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Problem that needed solving, beyond being another person working in the private equity industry. Woodruff all that and moret on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by you never discriminate. You want everyone the young, the old, the soft and the strong but cancer, were fighting you with immune therapies and genetic testing, with laughter, with strength because every one of us is doing one thing only making cancer history. Lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your financial futurel and by the alfred p. Sloan foundation. Fr supporting science, technology, and improved economic. Performance and financialno literacy in the 21st century. Supported by the rockefeller foundation. Promoting the wellbeing of humanity around the world bye building resilience andfbu inclusive economies. More at rockefellerfoundation. Org Carnegie Corporation of new york. Supporting innovations in education, democratic d engagement, and the advancemente of International Peace and security. Ea at carnegie. Org. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Ra thank you. Sreenivasan a fastmoving inferno burning 60 miles east of los angeles flared even more today. Some 1,500 firefighters are battling the Massive Wildfire thats only four percent contained. They dropped fire retardant on parts of the san gabrielhe mountains to help control the blaze. Its already charred more than 49 square miles since tuesday. 82,000 residents have been ordered to evacuate. Woodruff nearly 18,000 detainees have died in syrian d government prisons since that countrys uprising began back in 2011. Thats according to a new report out today from amnesty international. A the group interviewed abuse survivors who described rampant torture, disease, and death at the Detention Centers run by syrias intelligence agencies. Amnesty warned the actual death toll is likely much higher, since thousands of detaineesai disappeared while in custody. Sreenivasan the uniteden nations has admitted for the first time to playing a role in haitis initial choleraa outbreak. Some 10,000 people died, and hundreds of thousands more were sickened. The disease is believed to have spread in 2010 while u. N. Peacekeeping troops from nepal, where cholera is endemic, were helping with the relief effort after the devastating earthquake. Ie a short time ago, i spoke with journalist Jonathan Katz live on facebook, who broke this story. Hes the author of the book tht big truck that went by, and has been covering the cholera epidemic in haiti. The answer is that nobody likes admitting when theyreco wrong, especially when admitting that youre wrong can cost you billions of dollars and your job. I think they were hoping that this could go away. There wasis a perception atw3 te beginning when cholera first broke out was sanitation is bad in haiti, haitis a country thats had lots of different kinds of diseases in the past and there was this hiewrnlgan disaster that we know had nothing to do with it but it was the enormous disaster that got the worlds attention monthsc before. I think they skated by on saying haiti is a place of dirtyni diseases and they thought they would get away with it. Sreenivasan you can watch my full interview on our Newshour Facebook page. Woodruff a string off bombings in turkey has killed at least 14 people and wounded more than 220 others. Militants struck three separate sites across the south and east within hours of each other. Turkish president recep Tayipp Erdogan blamed kurdish separatists for the attacks. But he also accused followers of muslim cleric fethullah gulen, who turkey says orchestrated last months failed coup. translated one does not need to be a prophet to see that Fethullah Gulens organization is behind the recent p. K. K. Attacks in terms of information sharing and encouragement. Turkey is facing joint attacks by various terrorist organizations who act with the same motive. Ro woodruff erdogan again e demanded the u. S. Extradite gulen, who lives in selfimposed exile in pennsylvania. Sreenivasan the state department acknowledged today a 400 million cash payment the u. S. Made to iran last january was contingent on the release of american prisoners. The wall street journal first reported the two events were linked yesterday. The money was owed to iran in the wake of a failed arms deal dating back to 1979. Today, state Department Spokesman john kirby said thesp u. S. Wouldnt let tehran take control of the cash until after the three u. S. Citizens had left iran. We of course sought to retain maximum leverage until after american citizens were released. That was our top priority. Or this wasnt a case of ransom. And again, i need to remind you all while a little bit of the tick tock here thats driven out you might find new and salacious theres really nothing new here in the story about how we got those american out and how we leveraged opportunities here that were coming together at the same time. Sreenivasan republicans have long accused the Obama Administration of paying ransom for the u. S. Prisoners. Woodruff the Justice Department today announced it will end its use of privately operated prisons. A recent report from the departments Inspector General found theyre less secure and effective compared to federallye controlled prisons. The government began using the private facilities back in the 1990s amid a prisons overcrowding crisis. Sreenivasan police in brazi now insist the four u. S. Olympians who claimed they wereh robbed at gunpoint in rio lied. They allege the swimmers, including Gold Medalist ryan lochte, were involved in a dispute at a gas station after causing some minor damage to its bathroom. Brazilian tv broadcast Surveillance Video that purports to show the group beingth confronted by Armed Security after the incident. One guard pulled out his gun. Police say they dont yet know if theyll charge the athletes. translated in theory, they can be charged with giving false testimony and vandalism, in theory. They stopped at the gas station, they went to the toilets, as the and one or more than one, we are still investigating that,th started vandalizing inside theth toilets of the gas station. G sreenivasan police say at the time the group did offer tos pay for the damage. Ma three of the swimmers are still in brazil, while lochte returned to the u. S. Earlier this week. Woodruff there was word today homegrown zika cases havev now been reported in the popular Tourist Destination of miami beach, florida. Unnamed state Health Officials told the miami herald a handful of cases have been discovered there. The first instances of locally transmitted zika had previously been concentrated in a neighborhood north of downtown miami. Sreenivasan the Clinton Foundation will no longer accept foreign or corporate donationsat should Hillary Clinton be elected president. The Associated Press reported former president bill clinton, who established the nonprofit organization, briefed staffers of the decision today. It said in the event of a clinton victory, it will onlywi accept contributions from u. S. Citizens and independent charities. Ib on wall street today, stocks were up slightly after Rising Oil Prices gave Energy Shares a boost. Aa the Dow Jones Industrial average gained more than 23 points tore close at 18,597. The nasdaq rose 11 points, and the s p 500 added nearly five. Woodruff still to come on the newshour how lousiana is coping with historic floods. Why the battleground map is changing during this president ial election. Do images of war have the power to affect change . And much more. Sreenivasan as lousiana struggles with historic floods residents begin to wonder, what next . William brangham has the story. Brangham as the flood waters start to recede, the hard work h of assessing and rebuilding begins. Basically we lost everything, you know, other than our lives. Couple of hours, we probably hab sixfoot water. Water is probably one of the worst Mother Nature beasts there is. Brangham an estimated 40,000 homes were damaged in the flooding that inundated baton rouge and lafayette, killing ate least 13 people. Homeland security secretary jeh johnson got a first hand look today. The federal government is here. We have been here. We will be here as long as it takes to help this community recover. Brangham 4,000 people are still living in shelters acrosse the state. This is the largest operation that the American Red Cross has responded to since 2012, superstorm sandy, and driving s around the affected area, its really devastating. Brangham in the most damaged areas, only about one out of every eight homes is covered byi flood insurance, because these areas werent considered likelyr to flood. No one was expecting this. This is, i mean, you can see, i might have gotten from here at its worst to up here. So thats why no one was expecting it. So theyre not going to have flood insurance, you know, they thought they were high and dry. Brangham more than 9,000 insurance claims have been filed so far. K w m f for more on how louisiana isho doing, im joined now by the states lieutenant governor,d billy nungesser. He joins us from louisiana l public broadcasting in baton rouge, where many of our colleagues there have also been flooded out of their homes. Lt. Governor, welcome. I wonder if you would just tell us, how are things today in louisiana . Were still recovering. We still have areas where the water is flowing south that will continue to have water for several more days, and hopefullh we can get a break in the weather and start to dry out. But i heard you mention about the flood insurance. Thats going to be an ongoing problem because many areas, this is an historical flood, outside of the flood areas, they didnt have flood insurance, and thath going to be a problem moving forward. Brangham well, what is going to happen to those people if you go back to your house and its severely damaged orb droid and you dont have insurance to cover that, what are those people supposed to do . Fema will give up to 33,000 if you werent in a flood zone and had no insurance but thats the maximum. The average is about 7,500. Well have to make up that difference with volunteers and the giving of people from allll over the country working with nonprofits to help get those people back in their house and make them whole. A lot of elderly people that never flooded, lived in a housee 40 or 50 years, didnt see the need or couldnt afford the flood insurance, so those are the ones that were really concerned about. Co brangham i mean, even if people were to get up to 30,000, do you think thats enough to d cover peoples rebuilding, hotels, time off work . Absolutely not. T thats why were working through volunteer groups, united way,wa red cross, a lot of the rebuilding groups that were here after katrina will be comingom back to help gut those homes and make them whole. We had groups from all over the country that are already starting in louisiana to help out in the rebuilding effort. Ef brangham a lot of people acknowledged the flood maps that determined flood writes risk are outdated and people have to start rebuilding their homes. What do you tell people when people say, lieutenant governor, should i be building here . Should i build it higher . What do you say . Sa it absolutely should be built higher. We see a lot of the rivers haveh been silted in over the years, so there is not as much Storage Capacity in those rivers and canals. Plus, with sea rise and the coastal erosion, even the Coastal Louisiana for hurricanes, were going to have to fast track our coastal restoration, but youre right. Its the same thing that makes louisiana special. Its the people that pitch in to help rebuild. Its a special place to live, and thats one of the risks of living here. But absolutely, every one that rebuilds, as they did along the coast, needs to rebuild at a high elevation. Brangham are you gettingha the help you need from the federal government right now . I have been through five hurricanes and the oil spill as a parish president , and we worked through a lot of challenging times with peopla, but the team on the ground here in louisiana has been with uss every day, traveling with the governor and addressing all the needs, and weve really got a great team working on the ground with peopla and i have seen great cooperation. We still have challenges ahead, but im very impressed with the way things have been handlede thus far with this disaster, especially spread out over 20 parishes. Usually a hurricane hits onee corner of the state and we can concentrate all our efforts ine that area. To deliver response with theth National Guard and the police, volunteers, firefighters, 20 parishes at one time has reallyl been a massive undertaking and theyve done a great job. J brangham you mentioned the importance of having local volunteer and Charity Groups helping out. If our viewers were interested in trying to lend a hand hemselves, where would you w direct them . Volunteerlouisiana. Gov is where were signing uple all the volunteers and its a way to check on and have your group come in and help, or the red cross is accepting donations. They are manning our shelters and will take them over from the volunteers this week. Rs the red cross has been a great partner here in louisiana and continue to run those shelters, and theyre going to be feeding a lot of people. So we are asking for all the help you can give, and the country has been very gracious in the past. Brangham all right, lieutenant governor, thank you for being here and best of luck to you all down there. Thank you so much. Woodruff we turn to politics now and the changing picture of the 2016 electoral map. Hillary clinton campaigned in new york today, while donald trump is in north carolina, a state thats been receiving attention from both candidates lately. As Lisa Desjardins reports, its part of a fast, and fascinatingd shift in the battleground game. Reporter forget the words, the twists tw i am the least racist personr reporter the turns. I never sent or received any material marked classified. Reporter and thecl endless speculation around this Strange Campaign here. E. Now the race is coming in focus. Focus on just a handful of states. Weve had an incredible week here inennsylvania. I i think im going to win pennsylvania easily. Thank you Northern Virginia were going to be back in virginia a lot. We have tovi win virginia. Vi reporter and now 2016 brought another surprise, a fastchanging map. These werefa the expected battle grounds earlier this year. Eleven key swingish states. But in recent weeks, five of those colorado, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania and virginia have moved away from contention in democrats direction. Polls show Hillary Clinton aheae by a whopping 9 to 15 points in all five. Shes so can have gent in colorado and virginia that she stopped advertizing there for knew. Instead, clinton is shifting plans, hoping to expand their map. Were not in north carolinaor by accident. En were here because were goinge to win north carolina. Or reporter clint and kaine are going after the carolinas and georgia and arizona. Clinton is expanding their staff in both states. Those states have seen major both around large cities and hispanic population. Democrats believe they favor them long term. Te one more news an eye popping state of the battleground map, utah. They have voted republican for almost 50 years but in a close race, its 6 electoral votes could matter. Donald trump said thisco just lt week. Im having a tremendous problem in utah. Utahs a different place. Ce is anybody here from utah . T reporter you know who lives in utah, mitt romney, former nominee and outspoken trump critic. Donald trump is a phony and fraud. Reporter another religious minority trump has trouble, with muslims. Trump is far in front in indiana and ohio but has two and a half months until election day to shift the rest of the map his direction. Woodruff and lisa joins us now as we dig a little deeperus into whats going on in these crucial battleground states. Also joining us karen kasler, Statehouse Bureau chief with Ohio Public Radio and tv. Th and adam smith, Political Editor for floridas tampa bay times. He joins us from our pbs station wedu. And we welcome all three of youu adam smith, let me start with you in florida. U right now Hillary Clinton has a very slightly slight lead there but its close. What does it feel like . What do you see the two candidates strengths and weaknesses right now . Floridas all a nail biter state. The safe bet is its going to be close. It usually is. Both candidates are here virtually every week, sometimes within a couple of days of each other. Weve had a lot of pro hillary ads and some pro trump ads and trump is about to start advertising any day now. Woodruff karen kasler, what about ohio . This is another state thats close as we heard in lisas report. What does it feel like to youo there . The polls are showing betweet four and five points Hillary Clinton is leading. Right now werein seeing a lot F Advertising for clinton. She has been popular here in ohio and in fact democrats have won ohio in the last two president ial elections. E it depends on where you live. E. In the cities youre seeing ain lot of Hillary Clinton ads and offices popping up, where trump seems to be doing a lot of campaigning in other areas of the state where there arent urban areas. In youngstown on the border with West Virginia and pennsylvania, hes done policy speeches and worked 15 Victory Offices in ohio where clinton had a leg upp on that, close to two dozen offices. The organizations are out there starting to work, but hillaryil clinton has an edge in terms of the organization and right now in the polls she hans edge as well. Woodruff adam, let me come back to you on that. What do you see in florida in terms of organization in termss of what the two campaigns have going for them on the ground . Consider pli more organization on clintons side. She has 19 or 20 offices open. As of today donald trump has one headquarters in car so at that. Theyre talking about opening ui a couple dozen more within the next couple of weeks but that hasnt happened yet. I think like in a lot of states the Trump Campaign is really all about these big rallies. Thats sort of what trump himself emphasizes. Ph so its true, they point at rallies where they draw 10,000, 15,000 people and suggest that shows that the energy is on their side. The question a lot of l republicans and democrats ask, with those people going after the rallies, they dont need to be pushed out. Ou a lot of people are worried on the republican side that he needs to dot something to bolsr the ground game and push people to the polls that arent automatically likely to go. Woodruff Lisa Desjardins, were talking about two of the states where its competitive. Om Hillary Clinton is ahead in somn of the other battleground states. You describe what does donaldd trump need to do. You have been talking to people inside his organization. The two juggernaut states for sure, florida and ohio, he absolutely needs to win those two states and pennsylvania is considered the third leg on that critical stool for him. Im those are the three states with the most electoral votes. V he could technically lose one of them. Hes behind in pennsylvania by double digits now. If he does, his path is even harder. If he loses any of the three states like pennsylvania, he haa to lose two others somewhere else like virginia and colorado. So these three states have twice the importance as others and his pact smaller and smaller and these particular states slip away or come toward him. Woodruff karen kasler, you see more evidence of Hillary Clintonas organization in ohioo if donald trump wants to catch up in the next 80 days, what does he need to do from the perspective of the republicans youre talking to now . Ki seems like hes got to win over the reps im talking to because as you may recall, Governor John Kasich was the j last one to stand against donald trump. He has yet to endorse donald trump and has indicated hes not going to. H he didnt go to the r. N. C. In cleveland, his home state, because of his concerns ofof donald trump. Na there are other Republican Leaders who feel similarly. Theyre concerned about the rest of the ticket including senator rob portman who is up for election, but they are really very worried about donald trump being at the top of the ticket. So you hear a lot of language about im going to support the nominee but not necessarily im going toly campaign for donald trump. So for donald trump to win, hed certainly would have to win over some of those people who may not be won overable, and also he needs to win a key area of the state, central ohio, that is really the battleground, central ohio around columns where i am is democratic but the counties surrounding it are republican, so that will be the area to decide the case before the election comes up. C woodruff what about in florida . What kind of support does donald trump have going for him in florida . Or thats a similar to what i hear from most republican officers in florida where they will talk about the nominee, beating Hillary Clinton, but b most dont want to utter the two words donald trump for whatever reason. The exception is our governor, governor rick scott, unlike kasich is a big trump guy, leading the super pac, enthusiastic and out there for trump, but rick scott maybe doesnt have quite the juice that some other people do. Hes not the most popular governor. Woodruff Lisa Desjardins, talking to the trump people, again, do you get the sense they are looking to other republicans to climb on board . Are they thinking they will havh to do this on their own . They admit they have two vere big jobs now, one is to bring all the republicans on board. What they talk about is how happy they are with mike pence. P mike pence is the key to doing that. Daily he has been reaching out to indiana governor now the Vice President ial nominee. Ia the other job they have is to expand their base. Ex this is not just a donald trump question. This is a bigger question fort republicans in general, and weve seen donald trump start to do that more seriously this week as he gave a speech talking about how he believes he can appeal to africanamericans. We need to see if that actually moves the dial or not. R but hes got to grow past republicans and also has to grow within republicans. Woodruff youwi and i were talking earlier today about the demographic challenges the republican ticket faces in this election. This is a key election to watch not just this year but two or three down the road, states that are shifting, arizona on a the map, georgia on the map, what do they have in common . Some of the Fastest Growing hispanic populations in the country. Another thing, people are moving to the cities away from small towns. A great uncovered story, our small towns are dying. Ng thats a big part of the republican base, as we get more urban, that so far has benefited democrats. Woodruff pick up on thatt karen kasler and talk about thee kind of enthusiasm you see for these two candidates, fors, Hillary Clinton versus trump. Um how do you read that . Well, the rallies that have happened here have been pretty enthusiastic. Hillary clinton was here in columbus just a couple of days after accepting the nominationin at the Democratic National convention. She brought out 5,000 people ine the middle of the heat. Donald trump have done severallies in ohio that have been multithousand attendees. Us in terms of demographics, i think in ohio, the Trump Campaign is targeting voters who are these bluecollar,la unemployed or underemployed or frustrated voters, people who are in the youngstown area, in areas around toledo, heavy manufacturing areas, people who are concerned about the economyy because of trade. Weve seen the numbers of Union Members who have voted for reps actually rise over the last 20 years because of their kerns about trade. Thats one area the Trump Campaign targets, when he comes to ohio, hes been going to those areas. Hes very interested in trying i to lure in those bluecollar and Union Workers who are very concerned. Woodruff adam smith, isi that a rich target area of opportunity for donald trump in florida . Well, yeah, and just ass columbus is the swing area of ohio, the i4 corridor between tampa bay and daytona beach, thats our swing area here, and particularly the rule o the rulb is who wins tampa bay wins statewide. There are a lot of fed up voters. Weve seen polling for congressional and legislative districts in swing districts where donald trump is surprisingly strong and hes not the drag on the bottom end of the ticket in some districts a lot of people thought he would be at all. Woodruff soul fascinating to watch. Adam smith joining us from florida, karen kasler from ohio, our own Lisa Desjardins here in washington, we thank you all. Sreenivasan stay with us, coming up on the newshour two financial highrollers make a big Career Change to address food deserts. But first, the fight for life in aleppo, syria for a badly injured young woman and her unborn baby boy. This story comes from filmmaker waad alkateab, who tracked the quiet and relentless efforts to save both mother and child. It is narrated by matt frei of independent television news. A warning, this story contains graphic images and may upset some viewers. Everything youre about to see happened over 48 hours in july in aleppo. On the streets outside, the sound in syria of war. siren the toll that day, 45 dead, dozens wounded. But inside, the reverential concentration of ant makeshift theater. The woman on the operating table is called maisa. She is nine months pregnant and she was caught up in one of the bombings when she was on her way to the hospital, by foot, close to labor. L let me see. Wipe it with a swab. Examine her hand and see if there is shrapnel. There isnt anything. Give me the scalpel. S in explosion, she broke her right arm and leg, but what the doctors are concerned about most is the shrapnel in her belly. Did it kill her baby . They want to perform an emergency cesarean. What youre witnessing is the fight to save one new life. In a city that is more used to dealing with untimely deaths in the operating theater, the fight for life appears victorious. But there seems to be a problem. Is his heart beating . No. No, im sorry. The doctors fight on. Theyre now in danger of losing both child and mother. The struggle to save new life is visceral, instinctive. Perhaps because outside death comes so easily. Then the umbilical cord twitches. Proof of life. Hes getting a rosy color now. cry and the most elemental sound of all. crying more powerful for a brief moment than aleppos daily cry of death. Sreenivasan its hard not te be moved by images like that, but some pictures capture the worlds attention more than others. We begin with an image that emerged last night from the frantic attempts to rescue people caught in the aftermath of air strikes. And again, a warning some images in this story may disturb some viewers. Reporter air strikes are aleppos terrible routine. This one hit an apartment a building in the citys rebel held area. Di amateur video captured the frantic scramble to save lives amid horror. Then a boy, pulled from the rubble, sits in an ambulance. Hes dazed, bloodied. Covered in dust. He wipes his face. His name omran daqneesh. Age five. He survived without major injuries. So did his parents and three young siblings. Almost immediately his image swept across social media worldwide, making omran the latest symbol of heartbreak in the nowfive year old conflict. Of but do such images spark action . If so, when . And how . Last year, as the refugee crisis swelled, one photo came to embody the tragedy. A drowned, threeyearold syrian boy, pictured lying face down on a turkish beach. It galvanized european leadersea to review how they take in refugees and asylum seekers. Other instances had less impact. In 2012, a documentary about ugandan warlord joseph konyos went viral. It detailed the brutal tactics of his lords resistance army, and the groups use of childis soldiers. With the hashtags kony2012 and stopkony, it sparked global calls for his arrest. But four years later, kony reportedly remains at large. And in april 2014, the Islamist Group boko haram seized more than 270 girls from their school in northeast nigeria. It led to the bring back our girls campaign, repeated and circulated by prominent figures like first Lady Michelle obama. But this week, new video from boko haram surfaced showing dozens of the girls still inth captivity, more than two years later. Te sreenivasan we take a closer look at the power of these images with anne barnard, the b New York Times Beirut Bureau chief. And susan moeller. She is a professor in thefe Phillip Merrill college of journalism at the university of maryland, where she directs the and i want to start with you, anne. Every day on social media, there are more graphic, more violent pictures of little children than this. What is it about this image of the little boy that connected . Speaking for myself, i see pictures that are literally gruesome beyond belief, that arh hard to process mentally, and they are painful and compelling in one way. But this picture resonated in other ways because its easier to connect to. To its a child in distress. Its almost ineffortable to explain why but some of the gestures he made could easily remind you of a child youve known. His clothing, he was wearing a shirt with a nickelodeon character on it. I think its like with the boys body who was dead but his body was intact and it reminded people, you know, of a child sleeping on a beach and i think in a way thats more shareable in a social media age than a really gruesome picture of death. Susan, why did this picture pop . Why did it get around the world in 20 seconds . I think one of the reasons is because the child is looking at us. But with a blank stare, where often we see on the news and we see in relief aid Agency Comment that, you know, help this child, and the child is looking at us, and it almost seems like the child is asking us to do something. There was also that same pleading character. Sreenivasan and what impacts do these images have the potential to yield . Well, you know, thats a mixed bag. Xe we can certainly think of examples in history like the famous picture of the girl burned by napalm by the u. S. Military in vietnam, that arguably changed Public Opinion and maybe moved policy ultimately. I think, on the other hand, many images go viral or touch people for a moment and then people move on. So i think, certainly, among syrians on all sides of the conflict, there is an increasing mix of anger that comes up when people express sympathy about an image like this because its, like, really . You only just notice now that this is happening after five years . And it happened enough times without anything changing that peoples expectations are really low. Sreenivasan susan, is it a potential fortunately government policy shift or people moved on a certain level . Normally government policy doesnt shift with images. There may be rhetoric, there may be a press conference held, sympathy expressed, but you dont typically get change. Ng what you do get is attention, and you may get reaction that has an effect. Sreenivasan are people motivated to take action . Are there cases where it mightht not be be a government policy shift but individuals mobilize tob such an extent that there is impactful change . Well, i certainly have had many people ask me how can i help people like this . What organizations are doing work that can help civilians caught in this conflict . Other advocacy groups are jumping on this to say enough is enough, its time to take more robust action to stop these air strikes by the russians and the syrian government. Others are, you know, saying, well, there is not an easy answer. Some people dont find this a reason to change u. S. Policy. So it depends on the person. Some reactions are political,l some are more humanitarian, but i do think a lot of people felt it like a punch in the gut, even i did after all this time covering the conflict. Susan, what are people leftle to do about it . Is writing a check the answer . Ns i mean, there is a sense of helplessness when you see this image, too. Yeah, i think women have become the current poster child for syria for this moment in time, just like alan kurdy did a year ago and weve had other small children do in years past. I think a poster child does help us reach into our wallets and pockets and give. I there is a term called compassion fatigue and i suggest run of the reasons people sometimes say enough is when they feel helpless, when they feel like they cant make a difference and i think be ablee to figure out how to make a difference can be something that a photograph like oman can do like identifying an aid agency. 24 hours after that photograph appeared, just one Refugee Agency received almost a quarter Million Dollars. So we can say that help is given that wouldnt have been given otherwise. Sreenivasan and ther ands there a correlation between things that we can do at home, say a Confederate Flag issue or lgbt issue that people get fired up about versus overseas that might require different governments and armies and tanks to move into places . I think people find it a bit opaque how they can affect foreign policy, especially nowadays in the era of just wars that are going on behind the scenes and with drones. I do think, however, that, you know, now that there is a more active protest movement going on in the united states, anything can happen. But again the issues are very complex and multisided. Co you know, people remember that the war in iraq was a huge failure and theyre wary of the middle east in general, they dont know much about it, and i also think there is an element that weve seen there is a fear of muslims and an element of racism and there is perhaps a conflation of innocent muslim civilians with a fear of terrorism that is an obstacle to empathy for many people. So pictures like this hopefully whatever your political stripe remind you that were talking about just ordinary human beings. Sreenivasan anne bernard,an susan moeller, thank you foru being here. Thank you. Be woodruff now, economics correspondent paul solman spends a little time with a formerme Hedge Fund Trader turned social entrepreneur who wants to turn the table on Food Shortages in inner city food deserts by launching an array of eateries in both highend and lowerincome neighborhoods. Its part of our Series Making sen e which airs thursdays onin the newshour. Reporter sam polk was formerly a top dog at one of the worlds top hedge funds. My dad was this sort of willy loman character, this sort of outofwork salesman that could never make ends meet. So when i was on wall street, mo entire lifes goal was to make more money than the next guy. Just going to put a littlein bit of salsa inside. Its like your own little bowl. Reporter wow, nice. Dorcia whitebrake is a teachers aid in los angeles. Three kids, no car, the nearest supermarket miles away. So i can have good healthyoo food that tastes good, i have to take a bus and a train. When i was 27, i had been on wall street for five or sixt years and i was at this club in las vegas, and it was this superexclusive club and there was 1,000 bottles of champagne, and beautiful women all around. My life finally looked like id always wanted it to look. T but i basically felt empty. So basically i waited six months for this application. Reporter really. Yeah, and i got it and iot turned it in and then it seemed like an eternity. I was waiting and waiting and finally i got a call. Reporter got a call to join the los angeles nonprofit groceryships program, starteder by. Sam polk. I started groceryships when i came to understand that people are living in food deserts, where theres very little produce for sale and tons andan tons of fast food. Reporter groceryships is a sixmonth scholarship to buy healthy groceries, learn to cook them, and to share. Gr and theres a box of kleenex in the center because a lot of time is devoted to sharing about family, about body issues, about selfesteem and so we have yet to see a group where you Start Talking about those issues and somebody doesnt burst into tears. Th i need my box right now, because, im not kidding. Di reporter really . Just talking about it. Te yes, because just to be able to tell people about my food disorder. I let so much out in thatso circle. Yeah, you know we went through a lot of stuff together. Whatever, whatever i was going through, my groceryships family went through it with me. Reporter groceryships isys expanding in l. A. , but to sam polk its only prelude to his new venture, everytable. Hes just opened the first outpost of what he hopes will be a nationwide chain ofti restaurants, dishing out healthy food, furiously fast, and challengingly cheap. So that means in this s neighborhood, which is South Los Angeles where the per capita income is 13,000 a year, and Life Expectancy is ten years lower than more affluent areas. T we price the meals at 4. Four bucks is a great price here compared to fast food, which is the predominant option. Reporter david foster also left a rich career in finance to join sam polk. Theyre about to open a second every table in upscale downtown l. A. 8 a meal. But eight bucks is also a great price compared to whats available in the healthy fast casual space downtown. Reporter so its 8 versus 4 for exactly the same food . Thats right. Its basically making sure that everyone can afford healthyg food. Reporter the same healthy food, prepared in the same central kitchen to keep costs low, and, heres the key innovation, sold at higher prices in wealthier neighborhoods to make up for tht superskinny margins in poor areas. In a world where inequality is clearly growing and becoming seen as structural, we think that this is the time for a News Business that questions that fundamental assumption thatmp prices should be the same for everyone. Reporter this is one of the dreams of all sellers, right. Its price discrimination. You want to charge people whats theyre actually willing to pay, as opposed to just have one price across the board. Were not price discriminating in the sense ofse trying to make as much money off of each customer as possible. Were actually kind of doing the opposite. Were saying we dont need to make much if any money from a lot of our customers because whats driving us is not just having a successful, viable company, but more importantly solving this problem that afflicts a lot of people. Reporter surprised that two guys from wall street are doing this . Yes. S f reporter dedra dixons foundation feeds the homeless, getting leftovers from everytable just one day old. Theres not too many places t around in our Community Unfortunately where you can get salads, you can get these meals. And so yes, that two guys from wall street can come down into south l. A. And say theres a need here that needs to be met by way of food and meet that need, i am very surprised. But grateful. Reporter like other entrepreneurs weve covered, trying to bring good food to the desert, in philadelphia, in boston, polk sees the need everywhere. Eventually wed like to see an everytable store in every neighborhood in the country. Reporter thousands . I would say tens of thousands. We have over 50 investors, including some of the biggest Venture Capital funds in thegg country. Reporter including many of their highflying former colleagues. But despite the enthusiasm for dogood ideas like this, people arent exactly leaving wall st. A in droves for more meaningful careers. I think we all have inside us both ambitions which are things that we want for ourself you know, money, power, prestige. And we all have aspirations to, contribute or make the world a better place. It just so happens that we live in a culture as a whole where ambitions are celebrated more than aspirations and its almost like wall street is the most distilled part of that culture. Reporter and like any culture, it reinforces its normo in casual conversation. You know, what is your net worth . How many sticks have you made this year . W reporter how many sticks . An you call a Million Dollars a stick on wall street. So you say im up ten sticks tt say i have ten million in profits this year. My bonus in my last year on wall street was more than my mom, a Nurse Practitioner midwife had made for her entire life. And i was 30 years old. Reporter it had taken three years after the emptiness epiphany in the vegas nightclub, but at 30, as he explained in for the love of money, a New York Times oped piece that went viral and has now been turned into a book. I came to understand that even though that billionaire siren song was really attractive, that in another way that came to seem like a good way to waste your life. You go to wall street and you make all this money and then youre 70 years old and youre0 on your deathbed and reporter hey, wait a second not 70 on your deathbed. Hb how about upping that number just a bit . 90 on your deathbed. De but at the end of the day, i felt like i wanted to be truly t proud of what id done with my life. Ou reporter as for david foster. There are a lot of smart people working in finance, and id go as far as to say that there are too many smart people working in finance and that the value i was adding vs. A replacement player was kind of negligible. I thought there was something out there in the world, a bigger problem that needed solving, beyond being another personn working in the private equity industry. Reporter or another chef cooking for the one percent. Hi, im craig hopson, im executive chef here at le cirque in new york. Igk. Reporter hopson went from haute cuisine to everytable. E it could be thousands of people a day that buy thet everytable meals, so i mean the audience is unlimited. Le cirque, not so much. Reporter and hopson too speaks in soundbites that would sound hokey if they werent so obviously earnest. Its great to be able to be proud of what im doing and be able to give back to the people that really need it and to make a difference in the world. Reporter and speaking of hokey lines, make a difference they do. Bon appetit. Fe reporter this is economics correspondent paul solman,t putting on the pounds, healthfully, in South Los Angeles. Thats really nice. Sreenivasan now to anotheran of our brief but spectacular episodes where we ask tonight, we hear from David Remnick, editor of the new yorker. He describes how the magazine h has changed over the years, i think Peoples Awareness has to begin at some point, some weird influence that gets them going that makes them enter the world. D. For me it was listening to bob dylan. My first album was called the best of 66 and had a song called i want you. I was six years old. Didnt know what he wantedt exactly but it resonated with me. You guys are fancy, i gotta tell ya. I have been the editor of the new yorker magazine since 1998 and a writer since 1992. Its changed from being the editor of a weekly print magazine to a web site, radio show, television show, floor wax, dessert topping, were everything. The new yorker radio hour is a program thats both on terrestrial radio and a podcast. Now podcast and radio is renaissance. If the new yorker radiono is in the thick of that renaissance, im very happy. Editing is a complicated process. Get the writer to do the best form to have the writers version of the piece. An editor who is obnoxious, in my mind, is the kind of editor that said winkingly, thats kind of my piece. Of that the not whats done here. The greatest feeling of satisfaction is to run across somebody young who has something new to say and saying it in a different way and help that person in some subtle way get to be himself or herself, that is thrilling. Not everybody does everything at the highest level. I dont expect an investigative report to necessarily be the next sense and sensility. What you want is to be accurate and deep and clear. My editor up in new york, when i write, the rare times that i write is a guy named henry fender. He might Say Something like this very good things here and if that happens, i know were in for a long ride. Everybody does his or her job in a moment in time. My moment in time is not only to make the magazine as great as it possibly can be but help us cross this technological and even financial Roaring River of change. The internet is at the center of everybodys attention and how ww come into peoples households or palms or Field Division has changed rad clirks and i have to leave a new yorker thats got its soul as well as its technological act together. Im David Remnick and this is my brief but spectacular view of the new yorker. B sreenivasan you can watchen additional brief but spectacular episodes at pbs. Org newshour brief. And thats the newshour for tonight. Im hari sreenivasan. Woodruff and im judy woodruff. Tnd join us online, and again here tomorrow evening with mark shields and jennifer rubin. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. Li e t major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your financial futuren the lemelson foundation. Committed to improving lives through invention. In the u. S. And developing countries. Ln. He web at lemelson. Org. T and with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Y bl captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org announcer this is nightly business r with tyler attention walmart shoppers. The Worlds Largest retailer surprised investors when it raised Profit Guidance for the year, as many of its peers continue to struggle. Behind bars. The Justice Department will no longer house inmates in private prisons, sending shares of two forprofit Prison Companies tumbling. Death by another name. Is there an fda loophole that is helping medical Device Companies mask fatalities . Those stories and more tonight on nightly Business Report for thur good evening, everyone, and welcome. Ringing up sales. Seems like its been quite a

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