Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140821 23:00:00

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quarters. one guy has an issue with my point that when it comes to police overreach, enough is enough. what's the guy's point? there should be more over-the-line policing? we need to keep cussed. most of the noise is just that -- an intemperate response from those who don't want change to occur. we cannot be deterred in the cause of justice. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts now. bad guys. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start with the latest danger from are the islamic terrorists. the readiness of thousands born and raised in the west to join their jihadist ranks.
these aren't young idealists who go to join the peace corps or old souls to bury heartbreak in the foreign legion. drawn to fighting and killing they are acting out a birt murderous ambition to fight and kill alongside those from the mideast region, syria, iraq and other countries who comprised a great number of isis zealots. one killer from the west is heard in the moment before he cut it is throat of american journalist james foley. we are going to play only a short poergs of the video to hear his british accent. >> this is james wright foley, an american citizen of your country. >> nobody who does that has loyalty to any land or value beyond the islamist for which he has a ready hand in atrocity. the man is thought to be the ring leader, referred to as the beetles who guarded many foreign
hostages. according to the guardian he nicknamed himself john after john lennon. that person said the three british islamists were abusive, frequently beating prisoners. the challenge to the united states, how to deal with the building threat. do we treat isis as a criminal enterprise and look for individuals like are j. edgar hoover went looking for communists or do we use secretary kerry's word and crush the motley crew of them. is this a man hunt or war? bobby gosh is here from quartz. thanks for joining us for your views about the people coming from places like london. i assume they are radical islamist people who believe in killing anyone who doesn't share your own look at things.
what do you know about people like this fellow -- this guy who killed our american compatriot. >> they have something more in common with anders burrwick who slaughtered children in cold blood or adam lanza who went into the school in stony brook and killed children there. they have a sadistic, damaged goods mentality. add to that the availability of an international association of sadists which is what isil is. they can go there and sign up for this. it allows them license to play out their worst fantasies, to slaughter people in cold blood and add on top of it a layer of sud religious justification. that last part, the religious
justification, in my view is the sort of cherry on the cake. underneath that is a sort of psych pa thick tendency you see in societies around the world but in most societies they don't have this outlet. isil invites people like that from around the world to come join them. >> that was a rich assessment. i think of the criminal element. real criminals who kill people. they don't do it for the money. they like to do it. they're killers. back to steve clemons. it is frightening, when you have someone who lived in the west, we like to think we are at least generally a welcoming culture, that you would feel at home in even if you come from a background in the middle east, for example. it's now clear at least in the thousands and of course there is 1.6 billion islamic people in the world. they want to kill people from the west. your thoughts? >> we have 350 million people in america. as you know we have bad people
here. we do want to be welcoming. but this isn't just welcoming others in. we have people in the united states -- u.s. citizens that joined up. these are trans national turbo charged criminals engaged in horrific acts. what they are able to do is penetrate societies. i think it's something we have to step back. we have a lot of discussion about the nsa and tracking people. i have been one of the people that's been concerned about the degree to which we haven't had checks and balance this is the system. when you see in british society, american society, france and others, places where are we've got young people going to join up and they could very well come back and basically metastasize this. >> not to profile, but they are islamic people in the general pool. there are no christians or jews joining isis, right? right? am i right or --
>> they are not all islamists. >> what would be -- >> they are murderers. >> what's the religious motive? if they are not islamic to begin with? at least muslim to begin with. i want to be clear on this. are there people who don't share the religious underpinnings, even if it's distorted. >> no. they wouldn't be admitted into the group. the group is self-selecting. if you are anders burrwick you can't join. adam lanza can't join. it doesn't mean the other people don't exist. this group will only allow you in if you say you are a muslim. you may be joining for the sheer pleasure of killing people. the mentality you see for instance among some of the mexican drug cartels. the subhuman desire to inflict pain and death on people. it's important to note they don't care who they are killing. the vast majority of people, a huge, huge majority are muslims.
they are not doing it for islam. they are doing it for the sheer pleasure of killing people. >> last plont attorney general eric holder said the threat posed by islamist members, the number he put at 7,000 people was one of the are gravest threat wes faced. let's listen to attorney general. >> in some ways it is more frightening than anything i think i have seen as attorney j general. 9/11 came out of the blue. this is a situation we can see developing. the potential i see coming in syria and iraq now are quite concerning. >> then secretary of defense chuck hagel called isis a serious terror threat as the united states has ever faced. >> they are an imminent threat to every interest we have, whether it's in iraq or anywhere else.
isil is as sfaophisticated and well funded as any group we have seen. they are bond just a terrorist group. they marry ideology. sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess. they are tremendously well funded. this is beyond anything that we have seen. >> yesterday, the president spoke in near biblical terms about the group responsible for jim foley's death. >> it was an act of violence that shocks the entire world. no just god would stand for what they did yesterday and what they do every single day. isil has no ideology of any value to human beings. from government and peoples across the middle east, there has to be an effort to extract the cancer so it doesn't spread.
one thing we can green on is isil has no place in the 21st century. >> john kerry tweeted isil must be detroyed. will be crushed. senator john mccain told reuters, first of all, you have to dramatically increase air strikes. they have to be devoted to syria as well. we have to defeat them, not stop them. i want to start with steve on the political angle here. of course the question where we are headed with this. are we trying to get are rid of isis and can we do it with pinprick air strikes or do we have to lead a legion of the willing, to use a w. phrase from the last administration, to enlist the egyptians, saudis, jurordania jordanians. can we put together an army leading with the air force or will they sit back and watch us
do it again. >> you said it. right now we are fighting this alone. that's an outrage. the way to crush isis is to draw in the sunni nations. qatar, uae, saudi arabia, kuwait, bahrain and others that were part of their private sheikhs have been part of the funding mechanisms beyond the shakedowns of banks and people it's ransoming off. isis will have a way to get substantial numbers of people in the middle east to acquiesce to it. we think we can take them in a fight. isis has to be choked to death by sunni leadership in the middle east. we should be putting every element of our influence on getting the sunni partners in the process. >> bobby, back in the fist gulf war george bush, sr., who was smarter than junior put together the arab league to fight the war. he had the japanese and germans
paying for it and the arabs joining us in the field. why can't we put together the arab league? why not hold a vote on isis or is it a dead organization. >> there's been plenty of criticism. what we haven't got here is a focal point. we don't have a are leadership. as you pointed out george bush, sr., gathered all the nations together. obama hasn't really tried that yet. he hasn't really shown an interest in doing that. that's what's necessary. unfortunately the fact of the matter is someone has to take the lead. nobody in the arab world is willing to. the united states is only country with the wherewithal to do so. obama said we won't put too many boots on the ground. it has to ban effort from iraqis and kurds and so on. okay, fine. getting all the i arab states together and knocking heads together and getting them to participate in the fight against
isis is something that has to come from washington. it's not going to come from riyad, ayman or the arab capitals. >> the air force now are the good guys but we are not leading. thank you. what a terrible situation we are in. >> thank you. >> after a quiet night in ferguson, missouri, the governor orders the national guard to leave town. while there is calm on the streets now, tensions continue over the investigation into michael brown's death. it will continue obviously. plus, the corruption trial of former virginia governor bob mcdonnell on the stand offering what he calls an anger-ravaged marriage. sounds like divorce court. to enjoy that, stick around. it's embarrassing but something to watch. and a defiant rick perry in washington, d.c. today fighting back against his indictment. this weekend he's off to new hampshire, by the way. could his legal troubles back home in texas which are partisan when it comes to investigation
is helping him politically. finally, a reminder tonight that we have a tough election coming up this fall. you've got to get registered, get planning and vote. nobody watch the show unless you are going to vote. you saw what happened in ferguson when you don't vote. this is "hardball" , the place for politics.
senator claire mchaskill of missouri announced she'll lead a senate hearing into what's called the militarization of local police departments. the issue has been a hot one after days of clashes, sometimes violent, between protesters and police following the death of michael brown in ferguson, missouri. senator mchaskill called the for the de mille trization of the ferguson police department and has been a local leader on the ground working to deescalate the situation. she's on the job. "hardball" returns after this. so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again.
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on a day to day basis now, ferguson, missouri, has seen a dramatic deescalation in violence. that's for the good. following eric holder's visit there yesterday there was a relative sense of calm on the streets. there were no violent confrontations last night. only six people were arrested, down from 78 two nights earlier. the national guard is beginning to pull out of the area. while there is calm on the streets, we are seeing a focus now on the investigation itself into michael brown's death. local leaders are ramping up calls for robert mcculloch, a democrat, to step aside from the case. a group of activists said they have a petition with over 75,000 signatures calling for a special are prosecutor to be named. mcculloch is the top law man since he was elected to the position in 1991. he has deep ties to the police force which is common for prosecutors, of course. mcculloch calls on governor nixon to make a choice. either remove him or assign him.
saying the declaration of emergency by governor nixon grants the governor power to remove me from this matter. only the governor can answer this question. we have a presentation of evidence to the grand jury and will continue to do so in a fair, full and impartial manner. however, the governor must settle the issue now. to leave it unresolved leave it is possibility of exercising the power at a later date which will cause a significant and unwarranted delay in the resolution of the investigation and resolution of the case. >> gentlemen, the simple question -- is the demand here by mcculloch, the d.a. who's been in office all these years, elected every four years, that the governor make a decision. does he have faith in him or not. if he doesn't, take me out of the casement is it or is it not a reasonable demand on the part of mcculloch? . i think it is appropriate.
in part because the governor knows as much as he needs to know about whether mcculloch can handle the case. he has information about the prosecutor's background. mcculloch is right when he says if you remove me two, three, four weeks from now it will delay everything. it's appropriate for the governor to decide one way or the other whether the prosecutor should stay on the job. >> michael, the governor has the authority should he be forced to use it. act or shut up. >> exactly. that's what the prosecutor is doing here. he's calling his bluff. he want it is to see exactly are you going to have my back so i can do this trial the right way or are you going to participate in a circus atmosphere and let this thing go on only to cut me later on? i think the prosecutor has got it right. he's playing the governor hard. now the governor has to step up and decide whether or not he wants to keep the prosecutor in place, given how the community
distrusts this individual and distrusts this process. >> as i mentioned, there is a growing cry among local leaders in ferguson to see mcculloch removed from the case, citing ties to the police and personal history and his history in office. mcculloch's father was a police officer killed ton job by an african-american man in 1964 when mcculloch was a kid. mcculloch's brother, uncle and cousin have served with the st. louis police department. his mother served as aing on-time clerk with the police. mcculloch pushed for legislation to require criminals to serve longerer portions of sentences. let me go back to kendall. we all know the prosecutors, we watch television and know prosecutors work with police. they gather the evidence, put together what they need to make a prosecution. they work hand in glove. is this extraordinary, this case? any reason to move him out? can you see that? >> it doesn't meet the legal standard which requires a personal interest by the part of the prosecutor in the parties,
in the particulars of the case. i don't think we see that. sure, he's close to the police. maybe more than most prosecutors. that's part of the job and that's common. a different question is whether it would be appropriate for the governor to go one step farther beyond the legal standard and said, look, i care about the community. i want to make sure the perception is something, whatever it is that's accepted by the community. that's a different basis. there are plenty of measures taken by governors or prosecutors themselves to step down based on public perception. that's a separate consideration here. if the governor wants to do it on that basis, i don't think he should be criticized either. >> let me start with michael. we have all grown up with special prosecutors. i want to say because evidence support this is when you name a special prosecutor, they prosecute. they come in because that's why they are there whether it's ken starr, they follow you like javert. they don't leave, they don't stop the case.
is it fair? we're talking about fairness here. is it fair to the possible defendant here, officer wilson, if you bring in someone with explicit purpose of prosecuting a case and that's why you brought the person in. can you get a fair hearing from someone called for this purpose? i don't know. doesn't seem like you can. i want to hear your thoughts. >> i think you can. at the end of the day, you're right. a special prosecutor is brought in under the assistance of the governor. yeah. that seems to conote a different approach to the case. that prosecutor will follow the facts. he'll follow where the evidence takes him. he's going to prosecute the officer -- >> when -- have you ever heard of a special prosecutor who didn't prosecute? said there's no case there? >> i don't are think it would be a situation of a special prosecutor as we know a special prosecutor in washington. i think it would be a matter of putting in place another prosecutor maybe out of the same office. maybe from a neighboring
jurisdiction to prosecute this case. it will be someone relatively close. i think kendall has the right measure here. you can do the right thing or you can do the legal thing. the legal thing is to just let it unfold. keep the prosecutor in place. the right thing is to deal with the suspicions of the community. you have already seen the arrests, violence, and the looting and all that's going on. that's driving this. you can dissipate that by doing the right thing and bringing in a team of prosecutors that the people trust. >> well said. let me ask you, kendall. do you think a special prosecutor or someone brought in particularly for this matter can offer a fair judgment because they have been given the commission? >> i absolutely do. this case is going to define whatever the prosecutor does for the rest of his or her career. t the eyes of the nation are on this case. the prosecutor will want to get it right. keep in mind, chris, whoever the prosecutor is also has to live
with the police community, wherever it is in the state of missouri. police care about the case, too. there's feelings on both sides of the divide. i think the prosecutor would try to call it down the middle. >> let's finish up here tonight. michael, do you think the governor feels the heat to make a call and stop hiding behind words? >> i think the governor has to make a call one way or the other and do it before the weekend is out. >> kendall? will he make the move? >> i think he should. i would be surprised if he does. >> surprised if he does what? >> if he pull it is the prosecutor and brings in somebody else. >> you think he'll keep in mcculloch. mcculloch was elected. i say it to the people because you watch the show. vote. if you don't like guys in here. it's a minority community. this is a white guy. whether he should be there or not is your call if you vote. if not it's somebody else's call. i'll talk about that tonight. want to give up your rights, don't vote. thanks for joining us.
michael, as always, my friend. >> absolutely. coming up at the top of the hour chris hayes will be joined by missouri governor jay nixon. he can put the heat on him. we'll be right back after this. sprinkle a little tinkle. introducing a revolution in bladder leak protection, from the experts in feminine protection. new always discreet, for sensitive bladders. up to 40% thinner, for superior comfort. absorbs 2x more than you may need. for dance-all-you-want protection. new always discreet. now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. because hey, pee happens. visit for coupons and your free sample. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees.
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the governor of texas, rick perry -- and what a handsome guy he is -- is in a lot of trouble. he's been indicted. they booked him and took his mugshot. take a look. there's the governor. no, no, no. no, no, no. that's not -- here's the governor right there. there's the governor. what a good-looking guy he is. >> i think the first guy was the great nick nolte after a bad night. welcome back to "hardball." time for the sideshow. that was david letterman p poking fun at rick perry's mug
shot. he was indicted for abuse of power. we'll have an update later on the show. first a new political ad for another potential 2016 candidate that was show cased last night by letterman. watch this one. >> here's a political announcement. this was two days ago. take a look at this. >> he's been called an elitist. he vacations on martha's vineyard. he's been accused of ignoring the crisis in missouri and overlooking concerns of the african-american community. hell, i could do that. paid for by romney 2016. ♪ [ applause ] >> finally, it's been said that the office of president ages you more than any other job. now a time lapse video shows it happening. take a look at this. ♪
notice how the eyes began to turn later in the term? that was put together from the weekly presidential addresses from january 2009 through this month. what a difference five plus years in office will do to you. up next, former virginia governor bob mcdonnell is back on the witness stand in his corruption trial. today his defense team introduced new evidence they say shows the governor's marriage was fairly disastrous. that's the defense. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age? [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health.
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here's what's happening. ebola patients dr. kent brantly and lee soo writebol have been released from the hospital. they are no longer contagious and do not pose a health threat. kamalah harris will appeal a ruling against the death penalty. and no marnl licenses will be issued in florida until after the appeals process is over. back to "hardball." this is really the campaign of your life, isn't it? >> i don't really look at it like that. it's something that i didn't ask for. >> is it challenging, tough to be up there? >> i'd rather be fishing. >> he's a well-groomed
gentleman. welcome back to "hardball." that was former virginia governor bob mcdonnell on trial. he spent the day on the witness stand testifying about what he and his legal counsel portrayed as a broken marriage. mcdonnell and his wife maureen are accused of accepting $177,000 in gifts and loans from johnny williams. while he was c.e. o. of star scientific, a maker of dietary supplements. both face 30 years in prison if convicted. the defense contends because of the sad state of the marriage they could not possibly have conspired to receive gifts because they didn't talk enough. to show how broken the marriage is the defense read an e-mail which read -- we shouldn't know that. i am sorry for all the times i haven't been there for you. i know i am a sinner and keep trying to do things better. you tell me all the time how bad
your life has been with me. i am spiritually and mentally exhausted from getting yelled at. that's a lot of information. the governor testified his wife accepted loans from williams without him knowing about it. he said, i was astounded. we didn't need money. apparently she need. it flatly contradicts what williams said on the stand that he talked with the governor before extending the loan. the executive said he felt the need to consult with the governor since he was the bread-winner in the family. for more on the soap opera of a trial we go to michelle bernard and paul singer, the politics editor for usa today. paul, i haven't had you on before. l let's talk about the the trial. can you tell if the jury is buying into this? you try it. it's not about taking stuff for stuff, but i'm skeptical there was bribery here. i'm skeptical that this governor
did something against the interest of the state for the gifts. >> the jurors will be faced with $177,000 worth of stuff. loans for real estate, the rolex watch, the little drive in the ferrari, the golf club. >> what did he do for that? >> for the jurors you can say, that's probably all okay. they have to clear it out of their mind it is to get to the legal case which is was there quid pro quo, a deal? >> michelle, we live in washington. you're younger than i am but i have been here a long time. ambassadorships are often based on bundling a lot of money. they are good people but they have to bundle a lot of money and campaign cash. president clinton was notorious for having people in the white house. all campaign contributors. money makes the world go round. these politicians become your, quote, friends for money. they say, he's a friend.
no, you have been given him money. how is it different from johnny williams who may be slicker and maybe not the right cut for ambassador. what did he get for this jewelry and ferrari driving and golfing weekends? >> i think that's the problem for the prosecution's case. at least on the conspiracy counts. there are two bank fraud false statement counts i think are a problem for the mcdonnells. >> is that the plea? they plea that? >> i think it's too late now. that's the plea deal one or both of them should have taken. on the conspiracy charges if you look at what johnny williams got, he got meetings in the governor's mansion. mrs. mcdonnell flew around and introduced them to people. there was no quid pro quo. >> people walk out of politicians and say what just happened, nothing. >> he got pretty much nothing. >> mcdonnell was asked about gifts received from the virginia businessman, the richmond times dispatch's jeff shapiro said
mcdonnell says people offer gifts to politicians to be nice, to be remembered for access. mcdonnell testified about driving around in williams's ferrari around the governor's a mansion saying i'm entitled to be normal. it was fun. just needs an alpine hat on with a feather. >> there was a widespread belief that if you give money to politicians you get access and favors. yet, they found, nobody in politics was doing anything wrong. so how is it that people believe they are getting this stuff back for all of the money they are giving? are they dumb investors? i'll throw money at the governor and won't get anything back. >> they like to say, oh, the mcdonnells are friends of ours. some people don't have the right social crowd so they buy it and say, we're friends with the clintons, with the bushes. we're friends. by the way, low number license
plates. some guys give a ton of money for a 1 on the license plate. >> it helps the person's business to have the appearance of being close to someone in power and say i was at the gov author's daughter's wedding. we did this and that. >> nobody got invited to chelsea's wedding. >> not to chelsea's, but to mcdonnell's. >> he did walk in with a bottle in his hand and said, check this out. >> how about mrs. mcdonnell. not to lay it on her. her husband is doing that. she's using the campaign contributor list to give to williams to use it to sell product. that's an asset. >> it is an asset. it's a problem. visually, more than an actual act of misconduct that rises to the level of, you need to be put in prison for this. it just looks really, really bad. the whole way the defense portrayed her is so awful, so humiliating. >> is she going to take the stand? >> no, she's not.
>> how does the jury deal with it? >> the jury will look at it in two ways. she looks awful. but i think for the four female jurors on the jury, what looks really bad is the fact that her husband looks like a cad. he has completely distanced himself from her. the husband gets the rolex watch. there are $70,000 in debt. his wife gave it to him for christmas. how does he say, my wife was crazy? we had a horrible marriage. she didn't love me but gave me a watch. she called this man and asked him to let me drive the ferrari around town. arranged the golf trips. >> you're in your wheelhouse here, michelle. it seem it is defense he has n't had communication with his wife since the mid '90s. intimacy and all that, we don't know. there is a weird thing about not having a real relationship but for public purposes they were the perfect -- >> that's not the first we have
heard of that. >> i saw them. i thought they were catholic, conservative religiously. not that it's better than any other religion but i'm familiar with it. now we find it was troubled. >> i spent time with john and elizabeth edwards. same thing. keep in mi the men -- >> are they vaudeville acts? >> political marriages. >> they are sacrificing everything to be elected. >> for us to show something. >> i don't know. but to be elected. >> to look a certain way. >> to look a certain way. >> jack kennedy and jackie. we know how complicated that was. michelle, you're an expert. i know now what the michelle bernard center does. kidding. pa paul singer, thanks for joining us. up next talk about a boomerang. this is weird. he looks better with republicans because of the this prosecution, whatever it's worth in texas. this is "hardball," the place for politics. each year, 95% of homeowners
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here's the latest on the battle for control of the u.s. senate this fall. first to alaska where the national republican party got their candidate dan sullivan tie tea partier joe miller and facing mark beggish. he's a good candidate. now to north carolina. for that we check the "hardball" score board. here it is. according to a new usa today
poll kay hagan leads tom tillis, the speaker there, by two points. hagan, 45. too close to call. they're not getting wider. we'll be right back. this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age... ...of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor.
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contender finds this indictment endares him to the republican base baste in the country. today speaking at the heritage foundation in washington, the indictment was the first topic the defiant perry addressed in his speech. >> there are interesting things going on in my home state right now. there are a few public officials in travis county who have taken issue with an exercise of my constitutional veto authority. namely a governor's power to veto legislation and funding and the right to free speech. i am confident in my case. i can assure you that i will fight this attack of oh our system of government. with my fellow citizens, both republicans and democrats i am to defend our constitution and
stand up fur -- for the rule of law. >> rosemary lemberg is a politically appealing opponent for the governor. this video from her 2013 arrest for dwi isn't exactly flattering. let's watch. >> y'all better do something quick because you're going to be in jail, not me. i don't care if you kill me. call. did you call? did he let him know you have me in custody. >> you have been arrested for dwi. >> that's y'all's problem, not mine. >> that's y'all's problem. perry faces up to 109 years in prison if convicted on both felony counts. the conservative base defending him making his 2012 oops a dim memory and replacing it with the kind of defiant fighter that stirs republican primary voters. we'll see.
casey hunt attended the event in d.c. and perry bacon joins us. i don't want to equate anything i'm trying to get out of the cases because it's not our job. it seems chris christie up in jersey, he's doing very well in the polls. but he's facing whatever fishman's up to. you know, the u.s. attorney is going to do up there. so is this a race between getting popular, and winning a presidential nomination, hoping all that time you don't get convicted? >> well, the question is how distracting is it, really, right? because this -- perry -- >> it should be distracting. >> perry successfully turned this into a battle of political deception, opposed to something where he's defending himself on the legal merits. democrats were slow to pick up on that. it was a real victory for perry in the beginning. you saw david axelrod walk down the initial tweet. every time perry talks about it is hanging on democrat david axelrod. and several other people. >> i'm skeptical of texas
generally when it comes to criminal prosecution. i saw the thing with tom delay. seems like afternoon heverybody political point of view. that picture of her person calling for the buddy, sheriff, fwr greg to show up and spring her doesn't look like they have clean politics down there. if you get a dui and have to call your buddy to get sprung, that's corrupt. admittedly you don't look your best after being picked up and throne into a holding cell for dui. >> when the president wouldn't go to the border, that gave rick perry a chance to bash the president and say he's mr. border security, and knnow this. republicans are rallying around him now. a straw poll in june among texas republicans, rick perry finished fourth behind cruz and ben carson. if he's not popular in texas, i'm dubious -- >> is he considered light? >> yes, oopses has not been
forgott forgotten. yes. >> is that his problem, gravitas? the lack of it? >> the speech was all about iraq and isis and syria. >> what's to know about that? >> he was trying to show us essentially everything he knew about it and sounded a lot more like george w. bush than like a senator rand paul. >> that's what we need is another hawkish republican. >> he wouldn't rule out sending american troops. >> what is the appeal of the guy besides obviously he's been elected a lot of times, he's a governor, and isn't that the role model they want? they want to find an executive to run against probably secretary clinton. >> as you noted, a lot of these governors are in trouble. you have rick perry, of course, in texas as you mentioned. chris christie. you also have, for example, bob mcdonnell is somebody who's already fallen off of the list of those people that we could potentially see as republican on tenders. like you said, go back to your first point, if they get really distracted, it's going to really hurt them going forward into the presidential campaign. >> where do you see this guy? because i think he looked good a
while ago, then the oops line, couldn't remember the three federal agencies he wanted to get rid of which is not easy to remember if you care. you would remember the agencies you hate clearly. >> he's not known to republicans as being a particularly smart guy, problem number one. problem number two, not clear where his base is. the tea party base love rand paul and ted cruz. establishment folks never liked him in 2012. they were still for romney. >> let me tell you something good about the guy now that he's got problems. i thought when all the african-americans were stuck down there trying to get away from katrina, he offered everybody a home. he offered a haven which nobody does. >> right. >> it's always, not in my backyard. houston and those cities offered up tremendous services for people in dire need. who else does that in this country? am i right? >> he's a likable guy. that's the one thing about him. people like him of all parties. very friendly, very charming if you get to know him. that's appealing about him. >> you asked the governor about his indictment today. let's watch your interview with
him, briefly. >> politically you discussed yo your indictment at the beginning of this. why to you view this as political if the judge in the case was appointed by a republican and the prosecutor served in a republican presidential administration? >> when david axelrod, lanny davis, irwin dershowitz, jonathan chat all say this is sketchy, outrageous, totalitarian, and mccarthy ite,i agree with them. that's just on the democrat side of the aisle. >> don't you love it? >> that's, case in point, why david axelrod might come to regret that tweet saying this is sketchy. >> honesty is not the best policy? it really is right. i hate it when people say when you agree across the aisle or ideological spectrum, even chris matthews, you're putting me down as you're putting me up. you can't have it both ways.
fo good interview, you got his attention. thank you, perry bacon. he remembered all the names. >> he did. something stronger... will mean making it lighter. one day, factories will work with the cloud. one day... is today. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function
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visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. let me finish tonight with the reminder that we have a tough, extremely tough election coming up this fall. you can see it in the polling numbers. in this battle the united states senate will decide whether this president, barack obama has two more years to his term or simply two years to await its termination. two years as a lame duck with no support or leverage from the
united states congress. if you have not registered to vote, do it. if you've not made definite plans to get to the polls in person or election day, earlier when that's permitted or by absentee, get on your horse. get it planned, get yourself organized or don't complain about the direction of this country. the one lesson we learn again and again is it matters who is elected, whether in a small suburb in missouri where you have an african-american population not represented in the government there, or in the american presidency. it really matters that george w. bush was president in the early years of this century. it took a w. to be so influenced by his vice president, so moved toy i'd ldeologues to take the country into iraq and blow up iraq into the jungle it is today, and took barack obama to shake this country from the inability to deal with the country's health care challenge. all before him, both parties had failed, he delivered. yes, it matters locally who's calling the shots. get your plans together. get your heart, mind and body prepared to show up and vote this november. the consequences are all around

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Equipment , Breaststroke , Wind Wave , Surface Water Sports , Surfing , Boardsport , Wakeboarding , Surfboard , Surfing Equipment , Skimboarding , Bodyboarding , Bear , Marine Mammal , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Scuba Diving , Bathing , Dolphin , Cetacea , Water Transportation , Speedboat , Inflatable Boat , Passenger Ship , Naval Architecture , Mammal , Golden Retriever , Dog Breed , Retriever , Canidae , Pet , Dog , Sporting Group , Carnivore , Labrador Retriever , Vertebrate , Polar Bear , Seal , Sea Lion , Companion Dog , Labradoodle , Lagoon , Channel , Bay , Leisure Centre , Watercourse , Water Park , Outdoor Recreation , Tubing , Canoe , Watercraft Rowing , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Daughter , Undergarment , Sun Tanning , Barechested , Model , Hippopotamus , Seabird , Killer Whale , Water Bird , Romanian Cuisine , Spinner Dolphin , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Body Of Water , Dock , Caribbean , Personal Water Craft , Jet Ski , Powerboating , Towed Water Sport , Button , Coat , Collar , Pantsuit , Dress Shirt , Groom , Calligraphy , Overcoat , Actors , Balcony , Airport Terminal , White Coat , Medicine , Pharmacy Technician , Radiology , Medical Imaging , Tattoo , Still Life , Professor , Window Blind , Perching Bird , Beak , Finch , Parrot , Cage , Songbird , Bathtub , X Ray , Radiography , Religious Institute , Plumbing , Sink , Handle , Bathtub Spout , Headphones , Microphone Stand , String Instrument , Headset , Lid , Home Appliance , Bread Machine , Bodyguard ,

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