No they're students university students high school students women you can't even see the hands of the protesters. And in nearby parking lot that's usually used by security forces there are hundreds and hundreds of people crammed onto the roof waving the rattles lights and P.R.'s Jane Erath in Baghdad on Wall Street stocks gain ground today the Dow is up 115 points the Nasdaq rose 27 points this is n.p.r. And this is j.p. Our Jefferson Public Radio you're listening to All Things Considered to mount 4 minutes after 4 o'clock I may reveal I am joined in the studio this hour by environmental reporter Jess burns if you want to know how much plastic is in your water how many beetles are in your tree or how much most is in your air you asked just burns to do some research I do a lot of research for the research that comes at a price and that price is keeping good quality news coverage on the air and we're in the homestretch of our fun drive this evening only a couple hours left about $15000.00 rays and we can do it with your support 888-552-6191 you can also go online to i j p r dot org It's quick it's easy bring us all you've done a lot of these you know a few of these Yeah yeah there's some psychology involved here of last day pleasures there is in people they like to wait dnd Yeah we've we've tried to crack that nut a little bit over the years unsuccessfully No it doesn't by you know by almost hedging that let's almost the very last day so you should call you know maybe a day early doesn't work everybody wants to wait till the last day maybe the cycle psychology story there to have its attention like wow isn't it's not quite environment but I'll keep him in the back of my mind the good news though is that we are within spitting distance of the finish line here we are up over $125000.00 pledged or goal in a little under 4 hours is 140 completely doable it just takes a steady flow of pledges coming on the phones. In coming online in coming through our smartphone app in support of great in-depth news every single afternoon here on your public radio station and we've gotten about 4 pledges in the last 3 minutes and that's the kind of pace we need to keep up in order to hit this goal and call to rappel in this successfully 888-552-6191 go online i j p r dot org And thanks support for Jefferson Public Radio comes from our listeners and from Alan North properties with nearly a decade of experience in the Rogue Valley Allen North ocus on client customer service and satisfaction with a commitment to the success of the investment Eleanor thanks a fine tuned approach to managing single family homes multi-unit residential and commercial and furnished rentals no property is too large or too small at alland North clients and residents alike receive a response of personal approach to property management more at Allen North dot com . From n.p.r. News I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm else itching n.p.r. Has learned that a key witness in the impeachment inquiry is set to leave his post on the National Security Council Tim Morrison is the top Russian official on the n.s.c. And he said to testify before the House tomorrow now Morrison was privy to the contents of that July phone call between President Trump and the Ukrainian president and joining us now with more is White House correspondent Franco or don't Yes Hey Frank Oh hello so briefly remind us who is Morris and why is he such an important witness here well as the senior director responsible for that region to Morrison would be the person at the n.s.c. With the closest relationship with Ukraine's issues as a former n.s.a. Official told me if there was a quid pro quo he's the one who would know about it it was Morrison who alerted n.s.a. Lawyers about alleged demands being placed on Ukraine government to investigate a company where the former Vice President Joe Biden son sat on the board and that was according to earlier testimony it was also Morrison who said he had heard from Gordon Sunland trumps ambassador to the European Union that Trump wanted the Ukraine president to actually go to a microphone and announce this investigation Ok So have you gotten any indication of why Morris in plans to leave his job I mean does it have anything to do with his upcoming testimony tomorrow Well I was unable to reach Morrison and his lawyer won't speak to me about his job status I did speak with 3 sources who did confirm this you know he's only been in this particular job since the summer it's very unusual to take such an important position Adams and s.c. And to leave so soon yeah details are usually about a year but they can be extended but the White House has stopped sought to stop current and former aides from testifying citing that they are protected are entitled to immunity from the investigation so while it's not clear yet whether he's leaving the post or the end or the administration entirely his attorney. Has said publicly all along that he planned to testify if subpoenaed what's been really interesting so far is that staff members from the National Security Council have been sort of at the center of this whole Ukraine scandal and the people who are proving to be the most important witnesses are these really staunch conservatives the most important witnesses for Democrats it really is interesting there's always been at the n.s.c. Kind of a mix of somewhat ideological and career officials there Morrison was certainly on the ideological side of the spectrum at n.s.c. He's considered a hawk on foreign policy has views are in line with national security John Bolton I spoke with John Gans a former speak Pentagon speechwriter about this who told me that one of the ironies of all this is that officials who raised eyebrows with their hard line views when they joined at the n.s.c. Are now kind of a source of investing a slice of hope for investigators as you pointed out and Jim Morrison is one of those people but in fact now we see as those who are trying to get to the bottom of the Be Different Greer placing a lot of hope on his testimony that he will be willing to say this but it is sort of hard line views and by perhaps agreeing with President trouble on matters that in fact there was a problem here on Ukraine and that's what Democrats hope to hear when he comes to speak now the person who hired Morrison in the 1st place was former national security adviser John Bolton and we understand that House investigators now want to speak directly with Bolton is that right yeah and n.p.r. Has confirmed that house investigators have invited Bolton to testify next week on November 7th as part of their impeachment impeachment inquiry right now it's called a voluntary appearance which may not be quite enough for Bolton right let's remember Bolton has written represented by the same lawyer as former deputy national security advisers adviser Charles Cupper man who has filed a lawsuit arguing that he can't testify until a judge tells him whether he needs to adhere to the congressional subpoena or White House a direct White House. Active that's n.p.r. White House correspondent Franco or don't use Thanks Franco thank you. The u.s. Economy has been slowing down but it got another push this afternoon from the Federal Reserve Fed chairman Jerome Powell announced that the central bank is cutting interest rates for the 3rd time since July we took this step to help keep the u.s. Economy strong in the face of global developments and to provide some insurance against ongoing risks the Fed's action comes on a day the Commerce Department reported that economic growth weekend in the summer and early fall to an annual rate of just 1.9 percent to explain what all of this means we're joined now by N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley Hey Scott good to be with you now I understand if action today was widely anticipated right so how did the stock market react to all this there was no surprise in the rate cut itself but what investors were watching for was help how would describe this you know was this all there is or is there likely more monetary juice to come later in the year the official Fed statement seem to suggest the former language that the Fed has used in the past about acting as appropriate to sustain the expansion was missing from today's statement and one might read that as a hint that this is going to be the last rate cut for a while but during his news conference Powell did leave the door open to additional action should the economy we can further of course if developments emerge that cause a material reassessment of our outlook we would respond accordingly policy is not on a preset course and that seemed to be enough to reassure investors all the major market indexes which were kind of flat during the day rose during pal's news conference the Dow ended the day up about $115.00 points or so the stock market is doing well the but the broader economy is losing steam Q How does that work how can that be how can both things be true for a while now we've been seeing kind of a 2 speed economy on the consumer side things have been going pretty well which is not surprising we've got a lot of people working their wages have been going up modestly So consumers have money to. Spend and they're spending at lower interest rates have encouraged that we're finally seeing a pick up in the housing market thanks to lower mortgage rates consumers are buying more refrigerators and other big ticket items but business investment is weak and getting weaker that is largely because of uncertainty in the global economy and as a result of the president's trade war pal conceded cutting interest rates may not help that much I think interest rates are a factor in in business investment but I don't believe they're they're the main factor and main driver what would help out said would be a pick up in global demand and some resolution of the trade war he pointed to some encouraging signs the possibility for example of a mini deal between the u.s. And China but he added There's still a lot of risk out there so is there a danger that this this overall slowdown in business will spill over into the job market which has been really strong lately it's certainly a possibility and one that passes the Fed is keeping an eye on but they're not seeing that happen yet there has been some slowdown in hiring this year but that's to be expected when you've got a 3 and a half percent unemployment rate we do get another monthly jobs report this Friday so we're watching that closely but keep in mind there's an asterisk on that report because it covers the period of the General Motors strike which idled tens of thousands of auto workers and others how was careful not to comment on the settlement but he did say that it's good to have that strike resolved That's N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley thanks Scott you're welcome you've heard the phrase home sweet home right well so far in this year's World Series it has been more like home sweet doom the team on the road has so far won every game the Houston Astros' want all 3 games they played in d.c. And the Washington Nationals Nats have won every game in Houston and this is the 1st time this has happened in the playoffs and not just for Major League Baseball it hasn't happened in a 7 game series in pro basketball or hockey either so what's going on here well Michael Lopez is director of data and analytics at the National Football League he is also a statistic. Collector at Skidmore College and he has been crunching some numbers on that site there hi thanks so much I mean what is a home field advantage I mean just explain why this would help a team when in the 1st place what are the factors that go into that sure so the home advantage is a combination of a couple things one it's travel to it's rest in 3 Certainly it's the case and in several sports that there could be an impact of the home advantage on referee decisions and so when you mix all that together there's some benefit of playing at home but the exact way that works obviously depends on each of the sports and when we apply this to baseball how much of an advantage does playing at home can for so in a baseball it's about a 4 percentage relative to say if it is 50 game if you took 2 teams that were relatively evenly matched paired him up at where one of the teams was a home team that home team is going to win about 54 percent of the time and if you were to contrast that to other sports say like the n.b.a. You could say 2 n.b.a. Teams that were roughly the same in terms of talent but one of them at home in that home teams going to one about 62 percent of the time so when all that ends up being about 3 times the benefit to being the home team in the n.b.a. Relative to in Major League Baseball and you're basing this on crunching statistics over the last several years sure this is over the last 15 years or so of looking at data specifically we're looking at the betting odds in terms of who the betting odds I'm perceived as the likely winner and what would explain to us why I were playing at home matter more when you're playing basketball than playing baseball Well certainly in basketball the fans are right on top of the court and you can imagine that they're going to have a little bit of influence whether it's influence over the opposing team influence over the officials or just general support for the home team when things are going as well in baseball there's a little bit fans are for us for other setback and then I think the other funny thing about baseball is that when fans are cheering to support their team at their pictures up in a big spot they're standing in clapping if their batteries up in a big spot they're standing clapping and so regardless they're actually kind of doing the same thing and so maybe that their behavior and their overall influence on the game is a little bit harder to come through all right so let's turn you to. Tonight the decisive game 7 it's going to be played in Houston should if we were putting bets on the should we put our money on the nets. That depends on who you want to root for the games pretty well but our money on the Nats not sorry. The game is pretty close to $5050.00 sort of and if you look at the betting odds it's pretty close to $5050.00 game the Astros are given a slight bump but that perhaps that's you know obviously in part because their own team so they're getting that 4 percent edge sort of $5446.00 outcome and part of that is because you're playing at home that is sports statistician Michael Lopez joining us by Skype thanks so much thanks for having me on. You're listening to All Things Considered here on Jefferson Public Radio it's about 17 minutes now after 4 o'clock Eric teal just burns in the studio with you on this final afternoon of our fall fundraising campaign we're doing great I say we it's you you are doing great we have seen over $125000.12 now we've just crossed the next $1000.00 mark contributed in literally ones and twos and fives and tens and twenties to support great news from n.p.r. Here on j p r. People have done that by calling 885526191 or they have gone online to. Dot org and click contribute and go on through that process it's quick it's easy you can do it now you can bring us home basically we've seen this really great momentum pouring in as we're looking at kind of the names of people that a popped up that have contributed So big thanks to an anonymous contributor in Klamath Falls Audrey Lehmann in Medford Kathleen Manley and Stephen bender and actually in all of them have called in and have helped. Get to our goal calling in 888-552-6191 big thanks also to Jean Pfeiffer the Ashland Peter Schmidt in Mt Shasta a couple of listeners in Ashland anyone listening and supporting us this afternoon from talent almost 20 minutes after for you just heard that great segment on the upcoming baseball game we are at the point where we are calling to the bullpen for our clutch closers right because this is the final inning of our fall fundraising campaign just tonight we go till 8 o'clock we call it good we are working hard to get to 140000 dollars and 300 new members reaching out and contacting us for the very 1st time to say hey count on me here a few dollars 888-552-6191 so before you do go and watch that final game 7 of the World Series give us a call fled your support get it done and then just enjoy your evening so 85526191 online and I dot org its support from people like you that keep alive and healthy and broadcasting into the next year and fix it. Support for j p r comes from our listeners and from wild birds unlimited nature shop well birds unlimited helps bird lovers create a refuge in their backyard with bird seed feeders bads nest boxes and garden décor wild birds unlimited certified bird feeding specialists can help those looking to start the hobby add to the enjoyment of creating bird habitat and help solve any problems that may arise open 7 days a week at 961 Medford center behind Tinseltown 541-772-2107 w b u dot com slash Medford this station and from k. Buck spam in support of the David Gilkey and Sabila tomato memorial fund established to strengthen N.P.R.'s commitment to training and protecting journalists in high risk environments from Progressive Insurance comparing car insurance rates from multiple insurers so shoppers can evaluate options in one place now that's progressive comparisons available at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive and from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm else the Chang and I'm Mary Louise Kelly a closed door that is how France's finance minister Bruno in the mail is describing the trumpet ministration when it comes to trade talks the u.s. Has slapped new tariffs on more than $7000000000.00 worth of European imports from Italian Hammett to Irish butter 2 of particular interest to France French wine visit your local wine shop and you will find Bordeaux and science are now cost up to 25 percent more than they did at the start of the month these tariffs are the latest twist in a long running trade dispute between the u.s. And Europe and we're going to talk about that and other matters at stake between the u.s. And France with France's new ambassador to Washington Philip 18 is in the studio with me now welcome. Thanks for having me I do hope you are able to stock up in advance you're not running low on fabulous French wine at the embassy just you know we have plenty of good wine to offer and we will continue to do that this is very reassuring. Not to make light of a very serious situation I mentioned your finance minister he has called this latest round of tariffs an economic and political error on the part of Washington how so just explain where French stands on this well yes economically for us it doesn't make sense to to have tariffs and counterterrorists when we need jobs we need grows the French companies for instance other largest investor in the u.s. By the number of jobs created American companies are the 1st in France and it is really something which we are proud of and we must we must continue that and tariffs and counterterrorism will calm the positive if Lucian it's also politically difficult to understand or small wine growers in France which are hate because the American. Market indeed is important for them and we we appreciate that. American we don't think that our winds so politically. We must recall it's about a dispute we test to be settled in the craft industry yes a Boeing Airbus and so that's why it for your wife shoot very small companies and farms. Have these very very determined and quinces politically it's a bit difficult to understand all the more that Airbus and Boeing face big challenges they are not any more the only producers on the markets they have to face come and challenges from potential competitors in the other continents So my conclusion the best thing is really to settle this dispute through negotiation as soon as possible and to avoid terrorists and counter terrorist you're talking about tariffs and counter tariffs and this prompts my next question because economists here are watching what might come next we mentioned this is a long running dispute that next round will play out next year this World Trade Organization ruling is expected to go Europe's weight next time exactly I meant that so will France and the rest of Europe be hitting back with counterterrorism then we get involved in this whole set for to trade war between between allies yes it doesn't sound very logical and doesn't sound very very positive for our economies this is a reason why we say we Europeans we must negotiate now and have regularly an agreement. When you say you want to negotiate you're here is all that's on the aircraft industry's on subsidies right on the on the issue which was at the to avoid the recourse of this dispute. Do you feel you have in the us a negotiating partner that you can trust do you feel that your government has influence on the trumpet ministration well on trade to the intellect or is the u.s.g. All on the one side and the European Commission On the other side things are pretty clear speak more broadly though do you feel that France that your President Emanuel McCraw has any influence over President Trump and what he decides to do whether it's regarding trade or anything else well what I can tell you is that the 2 presidents have a very very close relation President Trump came 4 times to France our president made a state visit to the United States they had many meetings in New York on the margins of the different international meetings they have many calls they talk one to the other quite often that's for sure and to talk about the most important and most sensitive issue for instance right now on Syria on Syria and that reason is recent developments in Syria. Allow me to ask a pointed question that flows from recent events in Syria which is do you feel. Does France feel it can trust the us to keep its word. Well the real issue for us now following the latest developments and in particular the Turkish military incursion into Syria Israeli is that we are worried about whether we can continue to fight against terrorism I don't know whether you remember 2015 November 13th in particular the terrorist attacks against Paris plotted from north eastern Syria from Iraq we consider that indeed we have succeeded in. Having no more caliphate no more territory controlled by Dash ISIS but I say still does exist under and another form as a commander Stine network and they commit steel cut terrorist attacks and we must continue to fight against that issue against this is a priority we must also care for the people for the populations there are humanitarian issues and we must also of course build a political solution in Syria we should note that France has been very involved in the coalition against ISIS have special forces on the ground from here is the 2nd largest contributor to the in forces in military means to the Coalition Against after the United States of course which leads to the coalition so I have to circle back to my question with President Trump saying he wants to pull u.s. Troops back out of Syria that he keeps changing his mind or changing what he's saying in terms of exactly how many and when that might happen but do you still find the u.s. a Reliable partner you can work with in Syria and the Middle East more broadly while we have to work together because we have the same issues and I'm confident we will continue to work together for this through reason we think this coalition against that issue against ISIS remains absolutely said. Szell and for this reason our foreign minister call for a meeting of this international coalition which will take place in Washington on November 14th and it's very important here to reaffirm the not only the importance of the fight against terrorism against this terrorism but also to have the u.s. And the other members of the coalition reaffirming their commitment you've mentioned a meeting in Washington which leads to the last thing I want to ask you in the minute or so we have left put it would like to be the French ambassador in terms Washington in 2900 is this still a plum assignment for you or would it be I don't know easier to be assigned to Damascus and you know really not. For once we have for one thing we have no no embassy right now in the miscues but anyway it's fantastic to be ambassador to the United States I was in Los Angeles in about still in the last days and of course in Washington it's obviously a marvelous assignment the conditions are changing but the relations between the u.s. And France remain such important starting with a history yes I have a beautiful portrait. Of another Washington in my residence we thank you and we invite her next time that's Philippe a.t.n. France's ambassador to Washington this is n.p.r. News. Well. On the right one so you've seen them in books and movies and on t.v. They're really a global phenomenon but where does the story of zombies really begin the zombies in Haiti were also part of the secret society the history of zombies and our obsession with them but we'll have the latest on the impeachment battle That's tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Recognizes the nonprofit community support of performances and performances presents the Moscow ballet's great Russian Nutcracker Saturday November 2nd at 3 and 7 pm in the poetic rendering of a time honored Christmas fable children and grownups alike will be taken on a journey to the sweet land of peace and harmony set to check osses classic score and against dramatic backdrops tickets to Moscow ballet's great Russian Nutcracker are available at the box office and it creates dot org. You're listening to All Things Considered here on Jefferson Public Radio glad to have you tuned in thanks for bearing with us during another fund raising event we don't make any apologies for fundraising because that's how public radio generates the revenue that it takes to exist it's not through selling advertising it is just simply by saying hey what do you think are you willing to contribute a few dollars we are very close to the end of this particular campaign but we're not quite there yet it's not you know you're not celebrating down the home stretch of the marathon and then cramping up before you get to the banner we've got to get there so so your pledges in this case are they there is a lot of air assault Ok all right all right I got it I got it hey the number you can call to pledge is 85526191 i j p.r.s. Org and know you've been hearing this web address in this number for the last week . Just a couple more hours and you can help us get to our our goal we're just a little over $10000.00 away we've been getting a nice cascade of pledges and we really we really only have about 2 and a half hours left is that about right and 933 and a half 3 and a half still pledge early pledge now 888-552-6191 I was just thinking to myself how how perfectly public radio to posit that you may be our next salt tablets. How do you how do you feel about that you continue to call in and ask tell our volunteers how you feel about that but in all seriousness you're coming to public radio you're listening to All Things Considered because you care about the world you live and you care about quality journalism you care about balance in the opinions that you hear these are all things that are hallmarks of public radio and this is what you. Support with your pledge 888-552-6191 we're coming up into an election year next year you know it's a big thing to think about you may not want to be right now but you know this is where you're going to get the most can text you will balanced information about what is happening what is it affecting you nationally and in your own community and you know where you're not going to get it Twitter that story is actually coming up next Twitter announcing no more political ads period hugely important story it's going to have a major impact that we don't really know what it will be yet but it definitely will have an impact on the upcoming political season that story is coming up it is one of many many stories that you hear when the show is aptly titled All things considered there is such a wide range of topics and issues that are routinely tackled and wrestled to the ground and and put on display for all of us to try and get a better understanding of what they are this is not and I hated just throw some some other media organizations under the bus a little bit but a lot of presentation can be very much from the Department of scare tactics and they want everybody to sort of be fearful of our environment of the world around us and they want to I want to other people absolutely of other people and they are trying to encourage people to act from a position of fear that is not the style the tone the mission of public radio the mission of public radio is to inform you and educate you and let you use your own intelligence to make decisions that impact yourself your family your friends your loved ones into the future all we need from you is like one small thing and that is for you to call us or for you to go online let us know that you appreciate the coverage that you listen regularly and that you are willing to contribute a few dollars to help you know help cover the cost 885526191 I. 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Dot org to learn more this station and from Zoom Zoom offers cloud video conferencing on line meetings and a video conference room solution and one platform featuring digital video and audio with screen sharing account registration and more at Zoom dot us from Indeed with it skills tests built for employers who want to see a deeper sense of the person behind the resume learn more it indeed dot com slash n.p.r. And from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm Melissa Chang a political message should be earned not bought that comes from Twitter c.e.o. Jack Dorsey via tweet of course in his announcement that Twitter will take the drastic step of no longer allowing political advertising the decision comes as Facebook has been in the spotlight for refusing to hold politicians accountable for misleading or factually in accurate ads N.P.R.'s tech correspondent Shannon Bond has the story and joins us now Hey Shannon Hi So what's going on here I mean how did Dorsey explain why Twitter would no longer be taking any political ads yet he so he says they're not going to political ads anywhere in the world starting next month and he says it's not about speak free speech or free expression it's about whether politicians and campaigns should be allowed to pay to reach Twitter's hundreds of millions of users Dorsey's argument here is that Internet ads are really different than other kinds of ads that we've seen before because the speed in the scale at which social media in particular let's misleading information spread and because of the targeting that's allowed there right those messages can end up in front of really susceptible people and so he's also calling for more regulation of political ads that takes into account these differences and just how powerful the Internet is as a way to reach people I mean this is a really major decision at a time when there is this ongoing big conversation about the role of social media and political advertising that's right it's Twitter's breaking really here with Facebook I mean most of all the I mean that's the Facebook is sort of the elephant in the room here yeah there's this big debate going on about political ads and Facebook in particular has taken this really hands off approach so the latest uproar in the past couple weeks about this was kicked off by this ad that the Trump campaign ran that contained false allegations about Joe Biden and they ran that ad on Twitter on Facebook on You Tube the Biden campaign complained but the platforms all said that the ad didn't violate their policies and that really maps with what those these tech companies have been saying recently they don't want to. Regulate speech particularly political speech and it's mostly that they don't want to be accused of bias by deciding what's true and what's not true and kind of being that judge I cannot but wonder I mean it can't be a coincidence that Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook was asked about all of this just last week when he was speaking at public events how as Facebook been responding to all the scrutiny over political ads Yeah you're right Zuckerberg has been all over the place talking about this you have a speech at Georgetown University he was a Capitol Hill and he's been defending this policy so just a reminder Facebook has said it's not going to fact check political ads even though fact checks all other kinds of ads right and that's left the door open for politicians to lie people have been testing Facebook Elizabeth Warren ran a deliberately false ad and you know after Zuckerberg gave that speech at Georgetown Dorsey went on the attack you know he said that there was a major flaw in Zuckerberg argument that that Facebook is just you know promoting free speech here so in some ways this is in a stupor surprising change and in the tweets you know today laying out this policy Dorothy referred pretty clearly designed her Burke you know he said you kind of can't say we don't want to spread misleading information but it's Ok if people want to pay us to spread misleading information and they follow that up with a winking and I think it's pretty clear reference still how might this decision by Twitter to not take a more political ads affect profits there it will have some financial impact on Twitter it's a popular place for politicians to advertise and you know Twitter doesn't break out how much money it makes from political ads but it says it's not a substantial portion of the total advertising sales but it's not nothing and you know the Trump campaign has already responded to that said Twitter just walked away from hundreds of millions of dollars and called the decision a very dumb move but ultimately I think this means people are going to be asking really what it means for Facebook the social media platform that's a lot bigger than Twitter and runs a lot more political ads so the ball is now in Facebook's court are they going to follow suit that's n.p.r. Tech correspondent Shannon Vaughn thanks so much and thanks for having me. Being related to a president or vice president can be lucrative take former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter he got a seat on the board of a Ukrainian gas company despite having no experience in the energy business he was paid $50000.00 a month N.P.R.'s Jim looks at the long history of politicians relatives trying to make a buck off their more famous family members Billy Carter owned a Georgia filling station when his brother Jimmy was elected president he soon became famous in his own right selling a brand of beer doing personal appearances even going on he hall but I still can't figure out what to do with the outside of the hoa problem. It was all in good fun until it came out that Billy Carter had taken money from Libya for lobbying work presidential historian Julian Zelizer and it explodes into this post Watergate scandal Billy gate it's called Billy Carter insisted he done nothing wrong he even made light of the scandal in a commercial later but I got to not about when dollars but Libya a lot of people thought it was because of the Marbella it's just not true I was giving them advice whether you believe it or not I'm going to give you some advice try eighty's grand light still the revelation embarrassed President Carter lobbyists pay lots of money for access to a president and Meredith McGee He of the campaign finance reform group issue one says that's often meant going through their relatives and they've always been special interests looking for a short cut to get access to power and they're betting right that the benefit that they get from hiring that relative will get them access and influence scandals over presidential relatives have happened in both Democratic and Republican administrations Richard Nixon's brother Donald made headlines for taking a $200000.00 loan from aviation billionaire Howard Hughes businessmen Neil Bush was the son of President George h.w. Bush he sat on. The board of a Savings and Loan called Silverado that would later fail costing taxpayers a $1000000000.00 Bush denied any wrongdoing I believe in the press but if you didn't do anything wrong go to admit to it and I didn't do anything wrong there was never any proof that Neil Bush got preferential treatment from the White House still it almost doesn't matter says Julian Zelizer very often there's nothing wrong nothing is actually done that's illegal nothing that is there and that's formally an ethical and rarely has it affected public policy but that's different than does it become a scandal it looks bad today it's former Vice President Biden's turn President Trump brings up Hunter Biden's financial endeavors all the time Trump's efforts to get Hunter Biden investigated are central to the impeachment inquiry Here's Trump at a recent rally Joe's son Hunter got thrown out of the Navy and then he became a genius on Wall Street about 2 days. By the way whatever happened to Hunter when that was sick but Trump has relatives 2 and Zelizer says the Trump family finances are of a different magnitude not only are the Trump still actively doing deals in foreign countries trumps daughter and son in law actually work in the White House Billy Carter was not in the White House he was not making decisions with the president and that was the case with Neil Bush too so what we're talking about now is fundamentally different the Trumps have actually embraced the idea that they can do business and still run the government but for other presidents drawing a line between the public interest and their family's finances has been a struggle Jim n.p.r. News New York. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. And you're listening to it here on Jefferson Public Radio listener supported public radio covering southern Oregon Northern California and beyond America feel just burns us here hello good afternoon a. Final day of fun drive final hours sun drive the time is now to call in and pledge your support for the radio you use every day 885526191 i j p r dot org And I do want to just say that we have a little bit of an enticement just slight enticement we have a match being offered right now to take us to the end a long time g p r supporter from Jacksonville is adding $100.00 for the next $10.00 a month sustaining membership contributions so let's break this down what does that mean Eric. If you contribute $10.00 a month in an open ended ongoing way like a subscription $120.00 a year 10 bucks a month our anonymous supporter is going to add $100.00 to their own pledge total So this could add up to be huge money like $5.00 grand Right right it can be so 885526191 that sustaining membership is a relatively new thing in the public radio world and what that does it just kind of keeps the revenue stream even a gets people into that system you set it and you forget it you don't have to think about it until you want to cancel and then at any point you can cancel. It is the way that we have been able to drop the amount of fund raising we need to do during these on air drives when I 1st started it was about $170000.00 for a week and now we're we've brought it down the prices it costs have been going down you know believe me but the amount that we're trying to raise on air has dropped to $140000.00 and we are about $10000.00 away from that goal you can get us there. It's a really easy way to support something that you value and I was thinking just as you were talking like can you imagine like sort of prepaying your credit at a coffee shop and every day you walk in you just get the coffee there's no transactional business to occur because you just kind of have a running tab there or a running credit Well that's kind of the way it works here too only that it doesn't really ever run down through usage you can listen as much as you want you can listen every minute of every day that you could 3 radio stations on it listen to all 3 stations of g p r And you could have it on for your dogs in the middle of the day when you're gone you could just leave it on in the garage and forget about it it doesn't matter what matters is that you participate in the system sort of like I remember there was an ethical question on Weekend Edition years ago and somebody called in and said Is it Ok for me to use my neighbor's wife I if I get the signal in my apartment or my flat Can I use my neighbor's if it's really good and the answer was that it's still Ok so long as you're paying into the Internet system somehow you know like maybe you're paying for internet if you choose to use your neighbors at that point it's fine but you should just freeload off of your neighbors now we know in the public radio world that there are many people who are unable to support the station. Time doesn't work out finances don't work out situations change Ok we get it there are a lot of people that move away they're no longer in the j.p. Or listening area or they found other things gasp they found other things to listen to we get that for those of you that are here not only are you a listener public radio you're a dedicated listener of public radio during a pledge drive when Jess and I are here repetitively giving you the number on the website that's sort of hard core nerd you're really kind of invested in the process the only thing you might not have done yet is contribute if you dollars and really cast your vote for public radio 885526191 we have a great group of volunteers down there taking calls the locky through the process they can set you up to be a sustainer or they can take your one time pledge what ever works for you can also go online i j p r dot org You can go through that process you know if you don't like talking to people I get it and even though my job is talking to people I understand you can just go online and you can make your pledge help bring us home and these final hours of our pledge drive once again the number is 888-552-6191 just a minute ago mention nerds we love nerds we do love it wasn't for nerds there would not be radio right Marconi Edison nerves we need them we love them we appreciate them for all that they have given us and you know what by the virtue that we working here we are never radio nerds truly can't get that and you know are can we know you're out there and you're listening and you're dedicated to public radio now is the time to pick up the phone and pledge your support for the community radio you use every day this is what you rely on to get your news your music your information what's happening in your community what's happening around the world 885526191 i j p r dot org And a big thank you to everyone he's contributed. Support for j p r comes from our listeners and from Mobile madness cell phone repair mobile madness fixing cell phones in the valley since 2005 mobile madness repairs i Phones i Pads i Pods tablets and Android phones most within 24 hours mobile madness has retail locations in Medford Grants Pass and at the corner of Walker and Siskiyou in Ashland now open Monday through Friday from $10.00 to $6.00 more on Facebook at Mobile madness or mobile madness repair dot com. Is All Things Considered I'm not the Chang and I'm Mary Louise Kelly the mc double a makes close to a $1000000000.00 in revenue each school year but college players see none of that money now that might change yesterday the n.c.a.a. Board of governors voted to permit student athletes to benefit from the use of their name image and likeness and some see this as addressing an unfair practice of exploitation of behavior by the n.c. Double a Others see this as a lousy idea here to discuss eco young he's a professor at Cardozo School of Law He has written about this an essay in The New Yorker back in 2015 titled Why n.c. Double a athletes shouldn't be paid he joins me now from London welcome dot Things Considered thank you for having me what did you make of this announcement yesterday like most people were all sort of waiting to see what the announcement needs the n.c. Giveaway often tries to do the vaguely right thing when it has absolutely no other choice and so I take it that this is a capitulation that what they see coming down the pike in terms of a slew of laws that are passing from state to state and threaten federal action but I gather you think this is a lousy idea you're in the lousy idea camp how come well I'm torn about the name unlike this issue which is slightly different than paying the athletes but at bottom the reason I'm concerned is because I think this will be awfully hard to distinguish from salaries I consistently worry about the continued professionalization of college athletics look there's no question that the current system is deeply exploitative and deeply problematic I guess my baseline worry is many people I think people in good faith see the exploitation and they say the answer is to pay these young athletes some amount of money while they're playing football or basketball I look and I say the answer is to make sure that these young men and with the revenue generating sports it's typically young men that they get the thing that they. Or promise that was of value that is to say they get a college degree that was of value and one of the things I worry about is how many of at least the listeners to n.p.r. Those who have opportunity and resources how many of them would trade a college degree for their child for 3 years of their child being paid in college I doubt that's a trait that your listeners would make and those are not the dreams I have for my children too in your view should anything change in the current system Yeah I think everybody agrees that the current system needs to be changed and that the corruption of the current system is untenable and indeed deeply racially scarred I'm not interested in whether or not even my beloved will over eans crank out 3 or 4 professionals a year I'm interested in universities that can crank out generations of black lawyers and doctors and. It seems to me that the best way to make sure that we are actually serving these young men is to do our best to support and create a true minor league system similar to the way it works in Europe already some of the way it works in Europe young kids who want to play for Manchester United are playing in soccer camps from when they're young every year that they get cut down but the ones who dream of playing on the big stage pursuit through the minor league system and some of the way it works in baseball and by the way similar to the way it works in hockey in the United States I want to make this personal you played soccer a little bit in college new college athletes but you want to get paid. Maybe in this way I'm a little bit pushed the other way I plea very briefly when Michigan was a club team in order to keep playing I would have had to pay money to play I was working a full time job in college on top of scholarships I would have been thrilled to be able to play just not to pay and so in this way. I am one of the people who truly thinks that sports are actually a part of an education you know we don't think of the dancers as not students and we don't think of the chess players as not just team isn't bringing in a $1000000000.00 every year though no that's true that's absolute right and I think you know that's a concern on the other hand if there was a true professional league where the students who wanted to make their money could go make their money then the university could look the student athletes in the eye and be quite clear that that revenue generation was more about the university than any particular student athlete that is say if your skills at the kind for which you can get paid you can go to the to the minor league and get paid that's echo young he is a professor at Cardozo School of Law and he wrote an essay for The New Yorker titled Why. Shouldn't be paid a younger Thanks thank you for having me you're listening to All Things Considered here on Jefferson Public Radio I mean just burns us here it's the last afternoon we're doing great we're almost 120 $8000.00 pledged for all of our services combined We're taking a couple of minutes we've got much more of All Things Considered ahead but right now we want to take just a couple of minutes to remind you especially if you're just wrapping up your day I mean 5 minutes to 5 maybe you are looking at that clock and getting ready to go maybe to get home maybe to watch the game certainly the eat some dinner there is one important thing we would like you to do just before you do all of that and that is to call us 885-526-1911 line and org Now this is a great thing to do before you get in the car and go on home do it before you get in the car or if you really need to you can get into the car get home and then do it but you can't forget to do it you know when that dog jumps up on you that cat demands attention over Yeah your spouse is you know need need need your need your love. You know get it done before the life takes over because it's really am poor. And to do to keep strong broadcasting the programs you rely on every day like all things considered to keep good quality journalism high quality music going over your airwaves enriching your life it doesn't it's not free. And it's rely we rely on you for your community support to support your community station 885526191 without your support n.p.r. Would consider some things that's not good enough for me some things I wanted all things considered. I want all of them considered so please on this last day do what you can don't leave things out we need all of them considered every day what would you consider. What would you cut from the consideration I would cut anything I want everything considered all right every single thing and you can make that happen you can make it happen by pledging $5.00 you can make it happen by pledging $5.00 a month you can make it happen by pledging a dollar a day it's up to you but being that this is the last afternoon and we are wrapping up tonight at 8 o'clock our goal is $140.00 we're currently at about $128.00 and change so we're really getting there but we're also running out of time we've got a great match we've got a great final day drawing that our phone room folks can tell you about if you call them. 185-526-1918 big thanks to Rebecca Mead and David Thompson of Ashton for calling in we've got an anonymous contributor from Medford We've got David Gerard ready Hello David Elizabeth Bolex of Phoenix called in and supporting the news they she does want all things considered and tested 888-552-6191 is the number to call you can make your pledge at our website i j p r dot org or tap the support j.p. Our button on our smartphone app to make your pledge right now thanks so much from this station and from Home Advisor committed to helping homeowners find the right pros for their home projects homeowners can read reviews book appointments and check cost guides for home projects at Home Advisor dot com or on the mobile app from Ebsco committed to providing analytics and insights to libraries that enable smarter collection development improved work flows and greater user experiences learn more at Abscam dot com from constant contact with email marketing automation tools designed for small businesses to send the right e-mail at the right time their suite of tools now also includes a website builder more at constant contact dot com and from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. J p r recognizes the nonprofit community supported the Oregon Center for the Arts at Southern Oregon University Shakespear America presents shaking up Shakespeare a discussion on the challenges of restaging Shakespeare's plays with directors Tony take own Pinney Metropolis Sheena Cooper and Rosa Josee on October 26th at 3 pm at s o U's hand in the library more information about music theater and visual arts activities at Southern Oregon University is available at o.c.a. S o u u. This is j p r southern Oregon University's Jefferson Public Radio 89 point one k. S. a Math Ashlan also heard on translator k 215 a are in Cave Junction at 90.9 f.m. And translator k 248 d.g. In Grants Pass at 97.5 f.m. . They said we were the backup system how can we be back up if we don't know something's going to take over a point we'll hear reaction from pilots to congressional testimony from Boeing executive us about the 737 Max plane crashes today is Wednesday October 30th and this is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. I'm also Chang and I'm Mary Louise Kelly this hour president trumps picked to be the next ambassador to Russia to face tough questions from Democrats.

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