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Immigration plan he revealed last night. We will play that sound for you in a second. And let me tell you already, the word softening was used by donald trump. But new this morning, donald trump just wrapped up a speech at the American Legion convention in ohio, a day after Hillary Clinton spoke there. Trump picked up where he left off last night, promising mass deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the United States. His plan criticized by both republicans and democrats was red meat for the crowd last night in phoenix. Number one, are you ready . Are you ready . [ cheers and applause ] we will build a great wall along the southern border. And mexico will pay for the wall. [ cheers and applause ] they dont know it yet, but theyre going to pay for the wall. We are going to triple the number of i. C. E. Deportation offices. Within i. C. E. , i am going to create a new special Deportation Task force, focused on identifying and quickly removing the most dangerous criminal Illegal Immigrants in america who have evaded justice, just like Hillary Clinton has evaded justice, okay . Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation. You cannot obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country. You cant just smuggle in, hunker down and wait to be legalized. Not going to work that way. Those days are over. Now, six hours before that speech in a press conference with mexicos president pena nieto, trump said that he respected mexico and its residen residents, but what about the big question . We didnt discuss that. We didnt discuss who pays for the wall. We didnt discuss. We did discuss the wall. We didnt discuss payment of the wall. That will be for a later date. This was a very preliminary meeting. I think it was an excellent meeting. As for the reviews of his major immigration speech and how the day went, trumps hardline stance appeared to place please the people in the crowd and his base. Trump supporter, ann coulter, who said in her new book that the only thing trump could do to lose support among his base is flipflop on immigration. She tweeted, i think ill watch this speech every night before going to bed so that i will sleep like a baby. Jacob monte, a houstonbased immigration attorney who was just on our show defending trump last nationwifriday, now says h resigned from the National Hispanic advisory council. And Alfonso Aguilar tweeted, this is how i feel, disappointed and misled. On morning joe, democratic Vice President ial nominee, senator tim kaine blasted the deportation stance. Talking out of both both sides of his mouth and the diplomacy side was embarrassing and the speech last night frightening and divisive. So the diplomacy side the central piece of his whole campaign is immigration, deportation nation, were going to build the wall, make mexico pay for it. But when he gets in the room with the president of mexico, what he forgets this we have all of this covered with our nbc correspondents, beginning with kelly odonnell, in scotts dale, arizona. So kelly, new this morning, donald trump has given an interview to radio host, laura ingram where now he is saying, quote, there is softening. He says, look, we do it in a very humane way, were going to see with the people that are in the country. Obviously, i want to get the gang members out, the drug pedalers, i want to get the drug dealers out. Weve got a lot of people in this country you cant have and those people well get out. And then were going to make a decision at a later date once everything is stabilized. I think youre going to see, this is really quite a bit of softening. Now when he gave the interview to Anderson Cooper last week, donald trump said clearly, there is no softening. His words were some people are calling it a hardening. I know were getting hooked up on softening, hardening, whatever. The bottom line the tone this morning contrasted with the speech last night. I feel like were back to square one. Reporter well, tamron, from my reporting, talking to sources, what i think this reveals is a kind of struggle within donald trump himself. He and his family members are aware that this is an issue where they are losing voters who are not already in the trump camp. If they are trying to appeal to those independents, or swing voters or perhaps disaffected democrats who might be open to voting for trump, this issue and his tone has been something that has put many of them off. At the same time, trump, especially before an audience, a rally style crowd like we saw here in arizona last night is drawn back to the primary fire and energy, primary season fire of his supporters where he takes that harder line. Thats his brand, thats what got him to the nomination, and theres this internal struggle about wanting to be true to what he has said, to be perceived as tough, to be perceived as able to fix the immigration issues that exist, and at the same time, recognizing the practical problem and the political problem of how to deal with this issue. So from my reporting, im told there are members in the family and there are close advisers who have been encouraging him to take this humane or heartening, as he used the word, approach, and to try to explain that there would be steps in dealing with immigration, the wall first, he always goes back to the wall and then how would you deal with those who are in the country, perhaps for many years, without proper documentation. So what were seeing is trump struggling with himself over a central issue. Kelly, it was just monday that kellyanne conway, his campaign manager, said that trump had not talked about a Deportation Force since november. Signaling that he would not mention or not pursue this Deportation Task force. Heres what she said monday. Why cant anybody in the campaign answer the question whether hes in favor of deportation or not . I answered many times. He hasnt talked about that in a very long time. Is he in favor of it or against it . He has not talked about it in a very long time and we have to wait until wednesday. We heard donald trump say a special Deportation Task force. Who in his campaign knew what he was going to say yesterday . Well, again, this is the divide. Kellyanne conway, who knows voters and polling and it has been trying to craft his approach. You heard her comments. Laura ingram, doing the interview with her, a part of one of the debate prep sessions that donald trump is in for the september 26 debate. She was not in the most recent one. But the speech last night drafted by steve bannon and steve miller, top policy adviser, worked closely with senator jeff sessions, who is a hardliner on immigration. Sessions was there, as well. You have different voices in the campaign and they touch on things that appeal to trump, the candidate. The hardline versus wanting to appeal more broadly. Thats this division. We dont often see it sort of exposed this much. But on this issue, it has really laid it bare. Ive also been told in my reporting, the family is concerned about where the polling is, that theyre behind. I can tell you as we reported in the last hour first on msnbc, that trump will receive another intelligence briefing tomorrow, and that comes right after his trip to mexico, something that insiders tell me has been in the planning for weeks, where his family wanted him to go to mexico to have that world stage moment. All right. Thank you very much. And to that world stage moment, lets go to jacob rascon. He is in mexico city. Jacob, im curious what you have been able to uncover regarding how this all played out yesterday. You have trump answering the question, the wall came up, not who would pay for the wall, immediately following mexicos president and another official seemed to be trying to clean up things with twitter. Were they ambushed by trump discussing openly what happened in that private meeting . Reporter i think that what we saw were two trumps and two pena nietos. You had them together and separate saying different things. What we also learned it was clear what happened in the press conference that trump took a question and said oh, there was no discussion. And later the spokesperson for pena nieto and he himself tweeted he made it clear there would be no wall. So later, a spokesperson for the president told another paper, and trying to get this for ourselves, and its a fine line here. What president pena nieto did was state, we will not pay for the wall, and trump didnt respond. Moved on to other things. So technically, there was no discussion about paying for the wall. According to this conversation. But that the president did say, were not paying for it. Trump apparently just not wanting to talk about it. If i could, i want to run through a couple of the papers here. This is one of the big ones. This one basically says, trump says the wall will go up, pena nieto says some of his positions are a threat. The exact quote is there. Pena nieto said some of trumps positions represent a threat to the future of mexico. This other one says we deserve respect. And mexicans agrieved and goes on to talk about how the policies are a threat. And this one says, the president demands respect for mexicans. And which is what he said in an interview after that conference. And this one just starts with trump does not ask for forgiveness from pena nieto for his insults to mexicans. And one of the opinions here in the paper says a way to understand what happened yesterday was a meeting between two desperate politicians. Because as we know, pena nieto, 23 Approval Rating here in mexi mexico. And donald trump and mexico has, i believe, 3 those numbers reporter 4 approval. Both may see a down tick in the number, considering those newspapers you just showed us and some of the reviews of both of them. Lets bring in gop strategist and former adviser to john mccain, erica andy hola, former Bernie Sanders spokesperson, National Director of the dream action coalition. And director at the u. S. Policy Immigration Program who used to work for the immigration and naturalization service. Thank you all for joining us. Thank you. Thank you. Doris, i would like to start off with you. Donald trump did make it clear he is in favor of this Deportation Task force. And how this would all play out. He talked about the zero tolerance for criminals. Let me play what he said. Zero tolerance for criminal aliens zero zero and you can call it deported if you want. The press doesnt like that term. You can call it whatever the hell you want. Theyre gone. We are going to suspend the issuance of visas to any place where adequate screening did not occur. I call it extreme vetting, right . Extreme vetting. I want extreme. Its going to be so tough. So doris, you know this process better than anyone. What is your review of what donald trump proposed . Well, he focused so much of his time and effort on criminal aliens and on removal of criminal aliens, that had a lot of enthusiasm about that. But criminal aliens and criminal alien removal has been the priority in i. C. E. And for deporting people for a long time. You know, this current president , president obama, has deported more than 3 Million People, the very large majority of them, criminal aliens. Thats more deportations than any other prior president. So its not as though criminal alien removal hasnt been at the top of the agenda. Now, what donald trump is talking about is increasing the resources, the numbers of i. C. E. Officers that would be committed and devoted to doing that criminal alien removal. But its not a new idea. Its not a new we actually have the numbers. I know trump says he wants to increase the agents by 5,000 Border Patrol agents along the u. S. mexico border. To your point, doris, have increased steadily. 1996, 5,300 agents. By 2012, some 18,000 agents, and we saw a down tick in the number to now 17,000. But theres been a steady increase just by looking at those numbers over some time. Eric, i want to bring you in and what trump said on amnesty and doca. Lets play what he said last night. We will immediately terminate president obamas two illegal executive amnesties in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million Illegal Immigrants. 5 million. I dont think, erica, people were surprised by trump standing by that. I think its now what will the reaction be as far as voter turnout and some of the young people in the Latino Community, the hispanic community, who may now be more fired up. What are your thoughts . Absolutely. You know, its not surprising he has already been saying it over and over again. And i think, you know, our community is listening. And the polls have shown, hes not getting the support of the majority of the Latino Community for that reason. We have families across the country who are mixed status families. We have people who are concerned that their family members could get deported. We have young people who are afraid theyre going to lose their jobs now that they are able to work with doca. And it is concerning, but at the same time we know that our communities are listening and, yeah, the polls are showing hes not, you know getting our support. And were going to continue to make sure that people know hes not the right person to pick. But also that we need to make sure that the deportation programs that are there right now happening under president obama are also not going to be followed by Hillary Clinton. So we want to make sure the person who is in the white house next year is going to be the right person for us, and that is going to discontinue all the deportation programs separating our families. Adolpho, its been an interesting few hours watching some of the republicans who i think were hopeful that donald trump would soften or that it would be i think one person put it, they said by morning trump is conway, referring to kellyanne conway. By evening, trump is bannontrump. That was the reference. Jacob monte, a strategist, an attorney, immigration attorney, republican. In support of donald trump. I want to play what he said to me just last friday on this show. This morning, now resigned from his position after trumps speech. But heres what he said friday. I think he deserves kudos for having the country talk about immigration. Were closer now to immigration reform, because donald trump has identified the security failures and hes also gotten the right to discuss the fact that most of these people are good, and they need to stay here, its important to our economy, its the humane thing to do. Adolpho, jacob he quit his job this morning. Resigned. After trumps speech. Where did trump fail, i guess, some of the republicans last night . Who were willing to support him . Im amazed at the resignations of jacob and alfonso. Alfonso, by the way, had criticized donald trump very strongly when he was a candidate and said he would vote for mickey mouse before he would vote for donald trump. So i dont see aninists. But im amazed here that any republican and im not a trump supporter. Im a republican strategist. But i dont support donald trump. However, im amazed that anybody listening to the speech yesterday thought that that was a revelation. I think donald trump, frankly, had a wonderful day yesterday. A very good day. His best day in a long time. I think he appealed to two types of voters. First is the suburban republican vote and others he needs to bring into the republican tent, so to speak, to win the election by his visit to mexico. That was a success. And then later he really entered the debate tamron, he has been having with himself over immigration and reiterated the same positions hes held for over a year. So i dont understand whats new here, other than hes done two things. Hes appeared president ial i think that was a visit that reinforced the notion that he could be temper at. I think the majority find it perplexing and maybe an inside washington phrase. I said the other day, i see it as, you know, when your mom would take you to a nice store and say, act right or act like you have some sense. Dont we have a higher bar for our president than, okay, he didnt yell at the other leader standing next to him, and there were some beautiful flags behind him . To we have a higher bar than that . Well, you know, all of the ads the Clinton Campaign has been running, he doesnt have temperament. If you look at the ads, the way he carries on and the boisterous and i think sometimes inflammatory language hes used has been suggested that that word has been used doesnt have the temperament. I dont think anybody can really and, again, im not in the donald trump campaign, cannot say he came off yesterday very well in mexico. I think people were expecting him to either lecture the mexican president or to say some things that have been quite provocative. I think he succeeded yesterday. And i really believe that. In two ways. We would be talking about inconsistencies if he were to change his whole immigration policy. He didnt do that in phoenix and yet said complimentary things about mexico, and willingness to cooperate with mexico but still sticking to his guns on immigration and i dont understand how anybody who has been supporting trump can now retreat from that support since that has been his message. Al dolpho, would you have sized him to talk about the payment of the wall, six hours after standing there on that stage, in mexico, he then goes to the rally, and charges up that crowd with the line. Why not bring this up . Well, again, i think that is sort of nibbling at the edges to be quite honest with you. Whether mexico ultimately pays for the wall or the United States pays for the wall, we have a fence, we have built part of that wall, as everybody knows. How is that nibbling at the fence when that is the meat of his campaign . He has turned to his audience and literally turns it into a wwestyle chant of who is going to pay for the wall. Thats not the edges. Thats the entree. But if you listen to this during the campaign and people have asked him exactly how youre going to force mexico to pay for the wall, he also answered throughout there are different ways to do this, suggesting through some trade mechanism i dont know how that would work or withholding some aid. There might be an indirect way to do than actually have them write a check. But i think were missing the point here. I think the fact that the president of mexico was courteous to him did not call him out, and there was this suggestion that they could Work Together and cooperate and find the humanitarian and other aspects of illegal immigration which are vexing for both countries, i think yesterday is a huge day for donald trump. And i think he accomplished a great deal. And, frankly, i disagree with your earlier reporting of your reporters. The polling suggests at least at the National Level the race is tightening and i think in the next few days it will tighten further as a consequence of this visit. Well see if those polls are right. Quickly, you have said now three times in the interview youre not a donald trump supporter. Can you tell me why . Because you have defended his stances and positions throughout the interview. Why not support him as a republican . Well, im analyzing the day he had. And the consistency he had. And im trying to be obtainive here. And i think hes had a very good day. I dont support him, because i do not believe in those policies. And i do not believe he has frankly the qualifications to be president of the United States. That is my judgment. About his qualifications. However, i need to be obtainive abo about the type of political strategy hes been carrying out in the last 48 hours and that has been a success. And i do know enough about policy to say i think it will generate two things. Reinforce his base, and actually bring in some nonhispanic Republican Voters that have been somewhat reluctant as a consequence of that visit to mexico. Adolpho, erica, doris, thank you for your time. Thank you. Coming up, more on the ridicule mexicos president is facing after meeting with donald trump. Some are calling the visit humiliation. Others say it was a disaster. The former u. S. Ambassador to mexico joins me live to talk about this meeting, and whether or not it was a good day for either of the men. Plus, some of trumps statements on immigration being questioned this morning. Were going to factcheck the new key policy points made by trump last night. And later ill talk live with the michigan pastor who invited donald trump to attend his Church Service this weekend. Trump accepted. Pastor Wayne Jackson says that when he talks to trump facetoface, he will ask if trump is a racist. You push and pull and struggle and fight and love to run your business. And when you need legal help with that business, were here for you. Were legalzoom. And over the last 10 years weve help one million Business Owners nagate every day challenges. So visit us today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. And grease in just a minute on dirt and grime mr. 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And mexico. Different perspectives, of course, as the Associated Press points out, mexicans are, quote, angry at the president s humiliating meeting with trump. Joining me, earl anthony wayne. Thank you for joining us. There is some reporting out there that the president extended the invitation, not anticipating donald trump accepting it. What can you tell me you have learned behind the scenes and perhaps how this played out, if anything . Well, i think that president of mexico extended an invitation to both candidates. Yes. In the spirit of the close relationship and the intense relationship that we have between mexico and the United States. This relationship touches the daily lives of more u. S. Citizens and more mexicans, of course. Than any other relationship that either country has in the world. Was there also surprise from those that you know, and your sources to the fact that donald trump said on stage, we discussed the wall, we did not discuss the payment of the wall, what was your personal reaction and from those within the government you know . Well, this is, of course, a big area of difference, between the two between trumps position and that of the government of mexico. The wall itself is another area of difference. And its, as you know, an area of difference with many in the United States. Recent pew poll showed some 60 of american citizens not thinking that a wall was needed. And very interesting poll of residents living along the border showed that about 65 of those u. S. Residents dont think a wall is needed, either. As i said, depends on which article, but across the board, it seems that you can find plenty of criticism for both, that it was a mistake for both. Something that stood out to us, a news anchor, Carlos Loretta molea tweeted, trump can leave at ease now. The humiliation was complete. The only person with lower Approval Rating outside pena nieto is donald trump. Looking at this and, again, going back to what you know, this gamble for mexicos president , why do you think he took it . Well, im not sure exactly after the invitation had been extended when it was accepted, im not sure what the deliberations were in los penos. I think what is important, there was an opportunity to really look at the facts of the relationship between mexico and the United States. Over 1 million of trade each day. 1 Million People to cross the border legally each day. We have seen a decline in mexicans undocumented in the United States, the net flow has been less than zero. Meaning fewer mexicans have been coming to the United States illegally than have been going home to mexico. Since 2009. These are things that people really dont focus on when theyre having these political debates. But theres an ability there was an ability to look at that and to really examine how important this relationship is, and how important it is we get it right for both countries. Between 5 and 6 million u. S. Jobs depend on sales to mexico. They are the secondlargest buyer of u. S. Products in the world. And when we buy a finished manufactured product from mexico, 40 of the value of that is u. S. Value. Thank you so much for your time. We greatly appreciate it. And, again, as you point out, we get caught up in the important rhetoric and the Important News of Donald Trumps deportation plan. The factual numbers and the relationship between these two countries, the importance of it, should also be equally discussed. Thank you so much for your time. We greatly appreciate it. It was a pleasure. Thank you. Tomorrow, mexicos former preside president , vicente fox, will join us 11 00 a. M. Eastern time. Well have more reaction from him tomorrow. Also coming up, the Clinton Campaign is pushing back on a political report out this morning that claims tax dollars, american tax dollars, are used to subsidize the clinton foundation. And purchase the server at the heart of all of this controversy of her emails. We have a new response this morning to that political report. Thats next. Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmm. [ dreams by beck ] hmmmmm. The turbocharged dream machine. The Volkswagen Golf gti. Named one of car and drivers 10best, 10 years in a row. Hey team, i know were tight on time, but i really need a. Sick day tomorrow. Nighttime sniffling,sneezing, coughing, aching, fever best. Sleep with a cold, medicine. Mastery is a journey of continuous improvement. Come triumph, or trial, tennis legend Serena Williams moves forward, and with the chase mobile® app were on the same path, offering innovative, and convenient ways to bank. 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Talk to your rheumatologist. This is humira at work. A new development this morning in the ongoing controversy over the clinton foundation. Politico reports that the staff of former president bill clinton used money from a federal program to subsidize the foundation. Now a clinton spokesperson this morning immediately shooting down the report, calling it intentionally misleading and demonstrably false. Lets go now to msnbc political correspondent, kasie hunt n warren, ohio, where joe biden is complaining for Hillary Clinton. Has there been any reaction from the campaign about this report . Reporter hi, tamron. This centers on a program thats used for ex president s to basically not be destitute. Thats the origin of this, and it turns out that bill clinton has been tapping into this for some of the folks that have worked with him after he left the white house. But as you point out, the Clinton Campaign very quick to insist that this report is false. Brian fallon tweeting that the campaign is demanding a correction for the headline, and bill clintons spokesman saying that no fund were ever used for a private email server at any point. Now, of course, if we take this more broadly, this is part of this drip, drip, drip, of this email issue for Hillary Clinton as she struggles in particular to with those numbers that show that americans dont trust her. And thats whats driving some of the recent polling that were seeing in states like pennsylvania and ohio that shows the race tightening a little bit after the convention. Of course, Hillary Clinton coming out way ahead. Now youre hearing Vice President joe biden just get introduced here. He is here in ohio, a place in eastern ohio thats been really hardhit by structural changes to the economy. Its a place that democrats for years have relied on for statewide wins here in ohio. And it is becoming in many ways trump country. I was talking to some democratic sources saying that a lot of the ballots that they would normally have expected to go democrat, they went republican in the primary. And, of course, donald trump won the mahoney valley here. This is a place where if trump is going to win, he has won White Working Class voters. Of course, he has a an uphill climb, shall we say, compared to her at this point. Thats where the shift might happen if it does. Kasie hunt, live, thank you very much. Coming up, as donald trump polls in the Single Digits with africanamericans, he is prepared to visit the detroit area, a church in detroit area. Up next, im going to talk with the pastor who invited donald trump and plans to interview him facetoface. He says hes ready to ask trump some tough questions. Well be right back. New clients . Lets go meet them soon. In person, we could read the room. On the phone, youre just a voice. Yeah, im good. For fast rewards, lets book on choice. 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Save now when you buy Philips Sonicare. What do you have to lose . Thats the question donald trump has repeatedly been asking africanamerican voters. He says he tries to win over some support. 8 of africanamericans say they would vote for the republican nominee. That was in the latest nbc new survey monkey online poll. Trump will try to close the gap this weekend in his first sitdown with a mostly africanamerican audience. It will take place at Great Faith Ministries International in detroit. And bishop wayne t. Jackson is Senior Pastor of great Faith Ministries and co founder of the Impact Network and joins us now. Bishop, thank you so much for your time. Thank you for having me, tamron. Absolutely. As i mentioned, you co founded Impact Network with your wife. You said its the only Christian Television network run by africanamericans. It reaches some 50 million homes in the United States. But as i understand it, donald trump is not going to speak before your audience or your congregation or speak at the podium from your church. Why not . Well, let me kind of back up and make something clear. You had made a statement that i had invited donald trump to come out and speak. Donald trumps Camp National camp, reached out to me, because of the impact Television Network is the only africanamerican Christian Network in our nation. There is not another africanamerican International Network thats operated and run by africanamericans. We are very proud of that. And as you know, the africanamerican church is very powerful. We have had down through the years, decades, i should say, change come into our community by great preachers such as Martin Luther king. Martin luther king was a reverend and pass it tore and so forth and so on. So donald trump may be his Campaign Staff reached out maybe about two months ago. He wanted to find a place where he could go and talk to africanamericans, because he wanted to get his message to africanamericans. And as everyone knows, africanamericans were being addressed by donald trump, by a white audience. And that wasnt going to work. But they had been working with our staff to come in and to do the sitdown interview, and to get some facts about what he would do for africanamericans. And so people had been saying that donald trump, you know, hes speaking if he wants africanamericans, he needs to come to africanamericans. And so he was doing it, you know, for two months ago, and now hes going to be at great Faith Ministries. I have a dual role here. Im founder and ceo of the impact Television Network, but im also a pastor. Ive been pastoring for 30 years now. We have seen candidates come to our churches down through the years to sit in the service and get okay. Sir, im sorry, i have to interrupt you, pastor bishop. Is he speaking before the congregation or not . Well, i was going to get to that. Sure. Were almost out of time. So can you answer the question for me . No, no, no. Hes coming africanamerican youre kind of repeating me. Please, if you can, bishop, is he speaking before the congregation . Or only speaking to you . No, what im getting to, because i need to tell the story, so you know exactly whats going on. So im getting to that. No, he will not be speaking. Hes coming to have an experience of africanamerican church. Now when he gets there, you know are hes going to be a visitor and hes going to be a visitor like everyone else. And when we welcome our visitors into the church, the service, you know, he will stand and we will acknowledge mr. Trump being there. And just like any mayoral candidate or congress person, they may come up and greet the congregation and sit down. But hes going to basically be sitting down in the congregation, and join the service. So he is not speaking to africanamericans. Hes speaking to an africanamerican, which would be you. Behind closed doors. Is that the answer . No, no, thats not right. He will be speaking to africanamericans through the impact Television Network after the interview was over. Yes, he will be. Will the interview with you happen behind closed doors as reported . Can you let me know if thats fact . Yes, it will be in an interview in my office, where we will have the interview for the impact Television Network, and it will come out. Its been reported that youre going to Ask Donald Trump if hes a racist. Do you really believe hes going to say yes, i am . Why ask that question . When you already know what his answer will be . Based on the statements that were made and things that people feel in their mind heard over and over about people wondering if thats true. And my position is, that based on what people have said, that you said about, you know, the muslims and the hispanics and so forth and so on, we want to know, because this is a question in a lot of peoples minds. Plus, africanamericans want to know, what going to take place if hes elected president . You know, how is his administration going to be, how is his attorney general, how is the attorney general going to look . What will we have when it comes to africanamericans . Okay. Africanamericans, you know, we want to make sure that yes. Bishop, i have to interrupt you. Vice President Joe Biden campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Lets listen in. Thank you. In life and politics, the people who the idea that they care about forms in their gut, first. And then it goes to their heart, and then articulated if theyre as brave as this guy is, through their head. I really mean it. Theyre the people i trust. The people who arrive at this conclusion based on intellectual exercise and theyve reasoned it through, theyre good people. But when things get really tough, when things get really tough, theyre the people who sometimes crack a little bit. But the guys and the women who feel it in their gut, as my mother would say, can taste it, understand it, smell it, see it. Theyre the people that i trust. And timmy, youre in the same category, buddy. You know, i know about irish and italians. Im irish and i married an italian. Bless me, father. [ laughter ] besides, shes sicilian, and i dont know, man. I dont screw around. I must tell you that. I listen to her. But all kidding aside, tim, youre a standup guy. Tim touched on something that im going to speak to briefly about today. My biggest problem with donald trump, ill tell you about it in a minute is not his cockamamy policies. Its the way he treats people. No, i mean sincerely now. Think about growing up in your house, and your Kitchen Table. If you ever talked about people like he does im not joking. I really genuinely mean this. If you ever sat there and, you know, talked about how, you know, cool it was that, you know, john town the street got fired. Youre fired. A phrase hes made famous. Youre fired. You ought to dom come from a household were some people were fired. Were the plant closed down. Where all of a sudden theyre staring at the ceiling, wonder how in gods name am i going to make it. A guy who says a guy who says, and he means it, American Workers make too much money. No, no, no. Just think all kidding aside. I mean, im being deadly earnest here. This part is not the campaign speech, man. This this is about the character for the person were talking about elected as president of the United States. You know, doug is here. Doug frank and the mayor, thank you for the passport, mayor, getting into town. [ applause ] you guys get it. You guys get it. You know, i know robert and glen couldnt be here, but i, quite frankly, like the fact that sherry and glen johnson are here. I like Vice President s better than president s, anyway. But all kidding aside, back back in 2008 and 2012 i came here to ask for your vote and i guess i was presumptuous enough to ask for your trust. I said i promise you, trust us. Trust us. You gave us both. You gave us your vote but, more importantly, you invested your trust in us. And i came back to say first and foremost thank you. [ applause ] no, no, all kidding aside, i mean this sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I know i would not be standing here today as Vice President. This is not hyperbole. I would not be standing here today without you all. Without the American Labor movement. I would have never, ever, ever as a 29yearold kid be elected in the corporate state of delaware where it not in september all of a sudden knowing that i had no chance the uaw stood up the single largest work force in my state in 72 was the uaw. Represented 10 of the entire work force in my state. There is no uaw left in delaware anymore. But it represented 10 . You stood up, you took a chance on a kid, you took a chance on somebody who said i promise you, i get it. My grand pop used to say joey, youre labor from your belt buckle to your shoe sole and for a simple reason. For a simple reason. I am a student of history. I was raised in a family. I was straightforward and honest. And the fact of the matter is American Labor not figuratively, literally and you kids, youre not being taught this these days there would be no middleclass in america, thats not hyperbole, without organized labor. And barack and i wouldnt have been elected president and Vice President without all of yousy hope you know ive tried to repay your trust. When barack and i were sworn in in january 20, 2009, the Auto Industry wasnt on its heels, it was on its back. There were literally serious discussions among serious people of letting the industry collapse not just right wing guys and chamber of commerce guys. But remember what they were saying about yall . They were saying American Workers were not productive. That yall were lazy. Try to remember what this really was, man, that you couldnt compete with the japanese. You couldnt compete with the germans, you werent as smart, you werent as dedicated, youve become lazy and it wasnt worth it. I know i get blamed but im happy now i got blamed for being the s. O. B. At the family picnic insisting that we bail out quote unquote the Automobile Industry. Because absolutely convinced along with ted and sharon and tim, i was absolutely convinced because of who i knew, how i grew up we knew the Automobile Industry was not just an important economic element of the American Economy it was the symbol of who we were. What are we known best for in the world . The american Automobile Industry. We build it for the world, not just for the United States we knew how central it was to the world. Remember back then what our friends were saying on the other team. And theres a reason im bothering you to remind you about this, its not like, oh, god, were tired of hearing about you bailing out the Auto Industry. The thing i want you to remember is why i got my brains kicked in, and the president did, by the wall street journal and by the republicans and by your opponent and the last administration. It was about you werent capable you werent capable of building the best product in the world. You were overpaid. Remember that argument . How many times did we hear for eight years about how youre overpaid. How many times did we hear last time around well let them go bankrupt, let detroit go bankrupt, right in ohio. As ted pointed out, his opponent said this is a lousy deal for ohio. Wed gone down to selling about six million vehicles a year. Remember, go back and look, my wife is a college professor, shed say google it, check it out. [ laughter ] what was the Mainstream Center right press say iing . We could never build more than six million cars in america mainly because you werent competent. You had lost your desire to work hard, youd gotten fat and happy. That was the whole story. Thats still trumps story and guess what . Why bother to invest . But you know who invested most in the recovery of the industry . Everybody forgets this, the uaw. You call contributed the most. You gave the most at the office as they say to resurrect this industry. You took a hit to get it back on its feet when management had screwed up the whole process. Youre not designing the cars, management designed them. My dad was in the Automobile Industry, he said just give me product. I can sell it if you give me product. Well, guess what guys . The bottom line is these same guys, they havent chamt changed. They dont know you. They didnt know you then, they dont know you now. They didnt know where i came from. Folks, we all came from the same neighborhood, whether its youngstown, scranton, toledo, pittsburgh. And the other guy, hes simply hes not a bad guy. He just doesnt understand it. He doesnt understand it anymore than you understand what its like to live in a 30,000 square foot penthouse 80 floors up in new york. You dont understand that. I dont. He doesnt have any idea what its like, with my mom saying we need to put new tires on the car and my dad saying honey, we need 10,000 more miles, i dont have it right now. He doesnt understand the conversation that still goes on in the valley. Honey, whos going to tell mary she cant go back to college this year . We just we just i dont know how to tell her. What do we say to her . Look, folks, you know, when you get what we get, what the vast majority of americans get is giving america just an even chance. Just give them a chance my dad used to say i dont expect the government to solve my problem, i just want them to understand my problem. Just give me a chance. The neighborhood where we came from is where your character is etched, where your values are set, where your view in the world and your place in the world is formed. Like you guys. I came from a neighborhood i expect like you guys, i came from a neighborhood where most people didnt go to college. Kids all aspired to go to college, all our parents aspired for us to go to college. And we learned our values by watching our mothers and fathers. I learned by watching my grandpa, listening to conversations at that Kitchen Table my dad had to leave scranton to find work. He was a proud man but he had to walk up the stairs in our house and say, honey, sorry you cant go back to st. Pauls, youll have to move in with grand pop because dad has to we cant keep the house. Its going to be okay. He believed it would be okay. He said im going down to wilmington, ill be back in a year. Ill come home every weekend but ill be back in a year and bring everybody down. Looking back on it as a young adult i thought that must have been hard for him to tell me and my brothers but it must have been even harder to walk into my grand pops pantry and say ambrose, the father of four men, four boys and my mother and swallow your pride and say can you take care of jean and the kids for a year but i promise ill pay you back . From that moment on even though i was in fourth grade when we moved, spent a lot of time going

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