Those voters shattered conventional wisdom. A year ago sanders and trump not even on the political radar. Truly a memorable night. On the republican side donald trump, the clear winner, and john kasich taking a surprising second place finish. As for the democrats, Bernie Sanders taking a doubledigit victory over Hillary Clinton which was expected by the polls. But that was a huge one right there. The winners celebrated last night with their families. A little hoops with Bernie Sanders with his grandkids at the high school below his Victory Party and donald trump sent out this picture with his family surrounding him saying thank you, New Hampshire. Donald trump is joining us this morning and john kasich standing by live. But first we have complete Team Coverage of the New Hampshire primary and what happens next in the race for president . Lets get right to abcs tom llamas in manchester, New Hampshire, with the latest on the republican candidates. Good morning, tom. Reporter robin, good morning to you. New hampshire changing the dynamic of this race in a major now, this may only be the second contest this primary cycle but New Hampshire voters delivered a bolt of energy to some candidates, while other campaigns may have seen their final days. Oh, wow. Reporter this morning, the ultimate outsider, donald trump, winning big in New Hampshire, vowing hes just starting to fight. But i wanted to congratulate the other candidate, okay. Now that i got that over with. You know, its always tough and then tomorrow, boom, boom. Reporter surrounded by his family on stage, supporters in the crowd cheering, build the wall. Were going to build a wall. Its going to be built. Reporter the billionaire reality star who rallied against Political Correctness with a blunt message that included building a wall along our southern border to a plan banning nonamerican muslims from coming to the u. S. Resonating with New Hampshire voters. Were going to win in South Carolina. I love you all. Reporter Ohio Governor john kasich finishing a distant second but claiming victory for running a positive campaign. Tonight, the light overcame the darkness of negative campaigning. Reporter and essentially a threeway tie for third, ted cruz calling trump overnight to congratulate him even though trump called him a vulgar term the night before. She said hes a [ bleep ]. Thats terrible. Terrible. Reporter jeb bush claiming New Hampshire revived his campaign. And while the reality tv star you all have reset the race. Reporter and senator marco rubio making a promise never to stumble like he did in that last debate. Our disappointment tonight is not on you. Its on me. Its on me. I did not i did not do well on saturday night, so listen to this, that will never happen again. [ cheers and applause ] christie who roughed up rubio in that debate not finishing well and acknowledging the end is near. Mary pat and i spoke tonight and we decided well go home to new jersey tomorrow and were going to take a deep breath, see what the final results are tonight because that matters. Reporter now, governor Chris Christie has not officially dropped out of the race. For the time being but, robin, this morning we have no evidence, we have nothing to compete competitively in South Carolina. Robin. Well wait to hear what he has to say. Donald trump joins us now. You did even better than the final polls. Did that surprise you. Vrjts well we were getting great signals whenever rally and many, many people would show up. Many more than we anticipated george. Were getting a lot of signals. Its a great place. I love the people. They were reflective of it. What is the one thing you think is the key to your victory. Talk about trade and u. S. Military and we have to protect the vets. The vets work hard. It was a whole different thing. It became security george. People wanted security and people im by far the strongest on the border and im not just talking about the wall. Im the strongest on the border. Its the security of our country. The military and isis and were going to knock the hell out of isis. But it started off with the trade and how were losing so much to so many including china, japan, et cetera, mexico. But its very much now about that but also about the military and protecting them. One of the benefits is the divided opposition and a lot of straight through to South Carolina. Are you ready for them to come after you . Im ready. As people drop out im going to get some numbers. I saw one group. Not you. They added up like five opponents and said if you add up the results of these five people, theyre even or even above mr. Trump. I said to wait a minute im going to get some of those votes also. A lot of them. I think theres a little bit of faulty thinking. I would be happy if they would get out and very happy they stay in. It looks like you have quite a few in. Who is your chief opponent right now . I think theyre all good and talented people. They have been governors, senators, they are right now in some cases governor, senator. Its a talented lot. But i think we have a message thats really better than their message. As you go forward in a bigger stage any adjustments to your message. Well i guess you hone it a little bit. People say i become better as maybe you can tell me that. Im not sure. I think you do. You know, with experience, ive george. I never did this before. Ive created jobs and i said last night i will be the greatest jobs broproducers. Were going to bring our jobs back from china, mexico and all over. Thats what i do. Frankly, i become a politician seven months ago but ive become very comfortable with it. I think the debating is very important. I didnt realize how important i guess until this last debate. Night. Mr. Taump see you on the trail. Now to the democratic race. Bernie sanders walking away with a huge double digit win over Hillary Clinton as we said. All eyes on South Carolina and ahead to nevada. Reporter robin good morning to you Bernie Sanders is certainly celebrating while Hillary Clinton is waking up to the embarrassing upset her team knew she would lose and they were hoping it would not be this bad. Thank you New Hampshire. Reporter overnight Bernie Sanders celebrating a victory that was humg. Because of a huge voter turnout and i say huge we won. But before coming on stage sanders celebrating on the Basketball Court playing hoops with his grandkids. He is optimistic about the fight ahead. We have sent a message that well echo from wall street to washington. The government of our great country belongs to all of the people. And their super pacs. Reporter Hillary Clinton conceding defeat. I want to begin by congratulating senator sanders and his victory tonight. Reporter with bill and chelsea standing on stage its not whether you get knocked down that matter, its whether you get back up. Particularly with young people. And heres what were going to do, now we take this campaign to the entire country. We are going to fight for every vote in every state. Reporter and clinton concedes Bernie Sanders managed to tap into a real sense of anger among voters but her camp is telling us this morning they are shifting their focus now to those upcoming states South Carolina and nevada, robin, where they hope she can tap into african voters. Cecilia, what are we hearing about these reports of a possible shakeup within the Clinton Campaign . Reporter well, for now, robin, there is adamant denial inside the clinton team saying thats not going to happen but we know they are moving staffers around to upcoming states. Certainly this morning there is some serious soul searching happening inside team clinton. They know theyve got to get this base in South Carolina and nevada active and supporting her if they want this nomination to happen. Theyve got to do something differently. As she also said tap into all right, cecilia, thank you very much. George. Fresh off that second place in New Hampshire. Hes in South Carolina this morning. Governor kasich congratulations. 106 town meetings in New Hampshire. Difference . George, i think that helped. It was a great grass roots message. Were able to grow our economy which ive been able to do in ohio. We make sure we leave no one behind. Its funny as you and i talked yesterday. The light did overcome the darkness. I had so many ads run against me and we come out in a strong second. Our polls are going through the results and calling you the antitrump. He was the outsider. Hes taking a harder line. Can you bring those two together . When you look at the polls he beat you by about 20 points. Can he be stopped . Yeah, but george i beat him 32. I think it was 21 but go ahead. George, heres the thing. Look, its a long race, right. Were here in South Carolina. Well going to go through South Carolina ultimately to the midwest. This is a long, long race and underestimates me but it seems to always kind of work out. Were going to put one foot in front of the other. Jeb bush not getting out of the race at all and youre about to face an on slot from him in South Carolina. His aids circulating a memo that says you have little or no chance in South Carolina. Quote, kasich has supported gutting the military and has no viable path in the palmetto state. Your response . Well, look. You got the bush campaign. They have spent about 120 million and they have got like four delegates. They have gotten blown out in iowa and did poorly in New Hampshire. Spending all their money going negative. When you pound me im going to have to defend myself but i think its sad. Look, im not going to get diverted by it. Ive been for a strong military, economic growth. Im a reformer and been able to bring people together to solve can you imagine bringing those two wings of the Party Together with donald trump . Well, i dont know what that means. I mean, im running for president. And you know, we had a good night. Were just going to keep working. I absolutely do believe that i cannot only unify the party but i also believe i can bring back that reagan blue collar democrat who they were for reagan. George, most of the conservative democrats when they see a socialist winning theyre like whats happened to my party. Im a democrat but not a socialist. I think we can attract those people. Youre a no. I said we can attract them, george. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. Lets talk about this now with mat dowd and jon karl. It is an earthquake knocking down the foundations of both the we are finally at the size of a Basketball Team now on the republican side. And the interesting thing about this race that lines up for donald trump in the course of this, instead of being weaker 14. Hes stronger 14 and weaker 11 and this lines up and its going to be very difficult to stop donald trump going into South Carolina. Theres no incentive for any of the other republican candidates to get out right now . You know, this is the perfect result for donald trump. Not just his 19point win but the fact theres such a muddle below him and second place finisher kasich is nowhere in South Carolina. Bottom of the polls. Then jeb bush is a reason to go on. Cruz has a reason to go on and marco rubio absolutely has a reason to go on. It was basically a threeway tie for third place. He admitted that the performance did hurt him. You talked about nevada and South Carolina upcoming for the now theyre facing a real fight especially in nevada. Oh, they certainly are, george. This is the firewall that Hillary Clintons team has been talking about. Looking ahead in nevada. Sanders is already running Spanish Language ads there and got an army of door knockers. Her team says they dont like to lose. That mood last night was somber inside the party. They are very nervous about what comes next. How much is she going to have to retool. A lot. She lost badly among Younger Voters and women and got this huge trust problem that came out in the courtsse of that poll. Bernie sanders is going to be live on the view this morning at 11 00 right here on abc. Amy with todays other top stories starting with the setback for president obama. The Supreme Court put the it would limit Green House Gas emissions in power plants. They have blocked it from going into effect while the rules are challenged in lower courts. Isis will attempt a director attack on the u. S. This year. James clapper called this years report a quote, litany of doom citing concern about north Koreas Nuclear program. Two months after the terror attack in San Bernardino the fbi still has not been able to unlock one of the shooters cell phones. The director says it is just one example of how encryption is interfering with investigations. A major recall by general motors. Half a million trucks and suvs are being recalled because the brake pedals can fail. Chevy silver rad does and tahoes does he run . His local polling place. Maybe he was protesting pork barrel spending. No political mud slinging here. A local farmer was told he was hamming it up so he came down you know what im going to say thats right. Yeah. What did offcount, four, five . That was up there. Thank you amy. Rob right now we got the blast. Check this out. Can on the, georgia outside of atlanta seeing significant snow yesterday. Couple inches falling. Theres some more snow this morning. We have got weather advisories for parts of tennessee. Snow in nashville and lakeeffect snows as the cold air pours across the great lakes. 9 degrees tomorrow morning in chicago. Then a reenforcing shot of cold air. Windchills much colder. 2 degrees in new york city. In contrast very warm out west. This weather cast is brought to the coldest air of the season coming down the pike. 90 in l. A. Doesnt sound too shabby. Soups pretty good. Thank you, rob. Coming up new developments in the cruise ship nightmare. How did the captain allow the ship to steer into that massive storm. And that case captivating millions across the country. A key witness is talking. Convicted of murder go free . toilet flush if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go. Except you. Tried many things . Still struggling to find relief . You may have opioidinduced constipation, oic. Its different and may need a different approach. Opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. 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Coming up the cruise ship caught in Hurricane Force winds is heading home. Passengers speak out along headlines coming up in one half we welcome you back to gma. Donald trump, the big winner last night in New Hampshire and he celebrated big time with his family thanking his daughter ivanka who made seven stops. Seven stops in one day at the now all eyes of course on South Carolina. Also Airlines Flight from boston had to be diverted to denver because of an unruly passenger. Witnesses say he was drunk and made threats that everyone would die. He was removed and the plane flew on to san diego. Also this morning, eyepopping news about gas prices. Analysts predict they could drop below a dollar a gallon in the midwest thanks to falling oil prices. Wow. Below a dollar . Never seen that. No, not huhuh. Never seen that in my lifetime. Also this morning, is this the worst game show fail ever, the family at the center of a the funniest. Family feud fumble. Joining us live, michael, you got more on that. You know, family feud is about being together, everybody being on the same page. Page may not be a good thing when youre playing family feud. Back. Now, over to you, george. Lets go back to the big the race to white house. We spoke with donald trump. He and Bernie Sanders walked away with huge victories last night. Cecelia vega has the latest in manchester. Reporter donald trump and Bernie Sanders celebrating a big win here in New Hampshire this morning. The vermont senator taking a page out of the billionaires playbook calling this win huge on the gop side. Trump saying he is just starting to fight. His win translates to real votes. But this race adds a new name. John kasich finishing second claiming victory for a running a positive campaign. Bernie sanders walk i away with a double digit win over Hillary Clinton. Clinton conceding defeat with her family right there with her. And now all eyes on South Carolina and nevada. All the republican frontrunners headed to South Carolina today. Clintons team doing serious soul searching this morning is critical to her securing this Chris Christie was supposed to be in South Carolina today robin. Instead hes heading back to new jersey to reassess his campaign. Tou the Royal Caribbean cruise ships. Its making its way back to new jersey as the captain explains how the storm caught the whole crew off gored. Linsey davis is on the scene in new jersey. Good morning. Reporter good morning to you robin. Many meteorologists are saying there is no way this storm should have caught anyone by surprise. The captain of anthem of the seas has more than 20 Years Experience but hes never seen anything like it. After battling destructive 30 foot waves and Hurricane Forced winds the captain of the anthem of the saef is defending his actions to set sail into a storm saying he didnt realize the magnitude of it. The whole thing was not in a video to all 4,500 passenger state rooms the captain who ordered everyone onboard the ship to stay in their rooms for eight hours during the storm says hes never experienced anything like it. Honestly i have not seen a low pressure forecast, anything near what we actually experienced. Mary time expert says his actions to set out to sea were appropriate. Once you get out to sea things happen. You just have to let the wind come around survive it and ride it out. The ship headed to the bahamas is making its way up the east coast. Royal caribbean says the weather isnt great so he slowed down his speed to smooth it out. Were on the eighth floor, eighth deck and the waves felt room. Charlottes father treated birthday. Vacation they had in mind but one shell be telling her friends about for a long time. I guess im going to say oh, cool. There was a giant wave. Royal caribbean has said this ship remains sea worthy the entire time and was built to withstand rougher seas. The ship is expected to arrive here 9 00 tonight. Robin. I bet they cant wait to get back on solid ground. Thank you. Now to new concerns about the zika virus. Athletes prepare for the olympics in bra vill. If she had to make a choice she wouldnt go to rio. Reporter this morning the zika striking fear in some of our nations top athletes. U. S. Soccer star hope solo saying if she had to choose to go to the summer games in brazil now she wouldnt go. Playing qualifying rounds with the u. S. Soccer team says i would never take the risk of having an unhealthy child. I dont know when that day will come for my husband and me but i reserve my right to have a healthy baby. She helped her team to world cup victory in 2015 saying no athlete competing in rio should be faced with this dilemma. Shes not going to be the last. Many of them are so young and have their whole future to look forward to and when you look at that future it includes family life and children. For now, the u. S. Olympic Committee Says it is closely monitoring the situation through the cdc and passing on its recommendations to athletes. The cdc says zika spread by mosquitoes and believed to be behind a growing number of cases of a rare birth defect stays in the system for about a week and once its left the body it does still, with so many questions left unanswered more athletes may decide the risks are too high. For Good Morning America linzie janis abc news, new york. We have an abc news exclusive. That serial case captivating millions. The woman whose testimony could change the life for a man of convicted with murder. Come on back. Most people know the four cs of a diamond. Now, kay jewelers brings you. The newest c only levian, masters of jewelry design for centuries. Makes jewelry with rare chocolate diamonds. 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I trust dog chow to keep khloe healthy because i see the high Quality Ingredients that go into it. The standards that we follow are top notch. Back now with an abc news exclusive. That serial podcast captivating millions across the country. Now the star witness who could break the case wide open and she is talking only to gma. Amy, you have the details in this fascinating case. Even if you arent among the millions who paid attention to this case youll want to listen up. The judge said that the hearing to determine if adnan syed will get a new trial garnered more attention than any other proceeding hed ever seen in his state and youll see why when you listen up. Adnan syed. Reporter adnan syeds story has captivated millions since the 2014 launch of the podcast serial turning listeners into armchair detectives. It recounts a then 17yearold syeds arrest and conviction for the 1999 murder of his high school exgirlfriend hae min lee. Syed was sentenced to life behind bars but has always and maintained his innocence. His initial attempts to appeal the verdict unsuccessful. It is what it is. If someone believes me or not, i have no control over it. Reporter the now 34yearold is getting another chance. This week in a postconviction relief hearing syeds attorney argues his lawyer at the time of the conviction had been many mistakes that his conviction should be overturned. To not ever contact asia mcclain, to never find out if her story helps or hurts your case, that makes no sense whatsoever. That is not a strategy. Alleged mistakes highlighted by serial host sarah koenig failing to contact a potentially key alibi witness, asia mcclain. If there was no technicality that then would prove his innocence, great, you know. But i think, i think asia, you might be that technicality. Reporter after hearing her in the podcast syeds defense team called mcclain to testify during the new hearing. Mcclain maintaining she was with syed at the time prosecutors contend he killed lee. I was sitting in the library bored to tears and someone i asked him about his breakup with haee she was dating someone else. He just wanted her to be happy. He didnt seem to be disturbed or angry with her. Reporter this morning, she is speaking out exclusively to abc news. The biggest thing was setting a good example for our children, reporter but prosecutors say justice was served 16 years ago. Mcclain admits she does not have all the answers. Do i think adnan killed hae . Honestly i couldnt tell you. I hope i was able to provide enough information to the judge for him to be able to make a rational decision. Whatever that might be is in his hands. As for syed, after spending he is thankful for his day in court. Reporter the judge did not rule on the fiveday hearing and no timetable on when he will but to see what happens and if you guys havent listened to this podcast it is truly fascinating. Days. Absolutely. Its fascinating. Thank you so much, amy. Coming up next that family feud fumble going viral. What really happened . You wont believe it. Its hilarious. To the couple wondering what a good deal looks like. No. Seriously . Well give it a 6 for composition. Scary. Wow, what about just putting a fair, no haggle price on the window . Not zany enough . Sometimes the best deals eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. Eucerin intensive repair doesnt just moisturize dry skin, it intensively repairs it. With a unique triple action formula that exfoliates hydrates and fortifies skin. Leaving it looking healthy and radiant. With intensive repair, from eucerin. Before earning enough cash back from bank of america to help pay for her kids ice time. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time. 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What about, steve, nana. Didnt you say nana . I did say that, steve, yes. [ applause ] stop clapping. Hing . Steve. Its the same word. Its the same word. Cecilia cant go ch with inflectiona cant be y sheila, tell me another way people say mother. You want mommy . Not mommy. Right. Something. Yall crazy . Taking all these words thats the same and just say them different because you want to . What about mommy . Mommy. Y people say mother. Okay, steve. Nana. [ laughter ] [ bleep ]. He needed 20 minutes. Hilarious. Steve, his reactions are great, and we have them live coming up in the second half. The whole family is going to be. Mommy and nana. Hey, mommy. Mama, well see you soon. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. 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New Colgate Total daily repair toothpaste. It helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. Strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth. Smile hey, honey howd it go . Theres my smile the happy meal. Only at mcdonalds. Welcome back to gma. Check out Crystal River where the namatees abe lw eezingnd 10 degrees atlanta. 14 in birmingham. By mcdonalds. Good morning america is the ultimate American Made ummelin parkway. D g to a dmtions vehicle. When they tried to take him into custody. One of their officers was kicked n ti hea concussion. E thsuspeso sakuspect he may have been on something. He will be arrested after he is releas breaks out just hours ago. This happened near carey and sloan. It looks like the shed int he back caught fire and then spread to the house. The house isnt a total loss but the two people who live there need to find somewhere else to stay for now. One dog died in the fire. No word on what caused it. A former Valley Music School acher facing charges this morning. With two 12yearold female students. Crawford worked at a local academy. Police say the incident happened in 2012. But were reported in 2014. Good morning las vegas is live every weekday with all of your weather, traffic and breaking news. Join us four30 to seven. Coming up Michael Strahan and his dad open up on how to tackle tough Health Issues with your parents. Next on gma. Well be back in a half hour with more local news and weather. < right now a gunman wanted for murder is on the loose were the world a president has to grapple with. Sometimes you cant even imagine. Thats the job. And shes the one whos proven she can get it done. Securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons. Standing up against the abuse of women. Protecting social security. Expanding benefits for the national guard. The presidency is the toughest job in the world and shes the one wholl make a real difference for you. Im Hillary Clinton and i approved this message. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. And trump and sadler take New Hampshire. New hampshire, i want to thank you. We love you. Thank you, New Hampshire. John kasich swoops into second place as Hillary Clinton says shell keep fighting. Heres what i promise, i will work harder than anyone. Battle. The actress calling off her press tour to deal with endometriosis. Dr. Ashton is here live with more on the condition millions are facing. The symptoms to watch for and the best ways to treat it. Go big or go home michaels hearttoheart with his dad. The important talk everyone should have with their parents. Who doesnt want their father or the person who was most influence in their life to be around as long as possible. What you should know about reversing roles. When you start taking care of mom and dad. How to get away with murder star alfred enoch is here as we say good morning, america. Im burning up how to get away with murder star alfred enoch is here with an exclusive sneak peek. Tgit. Its back, baby. Well also see the family behind that viral family feud video we showed you. Well talk to them in just a little bit. Heres steve harvey having fun with them. There they are smiling. Yes. Also this morning, weve got our 5 dinner challenge. Im going to team up with celebrity chef gail simmons and it is delicious. I got to tell you that. Shes got her secret ingredients ready. The big reveal is just minutes away. Sounds good. Can i just say thats this will be day three. 5 goes a long way. It does. It really does. Unbelievable meals so far . Thats all coming up. Well start with an update on todays top story, those sweeping wins for donald trump and Bernie Sanders in the New Hampshire primary. Abcs cecilia vega is live in manchester, New Hampshire, with the latest. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter george, good morning to you. The consensus here this morning, voters are fed up with the establishment and the message sanders and donald trump need to be taken seriously. Wow, wow, wow. We want to thank the people of New Hampshire, right. Reporter overnight donald trump and Bernie Sanders winning big in New Hampshire. Thank you, New Hampshire. [ cheers and applause ] reporter senator sanders the only candidate in this race getting the seal of approval from young voters. We have sent the message that well echo from wall street to washington. Reporter this morning, donald trump just off his huge victory speaking with george. We were getting just great signals with every rally and many, many people would show up. Many more than we anticipated. A great place, New Hampshire. I love the people. Reporter and while john kasich finished in second place, he is now considered to the be top contender in whats being called the establishment lane. I absolutely do believe that i cannot only unify the party, back that reagan blue collar democrat who they were for reporter and this morning that fight moves on to South Carolina and Hillary Clinton is not backing down. Now we take this campaign to the entire country. We are going to fight for every vote in every state. Reporter and winning in South Carolina, nevada also will be critical for Hillary Clinton now, this huge loss here, a very narrow win in iowa, george, not frontrunner thought she would be at this stage of the race, george. Started out 50 points up. Okay, cecilia, thanks very much. Amy with the morning rundown. Good morning. Some of the president ial candidates are actually taking a break from the Campaign Today to cast a key vote in the senate. Theyre expected to impose new sanctions to punish north korea for its Nuclear Program and rocket launches. Intelligence Officials Say north korea has now resumed efforts to produce weapons Grade Nuclear material. Well, pope francis is debate over u. S. Immigration and arrives in mexico friday and plans to travel to the u. S. Border to stand with mike grants in a symbolic move to so solidarity with those trying to cross the border. A study in brazil founds babies born with the zika virus may also have serious eye problems in addition to brain damage. Here at home at least 66 zika cases are reported in 19 states as far north as pennsylvania and ohio. A health alert about acetaminophen, one of the most widely used drugs. Pregnant women who take drugs like tylenol, researchers say, could be much more likely to have babies that suffer from asthma. Doctors say it reafirms why pregnant women should always consult with their doctors before taking any prescription or overthecounter medicine. A major lawsuit. Burberry is suing jcpenney claiming Trademark Infringement selling outerwear copying their theyre suing up to 2 million for each infringed trademark. This parking garage collapsed on top of an excavator. Oh, my god. Somehow the operator of that machine was able to walk away. We are told he was not even injured. An adorable version of whos your daddy . 16 month reed was seeing double when his dads twin brother entered the picture. The baffled baby couldnt figure out which one was dad. He kept saying dada. Each time he thought he got it right and confusion set in. Fyi dad is in the gray sweater. Reeds mother also has an identical twin and tried the same trick with her and it didnt work. He knew who his mom was. Of course, he did. Isnt that funny . That is adorable. How well for us dads. All right, thank you, george. Heres a look at whats coming up on the gma morning menu. The latest on lena dunhams medical battle that millions suffer from. An torn hearttoheart everyone should have with their parents about their health. I did it with my dad. Well tell you how to do the same with yours. Chef gail simmons is here live in times square. Lets see what shes cooking up in our 5 dinner challenge. All of that is coming up live on gma in times square. A pebble. Some males, however. Are smarter than others. Save up to 30 on select diamonds in rhythm. At kay, the number one Jewelry Store in america. Every kiss begins with kay. Guys, valentines day is almost here. Right now, kay jewelers has the perfect valentines day gift at the perfect price. So dont wait come to kay. Discover card. Hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection . Sure, we help with fraud protection. If there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, youre never held responsible. You are saying frog protection . Fraud. Frog. Fraud i think were on the same page. At discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Fraud protection. Only kraft natural cheese has a touch of philadelphia cream cheese, so whatever you make, is creamier than ever. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Coming up next how to get away with murder star alfred enoch is here. I really like your outfit today. We match. He has a sneak peek at tomorrows premiere and the surprising way oscar is changing acceptance speeches to make them shorter. I guess the music wasnt working. Guaranteed. You picked a beautiful ring. Thank you. Were never having kids. Mmmmmm. Breathe. I love it here. We are never moving to the suburbs. We are never getting one of those minivan . We are never having another kid. Im pregnant. I am never letting go. Mastering irresistibly smooth. The lindor truffle. From the lindt master chocolatiers. A hard outer shell with a smooth center. Welcome to the best time of your day. Unwrap. Unwind. Experience. The melt. Only the lindor truffle. Fall for strawberries this valentines day. Try our lindor strawberries and cream truffle we welcome you back to gma and now to that big headline about girls star lena dunham. The actress is opening up about a Health Challenge shes facing thats forcing her to call off her entire press tour for her hit show and rest. Abcs deborah roberts, always great to see you. Lena is revealing her battle against endometriosis. An often painful condition that affects millions of women and some. A topic many would prefer to keep to themselves but the that. Lena dunham is one of the busiest women in hollywood directing, writing, starring in i worked very, very hard to overcome the challenges of my non nontraditional body type. Reporter but two weeks before the season five premiere she made a surprise announcement saying she wont be able to promote it due to a Chronic Health problem called endometriosis writing on facebook i am currently going through a rough patch with the illness. Its time to rest. She didnt have to announce it but people love her because she speaks her mind and shares her truth. Reporter the love on social media came quickly for the actress with one woman sharing her own endometriosis experience writing im level 4. Thank you for being so honest and open about this. Another thank you for your bravery. You could have easily kept this private. She doesnt just say this is whats going on with me but goes a step further. Reporter she first shared on her blog called the sickest girl. Posting these photos after a with the disease. Shes learned a lot from that experience and now shes like saying, you know what, guy, im going to take some time off. When somebody says that and theyre fully honest about it you cant do anything but respect their decision. In fact, honesty is her mantra. Dunham goes on to shine light on her dark moments saying shes no longer afraid of her body but listens to it. In her classic style she opened up about it entailing on the set she couldnt leave the room to direct show. Clearly determined, robin, to give a voice to others suffering in silence. Hey, deb, thank you very much and so glad shes listening to her body. Dr. Jennifer ashton is here with more. We have heard about it, been around forever but dont know that much about it. You could arguably say this is the most painful and least discussed gyn issue affecting so many women, so we do need to explain it. You can look right there. What endometriosis is the lining of the uterus, the endomeet triial flandzs instead of coming out of the body go all over the abdominal and pelvic cavity and im implants all over the body and they are hormonally responsive so as the uterus contracts every month so do those lesions and can cause excruciating pain. We dont understand what causes it but know it can be debilitate debilitating debilitating. I have heard from so many friends how painful this is. How are you able to diagnose it. The thing is truly endometriosis has to be diagnosed surge iicallysurgically. Either with a camera and taking a biopsy. You cant diagnose it with ultrasound. We can get clues with the symptoms a woman is having but important to make the diagnosis. Deb was telling us about lena and how sometimes she was just many consequences. Its a spectrum of severity. Women can have endometriosis and have no symptoms or very mild symptoms and then it can progress along this spectrum and miss school or work and usually thats if its inadequately treated. In this day and age thats really a failure of modern medicine if they need to miss things like thavenl the scarring can go on to cause fertility issues and can be associated with an increased risk of Ovarian Cancer which gets back to why its to so important to make the diagnosis. A spectrum. This can range from no treatment to hormonal, suppression so theyre not hormonally responsive and do it Birth Control pills or injection. Surgery and in some rare cases full hysterectomy, removing the ovaries so theres no more hormonal stimulation. The key is working with a gynecologist to manage these so that it doesnt really affect your lifestyle. Getting out there and discussing it. 100 . So important. Thank you, jen. Dr. Ashton is taking your questions. You can tweetary drjashton. February is american heart month and its something i care about for a personal reason. My dad gene faced a health scare with his heart and we teamed up to make a video showing you how you can have a hearttoheart with your parent about their health. Take a look. Whats the most important talk you remember having with me . I was like you got to do something. You got to lose some weight. You got to take care of yourself better. But i cut down. I just saw you eating a cookie. You cant get quit it all. When you had a heart scare, though, did it make you more aware about your Health Overall about taking care of yourself . It keeps me thinking young. With great big stomach and, you know, all that kind of stuff. So it keeps you from the dad bod. Yeah. What inspired you to talk to me about my heart condition . I know that you would do the same for me. You give me advice. Definitely. And sometimes i think the hardest thing to do is to talk to your dad or your hero because you admire them. Who doesnt want their father or the person who was most influential in their life to be around as long as possible . And joining me now is abc news chief medical and Health Director dr. Richard besser. Hard conversation sometimes to have with your parents because youre reversing the role and you become the caretaker. You had an issue with your father, as well. Yeah, it was a few years ago. I got a call from my dad. He had a mild heart attack and my dad is a doctor and there were so many things that he was doing wrong and i had to have the same conversation you had heres some changes and its not easy to kind of reverse those roles. Now, when it comes to heart health, what do older folk, what do they need to know. You know, a lot of it isnt so much from aging. Its the progression of heart disease. If you keep that in control youll be in better shape. Some things youll see from aging, blood vessels will get thicker and stiff and your heart may get larger, you wont be able to exercise as much as you used to and thats hard for people to come to grips with. Absolutely have. Yeah, as you get older you want to make sure youre cholesterol more. More than tests make sure theyre staying on track with a heart healthy diet and stopping smoking and having them understand the changes you make as you get older can still make a difference. You can be in your 70s and 80s and make changes that affect your life. It was tough for me. Do you have any tips for someone out there that needs to have how do you even approach this. Yeah, first, its not one conversation, its a series of conversations so you want to with that. You want to approach it the way you did, with sensitivity and respect so that youre not coming in saying, mom, dad, immediately. You want to include your brothers and sisters if you have them in the conversation so its not like michael is the one thats doing this and then you want to hold off. If you start the conversation and its not going well, punt and come back to it and realize there are other opportunities. Your dad is a doctor. He must have known better but couldnt face it. Doctors are often the worst when it comes to this. When he had his heart attack, he didnt take his aspirin, he drove himself to the hospital. He did all these things and he had signals that he hadnt been paying attention to and, you know, all of us do it and we can often see it in others, in our parents, but looking to your parent who has always told you kind of need to suggest something to them you have to be sensitive. It can be uncomfortable for you and dad put down those cookies, okay. Dr. Besser is going to be taking your questions throughout the morning. Thank you, doc. Tweet him drrichardbesser or go to gmas Facebook Page of now outside to rob to tell us about the weather. Snowing a little out here. A great crowd. Look at this. We got christmas and kind of valentines day together. Santa sent me to new york city from pennsylvania because we love gma and thats kind is that a caterpillar with heart antennas . Yes. I love it, kenly. We want to talk about whats going on in pasadena. Running in shorts and tanktos. Record heat across parts of l. A. Take care of your pets. Serious stuff, a bit of a fire danger as well. 80s in los angeles and near 90 yesterday so probably some records falling. Dry in denver and dallas. Her best friend trey is here. Youre from detroit. Right. Just to get on tv. Well done. Good strategy. Back in to you. Thank you so much. Rob. Come on in. It is cold out there and hot in here because its pop news time. Well begin with oscar news getting ready for the big show and if you think what the best oscar speech in our time was Jennifer Lawrence was one and Robin Williams if you can remember back to 1998 and what do those kind of speeches have in common . Theyre more than just a list of people to thank, right . So, great idea, academy. This year the academy hoping to get more of those funny heartfelt moments before having to play that infamous youre out of time music which i hear in my head every day during this segment so the plan, theyre offering nominees the chance to fill out what theyre calling a scroll card that will roll at the bottom of the screen while all the people they want to thank so that they can free up and talk about the emotion of the moment, the experience of making the movie. Take the pressure off. Take the pressure off. Will they do that for you, lara. I didnt get to thank my mom, my dad. All the people who made this moment possible. Get the hook. All right. Wrap it up, funny, funny, control room. Now im out of time. Van gogh once said, im not an adventurer by choice but by fate. Did you know that he said that . I had no idea. Now you do. The Art Institute of chicago is now launching an interactive experience that allows you to live out your own artistic adventure just like the famous painter with the help of air pbn. B. Im not looking for a sponsorship. Just happens to be this was the news this morning. You can stay in an exact replica of his famous yellow house for 10 a night. The airbnb masterpiece created to celebrate the exhibition of his bedroom series which runs see. By the way, the actual yellow house in france, the room in this situation is in the beautiful chicago neighborhood of north river. 10 a day. Just a room. You dont get a bathroom. 10 bucks. Hey. I was curious. Question. There is a followup investigation happening. People. Also in pop news this morning, near, far wherever you are. Oh. Would you go on a fully functioning replica of the titanic . No. A real question. Its happening preparing to set sail in 2018, the updated vessel named titanic 2 will be nearly identical to the 1912 cruise ship with the exception of some very important modern safety modifications, thank you. Bluestar lines says it will have first, second and third class tickets just like the original with cabins to accommodate 2400 passengers, 900 crew and another big difference, the maiden voyage, not across the icy atlantic, instead you can be king of the world in a cruise from china to dubai. More than 10 bucks. A little more than 10 but i poise the question, would you . I dont know. No. Why not. No icebergs is a big plus. Board entertainment. I feel like something feels a little fishy. Im waiting. Oh. See, they just come to me. They just come to you. Not scripted. You promised me a special hold my hand. You ask and i deliver. Thank you. Roll it, people. Remember the walrus who robin loved so much. And encouraged so many to get out there and exercise. I remember this so, so well. We love you, walrus. Robin, that one is for you. Now what about a kitty. Oh, come on. A kitty cat doing situps. You know what, its tiring. Kitty situps and then the nap. He tried. Friends and neighbors identify the man killed yesterday afternoon as mike guinn the shooting happened outside his home near desert inn and mcleod. Police say the victim was shot once after an argument with two people in a silver pickup truck. Were told a woman in the silver pickup used to live at the home. Guinns friend says she came back to get her belongings when the man she brought opened fire homicide detectives believe they know the identity of the people in the pickup truck. A couple caught on camera having a romp hundreds of feet above the strip are facing felony charges this morning. Police say security at the high roller spotted the pair having relations in one of the pods. Chloe scordianos and Philip Panzica told officers they were just having fun and diddnt think anyone would notice. But passengers in a neighboring pod not only noticed, but started recording the activity through the glass windowed this is a look at the view from one pod to another last night. You can see between the pods. Folks at the high roller say this is a growing problem and they want to make sure it doesnt ruin their reputation. Join us for good morning las vegas tomorrow beginning at 430am. For the latest weather, traffic and breaking news. Well have more local News Headlines coming up in one half hour < heres a look at todays top stories from good morning las vegas. If you see something happening praised as one of americas best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. A practical and successful legislator, Bernie Sanders passed more rollcall amendments in a Republican Congress than any other member, protected social security, cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans healthcare. Bernie sanders a consistent, principled, and effective leader. Building a future to believe in. Im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. What about mommy . You want mommy . Mommy. Not mommy. Right. Okay, now, let me ask yall something. Yall crazy . [ laughter ] that is the video weve been showing you. Its steve harvey and the Patterson Family of chesterfield, missouri, and the everybody talking. This morning the whole team is joining us right now. Samuel, trisha, yolanda and cecilia. Want to say welcome to Good Morning America, guys. Who among you is a mommy . Hi, guys. Raise your hand if you are a mommy. Hi. I guess we have a slight delay. So this should be great fun. So i want to ask you guys, what was going through your mind, sheila, when steve harvey kept asking you for another word for mom . Well, what had happened was i had a moment there, and i really think my nerves got the best of me. It just really got the best of me. So, one of you guys there was a couple go ahead. Im sorry. There was a couple of questions answers that i already prepared, but those basically my nerves just got the best of me trying to come up with something else. Thats human. Were playing along with you, and now, sam, i know you were next sam. Did you have the right answer already . Were you just waiting to get through . I tell you, i was thinking the whole time. I was saying, man, i hope this question doesnt come to me because i didnt have another answer, but i have thought about the play, and i said, well, looks like itll never get to me anyway, but i was hoping it didnt come to me. So you guys have had some time to think about it. Have you figured out what those final two answers are . Or they cant tell us. Maybe they will. No. [ laughter ] you will find out february 23rd. [ laughter ] i have to admit, sheila, i was with you. Watching the clip. I mean, amy and i both said what about ma, but i agree with you. Its not an easy question. So we we all felt your pain, but is there a world where youve ever actually used any of those iterations of the word mom or were you just really buying time . Just stretching . I really felt i was stressed in time. I really i have to put it on stressed in time. Maybe. And the cajun culture, you know, mammy, mammu. Mamacita. Patterson family, also we got a chance to hear you all sing. Nah nah nah nah remember that . Nah nah nah nah hey hey goodbye that was a moment for you guys. You . We were very surprised. Actually we were so surprised, we were enjoying it the same time. At the same time we were like, oh, my god, what are you doing, steve harvey, but he made it so fun, and we were just having a great time, so we really enjoyed it. It was really great that the audience was enjoying it, as well. So we just went with the flow. Yeah, you put on a show. You put on a show. We appreciate that. And we love we love the matching outfits. We love your energy. Thank you. We cannot wait to find out not only the real answers but also how yall did. So, i believe the episode is airing, family feud, on february 23rd, correct . Well be watching. All thats right. Thanks, guys. Thank you. Bye. Thanks, Patterson Family. Best of luck to you. Nah, nah, nah, nah. Hey hey goodbye all right, its time now for our 5 dtz dinner challenge where Celebrity Chefs get 5 to create a wellbalanced meal for two, and this morning food and wine magazine special project director is here to take on the challenge, celebrity chef gail simmons. Come on out, gail. [ applause ] hello, hello, hello. How are you doing . How are you . Im doing great. This is a tough challenge. Its exciting. But its very tough, but tell us, when youre budgeting for a family what should you do when youre going to a supermarket and budgeting . This is the hardest thing. This is something everyone faces every day. When youre thinking about what to buy, buy in quantities of versatile ingredients that you know you can use in different ways. What do you have in the bag . All right, so here you go, my single favorite ingredient in the kitchen of all time, eggs. Wow. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, youre going to see what i can do with them. Eggs for breakfast. What makes them a good dinner option . They work in so many ways. You can use them for baking. You can use them for cooking, breakfast, but also a great meal any time and using only half, so this ingredient, only 1. 56. Okay. What else do you have . Next, spinach. Ah. Calcium. Use the other half for salad later in the week, 1. 25. 1. 25, okay. Now youre going to make a fritata. Im going to make a fritata. What else do you have to jazz it up . Cheese, everyone loves cheese. Itll stay fresh long erer if you buy it in a block instead of shredded and only using two ounces. Whats the price of this . 75 cents. Okay. Now, whats the one last item you have in the bag . Potatoes. Only two of them. 50 cents. Now, final price is, lets ring it up. 4. 06. Okay. Right. 2 for 2. Lets move over here and put it all together. How do we put it all together . Im also going to use basic pantry items. Can you grab me dried basil, dried oregano from the pantry. Im going to start with a simple marinara sauce. This isnt cheating grabbing these out of the pantry because people generally have these. Im going to use a little of each and sauteed onions and garlic with olive oil from my pantry. Do you want to pour that in . Whatever you need. Thats just a can of potatoes i squished up together and add some tomato paste and let that cook down, season it with salt and pepper and reduce it then you have a beautiful sauce thats going to go with my fritata and you can also use it all week long and make pasta with it the next day. I have a job for you. You want me to grate some cheese . Can you grate some cheese for me over there . This is a great thing to do with your kids. Grating is a great job. Be careful of the fingertips. Yeah. Wouldnt be a good accident to have on live tv. I have done it before, my friend, dont even joke. Im beating up six eggs for two people. Okay. Im going to beat them up right here and then ive steamed my potatoes. Im going to season my eggs with a little salt and pepper. Steam my potatoes and sauteed onions. When my eggs are scrambled up ill put them into my sauteed browned eggs, onions and potatoes. Into that im going also to add a little spinach and then im going to let it sit. You dont want to touch it too much. Itll start to set. Cooked down but stay fresh. I add some cheese to it. Goes into that. Exactly. Youll let it cook. Let it set. Put it in the oven, 400 degrees. Comes out. This is what we come out for, ready for the plate. Put it down here. Look, this is the moment. How do you do it . Just like that . All right, there we go. You know what, gail, this is amazing. You can get these recipes on goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo and tune in tomorrow because mario batali is taking the gma 5 delta challenge. Great job. Gail, im going to have breakfast. Well done. These are such great ideas every day. You made the first one. I made ming tsais recipe for the family last night and everybody loved it. Mario tomorrow. Now lets go outside to rob. Little snow. Kind of wet. Some umbrellas are out here. Youre from the uk. Yes. Live in australia. Here on a threemonth visa and gma is one of your first stops. Yeah. How is our audience in australia . Good, good. Good, which means in english, that transfers to across parts of the east coast. But the lake effect will crank. We still have the lakes that are unfrozen. Unusual for this time of year. Locally over a foot is possible then well wind things down. Warm out west. Dry from denver and warm in dallas and chilly down across the south. Thats a all right. These guys from mobile, alabama. Did you celebrate mardi gras last night . Yes, sir. Thats a good answer. All right. Happy ash wednesday, everybody. Well toss it back to you guys inside. All right, rob, thanks so much. Coming up next, how to get away with murder star alfred enoch is here live. Well be right back. Tt2w`t o m4; bt q . L tt2w`t o m4; a q43 tt2w`t o m4; bm q . 8 tt4w`t o m4; dztq 4. \ tt4w`t o m4; entq d < tt4w`t o m4; gzt ]d tt4w`t o m4; hnt m tt4w`t o m4; iztq jp tt4w`t o m4; jntq 5 0 tt4w`t o m4; lzt wl how to get away with murder fans, im a big one right here. Just one more day until our favorite whodunit returns. The last episode left us a big cliffhanger. Now alfred enoch who plays wes is here. Hes got an exclusive sneak peek at the midseason premiere, and then well talk to him. Take a look. Christoph, christoph, christoph, christoph, christoph. Wes, no, no. Oh, my god. You shot her . I had to. Ooh, lets give it up for alfred, please. Cant live without him. Whats this here . Well, you know, trying to give myself a little air of refinement. And you do that so well. Im not sure. Let us talk. After seeing that little clip like that, i can only imagine at the table read when all the actors are sitting around and reading your lines to know that you shot annalise, wes . Yeah, thats a big responsibility, isnt it . Yeah. I was a little bit concerned about that. Everyone is so great on the show. No one is going to like me anymore. Better not kill her off. It looked like you wanted to. You went back over there like you wanted to. I mean i understand it. The poor guy, the stuff shes put him through, and shes a difficult woman. I dont judge him. No, christoph, are we going to learn more about the back story . We are. We are. This has been one of the fun things about the second half of the season, that we delve into that more and find out about the back story not just of wes but a lot of the other characters and we start understanding how theyve been meshed together, and theres more than there first appears to have have been. I know there are some people tuning in right now and saying, he has a british accent. Wes has a british accent. Now many we hear actors stay in character. You say you stay in accent. Yeah, thats kind of the way i put it. You know what, its because ive never worked in this accent before, well, not in this accent, never done an american accent for a job. Any kind of american accent and all of a sudden this came along and thought this is so exciting but i dont want to let everyone down. People are just whats with the weird accent. No, no, you nail it. You nail it. T i stay with it during the whole time of shooting. Im sure it helps if you stay with it. And it has to help viola daefgs. First of all, the entire cast, the purchases, everyone is spectacular. I had the pleasure the first season of going out and meeting so many people. A word you said to describe viola is powerful. Whats it like being around her and learning from her . Its fantastic. Its always nice as an actor when you get to work with people who act differently and bring Different Things to the table and change the way a scene works and can take it in an unexpected direction, and she brings so much. Theres so much there to work with, that it opens you up, and you find things you might not have expected, which is one of the really fun things about the job. You can see the continued growth from everyone. Well, thats great. The other thing i love about you, you are not on social media. How can you not be on social media . I dont trust myself. No . I dont trust myself. I cant go out and say things im thinking so everybody can see. It would be a disaster. When you come back from the pub. This is what im going to be doing when i get home and then me with a twitter feed would be a nightmare. Nothing to do with your technology youre technically challenged i am technically challenged. Thats the other thing, its a combination of everything. Im not a concise person so 140 characters is i would be the person like tweeting, you know, an essay over like 50 tweets and everybody would be bored. You have so much to share. So much to say, alfred. You are a delight. With us. Thank you for that. Well, thanks for that. I know youve been very busy and were excited because well watch the midseason premiere of how to get away with murder tomorrow night at 10 00, 9 00 central right here on abc. Go to our website for more of the sneak peek. Coming up our 10 dates in 10 states adventure. Were heading to new orleans for all right. If you like if you like we are in the final stretch of our 10 dates in 10 states our producer erica scott almost home but first shes looking for love in new orleans. Get all the scoop on valentines day gift giving. So, im here in new orleans and its fat tuesday. So im closing in on the home stretch. My eighth date in eight days. Daniel . Erica, hi. I met daniel on tinder and he suggested that we go to pat obriens which is right in the thick of it on bourbon street. I cant believe i found you in this insanity. Having a date on fat tuesday is pretty unique and nice to have a local to show you how to do it right. Oh, my god. Look at this scene. Yay my ladies. How do i always get these in a knot . I ruined it. What is your idea of like an ideal valentines day date . Just something small, intimate. I think thats probably one of the best ones you can do. Like this. Lets throw more beads. Match dates increase from christmas to valentines day. This is my first tinder date. This is your first tinder date . Yes. This is my second tinder date. Looking for a lastminute valentine. First hinge suggests you have to start your conversation with either lol or ha ha. Secondly, its nice to compliment your prospective dates name and, third, you dont start the conversation saying sorry because 56 of the time youre less likely to get a first date. Its estimated americans will spend almost 20 billion on valentines day this year. The average american will spend about 150 on flowers, jewelry and candy. Erica is fantastic. She has a lot of energy. Were just really experiencing the night. Its been a lot of fun so far. I dont know what valentines day has in store for me but bourbon street was a blast. All right, joining us now from bourbon street in new orleans abc producer erica scott and, erica, you just mentioned valentines day. You have two dates left. Are you feeling the pressure . A little bit. Well, right now im on bourbon street where the cleanup is happening. The aftermath is pretty gross, but actually theres a new survey from usa today that 25 of women expect disappointment on valentines day, so i dont think im going to be one of them. I mean, youve got ten guys to choose from, and youve already have eight of the dates. Do any stand out yet for you as like your favorite . So, i havent chosen any favorites quite yet, and i still i dont even know who my date is in connecticut, but i do think that going into a first date with no expectations may be even just finding a best friend is definitely what im taking away so far. So im trying to concentrate because its pretty funny to see trash being scooped up behind you on bourbon street. It is the day after mardi gras. Will be super cheesy. Yes, i am very excited. It is going to be a fromage romance, if you will. Were going to be making moscow mozzarella in chicago. I just cant wait to eat it. She got to do a lot of cool stuff. Truly get to see the world. You can follow ericas journey. Right. The dumpster on bourbon street im trying to mardi gras in new orleans. I know. Im getting the shakes, memories of when i was a kid there. Whoo yeah. You can follow her journey on our website, goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo you can weigh in with the tenintengma. And well be right back. Good morning america is brought to you by macys. Oh, gosh. What was that . What was that move . Gosh. I know. That was it. There you go, girl. We have a program note before we go. Dan abrams will be hosting an incredible new series. Well tell you more about it. It premieres in march. If you see something happening at the high roller this morning its just a drill. Theyll be doing fire drills and simulated rescues today and tomorrow. Time the high roller opens up at 11 30 am. Long wait times at the dmv may soon be a thing of the past the dmv is putting more money into a virtual line system so customers can check in remotely. The state board of examiners voted yesterday to expand a five Year Contract with the company that offers dash pass with the pass you can check into a virtual dmv line and walk to the window only whena technician is ready. They system wasnt a huge succes last summer. There were stil long wait times. The problem. People checking in from home didnt show up and that made the lines worse. Now the dmv is rolling out an improved version that should fix the problem. Chinese new Year Celebrations are still underway in the valley. The bellagio. Will have lion and dragon dances in the main lobby at 6 30 tonight. For a full list of activities, head to our website. Good morning las vegas is live every weekday with all of your weather, traffic and breaking news. Join us four30 to seven. Coming up on action news live at midday. Set in a very near future. Colony on usa follows the good wednesday morning. You are taking a live look outside right now towards the promenade. You can watch with a saw. A chef will be carving fruit, and theyre celebrating all week

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