Well, look, i didnt hear that quote. Im not questioning your comments. Ive had a Good Relationship with charles and david, ive had Good Relationship with americans for prosperity and with many of the donors that help them. I think were a big family. I think that some of these bruises take time to heal. I think in the henned we are going to be together at the table working together once we get through this month and next month. I think in the end were all going to come together, some of these things are just a lot of bruise, is that take time to heal. Dickerson on the broader question, mr. Trump almost every rally talks about those who receive money from special interests as being puppets of the donors. He talked about himself playing himself as puppet matter, lot of republicans receive money as democrats do, Hillary Clinton receives a lot of it. Are republicans puppets because they receive money from special interest . I dont think anyone is a puppet what donald trump is saying, rightfully so, is that he is unique candidate who hasnt had to rely on a lot of these special interest money. Im in the saying all special interests are bad interests. I dont think people that have to take money are necessarily bad, but i do think that when a person like Hillary Clinton lines her pockets with all of the groups that she then turns around and bashes, its theres air of hypocrisy. I dont have a problem with banks or a problem with wall street. But the problem i have with the hip kit who on one hand tags gobs of money from the places that she then turns around and claims that shes working against. Its all just a big fraud. It was a fraud that the dnc tipped the scales in her favor, its a fraud that she pivots and talks about russia when she herself is the reason why these emails that shes that she put at risk are in the conversation that were having today. Its a fraud that she talks about special interests on one hand and then turns around and claims that shes working against it. Look, the whole Clinton Campaign is a fantasy land, you saw that last week, everything is great. Its all Vanilla Ice Cream and cotton candy, nothing to see, no talk of isis. Everything is on the right track. She has put us on a glide path which has created a situation that americans are hurting in this country. We dont have an answer to isis across the ocean. And donald trump is talking about how were going to get ourselves on track. And thats where were at today. Dickerson all right. Mr. Chairman, thanks so much for being with us. Well be back in one minute. Thank you, john. When you dont get enough sleep. And your body aches. Youre not yourself. Tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. We give you a better night. Youre a better you all day. Tylenol®. Dickerson reporters and political junkies werent the only ones trying to keep up with the convention news, the late night comics had plenty of material to work with. Here are some of their best moments. Its been a Great Convention so far, last night was fantastic, it was huge. Did you see melania. I understand that you have a statement . Yes. That is true. The statement was written by the same staffers who wrote last nights speech . Yes. I wrote it. Even trump doesnt seem to like him that much. Take a look at this awkward moment between them at the end of the pences speech. Another one . Another email scandal . The democrats getting more [bleep] than nigerian prince. What are you hiding in your emails that you didnt give to the snib. I am the most highly qualified person to ever seek the office of president. But as a grandmother, sometimes i make a booboo on the computer. If youre going to put tape over your mouth to symbolize that you are being silenced dont agree to do an interview. Is there anything Hillary Clinton could say or do to nothing. Also tonight, Hillary Clintons running mate, virginia senator and loose fit model tim kaine was there. Who is vanilla . Concluded like so Many Convention speeches do with adults having their mind blown. Dickerson well be right back. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. Theres only one place where real and amazing live. 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Everything this year, Hewlett Packard enterprise will preview the machine and accelerate the future. See star trek beyond. Dickerson late this week we learned about the first cases of zika virus transmitted through mosquitoes in the United States. Specifically neighborhood just north of miami. Well be talking with the director of the institute of allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institute of health, dr. Anthony fauci when we come back. Stay with us. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures and worked for 12 long years. There were thousands of patient volunteers and the hope of millions. And so after it became a medicine, someone who couldnt be cured, could be. Me. Moms knowafter brushing, mouths often need a helping hand. Listerine® total care helps prevent cavities, strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. Listerine® total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth™. And for kids starting at age six, listerine® smart rinse delivers extra cavity protection after brushing. Dickerson some are our cbs stations are leaving is now but for most of you well be right back with a lot more face the nation. Including dr. On on this knee fauci, David Axelrod and our political panel. Dont go away. When consultant josh atkins books at laquinta. Com. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. And when josh thinks big you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Look at that pie chart boom youve never seen a number like that you feel me lois . Im feeling you. Yeah you do lets do this watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee. Woot woot the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. La. Dickerson were here with dr. Anthony fauci head of the National Institute of allergy and Infectious Diseases. To talk about the new cases of zika discovered to be caused by mosquitoes in the u. S. Last time you were on you said this was very likely to happen. It now has happened. What is being done to contain these . The thing that you do immediately to try to contain this, to do mosquitoe control, Vector Control that is immediate implementation tool that you have. That is being very aggressively pursued right now by the state and local Health Authorities. Particularly in the area of miami, dade and Broward County where the four locally transmitted cases have occurred thats the critical issue. That is the issue with the authorities. What individuals can do is to protect themselves to the extent possible from mosquitoes do you that by staying indoors, in air conditioned places. Make sure when you have doors and windows that have screens that are in good repair and when you go out, Wear Clothing to protect you to the extent possible and put insect repellent on to protect the exposed areas. Thats what the individual can do together with what the local authorities do. Dickerson how big a threat could this become and do people need to be concerned or what is the level of concern people should have . Dont take this lightly. This is something that we always anticipate prepare for the worst. We do not feel that this is going to turn into that broadly disseminated situation that we seen in brazil or port redo. This is in stark contrast with puerto rico. They have the conditions where they are having, will have major outbreak. What weve done with similar infections like dieng gay. We want to prepresent it from sustained and becoming disseminated. Having said that, we would almost certainly have more individual propups of local transmitted cases. I dont believe its going to stop at four. But we dont believe its going to be widely disseminated f. We do what im saying we can do that is thing we need do do aggressive Vector Control. Dickerson would you suggest that pregnant woman avoid travel to the area where this is . Right now the recommendations from the cdc not that there would be travel guidance. This is something that is being evaluated literally every single day to see if any of the conditions change to indicate that there is going to become more broadly disseminated. Is the cdc would issue the travel. The continuation of the sus stunning of the spread in the presence of what we hope would have been good Vector Control. You still see cases coming up thats where you pull the strigger for doing the travel alert for pregnant women. Dickerson what is not being done right now in dealing with this . Is there anything that is not being done because of congressional funding or lack of will . Well, i wouldnt say lack of will. The issues as you know, the president asked for 1. 9 billion dollars in february not only for things that we do at nih with vaccine but thing that the cdc does working with the state and local Health Authorities for Vector Control and few other things. Were going to rapidly run out of money if we dont get it real soon because were stretching it, borrowing money from other places trying to do those kind of things. Were getting to that critical point very quickly. Dickerson explain to people what Vector Control street. Just getting rid of the mosquitoes. You get rid of the mosquitoes by doing a few things. One, you remove the places where they breed. Standing water, pots, pans, tires, even little bottle caps when they lay their eggs you get larva then adults. Then do larvicide to kill them. Adult insecticide, do it by variety of ways. You can have backpack spraying, aerial spraying, number of ways to do that. We see Vector Control were talking about get rid of the mosquitoes. Dickerson tell me about the zika vaccine, where is that . Were making very good progress. Its really on a very fast track. I would say, john, that we very likely in the next couple of weeks go in to phase one trial in one of the several candidates that are being considered. By phase one we mean test it in limited number of people, in this case it will be about 80 people. Well do it locally in the washington, d. C. Area to determine if its safe. Mainly, can we give it to people. Does it induce the kind of response we predict. That will take a few months, by the beginning of 2017 if that goes well, well go right into an efficacy trial. Dickerson thanks so much for being with us. Well be right back. Guess what i just did . Built a sandcastle . Ha, no, i switched to geico and got more. More . 24 7 access online, on the phone or with the geico app. That is more. Go get some mud. All that more has to be why theyre the secondlargest auto insurer. Everybody likes more. Mhm, i think so. Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Dickerson joining us now is cnn senior political commentator david axel odd. Start with the conventions. Each candidate got a tiny bounce. How much do the conventions really battedder . They matter that the last big opportunity for candidates to deliver unfiltered message to a large number of voters. They set the stage for the campaign to come. On the one hand, there was distinct difference between the two conventions, democratic convex was like the broadway production of hamilton and the Republican National convention was like a middle school play. But they both delivered very strong messages. Democratic message more optimistic, future oriented, celebration of diversity. Republican message a darker, view of where we are as a country. Democrats portrayed donald trump as kind of a loose cannon, cryptofascist, cant get near the nuclear secrets. Republicans portrayed Hillary Clinton as a corrupt, untrustworthy exemplar of the status quo. I think that is the race well see from now until november. Dickerson is the race were going to see about defining what territory that race is fought on . Do you buy the trump vision of the world or clinton vision of the world never get to the question of what has better programs to improve americans lives . Were at the stage of the campaign where 80 of america becomes spectators and 20 of america becomes the reluctant recipient of constant attention from candidates. Because were getting into the battleground states and thats where the campaign is going to be carried out. Going to be carried out in small messages. One distinction, i think the debates would be very important can, particularly for donald trump whose big hurdle to prove that he actually can be the president of the United States and that hes not just a messenger in this race. Those are going to be important, but by and large were going to the battleground states now and its going to be a grinding affair there. Dickerson Hillary Clinton spent a lot of time in her Convention Speech on donald trump. Did that surprise you that she spent so much time on him . No. It didnt. Because i think for her the most important thing is to make him an unacceptable choice, particularly to these collegeeducated, largely suburban voters who have leaned republican in the past, they supported mitt romney by i think margin of about 12 points but she is now even or ahead with him. She she has to hold those voters and she needs to make shim shim unacceptable to those voters a lot of her arguments about his lack of balance and maybe preparedness and his impulsiveness, his reactivity were all aimed at those voters. Dickerson bill clinton tried to make the known as change agent. B, argument implicit what he was aylaing is change is grinding and slow and incremental. That is not very exciting as a campaign message. How much do you think you can make Hillary Clinton an agent of cake . I think that is a tough argument. I thought bill clintons speech was great up until that point. I thought the great role that he played was to give people a richer sense of who she is, what motivates her, where she came from. I think that was valuable in this convention. Political argument that he made i think may be less valuable. I dont think shes going to win this as the agent of change. I think shes going to win it on temperament. Shes going to win it on stability, experience and in contrast to the fears that people have about donald trump. Dickerson youve been in these campaigns, theres 99 days before people stop voting. Tell us, give us a sense of what a campaign is doing now . Priorities start to kick in, what kinds of tough decisions are they having to make now with 99 days left . Well, its about rationing resources for one thing, where you spend where you put the candidates and their surrogates. Where you focus their time. Where do you spend your resources. Hillary clinton has more resources to spend right now than donald trump. Where and how do you spend them. One thing that i think may be determining a fact, a determining factor in this race is, that there really is a lot of technology around politics now that goes to analytics analyzing data about voters that give campaigns a clear sense of who to target and how. She has been working on that project for a long time. Donald trump is way behind on this. Its as if he has a good football that can move down the field but no field goal unit. It puts a lot of pleasure on him as the deliverer of a message where as i think shes got a lot of the the mechanisms that are necessary to bring it home and potentially close the contest in some of these states. Dickerson David Axelrod, thanks so much for being with you. Well be right back with our political panel. And these are the lungs. boy sorry. dad dont worry about it. vo at our house, we need things that are built to last. Thats why we got a subaru. avo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Dickerson joining sus amy walter, john h inchesiemann, and dana milbank with the washington post. Ill start with you. Two conventions. Two visions. Is this Electoral Campaign about two auto lock torts. Were back to where we were a few weeks ago as you pointed out in your cbs poll. Clinton got similar bounce, actually pretty good news for her given that trump had a lot more consolidating to do with his core supporters than clinton had to do. I think we saw, day and night. Dark and light. But there were some similarities there in that the Democratic National convention was all about donald trump. And Republican National convention was also about donald trump who kept appearing day after day. I think that is more narcissistic nature of the candidate. Both of these campaigns are going to try to make it about the other guy. You make it about the other guy, theyre both unpopular. Dickerson made it all about each other which is going to be. Constant theme. Dickerson going to be a pretty ugly campaign. But the response from the trump folks is, they are clueless in clinton land. They give this optimistic speech, next day gdp is weak they just do not have their eye on the ball. Is that a winning message . This were, quote, unquote, normal election where you had republican who came out said, im an ache of change, things havent gone well we need to turn the page. I think it would be very difficult for Hillary Clinton, one, to embrace the president as she did. Literally and figuratively. To try to walk this line of things are kind of bad but not so bad. Its not as bad as you think. But this isnt sort of the normal election and the republican put forward is the kind of candidate, again shes going to have to make this case that he is not the right messenger. He has the right message but danger is the change because his change brings him dickerson too much change. Too dangerous thats where i agree with David Axelrod trying to make her an ache of change is not going to go where. Shes is the status quote. But she has to make the case that the status quo is better to be safe than to make the risk of change. Definitely a danger for both. If you look at donald trump and why the tone of the convention was so pessimistic it makes perfect sense when you look at his thesis as a candidate. The folks who flock to him even if they were reasonably well off or middle class, people who felt like the 21st century had basically been a disaster. When you have people who compare themselves to, lets say, men, who compare themselves to their fathers at the age they are now. And when they look at their status when they look at their stability, other things they enjoyed in their lives and look at themselves. Look at the democratic coalition. This is a coalition where michael bloomberg, who is richer than donald trump speaking how the things are going well. Minority voters who even if theyre struggling or working class theyre doing better than their moms and dads. In a lot of cases. You are often this case for optimism does that case for optimism resonate that 20 of the country, we dont know, Donald Trumps case for pessimism, it makes a lot of sense to the people who won him the g. O. P. Nomination. Does it makes sense for people outside of that universe. Dickerson lot of things going on in Democratic Convention was praise for john mccain, Hillary Clinton praised number of republicans. President praised George Herbert walker bush, that was the 20 . 100 . I think it was former republican chairman that it was the best Republican Convention. Not just in terms of praising those republicans but trying to take on the mantle of republican optimism of oldfashion the republican optimism. Patriotism, the giant flags, all those appeals to values. To his point, who are those available voters out there. Trump has a huge problem with College Educated voters. If you think about where the available vote is out there, unless theres some magic that trump is able to perform which is bring out whole bunch of new voters in an unprecedented way who are huge voters. The normal electorate right now. College educated women in the suburbs in these battleground states. What did you hear as Republican Convention that resonates with them, those are the Democratic Convention. Im not convinced that the apocalyptic, not just pessimistic, but the tone of the Republican Convention will resonate with white, suburban, College Educated women in those battleground states. Thats the real question. When you look at republicans doing well in the mid term, they do well because they do well College Educated white voters, they had that to that working class base thats been in the party nor some time. Trump might have moved the needle alternates bit, but i agree with john that College Educated white vote that is responsible. He is fundamentally decided that this is a turn out election, if he can just get these white lower educated, older males out to vote in larger number than ever before, he wins. Clinton is pursuing a very common, typical strategy, we all looking back at through our history, obviously clinton strategy makes sense of reaching out to the middle at this point. Donald trump believes that he can rewrite the whole fundamental politics. Dickerson this travel that she did after convention aimed trying to protect the blue collar voters, help us understand that, we got here is trump does well, traps even some democratic blue collar voters that Hillary Clinton does well, trump gives her an opportunity with the College Educated women. But you have to hold your margin. One thing saying, youre going to lose white noncollege voters. Another thing to lose them by ten points more than barack obama. Keep your margins there. This is another fundamental element of the them cane, Hillary Clinton has all the elements of a traditional ly strong campaign. She has the money, infrastructure, the campaign advertising. And yet shes basically two points ahead or view it as tied. There may be enthusiasm problem. But she has the infrastructure to do that. He has the enthusiasm, but doesnt have the infrastructure. Which one is going to win this battle. This is a huge problem for the Trump Campaign if youre depending on changing the electorate from fundamental way thats mexicanal thing as much as a message thing. This disparity of resources, this disparity in terms of the ground game poses huge challenge just to make this one last point about white College Educated voters. Republicans won for 50 years. Its not even close, right now the polling that we did with bloomberg has Hillary Clinton up in double digits with white College Educated voters thats a huge problem if you add that in to the existing Obama Coalition of nonwhite voters that he has turned out, helped democrats win five of the last six popular votes at the president ial level. If she can turn them out. The mechanical stuff that john is talking about basically the nuts and bolts of taking a person who likes you from their living room to the polling plagues. Wouldnt the trump people say, this guy puts them in the seats. Hes the one who has high ratings, hes making people really enthusiastic. He doesnt need all this and that and fancy consultants. Theyre going to be marching to the polling place. One thing we know is that in 2012 you have the Romney Campaign a very professional campaign by all accounts. Yet when they deploy to get out the vote technology, in 2012, they struggled with it. They did a very poor job. The system was notorious for many failures. But then when you look at the Trump Campaign, theres some level at which you have to make sure that people as you say, get to the polling place. That involves infrastructure. It involves infrastructure, another thing is are you getting your support in the right places. This is a dilemma for both of these campaigns. Electoral college means that if you run up the total in the bay area, in the new york suburbs, it doesnt matter if youre a democrat. Similarly if youre republican if you are doing extremely well with noncollege white voters in the deep south, you are not doing quite as well in swing states. That is a problem. To some degree you look how close this eye selection its not actually giving us the useful information about where is it close. And who is actually going to get out the marge in. We are seeing the margins in places, margin between losing by ten points and losing by 20 points in some of the areas that obama did do better than Hillary Clinton with some of the voters. Organic question, the other thing, republicans that ive talked to look at voters who turned out for the primaries. We hear all this stalk, huge turn out for donald trump. Biggest number of republicans ever to vote. 9596 of those are traditional republican voters. Maybe they didnt vote in primaries before. That is true. But they voted in general elections, this now is getting turn out to a place that wed never seen before not just getting people who already registered to come out and vote. Not the trump is a new phenomenon what is new hes pulling people in the primary process which doesnt tell us anything about the general. Let mef i may, switch to debates. What is going one donald trump and the debates . What do you all see happening here . John, im glad you held their feet to the fire on this. September 23, 2015 when the date were put out. Not a peep from the rnc or peep from candidate trump and i think its important to point this out. Because now you have trump saying the system is rigged. You have manafort with you saying, they were conspired with the Hillary Clinton campaign. This isnt in the realm of he said, she said this is a fact. I think it just needs to be pointed out, whatever theyre doing right now is something that they were not doing for the last 11 months. Very interested in the minor party candidates. You look at gary johnson the libertarian he has been pretty much exclusively running a centrist, moderate campaign which he emphasizes his social liberalism. You think that libertarian would be there to attract some of these College Educated voters who otherwise vote for republicans. But when youre looking at the debates its a big question. Is trump going to say, well, i insist that we have gary johnson and joe stein there. It would make sense because he seems to do heck of lot better when he didnt see him one on one debate. That is will be very interesting. Frankly hell have other allies say, we want other people in this process, too. If those guys are people who are otherwise clinton voters, that clearly has implications for the election. Dickerson we focus on the debates its the next big turning point in the row. Should we do that, should we be or are they going to be bigger now than ever . Look, you can think about what the schedule is of life between now and those that first debate. You have the olympics, which under normal circumstances empty blot out the sun in terms of News Coverage in august. Lot of the old rules have been applied. Donald trumpHillary Clinton might not be like that the way it was in 1996 in terms of the news blackout. I think the first debate well be gargantuan. You will see Television Audiences unlike any other weve seen if youre on a canoe in the zimbabwe, people will want to watch this debate its willing go huge. Trump will not want to do three debates f. He both recognize they have to do one because theres so many questions about his temperament and suitability of the office. If he doesnt pass the reagan 80s test, hes got got to do that it matters hugely. Easily imagine saying i want to pass that test once then move on. Dickerson so 20 seconds what happens if he does that, if he gets out of the three debates . We have not been able to answer, what if. I feel like half the answers are that, emoji, the i do not know. You would think that would be completely damaging and yet weve not been correct in assuming that earlier. Debate about debates. Ickerson we end on the uncertainty emoji. Well be back in a moment. Ind ay to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. Just 30 billion . 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