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Happening before, we believe, at the white house with israels leader. And that question of whether Jared Kushner, what can he do . And the other controversial issue of the embassy that i just brought up. The question is, will he be that right person . Trump has made it very clear that he is giving this issue to Jared Kushner to lead the way on. Jared kushner is taking a formal role in the administration where he is going to be looking specifically at trade policy, at policy by the middle east. I think on the night before the inauguration at one of the balls, trump addressed Jared Kushner and said if jared cant fix peace in the middle east, nobody can. But, again, jareds role, Senior Administration officials think it is even though thats the stated areas he will have a role in, its sort of like his role in the campaign. Overseeing the social media accounts and it grew. This is an administration where the job titles dont necessarily tell you what role people are playing. I think that jared will have a very unique access to donald trump, to the president , in which he can be a top adviser in the west wing and also he will have access to the east wing, a realm of Donald Trumps life where chief of staff and steve bannon typically dont go into the private realm where Jared Kushner will be able to. But i think a lot of the Jared Kushner is an orthodox jew, his parents are holocaust suff survivors. I think this why donald trump thinks he can broker a deal in the middle east. Some deals were good, some deals were bad. He doesnt have Foreign Policy experience. So it remains to be seen. Annie, thank you very much. Stand by. Well see you in just a little bit. We want to move now to some breaking news that weve been following. Get you an update of what were seeing out of georgia. This. State of emergency being declared in seven counties after Severe Weather hit the area overnight, devastating some communities, leaving 12 people dead. Residents in the southeast on alert as the Severe Weather forecast continues through tonight with all that red you see there. The new president , donald trump, expressing his condolences in opening remarks at a swearing in for his white house senior staff. Take a listen. I just spoke with governor nathan diehl of georgia. Great state. Great people. Just expressed ours sincere condolences for the lives taken. Tornadoes were vicious and strong and they suffered greatly. So well be helping out the state of georgia. Nbcs sarah dallof is there, surveying the damage for us. Sarah . Reporter its been a dangerous weekend weatherwise in the south. For proof, look no further tan southern georgia. The destruction that an overnight tornado caused here. This used to be the base for three silos. Now tossed aside. You can see how powerful those winds must have been. You can also see the path this tornado took. Lets walk along it. You see those trees stripped bare of their bark, pieces of metal wrapped around the bases of those trees and outbuildings, roofs knocked off, walls knocked down. What appears to be carriages on their side over here. You have homes destroyed in this area. 11 people right now reported dead. 23 injured. And Officials Say those numbers could go up. Also had problems in other states in the south. Texas, louisiana, arkansas, all receiving Severe Weather within the past 24 hours. The bad news for this specific region here in georgia, things could get worse. We have more bands of weather moving in as officials caution people to take shelter, take no chances with their lives at this point, richard. Back to you. Sarah, thank you so much. Breaking story out of adel, georgia, for us. Keep an eye on that story. So many concerns sarah was expressing to us. Lets get back to a busy sunday so far for President Trump, watching all the tape coming into us. An event honoring law enforcement. That included the president embracing fbi director james comey. Many argue were instrumental in their victory by announcing a renewed investigation by Hillary Clinton. Also this afternoon, President Trump overseeing the swearing in of the senior white house staff, mainly counselor to the president , Kellyanne Conway, Reince Priebus and sean spicer. Spicer, in part, accused reporters of falsely reporting the size of the crowd at the inauguration. Chuck todd confronted Kellyanne Conway about that statement. It undermines the credibility of the entire White House Press office. No, it doesnt. On day one. Dont be so overly dramatic about it, chuck. Youre saying its a falsehood and theyre giving sean spicer, our press secretary gave alternative facts to that. Joining us now, political strategist brandon bryce. Founder of new Blue Interactive and former managing director of the dcc and annie carney from politico rejoins us as well. Its been a busy sunday. Weve seen the swearing in of 30 close assistants. What stood out to you in that . Were talking about Jared Kushner, annie and i, earlier. And his position in the middle east. When trump brings on these new folks to these new positions its important that theyre qualified. The diversity within the cabinet stood out to america. Jared kushner, his background is in real estate. We got to make sure that we put people out there who actually have the experience and knowhow when it comes to Foreign Policy in the middle east. The question out there, taran, is this the right person . Annie was describing his background and why President Trump thinks he might be the right face to lead this effort. Well, im certain that his faith may help him to guide in these decisions. However, i do think that experience and the fact that weve got nepitism laws that were skirting around are troublesome to most people. If he overwhelmingly had a background in Foreign Policy, middle east expert, studying this issue for decades, maybe we would all feel a little bit differently. Instead theres these question marks around him. And the only thing that really he can say and inspired him is that his faith, you know, brings some experience to the table about the problems in the middle east. But im not sure that thats enough. Part of what we saw donald trump today also do, annie, before he did make comments about the swearing in of those 30 assistants, did he address an issue that we started the hour with, which was catastrophe in the south where weve lost lives. And sarah dallof was showing us how graphic it is, with all of those houses being leveled. Part of that was we saw him take on a role as president of the United States which is, if you will, to be the father of the country, at least at this moment. To have ultimate responsibility and have to offer condolences but also potentially offer federal aid which is an issue that may not be supported by the Republican Party that he is now part of. That moment, i think, was kind of the first really different note that trump has struck since becoming the president. It was a president ial moment. It was Something Different from the Campaign Trump that is so far the same thing as President Trump, attacking the media, you know, his rambling speech in front of the cia yesterday was just like a campaign rift. We havent seen him change at all. At this moment it stood out as something slightly different from complaining about crowd sizes or talking about how many times he has been on the cover of time magazine. It did evolve to today. The president tweeting something that was a little bit less, hey, the numbers are different. You do have the right to march. This is something that were watching. The question is, is that enough, brandon, the way the president has addressed what has been g guesstimated to be over a Million People nationwide taking to the streets and wanting their voices to be heard . And again reaffirming their ability and right to walk . One of the things that makes donald trump unique is that he is a businessman. He is not a career politician. I think fortunately thats the thing that got him elected, that the American People were tired of, you know, in a sense donothing politicians in washington. Theres also something to really look at, john. When we look at what type of president this donald trump has decided to be. He is a handson, straight to the point kind of communicator. Thats somebody we havent seen a long time in washington. Tarin, as part of these protests, its not only the president s response, right . Its also those who might be able to tap into some of this energy, the Democratic Party. As the rnc, going through some questions about what will be next. How will they function, who are our voters . Who are our supporters . Is this an opportunity that the democrats did not fully engage in, that they could have either to register folks or to get money . Oh, no, definitely. They definitely took advantage of it. I think they had a Million People that are now mobilized. Weve got a very organized grass roots right now. I think what was most of all and most important, these were people showing up in some small considered red states with 10 to 20 of small towns, populations showing up to support their opposition. We took as much advantage as we could. And i know just from being a digital strategist and running that firm, you could see what was happening in the mobilization, getting those email addresses. There was a surge in grassroots fundraising for most of my clients. We saw engagement on facebook, twitter. Not just on the streets but as people were coming home, and as theyre standing there. I think youre going to have a really large voice that he will have to reckon with and that he cant simply ignore or dismiss as he tried to do in the morning with his tweets. He is really the president now. He has the leader in these catastrophic times like what we saw in georgia to acknowledging a huge portion of the population is in opposition and is concerned and worried about his leadership. I think they captured what they wanted to do. What is the next best step. They could not ignore the sound because it was wafting over the white house throughout the entire day in d. C. What is the best next step other than this tweet . Does he come out with a speech . Does he address the crowd and what happened directly, annie . First of all, the tweet was what youre supposed to say as president of the United States when hundreds of thousands, millions of people across the country just staged protests seen around the world. Thats kind of what you have to do. Lets not forget that tweet came after an entire day that he spent talking about crowd sizes and calling the media dishonest for reporting facts and figures about how many people showed up to his inauguration, which was like i think the reason he did that and became so incensed about it is because the womens march was so large. So lets not forget his original response wasnt the tweet. It was 48, 24, 48 hours of bashing the media about crowd size. And Kellyanne Conways comments we were discussing earlier. What does this mean for the press corps, when we look at the way theyll communicate in the white house with the press here . Kellyanne conway talked about alternative fact. Chuck todd did a nice job of pushing her, saying its the same thing as falsehoods. I mean, they are its a strategy thats effective because i think that if you start challenging every fact and every truth, i think that you create sort of a fog of truth. And ive seen like even after sean spicers press conference yesterday, which was pretty shocking in that, a, even that they put him out there for the first briefing in the briefing room, to sfut something that it just feels kind of trivial. I had friends ask him yesterday, so were the pictures wrong . It creates a kind of an aura of maybe sean spicer is wrong but maybe also the media is wrong. They dont know who to believe and it undermines the press, which is what theyre trying to do. Its intimidation factor to the press. And it is i mean, its a big challenge for journalists covering this administration. For folks like you, covering the white house. Brandon, what did you take away from that . You saw sean spicer get up ere. You then saw what annie i saying, some folks saying maybe the pictures arent right. Two things. One, were talking about a donald trump presidency. As opposed to a barack obama presidency, as the first africanamerican elect to the office. Clearly, youve had tens of millions more voters come out in 2008. I also want to talk about this. What makes donald trump interesting is the fact that he has been at war with the press since day one and he was still elected. So i think part of whereas any other politician, this is something they would run from. I think the more the press hits him, the more influential and interesting this president becomes. Its interesting to say donald trump and the press, a beginning of what will be a long lovefest with the press against donald j. Trump. One thing at his advantage is to continue to nitpick the press, like he nitpicked ted cruz and marco rubio and Hillary Clinton early when he ran against them in the primaries. When you look at this, its hard to argue with you, brandon. Tarin, what do you think . This love hate, picking on the press means he gets more press and at the end of the day, its good for him. Well have another four years of a lot of love hate if you will. And alternate truths. What did she say, alternate facts . Which at the end of the day are falsehoods or lies. Hes going to continue to just ignore what is true or not true, confuse the American People and pretend that what his truth is the truth which i find incredibly frustrating. I do think that the organization of all these people yesterday, the over 1 Million People nationwide, im hopeful that what their job will be and what we got them organized to do yesterday is to go out there and be the Rapid Response to set the record straight to defend the media and the press and say were going to make sure that we get the truth out there. There is photographic evidence. There is the difference between falsehoods and alternative facts. There is truth and we need to make sure we get the truth out there. Hes insulting the chef and the waiter at the only restaurant in town. Im curious to see as he continue this is love hate relationship. At some point he is going to need the press and theyre not going to be there for him. I think this is not a longterm strategy but one of a house of cards. I think well see more often than before, fact checker, in the coming days and years just because of situations like this. Brandon, taryn, annie, have a good sunday. Thank you. Turning over businesses to his sons before being sworn in as president friday. Theres still questions remaining about potential conflicts of interest now that hes commander in chief. Has he done enough to ease those concerns . I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. 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And for just 15. 99big festival of shrimp you can pick 2 of 6 new and classic creations on one plate new flavors like sweet bourbonbrown sugar grilled shrimp and bold firecracker red shrimp are too big to last so hurry in. Again, i think the idea that hes going to his own hotel shouldnt be a shocker. Its a beautiful place. Its somewhere hes very proud of and i think its symbolic of the kind of government hes going to run. Hes very proud. Its an absolutely stunning hotel. I encourage you to go there if you havent been by. Trump hotel in d. C. , one of the scenes of inaugural festivities and critics are saying ground zero for conflict of interest problems for the new president. According to government rules no elected officials can benefit from government property. Trump making a show of turning his business over to his sons at a press conference a few weeks ago. But has he gone far enough to resolve these issues is what critics are asking. For more on this, chief ethics lawyer for george w. Bush. Has he done enough here . No, he hasnt. He needs to sell the businesses that he owns or give them to his children. He needs to do something to eliminate the conflicts of interests that he has. Foreign money coming to these businesses, violation of the constitution. There are Assets Overseas that pose a Security Risk to the United States and to the people who work and live in those buildings. And these businesses are an enormous distraction for him. There will be lawyers suing these businesses. Right. And trying to drag him into court. Its a mess. He needs to sell the businesses in order to be an effective president. Appoint a blind trustee under the government ethics regulations. Thats what he needs to do. One of the checks and balances here would be congress. That is one. There is also an office that folks arent very familiar with necessarily. Its the office of government ethics led by Walter Schaub for the last decade or so. Is that also an office that can actually get some action here and say you need to do this . Well, they can give advice. And theyre very good at giving advice. And they worked with us when i was in the Bush White House as the chief ethics lawyer. Walter schaub was very effective at helping us get nominees, Financial Disclosure forms together and ethics agreements and get people through the senate. He was very bipartisan in his approach, excellent lawyer. He has advised the president that he must divest of his business interest, appoint a blind trustee pursuant to the government regulations. He needs to do this in order to avoid a wide range of legal problems as well as practical problems that will plague his presidency if he doesnt take that advice. Im very, very troubled by the task on Walter Schaub by a very partisan members of congress, leaders in congress as well as by the incoming new white house chief of staff. The office of government ethics is there to give him advice. They are not a partisan organization. And they gave the right advice here, for the president to divest. Its interesting the way he was doing it, also. Walter schaub, he tweeted, which is atypical for the head of this office. Bravo, brilliant. Dive divestiture is good for the office. He later said he was mainly speaking in trump speak, quote, unquote. Will it take someone very vocal as the ethics chief says im going to try to do something about this. Im only advisory. So im going to get out there in public. And at some point, can he get his hand slapped and be removed from this position so that effectively he is not effective as the ethics chief of oge . Well, when i was in the Bush White House, the office of government ethics was not on twitter. Neither was the president of the United States. And President Trump chooses to use twitter quite a lot for many different communications. And i think the head of the Government Office of ethics should be stating very clearly what his view is as to the law here and what is required. And Walter Schaub has done that. He has done that effectively. I do not expect that there are going to be efforts under way to try to fire mr. Schaub. Were not going to have a saturday night massacre over at the government of ethics office. I would be very shocked. Anything is possible, as has been said here. One of the things that happened here today, Jared Kushner was sworn in, in the east room of the white house a couple of hours ago. How much of the concern do you have about Jared Kushner, when we talk about it, in the framework of nepotism here . On inauguration day, they found that this was permitted under the statute. That is ambiguous. I think that the president would have been best off going to congress to get them to clarify the statute. But the most important thing, however, is that mr. Kushner, along with everyone else working for the president , must comply with the criminal conflict of interest statute and the disclosure regulations. He is going to have to disclose his assets and his wifes assets on the form 278 and will have to avoid participating in matters that could have an impact on his financial wellbeing. And i hope that he will urge his fatherinlaw, the president , to do the same. Even though that same statute does not technically apply to the president. Every other president has avoided personal financial conflicts of interest. Mr. Kushner is going to have to. His fatherinlaw, the president , should do the same thing in order to be a good president. Former chief white house ethics lawyer for president george w. Bush. Richard painter, thank you for your pr expectative today. Thank you. All righty. Upcoming for you, deadly Severe Weather leaving a path of destruction right now. 16 are dead, thousands without power. Those storms are expected to continue throughout the night. An update, coming up. First kid you ready . By their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely to. Choose luvs than first time moms. Live, learn, get luvs. The market. Redict but through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Heres what were following at the bottom of the hour for you. Moi moments ago, senior Staff Members were sworn in, including Jared Kushner, sean spicer. Heavy rain, flooding and possible mudslides. Residents in some areas have been told to evacuate. Heavy mountain snow and several more inches of rain is expected before the storm moves on. Following breaking news out of the southeastern United States, where more than 4 million americans are under the threat of a tornado outbreak, including damaging winds, large hail this afternoon. Severe weather this weekend has already claimed 16 lives in the south. Overnight in georgia, at least 12 were killed when a powerful system tore through the southern part of the state. I stood behind the door, and debris was just come tlug the front window and it was just terrible. It was awful. Governor nathan diehl has declared a state of emergency as Severe Weather is expected to continue tonight. This video in to us from alabama. Cloud rotation seen here, near auburn university. The person who shot this video reportedly, thankfully, said no tornado did touch down there. Theyre keeping eyes on the sky. Also for you at this hour, Major League Baseball is mourning one of their own today. Kansas city royals starting pitcher Yordano Ventura was killed in the Dominican Republic today in a car crash. He was only 25 years old. American League Rookie of the year was a crucial part of the championship season winning 13 games, pitching in the world season there. He was known for his fastball that topped out at 100 miles an hour. Royals releasing a statement saying ventura was, quote, full of youthful exuberance and their prayers are with yordanos family. No details of the crash have been released. Now to a Million People who marched in rallies in cities worldwide to send a message to the new administration, amongst other issues. The marches are over. But whats next for the Womens Movement Going Forward . Nbcs beth this is the silverado special edition. This is one gorgeous truck. Oh, did i say theres only one special edition . Because, actually theres 5. Aaaahh ooohh uh holy mackerel. Wow. Nice. Strength and style. Which ones your favorite . laughter come home with me trade up to the silverado all star edition and get an average total value of eight thousand one hundred fifty dollars when you find your tag. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. With not food, become food . Thankfully at panera, 100 of our food is 100 clean. No artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. Panera. Food as it should be. Women joined by men, joined by children, all marches against rights that they feel threatened under the new administration. Reproductive rights are human rights. To protect obamacare, medicare, Social Security for our seniors, medicaid for People Living in poverty. We will not go from being a nation of immigrants to a nation of ignorance. They made a statement yesterday in so many cities across the United States. Question is, what is going to be next . Joining me now, beth fouhy, Senior Editor for politics at nbc news and msnbc. You were there in chicago yesterday. I was watching your reports. Saying i dont like this new administration but a portion of energy just dealing with specific issues and rights. Right . It was definitely around womens issues of reproductive rights, about abuse, certainly the past comments by donald trump about women. That certainly came up. It was focused on womens issues but really giving rise to a whole new, what seemed to me, voice of opposition to trump. Youre pot going to see that voice of opposition coming out of congress, both chambers controlled by republicans. Not going to see much out of the Democratic Party. They havent even settled on a new leader for the Democratic Party and the party in the states has been deconstructed that the point. Maybe it will come from the grassroots and maybe grassroots women who then take it to the next level and make the activism around politics, not just womens issues and marching in the streets. As weve seen in previous new administrations, that first 100 days, that clock is now ticking, this group, estimating over a million or so in total, what can they do next . Do they have plans to do anything next . What are they going to do with all this energy in cities like washington, d. C. , indianapolis, and los angeles. Emilys list raises money for women candidates has been doing a lot of fundraising around this, trying to get women to right checks to electric other Democratic Women to congress. Encouraging women to run themselves, get these folks who are excited about being active to be involved in civic life in some way. Run for office themselves. Richard, there is a question of why this energy wasnt there around Hillary Clinton in november. She lost. White women voted the majority of white women voted for trump. This isnt simply a reflection of this energy thats always been out there. If the energy was always out there, it could have been taken into the electoral arena in november and fell short. Do you think its changed then . When we talk about white women specifically . A lot of women who just never thought that donald trump could be elected president either stayed home, voted third party, didnt really give this vote the care or the thought that they probably should have now in retrospe retrospect. They didnt even realize it was possible and now theyre trying to make up some ground and say what can we do now to make up for the mistake that they made in november by not getting active in politics before. That was the time to do it and they probably missed their chance. Now they have a lot of ground to catch up on. To that point there, jen psaki wrote about the march earlier this week. Ill read a portion of what she said. Quote, i worry that well give too many people license to congratulate themselves for their activism and move on with their lives. The march shouldnt be a day this fear of missing out. It is certainly a possibility. And this isnt even going to matter if people dont get out and get active politically. They took place all over the place, not just in blue states or blue cities but places like indianapolis, nashville, all over the country. Those members of congress are watching this. These are their constituents. They have been put on notice just because trump won doesnt mean that everybody in their states, even in their red states or purple districts are not just going to sit home and take it, take whatever is coming their way. Its put a lot of people on notice in politics. Thats the point of grassroots activism, to tell elected officials how theyre feeling. So how are they feeling . You talk about grassroots activism, traditionally it would have been were talking about the Democratic Party. Right. When we saw the tea party movement, it was the right. What are we seeing in these groups . Who are they . A lot of folks have seen what the tea party was able to accomplish in 2010 and are trying to replicate it on the left. And it remains to be seen. Whether youre going to see these people showing up in congressional townhall meetings to fight about obamacare, if theyre going to be taking that energy in two years to the mid term elections. Typically, democrats dont show up in big numbers. Progressives dont show up in mid term elections. If they want to help democrats, thats what they ought to do. Way more democrats are up for reelection in the senate in 2018 than they were this time. Theres some electoral output that could be modeled on the tea party. If they do, they could see some progress. It is right in front of us. The election begins now for 2018. Thats right. Thank you. Appreciate it. Former First Lady Barbara Bush has elected to remain at the houston hospital for one more night to stay close to her husband. Doctors gave her the option to leave today, according to the family spokesman. Mrs. Bush was admitted to the hospital last week for bronchitis. Her husband, former president george h. W. Bush is expected to be moved out of the icu in the next couple of days. The Spokesman Says the former president is breathing well without any mechanical assistance. Bush 41 was rushed to the hospital after experiencing breathing difficulties related to pneumonia. And mrs. Bush will be there one more night with him. El chapo, the mexican drug kingpin and one of the most prominent figures in the illegal drug world is now on u. S. Soil. The latest on the case against him when we come back. Meet the press with chuck todd reairs in its entirety at 5 00 pm here on msnbc. That starts in 18 minutes. Were back in a moment. My business was built with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . 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Investigators say he moved at least 200 tons of cocaine into the United States over a period of more than 20 years and pocketed billions along the way. Security concerns around guzman are high. He escaped from the mexican prison twice. The last time in july 2015. He tunneled out of his cell despite roundtheclock surveillance. Former prosecutor fred tisi. Fred . Thanks for having me here. Thanks for being here. These charges, as well as him escaping certainly different in the United States in terms of our security facilities versus mexico. Are there some concerns about this potentially happening again . As far as an escape is concerned i wouldnt worry about that. For years is with a federal prosecutor and worked with the United States federal marshall service, one of the premiere federal agencies in this country. They are professional. They are very, very good at what they do. And the odds of this guy escaping, he has a better chance of going to the moon. Thats not going to happen. The odds of conviction of these charges . The charges are quite large, the claims we saw there, and the tonnage and the value of what guzman allegedly did is gargantuan. Huge, absolutely massive. Billions and billions of dollars, tons and tons of cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, a devastating drug thats an epidemic in our country now. The case against him is very strong. Unwritten rule in the Justice Department that you dont not like when youre in high school and two other people told you what somebody did. The charges against these guys, electronic surveillance, computer records and the odds of him getting convicted are overwhelming the and the minimum sentence is life. What do you think about the timing . El chapo arriving in the u. S. On the eve of the inauguration of donald trump. Is it just a coincidence here . Do you think theres this what donald trump is saying today, that theres a warming of relations with the mexican president and himself . Which is it . I love the way people spin stuff. Look, you know, the cynic in me says its not. When i was a federal prosecutor and handled extraditions we had to deal with the United States state department. Theres a very, very big political aspect about this. To think that somehow politics dont play a role in it, i think, would be naive. All right. Thank you so much. Appreciate your perspective. Well be watching the progress of this. Former federal prosecutor fred tecce. Thank you. Thank you for having me, richard. Take care. Enjoy your evening. Thank you. Drawing big crowds and big business for the Nations Capital hochlt benefited the most of this years inauguration of President Trump . Per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty, the quicker picker upper donald, lets talk as friends. Youre not off to a great start, man. I thought you would be better at this. However, im glad to see so many people showed up to your inauguration. Oh, wait. Thats the womans march. Here is inauguration. Shirtless on saturday night live there, having a little fun with President Trumps inauguration crowd size, somebody playing vladimir putin, always a good laugh or two. Hundreds of thousands did attend the inauguration, in fact, and thousands more pouring into the Nations Capital to participate in saturdays marches on the mall. Those crowds meant a big spike in travel and boom certainly in certain types of businesses. Joining us now with more on that. The question might be, where did all the money go . Absolutely, richard. That is right. Inauguration was a big one for Tech Companies who are disrupting traditional means of doing business. I had the opportunity to go to d. C. And speak with people who had traveled all over the country for the weekend and the shared economy style of doing business was prominent. Margaret morris traveled to washington, d. C. For the womens march on saturday with a group of mothers and daughters from around the country. And she said the hotel prices were just too much. We were watching, you know, every day literally, every hour, the prices were increasing and they were unaffordable to begin with. Then they were just sky rocketing. And so we were like checking we decided lets look for house on air bnb. She says they are all benefiting from using the homesharing service. It gave them the opportunity to come to washington for this and so thats an awesome opportunity. And im really happy to be part of it. It also was great for me because we were able to pay our mortgage with the air bnb. Air bnb had projected guest arrivals would reach 10,000, bringing in 3. 5 million to d. C. Area hosts. They exceeded their own expectations and some more than 15,100 guest arrivals bringing in 5. 9 million. In 2009 when air bnb wasnt widely known or used the service saw only 200 guests for inauguration weekend. In 2013, 1300 and this years 15,000 plus marks a tenfold increase since last inauguration. A Global Policy in Public Affairs at airbnb says the service is doing more than just putting roofs overheads. Its actual uniting. Some hosts are hosting both people coming for the inauguration as you participate in it and some hosts who were coming to protest some of the activity. Going to be staying in the same homes together. And becky eason says their group got more than just a place to say stay. We met each other. Those women there actually cooked dinner together last night, made their signs together on the floor. For them they said it was more fun and much cheaper than staying in a hotel, which seems to be true, given that prices wrup a staggers 927 according to market watch. Another interesting tidbit in that shared economy vain, uberx did not exist in d. C. During the last inauguration. Fares were surging nearly five times. Richard . I was using a lot of the share ride stuff throughout the weekend for the inauguration and as we were observing and watching that march. Amazingly, they did have capacity, those hotels, homes and those driving. Hats off to all of them in d. C. Because they did a great job. Absolutely. Uber prepared well. And fairly simple to grab one most of the time. Never seen so many pink hats. Savannah sellers, thank you so much. Thank you. Continuing to follow breaking news here on msnbc at this hour. A lot happening in the southeast. More than 4 million americans that are under the threat of a tornado outbreak this afternoon. And this radar that weve been watching for the last three hours has been whats worrying people. Severe weather already this weekend has claimed 16 lives in the south. And then overnight in georgia, which weve been watching very carefully there, 12 people were killed. This, because of a powerful system tearing through the southern part of the state. And the governor there declaring a state of emergency and donald trump today actually very early on in his commentary saying he had called up leaders there in the south, expressing his condolences and, perhaps, the first of many times where President Trump will have to address such catastrophes. This, unfortunately, one well have to continue to watch tonight. That is what well be doing here on the hour for you at msnbc. One of the key stories. Im richard lui. Stay with us well have more updates at the bottom of the hour throughout tonight. Meet the press with chuck todd next. Stick around to watch that. Very good sunday afternoon. Will your business be ready when growth presents itself . American express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. Find out how American Express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at open. Com. Sometino big deal. Shing my gums bleed. 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