We are totally prepared for the second option. Not a preferred option. But if we take that option, it will be devastating. I can tell you that. That while the president was speaking, Mitch Mcconnell and Republican Leaders officially tabled trumps Signature Campaign promise. At least for now. Republicans announced they will not pursue a vote on the Graham Cassidy Health Care Bill to replace obamacare. They simply didnt have the votes. We have made the decision since we dont have the votes we will postpone that vote. Okay . Am i disappointed . Absolutely. We are coming back to this after taxes. Gerrit haake is on capitol hill. This was all happening while the president was giving his press conference. Interesting they didnt wait for the president to finish. But the bottom line, this now dashes the president s hopes of repealing obamacare. Tell me what happened. Bill cassidy explained it. They didnt have the votes. As late as this morning, murkowski wasnt saying how she would vote, rebound partman. And the bills two primary authors decided to kill it quietly rather than take to it the floor and suffer for another visual moment of them not having the votes to get it done. We have had protests over the last couple of days. There has been enormous attention paid to this yet again. And they made i think the political calculation it was better to be done with this issue quietly for now than have another highprofile defeat. Now the majority leader says its onto the next issue. Here is leader mcconnell talking about what happens next in the u. S. Senate. Let me just say, beforely, where we go from here is tax reform. Senator cork ran and senator toomey have reached an agreement on the parameters of the budget resolution, the Budget Committee will be marketing up next week. And we plan to move forward on our mex priority, custom is reforming the american tax code in a significant way for the first time in 30 years. Ali, republican lawmakers need a win now. In some ways tax reform is a slightly easier issue in that its not as emotional. You are not going to have people who are going to stage die ins. Instead you will have lobbyists here. It is a complicated issue, a lessee motional one. One final thought. You heard Lindsey Graham say they want to come back to the Health Care Issue later. But its tough to see how this gets easier for republicans. Rand pauls and Susan Collins objections are unlikely to change. And roy moore if he defeats Luther Strange said he will not vote for the bill either. Its not real repeal. He lines up with rand paul. The Health Care Repeal may remain a zombie concept here on capitol hill. Its hard to she how the republicans get the votes. The interests are list aligned. Noord to get more votes on one side you will lose the vote on the other side. They have tried this math a few times and it just doesnt seem to add up pt it does seem that the next direction they are going to have to go in, gerrit, is to try and get democratic support, to try to do it in a real bipartisan fashion. I mean democrats have ideas about if you want to break of the down this way you can say democrats have ideas about replace. They have been talking about the solutions of fixing obamacare. Republicans are mostly focused on the repeal part. Republicans agree on repeal. The fundamental problem getting anything passed has been they dont agree on replace. If you can get enough republicans and democrats together who agree on some of the repair or replace concepts, but this isnt a priority. Why be in a Majority Party or controlling anything if you cant get these things done. That may come down the pike but it is they are not going to be happy about it. Thank you jarrett. Minutes ago kasie hunt spoke to senator Lindsey Graham. Heres what he had to say about this legislation that has his name on it. Is this a tough day . Not really. I understand why people are concerned. It is not that they dont like the idea of block granting health care back to their states. Its not like they are sold on obamacare. One thing i can tell you, nobody in our conference believes obamacare is going to work. It must be replaced. Until now we didnt know how to do it. I think we have an idea that people can rally around, the block grant makes sense. It worked for welfare reform. I understand the concerns. Despite the failure to bring his Health Care Bill to a vote graham had strong words earlier in the day for the democrats alternative to it. Listen. And finally, to my republican friends, we have got an idea that defines us differently than our democratic friends because the choice they are going to give you when obamacare fails is medicare for all, which will be medicare for nobody. Can you imagine being 62 like i am, worked all your life, you are getting ready to go onto medicare and berpy invites 200 million of your closest friends to join you . This is going to collapse. They are going to try to have more government. We are going to take a collapsing obamacare system take the same amount of money and put it in the hands of people that are closer to you. Does have a good turn of phrase. Bernie invites 200 million of your closest friends to join you. Im joined boy bob casey, democrat from pennsylvania, a man who will have some say in the new way forward for health care reform. Senator casey thank you so much for being with us. You heard my conversation with gerrit. The republicans tried this a few ways. It seems to be a mathematics problem. The idea that you are a republican doesnt mean you share agreement on how repealing obamacare comes about. So this point, it looks like the party that governs in the senate and the house is going to have to reach out to democrats and find some alternative . Ali, the good news is that not only will this bill not be considered this week, a very bad bill, especially with regard to medicaid. But the good news is, ali, thats already happened. Democrats and republicans have worked together for weeks on the stabilization bill that Republican Leadership just kicked down the stairs last week. They should immediately commit to passing that stabilization bill and getting the Childrens Health insurance reauthorization done. We could end this week on a very high note, a bipartisan note, on health care, Childrens Health insurance, stabilization, give some certainty to the markets. And then try to move to other issues where we can Work Together instead this partisan idea logical bill that they were pushing for the last number of days. So we could enthis week on a very high note if they are willing to do the right thing in a bipartisan fashion. And support alexander and lamars work. Uncommunitily, the Insurance Company this affects everybody who has some form of insurance. Whether on the Public Market or employment covered they have got to commit insurance rates for open enrollment which is going to be a shorter period. But the bottom line is its going to come too late. What we are going to see is higher premiums who are protectively going to increase premiums in case the government stops the health care subsidies. And the republicans are going to go see obamacare is not working, the rates are going up. There is no doubt the administration has sabotaged on a be in of thing. Limiting dollars or advertising. And sabotaging by creating doubts about the cost sharing reduction payments. The good news is the cost sharing reduction payments are bipartisan. We could have a bill passed this week if leader mcconnell said we want to vote on that tomorrow or later today. Get that done and create some certainty out there not only for Insurance Companies but for people that have to rely upon insurance every day of the week. So there are some thing that the republicans could help us with right away to give assurances on health care. Senator, what do you think about Bernie Sanders inviting 200 million of your closest friends into health care . This idea of medicare for all, which is essentially a single payer system on steroids, has got the support of a good number of your democratic colleagues. Its something the republicans have really latched dwron as a campaign, that if you dont support our repeal, you are going going to end up with Single Payer Health care. What do you think of Single Payer Health care and Bernie Sanders . First of all im not interested in lectures from republicans about health care. They havent spent a lot of time on it. You can tell they havent. Heres the deal. We are going to have a lot of ideas about health care. Lots of bills. Lots of ideas. Thats good, but we have to subject every idea to a lot of hearings, a lot of scrutiny. We cant say that the republican bill didnt have enough hearings and then march forward with new ideas. We have got to take these ideas one at a time. The most important thing we should do for the next couple of days on health care would be pass the Childrens Health insurance program, and then also pass the stabilization bill. Those are the two most important things we have to do right now. Next week, the week after that, we can have and we should have weeks and months of hearing on a lot of good ideas. Democrats have ideas on a whole range of things. Buying into medicare starting at age 55. Expanding medicaid even further to bring more people and to cover more people. There are a lot of ideas. We need months of hearing on a lot of good ideas. And im sure people in both parties would appreciate that. Instead of having the collision we have had where one party has been obsessed, the republican party, with decimating medicaid. Not tweaking it. Decimating the program that helps our kids, people with disabilities, and seniors. Senator good to talk to you, as always. Thank you for joining us. Senator bob casey, democrat from pennsylvania. While yet another Health Care Bill to repeal obamacare was failing trump was in the rose garden with the Prime Minister of spain. He wasnt asked about health care because that was unfolding as he was talking. He was however asked about north korea and the ongoing crisis in puerto rico. Kristen welker joins me now from the white house. Two very, very big and important issues. Kristen, lets talk about puerto rico first. Earlier today the president announced he is going there on tuesday. But that was preceded by a bunch of tweets that werent clear. It sounded like he might be blaming puerto rico for its problems. President trump is feeling the political pressure ali. No doubt about that. He was heavily criticized for essentially spendsing the weekend tweet being the nfl, though protesters really taking on the players, and for not talking about puerto rico and the aftermath of the hurricane there. So we saw yesterday late last night and again today a real focus on north korea a number of tweets, as you point out, about the infrastructure, the fact that economically its already been strug lipg. The hurricane avs struggling. The hurricane obviously adding to what puerto rico is dealing with. He plans to visit puerto rico and the original issin islands. He talked about the enormity and the strength of this seasons hurricanes and the fact, he says, that the federal government is prepared to match that with an even bigger response. Hes meeting with some of his principles ali as we speak to discuss what more can be done in puerto rico. You also mentioned north korea. Yeah. That is obviously a big headline. Ali, i think the takeaway there is that we saw this president try to deescalate his rhetoric. Last week we were talking about the words he iced at the u. N. , the fact that he threatened north koreas total destruction. Well, a very different tone today. He called on the International Community to take action. But less fire and fury. Take a listen. Hes acting very badly. Hes saying thing that should never ever be said. And were replying to those things, but its a reply. Its not an original step. And its a rely apply. But the things that he said over the last year, and if you look back, the things he said to past administrations, north korea is a situation that should have been handled 25 years ago, 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago, and five years ago, and it could have been handled much more easily. You had various administrations, many administrations, which left me a mess. But ill fix the mess. Important to point out, ali, that over the weekend, and at the end of last week the Trump Administration announced a new round of tough new sanctions against north korea even though the president threatened total destruction last week. By the way, the north Korean Foreign minister said that was effectively a declaration of war. This Administration Says they have not declared war on north korea. They still want to see diplomacy play out. So a lot of headlines coming out of that press conference earlier today ali. Kristen thanks very much. Joining us from the white house. I want to take a break. When we come back we will talk more about puerto rico, about ongoing humanitarian crisis there, the desperate need for help, for water, for fuel, for working phones. And later on, the latest scandal in college sports. Federal attorneys making charges today. What happened and the major schools involved. Coming up after the break. Curse you, heman, you interfering imbecile give us one good reason we shouldnt vanquish you to another dimension ok, guys, hear me out. Switching to geico could save you. Hundreds on Car Insurance. Huh, he does make a point. I do like to save money. Catch you on the flip, suckas geico. Because saving fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance is always a great answer. Lets take a look at some numbers 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. Is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and Heart Disease . Preventable. And 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. Were life line screening. And if youre over 50. 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Only a dignity memorial professional can celebrate a life like no other. Find out how at sanfranciscodignity. Com. Its the worst ever here in puerto rico. And its going to take months and months, maybe a year to get everything back to normal. Electricity is going to take six months. So all the people in the u. S. If you can help with anything, just help out. That was puerto rico native and Dallas Mavericks star j. J. Bereta after his team landed on the island to deliver much needed aid. They used the teams plane to make that trip. People in puerto rico are largely without running water, power, and fuel. Nearly a week since Hurricane Maria ravaged the island. Cell phone sites are out of service. Debris litters hundreds of rouds. Federal aid workers are on the ground but there are 3 Million People in need of aid. The president has authorized increased federal funding for Recovery Efforts today. He also announced a visit next tuesday. Im going the puerto rico on tuesday. Scheduled trip. Its the earliest i can go because of the First Responders. And we dont want to disrupt the relief efforts. The infrastructure was in bad shape as you know in puerto rico before the storm. Now in many cases it has no infrastructure. You are really starting from almost scratch. These are great people. Wonderful people. They are hardy people. They will be back. Their resilience is not in question. What is, is how long the recovery will take and whether they will get everything they need to do so fully. Gadi schwartz is in puerto rico. Whats the situation. Reporter you said that number, more than 3 million, 3 million americans that live here in puerto rico. And this is what their day looks like. A lot of them are waking up in the morning and they are looking towards a day that is filled with long lines. If they need gas for their generator or their car, and gas is running out all over the place, they have to get in line. If they dont have to cash, they have to go in line for cash. That means standing around for four hours trying to be positive until they get to the front of line. We have gone to some of those lines. And those lines have been frustrated lines because some of those places are running out of cash. So they go to a different bank. Most of them are on foot because they dont have gas. We understand that some of the larger banks here in puerto rico are requesting large shipments of cash for this island that is effectively become a cash only island. Let me interrupt for a second. The acting dhs secretary speaking now about this topic lets listen in. The department of defense and other federal agencies in preek audio and the u. S. Virgin island supporting those governors in ponce and recovery. While significant progress has been made the full recovery on the islands will be long. But we will be with them through the recovery. As access to ports, air fields and roads continues to open, which it is not very open yet, more resources will continue to flow into the hardhit areas. We continue to stand with the people of puerto rico and the Virgin Islands and remain 100 commitmented to our full response and Recovery Efforts. The president is fully committed and has brought the cabinet together for a full federal response in supporting puerto rico and the u. S. Virgin islands. Ill turn it over the administrator long. The objectives continue to be clear, take care of people and stabilize the situation and do everything that we can to sustain life. So as the secretary said we have had a large force on the island since before irma and we are continuing to bolster and grow that force. This is a logistically challenging very unique event that the United States hasnt seen in a very, very long time, if ever, because you have to remember that not only did irma come through and create quite a bit of damage and destruction that we were working to repair, but maria was one Miles Per Hour away from being a category 5 storm, one of the strongest storms that puerto rico has seen since the 20s. Lets face it. The infrastructure is weak. There were no building codes, so there is a lot of devastation. We understand that. Heres the other major challenge that we face. Its an island. We dont just drive trucks and resources onto an island. With the damage you had extensive damage to the air Traffic Control systems, which meant sequencing life safety flights into the area, into the one airport that we could get open, san juan, initially s incredibly difficult. So you have to prioritize who accesses the island and what you are sending. What we did on top of the forces that we already had in puerto rico was to continue to sequence those flights, first take command and control of the airport to make sure that we can get the flights in, but then sequence those in of life saving commodities, meals, water. Right now we have over 4 million meals on the island for example. We also have six million liters of water on the island custom we are working to distribute. Not only do you have to take control of the airport and stabilize the situation today we also opened up roosevelt road to increase the flights we can get in. We are working to open up another airport in agua dia to continue that. That does a couple things. It alleviates being able to get commercial flights out of san juan. But it also increases the capacity of us to be able to get life saving Life Sustaining teams and commodities in. If you are going to puerto rico right now it should be for a Life Sustaining life support mission because everybody thats trying to get in thats not supporting that is goating ing the way. The next thing that has to happen is we are dramatically increasing the federal footprint thats there. We are mobilizing our partners in the d. O. D. We are putting forward a very robust sustainment force of thousands of people that are mobilizing as we speak to come in to increase emergency communications, fuel distribution. They will be also helping us to make sure that we can transport safely and securely the food the fuel and the water to the areas we need to get to. We understand there are areas that are isolated. We been conducting air drops. There have been numerous searchandrescues. We have over ten task forces operating in puerto rico and the Virgin Islands. We are also working that event as well. We continue to stabilize the situation. The other challenge that we face is that unfortunately, because of the severity of the hit, there is diminished capacity of local governments and the state governments to be able to respond similar to what we saw with texas and florida. Therefore, it is requiring to us push forward a lot of resources, including the uss comfort, which is on the way. You cant mobilize ships and just send them in. There has to be port space. The port has to be safe. There is all types of things we have to bring in. So the federal government is working tirelessly around the clock to unify the efforts to support the governors with the initiatives they are taking forward. Two questions. Yeah. All the natural disasters that you all have had to deal with in the last month have to have taxed your budget going forward. So what assurances do you have from the president and congress that they are going to continue to help you out in that regard . The second question is how long do you think its going the take on the ground in puerto rico . I heard from people who are trying to be involved in rescue efforts that arent right now able to get to the island. Right. How long will it be down the road before some of these people will be able to get on the eye listen. Two part question. Yes. First of all, congress has been working with us around the clock to give us the enduring authority to be able to do our job. We are not running out of money. Is money getting low . Sure but we, on october 1 we have a supplemental that comes into play and well continue. My guys are constantly in contact with secretary duke and also with the congress to say we may be in for a problem lets app anticipate that and get the money flowing. The second thing that happened was the president proactively approved 100 reimbursement for the first 180 days this response for puerto rico and the Virgin Islands. That gives reassurance to the private sector partners we need to come in to do the job, that they will be paid to be sure we are giving the full force not only of the federal government but the whole community and the private sector to do the job that needs to be done. The second part. There are people trying to bring life support to the island. Its increasing daily. We are establishing the Incident Support bases of the other two airports in addition to san juan as well as the port space. What we are asking them to do is to be basically going through invoe at. Org. They are connected to our National Response Coordination Center to be able to sequence everything in. We cannot just deploy and try to shove everything in at the same time. Restore the electrical grid. Voice in puerto rico. Im sorry. For those who might be able to hear your voice, can you establish some that you have put forward for your team to get things advanced in puerto rico . How do people there know things are progressing . And how to measure performance . Secondly, when i asked the president about naval assets you mentioned the comfort. Are think other naval efforts kplatded or deployed to help you get all the things down there. We have 16 ships currently operating that we reason is talked about in the media. Thats a combination of u. S. Coast guard and our d. O. D. Partners. We have ten ships en route, ten ships and barges en route over the next 48 continuing to bring generators, emergency power as well as more additional food and water thats coming in. Take the governor at his word. The governor has been i have been in direct communication not only with him but also the governor in reconfirming and reassuring we are not missing. We understand there are gaps in areas and people we cant communicate with but part of the problem is because the telecommunications has been knocked out it makes people nervous. They expect the worst. There are some bad situations that we are working to alleviate. But you have to take the governor at his word, and not only the governor but the good mayor of san juan as well. Being called out to secretary duke, what are the priorities. The benchmarks over the next 48 hours is the d. O. D. Force that i just talked about, the sustainment force is going to be rolling into town. You know, they are going to be trickling in. They will be trickling in in force, we are talking thousands of sould soldiers. In san juan . In puerto rico. You talked about what is the security situation on the ground . The Security System is sound. The governor still has control of the state. We are supporting the governor. He has his National Guard troops. We have d. O. D. That are working with us in terms of supporting the governor and the recovery. Like i said earlier, we are adding additional convoys to do distribution into the more remote areas of the island. And we feel comfort that will stay. Martial law in puerto rico . Not to my knowledge. We have heard nothing from the governor he plans to declare martial law, no. On the security, its about correctly allocating the resources you have currently on the island. So for security purposes, the National Guard thats already been there for a very long time and activated is providing security forces. What we are bringing in is going to bolster everything on top of it. Being compared to hurricane katrinalike devastation. Is it that bad . Is it worse . What is your assess men of how bad things are on the ground . Every hurricane is unique. One of the difficulties in the Virgin Island and in puerto rico is the total, because they are these smaller islands, the total devastation. In the Virgin Islands in puerto ricoo we had zero power its going to take a long time to restore the power grid and we dont have the adjacent areas from which to deploy like we did in katrina. What is working is the forward leaningness of the president in declaring the disaster declaration very early, and the governor in asking for help and fema being on the ground. So i think it is a very different response. Administration going to ask congress for additional funds beyond the ones kicking in october 1 . We dont have a dollar figure, we are working with congress on the estimates of the needs. And we do believe we will need additional beyond the october 1st increment. Returning electricity . Let me tell you what weve taken action to this point. Puerto rico has a Power Authority on the island. Obviously, i spoke to the diminished capacity to be able to get that back because you have got to remember when i say diminished capacity, the power workers, the First Responders are also disaster survivors at this point and may have lost everything. What we have done is proactively assigned the army corps of jeers to take management of not only the emergency power restoration and also the initial part of rebuilding the entire grid. The entire rebuild of the grid thats a long thats a long process. If we do it we have got to do it right because we dont want to wind up having this same discussion ten, 20 or 30 years from now. So the army corps of jeers right now is working to restore the electricity. They are on the islands. Yes. Are there any lessons learn given the rapid succession of so many storms. [ inaudible ]. Is there any theory of Climate Change that might explain this . We are focused on the response and recovery. Thats what we are doing in dhs and fema. What we have learned is not losing any time. On both harvey and in this Hurricane Maria, the president declared the disaster before the eye hit landfall. That is absolutely critical to allowing us to come in in support of the governor before the disaster really hits. And to me that has been a game changer. I think the last 35 days or so have been a gut check for americans that we do not have a true culture of preparedness in this country and we have got a lot of work to do. Whether its in education, and being ready. It is a not just saying, hey, have three days worth of supplies ready to go. Its greater than that. Its also having the finances and the savings to be able to overcome simple emergencies. We have to hit the reset button and create a true culture of preparedness starting at a young age and filtering up. One last question. [ inaudible ]. How is that weighing into . Puerto rico was in debt before the disaster hit. I think as the administration said earlier, the president has provided for 100 reimburse men of all the major response efforts by the federal government for the first 180 days. And so that will get us to a point where we can reassess. Thank you all. Thank you, folks. Brock long, fema director and acting dhs secretary elaine duke. That last comment about the president s, you know, the president has been tweeting for the last few days about the debt problems that puerto rico was in and the infrastructure problems they had before Hurricane Irma hit. Elaine duke saying we will deal with that later. Right now they need some help. Breaking news out of saudi arabia. The king has announced an end to its long standing ban against women driving. Women in the kingdom have been protesting the ban by posting videos and pictures of them driving. A dangerous thing. The decree wont immediately go into effect. The kingdom says it needs time. A spokesman for the u. S. State department responded just a few minutes ago. We are hope. We are happy. We are certainly happy the hear that. If saudi women are now able to drive certainly here in the United States we would certainly welcome that. So it is a great step in the right direction for that country. Great step in the right direction. But would you say they still need to do a little bit or a lot more in terms of womens rights . Look, i think we are just happy today. This news just came to us moments ago. So i think we are just happy today with the steps that they are taking. And i think that that is a very positive sign. But yes, if you were looking to an answer to that question, saudi arabia needs to do more when it comes to human rights. This will take effect in june, so it gives them time to give women drivings lessons and testing. Equifaxs exec has decided to retire. Richard smith announced his retirement in the aftermath of the data breach that exposed personal information of up to 143 million americans. To put that number into perspective its half the countrys population. The departing ceo wont walk away empty pants handed. He will receive his pension, which and worth more than 18 billion. The announcement comes a week before smith heads to capitol hill to testify before the Commerce Committee to discuss this ish. I want to bring in sheila bare. Thank you for joining us. Thanks for having me. Nice the see you. I want to talk about Financial Services and regulation. We are on a push in this day and age politically to deregulate things. President trump has said for every one regulation he wants two taken away. I have always thought we should have exactly the right amount of regulation f. There is extra nonsensical stuff it should go away. If there are places where there isnt enough it should come back. The American Public seems to be okay with proper regulation on Financial Services industry. Yeah. I think thats right. I think if anything they would like a little more. I agree with you. I think some of the regulations have been overly complex, especially for the smaller banks. But for the larger institutions there is a lot of concern about how stable they are and whether they could be a source of Systemic Risk during the next downturn. Yes, i agree the popular opinion is to not ease up. And this idea that somehow if you loosen regulations on the big banks it is a going to lead to more lending, i dont buy that. Leonning levels are strong already. What i think will happen is they will distribute more capital shareholders if you loosen the capital requirements. Thats not a good reason to doet. They need that capital, probably more capital. I think if we are going to go in any direction we should be doing more not less. Let me ask you about three, equifax executives who sold took after the breach but before informing the public. He can qui faction said the three officers, these three men didnt know about this. From what you understand of companies, a, how possible is it that the chief Financial Officer wouldnt have known about a data breach at Company Whose business it is to keep information. B, when you were at the fdic what rules were there when a company knew it had some danger about selling stock . Of the it really does raise if they didnt know about it it raises questions about what their internal controls were to provide notification to Senior Management of a breach of that size. Either way they dont look good. I think they should give back untoward profits they got by selling them, if we are going to talk about compensation as well. No, banks are not perfect. I think Cyber Security is one area where Bank Regulators and banks they have recognized for decades this is a big issue. Bank have highly sensitive information. Its in their interests to coop it confidential. You would have to have controls around notification, multiple lines of defense, an external auditor, a third party exert come in and validate controls. You would have to immediately notify your regulator, the federal, or the fcc. There are controls. Its hard for me to see how something this sloppy could happen at a bank. Very difficult to protect against a Cyber Security threat. I give equifax that. But everything thats been publicly revealed suggest they were sloppy going into it and sloppy in handling it once it was made public. Lets talk about oversagt. Whether its the occ, the controller of currency or the fdicings or the cfpb. Not a lot of people are sure what the relationship between these bodies and regulation of these banks are. Before this hack, interestingly enough, lawmakers had been getting ready to pass a bill in congress that protected the Credit Bureaus by capping how much they could pay out in penalties if consumers were harmed. Ten of the 14 sponsors of that bill received Campaign Donations linked to the big three Credit Bureaus. Now, look, people get donations. I get that, but this is where it starts to get complicated for my viewers. Ten members of congress sponsoring a bill that seems to go easy on these credit reporting bureaus. You know, and they got money from them. Yeah, well you are right, equifax, all three them but equifax in particular spends a lot of money on will beying in washington. They have fended off really meaningful regulation for decades. It is amazing because they have so much power over all of us. They get their data, our data without our consent. Its more dangerous than a Bank Actually because its coming from multiple institutions over long periods of time. And so you would think that the regulation and controls around this would be tighter, if anything. So im hoping that this will lead to better thought and more objective thought about how we should oversee this trionly. In the interim Elizabeth Warren has sbrounsed what i think is a very good bill which gives us all the right to have a free credit freeze so if someone wants to come in and pull our credit file they have to have our consent. Thats the best defense against credit theft. Particularly, someone applying for a loan in my name they wont be able to do that. Now it is complicated. You have to go to all tlooe bureaus its cumbersome and expensi. In the near term, congress should do that to allow all of us to protect ourselves in the wake of this breach. Thank you for joining us. On capitol hill today, a former Trump Campaign operatedive and a long time confidante to the president roger stone the plan on the right testified before the house intel committee. I expressed my view that i am aware of no evidence whatsoever of collusion by the russian state or anyone in the Trump Campaign or anyone associated with donald trump. His testimony is part of the larger investigation into russias influence on the president ial election. The latest revelation during this nearly six month probe is about facebook ads bought by companies linked to russians. The Washington Post reports that russian operatives are so in tune with American Culture that they used the more than 3,000 ads bought to target social divides, including racial and religious divides. Meaning that they took positions. They bought ads that took positions on both sides of these things just to get into the mix of it. For more im joined by the cofounder of elevation partners, an Investment Firm focus on media and technology. Hes also the longest serving tech investor in america. He was an early investor in facebook as welling as google. Rog e great to see you. Thaump for being with us. In an op ed you wrote in u. S. A. Today nearly two months ago you say facebook and google terrify you. Why . Very simply put, these companies have adopted a libbertarian philosophy towards their business that said they were not responsible for what was going on on their platforms. Which you know you would say to yourself maybe thats a reasonable position. Heres where the problem is ali. That facebook has 2 billion active members, 1. 3 billion of which go on the site every day. Frame of erchs are. There are 2. 1 billion people who describe themselves as christians. Facebook is essentially the same size as christianity. The you tube portion of google is essentially the same size as islam. These people are so big that the notion that they are not responsible for whats goes on in my opinion is just completely wrong. And i think that it has caused them great harm. It has caused our country and other countries great harm. And this is a top conversation we need to have right now. And quite frankly i think we need to bring pressure to bear, especially on facebook, to go in there and start to actually police the stuff in advance not just clean up the mess afterwards. Lets think about tv networks. Cbs was penalized for the inadvertent showing of a nipple during a super bowl, right . The fcc comes down hard on network television, for instance. And by the way, Cable Television is governed as well. Arguably, facebook and google are more influential than we are in this business. But the Digital Companies have argued for what we call light touch regulation, right, what you called the libbertarian perspective. Where is the middle ground. I dont think we are all looking to fully control of things. We like an open internet. Where is the middle ground . I love an open internet. Heres where the issue is, with television, magazines, books, they were broadcast media that sent the same product out to everyone. With facebook in particular and also google they are taergting each individual person with amounts of data about each individual person. They know more about you, they know more about me than the government does. As a consequence they are targeting us individually. And their business, which is advertising, is dependent on them getting people deeply engaged. They are competing for our attention. In that process they have discovered the best way to do that is get us addicted make us fear we are missing something, to check our notifications to make sure we keep our streaks going. All of these guys have been manipulating our psychology. And they have been doing that without an fda keeping an eye on them, without any kinds of supervision. I think when they were small that was not an unreasonable position. At their current scale where they are affecting elections in the United States n the united kingdom, where they are attempting to affect elections in germany, france and the like, i think there has to be engagement in this. To be totally honest with, i think we have to be prepared for regulation that slows them down dramatically and creates real penalties for failure to police the activities on the platform. I think thats only reasonable at this point. Roger i need to invite you back to have a conversation on what does that actually look like if we are going to build that in a way that doesnt crush the internet and doesnt make it bad for us but keeps us safe from misinformation. It is an important position because they are choking off innovation. We will come back and have this conversation. I appreciate you joining us. The cofounder of elevation partners, a very early tech investor and one of the brightest minds on this issue. President trump is keeping up his criticism of the nfl. Today he tweeted about the controversy four times this morning. He suggested the nfl create a newly banning players from taking a knee during the natural anthem writing the nfl has all sorts of rules and regulations the only way out for then is to set a rule that you cant kneel during our national anthem. Todays tweet storm comes after a dallas cowboy where jerry jones led his team in taking a knee before the national anthem. And they then stood armed locked during the national anthem. Jeff sessions weighed in. I agree it is a big mistake to protest in that fashion. In many ways, these players with all the assets that they have can express their political views other than in effect denigrating the symbols of our nation. Just want to remind people, the silent protests were never about the flag or the military. Nfl players have been taking a knee during the anthem since last year to protest Police Brutality and racial inequality. Up next, when we come back, two of the most respected documentaryians in history make the case that the seeds of Political Division we are seeing today were planted 50 years ago during vietnam. Noninsulin victoza® lowers a1c, and now reduces cardiovascular risk. Victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill. avo and for people with type 2 diabetes treating cardiovascular disease, victoza® is now approved to lower the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. And while it isnt for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. avo victoza® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not take victoza® if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. 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This just in to us, the white house is responding to the latest health care failure, mark short, the white house Administrative Affairs Department Says that theres rand paul and john mccain saying they both made promises to repeal and replace obamacare and werent supported, however are positive the republicans will get the job done eventually. The focus now is on tax reform, which the white house expects them to roll out starting tomorrow. And also were learning that republican tennessee senator bob corker will not seek reelection. A great deal of the division we experienced today had their seeds planted in vietnam, those are the words of filmmaker ken burns, nearly half a century after the end of the conflict in vietnam, the topic seems relevant more now than ever. I spoke to the creat about amer role in the war. What went wrong and what it says about partisanship today. We realize that this is a very painful story for us as americans and we have lots of references to it without knowing what happened. Its very upsetting and most americans dont know a lot about what actually happened and we think its extraordinarily important, perhaps the most important event since the second world war, kids dont learn about it in school, those who lived through it are unable or unwilling to talk about it, whether you supported the war or fought in the war, its just a tough, tough isnsubject. And a good deal of the divisions that we experience today had their seeds planted in vietnam. In what way. Theres a sense if we can get to the heart of there divide, whether its black white, young old, rich poor, whatever we use to label and make the other other, we sort of feel that it had and an te seed end in the vietnam story, if we cant get the real facts, we dont have a political agenda, we arent republican or democrat. I cant imagine that people have forgotten about it. But to lindhoyns point is many people havent learned about it. Lets just play a piece from the protests from it. Its the biggest crowd that we had ever seen in our lives. When the front of the march got down to the united nations, the back of the march had not yet left central park. Thats how many people we were. Not all of the people on that march were students. And as a result, we all felt we have a chance now. You know, theres a path that we could see to ending the war. Stop the bombing let us save our national honor, stop the bombing. And stop the war. Let us save american lives and vietnamese lives, let us take a single instantaneous step to the peace table. Stop the bombing. The Antiwar Movement was growing, in numbers and militan militancy. We are no longer interested in merely protesting the war, one organizer said, we are out to stop it. Lyn, there were so many divides, you alluded to this, ken, that were generational divides, they were racial divides, there were hawks versus doves, patriots versus traitors. Tell me about that experience of the protests and the divide then and whats happening now in this country. Especially when you talk about patriotism, and about being a real american, what does it mean to be patriotic. There was this time when people were saying, america, love it or leave it. My country, right or wrong. And he was saying there are people we felt if our country was wrong, we have to do something about that and we shouldnt just blindly obey our country no matter what, and we had a different idea of what it mo means to be a patriot. And we see people wrestling with this very question, especially when people are dying. We could extrapolate to today and say this is an extraordinary test of our own institutions, will the judiciary continue to hold . Will the press continue to grow in their sense of responsibility and newfound responsibility . Will the investigative aspects of our government do that . Will the people of the United States who are protesting across the country do that . So i think that history arms you in a way to prepare you for the president. But it also makes you in some ways an optimist, sure it looks really, really bad and vietnam doesnt have the other aspects that our other wars and world war ii did, and also its not sentimentalized. And if its not sentimentalized we may see some daylight to get to it. Mike mark twain says, history doesnt repeat itself, it rhymes. And we have been completely oblivious to what our rhymes are. Wow, mass demonstrations across the country, accusations that a Political Campaign reached out to a foreign power at the time of a National Election to effect that, certainly the press is lying and making up stories, a white housen in disaray and wit leaks. Thank you for making this film and thank you for taking your time to talk about. That was ken and lyn, making of the documentary the making of the vietnam war. And federal prosecutors charged four assistant coaches and six other people in a bribery scheme. Heres how they say it works, those coaches from auburn, university of arizona, Oklahoma State and usc took star athletes and steered them to certain manag managers. Also among the arrested, the director of Global Sports marketing for adidas, who was accused of paying the families of High School Standouts who had deals with the apparel giant. That does it for me, im going to see you right back here tomorrow at 11 00 a. M. Eastern, with stephany reuhl and again at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. Hi, everyone, its 4 00 in new york. Today in both a Rose Garden Press Conference and in a flurry of tweets spanning from last night to this morning, donald trump sounded like the leader of his own threering circus than a president of a country facing a humanitarian crisis at home, preliminary defeats on a Health Care Legislation and a looming Nuclear Standoff with north korea. We start today with the president s brandnew public posture on puerto rico. Henry marks meet alongside the leader of spain, donald trump repeatedly touted his own high marks from the people suffering in puerto rico and the u. S. Virgin islands. A

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