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A perfectlypens to good food considered not good enough for supermarkets. Hearded south africa has accusations of how Oscar Pistorius has killed his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. The 26yearold appeared in court to try to win his freedom on a bill before facing trial. The prosecution did and he got up from bed, put on his press political legs, and walk a few meters before shooting his girlfriend to the door. Her funeral has been held in port elizabeth. Being taken to the crematorium. He says that her death was an accident and that he thought she was an intruder. There is a space missing inside of the people that she knew that cannot be filled again. We are going to keep all the positive things we remember about my sister. We will try to continue with of the things she tried to make better. We will miss her. Lets take you to the courthouse where Oscar Pistorius appeared in earlier in pretoria. Hearing lasted about an hour or ford was adjourned. We learned a few things about the case. Amount. Arned a huge he try histion says weapon four time into block the door of the bathroom, behind which reeva steenkamp, his girlfriend, was hiding. Knowing that she was staying if he got it was a burglar, why did he not first check our whereabouts before he prosthetic legs and walk to shoot through the bathroom door. The defense says it was a case of mistaken identity, that it was not murder. They have argued against it strongly. Just before going into the break, the judge says that he will accept the premeditated murder charge. He felt the case did not stand up any longer and during the hearing, he would downgrade it to a straightforward murder case. The court is in recess. How long will the bail hearing take . What are the chances he will be granted bail . This shouldlikely be finished on tuesday. Finished byld be then and we should have an announcement. He could be kept behind bars because the defense would have to convince the judge there are extenuating the extraordinary circumstances that mean he should get bail, they will have a difficult time doing that because they have pinned their being a it [indiscernible] there will be final arguments before the judge makes his ruling. Thank you for that report outside the courthouse. Least nine people have reportedly died in yemen after a helicopter crashed in the capital. The military aircraft hit a busy area in the square or Anti Government protests were held in recent months. A publisher and editor for the yemen post gave us this update. The military helicopter in the atop a building heart of the square. Injured and a few of them in critical condition. The fire and flames really strong. Government forces have filled the area. Our ambulances and fire trucks not allowingarea, journalists into the area for security reasons. The soldiers are refusing to allow journalists into the crash site because there were weapons and explosives. Security forces have killed a four suspects in the the bombings quetta bombings. The attack has led to protests across pakistan. Now this report. Defiant and unified, thousands of ethnic shias voice their anger at the continued violence aimed at their community. The area is home to Minority Group and the site of many sectarian attacks against them, including saturdays bombing which claimed more than 80 lives. We are a Peaceful Community who are constantly and deaths door. None of these people deserved to die. We want justice from the state. Victims families have turned to an extreme form of protest that they used after a similar deadly attack glassman. This is perhaps the most painful part of this communitys protest. The families who lost loved ones in saturdays bombing are refusing to bury their dead until the Army Launches a targeted operation against the groups responsible. This 70yearold lost his son and grandson in the attack. He tells me how difficult a choice is not to bury them right away as is the custom in islam, but he sees no other way of being heard. By doing this, then maybe the government or military will arrest the killers of my son and grandson. If not, we will die here every day. Community leaders have given the government until tuesday evening. They must insure that no more shias are killed in sectarian attacks, pass legislation that makes discrimination against them a crime, and ordered the army to go after groups which carry out attacks against the community. For now, all they can do is continue with their protests. Al jazeera reporting from quetta. And Prime Minister has agreed to resign until a National Election in june. The country has been without a fully functioning parliament. The Prime Minister has been running an unpopular caretaker administration. Now more from katmandu. Major in one of the intersections in katmandu. They are forcing a strike, only allowing some press people and ambulances to go by. They are protesting against the an nt decision to forn am election government under sitting chief justice. They are saying its a good thing, because the current government has been incapable of holding elections. Say having the executive and the judiciary mixed up like this will undermine independents. There are few contentious issues already like the truth and Reconciliation Commission as well as the rankandfile of the , which is still being negotiated. The election just 92 days away. There are 4 Million People missing from the voter list. Citizenship cards have yet to be distributed. There are other smaller parties who are upset about this decision. They say they were not consulted and it is against the constitution even though there are smaller parties and have enough clout to make it work. Laurent gbagbo is to appear before the International Criminal court later. The judges will decide whether theres enough evidence to try him for leading postelection violence two years ago in africa. These the first former head of state to appear before the icc. The faces of 41 counts of crimes against humanity including murder and rape. The ruling party of zimbabwes says it wants all sanctions against the country removed. But demand was made after a decision by the European Union to lift a limited number those restrictions. Banking havel and been lifted against 21 politicians loyal to president mugabe. The European Union says its partly because of the governments new draft constitution. Now more. Harare. Zimbabwe officials are not happy that the sanctions are only easing on a few of the individuals. These are the headlines in the capital. There are hoping for more. It comes down to economics. It wanted a particular Mining Development company to be delisted. Company sells gold and diamonds to companies around the world, but it has not been able to operate in your opinion member states. The government says they have been forced to sell the diamonds and other minerals at below market value. They hoped to be able to operate freely in the your opinion in antrim able to sell diamonds at the proper market prices. European Union Members say the reason they have not taken it off the list is if they want certain conditions to improve on the ground. The country is headed for a referendum on a draft constitution on march 16 and the president ial polls in july possible. In opinion members want to make sure the elections are free and fair before they consider easing sanctions more. In syria, 45 people have been killed these tough aleppo and an aerial strike, the bombardment to strengthen buildings. Now this report. Searching forill people under these plants and flattened homes. Their hope is that they have survived. Many have died. This man says women and children have been killed here, too. Hes asking where are the arab people . People here say it came from the skies around 11 30 monday night. The extent of the damaged exemplified by the size of the missiles. The injured were rushed to a makeshift clinic. God will show his vengeance against the oppressors. Will get you. The top stories. The first day of a bail hearing for the South African athletes Oscar Pistorius. The prosecution said he got up from bed, put on his prosthetic legs, and walked to the bathroom door and shots through impact at his girlfriend. Reeva steenkamps funeral is taking place in port elizabeth. The friends and family gathered for a private ceremony. Nine people reportedly killed after a military helicopter crashed in yemen in the heart of the capital sanaa. In syria the parts held by rebels are cut off from the outside world and the government controls the main Border Crossing from turkey. People living and working there depended on smugglers for food and other vital supplies. On a secretmugglers route. They move quickly and in the dark because it is illegal. All these men are doing is moving a few sacks of potatoes. This is one of the secret smuggling routes from turkey into rebelheld area of northeastern syria. Fighters, aid workers, and shopkeepers all depends on this road for supplies. Where there is fighting dont receive any goods or support, so we depend on this. The regime attacks us and its tough, but we will still continue our work. The smuggling business between turkey and syria has been around as long as anyone can remember, but this crowd is especially important now because it controls because the Syrian Government controls traffic. So this smuggling line is crucial for the People Living in rebel military is. Whats coming in is simply not enough. This, is doing her best to provide the basics fourth children, but its difficult without the help of presideher husband. Our family is separated. Everyone is in a different place. President and oldest daughter one to see a doctor in area, the roads were cut off and they could not return. I have no income, no electricity. Even the humanitarian aid is not good. We have not had meat in seven or eight months, nothing at all. The people are not starving, but food and supplies are in high demand. If you smuggling routes in the mountains will not bring them back to life they knew before war powers. Before the war. Alexis tsipras tim brant of the Chinese Military is believed to be behind a series of Cyber Attacks. American Computer Security company accuses the unit of stealing data from at least 140 organizations around the world. Glassman, the New York Times said that its systems had been infiltrated over four months. The wall street journal also reported a chinabased hacking attack. China denies this and questions the validity of this latest report. A Senior Security adviser joins us via skype. How can people be so sure that these Cyber Attacks are emanating from china . Attribution in Cyber Attacks is always a complex matter and certainly not enough to attribute an attack based on just knowing geographically where Network Traffic originates from. One of the things they detailed in the last report is the attacks originating from china make use of multiple hops in between the attacker end the victim. That kind of technology can make it very difficult to directly attributed attacks. Its easy to appear to be coming from any country on the slopes. Other evidence excited in the report is more in terms of how software is written, what kind of language is used, is its expressively native english or is it a nonnative english person who wrote the command sets. Is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black . Here we have people accusing china of cyber warfare or espionage. Surely the western powers are up to this, too. Yes, and i think theres a dividingt thick the fi line between warfare and espionage. We seemed be willing to call. Yber espionage cyber war along the lines of espionage in terms of finding intellectual property and the data systems and stealing information from one resource or another, whether that is for commercial gain in terms of intellectual of commercial organizations or spying on governmentrelated activities. You asked to what extent is this the pot calling the kettle black. Certainly the u. S. Have their own Organization Called cyber command. Most other developed nations have some cyber capability when it comes to offensive and defensive activities. I would be amazed if they did not have separate ability when it comes to espionage. S in bonds has always been responsible for cutting edge technology. Has always been responsible for cutting edge technology. We should not be surprised to this day and age. Ck thank you very much, ri ferguson, in warsaw. Supporters of the venezuelan president s have been welcoming hugo chavez back to the country. He spent two months in cuba receiving treatment for cancer. Hes now at a Military Hospital in venice will oppose the capital. Capital. Ezuelas some are questioning his ability to lead the country. And the news spread that hugo chavez is finally back in venezuela, his supporters poured into the streets to celebrate. But this was no triumphant comeback. Instead he arrived under the cover of darkness, announcing his return via twitter. We have arrived back in the land of venezuela. Thank you, lord. Thanks to my beloved people. We will continue our treatment here. That was enough for his supporters. I knew he was coming back. I had faith because we were all thinking about him. I knew he was going to return to his homeland. It has been two month and seven days since we have been waiting for our commander. Some said he was not coming back. The media said he was dead. We knew he was alive. Im so happy. When i woke up this morning i read the news on my phone that he had come back. We are thankful hes alive and he will always live on. By the governments own admission, this will be a long and complex recovery. He is reportedly breathing through a tube, but Officials Say that he is still issuing orders. The whole team of his command is here. Hes good, hes conscious, and hes very happy to be in his homeland. We are experiencing a immense happiness and motivation of the people. For opposition leaders, long frustrated by what they see as a deliberate lack of information, call are growing for a frank discussion about his future. Of thepe the return president means there will be some good sense from the government. During the last few weeks all we have heard our its all, words of hate which are turning venezuela people against each other. The celebration will continue into the night. The return of hugo chavez has left many questions unanswered. He says he will overcome and recover. This will not end the speculation over his immediate future, for his opponents. One of the most dangerous airports in latin america is about to cancel operations. Now this report from ecuador. Arriving or departing from quito can be quite an adventure. Quite an experience. You must weave around hills and buildings, diving sharply to read the runway. In its 53 years in operation, theres been more than one dozen fatal accidents here with airplanes either crashing near the airport or skidding off the runway. Olga lost family members of an airliner crashed during takeoff in 1998, killing 79 people. The airplane could not take off. My cousin, two daughters and their grandparents died. Few hundred just a meters from the runway. She now says a prayer for every airplane that takes off. Departing aircraft face a mountains trade ahead and the engines need all their strength for a steep climb. Of therport in the heart capital is shutting down. ,4 kilometers away from quito a new airport opens on wednesday airports 6 400 meters down in altitude, to make landing and takeoff better. The new airport is also situated in a flat, open area. It has the latest technology and aeronautical equipment, state of the art secured equipment at the security to our. Security tower. We have prepared for this four year. Good news for latin americans. Supermarkets around the world insists on having the very best products on their shelves so much so that theyre willing to go away a perfectly good food just because it does not fit their own standards of appearance. Now this report from kent in the u. K. On how campaigners are trying to save that waste. This date back hundreds of years, picking up on scraps from farmland. Peasants used to clean food all the time. These people are picking a perfectly good cabbages and other vegetables that have been deemed. Not good deemed that means not good enough for the supermarket standards on size and cosmetic appearance. They will be sold to cattle or plowed back into the ground. Supermarkets all over the developed world and go away vast amounts of highquality fresh food in the interest of keeping up profits. It is something to bear in mind at a time when europe has become meat beingout horse passed off as beef in readymade meals. Itheres plenty of food. The demands of capitalism and the market mean retailers would rather go away food and give it away. This is not just a european problem. Some of these people are from latin american countries if where they say the rain forest is being destroyed to make way for farmland or a farm land is needed to satisfy western demand for food and its cosmetic appearance. Theres displacements of communities appearing. Occurring, and there is the amount of emissions growing because of deforestation. This is increasing. This raises difficult questions about where food comes from and how its used. After four billion years of evolution, we have a beautiful and varied biosphere and we are wiping out vast natural asset to grow food that no one eats. Every few months, these campaigners staged an event in which they feed several thousand people with food that otherwise would be destroyed. Its a better quality than some packaged foods sold to western consumers by the supermarkets. It would also

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