Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20130923

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>> maintaining an attitude that is remarkable. >> why they're letting the cameras in every step of the way. >> it's good, isn't it? straight through hell on the line. >> families in crisis on a new show -- >> paternity court. she's the judge. dna is the jury. >> now judge lauren lake lays down the law. >> if you got 13 names of who could potentially be your child's father, you went way wrong somewhere! plus, you want a free ipad mini? we have the buzz word. and an angry water buffalo leads to one close call. >> oh, he got so lucky. of all the places to get knocked unconscious, this has got to be the worst. wait until you see. 12 people, one plane this is a group skydive. and we're flying along here with the dude with the camera. his name is james. take a listen and watch right about here. what you just saw, one of the other jumpers above this guy lost control. started falling rapidly and fell on to this guy's head. he says, knocking him completely unconscious. >> did somebody notice and give him assistance? >> two other divers realize what is beginning on. we assume these hands here are his hands flapping around as he's falling back to earth. watch this. these two guys come over. they're taught to give the hand signals to find out if somebody is responsive. this guy was not responding. they knew they had to spring into action. one of them pulse the unconscious man's chute. he goes up, everybody else starts getting down to the ground as quick as they can to alert the ground crew. fortunately, as his chute came open, he came to. realized what was happening here. >> i can't imagine what is going on in his mind when he wakes up. >> this is the best possible scenario for a situation like in. >> how do you apologize if you're the guy that ran into him? what do you say? >> nothing. you give him a ton of beer. here. charles trippy just had to go back into surgery to remove part of a tumor that was left behind from a previous surgery, many, many, months ago. and he told his viewer es that he would take the camera into his surgery. >> the idea is it will be like this. i'll be doing this. it might go like that. >> he's a man of his word. he posted this video of preop and the surgery itself. he gets wheeled into the operating room. >> oh, man. >> and there it is. the camera is in the surgery room. >> look out, internet. >> they have a clamp around his head. >> he's incredibly lucid. >> how about we give a thumbs up for the group? >> thumbs up. >> message for his wife. >> i love you. and, um -- >> everything's going great. >> everything's going great and -- my brain is open. kind of funny. you're not as quick-witted. >> his head is open. they're operating trying to remove a tumor. he's saying you're not as quick-witted as you would like to be in this situation. we see him post-op. >> how are you feeling? >> my hand is slower. >> it's okay. look at you. >> he's cracking jokes. >> it's attached. >> what? >> my head. >> i think is an excellent indicator that the surgery went well. he's moving limbs, able to talk, able to smile, having a conversation with allie. family and friends are there as well. >> incredibly brave to put this out there. and probably inspiring to other people going through a scary situation. >> you look great, babe. >> you look good. >> give me a smile. when you have large water buffalo fighting and people in close proximity, something dangerous is going to happen. it happened at the fair in india. piece raise these water puff lowe to fight at this fair. it's popular. something goes awry. you see these people have the water buff lowe's, they're fighting. one gets away. watch along the yellow road. >> see that, a little boy trampled. he gets up and walks away. >> he's like, that didn't hurt. that didn't happen. >> of all the people that got run over, it has to be a little kid. >> oh, he got so lucky. >> it nudged him out of the way. it didn't look like his feet got on him. look at it in slow motion. >> he got bumped out of the way by the head, not the horn. and his body does get out of the way. you don't see the buffalo's feet ever touch the child's body. it's amazing. given the close proximity. >> it's probably tradition for hundreds of years. i hate seeing animals put in a situation like this. >> if you notice, there's not a good guardrail protecting any of these people. this goes to the resilience of kids. he jumped up, he's like, you don't see what you just saw. hey, steven, know how to make this a great weekend? >> i think i do. let's give away an ipad mini. >> you have to have today's buzz word to enter and win. >> stand by. it's the "rtm" miipad give away. >in full swing. high school football is exci exciting. the players are walking on to the fold at norman high school for the coin toss. they're the tigers. >> i like that their mascot is with them. >> i like that. the players and the mascot holding hands. >> they get to the center of the field. they do the hand shakes. tonight, there's also an honorary captain. >> on rahonorary captain for th tiger, air force captain jeff farley. >> pay attention to the mascot. >> and the solders and the flight nurse. >> that is josh farley's dad that just came back from deployment. >> it would be hard to tackle that guy now if you're the other team. your heart goes out to him. you want to give him a hug. >> that sun fais unfair to this team. this kid is ampd up. >> he was gone, he ended up missing one of his son's high school graduations and he missed the first of josh's games. he gets to be part of the action. >> this is a surprise to josh farley. it's a white knuckle challenge with a prize on the line. >> only thing you have to do is not scream. >> see who can and can't keep their pie holes shut. and adela wants a new toy. but dad says, no way. listen to what she has to say to dad about that. >> if i don't get any toys, i won't be able to love you anymore. >> that's like blackmail. >> find out if her priceless ploy pace off. ♪ ♪ all the goodness of milk, all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup. i can cross even more places off my travel wish list. this year alone, i hit new york... and texas. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ we lowhat's next?hen! great! do you have measurements? yeah, i paced it off. it's about twenty by twelve of these. so, we can measure, plan and install it for you. yea, let's do that! ikea. professional kitchen services at a low price. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ with our new, improved peanut butter chewy bars. we lowhat's next?hen! great! do you have measurements? yeah, i paced it off. it's about twenty by twelve of these. so, we can measure, plan and install it for you. yea, let's do that! ikea. professional kitchen services at a low price. ladies, i know you two appreciate shoes. what if you were given the opportunity to win 20 new pairs of shoes. >> 20 for free? >> yeah. >> what do i have to do? >> not scream. each time you scream, you lose a pair of shoes sf. >> what are we doing? >> you have to ride around the track with f-1 race car drivers. >> we could totally do this. >> here's how some of the other contestants fared. [ screaming ] [ laughter ] >> i love that one woman. she's holding her screams. some women just can't hold it at all. they're terrified. [ screaming ] >> oh, my gosh. >> sebastian vettel is having a great time. some of the slo-mo shots are great. >> did anybody take on home all 20? >> yes, she did. >> she looks tough. look at this finale. [ brakes squealing ] >> she lost the last pair? >> i would not have screamed. i would have bit my tongue off before i screamed. nothing better than daddy/daughter time. in this video, adorable adela. she's at the toy store with daddy. that's got to be a good time. >> my little pony, dad. >> she's popular on the internet. this video went viral. >> what is happening in october snmplgt . >> a baby is coming out of mommy's vagina. >> they were at the store for a friend. >> what if i tell you we're not getting anything today. >> this is not a trip for you. listen to what she has to say to dad. >> if i don't get any ponies or horseys, i won't be able to love you anymore. >> great negotiating plove my mom. >> that's cold. it's blackmail. >> it's extortion. >> are you breaking up with me? you can't. i'm your dad. >> yeah, but, but, but -- >> what? i could be somebody's grandpa? are you telling me i'm old? >> yeah. >> straight insulting him. >> ouch. >> all he has to do is buy her a little pony. guess what? >> all right, which pony do you want? >> threaten him until you get what you want. >> and this works across cultures, across countries. this is yaren from seoul. she's asking dad, i just want to watch tv. >> he couldn't resist this adorable face. i mean, come on. that's priceless to see your pretty little girl with the big smile dancing around happy like that. why wouldn't you? >> she made a quick recovery. yeah. thought you had heard the last of the angry ram? >> guess what? the saga continues. >> why this time you'll see it straight from the ram cam. and your chance at the new ipad mini. we have the buzzword you need to win. [ trina ] i'm a student at devry university. and these are my roommates. this is one of my favorite professors. and so is this. this is my academic advisor. and also my cheerleader. and when i finish my degree in business... a new job, at a great company... that's the graduation present i want. [ male announcer ] in 2012, 90% of devry university grads actively seeking employment had careers in their field in 6 months. find your career success in the bay area. learn how at [ male announcer ] the power of allegra relieves your toughest indoor and outdoor symptoms. only allegra is fast and non-drowsy. stop suffering. start living. that soda breaks down tooth enamel. thankfully, she uses act restoring mouthwash. it rebuilds tooth enamel, making your teeth two times stronger. act. smile strong. children's allegra -- effective, long-lasting, non-drowsy relief of their toughest symptoms. after allegra, kids can stop suffering and start living. i think we had all thought we had seen it all when it comes to the angry ram. he's fighting with the motorcyc motorcyclist, marty. the saga continues. this time with a ram cam. >> they put a gopro on the ram. >> no way. >> we have seen this ram get into it with marty. all it takes is the rev of the engine. dude's not happy again. >> are you kidding? >> oh, my gosh. >> this is the greatest thing in the world. >> you have the ram cam in the right-hand corner. the other video here. just smashes his bike. here comes smash number two. oh. >> oh! >> snap. >> that doesn't sound good. now comes the chase scene. >> oh, my gosh. >> he's getting fast. >> i hadn't seen the other episode, of this, i would think this is fake. >> yet, we know that this ram has a ramming problem. >> he's doing what he does best. >> and he's relentless. >> yeah. >> at the end here, you get to see the damage from the bike here. the bits are hanging off. it's all messed up from the bike. he broke part of the gopro case. the final scene, the ram is shouting after him like, get off of my lawn. ♪ there's a brand-new show from mgm about to premier. >> it's called "paternity court." families in crisis. >> you have no doubt your sister's husband is your baby's father. >> i have two years to live. i need to know that she's my grandchild. >> real drama. >> the lord is going to send you straight to hell with these lies. >> i won't be going alone. >> she's the judge, dna is the jury. >> we have lauren lake, via skype, serving as the judge on this show. >> it covers a myriad of cases. you are going to see a case where a wife goes outside of her marriage, sleeps with two different men. the husband comes into our courtroom because he needs to know whether he's the father of the child he's been raising. you admit to being romantically involved with your boyfriend and your husband all within the window of conception? >> yes. >> you're going to seenother ca a young woman's mother presents her with 13 possible fathers. >> i think to her, it seemed like it was a joke. >> may i speak, your honor? >> yes. >> how does she keep track of 13 men. >> i'm not here to judge you as a human being. i'm here to judge your actions. if you got 13 names of who could be your child's father, you went way wrong somewhere. however, the point is, how do we go from here? can you help your daughter find out who her father is? >> why do so many people find this baby daddy drama compelling? >> paternity issues are a dirty little secret in our culture and probably society at large. this crosses socioeconomic lines, racial lines. i think people tune in because more often than not, they can relate to the issues in the show. at the end of the day, don't you want to say, everybody, just stop sleeping with people? >> the glue in relationships is not made when everything is going well. the glue happens when ain't nothing going right. can they keep it together? fmpblt you want to watch "paternity court" it premiers on september 23rd. it's ipad minigive away time. you have to be a u.s. resident and have the buzzword. >> if you're entering with a mobile phone or tablet, quo to the first post on the facebook page. >> today's buzzword is tantrum. >> get on over to >> enter today's buzzword, t-a-n-t-r-u-m, for your chance to win an ipad mini. good luck, everybody. dude tricks police into thinking he found a dime bag. >> what do i do? do i give it in? do i smoke it? >> don't give it to me. >> a specified amount of a drug. >> why is this prank paying off in laughs. with hotwire's low prices, i can cross even more places off my travel wish list. this year alone, i hit new york... and texas. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ [ screaming ] sumo wrestling. you have piamba versus kelly. here we go. >> oh. holy mackerel. he just body-slammed that huge man. [ screaming ] >> he went down hard. that was a belly-to-belly suplex. >> kelly is about 415 pounds. >> was this lan planned? >> i don't think that is fake. sflit looked like a brother picking up a kid brother. >> does biampa have a back prom? >> i don't think so. if you have the -- to pick up a 415-pound man, you know you can do it. >> the crowd went wild. when you're doing a prang video, you generally don't want the police involved. you may get in trouble. >> but the guys at k.a.t. entertainment decided to prank new york city police officers. >> there's's a good idea. >> i was walking right over there, and i find a -- bag on the floor. do i give it to you or do i -- i don't want to get in trouble. >> a dime bag as in a spes fied amount of a drug. >> i found on the floor a dime bag. what do i do? do i give it to you? >> don't give it to me. >> he's talking to random security people. >> a dime bag, yeah. >> it's a bag of dimes? >> yeah, he took a ton of dimes, put them in a bag and hands it or. and theolofficers are like, what? >> it's 40 dimes. >> it's 40 cents. >> i found a dime bag. do i give it to you? >> the officer saw the camera. he wasn't amused. >> that's not funny, buddy. >> i thought you meant weed. >> a bag of dimes. how do you say it? >> that security guy got a good laugh out of it. >> that's our show, everybody. we we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." when you're burned, you've got nothing -- no cash, no credit, no job history. you're stuck in whatever city they decide to dump you in. where am i? miami. you do whatever work comes your way. you rely on anyone who's still talking to you. a trigger-happy ex-girlfriend... should we shoot them? old friend who used to inform on you to the fbi... you know spies -- a bunch of bitchy little girls., too... hey, is that your mom again? ...if you're desperate. someone needs your help, michael. bottom line -- as long as you're burned, you're not going anywhere.

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New York , United States , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , South Korea , India , Texas , Jeff Farley , Sebastian Vettel , Josh Farley ,

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