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And welcome to politicsnation from atlanta, georgia. Tonights lead, a split down the center. The midterm elections are just 16 days away, 17 states have already started voting in advance of november 8th. 12 states will join that list this week. And a brand new National Poll from nbc news suggests that americans have their minds made up about several things ahead of next month. President bidens Approval Rating is holding at 45 . The highest number he has enjoyed in over a year, yet still lower than democrats would like with their senate and House Majorities hanging in the balance. Voters remaining evenly split on congressional preference. 47 preferring democrats in control of congress, 46 preferring republicans. The Passion Driving Voters this Election Cycle is unprecedented. With seven in ten americans expressing high interest in this midterm election, a likely indicator that we can expect record turnout next month, but with that, our country remains deeply polarized. Eight of ten americans from both parties believe their political opposition poses an existential threat to the country. What will that divide mean for the country after november 8th . I will ask george a candidate Stacey Abrams in just a moment. You absolutely dont want to miss it. First, joining me now, senator kirsten senator, 16 days till midterms, more than half of the country is engaged in early voting by the end of the week. A lot of issues on the table, along with some of those new polling numbers, which i will get to in a bit. But broadly, why do you think democrats will be able to hold on to the senate just about two weeks out from election day . I think democrats can hold on to the senate because of the quality of our candidates. Weve extremely strong candidates, who are doing well in their states. And despite states being red or purple, we have democrats leading in the polls today, so i am optimistic. You look at races like mark kelly in arizona, he is ahead. Maggie hassan in new hampshire, Reverend Warnock in georgia, Catherine Cortez masto in nevada these are incumbents that are doing very well in their states. And on top of that, weve got five open seats, including fetterman in pennsylvania. We are doing very well. We are up in many polls. Why is it so important that democrats retain control of the senate at this time in your words . Everything is at stake that you care about. If democrats can hold the senate, that means we can stop more rightwing judges from being appointed and populating our judiciary across the board. Democrats can make sure there is a wise, thoughtful addition to the Supreme Court to counter the radical right that trump has created. Right now, womens reproductive freedoms are basic civil rights and or a quality and citizens is at risk nationally if we dont hold the senate. Right now, President Biden and democrats are doing good things to rebuild the economy. Weve already passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill. Weve already passed the bipartisanship bill. Creating jobs and we did a lot to help the cost of things, getting the cost of medicines down, energy those are things that are really vital to american families. We are just doing a good job of moving this legislation to help people forward and i think we are just getting started. Senator, former President Donald Trump has been campaigning for republicans and there are rumblings he may also insert himself into the midterms, even after the votes are cast. Rolling stone reports today that trump wants to aggressively challenge close races that are not declared on election night. He is particularly fixated on the Pennsylvania Senate race, where he and other republicans are already preparing to wage legal and activists crusades against the Election Integrity of democratic strongholds, such as the philly area. The stories site sources familiar with trumps conversations, although abc has not independently verified their accounts. How worried are you about trumps once again, throwing our President Trump has not stopped trying to throw our democracy into chaos. He contested the last election, he will contest the next election. And this is what President Trump does. He does not fight fair. He is dishonest vandalized. And he continues to lie. Democrats are prepared. We have our own lawyers. We have our own arguments. We will make sure that we win these elections by a Strong Enough margin that there is no room for President Trump to contest the outcome. I think that is essential in the four incumbent races i mentioned, as well as in some open seats like pennsylvania and wisconsin and ohio and North Carolina and florida. We need to work very hard to get every vote out, to not give an inch, and to make sure people understand what is at stake in this election. Its the future of the country, whether we have a quality, whether we have Voting Rights, whether we have reproductive freedom, whether we have a growing economy, whether we get people back to work, focusing on education and health care and jobs it was President Biden, who got us out of this pandemic and got the economy moving again and that is what americans want. Senator, going back to one of the nbc news polls i mentioned earlier, 81 of democrats think the Republican Partys agenda is an existential threat to the country. 79 of republicans think it is the democrats agenda that is the threat. I cant help but wonder what it means that voters are so polarized, going into november and what that means for either party, should they succeed. I think its vital that democrats correct the record and talk about all the strong bipartisan work we are doing, things that we have come together to pass common sense reforms like investing in infrastructure, common sense investments Like Mental Health care, to make sure we can end gun violence, common sense bipartisan work, like making sure america can be at the forefront of manufacturing, ai, quantum all these things that create jobs and make us more nationally secure. We also put in place a lot of reforms as well as the cost for energy down, as well as advancing new technologies, like greene and urge you to create green jobs. I think theres a lot of misinformation out there and i can tell you that both cisa and did release a statement, a warning, that unfortunately, adversaries worldwide are trying to attack people in america, to make them really be divisive and to be angry with one another, purposefully, to undermine our democracy and undermine our confidence and it. Voters should be aware that when you are having a fight online with someone, you may be having a fight with a bot, who has nothing to do with the american electorate, so i would just really talk about what is getting, done why it helps people, why getting Prescription Cost down for putting a cap on overall medical costs for our seniors for their medicines. That matters. And really correcting the record that democrats are working hard on a bipartisan basis to get things done for the American People, to help jobs and the economy and health care, to improve our education system. Those are things that matter to every American Family and we are getting things done and we are doing it together. All right, thank you for being with us, new york senator kirsten transitioning now to a very important Gubernatorial Race here in georgia. Joining me now, georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, a democrat. Miss abrams, first of all, thank you for being with us tonight. And we truly appreciate, ahead of your mid term contest, according to the Georgia Secretary Of State this weekend, more than 660,000 people have voted early in person as of the end of friday. I spoke at three church services. I preached that like your parents at three services this morning here in atlanta and 90 of all three congregations have already voted. Total turnout is nearly 730, 000, including absentee ballots. Looking at this early turnout, where does your campaign see the momentum going with two weeks to go . Thank you so much for have thing me we think that there is deep energy amongst voters who are too often not reflected in the polls. And the most important pull is the one that you show up to two past we are excited and enthusiastic about the turnout, but we want to encourage everyone to make sure we dont let the momentum drag. Week two is just as important as week one and we know for all of those who showed up in week one, we now need you to call three of your friends and make sure they show up this week. Voter suppression is alive and well in georgia and they are pushing this argument that says that because we have record turnout, there is no suppression. That is completely wrong. That is like saying because more people get in the water, there are fewer sharks. The sharks are still out there, but the best way to overcome them, is to have more people participate in the process. Voter turnout is the antidote to voter suppression. It is not proof that there is no suppression. We believe that as voters, we understand they will show up and they will turn out in record numbers. Miss abrams, georgia has obviously emerged as a southern battleground. Its role in making joe biden there was of course the effort by President Trump to affect the outcome of that election in your state. And following all of that into 2021, the passage of the socalled Election Integrity act, restricting drop boxes and getting more power to the State Legislature over elections, triggering a Justice Department lawsuit over allegations that the law violates the Voting Rights act. With all that, with that scene set, for our viewers in other states watching this race, why has georgia become this bellwether and what does its issues mean for the rest of the nation . Lets begin with the composition of georgia, we are the most diverse state in the south. We are 48 African American, latino, aapi and native american, 50 white. That means that you have a very racially balanced population. But we also know is that georgia unfortunately lags behind on a number of key metrics. This is the most dangerous state in the nation for women who get pregnant. The highest Maternal Mortality rate. Georgia has the second highest rate of People Without Health Insurance cards, which means when you get sick, you might get health, you might not. We have the fourth highest Eviction Rate for housing. All of those issues are front and center. This is a conversation in this Election Cycle about the economy. We knew that inflation is a global phenomenon, but the state of georgia can do something to influence pricing at home. And unfortunately we have a governor who has refused to do his part. He has refused to expand medicaid to reduce the cost of health care. He has refused to address the Affordable Housing crisis. Sitting on 400 million in funds that were intended for the use of people to keep them in their housing. He is refusing to do real pay raises for our teachers. And he is refusing to invest in our Small Businesses to the extent that even though half the population minority businesses only get 1. 5 of state contracts. He says he used to study the issue. What this signals is that this election is a referendum on a kind of state we want to be, not only in the south, but as a bellwether for the nation. And if we do it, i know we can, if voters show up, what we can demonstrate is that we want someone who not only cares, but is willing to help. And is not going to attack our freedoms. Brian kemp and his cohort, brad raffensperger, have spent the last four years attacking our right to vote, making it more difficult to participate in our elections. They have gotten credit for simply not committing treason. But that is the lowest bar in america. We need leaders who actually believe in our access to democracy. And the last thing i will say on this is that we keep focusing on election denial about the outcome, but the more permissions version is denying access and that is what brian kemp and brad special isnt, denying access to the right to vote, keeping people away from their participation in our democracy. And that is more dangerous because you dont even have to manipulate the outcome i dont have to remind you. Youre opponent, brian kemp, who just messaged had campaign for reelection against you in large part under the theme that youre soft on crime. It was repeated in your first debate with camp last week, his questioning of your Law Enforcement and relationships and it comes at a time critics are arguing some republican candidates are intentionally linking race and crime as a tactic to undermine the black opponents. Whats your take, miss abrams, do you agree with those critics . I noticed mr. Campus been willing to use every racial trope in politics. He called me an angry black woman on the stage. He darkened my skin in his hats. Hes tried to link me to false allegations that i dont support Law Enforcement. Unlike mr. Camp, i dont feel compelled to list every man who supports me. Im not a member of an allboys network, i dont have the club roster, what i can tell you, love supported by Law Enforcement. Im supported by returning citizens who want an opportunity to participate in our society again. Im supported by those victims of gun violence who watched our streets be flooded by weapons because of the weakening of gun laws. They know that because of his decision to eliminate a background check. Georgia has become a hotbed of gun violence just in the last two days. The number of violent incidences with guns have been across the headlines across the state. What we know, brian kemp has fallen back on the same races tropes that have too often been a part of how they win elections. What we know, georgia is different today than it was 50 years ago. Were not going backwards. And were not looking backwards. People understand in georgia, we need to have a complicated understanding of the need for both Public Safety and accountability. And justice. That all three pieces are the way you move the state forward. Thats why were seeing so many people energized, enthusiastic, and pushing back against brian kemp. And his attempts to scare us into submission. Were gonna fight our way to progress. I look forward to being part of that progress. Miss abrams, i need to ask you this, some political observers have raised the concern that in the midst of your rematch with governor brian kept, you havent garner the same kind of fervor from black voters that you did during the first contest with him four years ago based on his approach. Obviously, the black vote for democrats seeking statewide office is critical in georgia. Well those voters show up in the numbers that you campaign for, campaigned with, and that your Campaign Needs to be successful in two weeks . Ill tell you. If you look at the turnout that were seeing. Not only is that record turnout overall. Its record turnout amongst black voters. Ive been traveling the state for the past week in our lets get it done core. Encouraging people to turn out to vote. Like you saw this morning in the churches, people are enthusiastic, theyre ready to go. Whats been wrong about these reports is that these reports have been looking at a snapshot. The question is, who are you taking a picture of . Are you taking a picture of those families who cannot send their kids to college because the hope scholarship doesnt go far enough, black children are the most likely to lose hope. Assuming they even get. It are you taking a picture of those students who are trapped and underfunded schools or brian kemp slashed the budget in 2019 until federal democrat stepped in and paid for education in the state of georgia. Are you taking a picture of the 40 of those who get access to health care if we expanded medicaid knowing that 40 of those people are black. Well we know, black voters arent only enthusiastic, theyre showing up in record numbers. Theyve already exceeded their turnout in 2018. Theyve exceeded their percentage of the population, that to me is a strong sign that the reports of our unrest, the reports from greatly exaggerated. What were seeing instead is not only enthusiasm but a determination to navigate brian kemp voter suppression, to navigate the challenges and barriers. They understand whats at stake. More money in their schools, more money in their pockets, more opportunity in our communities. And more freedom in our lives. Because the effect of his ad tie abortion ban, that sixweek abortion ban, is gonna be incredibly harmful to black women in the state of georgia. Lets remember, the south is home to 56 of black people. And unless i become the governor of georgia, will be in a wasteland, a desert, that has no access to reproductive rights from texas to south carolina, from tennessee to florida. Unless i become a governor of georgia, repeal that law, make georgia in ways this for black women, and for women across the country. All right, Stacey Abrams, you seem fired up. The voters i talked to seem fired up as well. Thank you for being with us. Up next, recent polling reveals americans favor republicans when it comes to major midterm issues. How is the dnc gonna respond, after the break. After the break. Centrum multigummies and took one more step towards taking charge of your health. Theyre packed with Essential Nutrients for energy and immunity support. So every day, you can say, you did it with centrum multigummies. When you really need to sleep. You reach for the really good stuff. Zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. Its nonhabit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. Covid19 moves fast, and now you can too by asking your Healthcare Provider if an oral treatment is right for you. 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The Washington Post writes, democrats are holding out hope that the issue kind of abortion can raise turnout, overcoming a slight voting Enthusiasm Advantage that republicans have held in National Polls all year. In december the Dobbs Decision seems to give but now the gop seems resurgent on the topic of crime and the economy. With all the negatives put out there by republicans about democrats on these issues. What positive signs, mister chairman, do you see for democrats and the chances of Keeping Control of congress . Rev, people like pools but the best pull for me is being on the ground. Im right now in the midst of a we are going from florida to pennsylvania. But even prior to that. Ive been in arizona, nevada, ive been in ohio, florida, georgia, kentucky. When i was in kentucky, 400 people jampacked and ready for change. Theres a lot of energy on the ground right now. A lot of people are saying, you can bet against us if you want. But we know that democrats are fighting for us to deliver us while republicans are trying to take us back. Trying to take us back on abortion, take us back in terms of the economy, destroy Social Security and medicaid. And thats rallying the troops and getting people fired up. Thats why you see the record turnout you see in a place like georgia. I was just in georgia on friday, i can tell you, the people i met your fired up in the ready to go. You mentioned arizona. Lets turn to arizonas Midterm Races Were Kari Lake seems to be catching fire as a National Trump figure, meanwhile democrats are losing ground, not only in their governors race but in the senate race to with blake masters. Whats behind this recent surge in republican support in arizona . I just dont believe, i was on the ground there in arizona. I met with African Americans, latino leaders, and made american leaders. I can tell you they have organized on the ground there. The dnc has invested. Weve almost tripled what we have invested in the 2018. What were doing now in arizona is one of our top battleground states. Mark kellys Put Together One Heck of a campaign. And hes working very closely, his campaigns working closely, with katie hobbs. I feel good about the operations on the ground. We need to continue to go out there, push and make sure that we let them know what were gonna do, but refame The Republicans as the extremists. These are the people who want these National Abortion bans. They want to american economy. They want to suppress voters. We cannot allow that to happen. Lets switch gears to pennsylvania, the senate race there. And two days John Fetterman is squaring out with the republican opponent dr. Oz. During a makeorbreak debate. Fettermans health has become a significant issue in the campaign. Do you think thats fair that thats become such a big issue . John fetterman, ive known him for a while, hes a good guy. Hes fighting hard for the people of pennsylvania because hes from pennsylvania. He knows pennsylvania. Doctor oz a scam artists. Hes always been a scam artist. We see all the lawsuits, we see the things hes even done today its shameful who this guy is. Hes from new jersey. At the end of the day, i think the people of pennsylvania are gonna double down and vote for John Fetterman. Theyre gonna vote for josh shapiro. Those two candidates are the best candidates to be in the Governors Mansion and to represent pennsylvania, the commonwealth in the united states. Right now to the rays between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker right here in georgia. This week, senator warnock releases to attack ads going after republican Challenger Walker over abortion and abuse allegations. Recent polling has the race as a tossup, what do you think warnock hasnt been able to pull away, why he hasnt been able to pull away i should say, from Herschel Walker . We need to continue to put out there that Herschel Walker, he doesnt know the truth if the truth came up and tapped him on the shoulder. This guy lies about everything, about his jobs, about his family relationships, he is just a liar. We need to continue to make sure that that message is out there. In all of the polls in the past few weeks, Reverend Warnock has been ahead, we know its gonna be a tight race because republicans, they say there for something, but we know theyre hypocrites, and they really arent. All there for is for we know that the person whos been fighting for georgias Reverend Warnock. From student loan to infrastructure. Hes been on the ground fighting. Almost came very close to getting Medicaid Expansion in georgia for a federal if we get two more votes in the senate, we can work to make sure that gets done. But Reverend Warnock has been fighting for the people of georgia. And as we say in the south, as it relates to Herschel Walker, bless his heart. And if we get more votes in the senate, on the right side of the aisle maybe we can get Voting Rights in the names of the georgians. Dnc chair jaime harrison, thank you for being with us. After the break will head out west with the first African American filipino Attorney General of california. Is working to keep his seat. Yes, we have his opponent on Yesterday And Today hell get a chance to respond. Well be right back. screaming defeat allergy headaches fast with new Flonase Headache and allergy relief two pills relieve Allergy Headache Pain . And the congestion that causes it Flonase Headache and allergy relief. Psst psst all good from the 1 fiber brand comes metamucil gummies. Getting your daily fiber is now even easier. Made with Prebiotic Plant based fiber to support your digestive health. Each serving has 5 grams of fiber and no added sugar. Metamucil fiber gummies. This. Is the Planning Effect. 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When we spoke to europe hone in on saturday. Last night. He decided as a major qualification for the job. But you are the incumbent Attorney General, youve been in office for a year and a half since the governor appointed you to succeed who is now the health secretary. You had a long career in State Politics before that. Talk to me about what youve been doing in office, what youd like to do in the next term . [inaudible] thank you for having me, reverend, its an honor to be here. I appreciate the opportunity to join you. Thank you for that question. One very important point to be made is my opponent has never been elected to any office by any set of constituents, ever in his lifetime, never had any state experience. This is a statewide elected position. I have vast experience in statewide office and elected office, working in issues related to Criminal Justice and Public Safety. My job is to be the peoples attorney. To fight for everyday people. Whatever their challenges might be in the state of california, they vary, Public Safetys job number one, number two, and number three. And weve been on the case active, affective, strong, stopping Mass Shootings in progress. Stopping murders in progress. Cracking cold cases, arresting suspects on the run, taking down criminal rogans asians involved and human trafficking, drug trafficking, including fentanyl and gun trafficking. Including having a Felony Sentence into the largest Organized Crime Takedown in history of california. Were taking on hate crimes. Were taking guns out of the hands of those who are permitted from having them. Because they present a risk. Weve been involved in many spaces and places. But protecting rights and freedoms, the right to Reproductive Health care, were taking on gun violence, making sure we defend our common sense gun laws in court. Were Holding Corporations accountable when they violate the law. Were making sure theres no antitrust violations, were taking on our Housing Crisis as well. Making sure that we build more consistent with california law. In the, and our job is to defend, protect, preserve the constitutional rights, the civil rights, Consumer Rights of the people of california. Thats what weve done over the last year now, thats what i will do over the next four years. Your opponent says that criminality is a spiraling Out Of Control in california. But the statistics show that while Violent Crime went up 7 last year compared to 2020 when most residents were in covid lockdown. Overall, rates remain steady in the past decade, well below other peak in the 90s. However, a study conducted at the beginning of the year found that crime was a top issue for california voters. Along with the closely related issue of homelessness. The same survey found respondents wanted tougher penalties for some kind of crimes. How will you respond to these concerns over Public Safety, that you mentioned . We are proceeding with the data. Were leading with the data. The dad is exactly said overall. Crime rates remain at a relatively historic low. There is summarizes in some crimes in some places. Were addressing those. Taking on those rises in crime, the way people feels very important. A feeling of safety including a reality of safety are very important. You been active, be involved in all the places, spaces where theres been rising crime, organized retail crime, human trafficking, gun violence, 75 of Violent Crimes fueled by gun violence. I am the candidate whos willing to take on the nra and address gun violence. Weve been leading with evidence, doing whats affective, the data shows, evidence shows, the studies show that the best way to determine crime and stop individual committing a crime in the first place, its for that person to believe that theyre going to be quiet if they commit the crime. We need to arrest people. Stop them from harming others, stop them from harming property, when its occurring. And make sure there is accountability, and its appropriate proportion inform consistent with an relation to the crime thats being committed. On the Public Safety candidate in this race, were getting the job done every day, and all the ways i mentioned. Thats why i have the support and national Law Enforcement groups. And were also while we pursue safety for californians were also pursuing fairness for our system, for californians as well. We need to be ambitious enough to pursue and seek both, safety and justice. Now last week, you announced your office would be investigating the Los Angeles City council redistricting process. After leaked audio emerged of City Council Members making highly racist remarks while discussing the issue. The City Council President resigned over the incident, and two other members of the city council are under intense pressure to follow suit. A concern to me is that, its not only the racist language, but they were talking about redistricting. And really shaping, in a way that would rob many of the citizens of california of their impact and vote. What should take away from this incident . Well, all i say that as a human being, as a father, as a voter, the words that were sad, the expressions that were made, were inexcusable, unacceptable. They were painful, hurtful, a blur and, for happens again and inhumane. Theres been a deficit of trust created in the community because of it. Thats why my office and i moved in, a week and a half ago, to announce that we would be investigating this incident. And any impact on redistricting to make sure that the Voting Rights, constitutional rights, the civil rights of the people of los angeles have not been violated. Will uncover the truth, will shine a light, will make sure to dig and find, pursue, until the truth is revealed. And well go wherever the facts and law takes us. Before i let you go, if elected another term as Attorney General, youll be faced with a host of issues on which states are increasingly pitted against one another. Since the Supreme Court overturned roe versus wade this summer, some states are banning abortions, while others are protecting reproductive rights. Many americans are now traveling across state lines to get the procedure. Meanwhile, as the son of a philippine immigrant, you no doubt have been disgusted by republican governors seeking migrants across the country to score political points. Talk about the role you play, as californias ag in confronting these hot but national issues, and protecting the interests of the people in your state . I have a very leading role as the Attorney General for the largest state in the nation. The most diverse state in the nation. Including the largest state Department Of Justice in the nation. Leading a state where the phrase is bingo and, we need to lead in this nation. As california always has, will continue to do. Whether it be to protect the freedoms, protecting a womans right to choose, filing autonomy, or any other issue of protecting our immigrants, as one, as someone whose parents brought me here. As an infant because they wanted me to grow up in a place with human rights, civil rights, with due process, the rule of law. They wanted me to grow up in a democracy when that wasnt in my future in the country i was born in. I want that for everyone here as well. Ill stand up and defend everyones rights, freedoms, the right to a democracy whether it be here in california or throughout the nation. We care about all americans. Will fight for the principles that make us the great country that we are. Thats freedoms, rights, safety, democracy, and my opponent unfortunately, wants to lay down and be timid, passive. I want to be a champion, lead from the front, the loud, on all these issues that matter so much to californians and to americans. We will be bold, will be created as. California turning general rob bonta, thank you for being with us. Coming up, abortion remains a top issue for some american voters. But not the top issue. And democrats still use it to get the vote out . Well be right back. L be right back. Enough was enough. I talked to an Asthma Specialist and found out my severe asthma is driven by eosinophils, a type of asthma nucala can help control. Now, fewer Asthma Attacks and less oral steroids thats my nunormal with nucala. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. Nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. 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However, a recent polling conducted by ma bonn Mountain University show that voters see the economy, high inflation is the top issues over abortion rights. With just roughly two weeks left until election day, is abortion still the mobilizing issue for democratic voters that it seemed that was gonna be this summer after the repeal of roe v. Wade . Thank you again, reverend, its good to see you again. I appreciate the question. I think we wont let one pool distract [inaudible] fundamentally at risk this Election Cycle. But we know, families are still recovering from a global pandemic. We know that our children are still recovering from missing so much inperson school. We know that our nation is continuing to deal with the global issues of inflation, supply chain challenges, and [inaudible] we will not stand for our government to [inaudible] 50 years and thats exactly what this Supreme Court justice said. I think the American People sense, they havent only had their voices heard, poll after poll saying that this is a motivating issue for them. But weve seen, reverend al, all over the country lets remember are not too distant the reaction to voters in kansas. Lets remember, and are not to pass, special elections in new york. We lets take a look at what the young people all over this country are doing, in d. C. To have their voices heard, their demands be listened to. As we head into this Election Cycle, lets take a look at the data, lets take a look in the tens of thousands, Hundreds And Thousands of young women who have registered to vote since the Supreme Court announced the Dobbs Decision. Yes, it is and will continue to be a motivating issue and owing to those ballot boxes knowing that its the Democratic Party proposing solutions on inflation. Its the Democratic Party let me go right there where you just land. The Dobbs Decision by the Supreme Court, in june, aspired a surge of new voter registration. Who are more likely to be female, young, and democratic. Data from states including those with highly contested elections coming up, pennsylvania, ohio, florida. Theyre indicating evidence of a Big Leap In Enthusiasm and political interest among potential voters, supportive of abortion rights. How do you think democrats can transfer that surge of enthusiasm into wins, with a little time that they have laughed . Weve got to make sure that the message that were proposing this midterm election, is a message that speaks to what it is that is important to the American People. Its often reproductive freedoms [inaudible] its most about freedom than any ive ever seen in my work and career. Its reproductive freedom, its also economic freedom. Its the ability to have one job, raise your family, have lower prescription job costs. Its the work to make sure that we are engaging voters in their communities, and are presenting candidates who speak directly to them. Its not that we see the Republican Party doing, which is scrubbing their websites and frankly doing back flips to manipulate the American People as to where they stand on issues of reproductive freedom. And what their positions might be on how to help move the economy forward. We need to make sure that were engaging every single voter. Not taking a single voter for granted. And communicating that message like emilys list is doing right now. In terms of which party is standing with the will of the American People, which one is not. It laphonza butler, thank you for being with us this evening. Thank you again. Up next, a very Important Court appearance on this coming tuesday. All explain after the break. The break. Umes . Try downy light inwash freshness boosters. It has longlasting light scent, no heavy perfumes, and no dyes. 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I talked of many, many people. And urging them, praying they will come out and vote for whoever they vote for, because i really believe that the direction of this country is at stake. And then as i was coming to the studio, with no real plan, i happen to look out the window and was passing more doctor Martin Luther king and his wife, Coretta Scott king, got buried in atlanta. I thought about how people like doctor king gave their lives to make this a better country. I also prayed because in just two days, the russian government will hear the appeal of an president wnba star, brittney griner. She was arrested in february, accused of Carrying Hashish oil while boarding a domestic flight. Griner who recently turned 32 years old, pleaded guilty to the charges and the judge sentenced her to nine years and president. Im gonna pray for her release, im gonna pray because i think that we cannot have any situation were around the world people are used as political bonds. Thats what i believe she is to make points. So, whether its voting and protecting Voting Rights, domestically and womens right to choose. Whether its dealing with political prisoners, my judgment abroad, we must uphold the things that made america great, because great people like Martin Luther king and fannie lou hamer, and others, gave their lives to make this a better nation. And make it live up to its principle and be a shining light for the whole world including russia, where brittani is being held. That does it for me, thanks for watching. Ill see you back here next week at 5 10 eastern. American voters with alicia eminent as, my colleague, starts right now on msnbc. Thank you as much as always, hello everyone, im Alicia Menendez we begin this hour for the battle of the control congress. 16 days into the military elections, a new nbc news poll finds sky high interest, growing Political Polarization amongst voters. All of which, show

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