speak out and perhaps th tearful, emotional - for lindsey graham, to reall embrace this thing, there is a poll that just came out -- 75% of republicans actuall don't have a problem wit donald trump being indicted. they don't think it is anythin that will disqualify him fro holding office and from the legal perspective you could be indicted, you could be convicted and you can still run for president of the united states. the logistics are holding th thing. i am just talking about th law. >> there are a lot of question there, yes >> exactly why do you think though, tha something like mitch mcconnell is not stepping forward with it? because it is really not a liability for him, seeing ho 75% of the base -- presumptive nominee for th 2024 republican party -- presidential election. >> i would also say, katie, 90%, or something like that, or almost not did 90% think it ha been politicized