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Time. I went to the physics lesson. I learned. I went to the english lessons and it was totally like, i considered it as a normal day. A normal day . Maybe for her. Her courage and resolve is an inspiration to all. Thanks for watching. Im al sharpton, have a great weekend. Hardball starts right now. Cool the karma, show me the money. Lets play hardball. Good evening, im Chris Matthews in the beautiful state of North Carolina, where nothing could be finer. Thats not the way it was in phoenix, arizona yesterday, where the chief executive officer of microsoft, a presumably state of tf of the a hitech executive told women to hush up, and let their karma get them a raise. The advice did not go over well. The ceo, who was speaking to a conference celebrating women in the tech world, is an oldfashioned lightning rod right now, especially for women who believe theyve been getting the short end of the stick and dont want to rely on the kindness of bosses. His words came when he was asked for advice for those women who find it difficult to ask for a raise. Its not really about asking for the raise, but knowing and having faith that the system will give you the right raises as you go along. And that, i think might be one of the additional superpowers that, quite frankly, women who dont ask for a raise have. Because thats good karma, it will come back. Because somebodys going to know, thats the kind of person that i want to trust. Thats the kind of person that i want to really give more responsibility to. Well, those remarks set up 4th of July Fireworks across the country and not the celebration kind. Forcing him to put out a statement to his own employees. They carried the familiar form of the public apology. I answered that question completely wrong. I believe men and women should get equal pay for equal work. If you think you deserve a raise, you should just ask. Earlier today on morning joe, the cohost remarked on his advice. That is exactly the opposite of that has been the problem that women confront. They actually think if they put their head down and work really hard, someone is going to notice. Well, guys are banging on the table, saying, wheres my raise . Shes the author of a much respected book called knowing your value, she joins us now. What is your reaction . Is it just an apology . You cant retract a mindset, chris. What he said, he said very articulately and it was profoundly disturbing to me. This was tantamount to telling women to behave, patting them on the head and saying, do what you do and some day it will get noticed. The first thing that came to my mind, was, oh, my god, one of the most powerful ceos in america just fed into the big lie that women tell themselves every day, that if they do a good job and keep their head down, somebodys going to notice. And thats exactly why were in the situation were in, at least one of the main reasons, and why we dont get what we deserve. You talk as if from experience. Can you tell us some of that. Absolutely. Look, i wrote the book knowing your value, based on my own experiences, of 25 years working in television and apologizing my way into negotiations, letting other people speak for me, thinking if i work really hard, theyll notice. Thats look, of course, if youre good at what you do, you should be able to communicate it effectively. And an apology should be the last thing on your mind. Grateful to be there should be the last thing on your mind. But women for some reason, chris, have this instinctive feeling that they need to make everybody in the room feel comfortable and be friendly with them. And i actually advise against that mindset. Youve got to go in there and communicate effectively and authentically what your value is and if you dont do that, dont be surprised if you dont get what you deserve. What do you make of this paycheck fairness act thats out there now. Its a bit of a partisan issue, but theyre fighting about it. One of the provision, it provides training for the thing youre talking about, how to go to the boss, how to get away with asking for a raise, and most of the time, at least you want to get that raise, this is how to do it. I think its fantastic. The Senate Republicans have blocked it twice. I think one candidate who just in the past few hours, called it a gimmick. Its not a gimmick. Its an important message. Women have a long way to go in feeling that their value is, quite frankly, appreciated. Corporations are beginning to really get the message that they need to be on the forefront of this. Quite frankly, i wrote a book while i was working at msnbc, about my own struggles. And our company was transparent and forward thinking enough and brave enough to be on the forefront of this conversation and have me publish it with no changes at all. We need more of that. We need to break the culture. This president , you can say what you want about a lot of his policies, but on this, hes been right on. Hes started the White House Council on women and girls and working on fairness in pay since day one. Team clinton, interesting, theyre talking about it too now. Let me ask you about when a young woman or girl actually might want to start thinking like you talk, and you probably you learned it the hard way, in the college of hard knocks, at the workplace. But you notice those surveys about who raises their hand in class, its more boys than girls, think they have a better idea. Where the girls are just as smart as the boys, but they dont think that. How do you start working on that attitude early . Weve got to create an environment where girls and women feel like they can raise their hand and it starts in the home, but also in the workplace. There are folks at the white house, i was there today talking about equal pay and having meetings on this issue, on things that are coming down the pike, that i want to know about, im interested in. And i will tell you, the reason why the president issued the executive order back in april is exactly because of what happened at microsoft. By the way, not at microsoft, in phoenix, at a womens conference, if you can believe that. This happened at a womens conference, chris. Well, theres nothing more effective than the attack from a defensive position. And youre displaying it. Youre simply demanding your equal rights. Its a powerful position to be in. Meeka, its an honor to have you on the program today. Ill be watching you next week as i always do. Thank you. Equal pay and womens rights have become a rallying cry for democrats on the campaign trail. Yesterday Hillary Clinton hit the stump in pennsylvania for gubernatorial candidate tom wolf. Listen to secretary clinton. We have spent years now clawing our way back out of the hole that was dug in 2008. But we have a lot more to do, if we want to unleash our full potential and make sure that American Families finally feel the rewards of recovery. And thats particularly true in my opinion, for american women. Ask yourself, why do women still get paid less than men for the same work . [ applause ] why, after american women have contributed so much to our economy over the decades, do we still act as if it were 1955 . Jay, tell me about your reaction to this, just in a total political way. Were a month from an election. This noise that were hearing about this statement by the microsoft ceo, a sophisticated modern industry, is this going to resonate with voting women . Well, it absolutely plays right into the democratic strategy here which is to drive out unmarried women and their biggest appeal to unmarried women is as Hillary Clinton just said. Youve got to get equal pay. Youve got to work on childcare. Youve got to work on access to raising the minimum wage, which affects women disproportionately. The entire economic agenda was to appeal to unmarried women. Because if they can appeal to that level that they turned out in 2012, theyd keep the senate and get back the house. Thats really hard, because unmarried women are notorious dropoff voters. Theyre what . Dropoff voters. They tend not to vote in nonpresident ial years. Well, david, let me ask you about this vote. Theres a paycheck fairness act out there that basically as i just said with meeka, actually trains women in the workplace how to ask for a raise. Now, this obviously is a perception thats real. Is it a voting issue . Will it drive people to the polls . Well, i think thats the hope. Thats what the democrats have worked on in the last couple of years, to use these issues to get those women out and people who care about issues for working families and women. But the democrats are in a really deep hole now. There was a gallup poll that came out a couple days ago that shows the Enthusiasm Gap between democratic voters and republican voters, almost a 20 difference. So if the democrats cant do this on the Economic Issues for women, cant turn out younger voters, cant get the African American and hispanic voters to turn out in large numbers, theyre going to be up against a pretty big tide. So this is one way to try to deal with that. But theyre starting in a very, very disadvantaged position. I know. This strikes me as one of those 47 things. Its not supposed to go viral, but it has. Anyway, here in North Carolina, democratic senator kay hagan, who well be covering all weekend is slamming tom tillis on the issue of equal pay. This is them battling it out during tuesday nights debate this week. Speaker tillis, North Carolina women earn 82 cents on the dollar compared to their male counterparts. You killed an equal pay bill and said you dont support an equal pay bill in congress. Why dont you support these bills, equal pay for equal work . Senator, you probably know there are laws on the books, that its against the law to do something that any employer does, he should pay the consequences. Lets enforce the laws that are on the books. Some of the campaign gimmic v some of the campaign did he step in it there calling equal pay a gimmick . Republicans have said constantly that the bill that the democrats have on the floor of the senate which has been voted down twice, they call it the paycheck fairness act is a gimmick. They say its up to trial lawyers to increase litigation, women suing to get paid equally. But at the same time, hes losing single women or unmarried women in North Carolina by more than 30 points to kay hagan. Her entire strength in that state is off the strength of unmarried women. The last thing they want to hear is to call equal pay a gimmick. If you really believe that, you have to say it in a much more articulate way. Just so everybody learns something tonight, the paycheck fairness act would punish employers for retail taliating for workers sharing wage information. A woman didnt know she was underpaid for decades and finally found out. David corn, thank you. I think this is a hot issue for women who work outside and inside the home. Coming up next, the outrage. How can they call itself the party of lincoln, when it does everything it can to kill the black vote . Kill it by every means possible. Even with the courts on the side of the voter, more than a dozen states are putting laws into effect this november to screw the minority voter. Stick around, well tell you how this ruthless thing is going on. This is hardball, the place for politics. Are constantly monitored for threats. Outside and in. Thats why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone. In the world. If Hp Security Solutions can help keep the Worlds Largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. 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No more sameday registration. Reduced early voting, period. No more reregistration for 16 and 17yearolds and no out of resinkt voting which will make it harder for college and University Students in particular to vote. North carolinas photo i. D. Requirement goes into effect in 2016. Joining now, congressman from texas, and a member of the naacp Legal Defense fund. Dng congressman, whats the impact in texas on this Voter Suppression by republicans . First of all, i think yesterdays ruling is a real victory for democracy. This was a clear attempt by the Republican Legislature to shave off at the margins, the number of people who vote in texas. And they did it not only by voter i. D. , but also by making it harder to go in and register people to vote, setting up rules about mailin ballots. Theyre looking at cutting early voting in the 2015 legislative session. So im glad to see that she made that ruling and i hope its going to be upheld by the fifth circuit and if necessary, by the Supreme Court. Do the republicans that you get to talk to, do they make any bones about it . Do they pretend this is to prevent cheating . They never seem to come up with examples of cheating that justify it. What do they say when you catch them . Yeah, i think thats right. People have diluted themselves into believing that there was a real problem with voter fraud. And then when they went to court, they scrambled very hard but for the most part, were unable to find any kind of widespread voter fraud. The problem that we have in this country, chris, and not that too many people vote, its that not enough people vote. We have to get more people to vote and these efforts have been very harmful. The federal judge in texas struck down the states voter i. D. Law wrote a scathing opinion saying, it creates an unconstitutional burden on the right to vote, it has an impermissible discriminatory effect against hispanics and African Americans and was imposed with an unconstitutional discriminatory purpose. Ryan, it seems like the court there said its not just bad law, not only unfair, its purposely unfair. Your point is well taken. His 147page opinion is impressive because it reflects, that she is a factfinder who was closest to the facts and evidence in this case, looked at the impact the texas photo i. D. Measure would have on real people, facing reallife challenges in texas and she found, for example, through the testimony of mrs. Sammy bates, that she has to make reallife decisions about whether she could spend 42 to purchase a birth certificate, or use that money to feed her family. In testimony before judge ramos, she testified that she couldnt eat a birth certificate. So she would need to use the 42 to feed her family. And this is the coldblooded nature of measures like in texas, these photo i. D. Measures which were passed to prevent voter fraud, but theyre actually to prevent eligible voters from casting their bal t ballot. Judge ramos, both because this measure was determined to be an unconstitutional poll tax, and because it was enacted with discriminatory texas, enjoined texas from further using this photo i. D. Measure. I want to stay with you and go back to the congressman. Going over to chapel h eel hille i went to grad school. Im wondering, what would be the good purpose in saying, you cant vote near campus . They go to school, they go to Great Schools like unc and nc state and North Carolina central. Why cant they slot near campus . Why do they have to somehow find a ride home to where they come from in North Carolina on election day, which is a school day . Sure, i think this is another important point you make, chris. Because i think in North Carolina, context matters greatly. In 2008, North Carolina led the nation in terms of voter turnout. They had actually increased their previous turnout by 10 . This happened largely because of programs like the early voting period, by making voting accessible for students and by the electionday Registration Program. And following the Supreme Courts devastating ruling in the Shelby County case, the political winds changed in North Carolina. And texas sorry, North Carolina took aim at the very channels through which voting had been made more accessible to young voters, students, voters of color, and women. And this has really had a striking impact on African American voters in particular. In 2012, African Americans represented 40 of those who used the electionday Registration Program to cast their ballot. Even though black folks in the state are only 20 over the overall population. So theres an impact in the choice that North Carolina has made to make voting more difficult for its citizens, when it was having an opportunity to make voting more easily accessible for its folks. Congressman, thank you for joining us. Is this an attempt by the Republican Party, which has had a hard time recruiting people of color to its party, is this an attempt to make it harder for people who are not white to vote . Is this whats going on here . I think part of it is trying to shave off, you know, two or three or four Percentage Points of people who do vote and who tend to vote democratic. Chris, you know how many elections you can win, if you can shave off three or four points. We should also note that in 2011, the Texas Legislature passed a redistricting plan that a federal court also said intentionally discriminated against minorities. So the 2011 session is historic in terms of the bad legislation thats come out of texas. And it certainly was no accident. That was tom delays work, right . Oh, absolutely. Tom delay spearheaded it. We had the redistricting in 2003, my first session in the legislature, and theyve kept it up since then. I would just add on the North Carolina case, its important for viewers to recognize, the North Carolina case is not yet over. That case continues. There was a preliminary injunction that was sought that wasnt granted, but that case is being handled by expert lawyers and the Supreme Courts ruling only impacts the november elections in North Carolina, but that litigation continues beyond november. Thanks so much, congressman. Glad to have you on the show and ryan, doing great work for the naacp. The twice convicted former mayor of providence, rhode island, wants his old job back. Coming here next and hes doing well in the polls. And look at this. President obama making a rare appearance, making a surprise visit along with steve israel to the Campaign Headquarters of ted lew who is running for congress in los angeles where the president still gets strong approval numbers. This is hardball, the place for politics. P is growing. P is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. Dad hes our broker. He helps looks after all our money. Kid do you pay him . Dad of course. Kid how much . Dad i dont know exactly. Kid what if youre not happy . Does he have to pay you back . Dad nope. Kid why not . Dad it doesnt work that way. Kid why not . 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Quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. Thrillingly predictable. With a sense of humility, contrition and confidence i announce to you my candidacy for mayor of of providence. You resigned twice as a felon. How can people trust you . Thats up to them. I am the most vetted person running for office probably in america. Is that two strikes . Well, you get three, dont you, before youre out . Were back. That was the legendary sixterm mayor, a convicted felon, launching a bid to come back at the age of 73. He was convicted in 1984 of an assault. He was elected mayor in 1991 until 2002 when he resigned after a conviction for racketeering conspiracy and sentenced to five years in prison. Now hes seeking a seventh term and could win. He joins me now. Mayor, thank you for joining me. I just want to say this. I want to give you a chance to say this on national television. Have you changed . Did you know you did something wrong before that you were guilty and youre not going to do it again . What should the voters think about you . Well, let me tell you this, obviously the system of justice in this country is what it is. I was convicted of aun charge of conspiracy to commit racketeering, which i was found not guilty of. When you get older, you get wiser. Im older, i hope im wiser. Ive learned a lot of lessons about myself and how to treat people. And so thats why im running again. In america, you pay the price. I paid dearly. I was in jail for almost five years. I came out and i rebuilt my life, and the law says i can run. I have a vision for the city and i hope the people have confidence in me to effectuate that vision. Its not a moral question by me. I always think of a politician and i respect all people that run for office, that paid a price. Its over for me. Id go to dinner with you. The question is this. Youre a mixed bag. Il say that. You built that city up like nobody. I thought when you got in trouble this last time, a fair judge would be not to send you to prison, but send you to boostboos worcester, and say, you got a hundred days to fix this city up and then you can leave. Some judgment that would be useful to society. You have a gift for rebuilding, renaissance, you built the downtown of providence. And yet you committed crimes. Is there only one buddy seeiancey that cant be retooled . Or does it all come together in a package . I think you are i am what i am. But as i said before, you dont make an omelet without breaking some eggs. Have i made mistakes in life . Sure, i have. But frankly, have i changed . Yeah, in many ways. I think thats why im leading in the polls. People realize that, and theyll express support for me come november 4th. Look at, no one is perfect, im not perfect. People make mistakes in life and i have. All i can tell you is, yeah, im sorry for the mixtustakes ive e in life. Ive learned from them, humbled by them. Hopefully i can use the things ive learned over the years to be a better person. What do you think of the Republican Party . You were once president gerald fords favorite mayor, now youre an independent. Whats changed . You or the party . I think the partys changed a bit. I ran twice as a republican in this town and that was like being the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1974 and 78. And i was more of a Center Person than the Republican Party was. In those days we were a more moderate party. When the party got taken over, i didnt want to be part of that, i ran as an independent. Theres no republican way to pick up snow, and theres no democratic way to build a home for the elderly, but theres a right way to do it. John f. Kennedy said that, and he also said, theres no republican way, no democratic way. Theres the right way. We shouldnt start blaming, we should accept responsibility for our future. I believe theres no republican way to pick up snow, and no democratic way to pick up garbage. Were in it together. And ive been elected six times as an independent. I always had strong democratic support. Thank you, mayor. We got to have dinner if you win this thing. Buddy seeiancey up for a big fight. Up next, the round table on income and equality and how bei democrats hope to use the issue to win this fight. Youre watching hardball, a place for politics. Then theres trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. Our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. Its no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. And during the big tire event, get up to 140 in mailin rebates on four select tires. Faster than dcon. What will we do with all of these dead mice . Tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. Hey, ulfrik hey, agnar whats up with you . Funny you ask. Im actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. Summer camp is over. [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer ] engineered to kill. [ male announcer ] tomcat. Want to change the world . Create things that help people. Design safer cars. Faster computers. Smarter grids and smarter phones. Think up new ways to produce energy. Be an engineer. Solve problems the world needs solved. What are you waiting for . Changing the world is part of the job description. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring americas future engineers. Energy lives here. Im page hopkins and heres whats happening. The death toll from the Ebola Outbreak raging in western africa has surpassed 4,000. More than 8,000 people are sick with the virus in guinea, liber liberia, and sierra leone. The 17yearold girl shot in the head by the taliban two years ago for going to school has won the nobel peace prize. Malala is the youngest recipient of the award ever. And kmart says its Payment System was breached. The intrusion was detected yesterday. Now back to hardball. Welcome back to hardball. Time for the round table. Theyll be digging into the politics of equal pay for women. Hillary clinton spoke about it yesterday in pennsylvania. Will it be a big voting issue in 2016 . Plus, Voter Suppression took a blow yesterday in texas and wisconsin. Yet new restrictions will be in effect in 14 states in november. Joining me now, harold ford and beth fewy and alice hen ghan. Congressman, youve run for office many times. This issue will rouse a lot of women to the question of not getting paid as much as the men, not being able to make the case for it, and then being told by a hot shot microsoft ceo, dont ask, live with it. You got to hope it was a moment, just a bad judgement moment. Hes apologized, i know. And normally im one that accepts apologies. But i think it will heighten the issue and the focus of the issue. Hillary clinton is obviously very poised to make the case. It will be interesting to see how republicans rally around the issue. The interesting thing about the ceo of microsoft, he made those comments in front of one of the senior members of his own board who happened to be a woman who said at the end of his answer, this is one of the only things i disagree with you about. Lets hope his comments dont reflect the culture at microsoft and hope its a teaching moment for him and for other ceos, not only across technology, but across all Service Sectors and spaces. Yeah, you know what, chris, i was going to say that the equal pay issue is just one of the many issues that democrats are trying to rally women around. Especially in 2014. But even in 2016, democrats cannot win elections without women, particularly younger, single women who are most affected by minimum wage and are most affected by the lack of equal pay. So its a matter of gambling at this point that those women will come out and larger numbers than they typically do in mid terms to support democrats, because democrats literally cannot win without them. And when you talk to smart republican consultants right now, theyre telling their candidates just shut up on the topic. Every time you try to say something, its not going to come out right. Maybe that advice needs to go to the corporate world as well. Just dont talk about it. And the microsoft ceo, the fact that he said what he said is a validation of this for democrats, because they can say its not just a political issue to score points against republicans. Its deeply engained in the culture. A guy not even in politics is making the point that women are in a disadvantaged position when it comes to pay. Congressman, youre general here, and i understand why you would be, because youre a nice guy. But it doesnt seem like its a faux pas on the part of the ceo. Im sure hes a smart guy. And he was seeming to make a case about gentility and women, and seemed to be a gender comment, that men can be pushy about their demands for pay, whereas women will have a stronger position if they dont act like that. That seemed to be a gender distinction he was making. It wasnt an accident of his language. Even his apology, which i accept, i would have been far more aggressive if i were him in making the point that it was just a stupid and completely incorrect comment. But again, i dont know what was in his head. The interviewer of him for that conference, it was a womens conference, made clear that she adores him, respects him, and what hes been able to do with the company and the culture of the company shes pleased with, but hell have to answer to the board, to his employees and ultimately have to answer to shareholders and customers. Hold on, i know whats in his heart because its on his lips. Its an old suppression. They say the eyes are the window on the soul. Thats not true. Its the microphone. You put it in front of somebodys face. They start saying stuff they really mean. We saw it in the last cycle, todd aiken and other people. People believe that stuff, and despite what you put on twitter back pedaling, theres a reason you said it in the first place. But todd aiken came back and said he meant when he said. Thats even worse. Ill give you that. And this whole thing underlines a point that came out, the white house put a big report on the status of woman in 2011, said women had met or exceeded the levels where men are in many ways, in academics, law, medicine, so much progress. But not in pay. The pay differential is very real. Let me ask you about this Voter Suppression issue. I thought there was a touch of the party of lincoln in the Republican Party. But when i heard people from my home state of pennsylvania, the legislative leader, happily talking about how they were getting through Voter Suppression laws, they call them reform laws, that would cut down on the democratic vote, the minority vote. 14 states, we found out tonight, are still going to be hampered by, you cant vote on campus. You have to go back to your hometown. You cant vote early. All these things. You cant have sameday voting registration. All these techniques to keep older, minority people and sometimes students from voting perform. Right. They may want to be the party of lincoln, republicans do, but they also want to be the party of winning and theyre not going to be the party of winning if these folks who are typically suppressed actually vote. Its usually minorities, its usually older minority people, students, as you say. Republicans are having a very hard time winning with their candidates, winning with their issues. So what theyre trying to do now is cut down on the number of voters to support democratic candidates. Its not a coincidence that every single case is being pushed by republican legislators. They know how these votes turn out if they actually get cast. To me, thats not the surprising part. The sad and surprising part is that we still dont really have from the courts clear definitive language that says, stop that, you cant make it so hard for people to vote. Back in the 60s, the civil rights era, at least we had a court that was a clear beacon. I think were still waiting around on that. We ran into a lawyer as we were waiting to go on from the Legal Defense fund, i think it was on another show, shared that one of the most unique characteristics of the decision in the last 24 hours, that the judge in texas said it was intentional discrimination. Hopefully this has a cascading effect and can begin to cure this. I think beth said it best. Republicans dont have a message, dont have candidates that can appeal to big parts of African American, latino communities. So whats their answer . Instead of trying to create the big tent they purport to v they want to shrink the tent, shrink the number of voters. Shame on them. Moderate and smart republicans have a better chance of winning if they expand the tent and reach out to all voters. I dont understand how for the life of me, how they can reduce the number of people who vote and have that be an answer. Im embarrassed my home state of tennessee would support anything thats a travesty of this level. You folks are coming back. We got a big topic, possibly a gamechanger in kentucky. Alison Lundergan Grimes showed how hard it is for democrats to talk about president obama. She wouldnt say if she voted for him. This is going to be a problem and that video is coming here. Actually, it was an Editorial Board. This is hardball, the place for politics. 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We found out that senator hagan put a cocktail fundraiser on park avenue ahead of a classified briefing where these thoughts were being discussed. Speaker tilliss hometown newspaper has called on him to resign because of the number of days he missed at the General Assembly because he was out fund raising. Down here in North Carolina this week, talking to senator hagan about her tough reelection fight. Dont miss our report on the tight North Carolina senator race, including my talk with senator hagan, coming up on monday on hardball. Well be right back. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. Watch this. Sam always gives you the good news in person, bad news in email. Good news fedex has flat rate shipping. Its called fedex one rate. And its affordable. Sounds great. [ cell phone typing ] [ typing continues ] [ whoosh ] [ cell phones buzz, chirp ] and we have to work the weekend. Great. 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Look at this headline. In an knew yesterday, grimes was pressed to say whether she voted for president obama in 2008 and 2012. She was very hesitant. In fact, wouldnt answer the question on the spot. Lets watch. Did you vote for president obama in 2008 and 2012 . You know, its about making sure we put kentuc kentuckyians back to work. I think that kentuckians know im a clinton democrat through and through. I know that the members of this Editorial Board respect the ballot box, as do i. I know that the president is on the ballot, as much as Mitch Mcconnell might want him to be. I wants my name. Its going to hold him accountable for the state of kentucky. Described grimes response as 40 painful seconds. While the opponent has maintained a slight edge in the polls, the political report considers that race a tossup. The average shows mcconnell narrowly leading 4643. Let me ask you about this. It seems to me that this is unacceptable. Shes going to have to, and the sooner the better, say how she voted. It also seems like a rookie error. Its shocking she hasnt been asked this question until now. I dont see why should she couldnt have said she did. Go on with it from there. Nobody is going to be surprised that she voted for barack obama. And, frankly, by distancing herself, she doesnt rally the base which she needs to get out of kentucky. She couldnt even admit to herself that she supported the guy. Let me go to congressman ford for this issue. How long can she get away . It seems to me that the republican ad makers are already working on this. The longer time she lets roll now, the more theyre going to use it as a wbigger powder keg against her. She should have just said i voted for him, but theres things that i dont agree with him on. It doesnt matter, anybody that wants to stand up for things happening the right way for kentucky. These are mistakes candidates make and im hoping my friend, alison, will correct the record before the night is up. Ellis . Well, its cringeinducing. We could think of about 20 better answers. Shes not wrong to try and distance herself. Hes not popular in the state. And democratically, here we are, pretty late in the game, shes doing respectably well. She can win the thing. Its just a stumble. You dust yourself off and try to move on. Chris, when i ran in tennessee, i got criticized for not taking louder, more definitive stands on certain issues. Now, im not suggesting that alison should have suggested she supported barack obama. But she has run one heck of a race and has spent tens of millions of dollars. More power to her. She knows a lot more than i do about this state than us sitting around here. Lets not be happy about this, but i want to go back to this, congressman. I dont understand this. I dont understand the answer. I remember ted kennedy was asked why do you want to be president . He should have had an answer. This is these things like Hillary Clinton and the Drexel University thing when asked about the drivers licenses for people who arent documented. You ought to have these questions ready. Didnt she ever think about whether she voted for obama or not and what it meant politically . I dont want to condemn her because i dont get it. No, nor do i. And i would agree with her. Shes run an Amazing Campaign and shes really grown as a candidate which is why this rookie error is a bit surprising. It sounds like she sort of practiced how to say i dont agree with him. I dont support him. Shes fiending all of these verb. But the actual act of voting for him was not part of her campaign stop. Again, im going to say it again. Im surprised she doesnt have an answer and im surprised she wasnt asked the question earlier. Its just a personality. Shes proven herself to be not real comfortable. Shell learn, but shes still not totally there. I do think its something every media trainer should tell every candidate. Answer the question and then give your speech. Only give it once. Thats too hard of a standard. Guys, thank you, beth. And thank you, ellis. Well be right back after this. Ll only give you 37thousand to replace it. Depreciation they claim. How can my car depreciate before its first oil change . You ask. Maybe the better question is, why do you have that Insurance Company . With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Red lobsters endless shrimp is now the years largest variety of shrimp flavors like our coconut shrimp bites or our creamy shrimp alfredo. As much as you like, any way you like hurry in and sea food differently. Maestro of project management. Baron of the buildout. You need a permit. To be this awesome. And you. Rent from national. 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Let me finish tonight with this. You know, i spent a couple of years in my life working as a peace corps volunteer in africa. I think all of us have become concerned with the precarious Health Situation over there. Let me tell you about a good cause on that front. Recently, i met with dr. Anthony charles, a trauma surgeon. He directs the Surgical Initiative in that country and treats over 2,000 patients a year where 70 of the patients are under the age of ten and the halls of the open air hospital are lined with mothers of children waiting for care. Serious burns are a high risk because people heat their homes and cook their food with an open flame out o necessity and the lack of pain treatments and antibiotics in sub Sahara Africa results an uncult suffering in death. The unc project over there differs from other outreach programs in it prepares malawis

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