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Gingrich and congressman Xavier Becerra on some of the specifics we didnt get at this weeks debate. Then things get even nastier at a charity dinner. Here she is tonight in public pretending not to hate catholics. Donald really is as healthy as a horse. You know, the one Vladimir Putin rides around on. Well ask our sunday panel where the race all right now on fox news sunday. And hello again from fox news in washington. With 16 days to go, donald trump and Hillary Clinton are entering the final phase of this campaign. With the debates finally over, both are barn storming through swing states this weekend. Today well speak with both Sides Campaign managers. Robby mook with the clinton in trump tower. Kellyanne, youre a professional pollster. Lets start there with the numbers, which quite frankly dont look very good for donald trump at this point. Let me put some of them up on the screen in a fourway race, he trails clinton by more than five points. Among women, he trails by 15 points. Thats important because women are voting early in big numbers in florida and North Carolina. Kellyanne, how do you turn this around in two weeks . Thanks for having me, chris. So by taking the case directly to the thats where he is. Hes in three states yesterday. Hell be in florida for a few days. We look at some of the early voting returns in places like iowa and ohio, and were doing much better than previous candidates, in large part because we invested in the absentee ballot early voting procedures. Also, i think he does it in a way that he gave the speech yesterday in gettysburg. Plan, has significant measures with teeth to have lifetime bans on lobbying. Term limits for members of congress. Kellyanne, didnt he step on his serious agenda for the first hundred days by beginning the speech saying that hes going to sue all the women who have accused him . No, hes just trying to defend himself against false accusers, as he said. He said those incidents never happened, yet theyre covered in the media every single day. He cant get fair coverage. Maybe not here, chris, but he cant get substantive points in many corners. Yet, they imbue credibility to others automatically. We like the fact that in three Major National polls, hes leading Hillary Clinton now by a and we like the fact that in the eight swing states where president obama beat governor romney in 2012, we are either ahead, within the margin of error, or win striking distance. Let me pick up on that. I want to look at the electoral this point. Here are the swing states that your campaign has long identified as must wins. Ohio, basically tied. North carolina, clinton up three. Florida, clinton up four. And then there are the flip states. The blue state of pennsylvania, which you are hoping to flip to trump, clinton is up six. The traditionally red state of arizona, clinton now up 1 1 2. Question, where is the realistic path to 270 electoral vote shes still under 50 everywhere, and she spent 56 million in ads, mostly negative, just in september, chris. So with all that on the field, were just starting to increase some of our investments on the air. Youll see mr. Trump there. So the fact its been three points, four points, six points is what can turn around in these next two weeks. Our path is florida, ohio, iowa, North Carolina. You add nevada, you protect where the congressional districts there are split in the way they award their electoral votes. Were also going to continue to visit colorado, virginia, pennsylv. So there are several different a poll came out yesterday showing us six down in michigan. We havent even been there. Were not up on the air there. The fact is that this race is not over. Many in the media want to say its over for the 12th time theyre counting donald trump out. Im telling you that in some of these polls, if youre only using identifying people who voted republican in 2012 or voted democrat in 2012 and not really bringing in people who havent voted in a long time, the lapse voters or firsttime voters who are truly enthusiastic about donald trump as an outsider trying to really shake up the system. There are many people like that. Hes not were not giving up. We know we can win this. And we are certainly not exceeding to the same chattering class thats been wrong about donald trump for about a year and a half. Donald trump and his campaign. From our personal experience, you were pulled twice from this show around the time that there were all these allegations about women saying that he had groped them. Youve also been active on social media. I want to put this up. You retweeted this comment from reporter robert costa, the washington post, at the debate. Bad hombres, trump being trump. Trumps h wayesqu perks. Why would you want to retweet that . I retweeted it because i was so excited that donald trump for the first time in the 20some years ive been working on prolife messaging actually in front of tens of millions of people worldwide gave the most impassioned defense of life that ive ever heard from a republican president ial candidate. It was amazing to hear him say but basically, what costa was saying is the bad stuff was you. Thats not true. He made one comment. It was early in the debate. The conwayesque stuff was prolife stuff ive been working on for decades. Donald trump used to be prochoice. Like many americans, hes changed his views. He was doing two things nobody had ever done. One is saying im prolife, i will appoint prolife judges. And taking the case right to Hillary Clinton that her and her party are for abortion, anyone, any time, anywhere. Theyre incredibly extreme. Taxpayer funded abortion. And of course lateterm abortion. Donald trump said on live tv in front of you that Hillary Clinton would rip the baby from the womb, that its okay to have a lateterm abortion. She had a terrible defense to that, that somehow its because of the life of the mother. People say, well, there arent that many. There are 12,000 a year. Americans ought to know thats part of being prochoice. I was very excited. A lot of republicans just hide under the desk hoping the abortion shrapnel wont hit them. I think people read a little too much into it. Frankly, a lot of people lack my sense of humor on some of these other tweets. But donald trump and i both have a great sense of humor and a wonderful relationship. Ive never been pulled from a sunday show. Ill just leave it at that. Well, just real quickly, the fact was we were told as recently night that you were going to be doing our show at the height of the whole scandal. Then suddenly Rudy Giuliani showed up the next morning. You dont look like Rudy Giuliani. I love the mayor. It doesnt mean i was pulled. But in any event, if you see me sitting here as a Campaign Manager, then thats where my heart and my head are. A lot of things go into being this Campaign Manager. A lot of people here relying upon me as their leader. A lot of our state directors, our ground game, our field priebus and the rnc. Donald trump and i have a great relationship. I think hes unfairly maligned by many people who should really look at the full measure of the man. Hes employed thousands of women. Hes the first republican to elevate a woman as a Campaign Manager president ially. That says an awful lot about him. Kellyanne, we have to leave it there. Thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you. Now to clinton Campaign Manager robby mook. Robby, welcome back to fox news sunday. Thanks more having me. We j conway about how strong you guys appear to be in the polls. At this point, are you looking past 270 electoral votes to try to run up the score, one, so you can say clinton won a mandate, and two, to try to win a Democratic House and senate . Well, chris, every president ial campaign has to work to get to that 270 number. Were not taking anything for granted at all. So thats still our focus and beginning of this Campaign Said she wanted to help all candidates up and down the ballot. So were running a coordinated campaign, working hard with gubernatorial, senate, and house candidates. But were not you know, this is not over yet. Background states are called background states for a reason. Thats because theyre going to be close. We expect them all to be won or lost by a point or two. Were working very hard on the ground. Arent you widening the map in these final two weeks . We see you going into traditionally republican like indiana and missouri and even arizona. I mean, you are widening the map, clearly. Is that at least in part to try to push back in case trump tries to claim that this election is rigged . Well, every campaign wants to win by the biggest margin possible. So that would be great. The reason that weve gone into arizona is that it has come into play. Donald trumps divisive rhetoric, the shameful things he said about p. O. W. S and specifically about john mccain, have put that state into play. Doing everything we can. There are Important Senate and governors races in indiana and missouri. Weve put in some resources to help there. But were not running away with this. This race is going to be competitive up until the end. What i find very encouraging is we have seen first a record in voter registration. Over 200 Million People across this country are now registered to vote, which is great. And were seeing record turnout numbers. Just yesterday in nevada, we saw record turnout in clark couy for the first day of early voting. Were seeing eyepopping vote by mail application numbers. Let me just ask quickly about that. We act as if this all happens on election day, november 8th. Youve banked a lot of votes already. We see women turning out in large numbers in North Carolina and florida. Do you have a sense of what kind of strength youre in at this point . We feel very, very good about what weve seen so far. We predict that this is going to be the biggest election in american history. More people are going to turn out than ever before. We are very proud of the ground game weve built. We see it delivering the results we expected. As you touched upon, we believe over 40 of voters in the background states are going to turn out before election day. So this election is happening as we speak. And that ground game is there, pushing our people out. I want to take you back to a question i asked secretary clinton about the Clinton Foundation during the debate, a question i have to say i dont think she really answered. Here she is. Why isnt what happened and Clinton Foundation, why isnt it what mr. Trump calls pay to play . Well, everything i did as secretary of state was in furtherance of our countrys interests and our values. The state department has said that. I think thats been proven. But i am happy in fact, im thrilled to talk about the Clinton Foundation. And then she went on and i had to interrupt her. There was a new revelation this million donation to the foundation from the king of morocco. Why wasnt that classic pay to play . Well, first of all, its not news that the Clinton Global Initiative had their meeting in morocco. Everybody knew that. Its also not news that Hillary Clinton didnt go to it. That was in the emails as well. So theres nothing new here. And donald trump is trying to attack secretary clinton on this because, as you said, hes down in the polls. Hes struggling. And as secretary clinton said, up against his any day. But robby, there is some new stuff. We have gotten emails that indicate what was going on. This was happening in 2015, just as she was about to announce her campaign for president , and the emails show and im going to go through some of them. You were not happy at all the idea of this meeting and her going there. January 18th email. It will break a lot of china to back out now when we have so the past few months. She, clinton, created this mess, and she knows it. Same day you write, hrc is still considering. March 24th, you to john podesta. She said it was still happening then said shes going to cancel at the last minute, but it sounded a little tentative. Just sounded more up in the air than i thought it was. You didnt want this huge contribution from the king of morocco just as clinton was announing for president. I didnt want anything on her schedule that was going to distr again, the Clinton Global Initiative had this meeting scheduled in morocco but it was the big money from a foreign person to the foundation at the time shes running for president. This was, as you can see in those emails, a scheduling matter. We didnt want her going overseas. I didnt want her going overseas before the campaign was kicking off. Again, these are stolen documents, stolen by the russians. Its now confirmed. From john podesta, being put out you know, the trump tax returns were stolen as well when they were mailed to the new york times. You didnt object to that. In fact, you jumped all over them. Well, we dont know where those tax returns came from. Well, they were clearly stolen. We dont know that. Do you think trump had given them . I dont know. I dont know how they got to the new york times. I guess what im saying, if were looking at the fruits of that theft, and i will call it a theft, its fair to look at the fruits of your theft. I think whats particularly disturbing in this situation is that the Intelligence Community has now confirmed that john Podesta Emails and the dnc emails were stolen by the russians. I know about the russian connection. Im talking about the 12 million from the king of morocco and the fact that this continues to sort of show the line between private and public and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. I think we got to look at what decisions were made. There was a meeting in morocco. Secretary clinton decided not to go, focus on her campaign here. But then bill clinton and Chelsea Clinton went. Correct . My understanding is they did go. But she did not. Again, this is the discussion the russians want us to be having. They stole this information. Theyre selectively leaking. I cant even verify the information you have. We dont have enough time as a campaign i promise you, if these were not true, youd tell us. And we are trying to go through some of them as we can. But we dont have time to go through them all. And again, this is a distraction put in place by the government at the suggestion and encouragement of donald trump. That should be a chilling fact for every single american. Robby, thank you. Thanks for your time today. Coming up, there were some key issues i didnt get to with trump and clinton wednesday night. Well continue that debate with two of their top supporters, those new glasses . They are. Do i look smarter . Yeah, a little. Youre making money now, are you investing . Well, ive been doing some research. Let me introduce you to our broker. How much does he charge . Okay. Uh, do you get your fees back if youre not happy . dad laughs wow, youre laughing. Thats not the way the world works. Well, the worlds changing. Are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management, at charles schwab. Youre here to buy a used car, truck, suv. Thats smart. Truecar can help. Its great for finding a new car, but you already knew that. And you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. So, no matter what youre looking for. There it is. This is how buying a used car should be. This is truecar. A look outside t at gettysburg, pennsylvania, where this weekend donald trump outlined the agenda for his first hundred days, if hes elected. Well, this is the book i brought to wednesdays debate filled with hundreds of hours of research. But we didnt get to all the topics. Figuring good debate topics are a terrible thing to waste, we want to continue the conversation with former house congressman Xavier Becerra. One subject we discussed in the debate was immigration, where trump and clinton are sharply divided. Take a look. Well, first of all, she epts to give amnesty, which is a disaster. We need strong borders. I dont want to see the Deportation Force that donald has talked about in action in our country. But we didnt get issue which i was planning to of sanctuary cities, cities that limit their assistance to federal immigration officials on people who are in this country illegally. Donald trump would cut off federal subsisubsidies. Hillary clinton supports those cities. Debate your differences. Chris, i will simply say that Hillary Clinton has a record when it comes to tough border enforcement and enforcement in our cities as well. But im talking about sanctuary cities. You from going after the criminals, the folks trying to do us harm. Sanctuary cities simply say were not going to focus on going after the women in the Grocery Store or picking up their kids from school. We should be going after those who are trying to do us harm. And thats all the sanctuary cities talk about. Going after sanctuary cities, as republicans have, would deny our ment the resources they need to actually continue to go after criminals on the streets. Thats why many of us have opposed the republicans efforts to try to undo funding for cities that have sanctuary city policies to protect women and children. Speaker gingrich . First of all, since secretary clinton basically doesnt intend to enforce the law nationally, why should she care if cities enforce the law . She has said openly her dream was of a western hemisphere without borders. If that circumstance, sanctuary cities wouldnt need to exist. Theres a huge difference between trumps desire to control the border, her desire my impression i mean, congressman becerra knows a great deal more about this than i do. In a number of cities, they will not turn people over to the federal government, even if theyre picked up for criminal violations. Let me talk about one specific case that got a lot of attention. That of course was the case of kate steinly in your state of california, who was shot to death last year in San Francisco. Her accused killer had been deported five times, but he was backn and he does not qualify for sanctuary city policy. But he did. No, he wasnt. He was able to get away and then he was able to get ahold of a weapon. But he was not under some sanctuary city policy. By the way, open borders was not a reference to immigration by secretary clinton. It was a reference to Energy Policy. Wait, wait. I got to stop you there. That was one i wish id had back in the debate. Trade. Theres no such thing as an electrical Common Market. She talked about the fact our Energy Policy must go beyond our own borders because otherwise no, that wasnt what she said. She talked about a hemispheric Common Market. Nobody talks about Common Market we can decide what we think she said, but she told us what she said. She said it. The actual phrase is interesting. The actual phrase is open trade and open borders. Now, in that setting in reference to Energy Policy. To go back to the case, as i understand it, the city of San Francisco didnt turn this guy over. Theres a piece on san diego local tv that runs like seven minutes covering the border right now. They dont turn people back. They take them to a trolly car in san diego. People actually run up to the police. One guy whos a border patrolman says the guy runs up and says, i have a bad heart condition, can you put me in the hospital. And clinton about obamacare, but somehow we got sidetracked into a debate about tpp and dump chinese steel. So lets talk about obamacare. Speaker gingrich, for all the criticism of the Affordable Care act, the fact is that 20 million americans who didnt have Health Insurance coverage now have Health Insurance coverage. What happens to those 20 Million People under trumps repeal and replace . Most of those people are in medicaid. Theyre not in insurance second, a lot of people are in Insurance Programs and will be out of them by next year. But theyre only in medicaid because medicaid was expanded. Simple Government Program to expand. So trump would continue with the expanded medicaid . I suspect nobody will be kicked off in the transition. But the people kicked off now are people who cannot afford the scale of the increase in premiums and the scale of the increase in deductions. This is the unAffordable Care act. Its a joke to say its the Affordable Care act. Those people . I think the plan will probably involve a fairly large tax credit to enable them to buy private insurance. Chris, there we go. Six years after we passed the Affordable Care act and 20 Million People now have coverage, this is the plan. Its not a plan. Suspicions about what you think will happen arent going to get people access to a doctor or a hospital. People used to go broke having to file bankruptcy because they had taken their son or daughter to a doctor or a hospital. Thats no longer the case for people who have insu 20 Million People today have the security of knowing they dont have to wait until their child is so sick they can go to the emergency room. But congressman becerra, you would certainly have to agree, bill clinton said obamacare right now does have serious problems, Big Insurance Companies are pulling out of a lot of states. Theres almost no choice in a lot of the markets. Premiums are going up an average of 9 . In some places, 20 , 30 , 40 . Secretary clinton is saying lets let people under a 5 buy so it seems that her answer is lets let government have a bigger role or maybe the role in health care. Well, remember, what shes said is we can make improvements on what has already given 20 million americans coverage. We have more americans covered today than ever before. What we can do is continue to make progress based on a system that relies on the private sector, not on our government. Shes talking about a public option. For those states, there are many states where the private sector is not going in rural areas especially where a public option would make a difference because it gives americans more choice. But rather than throw away everything youve got and go back to the days of preexisting conditions when you could not get coverage, lets let me wrangle this one. First of all, i think the term president clinton used was crazy. He said this is a crazy scheme. In fairness, he was only talking about specific problems there. Not the whole thing. Right. But the specific problem in the end is you have a program thats theres not enough money. You have Insurance Companies dropping out. Hillary in one of her secret speeches said she really likes the canadian model, which is a governmentreason system. Whats the plan . I think the plan has to be to go back to making it possible to have competitive choices, and the plan has to be frankly to take a lot of the cost out of health care. Okay, how . Its great to say, but show me how you do it. Republicans havent come up with a plan. I think will be a big war politically. Its malpractice insurance. Look at the amount of defensive medicine practice in this country. It drives up the cost. What youre trying to do is say we can have an endless increase in cost but it will be affordable so you wait until the doctor has done something wrong to sue for malpractice. That doesnt make you well. Thats true. It doesnt make you well. Finally, speaker gingrich, running out of time here, youve been speaking recently about big trump and little trump. Whos espousing historic change. Little trump, you say, is, your words, petty and pathetic. Can we afford to have a president with such a split personality . Look, of course you can. We had a number of president s who had interesting challenges in their personality. But the question is, im willing to concede that trump on occasion is crass, but id like my opponents to concede that hillary on occasion is corrupt. You have a candidate for president who under any reasonable standard would have been indicted. Look at what just happened to general cartwright. A candidate for president who is cheerfully dealing with foreign governments for 12 million donations. Shes surrounded by staff who are basically saying take the money. Thats whats going to walk in the white house. So trump is not perfect, but she sure aint perfect either, and shes a much greater threat to our system than donald trump. Speaker gingrich, congressman leave it there. Thank you, both. Always good to moderate your i think i had a little more control here. I think we got some answers. Like i said, debate questions are a terrible thing to waste. Thank you, both. Thank you. Up next, well bring in our sunday group to discuss the state of the race after the final debate. Plus, what would you like to ask the panel about trumps refusal to say hell respect the results of the election . Just go to facebook or twitter and we may use your question on hell keep us in suspense. Then will totally accept the results of this great and historic president ial election if i win. Well ask our sunday group about that, next. Jacky rosen im jacky rosen, and as a computer programmer, i created apps. Before they were called apps and i learned theres always a Smart Solution. As president of my synagogue, we found a Smart Solution to Rising Energy costs. To make all of nevada a leader in solar, to improve our schools, and create good jobs. I approved this message because i know we can thousands of nevadans go to work every day producing clean solar energy. But when congressman joe heck goes to work, he puts their jobs at risk. Voting against nevada solar. And for billions in oil company tax breaks. Hes representing the interests of big oil. Joe heck is not working for nevada, hes not working for our families, and hes not working for me. The sierra club and Lcv Victory Fund are responsible for the content of this advertising. Shes been doing this for 30 over the last 15, 20 years . On the day when i was in the situation room monitoring the raid that brought Osama Bin Laden to justice, he was hosting the celebrity apprentice. Hillary clinton and donald trump arguing at wednesdays debate who has more valuable experience to be our next president. Its time now for our sunday grood. Gop strategist karl rove, fox news political analyst juan williams, bob woodward of washington post, and Kimberley Strassel from the wall street journal. Karl, the conventional wisdom is that trump was having a pretty good debate until he refused to say that he would accept the results of the election. Do you agree with both parts of that premise . I do. Because look, what matters is not just simply the debate but the aftermath of the debate. He guaranteed that all that good work that he did in prosecuting the case that he was the agent of change and she was the status result of his answer to that question. And it continued for several days more. I mean, the next day he compounds it by saying at a rally, i believe in North Carolina, ill accept the outcome if i win. Guaranteeing that the story would go on for yet another day. Why is that such a big deal . People are saying, well, look, in 2000, which youre familiar with, allegations of fraud. Why is it such a big deal way in advance a president or a president ial candidate no, i dont respect the results. Because as long as weve had our republic, weve had a peaceful transition of power. Now, there have been moments of acrimony and division. 1976, 2000. But weve had that great tradition of the peaceful transition of power. I want to Say Something about the hypocrisy of some democrats on this. The night of the debate one of the most ardent voices on this who said how dare he do this. He was the guy who even after the Supreme Court acted in 2000 and ended the election controversy said bush is not the legitimately elected president of the united states. I would remind people it was the Democratic House leader who refused to say bush was the legitimately elected president of the united states, even in december of 2000, and we have dead enders who still go around and say bush was not the legitimately elected president. So democrats ought to be a little careful before they sort of envelope the image of paul coming out of a cave in the philippines somewhere. All right. We asked you for questions for the panel. We got a bunch on this topic, especially the coverage of trumps answer. Philip tweeted this. Considering the dnc history of voter fraud schemes, isnt it wise for trump to wait for the Election Results to be verified . Kim, how do you answer . You know, i think this argument that trump is making is widespread voter fraud, that this is rigged. Its a very dangerous argument to make. Theres always some amount of fraud out there. We cant ever be perfectly but to go that far, youre suggesting that theres a giant plot to stop him from becoming president. It goes along with not accepting peaceful transition of power. That all being said, i think trump is on to something with his broader claim about the system being rigged. Not perspective. This is something a lot of americans really do feel. They see an obamacare system in which theyre doubling their premiums but congress doesnt have to take part. They see an irs thats never held accountable for targeting tens of thousands of americans. They see a Hillary Clinton fbi probe in which special deals are cut and she gets treated differently than any other corporate executive. So to the extent hes now making that a theme in his campaign, i issue, but the rigging resonates. Then there are the allegations about the Clinton Foundation and pay to play, which i asked secretary clinton about in the debate. Bob, i want to go back to the conversation i was having with robby mook before. When you see what seems to be clear evidence that Clinton Foundation donors were being treated differently than nondonors in terms of access, when you see this new about the 12 million deal between Hillary Clinton, the foundation, and the king of morocco, are voters right to be troubled by this . Yes, its corrupt, its a scandal, and she didnt answer your question at all. She turned to embrace the good work that the Clinton Foundation has done. She has a case there, but the mixing of speech fees, the by the state department, which she ran, are all intertwined and its corrupt. I mean, you cant just say its unsavory. But theres no formal investigation going on now, and there are outs that they have. But the election isnt going to be decided on that. Karl was making the point about this im not going to observe the result of the i mean, thats absurd. It has no consequence. If trump loses, theyre not going to let him in the white house, hes not going to have a transition team. To focus on that, i think, is wrong. I think the issue is whats going to be the aftermath of this campaign. Can somebody govern were going to talk about that in the next segment. I want to bring juan in. Republican National Committee got through the freedom of information act. This isnt the fruit of russia trying to undermine our election. Foundation donors seeking government grants for haiti relief were being treated differently, being considered separately from nondonors. That trouble you . Sure it would, but the fact is in that case, which has been cited by mike pence in fact, what the state Department Officials said is, hey, some ofo these people are friends of the but guess what, the bottom line, they didnt get the contracts for haiti. But to your larger some of them did. But its very few. Let me just say, when youre talking politically two weeks out from the election, is trust and honesty a vulnerability for Hillary Clinton . I dont think its any question. I think it stirs Donald Trumps base. Lock her up. Trump the blank. But im talking about the kim, lets talk about the substance of whats going on there. You have to go back and remember what was happening. This is 2010. The earthquake. The Clinton Foundation is tagged as a lead by the u. N. Theyre collecting millions of dollars. We know for a fact from books that lots of people who were Foundation Donors indeed did get contracts in haiti. And theres a very bad feeling in haiti against the clintons. You know, the former Senate Leader in haiti called them common thieves. So then you take what we just we know indeed they were segregating out people who were considered vips of William Jefferson clinton, special friends of the Clinton Foundation. There is no evidence they were given all of these contracts. Thats just unfair. The idea that you would make an equivalent between whats been going on with trump and all the of the lies and corruption its not an equivalent. When you look at the favorability numbers on trust, if clinton is under water juan, youre pivoting. Talk about the Clinton Foundation. Im saying, its not an equivalent. The other email we were talking about is very clearly spelling out Hillary Clinton said i will go to morocco if you give my endowment 12 million. She was gone from being secretary of state. We dont know when even if she was gone, she was running for president. She was considering for president. You dont think the 12 million had something to do with the fact she was running and likely to be the next president . Thats what the emails revealed, it was a consideration. But the suggestion is that she made a quid pro quo arrangement. Give me the money and ill show up and give a speech. She wasnt giving the speech for free. But she didnt show up. She got the money and she ran. She didnt show up. Real quick and we got to go. Back to haiti. Clinton Global Foundation gets tens of millions. Largest single grant goes to wong kim of c. A. Gets 124 million from the u. S. And a clinton donor. Theres a broader issue here. He helped set up cheryl mills, the clinton chief of staff, in business. Theres a real issue here, quickly. She committed in january of to at her confirmation hearing. This isnt a temptation for any foreign entity or government who believes they can curry favor through a donation. John kerry joins with her. This is a long final statement. She made a commitment to avoid these kind of panel, we have to take a break. When we come back, does trump still have a path to win this election . Plus, sparks fly at a charity dinner. So what do you did trump and clinton go too far with their jokes . Twitter. Well keep talking in the putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. Planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. And congressman hardy said he supported trump 100 . Like trump, hardy opposed legislation to ensure equal pay. And hardy fought to defund planned parenthood, just like trump. And ruben kihuen will protect our right to make our own health decisions. Its amazing im up here after donald. I didnt think hed be okay with a peaceful transition of power. Hillary believes its vital to deceive the people by having one Public Policy and a totally different policy in i here she is tonight in public pretending not to hate catholics. Hillary clinton and trump trading barbs at the annual Al Smith Dinner, turning what is traditionally some gentle ribbing into something much rougher. Were back now with the panel. Well, were going to get to the unusual doings at the dinner a little later. First, karl, i want to go over the numbers. You saw some of the numbers we theres a new poll out this morning from abc news and the washington post. Lets put it up. Shows clinton at 50 and trump at 38. A 12point jump. Thats one of the biggest that ive seen. Karl, that poll, everything else, what is trumps path to victory now, or doesnt he have one . Well, if he plays an inside straight, he could get it, but i doubt hes going to be able to play it. He has 168 elector states he either leads outside of the margin of error or is thought comfortably put away. That compares to romneys 206. Thats romneys states minus North Carolina and arizona, plus iowa, where hes ahead. Theres only one other hes ahead in ohio by less than one point. That gets him to 214. Theres only one other state that would get him to 243. Everything else ranges from 4. 3 to 10 points. He would have to not only win two states where he is either only slightly ahead or behind by four, but he would have to pick up states where hes behind at or above the national average. I dont see it happening. Im sorry, you dont . I dont see it happening. Maybe it could, but i doubt that in the just over two weeks weve got left, conducting the kind of campaign hes conducting, that hes going one out of every, you know, ten voters, one out of every 12 voters, one out of every 15 voters and one out of every six voters in a state and convert them. Kim, what about this conversation that i have with robby mook that clinton is in such a commanding position that she may now try to expand the map so run up the score, both so she can claim a mandate, and try to turn both the house and senate to the democrats. Shes doing that. Arizona and missouri. Theyre feeling very confident here. Yes, that is largely a move to try to get the senate. I think the house is off limits. Its not going to i . M[ . appen. . . But you know, the senate is on a knifes edge. If she can go in there and flip it, it gives her the ability to put her Supreme Court nominee in place but also a little bit more leverage. There hasnt been much but if she has the senate in her back corner, thats the goal at the moment. Bob, the u. S. Chamber of commerce ran an interesting ad this week. Lets take a look at it. Americas future is far from certain. But no matter who the next president is, New Hampshire needs a strong voice in the u. S. Senate. That senator, kelly ayotte. No matter who the next president is. Now, they didnt go all the way to what happened with bob dole remembers, where by the end the republicans were running ads basically saying elect our person to be a check against bill clinton. Carea, to be a check against arent we . Quite possibly. It may be over. Im not totally convinced. I think there are a lot of secret Trump Supporters out there who wont even tell pollsters theyre going to vote for him because they think its a neighbor calling playing a joke. I think the real issue now is whats going to be the impact on voters after the election. I think i said to you there are a group of valium voters, people who talk tough, who really treat all of this as an emotional combat between trump and clinton, and actually after the election, theyre going to chill out, they may have to of the world. Its been portrayed as armageddon. Im not sure it is. Well, the armageddon lobby, one of the points they would cite was the Al Smith Dinner, which is usually very dignified, very gentle ribbing, and turned ugly and mean and frankly particularly by trump. He was openly getting booed, juan, at a charity dinner. I wonder, maybe im making too much of this, but to me, those kind of events are the glue which hold the country together. I dont mean the Al Smith Dinner, but the sort of sense whatever divides us, that what unites us is bigger. Were you troubled by the Al Smith Dinner and the tone of it . First, i was surprised because like you, ive seen Al Smith Dinners. Ive never seen anybody get booed at an Al Smith Dinner. Remember, trump is from he knows very well. I think he thought it was his crowd. I think he misread that crowd. When he starts off about hate catholics, that she wants to deceive people, picking up on the nasty woman line. So corrupt she got kicked off the watergate committee. He says after listening to hillary, Rosie Odonnell looks better. It just didnt have the right timber, the right feel. I think a lot of people felt like, on this issue again, did we have any comedy, can a moment of grace after his not very good performance at that third debate. I just thought it was sad for the country in some ways. But isnt that his brand . Going over the line. People look at this, but what about his supporters. I think thats what they expect. Im going to bring you in. We have about a minute left. Are we going to pay a price for the ugliness of this campaign after the election . I think so. Mandate. Okay, you know, when bush ran, it was very clear if he won, he was going to put his tax policy in. This was his main thing he was going to do. Can anyone tell me what the number one priority of either of these candidates would be if they were actually elected to the white house . It has been so ugly on both sides, no one is going to come in with a mandate. Were going to have a more divided country than we have ever had before. If she gets elected, her unfavorables today are 53 . In october of 1964, rr goldwaters were 47. Shell be the most unpopular person ever to take office. We got to leave it there. You know what, well have more time to discuss this. Always leave them wanting more. Thank you, panel. See you next sunday. Up next, tom hanks and the folks on saturday night live poke fun at all the participants in the final debate. Tonight is going to be a lot like the third lord of the rings movie. You dont really want to watch, wikileaks has been releaing your campaign emails, which of why bring up serious questions. Thank you for bringing up my emails, chris. Im very happy to clarify wafs in some of them. Sorry, what, carol . I thought i heard my friend carol. Any way, back to your questions about the way that donald treats so youre just never going to answer a question about your emails . No, but it was very cute to watch you try. That was saturday night lives take on this weeks debate. And what a week it was as the candidates faced off for the final time and then started their sprint to the finish on the trail. If you rolls, you will see millions of people that are registered to vote that shouldnt be registered to vote. There was even a time when he didnt get an emmy for his tv Program Three years in a row, and he started tweeting that the emmys were rigged against him. Should have gotten it. This is a mind set. No more debates. No more naps. He is not politically correct. And i think we love that about him, right . 97 of the time. I will totally accept the results of this great and historic president ial election if i win. No, donald, youve got to accept the results win or lose. I remember dating a guy dating. By the way, the reason guys can date is because of me. This is the weirdest race ive ever seen, and im in the middle of it. Do you want to take a picture, just in case we turn out to be somebody important . This is the First Time Ever that hillary is sitting down and speaking to Major Corporate leaders and not getting paid for it. You notice there is no theyre hard to keep up, and im sure its even harder when youre translating from the original russian. You used to criticize me for even talking to the russians. Now suddenly youre okay with your nominee having a bromance with putin. Do wait. Do this. What a waste of time if we dont pull this off. You know, these guys have said, doesnt matter if you win or lose, theres never been a Movement Like this in the history of this country. I say it matters to me whether we win or lose. You can be sure the narrative will change again in these final 16 days before the election. Thats it for today. Have a great week and well see nra member do i believe good, law abiding citizens have a right to bear arms . You bet. And with that right comes responsibilities. Do i believe convicted felons have that same right . No. But right now, criminals can easily get guns at gun shows or online from strangers with no background check. Im a member of the nra. Owning guns is my right. But letting criminals walk into a gun show and walk out with a gun, narrator yes on question 1. T. B. Has singing the last half hour. Announcer unlikely heroes begin to emerge as stars form the painful nfl of the game becomes more evident. For those who have remain born in october. For me, october is what winning is all about. To achieve that, one has to be fearless. Whens Seasons Change and the leaves turn brown, i always thought i week around. Oh, what a world series for reggie jackson, as he comes up with his third home run of the

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