The sky. The building is completely destroyed. The one hundred tenants are at the bottom of the economic ladder. It had been transitional housing to get people stabilized and off of the street. Most of them are staying at this nearby shelter at the oakland youth shelter. I lost everything. Homeless and an alcoholic until finding a program. He said conditions were deplorable and he couldnt move but better than nothing. When i tried to go to other housing everything was closed and no one would help us. The city is trying to find housing for deshaun and the other former tenants. Some are children. But the supply of Affordable Housing is almost nonexistent. It could add more people to the growing homeless crisis. We have two units and not amassed in the number of units we have here. It will be a challenge. No idea what will happen next week . No, sir. Not at all. Are you worried . Yes. Because i dont want to sleep under no freeway. Now the city is searching for vacant apartments and hotels looking for any availability and the supply is so limited that many people may end up back out on the streets. Frank. I know authorities dont think the fire was deliberately set. We interviewed someone that lived there and he thought was a candle. Are the authorities saying anything at all about that tonight . No, they are not. They are looking at that and that very well may be the case and they still have a lot a big building and a lot to go through. Thats one of the operating theories but not the only one. San pablo is a key road in oak land. Very busy. Do you know when san pablo will be reopened . That is unclear. You can see people detouring around. But it is a a big building and unsafe and they are worried about it crumbling and eventually that building will be demolished once they are able to go through it. That is up in the ire and for now you will have to go around. Investigators are looking into the cause of a house fire this afternoon in concord. It was reported at 1 00. Crews were able to get the fire uncontrol in ten minutes. A power line was down or near the home rather but so far investigators have not said whether that is what caused the fire. Fortune no one was hurt. An alist roster of women including president ial nominee Hillary Clinton drew thousands to a womens conference in San Francisco. The professional business women of california kicked off for the 28th year in a row. Tara moriarty was there and joins us like. Quite a welcome for Hillary Clinton. Reporter she received a standing ovation. This is put on to inspire women. It has been in full swing since the 60s but women are not in position of power like the men and many thought to change that. A standing ovation for former second of state Hillary Clinton. I bet everybody have had the experience of saying something in a meeting that gets ignored. 10 or 20 minutes later a man says the same thing and they say it is genius. Chen into, the keynote speaker of the 28th annual professional business women of california conference. Something about this moment, this time now that puts us on the right side of history. Actress terroni sensory that stars in empire spoke to the crowd of thousands, mostly women. The film Hidden Figures talks about three women mathematicians that launched the first astronaut into orbit. I failed math by the way. 46 years later i found out about these incredible women that helped these men get in to space. Who knew . Bank of the west ceo offered their success in the workplace. Mayor shaft talked about hiring the First Female Police chief and took a job at president donald trump. Clearly what you lack incompentency and qualifications can be made up for with a lot of confidence. Rose saryo dumpster talked about growing up in San Francisco she attend a protest. We made the posters to save trees. A 20yearold civil rights activist whose sister was forced into marriage at 11 explained how she led her home land to escape child marriage. Very inspiring. Im tara moriarty, ktvu fox 2 news. 2 investigates is taking a closer look at warning signs that the Apartment Building that we told you about at the top of the newscast where four people were killed in a fire was not safe. We have uncovered a decade of issues including violations found days before. Candice wynn joins us with more. We spent the day looking over the complaints and inspection reports. They show a history of problems, years and even just days before the fire. People would run in the building yelling fire. Gear remembers the heat and screaming. Get up and wake up. She remembers fire alarms and one part of the building but there were other things from monday that she says arent clear. I didnt remember any sprinklers going off. March 27th. Fewer people were killed in the fire. Inspection records show on march 24th, three days before an inspector ordered the Property Owner to service the buildings fire alarms immediately and service the fire sprinklers immediately and provide fire alarms. 8 violations and we found there was a long history of building complaints. The low income residents have been the source of 20 code complaints in the last ten years according to city records. Everything from mold, garbage and no hot water and holes in the walls and ceilings. Three complaints of violations and 11 closed. 7 complaints are currently open. Some of the rooms people are doubled and tripled up. James cook is an attorney representing the Community Center that was in the process of being evicted by the building owner. The center says it has been helping the tenants, many of them elderly or mentally ill or suffering from substance abuse. You walked through the building a few weeks ago and what did you see. Exposed wires and water leakage. Any fire alarms. No fire alarms or sprinklers, nothing that i remember and basically just a tinderbox. Tenants say the Property Owner and city should have done more to protect them. Instead Community Leaders had to step in. We have tried to reach out to the Property Owners but i have not got a response. We went to the Inspection Department and have not heard back. City records show that the owner had 30 days to fix those most recent violations. Is there anything else that the city could have done or more it could have done to keep people from living in that building safe . That is what we are trying to find out. Wondering should the city have evacuated those people until the fixes were made. According to the National Fire Protection Association the city can hire a fire watch, that is a Fire Security guard but it would have to be mandated by city law. Unclear if they were done or required. Candice, thanks you. And to see the Fire Departments inspection reports and other documents that the 2 investigates team that uncovered you can log onto kutv. Com and look for our story on line and you will find it on the home page. The trusses are gone. The peers that held them up gone. The blast from the raiders. The season Ticket Holders. What the raiders are asking fans to do. A notable warmup for today and going warmer for tomorrow. I will have a look at your Current Conditions and what you can expect for your bay area wednesday coming up. There could be a legal battle looming between the Oakland Coliseum authority and raiders owner mark davis. The raiders are set to play in the coliseum until 2020 but Oakland City Council man larry read wants the team out of the coliseum and out of oakland asap. The question is being the city legally kick them out before the lease is up. The founder of aspire sports group says city leaders in las vegas could theoretically buy out the lease using the 750 milliondollars in public fund that they have. That would be extremely difficult consider that they have a lease. From all of the contacts that i have talked to and from the reports that i have read it is understood that they will be there until at least 2019. He within on to say that he knows raider fans feel betrayed and the wounds wont heal but he wouldnt be surprised if fans stick with the team while they remain in oakland and stop watching them when they leave. One day after raiders announced the relocation to las vegas the team is soliciting deposits for seats at their to be built stadium in las vegas. The raiders send an email to season Ticket Holders offering them a chance to put down a deposit. Ktvus Cristina Rendon live outside of the headquarters with the story. Cristina. For many fans this is like a bad breakup and asking them back have some Ticket Holders saying this is too soon. It is personal. You have a team and if they do that twice it is brutal. The sting is fresh for fans and some feel the organization is adding insult to injury with this email. It appeared tuesday in the inbox of season Ticket Holders. I was stunned. Like joe that called it bad timing. To get the email the day after was a bit much. I think the only thing that would have been worse is if they would have sent it to me during the press conference yesterday. The email offers season ticket members a chance to secure seats in the las vegas stadium. Sure the one hundred dollars deposit is refundable but for some it is about principle. It reminds me if my wife was telling me she is leaving me and giving me an invitation with the guy that she is having an affair with. Joe has had season ticketings during the fiveyear period of living in las vegas. He is not sure the team will work in sin city. There is not a sense of commune like in oakland. More people like the free beer and food versus paying a psl and paying the high ticket prices. As for the las vegas deposit offer, he wishes the raiders would have let the dust settle. If i would have answered that today can i would say no but hard to say how we will feel about it in three months or a year. Waiting a few months to send it to the courtesy of Ticket Holders would have been a better move. Carrera has not canceled his tickets. His brother is ready for a refund but he is not. He loves the players and atmosphere but it will be hard for the fans to say goodbye in a couple of years. They got the offer and how long is it good for. When do have to make up their mind fourth one hundred dollars deposit. It is unclear. It doesnt say and when you go online to raiders. Com. That ad is sprawled across the home page. They are trying to get as many fans as quickly as possible. So bizarre to say las vegas raiders. It will take awhile to get used to. Cristina thank you. Outside the doors. A beautiful day. Temperatures warmed up in the mid70s for many of the inland communities and our warming trend will continue as we get into your bay area wednesday. Here is a live look over san jose and the blue skies there. Right now san jose checking in at 71 as we work our way up, 72 livermore and 69 in oakland and santa rosa. 73. Five, ten, 15 degrees warmer at this hour than where we topped out yesterday. Up by 15 in napa and ten santa rosa and a few degrees warmer in hayward. The south bay of san jose and concord is 11degree warmer than where you were on monday. High pressure continuing to strengthen our way. We continue to see the northerly flow in place. Breezy out there and the temperatures have come up so it doesnt feel quite as brisk or cool as we had yesterday. You can see it right in there. This is going to remain with us. Going to be breezy throughout most of the evening. It does begin to tie down a little bit for tomorrow morning and then well have calmer conditions for your wednesday and into the afternoon. But right now the winds, fairfield reporting 18 and gusting to 24. Sustained 14 in oakland and portions of the north bay. Nevada at nine but gusting to 17. Shifting south just a little bit, not as breezy here but still have a good one going. San jose with a sustained wind at 15 and sfo is breezy at 26. So the warming trend continuing for one more day and changes coming our way in time for thursday. Wednesday is going to be the warmest day. Upper 60s in the forecast for our coast. A lot of 70s and i think some folks will even hit 80s by the afternoon. Partly cloudy skies and a cool day in santa rosa. 45 and 49 san rafael. 53 in San Francisco and 49 in hayward. We will go upper 40s to start in san jose and the east bay. Upper 40s. Here is a look at the afternoon highs tomorrow. 8 degrees and expected for santa rosa and 76 san rafael and east bay shoreline 73 in berkeley and San Francisco 70s and the inner east bay mid70s and the south bay 70s for you as well. 77 expecting in 77 expected in loss skatedus. Temperatures in the 70s to 80s on saturday. It sure was pretty today. Blue skies. Thanks, rosemary. Still to come here. President trump signs off on a Campaign Promise this time targeting obama irregulars. The details of what the Trump Administration calls its effort to restore energy jobs across the country. A discrimination lawsuit against tesla filed by one of the company employees. The video proves that he was harassed by others because of his race. Tesla had plenty of time to resolve and address these issues and they dropped the ball. The secret service arrested a man outside the white house that claimed to be carrying a bomb. The Social Security tweeted this picture. Authorities closed roads and created a security perimeter and moved visitors and media to a safe distance. The incident is the latest in a series of White House Security breaches in recent weeks. A growing number of democrats are calling for the gop chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to recuse themselves from the Ongoing Investigation into russia. Come as President Trump makes good on a Campaign Promise and rolls back regulations. Joe waldman has the latest. President trump rolling back the clean water plan. It will flag for review more than a half dozen environmental measures. The Administration Says it is the latest effort to restore energy jobs across the country after years of what they call regulatory assaults. We are returning power to the state where the power belongs. Meantime looking to hang onto his job as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Devon nunez. Many democrats calling for his recusal after it was revealed nunez secretly visited the ground the day before announcing that he was shown evidence of incidental surveillance of President Trumps team. We go to the executive branch one or twice. This is not unusual. There is even more questions after nunez canceled a hearing on russia where former attorney general sally yates was set to give testimony. What you see is behavior that is consistent with the coverup. Yates was fired by the president for refusing to enforce the first travel ban but the white house is refusing the allegations reported by the post suggesting that the administration was trying to keep the former a gfrom testifying. The report is false in the post. House speaker ryan says there is no reason to recuse himself while senator john mccain says congressman nunez has explaining to do. In washington, joe walman. There was a joint statement saying that the plan is misguided and ignores basic science. New york and california will work closely together and with other states to fill the probe left by the federal government. Leaders from the arab world are arriving in jordan for a summit meeting tomorrow. The first since the election of President Trump saudi arabia and emma tis do not agree with this. Countries in egypt show more flexibility for the rashad regime. Despite the talk of a unified effort against isis. The arab world is far from actively tackling the group and instead relying on iraqi troops. There is a ten Million Dollar settlement of a Class Action Lawsuit over fraudulent accounts. The first private settlement. The company paid 185 millions to federal and state authorities. The San Francisco based bank has admitted that its employees set up as many as 2 million accounts without permission from customers. The settlement will cover those customers going back to january of 09. Coming up saying goodbye to a decade old maybe. The final piece of the bridge is gone opening up the views. We will have the plan for 2 Million Pounds of steel to keep the bridges legacy alike. We have developing news out of Downtown Los Angeles tonight. Take a look. This is where a woman has climbed a construction crane and she is locked herself inside the cab. This is live pictures now from over the scene. You can see the cab there. It is blue and white part of the structure there. Workers turned off power to the crane and firefighters right now are trying to figure out the safest way to reach the woman and bring her down. We will continue to keep an eye on the story as it develops. A terrible twist of irony has left an employee dead. Hit and killed by a vta bus. Jesse gary is live near downtown san jose and jesse although the vta says the victim was killed by one of their buses police are investigating to figure out what happened. Frank, that is right. Vta Officials Say chung stepped off a bus here on north 1st street. The route 66 bus. Moments later he was hit and killed by a vehicle. Police are trying to confirm it was in fact the same vta bus. 60 yearold bennie chung retired in december after spending 37 years working in various positions with the valley transportation authority. Our hearts go out to the family of mr. Chung. His friends and coworkers. We are grieving at this time during this tragic tragic incident. Vta representatives say shortly before 8 00 thursday nightclub had gotten off of route 66 bus on north first street between hawthorne way and east empire street. A vehicle vt aofficials believe was the same bus hit and killed him. The driver apparently unaware of the impact drove off. Witnesses called police and First Responders who pronounced chung dead at the scene. The operator has been put on administrative leave per our standard protocol and we are working again with the San Jose Police department to learn more. It could have been a bus. It could have been some other vehicle on the roadway. We are not ready to be able to say that it was in fact a bus even though we are looking at that possibility. They are looking for surveillance recordings and witness accounts before conclusively saying a vta bus was the striking vehicle. We definitely dont want to jump to conclusions without having examined all of the evidence and looking at all of the facts. Grief counselors have been made available for vt astaffers. Many are struggling with the loss for former coworker honored a month ago for reaching retirement. This is a huge loss for our vta family and we are in mourning. The Police Investigators say it does not appear a crime was committed in this case. They say so far in san jose this year there have been ten fatal pedestrian accidents that is about normal for this time of year. I checked in with the medical Examiners Office and asked about a cause of death and they say they may be able to release that tomorrow. Jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. Just so sad to think that he ju recently retired after spending all of that time with the vta. Jesse. Thank you. Federal investigators have determined that a lack of markings on the highway contributed to a deadly bus crash in san jose earlier. Two passengers killed when a Greyhound Bus hit a barrier on highway 101 in the Early Morning hours of january 19th during rainy conditions. 13 hoars plus the driver were injured. The lanes were not clearly marked and the concrete barrier was not marked with a deflector. The final truss was removed for everyone that drivers across the eastern span. Tom vacar will explain how parts of the old bridge will rise again. Tom. Reporter it just dawned on me 15 years ago i stood on this piece of property as governor davis and a bunch of other dignitaries signed the first pylon in the bay and 11 years later came the bay bridge and three years after that, the old bridge that stood behind it and blocked the view and couldnt give you a true appreciation of what the bridge looked like was standing there. Now three years later, it is gone. And it is gone for a very good reason because that bridge and that bridge alone is what we need and the other stuff is off to the scrapyard. Here is the story. As the last truss was disconnected and lowered on to a mastiff double barge and tugged where it will be scrapped all but one key phase of the demolition was done. Cal trans chief engineer that has worked on this project for three decades marvels as how well the bridge was designed and built in the nontech days of paper, pencil and slide rules. You start to feel like you know some of them and you climb in their minds and see the tools that they had. It took three years to de construct the one hundred Million Pounds of steel beams and plates and bars and rivots. The old eastern span with no damage to the habitat. We did that. It is now to remove the 13 piers up and the underwater supports. Once that is done it will return to the 1930s conditions when the original construction began. By the end of 2019 we will be out of the bay. The bike path opened on weekends and holidays will have a bigger role. We will open it on weekdays. A thousand tons of steels and two Million Pounds set aside. We are in the process of getting organized to distribute steel so there can be more projects. The goal, carry the bridges legacy in the future through art projects large and small around the state. The uses for the steel are amazingly creative. A broad range from Landscape Architecture firms working on large public projects to individual artists working on much smaller undertakings. It is up to the artist to find those displays and coming back live, that can be anywhere in the state of california including this patch of land that could have one of those things that will be these parts all over the state of california. That is one giant recycling project, tom and do they say how long it will take to remove the piers in the bay. That is amazing. They have some ready to go and everything will be gone. Everything will be gone bit end of 2017 and that means that there will be really nothing left except those art projects. A lot of work still ahead. It is looking good. That view is incredible. Tom, thank you. International travelers have a new way to get to london from the bay. A British Airway boeing triple 7 landed at the airport this afternoon. The new route will operate four days a week and british is now the only european carrier to fly out of all three major bay area airports. Coming up 420 Million Dollar drug bust. The coast guard unloading the cocaine and they show the video of one of the busts. Counties trying to come up with their own law. What was blocked in Northern California. Portion of fox 2 news sponsored by jeep. Experience the freedom and visit your jeep dealer. If passed it would ban the cultivation of marijuana. There is a special election on may 2nd and ballots are being mailed out. The superior court judge says the measure to ban marijuana was poorly written and it was taken off of the ballot. Since marijuana was legalized last year hundreds have moved in the county and there have been a backlash. The people moving here, we couldnt ignore it. People have had it with the activity and the crime and everything else. The measure and even though the measure will not be included on the ballot for next months special election, opponents of the marijuana grow say they havent given up on getting a measure on the ballot in the future. 33 large bales of cocaine worth 420 milliondollars was seized by the u. S. Coast guard in florida. And reporter brandon buyer says it was caught on Surveillance Video. The u. S. Coast guard unloads palleted after pallet of cocaine Tuesday Morning at fort everglades. With this ship we of capable of owning the knight. The new cutter and other vessels responsible for 17 straight in ter dictions at sea netting 30 smugglers. The coast guard releasing Surveillance Video of one of the apprehensions where the bales have drugs can be seen floating near a suspected drug runners boat. The look of the bales of just cocaine is short cited. When those smugglers are racing across the caribbean and pacific they are not just carrying cocaine. They have violence, corruption and instability. The coast guards newest vessel loaded with tools to catch bad guys including a helicopter and two boats that can be dropped in the water with a flip of a switch. What makes this ship work is the crew. The men and women standing back here. They are the ones that willingly put themselves in harms way to scoot these missions in the middle of the news. A Northern California husband accused of killing his family. What happened in his sacramento home before he was arrested in San Francisco. Making Drinking Water safe again in flint, michigan. Coming up. Who will pay the almost one hundred Million Dollar price tag to fix the water pipes leading to thousands and thousands of homes. A spring time warmup over the bay area this afternoon. Coming up your numbers for tomorrow and how long the trend will last coming up. An update on developing news from Downtown Los Angeles. A woman has climbed a construction crane and locked herself inside the blue cab on the lefthand side of the screen. A huge crane. It is about 15 stories high. These are live pictures from above the scene. Police say she climbed in the cab 4 20 this afternoon. A large construction project going on on west Caesar Chavez avenue. Workers have turned off power and firefighters are trying to figure out what the safest way is to reach the woman and bring her down. We have learned that s. W. A. T. Team negotiators are heading to the scene. We are keeping an eye on the story and will bring you new information as it develops. Again a woman has locked herself inside the cab of that 15 story tall crane and you can see the fire response there. The police on the scene as well. And again a swat gosh eight team on the way. Developing situation and we will keep an eye on and bring new informations as we get it. We know how the four victims died in a quadruple homicide. They were not shot. Vicki gonzalez tells us more. A father and husband accused of killing his family. Facing four counts of murder. The 56 yearold criminal complaint file in Sacramento Court charging him with murdering his wife and two kids. A blunt force weapon. And killing angelas niece. 21yearold Ashley Coleman with a knife. The bodies found inside their home thursday now the scene of a grow can memorial. Each murder charge against vasquez carrying an enhancement allowing for a stiffer sentence if convicted. The criminal defense lawyer explains why an enhancement to murder is beneficial. The Legislature Passes these enhancement to keep the prosecutors the power to bring punishment in great force against the people that deserve it and they have done that here. The worse murder case to hit sacramento in nearly 20 years now preparing for trial. This is a changer. This changes the lives of anybody that has to deal with the evidence. It is a horror show. And it is a horror show that people have to watch. Vasquez being held without bail not yet entered a plea. His next Court Appearance is next month. Vicki gonzalez. Fox 2 news. Water lines 18,000 homes in flint, michigan are slated to be replaced under a deal just approved by a judge. The state and the city are replacing the water lines to settle a lawsuit over lead contaminated water. Flint plans on doing the construction and the state will foot the bill. The costs could be as high as 79 Million Dollars. It happened in 2014 and led was leaked into the citys water supply. Enjoyable weather over the bay area this afternoon. Temperatures soared well in the 70s for our inland cities and this is going to continue as we get into wednesday. Here is a look at the afternoon highs. Areas like fairfield, 77 reported today. 75 santa rosa and in the south bay 72 san jose and most of us fell somewhere right in between. 67 this afternoon San Francisco. Mid 60s in pacifica. The inland communities enjoying the 70s and going to nearly 80s as we get into your bay area wednesday. Here is a live look at Storm Tracker 2, High Pressure control of the weather pattern at least for one more day. We have a weak system that we will begin to move in. It looks like Late Wednesday night and into thursday. And bring us the possibility of a few sprinkles come thursday morning. But again, here and now we got mostly sunny skies and we got the wind that has not left up in the last 24 hours. The gusts are blowing in fairfield. 24 miles and nevada gusts up to 20 and sustained wind for 14 in oakland. The winds will be with us this evening and tomorrow morning before they begin to die down. Quiet weather in store for wednesday and wednesday is going to be the warmest day of the business week. The weekend looking pretty good. I will show you that in a moment. Before wednesday temperatures ranging from the 60s at the coast to mid upper 70s inland and again i think some folks will hit 80s or so. Here is your future cast model for the evening hours. Mostly clear, tomorrow morning and with a nice bit of sunshine. For the afternoon, notice the clouds move in and by thursday morning the possibility of a few scattered showers and in the afternoon it will clear out and be a cooler day and breezy day and we may have a few sprinkles to start the drive. There is thursday afternoon clearing out and when we clear out we will be clear for the weekend. Friday, breezy and temperatures rebounding. Looking at temperatures outside at this hour Still Holding onto the 70s. 73 in santa rosa and 74 in napa and 74 in walnut creek. 6 9 oakland. Tomorrow morning not too bad. A bit cool for the inland community. 45 to start in santa rosa and upper 40s for concord. Closer to the water. 50s for oakland and 53 in San Francisco and 49 for san jose. Afternoon highs, upper 70s and santa rosa and napa and fairfield. 76 for san rafael. Berkeley, oakland. 74 for hayward and mid70s for the inland and as we go towards the west. 70s expected in the city of San Francisco and gorgeous day for los gatos. The extended forecast. Big temperatures for thursday and maybe a few sprinkles not a big deal but we will notice the difference definitely on friday, we begin to go where it is clear and upper 70s for saturday. Just in time for the weekend. All right. Thank you. Down at the beach boardwalk. Yes. Thank you. The doctor in virginia is helping to animals. Dr. Cam b ranal known as dr. Do little. He helps animals walk again. Look at that. He is essentially the goto person for animals in need. He has designed prosthetics for an elephant in thailand and the cost is not what you might think. Most braces cost between five and 700 and a prosthetic runs around 1250. A lot of times you walk into a vets office and not getting anything. It is giving them a leg to walk on for a low cost. The doctor says his practice is cost Cost Effective method. The dog and little pony. Incredible. Look at that. This is a really something. I think this is calling for a fake post. Just might. Coming up at six. In just minutes. A discrimination lawsuit against tesla filed by one of the companys employees. The video that he says proves he was harassed by other employees because of his race. There is a new racism in america that is started to bill in the last couple of years. And this is just evidence of that. This portion of ktvu brought to you by the all new chrysler pacifica. Teresa may has set in motion the exited from the union tomorrow for great britain. Article 50, parts of european law that allows members states to withdraw from the eu. The announcement tomorrow, may is reassuring other leaders that britain will remain strong friends and partners with other countries in the eu. Some cities are pushing back against the Trump Administration crack down on sanctuary cities. Elected officials from the bay are among those at a conference in new york on how to deal with immigration authorities. Peter deucey says this comes as the u. S. Attorney general is pulling millions in federal funding from socalled sanctuary cities. The Trump Administration targeting sanctuary cities. Attorney general Jeff Sessions announcing a new policy of cutting federal Law Enforcement funds from any city or town that fails to enforce federal immigration laws. Democrats wasting no time and criticizing the announcement. President S Immigration policies are destroying local economies. Closing chaos and panic. In families and communities. But president obamas is standing behind sessions and the new policy. Linking it with his push to give Law Enforcement more support and flexibility. Saying that sanctuary cities endanger the public by tying the hands of police for immigrant criminals clue that was a very important thing you did and a very popular thing. Congratulations. Across the country reaction has been mixed. Many sanctuary cities and towns remaining defiant saying the long term risk to their communities is greater than the threat of temporary funds cuts but others are backing President Trump claiming that sanctuary cities make america less safe. Our role is not to enforce immigration laws. We dont in ten to start enforcing immigration laws. This distorted mind set shows a complete lack of respect for the law and it cant go unchallenged. A Bipartisan Group of mayors is scheduled to meet tomorrow with the Homeland Security secretary john kelly. June deucey, fox news. Fox news at six starts now. We will shred you up in pieces. Discrimination allegations against tesla after this tirade. Even when they have this video nothing happens. A black employee is suing tesla for Racial Discrimination and sexual harassment. Good evening. Im frank somerville. And im julie haener. Da wit lambert says tesla knew what was happening and fail to prevent it. Paul chambers joins us from the newsroom. You spoke with the mans lawyer and you have the companys response. This is a right. Lambert works at teslas free toys mon factory and provided his attorney with cell phone video that he says shows his co workers harassing him and threatening to cut and shred him all the while calling him the n word. The words are racially insensitive and violent. I will shred you up in pieces. Larry organ represented Dwight Lambert and says in taylor swift he was being discriminated against. That is when this video was recorded inside teslas factory. Lamberts own phone was used to record the speech. The civil rights lawyer file a lawsuit on his behalf. We need to make it clear that use of the n word is unacceptable. Tesla had plenty of time to resolve the issues. Based on interviews in april of 2016 an employee name dewit lambert got in an argument with a coworker and threatened him with violence and the other filmed him making the threat. The investigation was done by the Hr Department interviewing the employees in question. That investigation turned up conflicting accounts of what happened with other employees saying that dewit had the dirtiest mouth they had ever heard including the same insensitive language that he complained about to prove the point tesla released this conversation that was between lambert and one of the accused employees. In the message lambert used the n word. Tesla later transferred lambert to another department. The company says it was

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