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Ah, this is just foolish behavior. Stephen these girls are unhinged youre unhinged screaming stephen wait whats this . big band announcer its the late show with Stephen Colbert tonight stephen welcomes David Oyelowo, taran killam and musical guest rae sremmurd, featuring stay human, jon batiste. Now live from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its Stephen Colbert cheers and applause stephen hey whats going on hey, chris whats up . cheers and applause hey good to see ya cheers and applause amazing piano riff stephen ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the late show. Im Stephen Colbert. cheers and applause thank you for being with us tonight. Especially all these people who braved a snowstorm to be here. Thank you so much cheers and applause its great. Yeah. piano riff the good news is now youre here in the ed sullivan theater, where its about two degrees warmer than it is outside. laughter for anyone watching in the sunny south, the northeast got slammed with snow today. Here in new york city, we got ten inches and for once, it wasnt a text from anthony weiner. laughter thats jefferson. I think its jefferson. That might be generous. Maybe two texts together. This is the first big winter storm weve had this year. The Weather Channel called it winter storm niko. Niko, named, of course, for the tour guide who got your cousin pregnant on her semester abroad in athens. laughter new yorks not alone. Schools are closed all over the northeast. Should have named it winter storm betsy devos. laughter niko is good, too. piano riff friend of yours . Washington, d. C. Also got a dusting. Jon oh, wow. Donald trump was out on the white house lawn making a snow man earlier today. Then because it was white, he appointed it to his cabinet. laughter applause man its cold in here just got colder in here laughter although i have to say, im pretty disappointed because the number one trending topic on twitter earlier today was hashtag snowstorm. Snowstorm . Wheres your imagination, twitter . In years past, we had hashtag snowpocalypse and hashtag snowmaggedon, but now were just going with hashtag snowstorm . We need something for 2017. Its so obvious Hashtag Flake news laughter all right . Im not sure it snowed today. I dont buy it laughter piano riff speaking of donald trump yesterday, i told you about the feud between donald trump and nordstroms. Due to bad sales, the Department Store stopped selling ivankas clothes, so the president tweeted that she was being treated unfairly. So this morning, the Trump Administration sent Kellyanne Conway to defend ivanka, inc. On fox and friends. Go buy ivankas stuff, is what i would tell you i hate shopping, i will go get some myself today. This is just a wonderful line. I own some of it, i fully im just going to give a free commercial here. Go buy it today, everybody. Stephen and you can trust Kellyanne Conways fashion advice. Most High School Marching bands already do. drum cadence stephen that was good laughter that was nice. But watching that is weird. Dont you think it should be against the rules for a white house employee to shill products. applause it is. These kinds of rules called laws specifically, the law stating an employee shall not use his Public Office for the endorsement of any product or for the private gain of friends or relatives. audience reacts stephen yeah. Very important law. Very important law. Its been on the books for a long time. That was written after the 1882 white house endorsement of chester a. Arthurs muttonchop bangles laughter got a lot of money. All the men wore them. And earlier today sean spicer assured us the white house was taking the appropriate steps. Kellyanne has been counseled, and thats all that were going with. Shes been counseled on on on that subject, and. Thats it. cheers and applause stephen what kind of counseling are we talking about . Is that like Camp Counselor . Is she working on her merit badge in ethics . Or is this a euphemism for something slightly harsher . You wont see kellyanne around anymore shes counseling with the fishes. laughter but if you do want to buy ivankas products, youd better hurry because t. J. Maxx and marshalls employees were instructed to stop featuring ivanka trump merchandise and to throw away ivanka trump signage. cheers and applause you know its never a good sign when they wont sell your clothes in marshalls, home of the loose underwear bin. laughter hes just three weeks into his presidency and hes already attacking americas enemies starting with the judicial branch. After a federal judge blocked his definitely not a muslim ban, trump angrily took to twitter to call him a socalled judge. Of course, being from reality tv, trump doesnt consider someone a real judge unless theyre sitting next to howie mandel. Even trumps own Supreme Court pick, neil gorsuch, doesnt like trump attacking a judge. He told a u. S. Senator that trumps comments were disheartening and demoralizing. cheers and applause yeah. Adding, go nordstrom laughter gorsuchs comments were made to connecticut senator and man carved from a single piece of wood, richard blumenthal. laughter after blumenthal spilled the beans, trump tweeted, senator richard blumenthal, who never fought in vietnam when he said for years he had major lie now misrepresents what judge gorsuch told him . Question mark. No, he did not. Period. A spokesman for gorsuch confirmed the judge said it. But, i dont know how to say this trump is right about something. Aaagh. audience reacts i feel like my heart is crying. Because heres the deal senator blumenthal did claim he served in vietnam when, in reality, he was a Marine Reserve in washington d. C. , where did things like fixing a campground and organizing a toys for tots drive. So he didnt see combat, but his g. I. Joes did. laughter okay, they were fighting cobra. But if i were trump i wouldnt bring up vietnam. Because even though he went to military school and knows more than the generals, he was granted five draft deferments, including one for bone spurs in his heels. Trumps tragic nam story was captured in the film, apocalypse ow. laughter good film. Seen that . piano riff jon real nice film. Stephen the horror. Trump may not have a lot of any government experience, but people elected him because hes a businessman. He knows money. I once imagined. Because, according to the huffington post, recently, President Donald Trump was confused about the dollar was it a strong one thats good for the economy . Or a weak one . Followup should a president know stuff or not know stuff . cheers and applause i dont know which one of those two piano riff now, trump has literally hundreds of Economic Experts working for him, but instead he called his National Security advisor, mike flynn, at 3 00 a. M. That must have been annoying, but still, better than flynn getting a 3 00 a. M. Text from trump that says u up . laughter i find it hard to believe that the president is up late at night calling the wrong people. For answers to basic questions phone ringing im sorry. I apologize. Thats me. I should have turned the phone off. Im getting a call. Hello . Stephen, hi. Donald trump here. Stephen mr. President this is a surprise. Yeah. Well, i wanted to ask you is it three branches of government or four . Stephen thatd be three the executive, the legislative and the judicial. Hey, got another one. Is it more rock and less talk . Or more talk and less rock . Stephen its more talk. Okay, lightning round when pizzas on a bagel, can you have pizza anytime . Stephen youre the president. Im sure you can have pizza anytime, sir. What came first, frasier or cheers . Stephen cheers. Okay, last one. There are two guards one of them only tells the truth, and one of them only tells lies. Which one do i make my press secretary . Stephen mr. President , im sorry, but ive got a show to do. Thats okay. Ive got to go, too. Im calling a joint session of congress to find out why there isnt mountain dew in the white house water fountains. Click. Stephen did you just say click . Yeah, im still here. One more question how do you hang up a phone . Stephen President Donald Trump, everyone cheers and applause weve got a great show for you tonight. David oyelowo is here, and, when we come back, ill reveal some of my darkest midnight confessions. And taran killam. Stick around ive been saving Something Special for you. What is it . Verizon phones. gasp every time you go over your data limit, you get. Punished. But i like streaming movies. Punished i love getting hit with surprise fees. Wait til you see how confusing and painful the bill is. gasp wireless pain is fine. If youre into that sort of thing. If not, get tmobile one. All unlimited, now with taxes and fees included. If youre gonna make an entrance. [car driving upon the water] sir . You give me that salad and i will pay for your movie and one snack box. Can i keep the walnuts . Yes. But i get to pick your movie. Can i pick the genre . Nope. With the blue cash everyday card you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Backed by the service and security of american express. Windex that you dont even know its there . So clear by sfx slide show smudge it with the new smudge stick even clear glass gets visibly smudged in a snap. Sfx smudge sounds against glass get it now and say no to spotless clear windex glass. Hashtag stuffy nose. Hashtag no sleep. Hashtag mouthbreather. Just put on a breathe right strip. It instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. I heard superheroes read chucks norris comics. D you. I heard at night, the boogeyman checks under the bed for chuck. I heard cats say they have chucklike reflexes. Dont look now, chuck norris is behind you. Re on hey chuck you owe me a buck. You cant always see whats coming but when you choose unitedhealthcare, finding an innetwork doctor thats close to home is easy. So what happened . I had lunch with chuck norris. Unitedhealthcare. cheers and applause stephen hey, everybody welcome back to the show. cheers and applause say hi to jon batiste and stay human, everybody cheers and applause stephen folks, if youre regular watchers of the show, as many of you know by now, im a catholic. Sorry, ladies. But i cant always find the time to get to church and i really miss my favorite catholic tradition confession. So if you dont mind, id like to confess to you, my audience. You wont tell anybody, right . Audience of course not stephen great. This is midnight confessions cheers and applause laughter standard disclaimer i dont know if these are technically sins, but i do feel bad about them. Okay, wait right there. organ music playing softly forgive me, audience. When someone sends me a save the date card, i dont even save the card. laughter i like being an adult, but i wish all my shoes were still velcro. Im less concerned with overfishing than i am about running out of goldfish crackers. laughter cheers and applause laughter those sure are salty. Im a man in his 50s who eats like a man in his 20s who doesnt plan to make it to his 30s. laughter sometimes i go to the bathroom just to check my phone without seeming rude. flushing sound applause sometimes when i check in to a hotel, i use some silly madeup name like taran killam. Excuse me. That is my actual, godgiven name. cheers and applause y laughter cheers and applause stephen you know that spreader truck that coats the highway in a snowstorm . Thats how much salt i put on my fries. Sometimes i brew a pot of coffee just for the smell and eat a pint of ice cream just for the mouth. laughter i dont say spoiler alert before giving away the ending to a movie. Or serving bad clams. laughter last week, i opened my neighbors medicine cabinet, but only because i was drunk and thought it was the door. laughter i think women look great in stilleto heels, but if i were a woman and a man asked me to wear them, i would murder him with my shoes. laughter applause when the treadmill asks me to enter my weight, i do. From that one time i had mono in college. If you were one of the 2,000 authors ive had on my show over the years, i didnt read your book. applause bed, bath, and beyond are my three favorite locations to have sex. laughter forgive me, audience . Audience we forgive you stephen thanks. Well be right back with David Oyelowo. cheers and applause band playing remember 2007 . Smartphones . O m g ten years later, nothings really changed. Its time to snap out of it. Hello moto. Snap on a jbl speaker. Put a 70 screen on a wall. Get a 10x optical zoom. Get excited world. Hello moto. Moto is here. The moto z with motomods. Get 50 off on moto z droid. Like paperless, multicar, and safe driver, that help them save on their car insurance. Any questions . Yeah. How do you go to the bathroom . Great. Any insurancerelated questions . Mmhmm. Do you have a girlfriend . Uh, im actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly 600 when they switch, so. Wheres your belly button . [ sighs ] ive got to start booking better gigs. [ sighs ] thick, rich chocolate. Who doesnt Love Chocolate . Chocolate makes you feel good hot chocolate in a cup. Java chips. Two espresso shots. Melt it down. Ooh, just thick, chocolatey goodness. Mmhmm. Once youve reached the bottom, thats the best part. Top to bottom chocolate for the chocolate lover. Uhah, this isnt normal whipped cream. Chocolate espresso whipped cream. Its all about chocolate. Oooh, look at all that chocolate. Extra chocolatey. All chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate on chocolate on chocolate. The molten chocolate latte. This is your box of chocolates. You never believed in fairytales. Knights in shining armor or happily ever after. But you believed when the right one came along, youd be ready. Time to shine. Orbit. The Hydrogen Fueled mirai. Its only emission is water. Toyota. Lets go places. You have to brave to8 hours of testingcation, in the 11 most crucial areas of management accounting. Only 50 will pass. Done. So if youre one of them, feel free to brag. Youve earned it. Oh yeah. I want that. Whos next . Im next. After her. After him. The cma certification. Youve got to earn it. cheers and applause stephen welcome back, everybody folks, my guest tonight is golden globe nominated actor best known for playing Martin Luther king in selma and now stars in a a united kingdom. Whats this song supposed to be . I dont know but they are utterly butchering it. I have been trying to work out the melody since they began. laughter i do love jazz but ive never trusted an englishman to play it. laughter would you like to dance . Stephen please welcome David Oyelowo cheers and applause band playing that was a nice theater bow you gave. Very nice. Ive just been doing a play, so i feel at home here. laughter stephen before we get started were here to talk about you and a a united kingdom. I want to say the movie and your performance in queen of katwe was absolutely beautiful. For anyone who hasnt seen it its a tremendous movie about a teacher who believes in students, teaches them chess in terrible conditions of poverty in uganda and its such a beautiful movie and a true story and very uplifting. Robert katende whom i play in the film is an extraordinary human being. Its humbling to get to play him. Stephen you all do curtain calls with the people you play at the end of the movie. Yes. Stephen beautiful. Thank you. Stephen you were born in the u. K. Yes. Stephen went back to nigeria where your family is from. How long did you live there . From 6 to 13. Stephen you came back to the u. K. Yes is that how did you get involved in theater . It always involves a girl, doesnt it . Stephen some of the best stories do, yeah. laughter no, we were going to this church where i lived in north london and i was obsessed with my pastors daughter. Others were obsessed with their pastors daughter as well. I caught some recognition there. cheers and applause yes, actually, because he would not have enjoyed me being with his daughter. But she used to work the overhead projector and i would sit in the back of the church. I didnt listen to a single sermon for probably about a year. One day, she came up to the end of the service and invited me to the theater. I thought it was to go on a date to see the play. I turned up at the subway station with a rose plucked from my mothers garden and audience reacts i know. Its a tragic ending, by the way. laughter i walk up to her with the rose and the look she gave me clearly states she did not see this the way i saw this. So i drop the rose, we get on the train, go to the theater, and she takes me backstage to a room where its a youth theater where theyre low on boys. I walk into this room and theyre in the middle of warming up. Any actors here . cheering okay. So you know what warming up looks like silly noises so i thought my pastors daughter had taken me to a cult, basically. laughter but i kept going because i liked her that much, and before you know it, you know, i caught the bug. Stephen well, your performance in selma as Martin Luther king was also beautiful. What did it take to get into that performance . cheers and applause thank you. Stephen how long did you shoot that . What was it like to be in character as Martin Luther king . We shot that for two to three months. Yeah, i mean, to play someone of that magnitude, youve got to go there, so to speak. I had the privilege of working with for rest whitaker on a film i did called last king of scotland and Daniel Day Lewis my favorite actor of all time in lincoln, and those guys stayed in character the whole time, which i thought was a little indulgent, to be perfectly honest, especially in the case of for rest whitaker, by the way. He was playing a d ugandan dictator. laughter i remember in the hotel in uganda where we shot it, a very young actor at the time said, hi, fo forrest growling laughter but you cant deny the results. Stephen so you were in character all the time . On and off set . Yeah, well, we shot a lot of it in atlanta, and if youre going to play dr. King in atlanta where hes from, going around saying, hi, im david and playing dr. King, doesnt engender much confidence. So i decided to stay in character. Stephen like in starbucks i have a dream of a cinnamon chip scone give it to me now got to get to the mountain top, please. laughter really, didnt cause any trouble . Well, it was distressing for my wife, shall we say. Not only did she have to deal with a husband who was suddenly 30 pounds heavier, but we were moving ho house at the time ande called me and said, okay, david, what is were going to do, the brown or the grey curtains . Well, i think, uh, we need to, uh whoa, whoa, whoa i cannot talk curtains with dr. King. We are going to pick this up after the shoot which we did. laughter stephen the new film is called a a united kingdom. Who was Seretse Khama . The hare to the thrown of botswana and he was in london studying law soon after the Second World War. After that, he was going to go back and be king of his country botswana. Stephen he was the crown prince. Exactly right. But he fell in love with this white girl, and, understandably, his people were not down with having a white queen. laughter but then again, neither was south africa with the idea of an interracial marriage. Stephen did they have some say of what happened in botswana . Not literally, but because they were such a powerful nation in relation to Great Britain, this was after the Second World War and the cold war was just starting up. South africa was supplying Great Britain with uranium to fight the war, supplying Great Britain with gold and threatening to leave the commonwealth if they allowed a marriage to take place just across the boarder in botswana to happen. So Great Britain happened disgracefully, in my opinion, and decided to exile the two from their country. She was a british subject . Yes, she was. Stephen and britain put the pressure on them not to marry . Initially. Stephen okay. The church wouldnt allow them to have a Church Wedding so they ended up having a civil wedding. Once they tried to go back to be if botswana, the british government, because botswana was a protect rat of the u. K. , they said, in order to help you guys not have eruptions in your country were going to help you by not letting you be in your country. Stephen so if youre a an actor booing i love being british, by the way. Oh, pi goodness, theyre never going to let me back in the country. Stephen if youre a method actor and stayed in the character of dr. King for months on end, how do you put yourself in the character as a member of an african royal family who has an interracial marriage. Whats that choice like for you . Well, i am actually a prince from nigeria. I know, sounds like showing off, but its actually true. Stephen you yourself are a prince from nigeria . I myself are a prince. I could feel the fact youre, like, yeah, right stephen are you the one sending us the emails asking for the cash . Because i dont have my wallet on me. laughter how do you think i can afford this suit . laughter but im in an interracial marriage myself, so there are several things stephen this is you and your lovely family there. Yes, thats my family, my wife. Stephen right there. Yes. applause how did you get them to call wear the same clothes that you were wearing in there . Bribery. Stephen now you just did a play you did a fellow with daniel craig . I did, here in new york. Stephen okay. Now, hes no longer going to be bond, right . We dont know who the next bond is going to be. We dont know that. Stephen what . I heard hes not going to do it anymore. Really . Stephen thats what i heard. I know what i heard, David Oyelowo. Well, i dont know. I have been in a dressing room for him for three months, so i dont know about that. Stephen really . Yeah. audience reacts i think were ready for a black bond. Oh, really . Stephen it might be time. cheers and applause thats what im saying. David, lovely to see you. Thank you. Stephen thank you for being here. A Union County Union count a n theaters tomorrow. Back with taran killam. Stick around ,, youve got to let it go. Ive had it forever. Well sell it on letgo. Hey, ill take it. Its time to snap, post, chat and sell. Its time to letgo. cheers and applause stephen welcome back, folks you know my next guest tonight from his work on saturday night live. He currently stars as king george iii in hamilton. Please welcome, taran killam cheers and applause band playing thank you very much thank you, thank you thank you so much very nice people stephen very nice. The nicest of people. Stephen thank you so much for joining me in the contensionle. Youre welcome. Stephen lonely in there. I dont think i have been joined in there before. Just started crawling there from backstage. Stephen thank you very much. You are king george iii in hamilton now. Yes cheers and applause thank you. Stephen did you take it just for the part or is it the only way to get tickets to hamilton at this point . Both a and b at this point. Stephen i didnt know you were a singer. What i started out doing. I went to college for musical theater and then comedy took over. Stephen started in musical theater and decided to go for the big money in comedy it has worked out and its an honor. The show is incredible. Youve allin it, right . Sorry sorry to rub your nose in that. No, its so amazing. I was a huge fan of it and i know lynn and tommy and they invited me to be a part of the show. Stephen weve had Andrew Reynolds and john graf to talk about playing the part before you. The crown is the worst part of it. It stinks. Its so heavy. Youre in heels. And for the first part you have a giant velvet cape swaying to and froe, like tossing you in a ship. Its just the job to walk a straight line. Its a selfdefeating role when it comes to wardrobe. I think im the tallest. In the heels and crown, i have to duck under the set when i make my entrances and my third show ever, i did not. It knocked the crown to the back of my head like a precocious apple dumpling gang character. Stephen the king yeah, im going to kill you laughter and then theres the part where i have to, like, skip in joy, and i do that, and for me it was like slow motion, the crown comes off and smashes on the stage. Stephen did it get a laugh . A huge laugh. It was great. You literally cant fail in that role. Its so nice. Stephen everybody wants to see the show and people pull all kinds of strings to get in there. People come backstage, like, i cant believe im meeting that person not like you dont meet a lot of famous people. Like World Leaders come. True. For mesara Michelle Gellar came last week. Stephen buffy . Buffy. Stephen world leader. World leader. Dimensional leader, really, if were getting technical. The first time, maybe the only time ive cried in earnest at Narrative Television was on buffy when angel loses his soul again and she has to stab him through the heart to close the hell mouth. laughter i played it much cooler than now. I was like, thank you for coming to the show, im a huge fan, buffy, thank you very much and i ran backstage. Stephen youre famous for your impressions. Impressions that nobody had a hook for. Nobody did brad pittt and you had a hook for brad pitt. Mcconaughey is a very small needle to thread. You must run into them after doing their impressions. No one likes their impression. So theyll quickly skirt to you do this person great and that person great, you really havent gotten me. That is what they always say. But i was backstage at the 40th, somebody who i got to meet and never got to do on the show, it was my favorite experience in passing, 40t 40th was crazy. Theres tons of people there from all generations of the show. Stephen 40t 40th anniversary. Of snl, exactly. I see out of the corner of my eye Jeff Goldblum walks up and aim big fan, he says, yes, yes, yes, yes, good, very good, then kept walking. Im, like, thats it. Im done. Thats all i need, if i do nothing else. Thats it. cheers and applause stephen you might know this, this season snl is having an amazing season, the ratings are great, everybody is talking about it and the show has been wonderful. Alec bald within, mccarthy, sean spicer is the best performance ive ever seen. People who come in who werent even the host that week, when noncast members come in and do the impressions, does the cast there go, hey, were the ensemble, why arent we doing those . I feel bad for the cast who dont get a chomp at that. No, its done well. I was there when they had larry david come in for bernie sanders, and its always within sort of the family of comedy and people that we respect. So i think its more than anything just as exciting for us. I mean, melissa was the person, i came from the theater in los angeles and she did as well, and melissa was the person who i would go out of the way to see. Stephen shes extraordinary. Shes a genius. Stephen did you ever do schwarzenegger . I didnt do him on the show but directed him in a movie this past summer which was very cool, very exciting for me. I directed a film why are we killing donter, a mockmentry about contract killers trying to kill the most famous hit man to usurp the king and we got arnold to be gunther, spoiler alert. It was crazy because i facetimeed with him. My assistant said im going to hand you to arnold now, he was sitting in front of a six foot desk, smoking cigar behind a picture from his pumping iron days. He said, hello, taran. Good to see you this was the before, this this e after cheers and applause laughter stephen taran killam, on broad way at the Richard Rodgers theatre stick around rae sremmurd next only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say if you love something. Set it free. See you around, giulia for 6065 off all fine jewelry like 19. 99 pendants and 4050 off sleepwear like 23. 99 pajama sets. Plus take an extra 15 off and get kohls cash. Kohls. Isnt tmobile fantastic, snoop . Unlimited data. Taxes and fees included. Its everything you might even say its all that and a bag of. Purple cushy throw pillows . No, i was thinking. Herbroasted lamb chops . No, a bag of. Greenery. For your topiary garden nah. Pot mmmm can of bisque maybe. Smartphone sweaters . It keeps your unlimited data cozy i like that. Its all that and more tmobile one all unlimited. Now with taxes and fees included. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. cheers and applause band playing sir . You give me that salad and i will pay for your movie and one snack box. Can i keep the walnuts . Yes. But i get to pick your movie. Can i pick the genre . Nope. With the blue cash everyday card you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Backed by the service and security of american express. You get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Remember 2007 . Smartphones . O m g ten years later, nothings really changed. Its time to snap out of it. Hello moto. Snap on a jbl speaker. Put a 70 screen on a wall. Get a 10x optical zoom. Get excited world. Hello moto. Moto is here. The moto z with motomods. Get 50 off on moto z droid. To encourage trying, goodnessknows invited people who have always wanted to act, to try. Know what give goodness go. Its made with real fruit, whole fruit and dark chocolate. Whole nuts and dark chocolate now you know what goodnessknows knows every try is a step to being your best. Try a little goodness. Stephen 53 years ago today the beatles made their live tell solution debut on this stage. Playing black beatles from their album sremmlife 2, please welcome rae sremmurd with jon batiste and stay human. cheers and applause black beatles in the city be back immediately to confiscate the moneys rae sremm guwop mike will i sent flowers but you said you didnt receive them but you said you didnt need them that girl is a real crowdpleaser small world all her friends know of me young bull livin like an old geezer quick, release the cash watch it fall slowly frat girls still tryna get even haters mad for whatever reason smoke in the air, binge drinkin they lose it when the dj drops the needle gettin so cold im not blinkin what in the world was i thinkin new day, new money to be made there is nothing to explain im a bleep black beatle cream seats in the regal rocking john lennon lenses like to see em spread eagle took a bleep to the club and let her party on the table screaming, everybodys famous like clockwork, i blow it all and get some more get you somebody that can do both black beatles got the babes belly rolling she think she love me i think she trollin that girl is a real crowdpleaser small world all her friends know of me young bull livin like an old geezer quick, release the cash watch it fall slowly frat girls still tryna get even haters mad for whatever reason smoke in the air, binge drinkin they lose it when the dj drops the needle came in with two girls i break your heart i got a lot im trying to kill these things i was broke im rich im still oppressed i wear the gucci jacket like an ace ive been blowin o. G. Kush i feel a lil sedated i cant worry about a broke bleep or a hater black beatle, bleep me and Paul Mccartney related that girl is a real crowdpleaser small world all her friends know of me young bull livin like an old geezer quick, release the cash watch it fall slowly frat girls still tryna get even haters mad for whatever reason smoke in the air, binge drinkin they lose it when the dj drops the needle small world all her friends know of me cheers and applause i love the energy thank you cheers and applause stephen rae sremmurd, everybody well be right back cheers and applause ,,,,, stephen thats it for the late show, everybody tune in tomorrow when my guests will be will arnett, pete holmes, and comedian paul mecurio. Now stick around for james corden. Good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org are you ready yall to have some fun feel the love tonight dont you worry bout where it is you come from its gonna be all right its the late, late show reggie ladies and gentlemen, all the way from bratislava, slovenia, give it up for your

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