That she was there by herself. I went the phone wasnt there, so when i called it, the person who had it was up at plant hollywood so i went to get it and went to the hospital. When i was waiting outside the hospital is when i received a call from her brotherinlaw and had to explain it to them what had happened. Essentially told them, you know, i was going to try to find her. Called multiple hospitals, called the hot line. Couldnt get any information. Obviously she didnt have her information on her made her difficult because they kept asking for her name. I kept telling them you probably dont have a name registered. I was sent from the first hospital and when i got back to my hotel room, her brotherinlaw reached out again that she was possibly at sun rise hospital. I went there. And i waited several hours just to hear anything, any news at all and i forwarded any information i had to them. I was supposed to the leave and fly back to ohio monday morning around 10 00. But as i was sitting there, the big deciding factors, theres an elderly lady who repeatedly yelled and screamed asking where her daughter was and was visibly upset. And i just knew that, you know, if she was this way, im sure michelles family were just as upset and they were in california and washington and they had no way to find out where she was. And then after several hours of waiting, went to the back auditorium and a lot of the employees at the hospital were very excellent for the situation that was on hand for them. Finally they came and brought me into a separate room and told me that she did not survive. And you had to call her family and put the phone on speaker as the doctors told her family . Yeah while we were in there i called the brotherinlaw and, you know, we we put it on speaker phone, had the doctor speak to them and advise them of the situation. And then i left. I walked all the way back to my hotel. You know, it was it was upsetting. I was holding out hope for the longest time that she would she would pull through or make it. And when i got back, i spoke to one of her sisters for about a half hour. She had told me that her other sister, kathy, was flying in. They would be there at 4 00, and i asked if i could speak with them. If i could meet with them, and she said yes, so i pushed back my flight to the next day. I went and talked with luxor. We were staying at the same hotel, and they were very courteous and extended us another day. Even offered free rooms to her family that was coming in. They came in about be 6 00. I met with them and, you know, went over detail by detail what had happened and kind of the whole story. You know, they were just very thankful for keeping them, you know, involved in and passing along any information just because they had tried repeatedly to call the hospitals, the 800 number and they couldnt get through to anything. They had no communication, no idea. The only thing they had was me sending them information. Cody, im so happy that you were there to help them and were out of time but i hope youre doing okay and i hope youre getting the help and the and the support that you need back home. I just cant imagine what youre going through. I cant imagine what that whole experience was like. But im sure that family is happy and thankful that you were there to help michelle and then to help walk them through this. Cody, thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. That will wrap things up for me this hour. Ali velshi picks things up. Im sorry i took your time. Thats okay. That was an important discussion. Im ali velshi its noon in las vegas. Right now President Trump is in down. Its his second day in a row visiting a grief stricken area and after his short and somewhat bizarre trip to puerto rico yesterday an an eye on what the leader of the free world is saying and doing. Were going to bring you his comments once they begin. Heres what he said once again. I just have to tell you i met some of the most amazing people. We met patients that were absolutely terribly wounded and the doctors, the nurses, all of the people of the hospital have done a job thats indekriebabsc and they were full the night before it happened and they found room how many people came in doctor. We had 100 people come in and we admitted 50. Whey saw today was incredible to profrefg limb. You never want to see it again. Some were very, very badly wounded and they were badly wounded because they refused to leave. They wanted to help others because they were going down all over. Theres tremendous bravery, Police Department incredible. The people themselves incredible. People leaving ambulances to have somebody else go because they thought they were hurt even more so. The professionalism of the doctor here and at the other hospitals Community Covered everything. They did a perfect job. John, say a few words to the press. We couldnt be more proud of the community response. Every hospital took serious patients. Everybody took care of them well. We exercised our disaster plan in las vegas and it was rolled out flawlessly. I have to tell you it makes you very proud to be an american when you see the job that theyve done and people that would not be around today are up there and theyll be leaving the hospital in a week or two weeks or five weeks. And in some cases, even in a few days. In a few hours. One in a few hours and you would never believe that. So i just want to congratulate everybody. Its incredible what youve done. We met quite a few people and theyre lucky to be here. What message do you have for them. I think the only message i can say is we are with you 100 p, in fact, i invited a lot of them to the white house. I said if youre in washington, come to the oval office. They all say we want to do it. And believe me ill be there for them. The message is we have a great country and we are there for you, and theyre there for us. Do we have a gun violence problem. We wont talk about that. Any indication of a motive . Nothing yet. I can tell you he was a sick man. We havent seen that yet, but you will know very soon if we find something. We are looking very, very hard. Im going over to the Police Department who like wide did an incredible job. The fact they were able to locate the zone and get in there, they say 11 minutes. Whatever it was it kept him busy and he stopped firing because they were coming in that door at some point, i think they did an incredible job. The professionalism is amazing. I want to thank you all. Were going over to the police headquarters. And doctors, i want to thank you. President trump, any response to r to Rex Tillersons response. It was made up. It was a fake story by nbc. Do you have confidence in him . Total confidence. That comment about nbc, nbc does stand by its reporting on rex tillerson. As President Trump works to kofrt people in las vegas there is work to be done, in particular the shooters girlfriend seen here is back in the United States. Authorities hope she has anything resemibling an answer or clues as to why this happened. We still dont know Stephen Paddocks motive after three days. We do know what it was like inside the hotel room. Plus we have this, a new photo of the shooter. That is Stephen Paddock. Lets start with the latest on President Trumps visit. Kristen welker has been keeping track of his trip for us. Whats the president s agenda and where do we stand now . Reporter now hes going to meet with First Responders. His roll today is to be con solar in chief. Hes here to comfort the victims, survivors, the police, the hospital. His first stop was the hospital after speaking to the victims who are still recovering. He talked about how proud he is to be an american. His tone somber and yet striking a note of pride in all of those who saved lives here in las vegas. This is a different tone we saw yesterday im going to interrupt you for a second. The president is speaking to First Responders, lets listen in to that. I wanted to come in and shay say hello and congratulate you. I was a fan before this. Everyone in this room knows that. A big fan before this. And i guess you can be more of a fan, i guess im even more of a fan now. You showed the world, and the world is watching, and you showed what professionalism is all about. That was about Something Like that can take place for hours and hours and hours, and you cant figure it out. You should be very proud, sheriff. Just a matter of identification. Officer hancock there at the end he was the first s. W. A. T. Officer to engage the individual. Officer morris, and officer burt were the two officers i described that were partnered with the security job. You did a good job. You did a good job. Now his option would have been try to do it himself but if it doesnt work, you wouldnt have had the information maybe, right . Right. He did the right thing . He did. We relied on him for the information. Thats great. Really great. So everyone else seated behind the press were integral in saving numerous lives. The gentleman right to your left, that firefighter right there was offduty watching the concert and remained to save several lives. So i think its important for you to know that every Single Person in here was instrumental and life saving members. These two young ladies here were our dispatchers. The most important people in the room. Calm and strong. If you have an opportunity to listen to the radio traffic, these two are amazing. So okay. That was the president talking to some First Responders here. He is in las vegas right now. Kristen, im sorry i interrupted you, we get these feeds without knowing necessarily when theyre coming in. Thats the nature of the beast, you know that better than most of us. Please continue with what the president is hoping to get done while theyre still trying to find a motive of this attack. You heard the president praise the First Responders who rushed to the scene who prevented more people from losing their life. He is here as consoler in chief and this is a real test for the president. This is the first time that he is dealing with two major disasters and tragedies at the same time. Yesterday he was in puerto rico, of course, puerto rico still dealing with the aftermath from hurricane maria. His tone different yesterday. He said he was there to support the community, but he also made some controversial comments while he was on the ground. He joked about the fact that the relief efforts could hurt the budget. He compared the death toll in puerto rico to that of hurricane katrina, which claimed 1,800 lives, so far the death toll in puerto rico is 34. Hes been openly feuding with the mayor, who said yesterday she didnt feel the president was good at communicating his support for the people of puerto rico. I think today in part is aimed at turning the page on that, and again striking a somber note while at the same time trying to help this community heal. Were going to continue to watch the president and all that he is doing here in las vegas. Kristen, thank you very much. Kristen welker with me here in las vegas. That is not stopping the the authorities from trying to get the facts. I know most of you are family with this, that is the mandalay bay, in the top corner to the right you see the two windows on the 32nd floor that were taken out by the shooter with a sledge hammer in which he shot in this general direction. If you were able to see more closely youd see stands and a band stantd just over to the left. So this is the direction people ran. People came down this street. Once they established the shooter was there, shooting this way, they came down here through this parking lot. By now, investigators who have still closed in this all off have most of the who, the what, the when those are the windows you were just looking at and the where of everything that went down, but the why. The why is still eluding everyone. The sheriff asked this question last night. Something may more come of that investigation. I want to understand the motivation that you describe to prevent any future incidents. You know, did this person get radicalized unbeknownnouns noun us and we cant identify that stort. We dont know what prompted that conversation. Pete Williams Joins me now. Hes been looking at the details, pete do we know anything more about the reference to the suspect maybe being radicalized . Is that something off the cuff from the sheriff or is that something they have some leads on . He was answering a question about it. So i think that explains why he was discussing that. Weve been told they see no signs of rad kalization, no signs of outside influence. Nothing to indicate why he was driven to this, what happened in his life that pushed him to this. So that remains an enormous question. The Deputy Director of the fbi said theyre no closer to answering that question because they havent found anything in his life to give those clues. No electronic fingerprints the to follow to get to that conclusion. Theyre hoping theyll get answers right now in los angeles. Marilou danley his girlfriend returned from the philippines where shes been visiting family members. Shes questioned in the fbi office in los angeles right now and theyre hoping she can explain whether she knew anything was going to happen, what was going on in his life, her sisters claimed that they think that Stephen Paddock gave her the plane ticket to go to the philippines to get her out of the country so he would be free to carry out the ai attack. They didnt think she knew anything about it. Other relatives said she has a clear conscience. Well wait to see what they get out of that investigation, its been going on a couple hours in los angeles. She wanted a lawyer there, so its in the presence of a lawyer even though she hasnt been charged with anything, ali. Pete, this is unusual on day 3 because typically after a shooting of this magnitude not that weve seen many of this magnitude but after Mass Shootings a profile begins to develop either things show up as manife manifestos or on facebook, family or friends talk about what might have been motivation. This is not obvious yet, at least to the public, were not sure if investigators known more than theyre telling us at the moment. What they they say publically and privately they dont know the answer to that question precisely because of what you said. The searches of his home, talking to neighbors, family members, talking to people he associated with, worked with, gambled with, people who came into contact with him at these casinos, none of them have been able to shet shed light why he might do this. Pete, thank you very much pch lets going to capitol hill now. Its a movie weve seen before. Democrats are scrambling for stricker gun measures, republicans are saying it wont work. Diane feinstein intersbroduced bill today to convert semiautomatic weapons to automatic weapons. That was what was used in this attack. I want to bring in republican senator mike rounds, republican from south dakota. Thank you for joining us. I appreciate your time. I came from a shooting range out here near las vegas, where i was trying to get an understanding of peoples motivation to need to convert regular guns, semiautomatic guns, one shot per pull of the trigger, into fully automatic and why that would come up against resistance when thinking about guns. Whats your take on this, sir . I know in south dakota, like the rest of the country, we have very strict requirements for anybody that wants to possess an automatic weapon. So honestly, ive used guns all of my life in lots of different recreational and hunting opportunities. Ive never shot an automatic weapon. So when we Start Talking about these mechanisms that are design today create and take a singleshot item and change it into one that fires continuously, seems to me that it is very reasonable to discuss whether or not that should be legally allowed without having specific licenses or without having special types of approvals. In this case i think its worth disc discussing. But i think the reason youre finding people looking at it is once you start down the path of saying were going to make changes and limiting different items you can add to any type of firearm, then people raise eyebrows and say whats the ulterior motive and whats the next step. So i think the first thing we want to do today is offer condolences to all individuals who have been hurt, their families. And then recognize these Law Enforcement officers as the president so rightly and correctly did today, lets get all the facts in this thing. Lets find out what this guy was up to and lets find out the tools he used. If he manipulated these legally purchased firearms, how was he able to do it . And lets get the facts and have a discussion. Senator, as you mentioned Law Enforcement officers, the president is here now, theres a room where a number of these First Responders and Law Enforcement officers are, the president is going to be there momentarily. Senator, this is the shot youre looking at, senator lets talk about the reasonable way in which people can proceed with the discussion, in the way that you very reasonably and fairly stated, this is one of those issues that when we have Mass Shootings, people in all sides go into their corners and we lose the ability to empathize with those who are worried that gun controls will restrict their Second Amendment rights and sometimes people on that side lose the ability to empathize w that those who think this very important constitutional amendment may not be being interpreted correctly. What is the way you at congress can make that reasonable discussion take place. Where we dont go in and say were looking to take everyones guns away and everyones concerns are unconstitutional in their thinking. I think part of it is what we may have been able to successfully. To in the past. I think you did a good job assessing where many of us feel, we feel very strongly in the Second Amendment rights and we are worried about going down the path that erodes those rights one step at a time. But in the past have we allowed for reasonable restrictions that we have general consensus for. And not only on the weapons themselves but also the individuals that can possess them. As you know, a lot of the folks that feel strongly about Second Amendment rights also recognize there are people out there that should not have those rights because they have done things to violate that opportunity to maintain those rights. And theres a strong belief in that. On the other hand when we Start Talking about making restrictions to the types of equipment and so part, thats when you start to be careful about what have we done in the past thats reasonable. We dont allow many sheen guns in the United States without special licensing. What this individual apparently did was with legally convert what was supposed to be a semiautomatic rifle and he changed it into one that would act as if it was an automatic rifle. Thats a reasonable discussion to have, as to whether or not that should be allowed without special licensing and special approvals. You would participate in that discussion if it were brought up in congress . I think a lot of us would participant in the discussion. Once again when you start broadening it you have folks on both sides saying this is our opportunity we can get in our foot in the door and make major changes. On the other side you have fols like me that you want to be careful any time you go after Second Amendment rights. You want this to be an open die sblog one we talk about specifically whether or not we could have had an impact on something here none of us want to see again. Senator youre always invited here to have that dialogue. One thing that hasnt been able to get as much News Coverage in the last few days is we saw executives from equifax testifying on capitol. Where do you stand on this accountability for equifax for having lost the information on every adult american and the strangeness of the stock sales after they learned of it . I dont have a lot of information on the stock sales so i will defer on that. After the hearing we had today in the n front of the banking committee, i came away with a couple of thoughts. Number one they had the key to peoples information. They left the key in the door and it made it easier for bad people, who were steeling from them, to come in and steal information that belonged to us. They had an obligation to protect that information, they failed that miserably. The second part of this and the part i was curious about and i asked mr. Smith about it today, what did you learn in this aftermath . Put yourself in the position of over 1,000 chief executive officers that said could that happen to us . What message would you give tell metothem . He wasnt able to give a message of these are the things we did wrong and i would never do them again. Thats part of the process that we have to learn, can you trust a chief Information Security officer to be the primary person responsible. Do you have to require the boards of directors to participate with Due Diligence when it comes to the safeguarding of this information. These are the types of things we have to do. And finally, do we have the tools and are we being aggressive enough in going after these characters, these very bad people who are going in and stealing our information, even when its being done from somebody who should have it in their care, custody and control. Heres the way i look at it. Ban banks have an obligation to protect your money. When somebody robs the bank you dont blame the bank unless they left the door open. In this case equifax left the door open. Thanks for the discussion today. Invite you back were going to have to a lot to talk about on both of these issues. As we mentioned yesterday we want to use this space in our show to bring you the faces a ns and stores. 20yearold bailey swieter was a native of bakersfield california. She spent much of her time at the bakersfield speedway, which her family owned. Friends say her smile could light up a room. Derek bow tail lor was with the department of corrections, he worked with a team of inmates who fought wild fires in california. Charles stockton worked as a football coach in las vegas. He was described as a selfless and respected leader who brought out the best in the players he coached. He leaves behind a son and daughter. Just three of the 58 who lost their lives. My business was going nowhere. So i built this kickin new website with godaddy. Building a website in under an hour is easy 68 of people. 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I want to listen in to President Trump, whos talking to First Responders. There is a problem with the shot. Lets listen to what he has to say and hope that shot comes through. Everything that you can imagine funnels through here. This is where its joining forces. So we have all the department of Public Safety representation here, along with emergency managers. And the hospital systems, First Responders medical system and everything you can imagine during a crisis. So we can speak with one voice. Thats the important piece. So a lot of these folks are not supposed to be in here. These were all people instrumental in the success of our Critical Response and theyre all critical for the investigation. So i think its important for you to see what your leadership is providing. I can tell you, on behalf of our great, great country, we want to thank you. You have been a real inspiration. This is a rough time. If you didnt get up there so quickly, it could have been worse. It could have been a lot worse. We just want to the whole world has watched and theyve seen professionalism that they rarely see. So i want to thank you so much. The form for spitser is based on leigh. Like the whole concept was based on all right. We are done. President trump were continuing to get the shots coming in and out from where donald trump is. Hes been moving from location to location. He was at the Medical Center then speaking to First Responders. Then again a conversation with Law Enforcement officers where he has just left. We will get him wherever he goes next. Joining me now is robert spitser. Hes the author of five books on gun policy. Lets talk about the conversation that is emerging when it comes to gun control. Every time there is a mass shootishoo shooting, a conversation merges. There are lots of people that say their thoughts and prayers are with those who have perished now is not the time to talk about gun control. There are a lot of people that come up with gun control solution and those against them said none of those would have necessarily addressed the particular issues at hand. Now we are seeing a man in this hotel and apparently legally had a lot of weaponry, an arsenal i would say, that nobody would understand why one would have. Whats your take on this . Well, i would say first this is an appropriate time to talk about gun laws and policies. When we have a coal mine disaster, the first question is ask why did the coal mine cave in and what can we do in the future to prevent cave ins or Nuclear Plant melt downs or other problems, the first thing do you is what went wrong, how can we make things better the next time around. Theres no reason not to apply that logic to the gun debate as well. When you hear people say its not the time to talk about gun policy, theyre saying we dont want to talk about the issues because we dont support changing our gun laws and we want to kick the can down the road until the countrys attention is returned back to other matters and we can return to politics as usual. Its a dodge more than anything else. Are there solutions and possibly laws that could be considered, absolutely. Bearing in mind that gun violence and violence general has many causes, the plens of guns, mental illness, but guns are one factor and with respect to this shooter in las vegas, we know for example, these bump stocks that he had that he outfitted apparently more than one gun with, is an item that is legal to buy, but could easily be regulated. That is a simple Public Policy fix and ive yet to hear any argument for why these bump stocks should be available to civilians. I had a tweet in part of this discussion that says ali velshi on msnbc said that its legal to convert a semiautomatic gun into an automatic gun, which is absolutely untrue. What we have learned from this concept of bump stocks is that it is a legal thing you can buy, which achieves exactly the same end as buying a fully automatic weapon. The only difference being you can press the trigger once and it continues shooting. So we have a legal way around policy that is not supposed to be breached. I think thats right. Its a technology, a device, one of the things the gun industry is pretty good at is coming up with deviations and variations of equipment partly to work around the law. And in the 1990s when there was a federal ban on assault weapons you saw manufacturers doing that, trying to make small changes in weaponry in order to make them legal even though the functioning was the same as the banned assault weapons. And you see the same kind of technology manipulation now with these bump stocks, for example, and the verdict of the government or atf is they are legal but that doesnt mean that you couldnt change the law. You couldnt make it illegal to own them or sell them sbp another thing in that category is kits you can buy on the internet to convert a legal semiautomatic weapon into an illegal fully automatic weapon. This isnt that, but its a similar sort of product s. And those kids are legal to sell. If you took a semiautomatic weapon, made it into fully automatic using a kit you bought on the internet, you would be violating the law even though the kit is legal. Thats a silly loophole that could be plugged. Its also silly arguments. The person i said at the conservative news site said its not illegal to use this because it doesnt convert the gun into a fully automatic gun. But again for lauwmakers, thinking americans, you press one time on an automatic gun and it shoots consecutively. So the technically that a bump stock doesnt convert a gun into a fully illegal automatic is the kind of thinking that makes people mad. Because you can buy a legal way of shooting multiple bullets out into a crowd. So conservative websites and people against any kind of gun control are saying you in the liberal media are lying saying you can convert a semiinto a fully. Thats not true. You can take a make it into a gun with the stock that makes it shoot as many bullets as you have thats right. Its the difference between the law and the fact. Strictly legal terms the bump stock is legal to buy today. No dispute about that. When i first caught the news about the shooting and heard a recording early on about the sound of the gun fire, my response was exactly the same as ive heard Law Enforcement people say on the ground which is this is fully automatic fire. Its utterly distinctive. You could not fire a semiautomatic weapon on its own as rapidly the way in which the shooter in las vegas was shooting his gun or guns from the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay hotel. And functionally speaking, it was an action using a machine that we that the government has attempted to severely restrict ever since 1934 and i would add its been an effective law, that 1934, precisely because we never here about fully automatic weapons or anything close to it, used in crimes, and not in Mass Shootings until of course now. Can you do a lot of damage without a fully automatic weapon and weve seen that in mass shooting after mass shooting. Thats a discussion for another time we will hopefully have. Thank you for joining me. Zblooe. Leigh bahla bres ka is a writer. She wrote this oped, saying i used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise. She goes through a lit aany of thick things that draw this disinnocence between attacks that happen, and the laws people proposed. Thats what i just discussed, and that is sometimes people who dont like the availability of guns target the wrong thing. Yes. I dont like the availability of guns. In my ideal world there would be a lot less. I dont see a lot of policies proposed that would have a real impact on the number of guns, or more importantly the number of lives taken by guns. I worked at 538 on a big guns project looking at all 33,000 gun deaths in america every year, two thirds of which are suicide. We tend to choose the most recent tragedy, proposing policies that would make dirchts to the most recent shooting and the lives taken by guns each year. Let me ask thu, in this particular case, and we dont know the motivation of the shooter theres a lot of details we dont know. We do seem to know these so called bump stocks ive been talking about. It doesnt convert the gun but allows you to achieve the same thing that would be achieved by a fully automatic gun. That sounds like something that legislatures and people on both sides of the issue can coaless around. If we did not people to have fully automatic weapons then we shouldnt be making it legal to buy the bump stocks. Its plausible thats good policy but i heard of bump stocks two days ago, and its hard to believe that people know everything they need to know about how prevalent or popular these are. This is the first mass shooting weve seen that used one. Gun enthuseiests can reply indicate the effects by holding a gun in a particular way and using their hand to pull the gun forward. So this feels a little like the way we approach the tsa and airline safety, where the most recent threat is all we talk about. Like the Ceasefire Program that tries to identify at risk risks who are involved in Gang Violence and would be helped in being identified, and helped before they eng gauge in revenge killings. One thing you pointed out when we talk about gun deaths in the United States. In 2015, we had 36,252 gun deaths. But 22,000 of those were suicides. And theres a valid discussion about guns when it comes to suicides because suicide tends to be more effective when you use a gun for it. You have less time to rethink it or calling 911 for help. You are a person who claims you grew up in a place you didnt believe in guns. You dont carry a gun, youre not a gun owner. Whats the logical way you think we can address guns that isnt like the way the tsa does things. So the last guy who snet his sneakers on fire, we have to do that . Whats the logical way to approach it. I think it recognizes saying homicide isnt in the category, theyre different when you look at Gang Violence homicides, young men killing each other, domestic homicides. These are the biggest discreet buckets and you use different interventions. Mass shootings are a smaller number of homicide and theyre more frustrating, just like gun deaths and homicides are a messy category, Mass Shootings dont have much in common with each other. So its hard to find strategies that will target that form of killing and expect them to have an impact. Often as we can do as a statistician, we cant get gun deaths down to zero, but we can speak about whats going to have the biggest chance of helping the most. In your opinion, what is that, though . Is it gun ownership . Background check stuff . Mental health stuff . Education and counseling . What is it you think when you take the totally of gun deaths in the country . We have the biggest handle on how to address are suicide and young men killing each other. And in neither of those do we have a perfect sblugs neither of them is a law based solution. But theyre about identifying people at risk, using a mix of data and outreach programs. Then the work that follows is hard. You cant pass a law banning suicide or loneliness. I saw megan mccartel say gun owners reach out to their friends and say store your guns or ammo at my house when youre feeling upset. I want to be here to protect you as a fellow gun owner. But theres a lot more to these problems. Tlms identifying people at risk and then long sustained work to try to reach out and protect them. I was addressing the problem of suicide because i knew a frightened that had guns and made previous attempts. One thing frustrating, talking to experts i kept asking what should i do that would change the equation for my friend . And the answer was there arent any good answers. I can change the probability and theres nothing i can do to make that probability go to zero. We can talk about not keeping them at home during hard periods that make it less likely. As a statistician, do you then believe that those who use Mass Shootings, which are not the most common way in which people die from guns as a spring board to try to continue the the discussion on gun control do you think thats misguided . I think its an all right idea if what youre going to do is highlight the biggest impact solutions. The Immediate Reaction is to look at something that happened in las vegas and in america, where it keeps happening again and again, we want it to stop, you have to tell me there are options. But i think its hardertothan we con seed to save peoples lives when people are determined to take them. I think whats valuable here is to say our options are limited, what can we do to have the biggest impact and lets be ready to recognize that it may not be a purely legal or onetime fix. It may be sustained hard work. One of the things i hear from you and i read in your work and i hear from the people with whom i speak, who are the best experts on gun deaths in this country is that the majority of them are in things that dont get this media coverage. They dont capture the nations attention. Sometimes youll see when there are too many shootings as there always are in chicago youll see groups mobilizing around that and trying to solve that larger problem, but ultimately they dont capture the imagination like somebody shooting from the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay at 22,000 people into a concert behind me. Thats something that is as muc social issue as it is about guns. I think one way is, as much as you can, i saw you doing earlier on the program is to elevate the voices of the victims and their family. I think the thing thats most frightening about Mass Shootings is that it leaves us feeling powerless w what can we do to avoid the risk of sudden death. Especially in a shooting like this where the motive is unclear. And what youd hope is to realize that if theres a scary threat from more people, sometimes particular groups of people that we need to care about the people who are predict only endangered from guns, instead of just the people surprisingly endangered by guns. And some that might mean having the friends and family or grandchildren of the older men the most likely to commit suicide with a gun speak more often on your program or anywhere else about whats happened to their family and the losses theyve suffered and their grief and their terror, also. Because i dont think it needs to be a competition of which we care about most. Its how can we expand our empathy to all . Leah, as somebody who takes this position, but exists in a circle where there may be people who do not really empathize with those who strongly believe in their right to carry guns and not have that restrict in any way, does the argument you make go over well . Are you able to bring people over and say, hey, look, its not as black and white as it seems . One of the places it has to start is being scrupulously honest about what you push for and being aware when you have blind spots. One of the things most startling to me is theres plenty of gun policy where the data are murky. Weve had a deficit of research in this country on gun deaths. The cdc has been held back from researching them as a Public Health issue. Beyond that, theres a pattern of people who are in favor of gun control speaking ignorantly. The assault weapons ban itself, when assault weapons arent a real category, which isnt a thing i knew. I used to be in favor of the assault weapons ban until i read more deeply and found out an assault weapon is the basic base of a semiautomatic gun thats had too many features snapped on to it when you purchase it. Once you purchase it you can add those bag on like lego bricks and its fine. When we say that, gun owners know that youre speaking from ignorance. So the most important way of outreach is to speak from experience and if you dont have that, reach out people with curiosity. Leah, thank you for joining us. Thank you for your writing. Shes a statistician, former writer at 538. This is senator Brian Sandoval introducing the president here in las vegas. Were resilient and committed to fight and recover and begin the long process of healing. As nevadans, we have a long history of pulling together. And, yes, were hurt. Were hurt badly. But were not broken. Weve seen generosity on a scale that is unprecedented in nevada history. We know, we know that we will never, ever forget this horrific event, but we will march forward as a family giving each other comfort, support and love. The future is going to come one day at a time. We all have a choice how were going to live each day. We must be glad. We must be good. We must be brave and we must have faith. And we will emerge as a stronger, kinder, better state and nation. So god bless the victims and their families. May he give them peace. God bless our great state, and god bless our nation, the greatest nation on earth. And with that, i am very privileged and honored to introduce the first lady and the president of the United States. I personally want to thank them on behalf of all the people of nevada for taking the time to come out here and provide us their support and their comfort and Everything Else that theyre going to bring to us. So with that, ladies and gentlemen, id like to introduce the president of our great nation, donald trump. Thank you. [ applause ] thank you very much, governor. And we really appreciate that. And i will tell you the people of nevada and the extraordinary city have shown the world their incredible character, courage and resolve. Nevada really is a very, very special place. Im honored to be here today at the las vegas metropolitan Police Department in the company of heroes. Thank you to our police, our firefighters and to our First Responders and, of course, to sheriff lombardo. Incredible job youve done. Mayor goodman. Hello, mayor goodman. I couldnt be blocked by anyone more beautiful in the world. Senator heller. Senator cortez. Majority leader where is kevin . Kevin mccarthy. Adam laxalt. All of the great congressmen that we have with us today from both parties. We just are very honored that you could be with us. On behalf of the grateful nation, melania and i thank each and every one of you in Law Enforcement. In the depths of horror, we will always find hope in the men and women who risk their lives for ours. The mass murder that took place on sunday night fills americas heart with grief. America is truly a nation in mourning. I visited the hospital earlier today where many victims are still recovering from their wounds. And we ask god to ease their suffering and to speed their healing. We pray for the recovery of the injured and those injured officers who so bravely threw themselves into danger when duty called. And we grieve the loss of the Law Enforcement personnel who were killed in this vicious attack. Many families tonight will go to bed in a world that is suddenly empty. The people they so dearly love were torn away from them forever. Our souls are stricken with grief for every american who lost a husband or wife, a mother or father, a son or a daughter. We know that your sorrow feels endless. We stand together to help you carry your pain. You are not alone. We will never leave your side. Here at the Police Department, we remember one of our own who died this week, charles hartfield. He was a very, very special person. Officer hartfield was a proud veteran, a devoted husband, a loving father. His death is a tragic loss for this police force, for this city and for our great nation. We struggle for the words to explain to our children how such evil can exist. How there can be such cruelty and such suffering. But we cannot be defined by the evil that threatens us or the violence that incites such terror. We are defined by our love, our caring and our courage. In the darkest moments, what shines most brightly is the goodness that thrives in the hearts of our people. That goodness is our lighthouse and our solace is knowledge that the souls of those who passed are now at peace in heaven. Here on earth, we are blessed to be surrounded by heroes. As one eyewitness recounted this week, while everyone else was crouching, Police Officers were standing up as targets just trying to direct people and tell them where to go. The officers were standing up in the line of fire to help those in danger and to find out where those horrible shots were coming from. Words cannot describe the bravery that the whole world witnessed on sunday night. Americans defied death and hatred with love and with courage. When the worst of humanity strikes, and strike it did, the best of humanity responds. Parents and spouses used their own bodies as shields to protect their loved ones. Americans dashed into a hail of bullets to rescue total strangers. Joining us today are many of the heroes who were here during that horrible moment, that horrible night, including Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officers Tyler Peterson and tanner gurley and civilian aaron stocker. Officer peterson was on his second day on the job when the shooting began. I just visited him in the hospital. Within minutes, he joined a group of officers rushing between flying bullets to clear the fairground and save lives. Officer gurlay was off duty

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