Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20160906

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shot once in the chest. police say that the shooting appears to be an isolated incident. the woman's family declined to speak to us, but neighbors are in shock over the killing. many residents have heard of at least three gunshots, assuming that they were fireworks at first. >> pregnant women, it is just so bad. it is a bad thing. whoever did it, you know, that she will pay. >> reporter: carmen novarro heard a group of people. they were screaming. the victim was visibly pregnant. now seven months a fetus is considered viable. anyone arrested in the case could potentially face double murder charges. >> they're saying that this was not, this was an isolated incident. this means that the killer likely knew the victim here. >> that's right. they're not providing any details to us whether there is an arrest made or someone that they would have in mind, but yes it typically signals that the victim knew them. >> and do they think that she was targeted? >> it is possible. we are trying to get more information and we will report back as soon as we hear it. >> it is heartbreaking. the fact that this young child seven months along. and at 18 years old, lost. >> thanks, henry. well, we have breaking news now from the south bay. san jose police say that they have arrested the convicted sex offender who tried to kidnap two women in san jose this past week. both those women, they managed to get away. david lee russell was taken into custody around 9:30 this morning. we're just hearing about it now from san jose police near oakland road and charles avenue. police say that they received numerous tips that helped lead to his arrest. russell was booked into the santa clara jail on attempted kidnapping and other charges. well a 17-year-old boy was booked into juvenile hall after police in sunnyvale said that he made threats against fellow students at a local high school. police say that the 17-year-old student at fremont high in sunnyvale posted about a violent attack that was suppose to happen today allegedly targeting jewish students. investigators traced that message back to the teenager. he was arrested yesterday for criminal threats and a possible hate crime. today sunnyvale public safety officials did increase patrols around the school as a precaution. the former 49er bruce miller will appear in court tomorrow. miller was arrested early yesterday after allegedly assaulting a 70-year-old man and his son at a hotel in san francisco's fisherman's wharf area. he posted bail. the team released him early yesterday afternoon. this is surveillance video from the travel lodge motel. you can see miller staggering into the motel putting his head down and lying down at one point in the stairs. police say that it was after he tried getting into a room across the street at the marriott. he punched a 70-year-old guest inside thinking that person was in his room. they also say that he hit the guest's 29-year-old son. this is not the first time miller has been arrested. last year he pleaded no contest to disturbing the peace after he was accused of shoving the woman he was engaged to at the time destroying her cell phone during a fight in santa clara. well friends and family of a missing san francisco girl are remembering her on this her third birthday. it has been six months since anyone has seen this girl ariana fitz. her 32-year-old mother nicole was found dead in a shallow grave. ariana's aunt says that the pain of not knowing where her niece is has been excruciating. >> anyone who knows who she is or has her, i'm pleading. please, just return her, let us know anything. >> now ariana's mother worked at best buy. the company is offering a $10,000 reward for any information leading to the little girl's whereabouts. hillary clinton and donald trump were out on a campaign trail today. and the republican nominee apessed questions. in a town hall forum. and that they claimed that the obama administration has treated illegal immigrants better than military veterans. you have these people that are treated better than people that are in this room, you know it. they are treated better than veterans. >> i do have this. i guess it is an old fashion idea. if you are going to ask people for their vote, that they ought to have some idea on what they are voting for. and i don't think that it will be enough to say oh well i'll tell you later. >> the democratic nominee hillary clinton spoke to a mostly college-age crowd in tampa at the university of south florida today. clinton stressed how fast election day is approaching and asked the students to turn out at the polls. well talking about the poll a new cnn nationwide poll released today would have trump up two points on clinton among likely voters. that's within the margin of error that clinton would have an eight-point lead in early august. and the polls show the libertarian candidate gary johnson with a seven percentage of support and 2% for green party candidate stein. let's talk more about that poll. we are joined by the state democratic leader peggy moore and the northern california director for african american outreach. we'll start with you. the cnn poll shows that the candidate has lost her lead. what's going on and how important is this poll in your estimate? >> you know that poll is definitely important. but we are not initially worried about it. our main focus to make sure that we will continue to engage to get that message out there. we feel very confident that we are going to do very well in terms of this election in november. and we are very excited, still doing their work, getting their message out there, door by door, talking to the voters, getting them excited. >> and hillary clinton pushed for donald trump to release their tax returns. obviously that he does not want those out or that they would be out. now, is it imperative that he would do so before election day? >> it is not imperative that he would do so before election day. that has been a tradition and that it is not policy and it is not mandatory. what is mandatory is that the fcc filings that mr. trump has completed and turned in accordance to the law that i believe that they are over 100 pages of his fcc filings. that is what's required and that is what he has turned in. >> peggy, do you think that the heat is going to continue for donald trump to release those returns? and do you think that they should be released? >> it will definitely be nice to see and you know maybe what he's hiding, you know, maybe to be a little more transparent. i mean that not too many people get the opportunity to have the luxury to show their taxes. even though that they might not be required that they definitely show a level of trustworthiness and full transparency and a little district of leadership. >> peggy, one of the things that came out in their cnn poll was a question that was asked for their voters about trustworthiness. donald trump, he had a 50% trustworthiness vote of support up against the foodies. 5% for hillary clinton. how do they change that? >> you know, that is mind boggling to me because, you know, i think that they are just fabulous. when we have an opportunity to continue working with our voters to really show what is trustworthiness. how to be trustworthy over secretary clinton who has demonstrated her leadership for decades here. for and so i believe that she is a trustworthy woman. i like to be able to see her in office as our next president of the united states. and i mean we can trust that donald trump will not show his taxes, but we can trust that he will, you know, put a wall around the border. there are so many things that we can trust that it does not share our collective values. >> what is your take on why people don't trust hillary clinton according to this poll? >> well people don't judge hillary clinton because she lied, she lied to the american people, she lied to the fbi, she lied to congress. this has all been proven. you know, people have gone to prison for lying to the fbi, but somehow hillary clinton is running for president. and that people don't forget that, people remember. they know that there are two different justice systems, one for the politically elite and one for everybody else. that is resonating with voters. >> you were in charge of african american outreach in the state of california for donald trump. >> yes, i am. >> how do you reach out to african americans that his numbers are so low? what is your strategy? >> you know, well my strategy right now is that people are actually coming to us. in the first week that i took on this position, i had over 70 some odd e-mails from african americans throughout the bay area that say that they want to get involved. those numbers are continuing to increase. there is no black polling that black people are just like everybody else. we vote based on our knowledge, our situation in life, and what that interests the most. >> 20 days since the first debate. we will all be watching that. thank you both for coming on. >> thank you. >> thank you. trying to soothe tensions. president obama making history becoming the first sitting president to visit laos. but his trip is overshadowed by remarks from the new philippine's president. and next we have a new development out of ohio where convicted sex offender brock turner has encountered protesters outside his home. turning up the heat around the bay area today. we'll check in on your conditions and what you can expect for tomorrow as it is expected to be the hottest day of the week coming up. embattled comedian bill crosby is set to stand trial next year. the judge set june 5 for the trial date for cosby's sexual assault dade. he was in court hoping to get the court to throw out testimony that cosby gave decades ago during a civil lawsuit filed by the accuser. that testimony is when cosby reportedly acknowledged that he gave the alleged victim several pills before with a he called a consensual sexual encounter. after the hearing, cosby's attorney talked with the media. brock turner officially registered in ohio as a sex offender. the 21-year-old registering at the green county sheriff's office in ohio. turner will be known as a sexual offender for the rest of the his life following his release from jail last friday. there have been protest outside turner's home in ohio. neighbors, they're speaking out against the former stanford swimmer moving into the neighborhood. >> i can't let it interfere with my life or my daughter's life. we have to be cautious of what is around us and go on with our lives. >> turner was convicted in march of assaulting an unconscious woman after a fraternity party in january of last year. he is facing three years of super bias probation after serving half of his six-month jail sentence. prosecutors had been seeking six years behind bars. the original punishment lead to anger around the country. brock turner must register with local authorities every 90 days. well ktvu has obtained turner's paperwork from the green county sheriff's office for an upclose look of the questions that he was required to fill out and how he responded. just go to it is at the top of our home page. plus the santa clara county judge at the center of the brock turner case is now working in the civil division in san jose. that is starting today. judge aaron persky was criticized for sentencing brock turner to just six months in jail for the sexual assault, which many felt was a light sentence and sparked an effort of a petition recall against the judge. judge persky requested the change of venue to reduce distractions at the criminal court in palo alto. hurricane newton would strike the southern tip of baja california this morning. hurricane newton made landfall as a category 1 storm with winds of 90 miles per hour. the storm dumped heavy rains, strong winds toppled palm trees and knocked out power in the area of cabo san lucas. residents took no chances piling up sandbags, protecting glass windows with plywood. >> we all look out for each other when things like this happens. i think everything will be fine, but like i said better be prepared than not. >> officials say that there are no reports of anyone being killed or seriously hurt. the hurricane continues to head northeast bringing strong winds and heavy rain to parts of baja, california and to northwestern mexico. by the time the storm makes it to arizona and new mexico it could dump as much as three inches of rain through thursday. we will take a look at where the hurricane is at this point. still over baja, still a category 1. the winds sustained at 75 miles per hour just southwest of loredo right now. it will continue to move in a northerly direction and curving northwest right now at 17 miles per hour. so over the course of the next 24 hours, it is expected to move through mexico and eventually end up in arizona by wednesday afternoon. with winds sustained about 25 miles per hour, it is going to weaken down to a depression, but there is still that possibility of one, two, three inches of rain in 24-hour periods. that's more than parts of arizona and what they typically get in an entire month. flash flooding is definitely apossibility. let's take a look at what's going on here at home. a big warm up across the bay area today and with mostly sunny skies from the coast around the bay and inland. 68 right now at half moon bay. 72 san francisco, upper 70s in oakland. you'll go inland, it is a warm one, 91 degrees in brentwood and livermore. 91 at woodside. 86 palo alto right now, and the inner east bay where those hotter numbers are, 96 is reported in antioch. 94 in pittsburg. it is a lot warmer today by five to ten degrees. today is not warmest day. we are going to be even hotter for tomorrow. when i come back, i'll have a look at what to expect for your evening and your wednesday and the extended forecast. back to you. >> all right, looking forward to it. thanks a lot, rosemary. left in limbo, thousands of students will never receive their diploma for the largest for-profit college chain after they announce they are shutting down all their schools. what's next for those students? at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. ♪keep on the sunny side ♪always on the sunny side ♪keep on the sunny side of life♪ ♪keep on the sunny side ♪always on the sunny side ♪keep on the sunny side of life♪ well one of the country's largest for profit college chains is shutting their doors. talking about 40,000 students. itt technical institute is permanently closing all of their campuses nationwide. that is 130 schools across 38 different states. itt has been under investigation for recruiting and accounting practices that the federal government describes is troubling. the college chain has been ordered to pay almost $200 million to cover student refunds. just last week the state of california ordered itt tech to stop accepting students and plan to revoke its license to operate. this closure has obviously put so many students in a very tough spot. >> it is like a nightmare for me because i spent more than 40years on -- four years on that campus about to complete my bachelor's in two quarters. i put a lot of effort towards it all. >> students are eligible to have their federal loans wiped out by the education department. that is about $171 million in loans. most of them in california. president obama is pledging a long-term commitment to the asia pacific region as he becomes the first sitting commander in chief to visit laos. the country was hit hard by the u.s. during the vietnam war and now america will provide more support to help the country moving forward. rich hanson has more from the white house. >> reporter: president obama making the multi-million dollar commitment to the people of laos. the u.s. heavily bombed the south's asian nation during the vietnam war leaving behind millions of unexploded weapons. the president says that the u.s. will give laos $90 million to help it clean up. >> whatever the cost, whatever our intentions, war inflicts a terrible hope. especially on innocent young men, women, and children. >> reporter: it is proceeded by another missile launch from north korea as world leaders gather for separate summit in china and laos. north korea needs to know that it will only invite more pressure and further deepening to isolation. >> reporter: those remarks following his meeting with the south korean counterpart. a sit down added to the schedule after the white house canceled a meeting with the president of the philippines. he used an obscenity referring to president obama. the white house says that they forced too much of a distraction on their scheduled meeting. >> the nature of our alliance with the philippines has been in remains rock solid. we have incredibly close working relationships with the government of the philippines. >> the president later apologized. >> he expressed his deep regret, deep regard, and infinity for president obama. >> reporter: the white house says that while there is no formal meeting now planned between the philippine president and president obama that the two are expected to see each other during the course of the summit. at the white house rich edinson fox news. the return to school following the labor day weekend was marked with sadness in union city. many students are learning just today that two classmates have been killed over the holiday weekend. another student was also injured in that same crash. now grief counselors were on campus to help those who knew that 17-year-old isaiah mace known as sai a senior and also on the football team. he was killed on sunday after crashing into a car and a center median on 880 and hayward. two other teens were in his car. 16-year-old junior iaromo. a candlelight vigil was held on campus for those two teens last night. this morning many of them are still thinking about them. >> he was fawn -- he was a funny guy. all the way from 4th grade to high school, he was still the same. funny. that's all i could remember. i can't believe he's gone. >> and in and out third passenger in that car attends logan. he's no longer in critical condition, but does remain in the hospital. the chp is investigating just what caused that crash. still to come an incredible story of a bay area man who survived one of the worse disasters in the u.s. history, which is also one of the worst shark attacks in history. and also taking action, the special gathering tonight in the bay area to address a national problem. we are talking about violence. more on that when the 4:00 on 2 returns. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. ally a hug. this toy is a reminder that someone cares. these are a chance to be part of a team. and this is the chance to succeed. female announcer: with your support, everyone at sleep train proudly dedicates their time, hearts, and resources to giving local foster children one important thing: - hope... - hope... hope... not everyone can be a foster parent... ...but anyone can help a foster child. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ we need to respond in a positive and spiritual way. to call on the depths of our religious tradition in order to pray for peace. >> the religious leaders are asking for prayers following an escalation of violence throughout the country and the world from police officers and bush to controversial police shootings. a new call today for everyone to work together. that is the focus of an inner faith meeting that is set to begin later tonight in oakland. joining me now to talk more about it is the father jay matthews. thank you so much for stepping out and talking to us. my question, father. why hold this event and why hold it now? >> we are holding this event so that we can have the opportunity to witness in this community, but in communities across the nation and the world, holding this interfaith prayer for peace so that as we come together this evening, we can really and truly model what the dialogue and this discussion for peace should be about. so that is why the children of sarah hagar and of mary are coming together this evening. the christien jewish muslimcommunities in particular to have this dialogue and this prayer for peace in our cathedral. >> you stress interfaith and that is really something that you are encouraging tonight that they will all show you. tell us why that is important. >> but it will be reenforced in three movements this evening. and the first movement, that it will be the movement of prayer and reflection according to their own faith tradition. so there will be five places in the complex so that we could pray in their traditions. the christiens, jews, muslims, hundred dues -- hindus, and buddhists. then in the second movement, we'll go into the cathedral center to invite three international speakers who have participated in this process of prayer and dialogue for peace around the world over the past 30 years. so we are going to have a panel on where they are going to dialogue and the question and answers and that they are going to be engaged in and that we'll have the rabbi robert, daniel serber from israel. we have bishop ion casion a bishop. and the president of the indonesian conference on religion for peace. >> father, what are you hoping that will happen after tonight? and that it sounds like a well- planned event. but in practical terms what happens tomorrow? >> well, what is going to happen tomorrow is that what we are engaging in this evening, we have invited the interfaith community of alameda and contra costa county. we asked them to come here. and at the last movement of our evening, we're not only making it an appeal, but making a commitment to work for peace within our neighborhoods, within our powers community. and within the places that we would find ourselves. >> all right, father jay matthews, i'm hearing several hundred people expected tonight? >> well actually we are expecting up to a thousand. >> all right, thank you so much for taking the time out during the planning of the event to talk with us. appreciate it. >> thank you. well in today's segment too, you're going to meet a man who lives through the worst disaster in u.s. navy history. >> he not only survived the sinking of the u.s.a. indianapolis -- u.s.s. indianapolis during world war ii, but survived what is considered one of the worse mass shark attacks ever. hundreds of sharks attacked them day and night for several days until they were finally rescued. >> can you imagine? ken wayne has this story of survival from a man of courage. >> reporter: when the u.s.s. indianapolis sailed through the golden gate on its way to the pacific theater in 1945, harold bray was a fresh 17-year-old sailor on his first deployment. little did he or the other crew members realize that they were on what would turn out to be a historic and tragic voyage. in one of the ship's hangars a large wooden crate. >> the marine guards were on it at all time saying we could not go near the thing. >> reporter: inside the crate the nuclear bomb that would be dropped on hiroshima. the ship was ordered to the philippines. bray was sleeping under a gun turret when the ship was attacked at the dead of night. >> right on the opposite side of where i was sleeping. it rolled me off the ledge of the 10-foot drop. >> reporter: the ship was already sinking as bray scrambled for a life jacket and headed for the quarter deck. >> that is where i jumped off. and i was still about 30 to 40 feet off the water. when i hit the water, somebody hit me and they drove me down. and that i opened up my eyes and there is a big look. i thought the ship was going to come down on top of me and there was oil in the water. i looked up at that time and she was up on her valve going down. >> reporter: in 12 minutes the ship was gone. bray found an oily cargo net in the water, something he would cling to for the next four to five days. >> the sharks showed up soon after we hit the water, but they were there all the time. >> the thrashing survivors and bloody water no doubt attracted the sharks. the dead and injured were first to be hit. >> but the first couple of days those guys never lasted very long. >> and it was all the time day and night the sharks were there? >> yeah, they are never gone. but they were not always attacking. you could look now and see them swarming. >> reporter: he thinks that the dark navy clothing kept sharks from going after him even though they bumped and nicked at him. the men killed by sharks is hard to determine, but considered the worse mass shark attack in history. when the sharks weren't biting, some men were going crazy. drinking the sea water. >> and all their sores and their tongues were filling up and their eyes were wide open. it was not a good scene. the guys would say come on, there is an island over here that would let you on, but that you cannot get on or something like that and then he would swim away and you would never see them begin. >> they were hallucinating. >> on the 4th day a navy plane spotted the men and a rescue ship soon arrived on scene. >> they pulled up alongside us. and climb up sailor. i said hell yeah. i couldn't lift my arm out of the waters. >> he fell into a deep sleep as they headed to the philippines. >> the guy claimed that there was oil all over my eyes and i grabbed his arm and i remember him saying that it is okay sailor. >> reporter: bray said he lost 30 pounds during the ordeal and probably would have died in two more days. out of 1,196 men, just 317 survived the torpedoes, the sharks, the elements. >> i don't remember every thinking about not making it, but you know when you are 17 to 18 years old, you don't think about stuff like that. >> reporter: after the war he became a venetian police officer. long after being retired he speaks out about the u.s.s. indianapolis, off to schools where many have never heard about the story. >> it is really amazing how little they talked about it in schools. >> reporter: there are now barely two dozen indianapolis survivors still alive. harold bray now 89 is the youngest. >> i feel like i'm one of the lucky ones. we lost a lot of guys. we lost 880 guys within those five days. they say that 900 of us fell in the water and 300 got killed instantly. >> reporter: next july bray will return again to the city of indianapolis to reunite with his fellow survivors. until there are none. >> what an incredible story, ken. whatever happened to the captain? >> he survived and he was court marshaled. the navy lost more than 300 ships. the captain of the indianapolis was the only captain who was court marshaled. a lot of the sailors from indianapolis think that it was a political hit job on that captain. he ended up committing suicide because he was so distraught over the letters he was receiving from the survivors and their families. in 2001 congress and the president then cleared him of any wrong doing. they said that it wasn't his fault. >> wow, what about the ship? >> the ship sunk somewhere between gaum and the philippines. they will try to go out and find that ship because a lot of people want to know more about it. they are not going to try to recover it, but they want to go down and take some video and pictures of it. of course the sailors who went down with the ship will stay there forever just like the u.s.s. arizona at pearl harbor. >> yes, and a lot of interest in this story. a movie is coming out? >> yes, nicholas cage is starring in the movie. i think a lot of that will get into the court marshal and the story after the attack, but it is just an incredible remarkable story that a lot of people don't know about. and harold bray is really one of the last living chapters of that part of american history. he is a wonderful guy. >> he looks great too. >> yes, he does. >> 89? >> 89 years young. >> he's amazing. ken wayne, great story. >> thanks. coming up next, we'll speak with our medical experts about the latest recommendations on which type of flu shots you and your family should get this year. a notable warm up is being felt around the bay area. some spots five to ten degrees warmer than yesterday. we'll check in on your current conditions, we'll talk about tomorrow and when temperatures are expected to peak coming up. well today the american academy of pediatrics withdrew their recommendation of the child-friendly flu mist. joining us now is ktvu medical expert dr. larry brousset. for the last two years doctors have urged people to get the shot, not the spray. white change? >> well the cdc looked back at 2015 and found that the old fashion flu shot was actually 20 times more effective than the mist. so the flu shot was 63% effective and the mist was only 3% effective. and so not only do we have a governmental body that the cdc now has issued this recommendation. but then today the american academy of pediatrician came out and agreed with that and said we're not going to use this at all. we need to stick with the old flu shot. >> is it still available the mist? if so shouldn't it just be pulled? >> that's a good question. as far as i know that it is still available. i don't think that it came from an fda standpoint on terms of removing it from the market. but that brings a good question of if it isn't effective at all, you know, should it even be out there. 3% is, i don't think that it does too much. i have a 6-year-old daughter. last year we got her a shot and she cried in my arm. so the idea that there is something that could save the pain of the shop in theory is a good idea. now we have some data that it doesn't. in 2012 when the mist came out, it actually looked like it might be more effective than a flu shot. that they are not being taken down seriously. >> the flu shot is not the exact thing. but they have different levels of the effectiveness. and is it really that necessary? to get a flu shot? >> working with the er every day, not only will they protect you from getting influenza, which is miserable. for me it is the one day i missed for seven years when -- when i had the swine flu. and if we all get vaccinated and they can potentially save lives, so you might be able to help save some of the other lives by getting the flu shot. >> all right, good advice as always. a little tough condition there. thank you so much and we'll talk to you soon. thinking about the flu in winter, not now on the 6th day of september. >> that's right. right in the middle of the late summer warm up underway, temperatures were slightly warmer yesterday, another noticeable jump today and tomorrow is expected to be the hottest day of the week. giving you a view of the oakland coliseum here, there in the backdrop. a's will be playing today with a gorgeous forecast in stored for you there. i'll have a look at that in just a moment. let's check in on their current conditions, under mostly clear skies inland. 89 degrees right now for santa rosa and 66 in san francisco. oakland at 77 at this hour with lower 90s. as i showed you on the last half hour, 5 to 10 degrees warmer than where we were 24 hours ago with a look at your forecast and their game time at 7:05. cooling back into the lower 60s. under mostly clear skies and the southwesterly breeze at about 10 miles per hour. and feeling pretty good out there for their tailgaters. but we will be cooling off some. here is a look at their pattern with the ridge of high pressure in place. you can see the flow around that. that clockwise motion that is moving through the bay area. coming in from the north. that has helped to knock out the low clouds and the fog, the marine layer depth is only about 500 feet at this point. and so again we are just with plenty of clear skies on out there, a nice big warm up felt in the afternoon today. that will continue for tomorrow. here at the service we do have a bit of an on shore breeze as you can see it is very weak. fairfield reporting just 7 miles per hour. napa reporting 14. as we get started tomorrow morning, we will be mostly clear once again with a lot of sunshine in stored for your wednesday. as we get into the second part of the day, mostly clear skies at the coast. it's going to be a nice day. in fact nice beach weather. 70s in pacifica. even 80s for areas near santa cruz and monterey. some of our hotter spots will get near the century mark. here is a look at the morning numbers for you. 65 degrees expected for pacifica. we'll go 66 for san francisco. around the bay 56 in hayward and into the bay area, inland communities will be in the lower 60s. so this temperature is actually not as chilly as we were this morning. and it would have to do with the afternoon highs. here is a look at your future cast models. partly cloudy to start the day and mostly clear for the rest of it. here is your footprint sort to speak with the 60s at the coast and a lot of 70s in the bay. our hotter spots, 90 in the inner east bay as well as our south bay and the north bay. santa rosa as well as napa expected to go into the 90s. here is a look at the afternoon highs. 93 for napa. the inner east bay hotter spots, 90 for antioch, livermore, concord. mid-90s expected for fairfield. 90 degrees san jose. around the bay a warm day. 84 oakland, 84 redwood city. beautiful and warm in san francisco. you're looking at 78 with mostly sunny skies there. as i mentioned earlier 76 for pacifica. here is a look at your extended forecast. if you don't like the heat, good news, wednesday will be the hottest day and then we'll begin to cool it back down as we get into the second part of your business week. upper 80s to low 90s for the hotter spots. we'll continue that downward trend as we get into your bay area weekend. 60s at the coast, 70s around the bay. back to the upper 80s for the inland cities. hot weather coming our way as we get into wednesday. back to you. >> thanks, rosemary. julie joins us live with a look at what we're working on for the ktvu fox 2 news at 5:00. >> well ted, hillary clinton's convention polls are all, but gone. coming up at 5:00 our political analyst will join us to break down the new national poll that shows donald trump is now in the lead. and a heartbreaking story in san pablo. >> this is a horrible scene as we just learned that new information on the pregnant teenager shot and killed outside her home. doctors tried to save the baby, but they couldn't. we're working on these stories and much more. they're all coming up tonight at 5:00. >> okay julie, thank you. and next on the 4:00 on 2, this is definitely a different way to ride bart. how these swings got on to a few bart cars. the 4:00 on 2 will be right back. it looks like fun. honey, is the internet back yet? yes!! i need to let her know that i like this! i like, like, like, like... i haven't seen a movie based on a comic book in so long. i know. we're over here internet people! get high speed internet from at&t. with over 99% reliability. at an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. keep calm, you internet's on. at an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. the extra crispy colonel. my extra crispy, twenty dollar fill-up feeds a family of four. it's crunchy! juicy! and oh so tasty. kfc. it's extra crispy good. a new shuttle service is in effect for muni's busiest line. brian flores was there as they pull up and explain when the new service will run. we're in san francisco near church and dubois where earlier this morning muni launched the first of their train. it is meant to alleviate some of the congestion, but the shuttles are really meant to help them catch their judo line. now muni had added two train cars that will do a loop from the embarcadero. the added cars will only run two loops around that route from 8:00 in the morning until 9:00 in the morning. the major complaint that muni heard was that by the time that they got to the cold valley area especially near carl and stanlan that the car would literally be packed. because there is a turn away though, the train will be able to pick up those passengers likely with everyier car -- with emptier cars. >> the trains are coming next year, but we need it to do something now. for three years they've been working on the engineering in order to turn the train around sooner rather than later. and that's what this is all about. i'm really excited about it. >> if you're at church in dubois or back here, sometimes we pass up over 100 people each morning. so this is critically needed for the first time where people will get an empty train showing up. >> reporter: the inline is muni's busiest line. muni estimates that 40,000 passengers ride the n juda on a daily basis. the project took three years to complete and in fact when we spoke with them earlier this morning she called this project, "a game changer." in san francisco i'm brian flores ktvu fox 2 news. >> well on bart, some riders found a playful seating option. bay area artist thomas frank thought swings inside some random bart trains in the morning. franks has created several other art pieces that have been displayed at bart stations including some inspirational messages and also a hopscotch court in front of bart ticket machines. >> that's pretty cool. well after two years of searching, scientists have located a robot that was lost in space. >> see how they plan to reach the little robot that got stuck on a comet. the 4:00 on 2 will be right back. (music plays from one way or another )♪♪ ♪ i'm gonna find y♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna win ya ♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna see ya ♪ (inhales cigarette) this afternoon they failed to pass a zika funding bill in san diego county where they began spraying for mosquitoes in the neighborhood east of downtown today after a neighbor tested positive for the virus. officials say that the person had traveled to a country with the active zika transmission. and crews filed potential host mosquitoes and the larva near their home in san diego. as a precaution, that they are spraying a three-block area of the -- of the mount hope area. >> we need to prevent them from occur investigate first place. >> crews will be trapping the mosquitoes in the area, testing them for the virus over the next several weeks. officials say that there have been 34 cases of the zika virus in san diego, all of which have been travel related. after months of searching, the hunt for a little space robot has come to an end. >> new images from rosetta's high images caught the camera. >> nearly two years after getting lost in space the european space agency says that they have finally found their lander. the rosetta orbiting probe captured new images of the little robot wedged in a crack of a comet. >> it is in a big ditch in a hole where a pocket is being described. the sun doesn't shine there. >> reporter: the rosetta mission launched in 2004. it took a decade for the orbiter to reach the comet. history was made a few months later when they dropped the probe. but things went wrong. the lander bounced out of view, sending only a few messages before going silent. and the robot's solar battery had died and felix was declared lost and dead back in march. >> we made some adjustments to the way that we were imaging them to bring out the light in the dark. and ultimately that we've got a picture in the pocket. >> reporter: with the new discovery, the lander's location, scientist wills finally be able -- scientists will finally be able to decode and translate some of the projects sent back to ground control. >> to actually have that image it is definitely there. that is the icing on the cake. that it adds to the excitement that we have leading into the end of the mission. >> reporter: the exciting discovery coming just in time at the end of this month. it is set to take a final one- way mission snapping images before it crash lands on the surface of the comet. in london greg malcot fox news. an 18-year-old seven months pregnant shot outside her home. she was rushed to the bay area hospital. doctors performed an emergency c-section. unfortunately that both the teenager and her baby died. >> pregnant women, it is something so bad to have it happen to them. >> good evening everyone i'm frank somerville. >> i'm julie haener. police say that the killing of the young pregnant woman and the death of her unborn baby is an isolated incident that is still leaving neighbors on edge. ktvu crime reporter henry lee joins us now. henry, you spoke to witnesses who heard the gunfire? >> reporter: that's right julie. a horrific scene as mother-to- be just 18 years old was killed right outside her home. her baby shower would have been in five days. >> reporter: shots rang out about 8:00 monday night neither corner of 17th and sutter in san pablo. san pablo police found an 18- year-old mccoy in the middle of the street. witnesses said that she was shot once in the chest. she was taken to highland hospital in oakland where she died. she was seven months pregnant. doctors performed an emergency c-section, but the unborn baby did not survive. it appears to be an isolated incident as they would decline to speak to us. but the neighbors are in shock over the killing. many residents said that they heard of at least three gunshots, assuming that they were fireworks at first. >> and the pregnant women, that it is something that is so bad. it is a bad thing. whoever did it, you know, they issued a chance to pay. >> novaro heard a group of people surrounding the woman crying and screaming no lala, please. she says that the victim was visibly pregnant. at seven months an unborn baby is considered viable and anyone arrested in the case could potentially face double murder charges. live in the newsroom henry lee ktvu fox 2 news. >> just a horrible story. henry the police

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