Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20151216

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our country is out of control. >> jeb bush called donald trump the chaos candidate tonight, but trump and ted cruz played nice, while cruz sparred with marco rubio. >> frank somerville is off tonight. it is the last republican debate of 2015, and each of the nine candidates tried to score points with voters, laying out what they do about some of the biggest issues facing the nation. jana katsuyama is here to begin our coverage. >> reporter: new polls out today show that trump is still in the lead. at least one poll in iowa has showed ted cruz has moved in front. tonight, some of the other candidates have somehowed they're not afraid to challenge trump. the nine top candidates faced off in a battle of ideas, focused on national security. front runner donald trump got the first question and defended his proposed ban on muslims entering the u.s. >> we're not talking about isolation. we're talking about security. >> reporter: a quick counter jab from jeb bush who did not shy away from attacking trump's comments. >> it will push the arab world away from us at a time when we need to reengage with them. so donald is great with the one liners, but he's a chaos candidate. >> on immigration marco rubio defended a path to citizenship. >> they'll have to start paying taxes, and ultimately they'll be given a work permit, and that's all they're going to be allowed to have for ten years. >> we will triple the border patrol. we will build a wall that works, and i'll get donald trump to pay for it. >> i'll build it. >> reporter: on terror, and internet surveillance rand paul blasted trump and rubio. >> i think if we ban certain religions, if we sensor the internet, i think at that point the terrorists will have won. >> reporter: trump said he would prioritize isis, leaving the rest for later. >> we can't be fighting everybody at one time. >> reporter: dr. ben carson who has fallen in the polls said his isis strategy would be to destroy the caliphate overseas. >> if our military experts say we need boots on the ground, we should put boots on the ground. >> to wage war, we need a commander in chief who has made tough calls in tough times and stood up to be held accountable over and over. not first term senators who never made an executive decision in their life. >> reporter: chris christie, whose tough talk on security has helped him in recent polls. >> we workwide the muslim american community to get intelligence. >> reporter: john kasich called for unity in the part. >> connect, not just with people's heads, but also connect with their hearts. if we do it, we will beat hillary clinton and we will run the white house. >> reporter: near the end came the question will trump promise to stay with the gop? >> i am totally committed to the republican party. i feel very honored to be the front runner and i think i'll do very well if i'm chosen. >> reporter: one very interesting moment tonight, a faceoff between trump and cruz sizzled. trump backed off his previous statement, that cruz was unable to be president. the next debate is scheduled for january 14, that will be in south carolina, it will be really interesting to see how things go from here. voters in iowa cast the first ballots coming up in just seven weeks. amber lee is live in pleasanton tonight. >> reporter: about two dozen came here for the watch party hosted by the alameda republican party. >> absolutely incompetent deal with iran. >> reporter: the mood appeared to be somber and reflective. as local republicans assess the candidates. foremost on their minds, hearing what the presidential hopefuls had to say about fighting terrorism. >> i don't want to wake up every day and be worried. people are saying, oh, don't go to the "star wars" premier. isis is going to bomb it. i don't want to constantly live in fear that i can't go see "star wars" because someone will go shoot it up. >> reporter: they can't help by think about the terror attacks in paris and san better than. -- san bernandino. >> it's not a day-to-day fear, but it's starting to be a concern. >> reporter: many support donald trump's statement, that muslims should be banned coming to the u.s. >> we should have a pause on immigration, and we should focus on how to vet immigration, and the people coming into the country. >> reporter: many here like ted cruz who has taken the lead in recent polls in iowa. >> he is smart. he has a good memory. >> reporter: others said who they vote for today may not be who they would vote for election day. many people told me they like more than one candidate, and tonight's debate didn't change their view. >> now to our panel and how each candidate performed tonight. >> on the right, from petaluma, political analyst, brian sobel. thank you both for joining us tonight. first to you brian, who walked off tonight's stage feeling the best this evening? >> it was an interesting debate, because you had two debates in the debate. you had the bush debate against trump, and the cruz and rubio debate. i think rubio probably walked away feeling pretty good. cruz, good. i think chris christie performed well, and john kasich had a lot of content, and he might be the smartest guy on that stage who won't get nominated. >> these are republican voters that they're aiming for. which one do you think won those voters on on this issue? >> i think ted cruz. ted cruz did a great job of outlining his criticisms of obama and associating hillary clinton with obama. the fallout of benghazi to focus on what cruz called the weakness of barack obama, which i don't think is true. the republicans are preaching to the choir. >> reporter: let's go to brian on this one. >> it was spointed out, it's a position that's untendable in terms of the constitution or just in practicality, julie. i think he walked back a little bit from that. he's very strident in his remarks, but there are some things you can do, and some things you can't do. i don't think he obviously will win on that issue at all. >> professor taylor, the iowa caucus is just around the corner, about seven weeks away. right now, it looks like cruz is ahead, when do you think we're going to see some of the lesser candidates drop out? >> the undercar, we'll probably see most of those guys, those people i should say, leave, the next four to five weeks. going into, say, february, when you have iowa, you have new hampshire, that's going to be a vetting process too. then eventually, we'll get to south carolina, nevada and eventually to super tuesday. but approximate february, we'll know who will not be in this race. >> does it surprise you that trump and cruz didn't really clash tonight? they seemed to back off from criticizing each other? >> i think they agree, they're now the front runners, and they're going to treat the rest of the pack that they are the front runners. before the debate, they greeted each other warmly. everyone realizes that trump is going to be a player, when in is all said and done, donald trump is going to have an impact on the republican party's nominee. >> we keep hearing about a possible third party candidate. is it possible we may not have one primary candidates athy head into the convention next year. >> it's possible. i think trump tonight made a clear announcement that he is not going to leave the republican party, that he will republican the nomination of the republican party. we are still very far away, and the professor is right, much of this will wash out in february as people are actually voting for candidates. right now, it's very much a likability thing, but it's going to get serious. that's why you're seeing ted cruz surge in iowa. gentlemen, thanks for your time tonight. the candidate for hillary clinton sent out a fury of tweets today. up with reads, the candidates on stage talked tough, -- stop potential jihadists from fighting overseas. she cautioned against fear. >> we cannot let fear push us into wreck it's actions that end up making us feel less safe. glr to continuing coverage, -- for continuing dove raj, you can learn to -- turn to i opened it, and said get out of my car. >> a bay area teen talks about the confrontation that ended with her being shot. >> another cold start to the day expected for your wednesday. i'm show you where temperatures are going to be their coolest. what you can expect for the afternoon, coming up. >> up next, two children found dead in a northern california storm unit. a third being treated for malnourishment. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. a horrifying ordeal for three children is coming to light tonight. authorities found a 9-year-old girl badly injured in plumas county. that led investigators to a storage unit where they found the bodies of two more children. now investigators from three counties a looking into the connection between a woman and a homeless boy. >> reporter: the sheriff says a year-old girl faced an un-- a 9-year-old girl faced an unspeakable measure of torture. it was that that lid police to another shocking crime. a death of children. on friday, authorities arrested 39-year-old tami joy huntsman, and her 17-year-old boyfriend go nzalo curiel. >> i believe they have not received medical treatment and her general condition was immediately recognized by our staff as grave. >> reporter: the two count complaint accuses the couple. the two could face additional charges. 100 bodies away in redmond, the bodies of two children were found inside a storage unit. they had cut of 3-year-old delilah, and sean tara. both were reported missing. a search for more clues at the home the couple had lived until a week ago. as investigators try to piece together this puzzling case. >> how wrong more will be there, i'm not sure. we're trying to be as thorough as we can to help them out. this is obviously a very serious case, so we are trying to make sure that we are doing as much as we can. >> reporter: police say huntsman has been investigated within the last year for general neglect. both she and curiel are held on bail. >> so heather, authorities say the couple had custody, physical custody of these children. but are they related? >> reporter: she is not the mother, but that is something authorities are looking into. we're also told there were other children in her care. and again, republicans looking into the relationship between those children and curiel as well. the san francisco police department has initiated a new policy. on december 2, officers shot and killed stabbing suspect, mario woods. after video emerged police called for greg sur to resign. that is a departure from a previous regulation. the police officers union has scheduled a news conference for tomorrow to talk about the shooting, and how to move forward as community. ktvu has also learned there's been a digit threat in the wake of the killing. chief sur tells us, the department takes all threats seriously, but wouldn't say further. in the south bay, the san jose city council approved a special honor for a fallen officer today. the 38-year-old officer was killed by a suicidal man in march. the city now plans to erect two signs honoring johnsons along a 5-mile stretch of highway 87 near johnson's family home. the police department says it will foot the $6,000 tab for the signage. the republican led house is aiming to avert a government shut gun. it comes just in time. government funding is set to run out at the end of the day tomorrow. it revives expired tax breaks, and lifts a 40 year began on crude oil supplements. the vote on the full bill is expected thunch. a problem with the steam regeneration unit led to pleasuring and smoke starting this afternoon. more of the 40-foot shipping containers were spotted by the bay area coast today. that could be the same one that was spotted yet. a partially submerged container was spotted just south of the golden gate bridge. crews continue to clear up debris at baker beach. a total of 12 ships fell during stormy weather. cool weather in store for your morning hours. once again, we will be a little breedy owe. that is some good news for your wednesday. our temperatures will be seasonal. here's a look at what we could expect as we get going tomorrow morning. another freezing start in areas like santa rosa. down to 32. 36 in antioch. low 30sinspected in concourt. below morning to start your morning, bill. around the bay, still a chilly one. 46 expected in san francisco. mid-30s for redwood city. and 33 degrees expected in mountain view. for the afternoon tomorrow, it's going to be a lot like we had today. 57 san francisco, upper 50s in oakland. 55 in concord, 56 in antioch. san jose, looking at 55 tomorrow. 56 expected in napa. as we get into thursday though, a transition begins to take place, and we do have wet weather on the way for the week. i'll have a look at that in the extended forecast coming up. the latest on a threat that canceled classes in l.a., but prompted a different response in new york city. >> the warriors are being home. we talk about the end of a long road trip and the team's win streak. >> why firefighters had to be called in from neighboring cities. firefighters in the east bay city of pittsburgh had to call -- pittsburg had to call to fight fires. it started at about 5:30 this evening, and involved two upstairs units of a complex. extra crews had to be called from as far away as concord, and martinez, because it crossed town. local crews were already at the scene of another house fire, reported just four minutes earlier. no one was hurt in either fire. investigators say neither fire appears suspicious. now to the south bay, where a high school student returned to school today, just hours after she was shot by a car thief. ktvu's azenith smith spoke with that 17-year-old girl, who says she is lucky to be alive, and knows she made a big mistake in confronting the man who was stealing her car. >> reporter: sara hogan is on the mend, now with her arm in a sling. a man shot her in the shoulder, after she chased him. he tried to steal her car. >> i kind of made a rash decision. it wasn't smart, and i only regret it, because i got shot. >> reporter: hogan was hanging out with a group of her friends around 6:30 last night. she left her keys in the ignition, because she says she was lazy. a move she now knows was irresponsible. that's when she noticed a man attempting to steal her car. she confronted him. opening her car door. >> i opened it, and i said get out of my car. he didn't say anything, he just immediately pulled out the gun and then shot me. at the moment, i was just shocked, i didn't even like know what to do. >> reporter: that's when the man shot her with the hand gup. she was just three feet away. >> my friend who was sitting in the car says he was aiming for my head, so, like, i don't know. >> reporter: that suspect took off running. police recovered the stolen car, and are now getting fingerprints. >> it is property. your life is more important. and consider, instead of just going after and confronting the suspect, to perhaps provide information to the police about the suspect's description, the direction of travel that the suspect and/or the car is leading. >> it went in, like about there. >> reporter: as for hogan, she showed us where the bullet went through her clavicle. she couldn't help but get emotional recalling how lucky she was. >> i never ever in a million years thought that i would get shot. you know, you see it in the movies. >> reporter: she has faith police will catch the suspect, and she anticipates she'll be in pain for a few more moments, but she's getting -- months, but she's getting support. especially on social media. students have started the #pray for sarah on twitter. it's a hot holiday gift this year. at 10:45, a new warning about hover boards, after a case here in the bay area of one of them bursting into flames. >> up first, a water rate hike that could raise bills by more than 50%. we'll take you to a meeting underway right now, where residents are sounding off. new at 10:00, a plan to hike water rates by as much as 57% sparks a backlash in milpitas. tonight, homeowners packed a meeting on a public proposal to raise water fees. that meeting is still underway at this hour, cara. >> reporter: as you can imagine, a lot of concerned residents made it out here tonight. at last count, i counted more than 50 people waiting to speak their minds. many of them waited more than three hours for counsel to take up this issue. they could be looking at an average increase of 65%. dozens of residents trying to voice their concerns about proposed water rate hikes. >> with this raise, this proposed raise on the water rates, it's going to just devastate. >> reporter: an educator who works with special needs in the direct. she says that kind of increase would put her family in a serious bind. >> i think that we're going to have to cut somewhere. i'm not exactly sure, we don't take vacations we don't spend exorbitantly. we don't go out to eat except for fast food restaurants. >> . i would expect that nothing is free. i expect that. not to the extend that they're proposing at this point. >> reporter: the city and advisers have said these new proposed rating increases are necessary. the ongoing drought has redeuced water usage, and thus revenue. residents tell us they are expects a decision to be made tonight. so far, no decision just yet, but if that changes this evening, we'll be sure to let you go. >> that's one of the problems with the drought, but the cost of getting water by these agencies doesn't go down. it is a dilemma. cara liu, live in milpitas. now to los angeles, where officials say the public school system will reopen tomorrow. all districts will chorused because of an email threatens violence. some 1500 schools were then searched. tonight, that threat has been deemed nod credible. but the school board wasn't taking any chances after mass shooting in san bernandino. >> reporter: basing on what ramon cortinez called a credible threat of violence. >> i'm not taking the chance of bringing children into any part of the building until i know it's safe. >> reporter: that threat came in an email received on monday night by a school board member. the author claimed to be a muslim extremist, who had teamed up with 32 local jihadists to plant a bomb in a backpack or package. they also threatens an assault. >> it's also very specific about the implied threat. the specific threat was attack with assault rifles and machine pistols. >> reporter: lausd dismissed that analysis. >> based on past circumstances, i could not take the chance. >> the decision to close the schools is not mine to make, but it is mine to support as mayor of the city of los angeles. >> reporter: police commissioner bill bratten called the email a hoax. one reason, the author spelled the word allah with a lower case a. >> it very easy in hindsight to criticize a decision based on results that the decider could never have known. it's also very easy to criticize a decision when you have no responsibility for the outcome of that decision. >> reporter: the white house, while aware of the email, refused to second guess l.a.'s decision. in los angeles, fox news. oakland and san francisco i schools say they stepped up security today, even though there was no direct let against them. the chief of oakland schools says threats are not uncommon, but l.a.'s was different, since it seemed to come from overseas. across the bay in san francisco, the school district said it had to err on the side of caution, and make a decision quickly. and if officials got a threat like the one in los angeles, they would probably act on it. >> in that case, we would do something similar to what l.a. did, if we felt there was a credible threat. >> reporter: meantime, a 15- year-old student from mount eden high school in hayward has been arrested for making a threat of violence against his school on social media. police say they learned of the threat last night, and arrested the teen this morning. police say he apparently acted a alone. the chp reportedly issued more than 17,000 tickets to carpool cheats in 2010. by last are year, that number had risen to almost 20,000. this year, the number is expected to top 21,000 tickets. if you're caught driving solo in a carpool lane, the minimum fine is $480. on wall street, the markets had their best day in more than a week. the nasdaq was up 53 and the s & p was up 21. the federal reserve is expected to raise interest rates tomorrow for the first time in more than nine years. draymond green brought 30 members to a target store in emeryville. green gave each of them a $200 gift certificate. the young adults could spend that money on whatever they wanted. >> i'm shier those kids will never forget it. coming up, a teenager remembered in candlelight tonight. plus, facebook makes a change to its controversial name feature. >> we transition to unsettled weather. what you can expect for wednesday and the extended forecast, coming up. >> up first, a rough landing to some southwest airline passengers tonight. it's also a story about canals and the tificial heart, doers. electric guitars and rockets to the moon. in other words, this is the story of america- land of the doers. doin' it. did it. done. hard-working doers and smart-working doers. olds changed the way we put things together. and keepin'em together? that was wter's doin'. doers built this country. they built the dams and the railroads. ♪john henry was a steel drivin' man♪ hmm, catchy. they built the golden gates d the empire states. doers tu nothing into something. and something into something else. doin' got this nation done... along with the hula hoop, blue jeans and that little thing we call the interstate highway system. and all this doin'? it takes energy, no matter who's doin'. there's all kinds of doin' up in here. or what they're doin'. what the heck's he doin'? energy got us here. and it's our job to make sure there's enough energy to keep doers doin' the stuff doers do. to keep us all doin' what we do. in nashville, tennessee tonight, a southwest airlines flight went off the taxi line, and into a ditch where it got stuck. the boeing 737 had just landed on a flight from houston. 8 people were taken to the hospital. one person was sufferingy chest pains. others had bumps and bruises. passengers said they heard a loud noise, then the plane tilted to one side and stopped. the faa is investigating. friends of an oakland tech student held a touching memorial tonight for a boy who was killed in a fall near lake merritt when a large tree limb broke off. jack lewis died on december 4. tonight, members of rowing team held a memorial. it began after dark at 6:00 p.m., and included the release of lanterns that floated on the water. the city has since removed that tree. facebook officials met with members of the lgbt community tonight about changes to its real name policy. the social media giant says it will relax some of the rules alloying users to use real names to prevent fake profiles. it came underfire, when some drag performers used their stage names and found themselves locked out of their own accounts. >> we're trying to identify and use facebook in a genuine way. ,. in the south bay, police say a domestic violence system is dead after he allegedly confronted an officer. the incident began about 7:00 last night, when neighbors reported an argument between hector alvarez and his girlfriend. alvarez came down from a second floor landing and confronted him. the officer opened fire. police have not said if alvarez was armed with a weapon. gilroy police are issued body cameras. prosecutors today added six new felony charges against a san jose transient accused of abusing cats. robert farmer was arrested in november on three charges of animal cruelty. he faces nine felony counts. bail was set at $125,000. farmer did not enter a plea. prosecutors say farmer has a long history of abusing cats. police say he was found in a neighborhood where several cats were missing or found dead. another chilly morning is in the works, but what about our next chance for rain? meteorologist rosemary orozco is back with her complete forecast. [ d[ bark ] ] there it is! [ gasps ] oh no! look, the sky's awake! ♪ that. was. epic! [ bark ] a warning tonight about a hot holiday gift after it got too hot in the east bay. john sasaki wept to brentwood today, where a hover board caught fire when someone went to ride it. >> reporter: this year, this could be the big present that a lot of people get. a battery powered hover board. but one current warning about them is unnerving. >> store them away from combustibles, so if they do have a problem, you have less of a likelihood of a fire spreading. >> reporter: there have been numerous cases of hover boards catching fire across the country. >> the consumer electronics commission is looking into the cause of these fires. but based on some of the early reports, it looks to be a lithium-ion battery problem. >> reporter: that woman was talking about her sister's new hover board, that caught fire as she tried to use it. >> before she was able to get it to the front door, it almost exploded in her hands. >> reporter: a quick search of youtube comes up with numerous cases of the boards catching fire. >> we're going to try and contact amazon, and try to tell them like, okay this is not safe. this nearly burnt our house down, then hopefully get 0 our money back for this. because we've only had them for a week. >> reporter: contra costa county fire chief says there have been other problems with products using lithium-ion batteries. >> if you are charging something with an a lithium-ion battery, you should probably be in the room with it. >> amazon has pulled most of its hover board models from its website. john sasaki, ktvu, fox 2 news. the same toxic elgy preventing the start of the bay area's crab fishing is causing potentially deadly products pour sea lions. the acid is a neuro toxin, and is causing irreversible brain damage in sea lions. marine biologists say they can usually save 50% of the animals. this year, that number is down to 30%. covering the area for some, i think that's going to be the big story as we head out the door once again tomorrow morning. santa rosa, 39 degrees. 49 san francisco. oakland, checking in at 46. livermore, 41, and san jose at this hour, you are 46. the winds have dropped off quite a bit over the last few hours. you can see, calm in concord, just a light breeze in oakland, a light one in napa as well. because of it, temperatures are fallen off as well. concord down by 9. down by 4 in san jose. napa up by a few degrees. as we go into the overnight hours, another frosty one expected, as we get going tomorrow morning, our inland communities back in the low 40s. plus, take a look at what is happening from the view from above. this ridge will continue to strengthen over the bay area for one more day. as it does, it will continue to bring us the clear skies, the light winds, and the mild afternoon highs. on the back side of this ridge, we begin to see a very active pattern, it looks like it may stretch all the way into the holiday week, next week. we'll take it one step at a time though. here's your future cast model. we are again, mostly clear, tomorrow will be a near repeat to what we have seen today, as well as yesterday. as we get into thursday, things begin to change. may see a few sprinkles over the north bay. it shouldn't be a big deal, but this will be our transition day on thursday. by friday, this moves into the bay area. we could be with wet weather friday night, it sweeps across the bay area, then saturday morning, it looks like we're already beginning to dry out. that's storm number 1. the second one looks to come late sunday. so, the first half of saturday, the second half of sunday look to be wet. it looks like again this rain may no in as early as tomorrow evening. temperatures tomorrow morning, 32-degree in petaluma. low 30s for the east bay shore line. 32 for danville. 33 expected in livermore. below freezing, morgan hill, along with gilroy. 46 in san francisco. afternoon highs, a lot look today, mid- to upper 40s in the 50s once again. transition on thursday. wet weather moving in on friday. on and off as we get into the weekend. national to bay area rain, we're talking about more sierra snow. >> we've got two more days of dry weather before we start thinking about rain. >> can we see more frost in the morning? >> i think with he will have frost especially for the inland valleys. up first, the big name sports stars who helped collect toys for kids in need this holiday season. we need to be ready for my name's scott strenfel and r i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a better california. a capacity crowd showed up tonight at annual east bay toys for tots event. it played host to stars of the world of sports and entertainment. sergio romo was on hand tonight. people dropped off presents for the marines toys for tots program. >> was sergio wearing a kansas city cap? >> with that guy? who knows. >> mark is here to talk about the warriors. you were saying it earlier, now it kind of seems like a while since the warriors playedment going through a little basketball withdrawal. as soon as the warriors play another game, we can leave that streak talk behind. suns reallying into up to. sure golden state happy to have three days. interim coach luke walton talking approximate over with draymond green. there are talks to see if he can make some strides towards getting back to the bench on a full time basis. for the streak, at least one player is happy he doesn't have to talk about it. >> i'm not going to miss it. not at all, starting to get draining. i think you can imagine it more even if it's like game 8le 4, heplayoffs. it's way too early in the season to be getting any kind of playoff feel. stanford with a don't forget about us victory tonight, taking advantage of a sloppy depaul team that turned the ball over 20 times at maples. johnny dawkins had his guys ready to pounce on the opportunity. 1st half, it's marcus allen who will pop from the corner. 3 of his 17 come in the 1st half, as stanford establishes himselfs. pickens also popping from the outside. 16 for stanford. off the bench. they're now 5-3. also, santa clara victorious. a little strange, in germany. watch this, garland green, actually on the wrong team. slams that missed free throw in. his explanation was, there was .4 seconds left, so to save time and give his team a chance to win, he slammed it down real quick. the problem was, that basket gave the other team a four point lead with .4 of a second left. so that didn't turn out to help a whole lot. bay area sports all about streaks lately, and the sharks had one going in the wrong direction. didn't figure to get headed the our way against a very good team in montreal tonight. on the road. canadians with the third best record in the nhl. the sharks who were outshot at 10-2 early, they come out and make their shots count. to zubrist. first goal ever as a shark. 3-1, beating the habs. sometimes in life you've just got to own it, it seems pete rose has finally come to accept that he committed baseball's cardinal season, gambling on his own team. one day after denied, the all- time hit king's restatement back into baseball. >> obviously, disappointment. no question about that. but i'm not going to complain about something because i'm the one that screwed up. if i could change the way my life was lived, obviously i would change. but, you can't rewrite something that's already happened. you have to live with it. >> you know talking about pete rose owning things, you could say baseball too could own things. you know? i mean steroids are a part of their history. so is that. why not at some point say, you know what, hall of fame. you've got to bring the history of the game there, and steroids, and pete's gambling, it's all part of it. >> you can't deny he was a great player. so that's what's supposed to get you into the hall anyway. >> they have some other notions about behaviors that are keeping him off the hall of fame plaque. so we'll see. >> and he's 74. but he's holding out hope. >> not going to happen in our lifetime, i don't think. >> mark, thank you, and thank you for joining us tonight. up next, "modern family." good night. then boom. what happened? stress, fun, bad habits, kids. now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. enter the sleep number bed with sleepiq® technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down. you'll know cuz sleepiq® tells you. give the gift of amazing sleep. find our best buy rated c2 queen mattress with sleepiq. only at a sleep number store. know better sleep with sleep number. ok, wehere's dad. mom. the twins. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership? don't you want to meet my family? yep, totally. it's practically yours, but we still need your signature. the volkswagen sign then drive event. zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on a new jetta and other select models. jay: come on, let's go. we're gonna need a little extra time at airport security, 'cause i'm pretty sure they're gonna want to pat you down. manny's with his father for the weekend, so jay and i are flying to vegas. i'm a little torn because i want alone time with gloria, but i also like rubbing manny's head for good luck. i just need to send this e-mail to claire why i'm not working on the bake sale next week, but i can't say the real reason. why not? because she drives me crazy when she's in charge of these things. okay. we got a flight to catch, so let me help you out here. you tell me what you want to say to her, and i'll help you find a nice way to say it. i want to say... i can't work on the bake sale because you're a bossy control freak that looks down on my cupcakes, even though your lemon squares were very dry. [ keys clacking ]

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