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See. All of this is live. There are no reruns in this part of our coverage. Lets head over to msnbcs Steve Kornacki. Steve, i feel like even though this is really five states yet to be called and one, North Carolina, were not talking about much because they havent been producing new vote totals and Neither Campaign seems to be as focused on North Carolina so it is really four states. Even with only four states on the board i do feel like the potential yalties of what these results might mean toward who is going to be the next president sometimes get conflated in my mind. Maybe ive been on the air too many hours. Its true. All this talk about arizona and, you know, trump could overtake biden there plaus baibly and we get an update tomorrow morning. In georgia biden might overtake trump and it might land in the zone where there is a recount. Heres the ball game at the moment. Its pennsylvania. You just mentioned it. Donald trump leading by 42,000. Dwindling with every update. We set it up a couple hours ago and said biden is winning about threequarters of the mail votes on average. That remains the average. Weve had tens of thousands of mail votes counted since then. He continues to win them at that rate. If you just look at the outstanding vote if that rate continues, biden would more than cut that deficit to zero. He would go ahead himself by tens of thousands of votes so it raises the question. If that happens if biden passes trump, if biden pulls away in pennsylvania, if biden wins pennsylvania from the road to 270 standpoint that is a biden win and what it does to the electoral math. Joe biden goes over 270. If biden is declared the winner in pennsylvania biden becomes president elect. Trump could still get the win in arizona. Trump could still hold off biden and get the win in georgia. Trump could get North Carolina. At this point the Trump Campaign probably feels good about North Carolina. We could get into the details on that but put it aside for a minute. Trump could get Everything Else out there right now. If he doesnt get pennsylvania, he doesnt get to 270. Period. So pennsylvania is the ball game. Were getting the most vote out of there. You heard that Chris Jansing report. Theyll be counting the vote overnight it sounds like in pennsylvania. You do see since weve been on the air, keeping track of the numbers, where we started to where we are now theres been significant erosion. So we can expect if what chris is saying is right theyll count through the night, we can expect this to continue to erode through the night. Meanwhile were not hearing anything until the morning from arizona. Well see what happens in georgia. Were not hearing anything until tomorrow in nevada. Were not hearing anything until next week in North Carolina but well learn a lot about pennsylvania i think in the next few hours and overnight. Steve, lets talk about tunk the telescope the other direction. If the pennsylvania numbers come in wildly differently than expected, lets say President Trump wins pennsylvania. It is not then an openandshut case for him. Pennsylvania, winning pennsylvania is enough for joe biden to put it away. Winning pennsylvania isnt enough for President Trump to put it away. Correct . Yeah. Necessary for trump but not sufficient. So right. That is a good way to think about it. Right now we say the ball game is pennsylvania in that biden wins the ball game if he wins pennsylvania. Trump stays in the ball game if he wins pennsylvania. And then you start looking at the rest of the electoral map and what it would take for donald trump. If you gave him pennsylvania hed be sitting at 234. Again, his campaign feels good about North Carolina. I think there may be good reason for that. That would put him at 249. If he holds off biden in georgia, that is a huge if, given what were seeing there. But if he does that would put him at 265. Then youd be looking at, okay. Alaska. Thats not called. Remember that one . If trump gets alaska, 268. That would leave a nevada or an arizona. Hed have to pull off one of those. Certainly you see and have heard tonight about what we can expect in nevada tomorrow. That really probably means arizona. Arizona is the one where trump seems to have a shot so hed need arizona. Hed need georgia. Hed need North Carolina, alaska. Hed need pennsylvania. It is interesting. You could look at these states right now. Certainly alaska. Certainly North Carolina. I think you could still make a case trump could pull out georgia somehow and certainly make a case he could pull out arizona. But pennsylvania is the one. When you start looking at these votes youre right. Something dramatic would have to change in the remaining results in pennsylvania because the trajectory right now is not one the Trump Campaign wants to be on in that battleground. One more, steve. Like youre my human calculator. Give georgia to biden and if georgia goes to biden and trump gets pennsylvania then what happens . So weve got, were giving trump arizona, too, and then if biden does get nevada nevada would be actually for either one of them. Exactly. If trump got nevada that would be oh, thats the tie. The thing we dont speak of. Welcome to the house of representatives election for president. What a way to end 2020. I keep running into that brick wall. It is not like a trick im trying to do. Now its you bursting into flames. Exactly. Please put me out. Thank you very much, steve. Over to you, brian. Thank you. For those viewers watching earlier tonight, if you saw a uniquely 2020 moment, the president of the United States entered the Briefing Room at the white house, started to speak, and we chose to cut away because he wasnt telling the truth. And more than that, he was attacking the veracity and integrity of the electoral system in his country. This is all a way of bringing in our friend Lawrence Odonnell whose hour this normally is. Lawrence has a special guest who might speak to the mom ent we witnessed earlier. Thats right. Joining us is mary trump, President Trumps niece the author of too much and never enough, how my family created the worlds most dangerous man. Mary, when i was watching the president make his statement this afternoon i was thinking of you as i so often do wondering what was going through your mind. What were you seeing . Well, were seeing a man who is in a unique position. Donald has never been in this place before where theres nobody to bail him out, theres nobody to buy him out. Hes desperate. Hes flailing. And theres literally nothing he can do legitimately except to watch this play out helplessly. And i think based on what he said, thats a pretty good indication of what we could potentially be in for especially if Republican Leadership continues to do nothing. This wasnt just donald obfuscating or lying. This was donald talking about an attempted coup. The leader of a country trying desperately to delegitimize an election. It is obscene and somebody has to step in and stop him. We have reporting in the Washington Post tonight describing your uncles condition in the white house as a downward spiral. It is strikingly similar to the kind of reporting that bob woodward and Carl Bernstein did on the final days of Richard Nixon in the white house when nixon was literally wandering the halls late at night with henry kissinger, some of that time drunk. Very detailed kind of downward spiral for nixon already in our history books. What would be your imagined view of what your uncle is going through in the white house now . Oh, hes in an uncontrollable rage i would imagine. The difference, however, is that privately, you know, nixon, donald, its bad. I mean, its never good to know the person in the oval office is decompensating. However, it is donalds public statements we really need to be worried about. The damage that he just did is inka incalculable and well deal with it for a very long time. Nobody in the Republican Party steps in. Democrats cant do anything about this. Only the republicans, the people in his administration can do something about this. I think that the public statements is a pretty good indication of how bad things are privately. I have to ask you quickly about one word and thats the word loser and how it will fit in Donald Trumps life and in his psyche as joe biden approaches 75 million votes. Those are votes against your uncle, rejecting your uncle, firing your uncle to use his term. It is going to be the largest number of votes against a president running for reelection in history. How will your uncle live with the word loser if this trend continues and joe biden closes in and finishes it off in the Electoral College . You know, its interesting. Unfortunately and again i think this is a terrible indictment of where we are as a country, donald also will have been the person who received the second most votes in American History in a president ial election, but that will not comfort him because what is going to exacerbate his loss is the fact that the republicans, at least it looks like they may keep the senate and they gained seats in the house. So essentially, he cannot avoid but experience this as a repudiation of him, a rejection of him. And he is not going to get beyond that and its going to be a very dangerous couple of months. Mary trump, thank you very much for joining us once again tonight. We always appreciate it. Great to be here. Thank you, lawrence. Arngs brian, back to you. Lawrence odonnell, mary trump, our thanks. Again, the states were concentrating on, we all know them by heart by now. The race that has tightened dramatically in the last 60 minutes is georgia, but that is pennsylvania where the difference is 42,000, where were watching the remaining blocs of votes. Theres georgia. 1700 souls differentiate those two candidates. Arizona, 46,000 vote difference. Theyre still counting. Nevada. Theyre still counting as well. Its a lot. Our live coverage continues right after this. Before voltaren arthritis pain gel, my husband would have been on the sidelines. But not anymore an alternative to pills voltaren is the first full prescription strength nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gel to target pain directly at the source for powerful arthritis pain relief. Voltaren. The joy of movement. Voltaren. Now, theres skyrizi. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. 3 out of 4 people achieved. 90 clearer skin at 4 months. After just 2 doses. Skyrizi may increase your risk of infections. And lower your ability to fight them. 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It is hard to see where the votes might come in from georgia that might turn it around for President Trump or allow him to hold on to what hes got already. Lets bring into the conversation now Greg Bluestein the political reporter at the Atlanta Journal constitution. Thanks for being here tonight. Of course. Thanks for having me. Give us your take as a georgia politics expert as to what has happened today and tonight and where it looks like things are heading in georgia for the president ial. Things are extremely tight and heading toward biden surpassing President Trump. Were looking at a trove of about 4,000 votes still to come in from Clayton County which is georgias most democratic county. It is not the biggest democratic county but the most democratic county by vote share in georgia. That tallying is just wrapping up so we expect those before midnight and if those go the way historically Clayton County votes go then you could see joe biden surpassing President Trump tonight. Still too close to call in my view because youve got thousands of other ballots, provisional ballots, overseas ballots and perhaps as many as 8,000 military ballots to come in but it looks like joe biden will probably stake a lead later on tonight or early tomorrow morning. Greg, when you look around the map in terms of what is still outstanding, im no georgia politics expert but ive been looking at the tilt of various counties and the ratio of democratic to republican votes in various counties and it feels to me like the republican counties, the republican leaning counties that are still to report are just reporting such smaller numbers of votes still outstanding it is hard for me to see any place on the map where the president might have a potential life line. However unlikely. Is there any spot for him among georgia counties where you think there might be a sort of Hidden Treasure of votes for the president . Yeah. That is a tough one because as you mentioned and kornacki, too, tonight, he was not a big net gain but i think part of that reason was democrats in georgia so aggressively encouraged supporters to vote by mail. Even overwhelmingly republican counties the smaller vote share of democrats are voting by mail and that is paying dividends right now. Greg, you mentioned provisional and overseas and military ballots. We dont know exactly how many of those there are. Do you have an expectation in terms of when those might be counted, how many there are, when they might be counted, and what their lean might be in terms of President Trump versus Vice President biden . Weve been told thousands. We dont have an exact number on that right now. We expect some of them to start, some of them already being counted but some continue to be counted tomorrow and maybe into the weekend. In terms of the military ballots, 8900 or so. That is the maximum. There could be 50, you know, there could be, or there could be as many as 8900. Were looking at a pretty wide range there. What is your expectation in terms of how those votes might turn out . That is a tough call. I did talk to a state Elections Official earlier today who suggested it was not going to be a game changer. They didnt think it would be a big, a maximum turnout. They thought it would be on the lower end of the spectrum. Kind of all bets are off because usually you can assume military votes tend to be more republican but i think in this election cycle even some surveys showed military members are more split than usual. Greg, let me ask you before you go about the senate races in georgia. Georgia alone among the states has had two senate seats on which people were voting this cycle. It looks like both are going to a january 5th runoff. Those two senate seats coming up both having runoffs the first week in january, was that on your bingo card . Did you think thats how that was going to go . Actually believe it or not, yes, i did. You know, Senate Control will be up for grabs but i definitely was expecting two runoffs in georgia. You saw poll after poll show david perdue and jon ossoff both below the 50 benchmark they needed to clear so weve got campaigning through christmas, hanukah, and thanksgiving, and new years. So get ready. Wow. All of us are probably moving there in order to cover which is going to be very uncomfortable and awkward for all of us. All right. Very good. Greg bluestein, political reporter for the Atlanta Journal constitution the night is young in georgia. Thanks for being with us. I appreciate it. Thank you. Well go now to the state of delaware where u. S. Senator chris coombs is standing by. He just won reelection wednesday night. Let me start by congratulating you on that fact and the fact youll be going back to the senate. Thank you, rachel. Let me also ask you i know you are close to the Biden Campaign and to Vice President biden himself. Let me ask you for the mood of the campaign or the candidate tonight if you are able to speak to that. Optimistic. Hopeful. That when all the votes are counted joe biden and Kamala Harris are on their way to being the next president and Vice President. It is striking given what you were just talking about in terms of georgia. Just how close georgia has come. It is likely that later tonight Clayton County ill remind you was represented by congressman john lewis will be the county that puts joe biden over the top and makes georgia blue. I think that is going to be an important historic moment for joe. He was so close to and grateful for the support of congressman lewis. I just talked to attorney general shapiro, congressman boyle, senator casey in pennsylvania, and im optimistic that we will get final numbers by early tomorrow in pennsylvania that will put joe biden over the top in the state of his birth. Joe has never forgotten where he is from, scranton, pennsylvania, claymont, delaware. Hes never stopped fighting for the Hard Scrabble fighting towns he grew up in. Im excited and he is optimistic. One thing that really struck me, yesterday and today we had the all time high number of covid cases yet when President Trump spoke we heard nothing about that. Joe biden and Kamala Harris went to get a briefing about the pandemic and their Pandemic Response plan today. We have someone in the white house who is acting like hes president and then joe biden getting ready to actually be president. I dont want to brush by those numbers too soon. In the past 24 hours it is not only a new record for our country but the previous record was set yesterday and it was the first time we crossed a hundred thousand cases so for us to blow past that by 20 is terrifying. And i remember in 2008 when president obama and Vice President biden were first elected when the economy was going off what at that point was the highest cliff we could imagine. The cliff its gone off this year turns out an even higher cliff but it does seem like you win this election and what you win is the worst job in the world at least the job that is the hardest work in the world but sounds like you think joe biden is the man for the job. Very much so. Ive supported joe from the day he announced. I always believed he was the person with the character and capability to lead us forward. It is going to be harder if we dont win these two runoffs in georgia but i think joe is exactly the right leader for our moment. Tell me about the two runoffs in georgia. I know the campaign has been such a sprint and so strange in the era of the pandemic with all the accommodation needed for that. Nobody knows what President Trump will be like if he loses the white house and is in a lame duck position. If he is going to continue with defying the results of the election and trying to rile up some sort of i dont know in terms of trying to get the American People to reject the results of the election. It seems like it is going to be a handful. On top of that two Georgia Senate seats up at once within five days of new years eve. Has the campaign and the Democratic Party started thinking already about what it might take to mobilize georgia again in very short order to try to win those two seats . Im just reminded of how grateful i am for Stacey Abrams. She first brought to me a plan she was working on for how to turn georgia blue years ago. I think this was six years ago where shes been tirelessly working before and after her race for governor on voter registration, pushing back on voter suppression. Weve got a very strong ground game in georgia because of the leadership of Stacey Abrams and many others she has brought along with her. So im optimistic that every democrat in the country will contribute to those races, engaged in those races because control of the senate will likely hang on the outcome. I think there is some chance well get a covid relief package done in the lame duck because well be in such a mess nationally. Donald trumps failed leadership, his bungled mishandling of this pandemic as you just noted, 120,000 new cases today, is going to put a lot of pressure on the republican majority in the senate and the democratic majority in the house to get something done. But then all eyes will turn to georgia right after new years and well see what the outcome is. But i am hopeful well have a fully engaged Democratic Community from all over the country focused on helping jon ossoff and reverend warnock. Senator chris coombs joining us from wilmington, delaware the center of the democratic universe right now. All eyes on the Biden Campaign as the results continue to come in. Thank you for your time. Enjoy the night. Looks like it is going well until the Biden Campaign. Well stay on it until the bitter end. Thanks, rachel. We have new votes in from pennsylvania. Well take a quick break so steve can get his magic going in terms of the board. Right back with Steve Kornacki and new numbers from pennsylvania right after this. Stay with us. Ith us its still warm. Thanks, alice says hi. For some of us, our daily journey is a short one. Save 50 when you pay per mile with allstate. Pay less, when you drive less. Youve never been in better hands. Allstate. Click or call for a quote today. S uh um. Its shiori. Shori. Thank you, thats great. Shiori. 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And the vote has continued to come in including just in the last few minutes. Steve, what do we have from pennsylvania now . Another update. Relatively small one but bucks county one of those counties that has a lot of these votes left in it. You can see here biden winning overwhelmingly picks up another thousand votes or so and so now 41,305 votes. That is the lead for donald trump statewide over joe biden. We continue to get updates like this. I tell you, just one to keep an eye on here. We havent gotten one in a while out of philadelphia where we know they are sitting on about 70,000 votes they got to get through and report out. Philadelphia again if we get a big batch from philadelphia oh, we just had another update and my producer, adam, where did that come from . Get an answer here. Oh, delaware. Okay. So Delaware County which weve also been keeping a close eye on. Delaware and bucks outside of philadelphia the two philly metro area counties have been reporting out a lot of early vote, too. We just got, sounds like a pretty big batch there from delaware to get that down to 36,572 votes to draw biden within half a percent. Again, the progress that biden has made here in the last several hours and, rachel, youve been tracking this. Keep in mind its been a long time as i was saying since a philadelphia update and yet biden has managed to continue to slice into this trump lead. Now down to 36,000. Again, 70,000 votes we think in philadelphia. 35,000 votes we think in pittsburgh. Still significant number of votes in allentown, in lehigh county. Those are just some of the big ones. Some smaller counties around the state sitting on piles of a couple thousand absentee votes that theyre working through and then reporting the results out to. Just all sorts of possibilities for joe biden and again continuing to hit that number. We said 76 of the early vote. Excuse me. The absentee vote. He has been winning 76 as it has been processed. Thats why i think youve seen it. Every single update weve had tonight. Every time weve had new votes reported it has meant biden chipping away at the trump lead. Every update of the absentee vote has favored biden. We gave you the math earlier if he keeps on pace, he would be well past the breaking even point and ahead of donald trump at that point. Two quick questions on that, steve. You described roughly 70,000 votes in Philadelphia County still outstanding . Yes. The way you put it was that philadelphia is still sitting on about 70,000 votes again with the proportion, the partisan proportions were seeing out of that philadelphia vote it would be enough to potentially put Vice President biden quite healthily in the lead. When you say they are sitting on those votes and we havent received any numbers from philadelphia in a long time, what are the odds were not going to get anymore tonight they went to bed and theyre coming in the morning . Hopefully, we got a report from Chris Jansing a little while ago they were planning around the state to stay up through the night and process these so hopefully just from the standpoint of getting all these ballots reported out that is what is happening in philadelphia. I do remember last night somewhere around this time we were told, hey, stand by around midnight well have a big batch of votes coming out from philadelphia. And then 8 00 a. M. I think we got it. 9 00 a. M. We got it. These are the empty promises of the Election Night and Election Night extended. My last very quick question we just talked with Greg Bluestein a really good political reporter in georgia about the super narrow margin right now in georgia, although things are looking strong for Vice President biden there. He was highlighting the fact that overseas and military and provisional ballots are still due to come in and be tallied as part of the georgia race. Are we also expecting overseas and military and provisional ballots to be part of the story in pennsylvania at the end of the day . Yes. Provisional ballots in particular, i should say, provisional ballots, in the 2016 election, ill ask my producer to check me on this but the number on my head for philadelphia is 24,000. Is that right, adam . Okay. Let me get confirmation on that. I should have got confirmation before i said it out loud but i do remember a fair number of provisional ballots that came out of philadelphia and Pennsylvania Statewide in 2016 and that after the election it established trump as the winner of the state. Clinton did erode the trump lead a little bit on provisional ballots. Yes if you got into a situation where this was razor thin right around the line, provisional ballots come into play. Likely to cut against trump. Likely to cut against trump. The pace biden is on here is not an i need provisional ballots pace. Thank you very much. Back with us now beloved Lawrence Odonnell the host of the last word. Thank you rachel. Joining us now jon ossoff Georgia Democratic candidate for United States senate. Thank you for joining us once again tonight. When we talked last week you said you were prepared to keep running to january 5th if it came to a runoff situation. It looks like thats where it is. But can you tell us do you have any information about the vote outstanding in georgia tonight that could possibly close this gap that were seeing on the screen right now and that could possibly get you to 50 . Well, my understanding is that the outstanding ballots could very well push Vice President biden over the top here. Were expecting a runoff in the senate race. I dont know if you remember, lawrence, when i came on the show over a year ago to tell you that i was running and i said georgia is the most competitive state in the country and i know you didnt doubt me, lawrence, but some people did. I think what is happening tonight demonstrates georgia is indeed the most competitive state in the country now. We have progressively built political power here. The state has become younger and more diverse day by day. The organizing effort led by people like Stacey Abrams to protect Ballot Access and now potentially the presidency hanging in the balance and i understand that at the latest count Something Like a 2,000 vote gap. Yeah, you started as a candidate in georgia in 2017 special election for a congressional seat. You saw it then. You saw the possibility then the next year Stacey Abrams ran for governor and she really showed us. She really showed the National Media in the way that your single Congressional District race couldnt what the statewide possibilities were in georgia. What did you learn from the Stacey Abrams campaign for governor . Well, even before her gubernatorial run, stacey was deeply engaged in the work of voter registration, organizing and training volunteers to mobilize and reach out to communities that hadnt heard from candidates or campaigns in a very long time. Then of course my 2017 special election, which really woke up the nation to the changes that were occurring in this state. A state as i mentioned thats been getting younger and more diverse year by year. Then staceys historic run in 2018. Each of these huge battles, win or lose, has been worth what we have built in the process. And now here in georgia we stand poised to deliver the Senate Majority with two u. S. Senate runoffs. Remember, its two runoffs here, lawrence, that will determine the balance of power in the United States senate. And we need everybody to help us equip ourselves and resource ourselves for this fight. They can go to elect john, elect jon. Com because the election may be, election day may be behind us but january 5th, 2021 the fate of the u. S. Senate will be decided. John ossoff thank you very much for joining us once again. We will probably see you next week on the last word. Thank you very much. Thank you. Lawrence, it is going to be fascinating to see the way the Democratic Party switches gears from trying to elect joe biden, trying to elect Senate Candidates and house candidates all around the country with all of that that entails all the drama around this election to then see them focus like a laser on jon ossoff and Rafael Warnock in georgia with so much at stake. It is going to be remarkable to see. Everything is riding on it, rachel, everything about the future of a biden presidency and domestic policy will turn on what happens in georgia. They either get 50 Democratic Senators out of georgia or they dont and it is a different world one way or the other. Exactly. If you want a biden presidency that can have policy, then you need those two senators. Otherwise you dont get policy. You get stasis at best. Good interview. Steve, do you have philadelphia numbers . Yeah. Here is the situation. Im staring at our screen because i want to see if this updates. We have our own internal system that gets the reports and puts them in but we are also checking the official websites of a lot of these major counties and cities. In philadelphia the city of philadelphias official election website has just reported out new results and theyre not yet in our screen but i can tell you, again, they do about 13,000 ballots an hour. It looks like an hours worth of ballots were just reported out. And the net gain for joe biden was 10,253. That would bring the statewide lead for donald trump down to 26,319. Just going on their website, that is what we have in terms of finding these numbers, my guess would be it would be an hours worth of ballots processed because remember they said 13,000 ballots an hour is be the what they can process. There it is. 26,319. It just came up. Youve got the math exactly right. Whoohoo doing all this tap dancing trying to get it. There it is in our system. The system works. 26,319. So, yes. We just got about 13,000 new votes out of philadelphia. To refresh the situation, we get a philly update. Trumps lead now down to 26,319 statewide. If you deduct those 13,000 from what we think are the remaining pool of philadelphia votes there should be still approximately 57,000 votes in philadelphia still to come. Once again this most recent update goes about 91 for biden so that ratio is holding. He is still winning the mail ballots at the rate weve been talking about. Again, 57,000 votes remaining in philadelphia. Just seems clearly ontrack to be enough to overtake trump in that statewide lead and then again the question would be if philadelphia helps biden get ahead of trump is there anywhere else in the state where trump could fight back and get ballots of his own . We have been talking about and showing you for hours every single county that we have been getting mailin vote from, absentee vote from has been helping joe biden whether its red, blue, a swing county in pennsylvania. And there are lots of votes still left in those places as well including by the way Allegheny County where pittsburgh is. There are 35,000 absentee ballots that they are going to be reporting out we believe tomorrow. So all sorts of opportunities on this map. When i laid out, i dont know when it was, three hours ago, whatever, we did all that math and we said, if joe biden is winning the remaining votes in pennsylvania at this rate he would erase trumps lead and go he is still on track for that. He is still on track for that with what he has been hitting in these counties and what we are told is remaining in pennsylvania. And what this means in addition to that math you just did, lets not just blow past the fact you were like, here. This totally nonmemorable fivedigit number is about to appear in our system and then kaboom, it did. That was a miracle. Youve just described there steve in terms of the math is important enough but also means that philadelphia is awake and alive and counting. It means Chris Jansings reporting from earlier tonight that there would be additional votes reported out of philly tonight is true at least 10 45 p. M. On the east coast. In terms of what that means for when we might have a number out of pennsylvania, sufficient to call the race one way or the other, that just changes the time horizon in terms of when we might know who the next president of the United States is i mean, if you got, look at it this way. The update we just got, again, 10,500 vote net gain for joe biden in that statewide vote. If you got two more of those, again, we think about an hours capacity in terms of Maximum Capacity they can do about 13,000 votes an hour. If you got two more updates like we just saw, then trumps lead would be sitting around 5,000 votes statewide. So really probably three more updates of the same size from philadelphia would be enough to put biden ahead. You know, two more at an extreme level might really have him dancing right at the line but three more would put him over. Like you say this has not been on a very neat, even, and tidy schedule. But the capacity exists for 13,000 ballots an hour to be processed. The will according to Chris Jansing exists to count these all night. So the potential is there for a few more updates like we just had to happen and to put biden over the top. By the way, it is not just philadelphia apparently. You see these updates of a thousand votes. That is the other thing. If youre getting a couple updates of much smaller, if you get one philadelphia update that brings this down to 16,000 or so, then you get three or four smaller updates from around the state that bring it down to about 10,000 then it only takes one more update from philadelphia after that of the same size and biden would be ahead statewide. Again, were doing this timeline and i feel it was maybe 20 minutes ago trumps lead was 42,000. So 16,000 votes have just been shaved off this thing in about 20 minutes. Its going fast. It is going fast. It means the schedule youre describing there you would be talking about the president s lead in pennsylvania being gone within two to three hours conservatively. The way things are going. If they keep doing it. The way, if things continue to go the way theyre going and they continue to count at the pace theyre counting, and at that point there would be tens of thousands of more ballots that would lean heavily blue that would still be due to come in. Sorry, joy. Go ahead i was just going to ask either one of you. With what steve just said, at what point do the probabilities disappear for donald trump to be able to come back . If were talking about within two or three hours, biden then goes ahead, if what steve is saying from what im hearing whether a red county, blue county, purple county, doesnt matter. The same thing is happening all night. I guess my question would be at what point does donald trump lose any possibility of being able to come back in pennsylvania . Which is the end of the road for him. Right. That would be the question. At a certain point what do you think the margin is for biden at which donald trump cannot come back . Mathematically. Yeah. I mean, im trying to determine the number of votes left. It is not even a question of margin i think at this point. It is a question of there has to be some kind of a we find out oh, wait. The state had philadelphia all wrong. What we just saw from them were the last votes out of philadelphia. Even then as i say theres all these votes, it has to be something on that realm right now. Weve said at the start of the night were looking to see are there any of these counties where we get absentee vote. Oh, okay. It is possible that absentee vote could come out and donald trump is actually gaining votes somewhere. We havent seen that happen in a single county thats reported out. Weve seen some very red counties report out but biden is winning the absentee vote. Its just this was in the polls. I think you mentioned this earlier. We were looking at polls of pennsylvania voters in october asking, you know, by voting method are you voting by mail or are you voting on election day . We were seeing results in these polls that were like 79 to 17 biden voters, mail voters were biden. Voting people voting by mail were biden. I was seeing those numbers. You know, margin of error, but that is what were seeing. Exactly. It just seems like in pennsylvania one thing, when we say there is this extreme difference this extreme difference between the male vote and the same day vote in pennsylvania and we dont see it quite on that scale in a lot of other states. I think one of it reasons why is this. In a lot of other states like a florida, for instance, like a georgia we conflate i think in our understanding of this that theres the mail vote. Theres also in those states early voting. People can go its like election day. You go to a polling place. You check in, you get your ballot. Youre just doing it two weeks ahead of time. And we have seen in places like georgia and florida and texas, Republican Voters were very willing to do that. It was just mailin voting. State after state you had not and again this was tied to the president was telling his supporters dont trust the mail, dont do mailin voting so Republican Voters seemed to listen to that because in state after state they were not voting by mail. In states that allowed inperson early voting we certainly saw republicans participating in that. So in florida i remember being here 7 00 on Election Night in florida and we said heres the early vote, and it wasnt great for trump in some cases, but he had plenty of support in it. The early vote in florida means mail plus inperson early. In pennsylvania there is no inperson early. Your choice is mail or same day. And republicans chose same day. They chose it in republican counties. They chose it in democratic counties. And the people who chose mail whether youre in a republican county were democrats. Joy, i think what youre asking tell me if im wrong, is when is this going to be called. I will just remind our viewers we do not make the call. We have nothing to do with making the call. We have so much nothing to do with the call that the people making the call do not listen to us. They are not mopterring onitori coverage. They do not know what were saying. Its a totally separate entity from us. We can lobby and complain i think whats happening is everything steve is saying is the reason im texting these folks in the campaign and they are so confident theyre going to win. And theyre so confident about arizona the same way because they feel theres a certain point at which at least theyve got somebody doing math for them internally and theyre seeing the same things. One of the states in which were not hearing expressions of confidence either way is a state where the vote count has been very slow coming in where, the great state of nevada. Joining us now is dina titus. Thank you have making time tonight. Well, thank you for having me back. Its time to see you, too. Weve been talking with john rosten, ruben gayago. Weve been talking with people in the southwest all night whats going on in nevada, in arizona. And nevada is telling us to be patient. We dont feel patient. Do you feel either patient or confident in terms of whats going to be released from nevada in terms of numbers tomorrow . I feel confident but im losing my patience. Im like you. Id like to see votes counted so we can put biden over the top as president. The main thing is we want it counted right, counted carefully, counted so everybodys vote feels like it was a voice and it was a part of the process. Congresswoman, as we start to think about what those votes are going to look like tomorrow when they do get released from clark county, one of the things i spoke with john raul stn about was the worry that at least im a little worried that by taking a long time and by having it stretch out day after day after day clark county may be putting a little bit of volatility into the mix in terms of them being targeted by some of the crazies. In terms of them being targeted by some people trying to create chaos and an indameittitimidati atmosphere. Are you worried about that at all . Were seeing some of that. I was at it Registrars Office where people turned out to protest. And now theres a fourth suit but theyre just being seen as frivolous even by our republican secretary of state. I believe when they come with the numbers tomorrow and remember 90 of the numbers still right down here in las vegas. Thats my district. I hope youve all visited here. Youve seen the people who are casting these votes working in the casinos, working back of the house. Theyre the ones who want to have a say in this. And i believe the count tomorrow morning will be enough to let whoever calls it, call it. In terms of the campaign, are you hearing similar confidence from the Democratic Party in the state and also from the biden folks . We are. We feel like if you look at where the votes are and what kind of votes still need to be counted, they tend very strongly towards the Democratic Party. Certainly thats true here in Southern Nevada and then my district, which is strongly democrat. Democratic congresswoman dinna titus, its great to see you. I really appreciate you being on here tonight. Thank you. Please have me back. I will. Were watching North Carolina, georgia, pennsylvania, arizona, nevada. We are not expecting numbers from North Carolina and nevada tonight. Pennsylvania and georgia, though, we keep getting numbers. And they seem to be important in terms of what theyre pointing at towards the potential results at the end of the night. Dont go anywhere. Our coverage continues with a special edition of the 11th hour with brian williams. Right after this. Hour with bri. Right after this darrells family uses gain flings now so their laundry smells more amazing than ever. Isnt that the dogs towel . Hey, me towel su towel. More gain scent plus oxi boost and febreze in every gain fling. awith your next new vehicle . 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Talk to an eye doctor about twicedaily xiidra. I prefer you didnt xiidra. Not today, dry eye. And good evening once again. Day 1,386 of the trump administration. Night three of what has become election week in our country. Five battleground states remain too close to call. Joe biden has by our count 253 electoral votes. Donald trump at 214. Much of the attention tonight on the commonwealth of pennsylvania where trumps lead has steadily eroded as weve watched. A win by joe

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