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Property call breaches or perhaps a training breach. Thats a breach that can spread across many other workers. So were looking to see what these two Health Care Workers had in common and the way they interabilitied with mr. Duncan. Well have, well probably announce some of those findings on the National Call later today with from tdoctor frieden. It looks like we could have a situation with the breach occurred as a procedure for many people. Thats it just means they did it the same way these people did it. Right. You mentioned that 75 other Health Care Workers who treated duncan are being closely monitored. But not quarantined. How are these patients being honhon monitored . By a cdc county team that is integrated going and checking their temperature twice a day, and checking their own temperature numerous times a day and looking for any symptoms they might find and their Health Care Workers and theyve been trained what the symptoms of ebola are. So actually turning the information in and getting into isolation nina and patient two from the time they felt a symptom were in the isolation within 90 minutes. That part is working well, but clearly the part that happened with the time they were treating Thomas Duncan has exposed some of the Health Care Workers to some real risk. And, judge, im wondering since nina got this first and patient number two got it second. Do you think there was a time difference between when they were treating mr. Duncan. Did one treat mr. Duncan earlier and the other later in the process . Well, they werent on the same shift, so, you know, a breach in protocol might be done ten times on the tenth time it leads to an infection because you get some body fluid into a mucus membrane. Further, two people might show symptoms on different days because of the latent period is anywhere from 2 to 21 days. Are you confident the situation is under control . Im confident that its under control in this respect. Ive got 75 Health Care Workers that were getting into isolation as soon as they show symptoms. Therefore theyre very few contacts if they become symptomic which is the only way you can catch ebola. And the 48 people in the community weve been surveying monitoring each day are at the tail end of their surveillance. Theyre without fever and asymptomatic. Its bad news another person is sick but its manageable. If you didnt come into contact with the bodily fluids of eric duncan, you dont have ebola. Judge, i cant thank you enough for being with me. I know, you literally have not slept and youre working 24 7. I appreciate the time youve taken to be with me. I appreciate it. Mark potter is outside Texas Health Presbyterian there are two paretients in isolation bei treated for ebola. What can you tell us about the latest case. Good morning, jose. The judge described this as a gut shot to the Hospital Community hospital here at Texas Health Presbyterian. Very bad news for the Hospital Community. 77 people were involved in treating Thomas Eric Duncan two presented symptoms and very worrisome the possibility there could be more as he said. What we know is this Health Care Worker is a woman. She had worked on the team. She presented herself to the hospital yesterday complaining about fever, within 90 minutes, she was placed into isolation and tested positive results preliminarily came in last night. Theyll be confirmed by the cdc today. She lives in an apartment complex alone, were told, with a dog. The apartment complex is about three mile from the hospital in Northeast Dallas in an yarmt with a lot of apartment complex. Police were knocking on doors and notifying neighbors, reverse 911 calls went out. Theyre in the process of cleaning the outside area of the apartment, the common area. Were told that the clean up inside the apartment with a specialized crew will occur sometime this afternoon. Meantime, those 75 other workers are waiting to see if they present any symptoms. As you can imagine, its a very anxious time here with the Hospital Community. And the hospital has said that isolation areas will be made available for those people who wish to wait out this time period away from their families to prevent the possible spread that way. So its a very, very concerning time here. The only slightly the only good news here right now today is that the 48 other people being monitored for contact with Thomas Eric Duncan, the original patient, before he went into the hospital are asymptomatic and they have passed that period where theyre most likely to get sick. Their period will end over the the testing period will end over the weekend early into next week. The chances of them getting sick, is said by doctors, is to be slim. Thats good news for them. The 75 others are awaiting, i would imagine, quite anxiously. Sure. How is the other ebola patient doing . Nurse nina pham . Thats more good news, it sounds like. Shes the 26yearold nurse who was diagnosed over the weekend. She has said to be in good condition. She went from stable to good condition. She has been talking on the phone to her mother and to others. Shes been skyping. She also sent out a message yesterday saying shes doing well. So the news is good there. A lot of people have asked about her dog, also. The dog is being cared for by Animal Services here in an isolated area. The dog will be isolated for the 21day period, also, to make sure theres no problem there. As we know a dog in spain was killed. There was a lot of concern about that happening here. Officials say they dont plan to do that. Theyre going to watch the dog and make sure there are no problems. In the case of nina pham, the news is pretty good. And people are taking comfort, at least, in that. Yeah. Nbc mark potter. Appreciate your time. Thank you so much. Joining me now in miami is dr. Marty. She recently returned from africa where she joined the fight against ebola. Good to see you. Were you surprised another dallas nurse was infected with ebola . Once i saw the image of the Dallas Morning News showing how they were wearing the ppe, and i noted there was exposed skin. I wasnt as surprised as i otherwise might have been. What is pp snere. The personal protective equipment. They were wavearing whatever they were told to wear they were instructed however they were instructed. What i saw being worn did not have met the protocol standards we were using in of a kpafrica. What is that . Why . Well, i think that this is a whole new thing that the United States is dealing with at a community level. Its been well known within certain Government Centers but its not something that our Community Physicians and nurses and so forth are trained for. I think what needs to happen now is the center for Disease Control needs to take the lead and go and create one standard that is, at least, as good and certainly can easily be better than what we do in africa for all hospitals in the United States. Yeah. Right now, frankly, im asking you its a general question. Right now, i presume that most, if not all hospitals in the United States, arent really aware of just how extensive this protection needs to be, right . Its not something that anybody is trained on. No. And theres so many things about this virus and any Infectious Disease that is highly contagious like this that people need to be very aware of. Just not used to dealing with it. What is the breach of protocol that the judge was talking about. What does that mean . Thats a term of art, and really what theyre saying is that theres a standard. Theres an sop, if you will, that people should follow, and whatever that sop was, either it itself is inappropriate or it wasnt followed the way it was intended to be followed. I saw pictures of you in africa. Youve been there before and its the hello and the best way to do hello. These are pictures youve taken. I appreciate you being with me, dr. , and youll be sticking around with me this hour. We have a lot to discuss and go over. I appreciate you being here. And our ebola coverage continues after the short break. Coming up the Ranking Member of the house subcommittee on health will talk about what the congressional response to the outbreak should be. Later well go to the white house, in just about an hour the president will be in the situation room participating in a Conference Call with counter parts. The topics . The war on isis and keeping calm in the face of this growing global ebola outbreak. At this moment, has the city of dallas on edge. 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Dont wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. And now to washington where some members of congress are heading back tomorrow for a hearing on the ebola virus. Headlined by two of the people fighting to control it. Dr. Tom frieden and dr. Anthony fouchi. Joining me now is raking democrat on the Health Subcommittee which has jurisdiction over both of the agencies. Thank you for being with me. Thank you, jose. When you look at what happening at home, what can congress do to stop this from becoming a full outbreak . I think our major concern is enough resources for the agencies like the cdc and the nih. Also, to have oversight to make sure that those agencies are doing their job and communicating and are on the ground both on the United States as well as in africa. And do you think theyre doing their job well . I mean, for what were seeing coming out of texas . Well, i think the answer is yes. Of course, there have been some glitches initially when duncan went to the hospital in dallas, you know, because they didnt really know initially what they were dealing with. There were some problems. But i think those problems have been cleared up and now the protocols will be followed. But again, i think we have to make sure we have sufficient resources. You know, there have been cuts to cdc and nih through sequestration in the past. Thats a concern, too. As a matter of fact according a report from the group trust for americas health, funding for hospitals to prepare for Infectious Diseases have dropped to 358 million last year. Are we sufficiently preparing our Health Officials to contain outbreaks like this . I mean, is this playing politics or is there something not happening because of the cuts . I think thats the danger. And, you know, right now im not concerned because i think that resources are being found in order to deal with ebola. But longterm not only for ebola but other diseases it is important that we provide more funding. I dont think theres enough funding right now for cdc or nih to effectively pressure their mission. Im not saying its the case with ebola. But longterm its a problem that has to be addressed. And, congressman, according to our latest nbc news wall street jounl poll a slight percentage of americans say the country is somewhat or possibly prepared for an outbreak. Before we learned about the new case the poll was taken. What do you say to a constituent who says their town hospital isnt prepared for this . This is what the cdc is doing. Theyre preparing hospitals. As time goes on and theres more of a realization there could be cases here and more cases here that were going to see, you know, reaching out to different hospitals so they are prepared. I mean, look, nothing is fuel pro foolproof. I think they are doing a good job reaching out. I think they are doing a good job. Thank you for your time this morning. Lets bring in former admiral and former pennsylvania congressman. Good to see you. Lets talk about the dueling problems. You have the military playing a role and responding to ebola in africa. The cdc wages the fight at home. The war on isis remains incredibly volatile. You have the president talking about both crisis. What is the action plan you think . Well, i think, first, we have to recognize, boy, has the world changed over a past decade and a half. You have a terrorist like isis that can get on a plane and come over here and blow us up or try to blow it up. You have a disease that can hide in somebodys body and come on a plane like happened in texas. In is the issue, really, in the military how we plan is we have force that we use to strike somebody. Like were doing in iraq and syria. But we also have forces, things like medical personnel, engineers that can also deploy not just to help us in a military venture, can stop what we call the transnational dangers. Those that arise in africa. If we dont nip it in the bud we can soon have an open dem i think here. Thats our strategy. Much like we should be doing here in america even in our civilian preparedness. Yeah, about an hour ago the military gave an update on the Ebola Mission in africa. About 100 soldiers arrived yesterday after 4,000 soldiers could end up being deployed there. How do our troops help officials make gains in a region where thousands of people have died of the virus . We have already set up, as you probably know, three labs that are beginning to test peoples blood to see if they have it. Then what is done is our engineers are building these isolation wards. The key, as you see in texas, is isolating the individuals. Look, if we had not done this, and i think weve been a bit slow to get there, we would have about 1. 2 million infected over there in africa. Eventually without any uncertainty it would begin to spread. I think were beginning to bend the curve down. Its also critical our military medical personnel are training the indigenous Population Health care people to treat the patients directly. We can step back and do the training and testing. Now, admiral, the president is working on the isis strategy. The white house acknowledging it will be a longterm operation. Acknowledging that isis has tactical right now. Where does the effort stand in your eyes. What does tactical momentum really mean . Well, you know, i think that we have actually slowed what is called the tactical momentum to where the force was on their side. Now they kind of probing. Theyre not just charging forward. So that is mean when you say we stopped their tactical momentum. We have to recognize, as i said on the channel a couple of months ago, the global war will go on interminately. We have to make sure that the public knows its going to be a long, tough fight. Militaries can stop the problem like we stopped the tactical momentum. But in order to root them out, its going to take the indigenous population. The warriors in the baghdad and Government Forces to do the hard work. Eventually we can stop them and get rid of them only when we win. As i said, jose, before the hearts and minds of people. Thats why we have to prepare the public. Its not going away. Its going to be there for some period of time. And the isis group is one more form of it. Admiral, a pleasure to speak with you, sir. Thank you for your time. Coming up well take a look at another major story that continues to develop across much of the United States. Were on day three of Severe Weather affecting millions. Tornados ripped through eight states over the first two days. Woken from a dead sleep to the horrible sound. Very, very scary. All of a sudden we heard, like, a jet plane or a Freight Train just coming across the back of the house. Up next well tell you what today may bring to the mid Atlantic States. Look at this live picture right now in hong kong. 12 hours ahead there. There has been a Pivotal Moment in the protests demanding democracy. We will explain it in just second. Take a look at the amount of people throughout. Theyre not going anywhere. Well be right bang. Nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad . So we gave people the power of the review. And now angies list is revolutionizing local service again. You can easily buy and Schedule Services from toprated providers. Conveniently stay up to date on progress. And effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. Visit angieslist. Com today. Sometimes, healthys not on the menu. 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From biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. Startupny has new businesses popping up across the state. See how startupny can help your business grow at startup. Ny. Gov today the mid Atlantic States are bracing for a deluge of rain from the same storm system that brought Severe Weather to the south. There have been a total of 27 of confirmed and unconfirmed twisters. Two people were killed in monday. Georgia got brunt of the storm yesterday. At least two tornados touched there. One causing damage to more than a dozen homes. In northern florida there were three unconfirmed tornados. Check this video out of a funnel cloud forming. This was shot in jacksonville. As i mentioned, the system is moving north to the mid Atlantic States today. Washington, d. C. , could see two inches of rain during the evening commute. Philadelphia and new york next in line. Tonight into tomorrow. I want to take you now to new york. The Stock Exchange where the markets have recovered somewhat after initial 350 point drop at the morning open. Comes after a drop in several european markets, which were down 10 from their most recent highs. There you see the dow down 156 points. This as well as Economic Data here at home caused the fluctuation. We continue to watch the markets. Well bring you, of course, any developments throughout the hour. Well take a short break. Coming up well turn our eyes overseas. This is al that indication between a pro democracy protester and police is once again stoking the crowds in hong kong. The pictures you need to see straight ahead. Well have more on the top story. A second Health Care Worker in texas diagnosed with ebola. Well drill down on what exactly is protocol and what training is sufficient. I want to share this a reminder of the ebola crisis in africa has a Ripple Effect in west african communities here in the United States. 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The hospital is vigorously defending the actions despite new questions raised about the treatment of Thomas Duncan as his condition deterdeteriorated. Some of the treatment was being determined on the fly. The nationals united union is going a step further releasing a statement that says in part, there was no advanced preparedness on what to do with the patient. There was no protocol. There was no system. The union says its speaking on behalf of several nurses at the hospital but those nurses are not members of the union. And in response to that, the hospital said in a statement to nbc news, in part, patient and employee safety is our greatest priority. To discuss treatment aspect of the outbreak, once again dr. Ilene marty who came back from nigeria and in seattle a nurse back from liberia karen hester. Help us understand the back and forth as far as preparedness, training, and patient care well, theres a whole system of training and preparedness that has to go on. It has to be a continuous cycle of exposure to the protocol. For ebola, for something that serious, the person has to be trained one on one on exactly how to put on, how to take off the ppe and the management of the patient issues. This is not something you learn in two or three days . No. You get trained and retrained, retrained again. And yeah, i mean, just cant be put the thing on and go into the no. Thats dangerous. And you were training medical employees on how to train in afri africa. Training is the paramount thing you need to do. So we taught Health Care Workers on how to, first of all, triage patients. When they come in the clinic how do you know that a patient might have ebola and if you think they do, what are you going to do about it . How are you going take the patients, put them in an isolated environment, protect, of course, your staff wearing the protective equipment, taking it off, which is definitely the trickiest part of the entire training. And give me example of why its so difficult and how show to take it off in a way possibly are not contaminated. Its very difficult. Especially in western africa where you work in difficult conditions. You might have 20 or 30 patients in the same area that you care for. You will be exposed to body fluids that you might not see. So when you take off your personal protective equipment, there is very clear steps for you to follow in order to take it off safely. Usually what we recommend is always a buddy system. Theres always somebody who is watching you take off your equipment. Right. And thats good for whether its happening in africa or happening in a hospital in texas. Doctor, here is what secretary of health and Human Services told matt lauer this morning about moving the two patients to another facility. We will keep options and considerati considerations. Right now the first patient, the first Health Care Worker is being treated in the hospital. The second is in isolation there. Well continue to monitor the situation and our people are on staff on sight doing that. Let me ask you should they be moved . If they were going to have been moved they should have been moved the minute they were diagnosed and brought to, say, emery or someplace that is filled with individuals who do have the proper training and have had the proper training for a long time. Thats the ideal situation. But when you move one of the patients, theres a lot of considerations. The whole process of moving has to be done in such a way as to not expose anyone else or, you know, anything used has to be decontaminated. We learned yesterday, for example, on the program there are really four main hospitals around the country that really are set up to deal with this. So what do we say to folks around the country that have a hospital in their hometown or their city they trust but, i mean, is there something we should be doing right now . Every single Health Care Worker needs to be having ebola on the brain and needs to be asking the right questions. If there are symptoms and epidemiological full step within call for help. Call the centers for Disease Control and prevention call the resources that can exist that can provide the right amount of information at the right time to their institutions. Know how to isolate the patient. Know the basics of keeping themselves and the patients around them safe. Thats going to be tough but well have to be aware that need to be done everywhere. Everywhere. Dr. Marty, and karen huser, thank you so much for being with me. I want to go to hong kong. Hong kong police say theyre investigating the case of six officers caught on camera beating and kicking a pro democracy protester for nearly four minutes. Thats the video. Now protesters in hong kong have been packing streets for a couple of weeks now. Weve been taking you to hong kong every day on the program. Youre looking at live look at the streets of hong kong. You see almost more Police Officers than protesters. But this is just one camera shot of what is very much a wide spread movement in hong kong. Yesterday violence erupted outside the citys government headquarters as hundreds of officers clashed with protesters for control of an underpass. Take a look at the images. The china correspondent has been covering the protest almost every night since september 26th. He joins me by phone. Thank you for being with us. The protests have been going on for a couple of weeks. The pictures were seeing today are incredible. What is going on there now . Well, today, you know, a lot of people are coming out. Mostly because of the pictures youre talking about. A the lot of the guy that has been seen in those images was a social worker and today a lot of social workers marched on the Police Headquarters in order to file complaints. Many have been waiting for hours in order to file complaints and theyre just sitting, waiting while the police have set up cordons around the headquarters to hold the people back. Were seeing live images as we speak. Tell me about protester who was beaten. Hes a member of the pro democracy parties in the hong kong as well as the pro government pro beijing parties. From what ive read, he borwork with children and a social worker himself helping underprivileged children in hong kong. Yeah. The images show it wasnt just one on one. It was a whole gang of officials beating and kicking this young man. Do you get a sense of the violence there is escalating or could escalate further . Is there any sign of the protest scaling down . I think its been going on continuously for the past few weeks, and theres definitely a core group of students, young people that that is considered any sort of violence or escalading in any way. In terms of the police, i cant comment on their strategy. It. Yeah, but the Chinese Government is trying to keep this as hidden from the world eyes as possible. Have they said anything . Have you heard from beijing . No, you know, today the foreign men industry Conference Held a briefing. They were confident that the Hong Kong Government could handle this. They said they didnt see a reason for use of the pla at this time. So thats they really stuck by the Hong Kong Government and the leader of the city in order to deal with the situation. Yeah, and the leader is not resigning. Thank you so much for being with me this morning. Appreciate it. Thank you. Coming up, the president , the first lady, mitt romney all on the campaign trail with the midterms less than three weeks away. Our new nbc news poll shows a high stakes toss up. Hillary clinton is in kentucky. She wondered whether voters there will be as excited to see her as this young person was. A live report from louisville. First, you know, we love our shark stories. I love this. Take a look at this. These are sharks doing what they do best. Eating. It just so happens they were on the beach. Clearly its better for the sharks to be eating fish than eating you. This happened. This is what they do. But very cool, isnt it . [ ] great rates and safety working in harmony. Open an optimizer plus account from synchrony bank. Visit myoptimizerplus. Com to open an account. Service. Security. Savings. Synchrony bank engage with us. I found a better deal on prescriptions. We found lower copays. And a free wellness visit. New plan. Same doctor. Im happy. Its medicare open enrollment. Have you compared plans yet . Its easy at medicare. Gov. Or you can call 1800medicare. Medicare open enrollment. Youll never know unless you go. I did it. You can too. Right now i want to take you to space. This is going on as we speak. Two astronauts at the International Space station are outside the station of this walk and its reid wiseman and barry wilmer. They are fixing some part of this. Im not sure exactly what theyre doing. Im not an astronaut. I know, this is happening right now. Theyre outside. No crisis or anything. Its part of regularly scheduled maintenance on the International Space station. You know, theres a little bit of a break up because they are, you know, in space. This is going on a second. They will remove an articulating portable foot restraint from the p 1 location that currently resides at and will move it to the s 0 truss. The first step in the rest of todays space walk work that will clear the p 1 side of the truss for next years robotic relocation of the permanent multipurpose module to the forward on the tranquil. Something about an foot restraint. Take a look at the images. Its happening right now in space. And zero gravity. I want to bring you back to earth. Its a big day today on the campaign trail. Our new poll shows the stakes are higher than ever. Republicans are slightly up over all among likely voters, but they are also up in the unfavorability category with democrats in the lead in the top battleground states. Look at the campaign trail from Michelle Obama in philadelphia this morning. Tom wolfe to mitt romney in New Hampshire for his states former senator to Hillary Clinton in kentucky for, it turns out, hillary voter, Allison Lundergan grimes. Not to mention the president in connecticut tonight for governor dan malloy. Where do we begin . Lets go to louisville, kentucky. Casey hunt, in washington Huffington Post msnbc contributor ryan grim, and miller repopolitical reporter ae washington post. Casey, i want to start with you. Ahead of Hillary Clintons visit there, the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee is not investing in Grimes Campaign in the final weeks. What are kentuckians saying about her visit . Will it help . In some ways the timing is a little bit unfortunate to have Hillary Clinton coming in when the dscc announced heir not going to invest anymore in kentucky. We have to pull the lens back a little bit. Its thinking about the entire map. It says in some ways places theyre having in other places than what is going on in kentucky. Democrats privately acknowledged it was going to be a real uphill battle for Allison Grimes structurely. The electorate is tilted toward senator mcconnell. That said theres a lot of personal interest in beating senator mcconnell. Somebody the democrats like to take out. I think at this point, Hillary Clinton is bringing a lot of excitement here, especially to women voters. I mean, she appeals to them. Thats been a big part of grimes strategy. Trying to appeal to women. And mitt romney, his wife said hes not running for president. He looks like hes, at least considering it. What does he do for scott brown in New Hampshire . He brings the big stage and spotlight. Mitt romney very much has been seeming to consider whether or not he wants to run for president. His wife said theyre done, done, done. She also said they could be open to it. Scott brown, some people thought hes doing better than given hes from massachusetts and recently the senator there. You have mitt romney who also massachusetts but also sort of adopted New Hampshire as his home. He bring it is to scott brown. We have shaheen who is a real force in the state in New Hampshire. Shes leading among women but you see scott brown really trying to prosecute president obama. Thats something that mitt romney is expert at doing particularly around foreign policy. You expect to get some real one liners out of that and probably some big crowds as well. Then you have a gentleman some democrats are trying to keep away but an extraordinary campaigner. The president. Hes making the way up to connecticut this morning. Nbc learning his Campaign Schedule in the final weeks. The vote is not necessarily all about the president. Are some candidates running too far from him, you think . I think they are. In the sense that democrats benefit from higher turnout. If you look at the polls among likely voters, among people following the races extremely closely, those tilt slightly toward republicans. If you broaden it out and include all register voters, then you actually have about a 4point advantage among democrats. The broader electorate is more democratic than the ones that come out. If the president and if the first lady can go around the country and they can encourage turnout in some of the states its democrats best hope. You know i think a lot of democrats are under estimating the power of president obama as a campaigner and as a support. But, you know, thats just me. You caught up with Mitch Mcconnell yesterday. He some interesting words about his good friend Hillary Clinton and grimes vote for her. Listen to this. Hillary clinton has been here before. She was here the day before the election the last time i ran. Were good friends. Shes doing what candidates for president do. One thing is note worthy Allison Grimes doesnt have any trouble announcing she voted for Hillary Clinton, even though she doesnt want to say she voted for barack obama. How could her campaign not know about her Hillary Clinton vote surface in the droumt i are. How much is it hurting her with voters . It is a little bit surprising. She really doubled down on that defense of saying ballot privacy is the reason that she didnt want to say who she voted for in 2008 and in 2012, you know, and have this come out the documentary is set to air on monday to have her saying, you know, hey, while i was excited to vote for Hillary Clinton, back in 2008, its definitely something of a contradiction. As you say the Mcconnell Campaign was seizing on it. Senator mcconnell loves to talk about the clintons that way. Hell say the same thing about bill clinton. But the reality is he doesnt have anything bad to say about the clintons either. Which speaks to the fact they are still popular here. Their style of politics is something that appeals to voters here in kentucky. Casey hunt, ryan grim thank you so much for being with me. I want to leave you with one big number. How about 1 billion . Thats what ad spending in the election is expected to break. Is it all working . We want to hear from you. After all, thats what elections and this show is all about. Send your thoughts at jdb now. In the picture im saying please write to me i want to hear you. Coming up, a teleconference from the situation room. President obama will be discussing the global ebola crisis with his europe, counter part. Well go live to the white house next. First, new video of nina phams dog, bentley, this morning at the temporary home in dallas. The Animal Services there. Does anyone whose come in contact with an ebola patient, like bentley, know that hes going to be monitored for 21days . Yesterday nina pham called to thank the center for caring for her puppy while she recuperates. Great rates for great rides. Geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. There it is. This is where i met your grandpa. Right under this tree. man some things are Worth Holding onto. Theyre hugging the tree. man thats why we got a subaru. Or was it that tree . man introducing the allnew subaru outback. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Everyone is looking for ways while to cut expenses. S unique, and thats where pg es Online Business Energy Checkup tool can really help. You can use it to track your Actual Energy use. Find rebates that make equipment upgrades more affordable. Even develop a Customized Energy plan for your company. Think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. And yet another Energy Saving opportunity from pg e. Find new ways to save energy and money with pg es Business Energy checkup. As we continue top learn more about the second patient diagnosed with ebola in the u. S. , were awaiting the response from the white house where in just moments the president is set to hold a Video Conference with his british, french, german, and italian counter parts on crises around the world including ebola. Joining me from the white house with more is kristen welker. A pleasure to see you. Thanks. Thank you for having me. Has this new ebola case moved the crisis to the top of the agenda . It certainly is one of the top agenda items s ifor the ob administration. President obama will be hosting the Conference Call starting just moments from now. His message, im told, is going to be fighting ebola needs to be an all hands on deck approach. Hes going to be asking the countries to do more to fight ebola in west africa. As you know, the white house has sent 3600 u. S. Forces to west africa to do things like set up treatment centers, set up labs, help with supplies. Theyre going to be asking similar things of some of the other countries. You heard president obama yesterday when he made public remarks about this saying that other countries simply arent doing enough, jose. Yeah. And, you know, the fact is that it seems like americans are once again the ones having to put the boots on the groub there to deal with something that is international concern. Quickly, have other countries come through and do at least say theyre going do what america is already doing . Look, the british have sent some supplies and forces. The french have as well, but the United States said it just isnt enough. When you read about what is happening in west africa, you realize how severe the crisis is there. The administration said thats really the key to stopping what is happening there and what is now impacting us here in the United States. Nbc kristin welker. Thank you. That wrapping up this hour on msnbc. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Newsnation with tamron hall is up next. Ill see you here tomorrow. Are you sure youre not ignoring them in your body . Even if youre treating your Crohns Disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. And if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. Learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at crohnsandcolitis. Com. And then speak with your gastroenterologist. Tdd 18003452550 even on the go. Tdd 18003452550 open a schwab account, and you could earn tdd 18003452550 300 commissionfree online trades. Tdd 18003452550 so when a market move affects one of your positions, tdd 18003452550 schwab can help you decide what to do. Tdd 18003452550 with tools like free livestreaming cnbc tv tdd 18003452550 that give you the latest Financial News and trends. 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We have new information regarding the case. Throughout the morning hazmat crews have been at her apartment complex. Emergency responders have been at the scene alerting her neighbors and residents nearby. The Texas Health Department says the Health Care Worker helped treat duncan before he died last week. It is unclear what role she played in his treatment. They have not released her name as of yet. When asked at a News Conference this morning if she was a nurse, officials would not confirm that information. She was one of 77 workers being monitored. Texas Health Officials say she first reported a fever yesterday and was immediately isolated. Overnight

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