or ever at his house. >> detectives had never found enough evidence to make a murder charge stick. and it turned out there was an explanation. remember, while under suspicion for annie's murder, ferry was arrested for an unrelated kidnapping in a different town. the charge stuck. ferry eventually pleaded guilty and was sent to prison. draper police came to believe it was this kidnapping that star witness joanna had recounted to them. she had seen a totally different crime. not annie's murder. what's more, it happened on the same night annie was killed. no way daniel ferry could have committed both crimes. so now rookie detective jaclyn moore went back to the boxes and binders piled high on her desk. >> i felt lost. i decided i need to start from the beginning and see what information derek had when he first got the case. >> and so began the education of a detective. she started reading through pages and pages of annie's notes and journal entries. who does annie turn out to be,