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Money Jeffery Epstein has and how he used some of that cash on possible witnesses. We are beginning with breaking news on Tropical Storm barry. A large system approaching the gulf coast right now with 65mileanhour winds moving about five miles an hour hitting louisiana, mississippi and alabama. Expected to dump up to 25 more inches of rain in some areas. Already turning up storm surge. Heavy flooding is expected. Residents ordered to evacuate. Residents are under a curfew and shelter in place advisory. Barry will become a category 1 hurricane by the time it makes landfall later today. Louisiana governor is warning residents not to under estimate the storm. Nobody should take this lightly because it is a category 1 when it makes land fall. The real danger about this storm is never about the wind. It is always about the rain. That remains a very significant threat. The u. S. Coast guard has prestaged assets along the coast. Joining us now from new orleans, what are you seeing there now . Reporter jo, good morning to you. Plaquemines parish here, you can see what has already been done. The storm isnt even here yet. This is a neighborhood that sits between two bodies of water. One behind me and the Mississippi River is about half a mile in front of me now. We were here yesterday when the National Guard was sand bagging the area. The wind is picking up. This slowmoving storm expected to make land fall later today. Im close to highway 23, the only way in and out of the area. If the water continues to move so quickly into the highway, you can see why authorities wanted to evacuate the residence in this community. The good news for new orleans is that the river crest, the fear in the week that those would crest at 19, 20 feet overtopping the levees, that is no longer a concern. The river has crested at 16, 17 feet. Because barry is such a slow moving storm, the threat of storm surge, flash flooding is very well. Especially historic levels of rainfall. We are looking at potentially 10 to 20 inches of rain coming this way. Weve heard from the governor of louisiana, ive talked to the sheriff and the message is do not underestimate the storm. They think it is a category 1 and keep going about their day but this is what they could run into driving around the streets. The message is hunker down and wait for the storm to pass. How much have people learned from katrina. It was 14 years ago now. What is the takeaway less on as folks get ready for the storm. Reporter do not underestimate these storms. Talking to National Guard members who were born and bred in louisiana saying nobody really expected that from katrina. Yesterday, they were sand bagging and urging residents to evacuate because of the less ones learned from katrina. Of course, barry is nowhere near those levels but you can sense the uneasiness of the people there. Thank you so much. Lets bring in bill karins. What is the latest time line for barry to make land fall . A little later than we were expecting. Good morning to you, jo and everyone. Overnight, the big headline was that the Mississippi River didnt rise as high as they were calling for. The storm surge was 1 foot instead of three feet. That is fantastic news. Eliminate that problem. We were always saying the rainfall would be the biggest issue. We have to wait and see what happens over the next 48 hours. Let me go through some of the numbers. Still at 65 miles per hour. That hasnt changed. It is drifting or walking three to five miles an hour. Right along the coast. Because it is moving at such a slow speed, they are thinking land fall might be this afternoon. Between noon and 4 00 and 5 00 p. M. There is not an eye. We are not worried about this eye coming on shore. It is more of a historical thing. Lets get to the forecasted path. They do say it could become a lowend hurricane. Thats more or less a historical thing too. Well get some trees down and power outages. Then it takes itself all the way over louisiana. And to arkansas, dissipating monday night to tuesday. That takes us to the final maps. Giving us the alerts here. Taking us to the warnings. Tropical storm watch. Mostly because of the winds. Weve had a wind gust up to 63 on the coast. Not enough to cause any damage. It is not a wind issue. It will be a rain issue. Storm surge, weve heard reports of two to three feet on the coast. I mentioned the onefoot storm surge in mississippi and new orleans. They still have the storm surge warnings out. Lets get to the problem. This is going to be the issue as we go through out the day today and tomorrow. We have flash flood watches all the way now. The entire state of mississippi. Mobil has gotten drenched, then the eastern half of arkansas. Some areas they were saying were in the 20 inch category. This little spot here is 15 inches. The area of greatest concern with the high risk of flash flooding where roads could be closed, communities cut off, that is in this area from southern portions of mississippi, baton rouge to houma. We could see 10 to 15 inches of rain that could fall in the next 24 hours. The greatest concern is the small rivers and streams in those areas. If you want to google something about people that have been affected by flooding. Look at bat on rouge three years ago. Over 100,000 homes damaged because of flooding. They are looking at the possibility of another significant flood. They went through what they thought was a once in a lifetime flood three years ago and now this today. Would you. Thank you. We are getting a new startling image of the crisis at the border as Vice President mike pence toured an overcrowded Detention Center in mcallen, texas. Thiss what he and a group of republicans witnessed. Over 400 men behind a fence with not enough room to lie down. The reporter traveling with the Vice President said it was sweltering hot and the stentch was horrendous. The detained men said they were hungry and wanted to brush their teeth. They had been held 40 days or longer. No shower. No shower. No phone calls. Nothing. We are not a terrorists. Then on twitter, Vice President blaming democrats who refuse to Fund Additional bed space. Congress approved 4. 5 billion in emergency border funding. The Vice President touring a new holding facility. He sought to discredit multiple reports and photographs that show migrants and children are being detained in deplorable conditions. Every family i spoke to said they were being well cared for. Different from the harsh rhetoric. Our people are doing their level best to provide care to these families in a manor the American People would expect. Hours after the House Oversight committee released a report with details about more than 2,000 Migrant Children separated from their parents. 18 under the age of two and nine were less than a year old. Hundreds detained longer than legally allowed. The Committee Held a hearing in which several democrats visited centers last week. They testified to what they saw including congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez. This is a manufactured crisis. Cruelty is manufactured. These women tell me they were put into a cell, their sink was not working. We tested the sink ourselves and it was not working. When they were told to drink out of a toilet bowl, i believe them. What is worse than this is the fact there are american flags hanging all over these facilities. Children being separated from their parents in front of an american flag. Women were being called these names under an american flag. I. C. E. Mass arrests of more than 2,000 families is expected to begin tomorrow. The main target is those with deportation orders. Activists are reminding undocumented immigrants of their rights. Including the right to remain silent and asking for search warrants before anyone enters their homes. Going now to our guests. Coauthor of politicos playbook. When the Vice President toured the processing facility, he was giving them a lot of credit. When he toured the crammed Detention Center with harsh conditions, hes blaming democrats. What do you make of it . It is the Vice President s job to defend what the administration is doing. Conditions are not up to par which is why congress had to pass the 500 million package. The problems are there. The Vice President is going to down play that. Just as they are calling on democrats to fund more detention beds. Asking the Supreme Court to allow them to use pentagon money. Can they have it both ways . It is tough. There is a contradiction there. What is interesting is that pence invited Democratic Senators to go along with him to see the conditions. Democrats confused. They didnt want to be used as a political prop to make this a bipartisan visit. The reporter, i dont think they expected bringing him along would cause such an out war of what he tweeted which was those pictures of those men behind almost bars and calling the stentch horrendous. Those are the conditions they find themselves in right now. Also during yesterdays hearing, congresswoman was speaking about the six children we know have died in custody. Does her testimony change what will happen here . I dont think it does. A lot of these members, for instance, congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez, called this a manufactured crisis. Shes outside of the main there. Whether or notes that going to produce any additional action other than that border supplemental that the house was forced into passing. Thats probably very unlikely. Everyone is kind of locked in their position already. I want to talk about the mass i. C. E. Arrests planned for this weekend. The president confirming them. With he saw the raids like this happen frequency under obama. There wasnt a lot of public attention on them. Is President Trump making this more of a political stunt by publicizing them . It looks like it. People at dhs are concerned that President Trump removed the element of surprise. So it makes their lives harder to conduct these arrests. A lot of these immigrants have gotten wise as to how to avoid these arrests. If they hear knocks at the door tomorrow and the next week, they can just not open the door. I. C. E. Cannot just enter. You could have a situation where they announce these big raids and they dont get many immigrants because people know they are coming. This is why you dont publicize these things. Is that a political victory for the president . Are democrats going to see this as ongoing public outrage . Is. I think both sides will try to claim victory or seize on it. Thats what they do in politics. I think the administration is probably very confident that they are going to at least get a sizeable amount of immigrants for these deportations. Whether that number is higher or lower than expected. Youll likely see the administration claiming victory. Thats what they do. In terms of what democrats do, theyll continue calling it what it is. They think it is inhumane or a bad practice even though it has been going on a long time. I want to talk about special counsel robert mueller. His temperature has been delayed at least a week. They are now going to have an extra hour to ask him questions. All Committee Members will be able to ask him questions from both sides. Daniel, his testimony will be two days before the congregational august recess. Was this a good thing for democrats . It was reported it was requested by special council . Yes. I think nancy pelosi is probably celebrating today. If he had testified next week, there could have been more time in the proimpeachment caucus to build up support. Instead, if he testifies on the 24th, then you have a couple of days of people chewing over his testimony and then everyone is off to recess and that reduces the number of new members that might be enforced to push impeachment. Pelosi and senior democrats, they dont want to have to focus on impeachment because they know that would be bad for 2020 and their chances for november if they have to defend the position that most americans do not support just yet. What do you think . Yes. The august recess will be a big break. All of these members will separate and go back to their town halls. There will not be the mounting pressure to really force them to bring out more proimpeachment democrats. Another thing mueller said when he made his one statement in may was that, you know, hes not going to reveal any ig other than what was already said. It doesnt matter. When it was on tv and publicized, youll see a lot of Democrats Use that as momentum for impeachment. Ill give you the last word here. Most americans, including many members of congress havent actually read the full report. So this is mueller actually reading it for them in a condensed form. Thank you both for joining us. Good to see you guys. The latest allegations against Jeffery Epstein saying he attempted to payoff witnesses. What it means as a judge is expected to take up his bail request. The more, the merrier. Got to have this stuff in the morning. Oh, thats too hot. Act your age. Get your own insurance company. Carlo, why dont you start us with a little bit of cereal . You can spread it all around the table. And were gonna split the warm hot dog. And ill have a glass of grape juice to spill on the carpet. Oh, uh, do you want some to spill . Act your age. Get your own insurance company. Thats ensure max protein,me to spill . With high protein and 1 gram sugar. 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Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. We are keeping a close eye on Tropical Storm barry, packing winds up to 65 miles an hour strengthening and expected to make land fall later today. Weve got meteorologist bill karins that will update us but first, new revelations from the u. S. Attorneys office in manhattan which is lengths that epstein tried to quiet witnesses. Evidence that he paid up to 350,000 to potential witnesses. This was released in 2018 after the miami herald reported on these. Epstein not charged with association to these payments. If convicted, he faces up to 45 years in prison. Joining me now msnbc legal contributor. You heard those comments from a woman speaking out against epstein. The legal team has called her credibility into question but there are other alleged new victims. If you recall, we had the situation with the bill cosby trial. The second time he was tried, there was a parade of victims. We know with the Harvey Weinstein case, when you have several victims. When you have a number of victims, it lends more strength and umph to the prosecution against a sex predator, specifically regarding Jeffery Epstein. His story surfaced just last year as you mentioned when the miami herald did exceptional journalism about the deal made there. The payments made, the 350,000 were made within days of that story coming forward. There is a suggestion being made by the prosecution that epstein is trying to buy off and silence potential witnesses against him here in the Southern District of new york. You add to epsteins problems, at least 12 new identified victims and accusers have come forward. Let me be clear, you are innocent until proven guilty. But the fact that we have 12 new victims lends to the fact that this is the redo of the prosecution in florida. They are saying the government waited too long to bring charges and will force an explanation about, quote, why it purposely delayed the prosecution. What is the case here . Has the prosecutors case weakened because of the time that has passed . When you look at the argument raised, you have to look at whether there is retroactivity. Can you look at the date the law was changed that maybe did away with the statute of limitations. Can you look backwards in time or does it mean when the date was changed, you can only look forward. We do know there were changes to the child sex trafficking laws. We do know epstein is looking not only at child trafficking and conspiracy to traffic. There will be a lot of legal wra wran gelling to look at the dates and specific victims. It will be, hey, look, we are looking at the situation. How could you be looking at him with the same range from 2002 to 2005. These are state charges, federal charges. We know the law supports federal prosecutions of state crimes as well. There will be a lot to dismiss. If you are epsteins defense team, you have to be careful. If you are going to begin attacking the prosecution, you are going to start peeling away the onions getting into intent looking at if they improperly influenced acosta and those people at the doj. Tropical storm barry closing in on the louisiana coast. We are talking with a former fema official who worked on Recovery Efforts after katrina. A lick fast like a cookie dough ninja. Apply that same speed to the ford hurry up and save sales event. For the First Time Ever get 20 estimated savings on select ford models, plus earn complimentary maintenance through fordpass rewards. It all adds up. Dont you love math . So get here asap because tasty deals and summer go fast. Get in or lose out on 20 estimated savings on select ford models, plus earn complimentary maintenance through fordpass rewards. Hey, who are you . 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Oh oh oh ozempic® announcer if eligible, you may pay as little as 25 per prescription. Ask your Health Care Provider today about onceweekly ozempic®. We are back now with breaking news on Tropical Storm barry. For the first time in new orleans, all major flood gates in and around the city have been closed. Tropical storm barry is slowly approaching louisiana packing winds up to 65 miles an hour. Mississippi and alabama are also in the path way of this storm. Barry is expected to dump up to 20 inches of rain in some areas. It is churning dangerous storm surge. Is expected to be a cat 1 hurricane by the time it makes landfall today. They are saying rain bands are moving on shore right now. Yes. The mobil area and southern mississippi, the winds are whipping. The storm has never been well organized. Thats why it is a thunderstorm. Most big storms look like begles this is kind of like a croissant. There is nothing on the northern half at all. The whole entire bad portion is the southern half. The stuff that is not on shore yet. That will happen later today and tonight. You can see that a little bit on the radar. This goes back over the next six hours. There hasnt been a lot of rain over land. You can see the rain over the water of the gulf of mexico. The storm moves a little further north. The dry air kind of erodes from the storm which was prohibiting it. You are watching areas like biloxi, mobil, new orleans hasnt gotten a lot of rain. The big news overnight was that the Mississippi River only crested at 17 feet. There was fears of 19 to 20 feet, which would crest over top. They prepared for the worse. Didnt happen. More about when it makes landfall. Looks like it may be noon or 1 00 or so. It has been moving slowly and the coastline is kind of jaged. There is no eye. It is going to rain itself out. Thats the big story. Taking you to the europe model. This is at 7 00 p. M. The storm is on shore, notice there is not a lot to the westside of it. The east side is the heavy side. Pouring rain is the red. We are concerned with the bat on rouge area. Notice new orleans only getting light rain. Im not as concerned with new orleans right now. You are really going to be spared on this one. All of the flooding potential there from louisiana, mississippi border. From sunday north to southern arkansas and greenville. Notice this band, still, even sunday, all the way back down. Thats why the flood threat. Joling, they issued a high risk of flash flooding for this area of pink. Southern new orleans and mississippi. This is lifethreatening flash flooding likely today. Thats our concern now with barry. What does this mean for the rest of Hurricane Season . What are you taking here and applying . One storm doesnt tell you well have more bad storms or an active or inactive season. One thing i take ra way is that the Mississippi River has been very high because of all of the snow and rain this spring. This was a major event. Theyve never had this much rain. If we get another big storm in the next two to four weeks, thats a huge fear. It is a what if. It would be scary. They would be in trouble. All right bill karins, thank you so much. Joining me now, former fema official who worked on hurricanes katrina and sandy. Thank you for being on. What is your chief concern right now with barry . My chief concern is the water. It was just reported it is going to be a very significant flood event. The storm surge is going to back up the rivers which is where the water naturally flows. People will have to be very careful. There will be flooding throughout louisiana, mississippi and arkansas over the next couple of days. Folks in the region have been told take this storm seriously. What is your advise . Absolutely. People take so much advantage and they put so much stock in the category of the storm. The water is what kills people. More people die from flooding and drowning than from wind. What does fema do in advance of a storm like this . We are reporting on it and covering it but what does fema brace for . Is. It is preparedness. This is primarily a state and local responsibility. The government through fema is there to back them up. Theyve been leaning forward and moving resources into the states and keeping them out of harms way but close enough so when the need arises and the state requests it, the federal government can step up and provide the resources they have. What about recovery after the storm. How long could that take . What goes into that . Recovery is complicated and complex. It could take many, many years. If depends on the severity. Theyll have teams on the ground immediately after the danger situation has passed. Theyll get to the act to provide funding and the process starts to determine what it would take to repair and hopefully do mitigation to avoid these kinds of things in the foo you tur. Thank you for sharing with us this morning. We have duelling questions about the conditions at migrant Detention Centers. Who is to blame and how to make it better. More coming up next. And a dedicated advisor to help you grow and protect your wealth. Fidelity wealth management. Depend® silhouette™ briefs feature maximum absorbency,h. With trusted protection for all out confidence. Beautiful colors and an improved fit for a sleek design and personal style. Lifes better when youre in it. Be there with depend®. burke at farmers insurance, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a parking splat. Flyby ballooning. man dont. Go. Down. Oh, no aaaaaaahhhhhhhh burke rooftop parking. burke and even a hit and drone. driver relax, its just a bug. Thats not a bug, thats not a bug burke and we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum for barry. Right now, the storm is on track to hit the louisiana coast as a category 1 hurricane. The biggest threat is the dangerous storm surge expected to come with it. Over 20 inch of rain is expected. Well have a live report from louisiana at the top of the hour. Now lets get to politics. Diversing stories after different visits to migrant detention facilities. Vice president pence visiting facilities and congress womg alexandria ocasiocortez discussing visiting as facility in texas. Joining me now, our two guests. Boston radio show and columnist. Are they acting like a deterrent . The Trump Administration wants everyone treated as humanely as possible. It is an enormous crisis. There is only so much Resources Available to handle this massive influx of migrants. Im very happy the Vice President pence went firsthand. I want to highlight, he invited Senate Democrats and not one would join him. I just want to say, shes not answering the question. Do you think it was intentional. That was the question. You are asking me if the Trump Administration is making these facilities subpar to detour the migrants from coming. Is that what you are asking . Yes, i am. Yes. No, i dont think they are. Some of these facilities are in good conditions. In one of the facilities, the families were treated properly, they had food. In the other facility where the men were, it was overcrowded and the problem is that Border Patrol is overwhelmed. Democrats refuse to do anything. They refuse to give President Trump and the administration the money to fix this crisis. Only now, they agreed to this 4. 6 million in supplemental humanitarian funding. Better late than never but they should have gotten ahead of this. Instead of denying it was a crisis, they should have helped President Trump months ago. Lets get to the bottom line. Democrats have said this is not a crisis enough for President Trump to shut down the federal government. There is a way for boys and girls who have been serving for a long time know how to Work Together to get something done. It was not a crisis enough to shut down the federal government to get things done. True. The second thing is, you guys have no interest in having a relationship with the truth when it comes to these issues. Look, this was a manufacturer response by the Vice President to check a box. When aoc raised her right hand, thats serious business. She has no reason to lie. We know from reports and groups on facebook, those conditions are horrible. People are being treated like secondclass citizens. The burdenens fall on the leadership at the top because the president has no interest in getting anything done. Republicans have used this issue as a red meat issue to generate a response and some type of excitement out of your base going into your election where you are on life support. I want to put this to you aidry ann and get your response. A Washington Post reporter said the Vice President saw over 400 men crammed behind caged fences with no room to lie down. And men shouting into the cameras. We have that clip. Ill play it for you. No phone calls. Nothing. We are not a terrorist. We are not a criminal. Earlier, we played that clip where the Vice President repeatedly said, this is a real crisis and he was criticizing democrats. What i want to understand, was that the main point of his trip or was this about combatting the states about what they are witne witnessing . I think he wanted to go see for his self. I think it should be a requirement, all members of congress on both sides should be required to go down and see for themselves what is going on. Speak to the men and women and patriots at i. C. E. And dhs and find out their needs and what can congress do to support them. I want to respond to something antoine said. We wouldnt have overcrowded faciliti facilities if congress would have given President Trump money for a wall. You and i know giving trump a reward will not fix the crisis. Over 60 of the American People want comprehensive border reform. You have democrats and republicans willing to come to the table to Work Together to fix a longterm problem in this country called immigration. The president wanted to play political football and punt the issue. He ended his 2016 campaign with the red meat, right wing rhetoric and hes kicking off the 2020 campaign in the same way. It is an issue that consolidates his base. When hes on political life support like he is, he needs something to generate his base. As always, youll have to agree to disagree. Would you like to have a quick rebuttal to that. Dont lie, adrianna. Go ahead. President trumps rating are the highest. Political life support. No, hes not. Thank you for the back and forth. We appreciate it. Well talk about President Trumps apparent change of heart about that former British Ambassador. What does it all mean . Coming up next. Were oscar mayer deli fresh your very first sandwich,m. Your mammoth masterpiece. And. Whatever this was. Because we make our meat with the good of the deli and no artificial preservatives. Make every sandwich count with oscar mayer deli fresh. Applebees all you can eat is back. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Times change. Eyes havent. Thats why we created new ocuvite eye performance. Between screen light. Sunlight. And our alwayson world. Eyes have never been more stressed ocuvite delivers nutrients that can help strengthen your eyes natural protective filter. And with new ocuvite eye performance you get 7 protective nutrients vital for todays eyes. 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If you are taking asthma medicines, do not change or stop your asthma medicine without talking to your doctor. Help heal your skin from within. Ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. Tropical storm barry is churning towards landfall, and the big worry is all of the heavy flooding and rain that could potentially hit the region. Some parts of louisiana started experiencing that flooding as early as yell. Were going to have live reports from the ground and updates on the path in the next hour. Meanwhile, President Trump appearing to have had a change of heart towards a British Ambassador he slammed on twitter. Sir kim darroch quit his post on wednesday, after taking heat about President Trump in secret diplomatic memos. He described the president as inept. Insecure, incompetent and said the white house was dysfunctional. President trump trashed the ambassador on twitter calling him wacky and very stupid, adding he had been told the ambassador is a pompous fool. Heres how he reacted yesterday to darrochs resignation. I wish the British Ambassador well. Some people just told me, they said he actually said very good things about me. Joining me now is christopher dickey, world news editor with the daily beast, and msnbc contributor, were there other people darroch was referring to in those secret memos . No, look, i think if you read whats written about these secret memos, particularly the original stories in the daily mail, you see very quickly that darroch had a very good understanding of donald trump, and he talked about all the many ways you could manipulate him, including a lot of flattery. One of the things that darroch did was cultivate people and this is in the memos, he cultivated people around trump, who were not on trumps staff. The people trump when hes munching on his cheese burger calls up in the middle of the night, and i imagine that is what trump is talking about. He may also realize that his initial reaction made him look every bit the incompetent fool that darroch had portrayed in the memos. We saw darroch get the full support of his government. This is what theresa may, the Prime Minister had to say. I have spoken to sir kim darroch. I have told him that it is a matter of great regret that he has felt it necessary to leave his position as ambassador. Good government depends on Public Servants being able to give full and frank advice. I want all our Public Servants to have the confidence to be able to do that. Christopher, what do you think . Well, thats also a jab at Boris Johnson whos trying to take theresa mays job and probably will succeed. When he was asked several times at a debate whether he would support sir kim, he dodged the question four times, and he was questioned even more aggressively about it yesterday, and again tried to dodge the question, talking either about the special relationship or his general report for civil certificaservant but never giving kim darroch support because he wants to be on the side of donald trump, and hes sucking up to him shamelessly. Thats what theresa may was talking about, sucking up to donald trump and not defending the interests of the united kingdom. How does President Trumps actions impact the relationship between the ambassadors, this very critical partnership. Look, when it comes to the socalled special relationship between the United States and the united kingdom, that is based largely on delusions and one of the great delusions of the brexit led by Boris Johnson is they can lead the European Union and cut wonderful deals with the United States because of the special relationship but donald trump is a dollars and cents kind of guy, and he knows while the british economy may be as they constantly say the fifth largest in the world, its 1 7 the size of the United States. He will screw them completely. Christopher dickey joining us from paris. Folks in the southeast as barry bears down on the bayou. Barry bears down on the bayou. I. Not this john smith. Or this john smith. Or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana Medicare Advantage members. No, its this john smith. Who we paired with a humana team member to help address his own specific health needs. 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