All that plus whats missing from Donald Trumps charitable giving. I give a lot of money. All in starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. After being mia from the campaign trail and skipping his regular phone calls to the sunday shows for the first time in five months, donald trump is back on the road in upstate new york with a rally in rotchester last night. Trump is pinning the blame on the entire republican nominating process. The system is rigged. Its a rigged, disgusting dirty system. Its a dirty system. You saw whats happening in colorado. Its one of the big things. Its a fix because we thought we were having an election and a number of months ago they decided to do it by, you know what. Right . They said well do it by delegate . We think about democracy and think about our country. Let me tell you a little secret as far as our country is concerned. We have a democracy, but we have to keep our democracy. Were going to do that. The statewide convention took place over the past weekend. The three remaining slots to go to officials. On saturday ted cruz completed a clean sweep of colorados delegate. The result of a well organized grass roots effort. Trumps campaign was almost totally absent. Im the state delegate director. When did you start in that role . On wednesday. Our expects are very low. We dont expect even one delegate. If we get one, thats a win for trump in colorado. Real low. We barely expect just to live for the next 48 hours trumps people did show up to pass out flyers and the three digit number showing where to find them on the crowded 600person ballot. Seven of the names directed people to the wrong number and one delegates name was misspelled. It wasnt just colorado. A number of states that held primar primaries picked people. Trump supporters lost out to delegates. The candidate himself admitted that two of his own children, including ivanka missed last months registration deadline for new yorks closed primary next week. Ivanka and eric trump unable to register because of the rules. Are the rules in new york unfair . No they had a long time to register and unaware of the rules. They didnt register. They feel very, very guilty. Trump is now blaming his delegate losses in colorado and elsewhere on the nature of the nomination process. A process he seemed to have grasped recently, if at all. Hes making common cause of democratic candidate, Bernie Sanders. In colorado where they just get all of these delegates and its not a system. There was no voting. I didnt go out there to make a speech or anything. Theres no voting. I heard them say thats the way it is. That shouldnt be the way it is. This was changed to help cruz. Im an outsider and came into the system and winning the votes by millions of votes. The system is rigged. Its crookcrooked. Im not a fan of bernie and every time i turn on the show, bernie wins, bernie wins, but hes not winning. He tweeted that how is it possible that the people of the great state of colorado never got to vote in the republican primary. Great anger. Totally unfair. The harder he makes it for Party Officials to steal the nomination at a contested convention where trump is all but certain to have the most votes and the most delegates. If he falls short of the magic number to clench the nomination, republicans may have a legitimacy problem on their hands. Trumps new Convention Manager is chipping away at the legitimacy of ted cruz delegate gains with some pretty wild accusations. They have taken an approach to some of the county conventions where they dont care about the party. If they dont get what they want, they blow it up. You go to the county conventions and see the gestapo tactics. Thats a strong word. Well be filing several protests because reality is they are not playing by the rules. Trump made a not so veiled remark. Republican party take note. I think youll see a whole lot more of these. Ive been a republican all my life. I will they ever be a republican again. Joining me now msnbc political analyst and former rnc chair Michael Steele and rick wilson. Michael steele, my sense you think its the case that there will be a genuine legitimacy problem. If hes not the nominee, thats going to be real problem. It is. Its largely because of the narrative thats built up around this election so far and how right now we see donald trump, again, reshaping and reframing the narrative around the process. People dont like to talk about process. They dont want to get into the weeds. He is explaining the process in a very direct way that people go, that makes sense. Thats not fair. Whats the problem . Theres going to set up this legitimacy question if theyre not clean hand here. Clean hands. If you dont have clean hands as the national party, state party in colorado made the mistake of having this go out afterwards that said, we got it done. Hashtag, never trump. That feeds the narrative that this process is rigged and donald trump will take advantage of that. To me its not even rigged. What i think is so fascinating, grimly compelling is its just the rules are what they are. No one thinks of the rules as being the most important thing. What think thiof the rules of creating the condition that the person will be the nominee with the most votes. Now they will find out thats not the way the rules work. Isnt that a problem . Chris, look, i cant be responsible for americas lack of civics education, but the party rules are what they are. The only thing that matters and we repeated this, youve said this and everyone else has too, the only thing that matters is 1237. If youre not there, its nothing. If youre there, its something. It doesnt matter if he got more votes or a plurality. If he doesnt get a majority, its not real. It doesnt matter. I know that donald trump loves to whine about the process. He loves to complain about the process. These rules are explicable. They are understandable. Donald trump with this team around him, they cant seem to manage their way through an arbys training manual much less the party rules. Im sorry for them. I feel bad for them that donald trump lacks the intellectual bandwidth to find out what hes doing here. The fact that ted cruz is skunking him and engaging in political discourse with people at the colorado convention, which is when we select delegates to the national convention, im sorry if donald trump is not smart enough to figure it out. Youre right on one level. This was not invented out of nowhere. The rules were there. They could have done better at this. Theyre doing a terrible job is the what is their job and the ceo running that enterprise is doing a poor job of managing that job. Lets stipulate all that. Its still the case that people in the modern primary system really is not thought of as a kind of representative election. Youre not electing a member of congress who will vote on bills. Youre voting for the person. We havent had a contested convention this 40 years. You can see the arguments you make the people will not be happy. Listen, the people that arent happy about it because they dont understand it, i feel for them. This is the Republican Partys nominating process. Its not a democracy. This is the Republican Party selecting its nominee. If donald trump didnt understand the rules and he wants to whine about it like a child, then thats what hes going to do. I know there will be people who will be disgruntled. He could have followed the rules and participated appropriately but he didnt. He didnt sign up appropriately to do it. The rules are what they are. I feel bad for people that dont get involved in it. Its not something for everybody. Mike, what do you think of that argument . I agree with rick. The rules are the rules. Its clear. You need 1237. Heres the problem. We saw in 2012, what the establishment will do when the rules dont go the way they want them to go. Ron paul wanted a nomination from the floor. They changed the rules from requiring five states with pl plurality to eight states with majority. Thats the part im talking about with clean hands. You cant go into this process and say the rules are the rules when Everybody Knows you can change the rules. Thats the rub here. Thats the opening donald trump has. Its also the problem that others have within the party with the clean hands narrative when it likes like they are trying to change the rules. Thats what concerns people. This is a moment that happened at the albany rally. Its something we have seen quite a bit. This is a protester. It appears to me like the gentleman in the hoodie is a protester. Hes yelling boo, boo. This guy comes and smacks him in the face. How concerned are you about escalation in cleveland . Well, look, roger stone and others have made a bunch of very vaguely veiled threats about that sort of thing. I think thats par for the course for the trump team and the trump organization. Youve got corey who will beat a women. You have donald trump who encourages this from the podium. I dont get all hyped up about them making threats like this. When roger stone says were going to find their hotel rooms and send protesters to threaten people, thats going to be the point where i hope they have lawyers and Health Insurance wired up before they do that. Gestapo tactics. A reference to mayor in 68. Thank you both. All right. Still to come, Speaker Paul Ryan insists he has no intention of becoming the republican nominee so why is he building a National Operation to counter trumps message. Look at ryans plan for cleveland. As a contested convention becomes more of a reality. Is it possible democrats might need to start planning for one as well . Jane sanders will join me. Well be back in two minutes with that interview. Do not go anywhere. Its where great ideas and vital data are stored. With centurylink you get advanced Technology Solutions from a trusted it partner. Including cloud and hosting services all backed by an industry leading Broadband Network and people committed to helping you grow your business. You get a company thats more than just the sum of its parts. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. You can get a great andeal on this jetta. , it drives great. Volkswagen believes safety is very important so all eleven models come standard with an intelligent crash response system. Hmm. And seven stabilityenhancing systems. Hmm. For more confidence. On road trips. Hmmfff. Hmm. For those who take safety seriously. Like we do. The Volkswagen Safety in numbers event. Hurry in and get a 1,000 volkswagen reward card when you purchase or lease select new 2015 or 2016 volkswagen models. Bernie Sanders Campaign manager, jeff weaver, is saying there could be one on the democratic side as well. Are we really talking about an open, contested convention in philadelphia . Absolutely, absolutely. The way the math is right now its very, very unlikely that either candidate will arrive at the convention with enough pledged delegates to win the nomination. When we arrive in philadelphia this summer, were going to arrive with two candidates, neither of which have enough pledge delegates to win the nomination outright. It will be an open convention on the democratic side. Now to become the democratic nominee a candidate needs the support of 2,283 delegates. Jeff weaver is suggesting that neither will win enough of the remaining pledged delegates up for grabs to get to that number. Despite sanders winning wyoming, he split the pledge delegates with hillary at seven apiece. Although she lost, she added to her lead among pledge delegates or at least maintained even. Her campaign was quick to point out in a statement saturday night, we congratulate sanders on a spirited campaign. Heres the thing. Team sanders seem to be counting on the super delegates. Those are not the pledge delegates but they will need them for a contested convention. Since they are not pledged, they are free to support the president ial candidate of the their choice at the convention. Clinton isnt worried about a scenario where they abandoned her for sanders. She has a lead in their express preference right now 46038. Right now im leading him with about two and a half million votes in the popular vote. Im leading him in pledge delegates with a larger margin than then senator obama ever had over me. I feel good about the upcoming con dess and i expect to be the nominee. I will hope to have a unified democratic party. Are you preparing for the scenario where neither of you enter the convention with the exact number of pledge delegates you need and there might be something of a floor fight or con tersed convention. Are you getting ready for that . No. I intend to have the number of delegates required to be nominated. Joining me now, jane sanders. Wonderful to have you here in new york. Nice to be here. The rules are the rules. Theres super delegates and pledge delegates. I was raring from sanders supporters. They arent antidemocratic institution. The will of the voters is one way. How could it be possible for the Sanders Campaign to go turn around, win fewer pledge delegates and try to get the super delegates to push them over the edge. We dont know were going to win fewer pledge delegates. We dont know whether either candidate will get the required number of delegates. If they dont, it is an open convention. You got to make an argument about democratic legitimacy at some level. We dont like the super delegate rules. Its ridiculous. 30 of the votes that somebody needs to get the nomination are individuals. One super delegates equals 1,000 people in wisconsin. Thats crazy. That doesnt seem democratic to us, but those are the rules of the game. We have to figure out to deal with them. When hes president , maybe well go back to one vote, one person. That sounds totally sensible to me. Clinton folks say we dont like the way the system works. We want to change it, but right now this is the way the system works. You deal with the system. Except, bernie said no. Im not going to say i dont like the Campaign Finance system, im going to do it differently. Everybody said it couldnt be done. Couldnt be done. Unrealistic. He did it. Hes got over six million contributions for an average of 27 a piece. In that system, the candidate makes the rules for themselves. Secretary clinton says i will take money from wall street, fossil fuel, pharmaceutical companies. Part of the reason is or part of the logic, theyll say, this gets to something a clinton person said theyre planning on focusing on Bernie Sanders untested. The argument isnt just about the primary. Theres going to be half a billion dollars in the general. The question is, well, can you raise that much money in a general. Maybe you need to start taking money from big interests because the way the state of american politics today. Nope. I think the reason bernie is doing well is hes doing it his way. Hes doing the way most people think democracy should be carried out. We will continue to do that. When you say hes untested, hes been tested many times. Hes run and every single time he ran, they didnt think he could win. They didnt think he could win as mayor. He won by ten votes. Last time he won by over 70 . He ran against the richest man in vermont. In his last election, we won that by a pretty good margin. In the last election he won the democrat, independents and 25 of the republican vote. Were in great position. Let me concede to you. Hes clear lay gifted politician in many ways. Public servant. He does politics. Hes been discounted and undercounted many time and won races people said he couldnt win. Thats right. Half a billion dollars in advertising dropped on him. He has never been faced that level of sustained attack on the national stage. Hes never not succeeded in what he set out to do. Hes a legislature. He is a politician where hes able to say how do i get from here to there. Youre confident. This is someone who had a Public Access show for years. Hes on the record for 30, 40 years. Theres people in the clinton world, off the record who will say this and republicans who say its on the record, which is give us Bernie Sanders and well make him look like chairman mau after he spend four months in his archives. No, no. I dont think so. I think they will be hard pressed because bernie has been consistent throughout his life. We can defend anything that hes done. I think that the clintons have tried to miss represent and distort his record. They havent been successful. You know why, its been kind of a two edge sword. He announced in may of 2015 and this media just didnt take him seriously. Neither did the clintons. Now they do. Over that time, he was able to present himself and define himself to the american people. Its true he was able to define himself. He got 86 of the vote in vermont. In maine and New Hampshire he got more votes than anybody in history. The people who know him best, trust him the most. Right. How do you get to know him . When that dark money starts flowing it, it gets pretty narly. Great pleasure. Nice to be here. Coming up, donald trump tri prides himself on his predictions coming true. Look at his twitter feed. Theres one thing he didnt see coming. Thats next. And why stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomh, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. Insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. Contact your health plan for the latest information. Theres the water company. We sell water. Trump steaks. We have steaks. We have trump steaks. We have trump magazine. You see the wine. Typically surreal press conference. Donald trump set up a table. They were still not available to the public. Theres one defunct product he recalls. He visits albany tonight. No, in 1989, trump really did start a Great American bicycle race. Race to rival the Tour De France from albany new york to new jersey and he called it the tour de trump. I really look to the future with investtments and deals. I think it can be tremendous in the future. Why not the tour de usa. Why not drop the name trump . You wouldnt be here doing an interview now. I would prefer if we could have done without. Somehow its been almost been beautifully. Its been so nice. It said die yuppie scum. Turns out trumps hope to rival the Tour De France didnt pan out. It lasted just two years with trump withdrawing his sponsorship after the 1990 race. It was won as the tour de pont for another six years before being shut down for good. Trump says hes given more than 100 million to charity. How much was his own money . I will give you this commercial break to guess. Dont google. The answer is next. Renews from within. Plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation without the need for fillers. Your concert tee might show your age. Your skin never will. Olay regenerist. Olay. Ageless. And try the microsculpting cream you love. Now with lightweight spf 30 i could get used to this. Now you can, with the luxuriously transformed 2016 lexus es and es hybrid. And im still struggling with my diabetes. I do my best to manage. But its hard to keep up with it. Your body and your diabetes change over time. Your treatment plan may too. Know your options. 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Tell your doctor if you take other medicines and about all your medical conditions. Insulins, including toujeo®, in combination with tzds thiazolidinediones may cause serious side effects like Heart Failure that can lead to death, even if youve never had Heart Failure before. Dont dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. Ask your doctor about toujeo®. Some are being taken care of by their lobbyist or campaign. Nobody is funding me. Nobody is taking care of me. That claim is pretty far from true. You might even call it false. This giant donation page makes clear, through 2015, more than half of trumps total spending was covered by checks from his supporters which included purchases of hats and tshirts. While trump has poured millions into his campaign, the vast majority of the contributions are loans rather than donations. Trump can be paid back by his campaign. Theres the fact that out of 12. 4 million, Trumps Campaign sent in 2015, a whole lot went back to trumps own companies. About 2. 7 million was paid to at least seven Companies Trump owns or to people who work for his real estate and branding empire including reimbursements for flights on his own lane and office space in trump properties. In addition to his selffunding claim, theres another figure he likes to tout. He says hes given more than 102 million to charity over the last five years. His campaign released pages to back that up. The Washington Post revealed not a single donation was a personal gift of trumps own money, not one. Many of the gifts he cited were just free rounds of golf. Here is one portion of the trump list, most of the entities listed are not actually charities. One is a big mystery. And someone name bryan, no last name, got 800. As the post points out, trump didnt give any money to his own foundation from 2009 to 2014, the most recent years in which tax records were available. The chartabdonations werent ma his own money. They said trump has given generously from his own pocket but declining to provide any documentation. David, great reporting. My first question is how, if you ran this kind of audit on any random rich business person, how common would this be . I think you should give a couple of examples of people in the same asset class as trump. If you look at the fortune list of billionaires in the world, trump is 324th with 4. 5 billion. Tied with him is george lucas and the redstone. Lucass foundation gave 55 million. Most was funded with his own money. Redstone foundation gave away 31 million. Trump only gave away 595,000. Theres real contrast in the giving level. Explain to me for people that have not read the article, how do you get from 100 million over however many years, how do you get from free rounds of golf. Is he donating services or stays theyre valued at a certain amount and counting that as a contribution. Theres a couple of different categories of gift on there. One is the free round of golf. Say the golf course in los angeles gives away a free round of golf to be auctioned off. Trump decides on whatever value he places on that round of golf. It doesnt have to be what it sells for and he counts that as a gift. 2900 different rounds of golf that he gave away in that way. Theres also, he counted a gift of land he gave to new york state. Its real gift. It only happened in 2006. The list was supposed to be of the last five years. The biggest is conservation easement. He owns land and agrees not to develop the land in some particular way and counts that as a gift because hes giving away the development rights. In california, he has a plot of land. He wanted to build houses. He can count that as a gift. He keeps the land and can make money off of it. Its a gift but hes not giving away the land. We should be clear. Conservation easements that are quite controversial offer significant monetary benefits for developers. I want to say two things. As a full disclosure, there was one entity that gave 500,000 that was nbc universal. There was a big relationship between nbc and donald trump. Second of all, theres reports that trump gave 100,000 to 9 11 memorial museum. We dont know how thats constituted. Theres reason to be a little curious given your reporting. He gave it out of his foundation. The mostly full of other peoples money. Thats where the donation to the 9 11 museum came from. A lot of reporting said it came from him but it was the foundation. Glad to have you here to give us that answer. Thanks for your time. Appreciate it. Thank you. Up next we dont often play video from the british parliament. When we do its because something amazing has happened. Well play it after this break. Americans. 83 try to eat healthy. Yet up 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens gummies. Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. One a day vitacraves gummies. laughing theres nothing like making their day. Except making sure their tomorrow is taken care of too. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. While youre mastering life. The possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. This weekend David Cameron became the first Prime Minister in british history to release a summary of his personal tax records going back over six years. The unprecedented disclosure followed revelations from the pana pana Panama Papers that the Prime Ministers father had an offer shore account that paid no taxes. He admitted he owned shares in that trust before selling them this 2010. He insisted he nor his father did anything illegal. This morning, anger at the Prime Minister boiled over in the british parliament. A new nickname was born. I didnt receive a proper answer then. Maybe dodgey dave will answer it now. By the way, by the way. Order. Order. Order. Order. Order. I must ask the honorable gentleman, order. Dont require any assistance. I invite order. The invite the honorable gentleman to withdraw the add j j adjective. All he has to do is withdraw that word and think of another. Sorry. I think he knows the word beginning with d and ending in y that he inappropriately used. Did he withdraw his remarks . Was order restored to the floor and why cant they say the word dodgy . Stay tuned. [ dolphin chatters ] so when you need a little house painting or a complete remodel, well help you get the job done right, guaranteed. Get started today at angies list, because your home is where our heart is. Only those who dare drive the world forward. Introducing the firstever cadillac ct6. Earlier today new nickname for Prime Minister cameron was born, dodgy dave. The speaker was asked to withdraw the characterization. Akooccording to the rules you arent allowed to use unparliamentary language. Other words that caused objection, coward, guttersnipe hooligan and traitor. They will ask for the word to be withdrawn and if they refuse to take back the word. Well, lets watch. I think he knows the word beginning with d and ending in y that he inappropriately used. Davey. Withdraw. I know. Very simple. Withdraw. This man has done more to divide this nation than anybody else. I still refer to him as dodgy dave. Do what you like. Order. Order. Order. Im sorry. I must ask the honorable gentleman to withdraw the word. Very well. Very well. Under the par given to me by Standing Order number 43, i order the honorable member to withdraw from the house for the remainder of this days sitting. Hes used to this. It was always just a hobby. Sometil the day it became. Something much more. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade. vo on the trane test range, you learn what makes our heating and cooling systems so reliable. If theres a breaking point, well find it. Its hard to stop a trane. Really hard. To put in dr. Scholls active series insoles. They help reduce wear and tear on my legs, becuase they have triple zone protection. And reduce shock by 40 . So i feel like im ready to take on anything. Billions are spent to confuse and, dare i say it, flummox the american public. Save 16 on car insurance. Switch now. Well at compare. Com, we say enoughs enough. So we constantly scrutinize millions of rates. Answering the question once and for all, who has the lowest. Just go to compare. Com and get up to 50 free quotes. Choose the lowest, and hit purchase. So you can get back to whatever it is you civilians do when youre not thinking about car insurance. Compare. Com income inequality has been the center of the democrat campaign. A new study shows how much it costs and that is time on this earth. According to the research, the richest american men live a full 15 years longer than a poorer. For women that gap shrinks to ten years. In some other parts of the country adults with the lowest income die on average as much as young people in much poorer nations like rwanda and life spans are getting shorter. Those revelations come from years of research. A author of the association of income and Life Expectancy in the u. S. Which was published today. I think we have an intuition that having more money would lead to Better Health outcomes but this gap is large. We find the gap varies greatly depending on where you have. The rich have high expectancy no matter where they live. The poorest live six years shorter lives than comparable americans living in new york than San Francisco. What drives these big gaps on Life Expectancy across income groups and across areas . Our sense is its not literally the effect of having more money, being able to buy more medical care. It seems to be driven by differences in health behaviors. Places like San Francisco and new york where the poor are living relatively long tend to have much lower rates of obesity, much lower rates of smoking and exercise. Things that are correlated with higher levels of income as well. Its fascinating to me that new york is one of the places where these life expectancies at the bottom of the escape as longer. It think of it has taking years off ones life. You found this very counterintuitive that its the opposite of true. We were surprised as well. You would think as new york as one of the most unaffordable places but theyre doing much better than other parts of the country. Places like new york and San Francisco have Public Policies that improve the health of the entire population, not just the rich but the poor. Which cities are the first to offer smoking bans or the ban on sodas. These kinds of policies might be what lead to Better Health among new yorkers. That is fascinating. Theres such a controversial aspect of new york city policy. The fact they are extending peoples lives is fascinating. Thank you. More to come. Well be right back. This just got interesting. So why pause to take a pill . And why stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. 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With xerox. Thank you for calling. Well be with you shortly. Yeah right. Xerox Predictive Analytics help companies provide a better and faster customer experience. Hello mr. Kent. Can i rebook your flight . Im here Customer Care can work better. With xerox. Wait im here mr. Kent . Okay. What is house Speaker Paul Ryan doing . What is he up to . Its a question bedevilling political operatives. Hes trying to fill a void for party thats leaderless. Hes injected himself into the gop primary battle when the rhetoric has gotten ugly and bigoted. He gave a speech in first of nearly 200 capitol hill interns. Two weeks later the speech was turned into a slick video thanks this part to the multiple cameras that were there. The video is posted on the website. It sure does look to all the world like something you do when youre running for something. What really bothers me is most is the notion of this identity politics that were going to win an election by dividing people rather than inspiring people on our common humanity. Ryan denies hes angling for or interested in the gop domination. The republican primary voters will make this decision. Its not our decision to make. Im not running for president. I made that decision consciously not to. I dont see that happening. Im not thinking about it. Im happy where i am. Its not going to be me. It should be somebody running for president. Which sounds an awful lot about ryan denying he was running for or interested in the speakership. Are you going to run for speaker . Im not. Why not . Because i dont want to be speaker. Are you reconsidering the statement you put out . My statement stands. I havent changed anything. Hes the most powerful republican in america since he will be in his capacity of speaker the chair of the the likely contested National Republican convention. Joining me is joan walsh and Charlie Pierce writer at large for esquire. Doth protest too much. Hes a boy scout. If we wanted to shoot down a rumor, you do not well, let that float out there a bit. We successfully got it out there. You do not cut an ad that looks like a campaign ad talking to those fresh faced, capitol hill interns. You do not go on a grand tour. You do not meet with theres stories hes meeting with funders this week in the observer. Hes doing this things you do not do if youre determined the shoot down this rumor. Thats true. Let me say this, charlie, hes attending a secret donor meeting next week. They say hes very interested in preserving the majority. They released a whole memo to nbc news in response to the speculation. Hes not running. He wont. Its that simple. Okay, but do you buy it . May i refer to the honorable gentleman as dodgy paul . Ill allow it. I stopped believing paul ryan, as far as i can throw the city of jamesville. I think hes as ambitious as satan. I dont think he wants to go out in the country where he was deemed not worthy of Vice President but worthy of president. I think hes running. Do you say he was ambitious as satan . Yes. Thats very ambitious. I dont know if hes that ambitious. Here is the thing so intriguing about this too. Conventions, in the modern era, the nomination is decided. The Campaign Comes in and takes over. They say monday night the theme is women and tuesday night small business. These are the speakers and blah, blah. Thats not going to happen in cleveland. Right. Whos doing it . Theres so much mythology around this man. The idea hes a fresh face after he ran four years ago and lost. The idea he fights the establishment when hes a donors dream candidate. Hes the antitrump. Hes the worst candidate to try to foist on this particular convention. Hes the standard bearer for rubioism, such as it is. The thing rejected by the republican base. Charlie, the idea that this guy is going to actually be holding the gavel, which in anybody, in any convening body the chair of the body has a lot of power. You can watch people gavel close on voice votes and say i want a voice vote and the room says no. He will have significant power, wont he in. I would assume so. We are assuming facts not in evidence that anybody is in control of any large gathering of republicans now. I dont think anyone is. He will have the parliamentary control over the convention. Whether that means anything or not is still an open question, i think . Who knows. Suppose ted cruz loads the conventions rules committee. What does paul ryan do . I have no idea and neither does he. Thats where you get into this thicket. Oc obviously they want to knock it down because it looks terrible. Charlie makes a good point. Hes going to have to mediate, get embroiled in conflicts that will be nasty. Hes going to make enemies. Do you come out of that process being the consensus candidate. You have to be somebody that a lot of people will turn to. I dont see how its him. That quote, it truck me that he said, in all these, the primary voters of the Republican Party will choose the nominee. Thats looking more and more like that might not be the case as a factual statement. Then theres john kasich who comes this third. The establish has had so many chances to take this. They failed. Thank you. Thats all in for this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts with steve in for rachel. Thanks to you at home for joining us the next hour. Rachel has the night off. This lovely spot is the town and county resort in san diego, california. This is where ted cruz moments from now is going to be holding a rally. The republican president ial idatcand expected to take the stage in the next few minutes. This comes after a day of campaigning all around southern california. He had a rally this afternoon in a city of irvine. In one sense you might say this is pretty unremarkable. A president ial candidate is holding campaign events. Hes doing it in a pretty big state. I guess that happens every day. You consider the candidate and you cons t

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