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Murdoch steps up his campaign to stop mitt romney. Then, in the wake of the storm, who shut down the new york city subways and why didnt anyone tell the mayor. Plus the Marriage Equality fight gets ugly down south. Alabamas first openly gay lawmaker threatens to out officials having Extramarital Affairs affairs. As the patriot protests get louder, there may be finally a personal of interest in deflate gate. Sometimes you do things that are not fair so you can win. Good evening from new york, im chris hayes. It appears like we have a front runner in the republican president ial race. Scott walker Just Announced today, just today, he is launching a committee to help spread his political message welcome take with that what you will. An Organization Called our american revival is being headed up and it is the strongest signal yet of his intention for 2016. And it comes after he positively wowed an audience in iowa this weekend emergeing as a crowd favorite. Also easing fearing he may be too mild mannered to win. He is channelling his baptist preacher father as he transfixed the crowd. There is a reason why in america we take a day off to celebrate july and not the 15th of april. We value independence from the government, not our dependence on it. We need leaders in america who understand, who ultimate by understand the measure of success of government is not how many people are dependent on the government the measure of success on the government is how many people are no longer department on the government. That speech earned him a standing occasion. And when he is up against a candidate that wants to make april 15th a holiday. There are a number of standout moments, but the biggest was scott walker. This was his iowa breakthrough. The folks that won yesterday, scott walker won the twitter primary. He is less well known, thought to be dull but he was impressive. He is a good governor. Scott walker did his bio. He says i won three times in four years. He didnt have the charisma of ted cruz, but i thought the audience was more he spoke to the crowd there, they were excited about his wisconsin record. The conservatives liked him, nothing he said will show up later and seem out of touch. Not everyone i should say has been impressed by the governor. The song imshipping off to boston from the dropkick murphys said please stop using our music in any way, we literally hate you. Robert, you were of course there in iowa do you agree with that general impression that walker was kind of the winner of the weekend . Or made the biggest gains in terms of how he was perceived . He was very impressive from his rhetoric his presentation i spent time with walker and his father, a baptist pastor that grew up partly in iowa. This this. What were your other im impressions of steve king . Rightly so because of his views he got a lot of attention. What was your view of the beauty pageant of republican candidates. It was also who wasnt there. Ware going to have such a crowded republican field to cover, walker, tend cruz rand paul. It is really going to be competitive to get that launch out of iowa that so many of them covet to compete long term. Today there was news on the governor perry front, the indictment he got for basically denying a story. A Prosecutor Says its criminal. That indictment is going to proceed. Scott walker decided to come to the aid of rick parry. Ted cruz, because this prosecution have an effect on governor perry . He has a john doan governor christie has bridgegate. They werent talking about these things. I saw perry, at a kosher deli in democrat, he is bringing the number energy, he has charisma. A sarah palin speech there got roundly panned and interesting little reporting color, folks throughing in the towel on sarah palin. Was that your sense . I asked her on friday night, and she said she is seriously interesting but she is not making any moves in that direction. It is clear from her comments that she wants to play some kind of role. No one knows where she fits and conservatives are frustrated with her pitch and the way she goes after certain topics. After a speech on saturday scott walker leftize iowa and went to attend the Koch Brothers event. They are one of the biggest contributors to his Election Campaign for governor. They told the times that executors from the kochbacked group have worked behind the scenes to try to encourage a show down. A prank caller pretending to be david koch managed to get Governor Walkers ear. I can deal with that. I have a baseball bat, its in my office. There is an investigation that is now stalled into whether there was illegal corporation. Walker denied any wrong doing. For Governor Walker who seems to be considering a 2016 running, having the kochs are a big deal. Them and their friends are expecting to spend 1 billion on the race. Maybe not one billion, but 889 million. It is way above the 657 million spent by the Republican National committee. These two men are positioning themes to effectively supercede the Republican Party in the next election. So it is no wonder their conference drew a Record Number of attendees. They talked about scott walker rand paul, marco rubio, and ted cruz. Joining sme nick confessore. This figure what do we make about it . What does it mean for post citizen united campaigns. It means we institutionalized the presence of politics on both sizes of the aisle. The resources here are strag staggering. It is a lot of money. I remember when i got the call on that figure i was like no really . That much. It is not 890 to be clear, they plan things very methodically it is also partially for state elections and so forth. It is not writing a check, this is a methodically planned and organized and populated strategy with an entire interlocking set of institutions around it. This is not quite a third party. The important difference is theyre not trying to supplant the Republican Party, theyre trying to influence and change it and set it in a different direction. They have been very successful. How often do you here at gay marriage and other issues i think in a counter intuitive way this is bad for democracy, but i think in a one way, the increased scrutiny of the billionaire primary and donor class is the last shred of accountability we can oppose on a system that lifted any limits. I think so. I think the fact that you have we know that the Koch Brothers planning to do this is one step, but there are 300 donors behind this. There is lots of shell groups for different corporations. They really mastered using the dark money loophole of the c 4s and c6s. And we dont really know where the money is actually coming from. This is one number we dont know what other stuff is out there. I think we can have transparency and accountability but this is about tilting our economy in a certain direction. On the issues most important to most americans right now, this is union busting. It is an economic agenda that is far from the center of where most americans are. Do you think well see Something Like this on the democratic side. I dont there is generous figures there is two things that make it different. One, the scale that were talking about, we have been talking about the democracy, donors that organize together and have conferences, and they have raised over their nearly ten years they have been organizing together what the Koch Brothers can amass in one year. So the scale is very different. And i think fundamentally this is the question theyre asking about the Koch Brothers its about padding their own bottom line. They have aize logical it helps them. They say that. There is no policy that will be substantially wealthy in their lifetime. They also have the greatest six years in the history of the Koch Industries under president obama. It is, they talk about health care a lot, regulations in general. They very rarely talk about climate change. If we did what we need to do on the climate it would very much affect koch streets. Its important to keep highlights what the ends are here nap sun fortunately the cost of our planet for a few narrow interests. You said the scale on the democratic side is not sufficient and you dont see any figures like this. The fact is we have we just have billionaire democracy at this point. We just do its a fact. It was true before but combine Citizens United with the inequality we have and heading into 2016 there really is a focus. I wish we could get them into a room for a reality show. It would be a more honest coverage. Look we are watching this part of the campaign. And if it was a democratic primary, it would be the same thing. For the next six months they would do one or two appearances, and the rest of it is donors donors donors. Every day. Theyre like dolphins swimming among billionaires and they come up for air. There could be another way, we just did a report called the money chase that looked at big donor spending. And did something that had never been done. We looked at a few races where people were viable candidates massively outspent, and said that if the bill in the house right now, government by the people act, and showed how much they would be been able to get, they would have been able to run competitive campaigns. Heather mcghee. Nick confessore. Thank you very much. This thursday very special, were breaking new ground with the first ever all in 2016 fantasy candidate draft. Set your dvrs, 8 00 p. M. Right here. It will be epic. We a lot of Important News to get to tonight and we also have this. Lots more of that coming up. Thing. The quietest or nothing. The sleekest. Sexiest. Baddest. 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That aside, the mistirery of how it got there was solved but its not news guys. Do you have any idea how much fun we can have with this thing. My dad said its not for spying on people. It was an off duty employee. In an interview today president obama talked about it. I have asked the faa and a number of agencies to examine how are we managing this new technology. Because the drone that landed in the white house you can buy at radio shack. Hes right, they need to be regulated. Back after this. To be more powerful. And, miraculously, unleash 46 mpg highway. An extravagance reserved for the privileged few. Until now. Hey josh new jetta . Yeah. Introducing lots of new. The new Volkswagen Jetta tdi clean diesel. Isnt it time for german engineering . It blizzard that hit the northeast and caused more than 7,000 flights is finally beginning to wind down this evening in most places. More than 20 inches of snow fell in connecticut, massachusetts, new hampshire, new york, maine, and rhode island. Some areas getting more than 30 inches. In nantucket, off of the coast of massachusetts in the atlantic ocean, the entire island lost power. Officials cut power to homes as flooding prompted overnight questions for evacuations. Daily maximum snow records were set today. In boston the snow continues to fall. Most residents were hunkered down in their home. The mayor says schools may be shut down for the last of the week. People made it out including this guy he dubbed himself the boston yhetti. Plenty of people found ways to have fun in the snow. The heavy snowfall always made a whole bunch of dogs, including this one very very happy. There was worse ways to spend time today than looking for videos of dogs enjoying the snow. Here in new york city there was dire warnings. While the storm brought a good snow it was about ten inches in most areas. Some some meteorologists decided to apologize publicly. The president of the mta that runs the subway says there was no reason to shut down the under ground portion of the subway system. He gave mayor deblasio only 15 minutes warning before shutting the system down. The system is going to come back online much faster than it would have if the trains were exposed to the conditions and they were shoveling out this morning. If you tally it up i dont know that this wasnt the more prudent course of action in any event. Joining me now is jennifer fermino. Lets put aside whether or not it was the right thing, are you freaking kidding me to give the mayor of new york 15 minutes heads up there youre going to shut down the subways. He doesnt have to talk to the mayor, its totally his decision but but, he wouldnt you think it would be i dont know courteous so day bill were going to shut down the most vital means of transportation in the city you govern. He said that today that he hopes in the future they have more communication. How is this not a power move. I understand they have to make difficult decisions. Huge predictions for snow that didnt pan out. These things have to be coordinated between relative authorities. They dont really it came from the governor and she in charge of the mta. What they said in response is that this was a fast moving storm. They have given a update around noon, and say were going to look at the weather at 4 00 and we did, and they made a decision called the mayor, and went public with it. We hear about people erring on the side of caution. Shutting down new yorks subways is very expensive. This was a very expensive set of actions taken by the governor and the mayor with the thinking i think from them being if we under prepare we will get destroyed politically, it is safer to overprepare. There used to be a time i think when they would never shut down the subway. They did it for hurricane irene. They did it for sandy and it was so well received. But i feel like that raised the bar now that you can do it before it was something that you could not possibly do. I know the mayor of this these end up being big political tests for anyone in power. Mayor deblasio has a fair share of enemies that would like to see him suffer. Good he dd a snowstorm right when he was elected that by everybodys admission he screwed up. Including charges that he did not charge the upper east side. This is not really a snowstorm, it is so hyped up. It was like ten inches but i dont think the blow back no pun intended is that he overhyped it deliberately. It seems like the predictions were there. Jennifer, thank you very much. Thank you. If you were paying attention to the president s visit to saudi airabiaarabia. Also, the first openly gay state legislature in alabama threatens to expose who of her colleagues is having an affair. Expected wait time 55 minutes. Your call is important to us. 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A who is who of high ranking officials including john kerry, susan rice john brennan, Condoleezza Rice and senator john mccain to name a few. It was quite the gesture. It comes less than three weeks of the cell phone video of a lashing of a saudi blogger. They postponed his second round of lashings because of a medical reason. What i found effective is to apply steady consistent pressure as were getting buzz done that needs to get done. And often times that makes some of our allies uncomfortable. It makes them frustrated. Sometimes we have to balance our need to speak to them about human rights issues with immediate concerns that we have in terms of encountering terrorism or dealing with instability. If you are, there can be a great opportunity for you to express yourself, courtesy of the department of defense. They are having an Essay Competition to honor the saudi king. So, if you would like to honor the memory of King Abdullah in your own way, this could be your chance. 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Right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. We call that predictable. Thrillingly predictable. A federal judge struck down alabamas same Sex Marriage Ban last week. It came from a george w. Wush appointed judge ruling in favor of two same sex couples that filed lawsuits. The judge put her decision on told for two weeks. Some alabama conserveatives are voicing their opinions. That led Patricia Todd also an openly gay state official to throw down the gauntlet. She says i will not stand by and allow legislators to talk about family values when they have affairs. I will call our elected officials that want to hide in the closet out. Joining me now is the representative that wrote that Patricia Todd. Is this a idol threat . Are you going to do this . My purpose was to say be careful when you cast that stone of family values you need to look at your own family values before you attack ours. Let me make sure i understand this. Are you suggesting there are politicians, state legislatures youre saying in alabama, who may be violating their marriage vows . That is very difficult for me to believe, i have to say. Shocking. And what is interesting is alabama is the most cop servetive and most christian state in the country and our divorce rate is fourth in the country. So what do you think is going to happen here . The broader issue is that that kind of rhetoric served conservatives for a long time particularly in the south in a state like alabama, a very conservative state. What do you see as the next step here . Are the people who are expressing their displeasure with this ruling for the court going to keep the displeasure and swallow it or what is going to ham . This is alabama and we dont have a good history when it comes to the federal courts telling us what to do. I like to say that missouri is the show me state and alabama is the make me state. They will have to get over it but in the meantime we are hearing a lot of rhetoric from the conservative republicans and i just want to remind them they dont have the corner on family values that there are thousands of ga couple ace cross the state, many raising children, who have much stronger family values than they do. Earn it is an attempt to try to cool the rhetoric. If you want to talk to me about the merits of the issue, that is fine. But im not going to let you get away with a fivesecond soundbyte where you can condemn mee and my community. There are 36 states that have allowed marge equality. 14 states right now banning it. This issue is going before the court and will be settled we expect in some direction. The chief justice of the Alabama State supreme court, which is amazing he is still in that title. Today the destruction of the institution of marriage is upon us by federal courts using speech as pretext based on equal protection of the United States constitution. I guess my question is how big of a percentage of the voters of alabama does roy moore speak for when he says things like that . I would say about 10 . The only way he got effected was in alabama you can go into the booth and vote straight party. The republicans had many people went in and just pulled that r lever and he got elected. I have talked to many republicans who would not have voted for him. But he got elected due to that fact. State representative patricia patriciaed toPatricia Todd, we will follow that. New news on deflate gate. Well talk about that ahead. Better take something. Theraflu severe cold wont treat your runny nose. Really . Alkaseltzer severe cold and flu relieves your worst flu symptoms plus runny nose. [breath of relief] oh, what a relief it is. Mommy hey welcome back to showdown jerry rice here with 8 year old Andrew Hunter debating who will win the big race between the tortoise and the hare. What do you think andrew . Rabbits are faster. Its not a rabbit, its a hare. Whats the difference . Maybe figure that out before debating the best wide reciever of all time. Wait, are you Odell Beckham jr. . That is until today. Senate democrats backed down saying they will not support pushing the bill until the end of march at the earliest. Republicans can bring it up but without the democrats they would not have the votes that need to override what is sure to be a veto by president obama. This is a political victory for the president and a victory for good sense and diplomacy. And even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher brighter denture everyday. 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Bill belichick suggested that the drop in pressure in his teams ball was probably due to rubbing process and atmospheric conditions. That was knocked down by Wilson Sporting Goods who said that is bs. And bill nye the science guy says that didnt make any sense. Hire is rue pert murdoch, a guy who knows a thing or two about breaking the rules. And here is bill kristols tweet. It appears right now that deflategate will not hurt the patriots at least before sundays super bowl. And Richard Sherman thinks he knows why. It has to do with a relationship between Roger Goodell and patriots owner robert craft. Will they be punished . No nos as long as theyre still taking pictures at each others homes. Talk about conflict of industry. Here is the picture showing goodell at crafts house the night before the afc championship game. Since that party was for team sponsors that helps the team and nfl grow revenues, that sherman benefitted from that too. It is so large is krafts way is they like to call him the assistant commissioner. One of the two shermans will join me at this table. Thoughtfully crafted and intelligently designed. With available forward collision warning and new blind spot monitor and a 2014 top safety pick plus rating. Cost of entry . A fortune. Until now. Hey sarah, new jetta . Yup. Can i check it out . Maybe at halftime . Introducing lots of new. The new Volkswagen Jetta. Isnt it time for german engineering . Winter is hard on your face. The start of sneeze season. And the windblown watery eyes. Thats why puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin. So you can always put your best face forward. A face in need deserves puffs indeed. And try puffs softpack today. Startupny. Its working for new york state. Already 55 companies are investing over 98 Million Dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. From long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. 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Deflate the balls, poke a guy in the area or whatever. Louis c. K. And we have the cohost of the Sports Talk Show highly questionable. This may have been in the works for longer i worked on this for four months enand i heard over and over that to understand the nfl you have to understand the relationship between Roger Goodell and robert kraft. So back up Roger Goodell became commissioner in 2006. Robertkra kraft was one of his biggest champions. He determines rogers salary. Robert kraft is on that committee. He is also on the broadcast committee that does the billion dollar deals. So Roger Goodells group is owners and it includes robert kraft. I would love to be a fly on the wall here. For the First Time Since anyone can remember theyre on the opposite sides of an issue. Goodell has to come out and do something that shows that he has control over this league. So now he is essentially at odds with his biggest ally. Here is kraft firing a warning shot toward Roger Goodell about demanding an apology. If the wells investigation is not able to definitively determine that our organization tampered with the air pressure in the footballs, i would expect and hope that the league would apologize to our entire team and in particular coach belichick and tom brady for what they had to endure this past week. Two observations first of all, the verb endure seems a bit much. Second, Robert Krafts hair game is tight. I wish he would have been full on godfather 2. He said if you dont have anything you owe me an apology. It seems like this could have been fixed weeks ago with a phone call to the patriots saying hey, guys, knock it off. They feel like the league tried to set them up. Then you wind up in a situation where you, robert craft, feel betrayed betrayed. Here is the real problem that gets to something genuinely profound about the rule of law and rules generally which is like, do these rules mean anything . Is it Just Relationships between people with amounts of power not that i care that much either way, i dont care. Youre touching on the fundamental controversy of the goodell era. They make decisions that dont have any basis in consistency. Look at spygate. He punished the patriots in 2007. He fined bill belichick, fast forward, suspend sean peyton for a year. Suspend a wrath of players. Some of them are vacated by his predecessor. And then the ray rice scandal, there is a outpours of criticism. That is one interesting part is people say were only here because its the patriots. Its also because of the dwindling credibility of spy spygate. It doesnt just hit you all at one time its piece by piece by piece. You look up and youre goodell and now you have to answer for footballs. Today was media day. Marshawn lynch famously does not like to talk to the press. He usually gives them the same answer over and over again. One espn reporter said he was threatened with a half Million Dollar fine if he didnt show up, so he showed up and here is how he did it. Marshawn lynch, its your show take it away. Im going to answer with the same answer so yall can shoot if you please. Im here so i wont be fined. Im here so i wont get fined. Im here so i wont get fined. Im here so i wont get fined. Im here so i wont get fined. Im here so i wont get fined. Im here so i wont get fined. Im just here so i wont get fined. Im just here to i wont get fined. Im just here so i wont get fined. Im here so i wont get fined. This was very polarizing. Marshawn lynch, an ungrateful jerk or a hero . It is probably neither. I find it insane that thats the most memorable thing of media day. He doesnt want to do it he seems to be uncomfortable with doing it. But the people have such a problem with the fact that he is doing is this really seem to have a problem with the fact that no one can tell him what to do. That seems to me to be what the issue is. No one is building their stories around march shun lynch at this point. If youre mad, there is a lot of other people you could talk to. Youre mad because he wont break for you. Media day is a reminder of the power and centrality of the nfl. It is by far the most entertainment brand in america. It is still consistently the biggest history from broadcast television. Revenues are north of 10 billion. Roger goodell, think of him as a ceo of a massive corporation. And one of the most important and powerful corporations. Nothing at this point can deliver 60 Million Viewers the way nfl football can. But that is his mistake because he looks like a ceo and not a football guy when people care more about football than a ceo. That is all for all in this evening. Thank you for joining us. Once upon a time the George Bush Administration paid people to do positive stories about them. They entered a p. R. Contract that included peoples of almost a quarter Million Dollars of this guy to do positive stories in the news as if he was a journalist. He was armstrong williams. He hosted a tv and radio show called the right

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