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Be able to buy their way into a nomination. Senator brian schatz on why he says the Trump Administration is woefully unprepared to deal with coronavirus. Were in great shape in our country. All in starts now. Good evening from washington, d. C. Im joy reed in for chris hayes. Today donald trump continued his fullon assault on the rule of law, pardoning and commuting the sentences of several highprofile criminals. He notably included former illinois governor Rod Blagojevich who was convicted of trying to sell Barack Obamas senate seat which he vacated because he was elected president in exchange for campaign contributions. He served eight years of a 14year prison sentence. You may remember the governor from the apprentice where you messed up the harry potter challenge and got fired by donald trump. Technically by the apprentice producers. Today the president commuted his sentence. Members of the Illinois House republican delegation released a statement saying, we are disappointed by the president s commutation of Rod Blagojevichs federal sentence. Blagojevich is the face of public corruption in illinois, and not once has he shown any remorse for his clear and documented record of egregious crimes that undermined the trust placed in him by the voters. Nbc news correspondent tom winter reminds us, quote, a jury found him guilty of trying to extort the ceo of childrens Memorial Hospital for a donation in exchange for increasing the payments to doctors who took care of Specialty Care kids. Oh, but donald trump was not done there. He also pardoned former new York Police Department commissioner Bernard Kerik who pled guilty to eight felony charges including tax fraud and lying to white house officials. He was nominated by george w. Bush to be the secretary of Homeland Security before withdrawing that nomination a week later. The judge gave kerik a longer sentence than agreed to in the plea deal saying, quote, i think the damage caused by mr. Kerik is in some ways immeasurable. Trump also pardoned bond trader michael millikin, the guy considered to be the face of Insider Trading in the 1980s. He was original charged with 98 federal counts including racketeering. He pled guilty to six felony charges of securities fraud and conspiracy. He was sentenced to ten years in prison. He also paid 600 million in fines and restitution. At his sentencing the judge said, quote, when a man of your power in the financial world repeatedly conspires to violate and violate securities and tax laws in order to achieve more power and wealth for himself and his wealthy clients, a significant prison term is required in order to deter others. Others who received clemency from trump today include former San Francisco 49ers owner Edward Debartolo jr. Who pled guilty in 1998 to concealing an extortion attempt involving the governor of louisiana. David safavian, a former Bush Administration official who was sentenced to a year in prison for lying with his association with jack abramoff. And another who was serving a 35year prison sentence for running a 205 Million Medicare fraud scheme. To be clear, it is the president who spent the last six months arguing he is so opposed to corruption. He had to make sure the ukrainian president was, too, by withholding congressionally approved military aid unless ukraine launched a fake investigation into the bidens and rooted around in a criminal theory to distract from the mueller findings. Somehow this is the group of people trump felt deserved clemency. Maybe it is a coincidence trump is pardons these felons as sentence of one of his criminal pals looms. Earlier today he tweeted about the judge of his longtime friend and adviser roger stone, suggesting stone deserved a new trial. Not long after the judge ruled stones sentencing hearing will go on as planned on thursday but he did say that his sentence will not begin until she rules on the request for a new trial. Trumps interference with the stone case has troubled the federal Judges Association so much they called an emergency meeting tomorrow to address it. Joining me is arthur dellinger. The acting solicitor general, under president bill clinton. Per dellinger, what do these pardons say to you as somebody who sort of worked in the high levels of justice in the United States . Well, i think they show that we really are at the end of being a country that believes in equal justice under law. There was no process to see how these crimes and these sentences compared with others who remain in prison. It is the president s own whim. When a president acts by whim and says, as he did of blagojevich, i watched his wife on television, that is an assault on the rule of law. But it goes much deeper than that. This is part of a threepronged assault on law as we know it. It involves threats of criminal prosecution of political opponents and those who investigate you. It involves promises that the president will intervene on behalf of those who commit crimes on his behalf, and the third leg of this assault is his attack on judges and jurors in cases in which he is involved. You know, there is a Banana Republic aspect to it, as you said, that if you are friends with the president or on his tv show you get a pardon, no matter what youve done. And if you cross him in any way you might end up prosecuted, and we know that william barr doesnt seem to be opposed to doing that. There also seems to be a kind of raw statement of power, that donald trump is saying if you commit these particular kind of crimes that are against the public trust, that are financial in nature, that are about corruption, when himself, was just impeached for corruption, it almost is sort of i dont know, it almost feels like a message about that, too. About the fact he is saying, no, no, im going to sort of dive into corruption and revel in it. Well, you know, thats a good point, joy. He treats he treats very high status people as if their high status is a mitigation of their crimes when, in fact, it is an exacerbation that makes them so much worse when you are a privileged person. Take for example the fact that he has intervened on behalf of someone who has got to be the National Security adviser and lied about an investigation not just any investigation, an investigation into a Foreign Military powers intervention in our election. He intervened on behalf of someone who has been a prominent associate of president s, that is roger stone, who committed five categories of lies and engaged in what the First Department memo said was a relentless, multiyear attempt to, again, obstruct justice in terms of an investigation into the corruption in the election. And then finally, the sympathy for someone who had the honor of being governor of one of our largest states and who was thoroughly corrupt and who sold a position in the United States senate. Now, he treats those as because theyre highstatus people, as if it is a mitigation of their crimes. Yes. Would it surprise you if you know, theres a certain thee at theatricality to the things that donald trump does. Theres been a lot of question whether he might try to pardon himself if he is found to have committed some crime and that he would certainly make himself the biggest pardon of them all. I think he would undoubtedly attempt to pardon himself. He would certainly pardon everyone around him. He certainly let it be known if hes reelected or even in the period after he was defeated he is going to take care of of everyone he knows including himself. I think the courts would reject his selfpardon. You know, no president has ever tried that before, so we cant be sure. The way in which he seems to revel in the fact that he could take someone like sheriff joe arpaio, a Law Enforcement officer who was targeting latinos for harassment and using the power of the police deliberately against a Minority Group and he pardoned him of criminal contempt of court. That the way in which he plays with this, i think dahlia lithwick, who has sometimes been on this show referred to the constitutionization of conservatism is what we face in this country. Donald trump wants credit for step backs of criminal justice reform. Do you sense in the pardon, especially what he did today, the real message is his own power, right . He essentially is saying if you are my friend, thats how you get justice, not somebody who was falsely accused or got too long of a sentence for having marijuana or Something Like that . I think thats right. There is absolutely theres the absolute absence of any sense of the people pardoned with how they compared with the culpability of the sentences of tens of thousands who remain in federal prison. The idea that he can act on mere whim i think is something we have never seen in a president before. You know, some people are going to raise bill clintons pardon of financier and fugitive mark rich, and theyre right. That was the worst thing bill clinton did in eight years in office, is that unjustified pardon. But donald trump is taking it to a very different level where hes using the levers of the power of his office in order to corrupt law. Threatening opponents, rewarding those who would commit crimes on his behalf, going after judges and jurors. I dont know where we go from here. I think we need 2,000 former prosecutors not just to sign a letter but perhaps to think about blocking willing to be arrested blocking the entrances to the Justice Department. Yeah, i mean you have to sort of use your lurid imagination to think where we could go from here. Walter dellinger, thank you very much. Appreciate your time. Thank you, joy. Joining me for more on the president parting spree, matthew miller, former chief spokesperson for the department of justice, now an msnbc justice analyst, and Betsy Woodruff swann. The daily beast and an msnbc contributor. Lets talk about where he could go from here and what it means. I will start with where he could go from here, betsy. Is there any reporting on how much more of this . It appears theres a pattern, someone was his friend or on the apprentice, he immediately respond to friends and gives them a pardon. Who might be next on the list . I spent the afternoon talking to people who identify or describe themselves as allies of roger stone, and they said that they saw the spate of clemencies that came down today as very comforting to them because they believe its a signal that the president is sending that roger stone may be next in line for this type of executive action. I thought your use of the phrase Banana Republic was interesting because a federal judge used that exact same phrase in a transcript that was recently released from a closeddoor hearing regarding an investigation that is now closed into andrew mccabe. The judge literally said that the fact that trump was tweeting about mccabe so often, the fact that he appeared to be interfering in that process created the appearance of a Banana Republic. So the thing to keep an eye on is both the president , of course, granting clemency to people who he views as his political allies in part because he sees them on fox news, and the inverse of that, which is the president encouraging doj to weaponize itself against people who he sees as his foes. Im glad also that mr. Dellinger, you know, talked about joe arpaio, because there are symbolic pardons of people hurting the people Donald Trumps base wants to see hurt, and so somebody like arpaio there is a sort of but theres a baby dockism because it is creating a special class of americans who are elite, who is Donald Trumps friends, and even if theyre blatantly criminals, sentenced to long criminal terms they get off simply because theyre in the trump class. I think the pardon is the way donald trump views the Justice System. It is one area of the criminal Justice System he can basically act unfetterred. He doesnt have to count on meddle is career prosecutors who made decline to carry out inappropriate orders they get, he can act completely unfettered. He uses the power the way he would like the entire criminal Justice System to work. He uses it to reward white collar criminals, people who look like him, people who commit the kind of crimes he has been accused of committing, people who committed fraud, people who committ committ committ committ committed obstruction of justice. Theres an argument to make that sentences are often too long. Blagojevich got 14 years, you can make an argument it is too long. But he only sees that when it is applied to wealthy or connected individuals. There are over 13,000 applications spending at the Justice Department right now. Many never will get an answer whether it has been granted, let alone clemency. The president has shown no interest no those at all. Every once in a while hell give a pardon top nonviolent drug offenders, but the numbers sitting in jail right now deserving clemency versus the number of people he rewards who are wealthy, connected offenders shows you who he thinks deserve justice and who he doesnt. Even in the case of an unknown person, a person of color, Kim Kardashian had to ask. Yes, you have to have a celebrity intercede on your behalf. Paon for everyone. Donald trump is obsessed in undoing what Robert Mueller found, undoing the fact of russia helping him get elected. The shame of that and the shame of impeachment apparently are so painful he must undo it. It feels like we could see giuliani, you know, prepardoned in advance, so he cant be charged. You are manafort out there. Is in any word, any sort of reporting that he might be looking to try to erase the record on the people who have been sent to prison in crimes related to the Mueller Report . It is a speculation i have heard from people close to the president , is that if trump were to pardon or commute manaforts sentence that it is likely it would come after the 2020 election. I think it is unlikely to see him make any movement, particularly on that guy who formerly was a lobbyist for why would he . It is not like republicans would do anything about it if he did. Republicans certainly wouldnt, buts he is to roger stone. Second, he is really politically electric and the president had advisers close to him for quite sometime now telling him that were he to grant that clemency it would be a mistake. One thing that i think is important to note, to matts point, is that the president commuted the sentences of two nonviolent drug offenders today but when he talked to reporters thats not what he was talking about. Did Kim Kardashian ask for those . I have no knowledge of that. Im not sure. The other question is william barr, who in a lot of ways is the most dangerous man in washington right now because he doesnt seem to have any sense of resistance to the idea of having the department of justice act as the sword of the president of the United States to go after his enemies. Is there any reporting about the idea that maybe people inside doj might start to rebel . There have been a lot of rumors. There were a lot of rumors last week after the four federal prosecutors removed themselves from the case there were other people in the Justice Department that were deeply troubled by what william barr had done and were willing to take action. In fact, i think thats why barr did the interview he did where he tried to distance himself from the president. It wasnt because he was actually concerned about what the president was doing, it was because he was trying to quell a rebellion inside the department. I think the reason you see the internal concern at doj and the federal judges who are holding a meeting tomorrow, the reason you see this judge that betsy referred to who referred to the departments actions as something out of a Banana Republic, you see them speaking out because you realize the rule of law is fragile. This norm where the department of justice is independent from the white house is not something that is in law or statute or the constitution. It only exists because president s and attorneys general have respected it. If you dont have an attorney general that respects it is only going to work if you have people inside the department who are willing to take themselves off cases or judges to step up, and you have seen both of those checks pop up in the last few weeks. And the question is, is barr going to try to keep steamrolling them, and if so, is he going to be able to . Is there single republican in washington that will say a word about it . Matthew miller, Betsy Woodruff swann, thank you for being here. Up next, congresswoman Maxine Waters says the president is out of control after his acquittal in the senate. I will ask what democrats intend to do about it in two minutes. Hi were glad you came in, whats on your mind . Can you help keep these guys protected online . Easy, connect to the xfi gateway. What about internet speeds that keep up with my gaming . Lets hook you up with the Fastest Internet from xfinity. What about wireless data options for the family . Of course, you can customize and save. Can you save me from this conversation . That we cant do, but come in and see what we can do. Were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. Ask. Shop. Discover. At your local xfinity store today. It has been almost two full weeks since the senate acquitted donald trump on two impeachment charges, abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Since then he has been on a revenge tour, going after all of the people that he blames for the humiliation of impeachment. Instead of learning his lesson, susan collins, he is redoubling his efforts to abuse his power. Out in the open. He is testing the limits just to see how much he can get away with, and right now with republicans taking the knee and attorney general william barr behaving and the hand of the king, the house which voted to impeach donald trump last year seems to be the only check on his president ial wrongdoing. What can they do to make sure he does not continue to abusing his power . To help answer that i am joined by someone calling for his impeachment since 2017, congresswoman Maxine Waters who chairs the financial serves committee. Always great to talk with you, congresswoman. Thank you. Delighted to be with you this evening. Thank you. Lets talk about donald trump postimpeachment. Impeachment, as we have talked about a lot, it is not a punishment, it is a sanction, right . Even if a president is not removed, it is meant to be a sanction and send a message that this is the limit beyond which you cannot go. Donald trump seems to be blowing directly through that limit, ignoring the sanction and behaving even worse than he did before. Is there anything the congress can do about that, having already pulled the lever of impeachment . No, you know, joy, you are absolutely correct. Weve gone through the trial. The house voted to impeach him, but the senate did not act responsibly and they basically exonerated him. So we have a president thats out of control. Remember, the president said he could stand on fifth avenue and shoot somebody and nothing would happen to him . Hes always believed that. So now that hes gone through the impeachment, which he never thought that he was going to go through, he is going to get revenge. He is going to show you that there are no limits to the president ial power and, you know, while everybody is talking about the commutations and the pardons and the clemency and all of that, hes going to be even worse. He is going to wreak revenge on some people. I dont know in all of the ways that hes going to do it. Then he is going to put putin right in our face. He is going to bring him to the white house and he is going to say, be damned the congress of the United States, im going to do whatever i want to do. So weve got to turn out those people who understand that hes dangerous, that he doesnt care about the constitution. Weve got to organize and weve got to turn out the vote. We have to vote him out of office. Do you believe that if donald trump is reelected that he will drop all sanctions on russia and, as you said, bring Vladimir Putin to the white house . Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. He will pardon manafort. He will lift all of the sanctions from russia. He will be even more involved with the oligarchs of russia, and he will bring putin to the white house, i believe that, if he is reelected. But we have to make sure, those of us who really respect and care about the constitution and know that russia has hacked into our Democratic National committee, into our state election system, and we are knowing very well that theyre going to do it again in this election, we have got to work hard to make sure that they dont get away with it, that we dont have this president who will carry out that kind of agenda if he is reelected. Weve got to make sure this man is not elected again. Part of the risk of donald trump is not just that his own sort of sense of, you know, monarchical nature and his desire to be an autocrat, it is that he is surrounded by sycophants and those that believe he should be able to behave like he is a king. Here he is talking about his own Law Enforcement powers. Just so you understand, i chose not to be involved. Im allowed to be totally involved. Im actually, i guess, the chief Law Enforcement officer of the country, but ive chosen not to be involved. And he is talking about the roger stone case, but he is being enabled by that by the attorney general. Here is william barr. He has insinuated before that president s are the chief Law Enforcement officer, that they essentially have absolute power. This is a quote from a speech he gave all the way back in 2001, talking about what he said to george h. W. Bush. I remember right before we indicted the pan am 103 people, the investigation was going on, and the president , george h. W. Bush, said to me, would it be okay for you to brief us in the National Security council on where things stand . Would it be okay . Well, i work for you, youre the top Law Enforcement officer. As long as its okay. The fact that he has this attorney general who believes he should be king, is that more dangerous in the sense of Donald Trumps own proclivities. Well, the American People should be focused on barr and we should all be joining with all of those federal prosecutoring attorneys who have decided that he should step down, that he should resign. We should be supporting them, we should be backing them up. Im anxious to see what the federal judges who have decided they cant wait until the yearly association meeting, that they should Pay Attention to what is going on now and review what has happened. Im anxious to see what theyre going to come out with. But the American Public should get behind this if they care anything about our democracy. You know, for all of those people who say that they, you know, honor the flag and that they are in support of, you know, our democracy being strengthened, for all of those people who say that, where are you . Cant they see what is happening . Were in a constitutional crisis in this country with a president who is running amok. He is out of control. We have got to make sure that hes not reelected. We have to speak up, we have to resist. I dont hear enough voices. It is not only the sycophants around him, its the average american who gets up every day who is going to work, who is taking care of their families, who is thinking somebody else is going to see to it that this president is not reelected, but, no, its got to be all of us out there working and working very hard. We have a constitutional crisis and weve got to deal with it. This is what democracy is all about. When you see a president out of control, when you see those who have been elected to office who are not acting responsibly and theyre endangering our democracy, youve got to speak out against them, youve got to work against them, and youve got to make sure that theyre not reelected ever again. Well said, congresswoman Maxine Waters. Thank you so much for being here tonight. Really appreciate you. Youre so welcome. Thank you. Thank you. Ahead, lots of new movement in the latest nbc news polling. Michael bloomberg makes the debate stage. Which could have big implications for the big debate. Well talk about it next. Hi guys. This is the Chevy Silverado with the worlds first invisible trailer. Invisible trailer . And its not the trailer right next to us . This guy . You dont believe me . Hop in. Good lookin pickup, i will say that. Oh wow. Silverado offers an Optional Technology package with up to 15 different views including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. Wow. Thats pretty sweet. Thats cool. Oooohh thats awesome. Whered the trailer go . I love it. Its magic. In 24 hours democrats will hold their next president ial primary debate in las vegas, nevada. The debate will air right here on msnbc. Coverage begins at 8 p. M. Eastern anchored by my pal and colleague rachel maddow. Tomorrow night there will be a new candidate on the stage. As of this morning former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg qualified for the debate by getting 10 or more percent in at least four National Polls. Today two new National Polls show bloomberg jumping up into the teens. Our own nbc news wall street journal has Bernie Sanders with a doubledigit lead at 27 , by next is biden at 15 , down from last month, followed by bloomberg and warren at 14 . Buttigieg is at 13 and klobuchar at 7 . That tracks with an nrp pbs Newshour Marist poll released today that shows Bernie Sanders at 31 , bloomberg at 19 , biden at 15 , warren at 12 , klobuchar and buttigieg at single digits. They get the shot to take on bloomberg facetoface and well talk about that next. Y schizoph. I also felt my tongue darting and pushing against my cheeks. I was worried what others would think. Td can affect different parts of the body, and it may also affect people who take medications for depression and bipolar disorder. I know i shouldnt change or stop my medication so i was relieved there are Treatment Options for td. If this sounds like you or someone you know, visit talkabouttd. Com to sign up to receive a personalized doctor discussion guide to help start a conversation with you doctor about td. Youll also be able to access videos and a free brochure that show the different movements of td. Visit talkabouttd. Com or call to learn more. I was glad to learn there are treatments for td. Learn more at talkabouttd. Com. There will be six Democratic Candidates on the debate stage tomorrow night. Like last debate there will be one billionaire, though not this time steyer. Michael bloomberg. Finally facing his Democratic Candidates for the nomination for the first time. Elizabeth warren is up for a fight, tweeting out, it is a shame Michael Bloomberg can buy his way into the debate, but at least now primary voters curious how each candidate will take on donald trump can get a live demonstration of how we each take on an egomaniac billionaire. Im joined bid karine jean pierre. Chief Public Affairs for move on. Org. Thank you both for being here. Im going ladies first because i like the fact that i tweeted out about that comment by Elizabeth Warren as well because i do feel like the zeitgeist including in our business in the media is to try to make las vegas a Bernie Bloomberg faceoff. Right. And i worry that that is shortsighted in the sense that we know what Bernie Sanders is going to say. We know what hes been saying the same thing consistently since he ran the first time, really for 30 years according to his supporters. We dont really know what warren is going to say, but we know she has been a student of bankruptcy. This is her thing. This is like her vibe. I actually expect that to be the hottest matchup on the stage. I agree. Can i add one more thing about what we will see on the debate stage tomorrow . Not one person of color. None. Not one person of color on that stage after starting as the most happy black history month. Happy black history month, yes. So, you know, it is the media we are talking about how the media is trying to make this into and the two candidates as well, bernie versus bloomberg. And heres the think. Thing. Weve only had two other contests. Right. Thats it, two small contests. One was 90 white, you know, New Hampshire was 93 white, and now were finally getting into a more diverse state. We have South Carolina, and then we have super tuesday states. Those first four states, only 4 of the delegate number. Thats right. Thats it. We still have a long way to go. Yep. But here is the problem. Because of that messaging and because of whats out there, there are people who have been voting already. Yes. California, north carolina, other states are voting already, and theyre watching this narrative thats coming out. Theyre watching what is in the media. So that is the unfortunate thing for someone like warren, for someone even like biden, because people are voting in there and the narrative has not been on their side. Yes. Thats what makes it dangerous when you control the narrative in that way. And so you do have these two halves of the Democratic Party. You have the part that says, you know, after obama, that proves that, you know, big change is possible in terms of a black president , for gods sake, in a country that had enslavement. Now we will push it further. Then we have voters that go, were not doing that. Trump came along, we need safety. Those two parts are intergenerationally, even within the black community, you know, between those two sides. Is there a candidate you have seen that is able to bring them together because a lot of people are saying it is bloomberg but it is not clear why it is bloomberg. It is just because he has a lot of money. I think the short answer is no, i dont see that. For a simple reason, and to some extent it is a little bit bernie. The reason i say that is because as much as i wish things were slow and steady and these first four states were put into context over many months, historically we run up against a problem at these first four, particularly these two, you know, white as white bread states, iowa and New Hampshire, coming first. They really do impact the race. What about when theyre because i feel like there was a null result out of the two of them. Buttigieg and bernie sort of split the two states. They did. Neither had a strong victory, and buttigieg has not gotten much of a bounce in the polls. They did, but no one in either party has become their nominee without winning iowa or New Hampshire since 1992. Now, good news is, for those who didnt win iowa or New Hampshire, is that it was bill clinton. He went the whole way. He even lost the first four. Right. There is history against people and, you know, bloomberg it might be people might look back and say he shouldnt have waited to jump in, that skipping the first four skipping the first two maybe, but South Carolina and nevada, because theres supply and demand problem. People are excited about him, even if it is just because theyre getting so nervous and anxious about beating donald trump and theyre not seeing who that is, so theyre projecting on to him. They cant do anything about it. About it, right. They cant vote for him. They cant vote for him, but the thing that it does put pressure on is biden. Biden must do well, even though as you said this is a tiny, tiny slice of the delegate. I think 14 is the most delegates the winner of iowa got. But if biden doesnt do well, is there going to be a rush to bloomberg among his supporters . Absolutely. Like we said, the supporters are watching this. Voters i said this the other day on your show. Theyre playing pundit right now. Theyre very, very nervous and theyre thinking, who can beat donald trump . That is and we have to remember bidens whole theory of the case for him was he was electable, he was electable. He needs to come in second in nevada and he needs to win South Carolina. Yes. Without that, whats his theory of the case . Yeah. What is he going to offer voters . So it is he is in a tight, tight space right now, and he has to perform. Lets talk about bernie for a second. God bless my mentions, im going to pray for this as i bring it up. Oh, please. Just dont look at twitter for two days. Im going to stop looking after i say this. The challenge for sander is he does a small majority but he has a solid 25 , 26 , 27 , that he takes with him to every poll. His people are not going anywhere. If he is the nominee, he needs the clinton people, he will need obama people. Yes. Has his campaign become so feisty in its you know, sort of to hell with everybody kind of attitude that he will be difficult for him if he is nominee to bring everyone around . It is the latter. Theyve become obstinate to some extent. If bernie becomes the nominee, he can win. He will not win by saying, to hell with all of you. To all of you being the Democratic Party, to the bad guys, the establishments. He is saying he wants everyone, but a lot around him theres that feel. The fish, you know, puts people off from the top. He needs to say, look, what happened happened, for my own benefit. The man wants to be president. He needs to do what it takes to become president , which is just suck it up and say, hillary, i need your people, i need everybody. Otherwise it is whackamole. Yes, bernie might appeal to some voters who went for trump or didnt vote at all because they like the outsider insider dynamic. But if you get those and you lose huge swaths of the Democratic Party you have a problem. Remember, right now and this goes for all of them, pete, bernie, warren. The most popular person in the democratic field is not the favor of 75 of the rest of the party. Someones got a lot of work of unifying to do, and that is not Bernie Sanders and team sanders and sanders bases strong suit. Yes, it will be very understanding. Karine jeanpierre. Felipe ryan. Vegas. Do we all feel good about donald trump managing the response to the coronavirus . Do you feel good about that . Thats the gamble. Senator brian schatz is raising flags about what the administration is and isnt doing. Scaring is caring. Coming up. 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No one was more panicky than citizen trump who didnt want her to return home at all. They are great people. Theyre tremendous people. But they have to suffer the consequence. They go and they try and help other people, but things like this happen. Our country has enough problems. Send the doctors to liberia. Send the doctors to west africa to take care of our people. Thats one thing, but dont let them in. We should end flights coming in from west africa and liberia, we should certainly do that. Trump insisted he understood ebola better than the experts tweeting, it is much easier to transmit than the cdc and government and representatives are admitting and not simply show off his medical degree from nowhere. He went full conspiracy theorist encouraging people not to trust the government to deal with the outbreak. I think very few people trust our government as being competent. Lets not kid ourselves. I mean, we have virtually incompetent leadership so why would anybody trust our government to handle this crisis . Well, now trump is the head of our government. Hes the one were supposed to trust to deal with the outbreak of coronavirus, and yet heres what he had to say last month at davos. Have you been briefed by the cdc i have. Are there worries about a pandemic . No, not at all. We have it totally under control. Its one person coming in from china and we have it under control. Its going to be just fine. Now the situation in the United States is still relatively good, but since trump said things were totally under control, the death toll in china 1,900 and infections have risen from 540 to over 72,000. And at least 15 cases have now been reported here in the United States. Speaking of trumps claim, Harvard School of Public Health professor michael mina said even a middle schooler wouldnt have said that. Everyone is using caution in how were framing what the risk is primarily because we dont understand what the risk is at the moment. The last thing anyone would say is, we are not concerned. Everyone is concerned. There are other reasons to be concerned here, too, like the fact that senator brian schatz of hawaii is describing the administrations handling of the virus as, quote, keystone cops. And hell join me live right after this. Today when donald trump took to the airport tarmac to tout his latest batch of pardons, he was asked about the coronavirus and how china is handling it. Some people dont seem to trust the data coming out of china. Are you worried about that . Look, i know this. President xi loves the people of china, he loves his country, and hes doing a very good job with a very, very tough situation. If the president seems muted in his response, it may be because of his relationship with china and their president xi jinping. The Washington Post reports that, quote, worries about rattled Financial Markets and their effect on the economy as well as delicate negotiations with china over a trade deal have played a large role in influencing the president s friendly posture towards china. We also know trumps new budget comes for cutting u. S. Funding to the World Health Organization in half and the top Global Health position on the National Security council has been vacant for almost two years. With cases of the coronavirus topping 72,000, including 15 cases here in the United States, nearly 2,000 people dead, well wbl that response from the president is just not enough, is it . Especially for people on the front lines. Hawaii is one of the states with ports of entry screening for the coronavirus trying could coordinate with the Trump Administration. Senator brian schatz joins me. How is it going with the antiscience administration with no one in the nsc Health Division . Well, i think youve got it exactly right. Youve got an administration that doesnt care much about science, but also they dont really care about governing. All this stuff is kind of boring to them which is why theyve defunded the programs designed to help prevent a Global Pandemic. Its why they left the position open at the National Security council and there is literally no one in charge of this from the National Security council side. And not only do they leave it vacant, but they eventually decided that they were going to eliminate the position altogether. They cut the cdc by 9 , so youre kind of dealing with a government that doesnt care about government and then overly your sort of normally bumbling incompetence onto the possibility of a Global Pandemic and youve got exactly what you got a couple weeks ago. The good news is that on the ground things are safe in hawaii and elsewhere across the country, but its not because of anything that the Trump Administration has done. Its been in spite of it. Let me just give you one example of the kind of how nuts it was at the very beginning. There was an order to quarantine individuals and the president i think issued an executive order on a friday. It was in effect it was super bowl sunday. For about half an hour. And our state officials were on a Conference Call with officials from the federal government. They didnt know when planes were going to be landing, how many people were coming from the relevant province, and whether or not they were they had the capability to assess them, intake them and quarantine them, and then if so, where they were to be quarantined. So this Conference Call we had while planes were in the air was sorting all of this out. Now, weve got robust capabilities in the state of hawaii so we sort of fixed this. But, again, not thanks to the white house. And who do you talk to . Who do hawaii officials talk to in the white house . Who is there that has any competency at all . Are there career people left to speak to . Like, who do you call . There are a few career people who are really trying to get this right. And, listen, i have tremendous respect for the heads of both National Institutes of health ied and the centers for disease control. Coordination and effort because cdc does what it does. Nih does what it does. You really need someone to make sure the agencies work together. So there was a good example of the lack of agencies working together. They literally didnt know where people were going to be quarantined and we were being told two Different Things while planes were in the air. Some people said within the civilian population, our attorney general said, no way. And then we were told it was going to be fine if the individuals who needed quarantine were going to be at the joint bases pearl harbor hi hickam in a security facility. But then dod told us, no, thats a nogo. We were left sending texts and sorting out where these individuals were going to go and how they were going to be safely transported while planes were wheels up on their way to honolulu. It was pretty bananas. We have settled it. I just want to reassure everybody we have settled it. Yeah. But to the extent weve been fortunate with this disease its because of the epidemiology of the disease, not was of some sort of coordinated response from the federal government. Are you concerned, you know, having seen a lot of the interesting stuff go through the senate, the Trump Administration might try to use this coronavirus outbreak as just a way to do more ethnonationalist immigration policy . I think you can always assume there will be an angle to this that includes scaring people in the United States about people from other countries, and one of the things that worries me about preventing Global Pandemics and having a Global Response from the United States standpoint, which we have been good at, the funding depends whether the particular disease captures the public imagination. Because there was a movie about ebola and it was terrifying, they got 6 billion. Zika was a little harder to explain and less terrifying. They got 500 million and much later. There is a better way to do this, just like the federal Emergency Management agency, fema, they get a tranche of money and then they determine how the money ought to be spent based on the severity of the disaster, and thats what i think needs to happen with cdc and nih, so they dont have to come to the congress and have, you know, have it depend on whether or not were getting along with ourselves or whether we want to demagogue something. We should be funding a Global Health response. And in this day and age, its important to separate this all out from politics. Very quickly, we dont have a lot of time, any of your colleagues have second thoughts about letting this guy off the hook dealing with him privately . Oh, you mean my republican colleagues . Senate. Yeah, republican. Yeah. I think its not so much if they had to do it over again they would have voted to convict. I just dont think that would be factually correct. Yeah. I do think theyre struggling with what their role is any more and i think that they are sort of Walking Around hang dog, ashamed of their vote because they know everybody talks about us being the article i branch. Not now. Im sorry, im out of time. They gave up their authority. Brian schatz, thank you for your time. Thank you so much for your time. The 11th hour with Brian Williams start now. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. President trump has today declared he is the nations chief Law Enforcement officer. That title normally goes to the attorney general, but as weve noted, these are not normal times. In fact, if you believe the story just out tonight, that same attorney general is mulling over quitting if the president keeps tweeting. Plus as another trump friend and ally faces some serious federal prison time in a celebrated case, the president flexes one of the more awesome powers of his office by stepping into pardon criminals involved in some notorious corruption cases. Well also look at what is motivating the youthful surge in support of Bernie Sanders. And we have a preview of tomorrow night. It wont look like a o

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