existentialism he raises there, adrian. it is apparent. the facts are there. he lays them out. i see somebody who must be so uncomfortable in the house he has been living in. >> sure. he's leaving it. >> so uncomfortable that he's leaving but after a fairly long period of time. why do so many people stay as a result of this. if you can recognize the problems within the party structure as it exists, why is there a compulsion to say? by doing an ad like that, trying to recruit that things are trying to change. >> i don't know the answer to that. if i was -- first of all, as a woman i can't even imagine being a republican and i can't imagine being a republican if i was a minority or if i was a person of color because the party is -- the republican party has done nothing to support women, nothing to support minorities, nothing to support people of color. they have done quite the opposite.