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Dynamics on these two nights. Lets start on night one. The interesting thing is there are really five candidates in this democratic race who are popping in the polls. Four of them are on night two. One of them, Elizabeth Warren, is on night one. That creates its own interesting dynamic. It means warren doesnt get the opportunity to share the stage with joe biden, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, with Camela Harris it. Does raise the question whats the audience size going to be. Will there be less interest in this debate than the second . Will that hurt her . The opportunity is she can stand out a little more perhaps. Shes not going to be overshadowed by the other front runners. Shell enter the stage with the biggest name on it. For warren, thats the plus minus of it. For the rest of the candidates, honestly, think about this. This is the first debate. Theres going to be a series of debates throughout the year. The criteria changes. It gets stricter, higher, more stringent. Think of tulsi gabbert. A lot of them are registering low in the polls. A tz year goes on, theyre going to have to get their numbers higher or risk not being in other debates. Theyre not going to be overshadowed by biden and the other folks. The difference for these candidates right now in the here and now, just to survive. The difference between 1 and 3 in the polls is huge for them. This is an opportunity for them to just do that. That could be significant. This is the night when the other four candidates who are popping in the polls are all going to be on the stage together starting with joe biden the frontrunner, Bernie Sanders whos second place in the polls right now. Youve got Pete Buttigieg and Camela Harris. Are any of these other big names going to take a shot . How will he respond if they do . This is what i mean. They were randomized. You see the four candidates here, over 5 in this debate, and then warren here, the only one in double digits, the only one averaging over 5 this night. Thats what happens. They put the Top Performing candidates in one hat, put the other ones in the other hat. They mix and match and this is what came up. Its an opportunity for warren on the first night to stand out. All sorts of questions for biden on the second night. Well see. Less than two weeks from now. Its not going to be boring. Steve, stay with us. I also want to bring in another guest. Warren on night one, three other winning candidates on night one. A lot of folks who need a Strong Performance if theyre going to make it. What do you see . I think its going to be a race to jump from tier two, three, to one. These people you know are strong candidates. They have a stage presence, they connect with their audiences, but theyve failed so far to get much of a bump in the national polls, so i would be watching all of them to see if they gel the bounce from these debates because we know how strong it is once america lays eyes on national television. Its a big night for those kind of second, third tier candidates. I think the second debase i want to remind people biden, bernie, buttigieg all on one night, you wonder how does that affect the strategy. Right. It seems a bit more what we saw when you have all of the stars crammed on the stage together. It was hard for any of them to break through. Does that benefit someone like a biden in this case . I dont know. Does it benefit bernie . Its impossible to say until you see what kind of mood theyre in, what kind of sleep they had, how on top of their game they are. I think its i wouldnt venture a guess as to who could outperform anybody on night two just because theres an awful lot of talent on that stage. Steve, four candidates didnt make the cut. Among them. M just because youre not in the first debate doesnt mean youre out of the running. What is your take . Separate out bullock. Youve got to make 1 . Theres going to be another one on cnn about a month later. For those two debates, the criteria that gets you in is 1 in three polls. Bullock has two qualifying polls right now. He thought he might have had a third for there. This was some dispute theefr. If bullock in the next month can hit 1 in the poll, i think he can make the cnn debate. That will mean somebody else will get knocked out. I think bullock has a plausible path to get in. Its more complicated for moulton, messam, and gravel. I think if youre shut out of both of these debates and you have to increase your poll numbers, that is going to be tough to do. I think they have a big decision to make, right . Now you know who youre going up against. Youre not only preparing your answers on your positions but you have to get up to speed what the other nine people said, what your likely points of attack might be, lets say, and still have a presence on the campaign trail. What are those conversations going to sound like behind closed doors . Yeah. There certainly are a lot of ideological differences among these candidates. I think somebody like a Bernie Sanders is going to have a target on his back not because of who he is and how high he is on the polls, but hes costing an awful lot. Do candidates risk alienating the progressive bernie base by saying, look, a lot of what youre promising here just isnt plausible. I dont know. It will be an interesting strategy to watch because so far, you know, youve seen very little of that. This approach that biden has taken where he says he will not speak ill of another democrat. Lets see how long that will last. I dont think thats a tenable position when you have people youre running against. And youre trying the stand out. Theres an argument to be made but you would know better than i, steve kornacki. Theres an argument to be made. The reason is we have seen people lose debates, come back, win the prez depcy, here for some of these folks, it is really their one best chance of breaking out, making more money from donors, getting more attention in the press, bringing their numbers up in the polls. Do you buy that argument . Yeah. I think one thing to think about is how they have changed and evolved in our lifetime in the era of modern television politics. These are more nationalized than they have ever been before. National parties have set this up. If you look back at the 2016 primaries and the audiences that were watching these debates on tv, i remember the numbers for some of those debates. The democratic debates, those were huge numbers compared to the past. These debates, more than youve seen before. Now youre going to have millions, tens of millions watching for these candidates. The opportunity there is much more substantial than we saw in the not too distant past. Jeremy, this is totally anecdotal, but i guess im surprised mulch people are looking to these debates to help them sort of figure out who theyre going to include and who theyre going to step away from. The only people pretty much who i found who said i absolutely want this candidate were people who were volunteering or had the tshirts on, you know . I wonder how big you think the audience is going to be. How important is this . Give us your gut or maybe based on you going out and about and talking to voters. Well, ive heard anecdotally and also from democratic pollsters that theres been a real problem with any of these people breaking through. I was in pittsburgh the other day, and out of curiosity, i asked everybody, did any of the democrats catch your eye, and the vast majority of the responses were no because donald trump right now is demanding so much media attention. He sucks so much oxygen out of the news cycle, i dont see that changing. Once we have a single nominee, there will be more coverage. But its a real issue because theyre unable to get their ideas out and messages, and i think thats why these debates are that much more important. Going to be the first time that the make is focused on one time, one evening, all 23 of these people. Whats going to be fascinating is how much the name trump comes up given that we know democrats absolutely want somebody who can beat donald trump. Steve kornacki, jeremy peters, thank you. It will give them a nasal forum to tell voter as what they would d if they were sent to the white house. Even days away, some of the candidates are, indeed, on the road making their case to the voters. Were joined by a reporter from las vegas. I have not been as busy as you have been but i have travelled a lot, struck by how many of these voters are open to lesser known candidated and how they want to diff yenlt yat themselves from others candidates. What are you hearing from las vegas . Yeah. I think youve had the conversations ive had. Most voters you talk to couldnt begin to name you most of those 23 candidates, most of the 20 that will take that debate stage. Steve cornetky was just mentioned the debate between martin omalley, Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton had about 13 Million Viewers tune in. I cant help but believe thats going to be the momentum in which a lot of these folks begin to tune in. And i want to introduce you to one student here at the campus that we just met at unlv. I think shes evidence of how these debates are going to be important. Ill let you listen to part of our interview with her. Which of these 23 candidates are catching your eye . I theyre Elizabeth Warren. Why . She seems to care about our communities especially when it comes to issues that matter to College Students like myself. Just looking at all the policies that she has passed, shes really fierce when it comes to going after anyone that is doing wrong or anything like that. Any other candidates . I would say as of right now perhaps Bernie Sanders or even Kamala Harris is catching my eye. How certain are you on Elizabeth Warren . Im still deciding. I want to see after the debate and then perhaps ill have a certain decision. Are you watching the debate . Yes. What are you looking for . If theyre is up poring College Students and ill grant families. Im an immigrant family myself. That last important from suki is the important point i want to make. The individual voters, students, others we talk to, everybody has an opinion on issue whether it be on education, college debt, immigration. People arent short on opinion when it comes to issues and theyre not short on candidates. There are going to be people like suki. Theyre going to be important for these candidates in discerning for these young people to discern which candidate theyd turn to. Thats why people like suki, i think, are going to play an Important Role over the next couple of months. Vaughn hillyard, thanks so much. You dont look any worse for wear. Thanks for that. Thanks so much for coming in. You were in the room and i want to get to sort of the important part of this, but i just have to ask you to pull back the curtain to sort of what was the mood in that room. I can tell you from the outside the anticipation was a little crazy. What was it like in there . I think it grows every day. This is why were going to have highviewership. I think its going to be the most watched. You do. Really. I do. I think more than the republicans. Trump sees himself as a ratings kind of guy and hell be bothered when all of our candidates get record viewership. Theyre going to come out for night one and night two and i think you have in a sense what we did is we had the candidates divided at 2 . Everyone above 2 , we split them up each night and everyone below each night split them up each night. I think as random as it goes, this is probably as fair as anyone could have imagined. Im going to double down on that because there are always going to be critics. There were always going to be critics. But theyll say weve got three big guns in one debate and one in another to which you say . It was random . It was random. You look at it different ways. If you look at it. Some are excited because theyre on the second night. Others are excited because theyll be able to stand out in a crowded field. You can look at this different ways. Some people i talked to said i dont care who i was on stage with. Let me talk about the bigger picture. Its only going to get harder to get on the campaign stage. Its been out there. Thats what chairman said. Before the first vote is cast, many of them for all intents and purposes because they dont make that debate stage are eliminated. How do you respond to critics . Ive heard some say, its too early, the win owing is going to be too early. Ive got my life. I dont have time to focus on this and yet i feel like this process is going to help eliminate people before much of america has gotten a chance to know them. Well, the first three debates have an option of having up to 20 people. Let me remind you, 1 is not a high threshold. 60,000 donors, not a high threshold. The question is i dont think that weather the threshold will go up. It is starting too early, is the winnowing starting too early . Absolutely not. The first 20 debatwo debates ar up but not high. 2 is also not high. If youre looking at the grassroots fundraising threshold, 130,000 donors, Hillary Clinton met that, doubled it june of 2015. And so were not asking that you need to have an infrastructure in place, but its not possible. Let me talk about the folks who did not make the stage, four of them including steve bullock, governor of montana. There they are. Theyre the four who did not make it. Heres what bullock had to say to chuck im the only one in the field whos actually won in a trump state and we need to win back some of the places that weve lost. Were in a deeply divided time. The Tobacco Company spent 26 million to try to reauthor medicaid. We got that done. I had that job to do and thats where i needed to be. Thats what his argument was. Look, i was doing the job i was elected to do. How do you respond to that . I have a lot of respect for him. Hes won in the trump state. Theres a lot to be said for that. At the same time we set a threshold and the rules were established back in february and we decided back in december that the first debate would be in june. So hes known all along. Governor bullock spoke about it. Were not going to count openended surveys the way it was done in previous debate cycles. Weve been very fair and transparent and he has the opportunity to make the second debate. I think you and me both, we did not predict that this many candidates would get in the race, so i cant predict what will happen in july. If you had to give me a number i looked it up. I think it was 22 million, the first Republican Debate which had a huge number of people. You say this might be the biggest debate in history. What numbers are we looking at . Im not an expert in this field but i will say its going to be larger than the Republican Debate. Xochitl laying down the gauntlet. Im am. The 26th and 27th of june in yam monitored by it will be broadcast by nbc newss, msnbc, and telemundo. You can get the latest at nbc. Com debate. He said he would be open to opposition research. Later well go to the white house as President Trump unveil as new Health Insurance option for Small Businesses. Youre watching msnbc. C. Ive always been excited for whats next. Im still going for my best. Even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, ill go for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Whats next . Sharing my roots. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. 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Election official issued a very stern warning that anyone seeking high office in the u. S. Must not sep help of any kind from a Foreign National. Heres Ellen Weintraub in an exclusive interview with msnbc. There seems ed to be some confusion which was confusing to me because its black letter law. Anyone in the United States is not allowed to accept anything of value from a Foreign National particularly a Foreign Government in an election. Foreign governments where we have seen bad actions from in the past are not likely to cease their efforts Going Forward unless the entire American Government speaks with one voice and says this is intolerable, this is unacceptable, were not going to put up with it. Those comments responding to President Trumps willingness to except information from a Foreign Government. He previously served as chief counsel for the u. S. Senate judiciary committee. Its good to see you, noah, my goodness she had to put a statement out and she went on morning joe. What did you think when you heard what the president had to say . Its absolutely outrageous. First of all, i think for any american just on an intuitive level of right and wrong, we all know and should know that Foreign Governments attempting to interfere in our elections is a problem and that if youre an office hold orer candidate and a Foreign Government comes to you, you shouldnt hear them out. You should go to authorities. But commissioner weintraub is right that the law is quite clear, that campaigns cant accept anything of value from a Foreign Government and campaigns pay a lot of much for opposition research. Its crazy that were even having this conversation. Its important for commissioner weintraub to get out there and make sure everyone understand as what the law is. What d o you think this message was that the president said to those Foreign Governments . Its always its always hard to interpret what the president is trying to do, but it seems to me Foreign Governments are likely to hear that at least those Foreign Governments interested in m meddling see that as an invitation. Thats really dangerous. Meantime your organization filed complaints against Kellyanne Conway should those allegations, that she violated the hatch act which prohibits federal employees while on the job. A federal Watchdog Group recommended her firing. Heres how the president responded. Youre not going the fire her. No, im not going to fire her. I think shes a terrific person, tremendous spokesperson, shes been loyal, shes just a great person. I would certainly think based on what i saw yesterday, how could you do that . They have tried to take away her speech, and i think youre entitled to free speech in this country. So whats the recourse, noah, if the president says, well, im fine with it . This is another issue of dams rhetoric coming from the president because this is not just a question of federal offices and resources, which is a problem in and of itself. Now you have an employee Kellyanne Conway who know as what the law is and is not interested in following it and then the president who has a duty who says he doesnt care what the law is, hes not going to follow it, hes not going to do anything, it really threatens the recall of law in this country. Unfortunately the office of special counsel which enforces the hatch act doesnt have the authority to fire her or take some action on their own. One recourse you have is congress who does oversight of the executive branch to get involved. The Oversight Committee in the house is having a hearing on this issue next week. For them to say, hey, weve got repeated law violations and a recommendation that there be swift and severe disciplinary action, youve got to do that. Noahbi bookbinder, good to he you here. President trump is heading to the rose garden. Hes going to talk expanding Health Care Options for Small Businesses. Its known as hras. Joining me from the white house, nbc news hans nichols. Hans, this can be a little zbik complicated, but lay out generally what this would mean . Well, because Small Businesses dont Purchase Health care in the way large corporations do, this law is designed the make it easier to give them the tax benefits that the large corporations get and let their employees actually buy that health care, so it basically opens up the Health Care Market Small Businesses employees with tax benefits. They say eventually when its all phased in, it will be open to employees and their families. The part of this is its a bit by bit to have the republican version of health care that they want to put forward. In general the president has. Really talked about what his specifics are going to be for fundament fundamentally reorganizing obamacare. The president has. Come forward with a come prehinsive Health Care Policy his bottom line is hell do it after the republicans win back the house. That means going into this election, the president doesnt have a firm unified policy. This is around the margins and its ideologically fitting with his party. Chris . You talk about the threepronged approach. Would it be fair to say at least in this case, employers and insurers have been in faber of this par of it of whats been the reaction to this . I think thats fair to say. They want more access to consumers and individuals that can pay for it. The question on all of it is what does it do to the health care. Thats why its sore important. If you didnt very everyone buying into the exchanges, and that included young people, that included healthy people. You couldnt have the structure to sustain people coming in with preexisting conditions, which by everyones own admissions cost Insurance Companies money, right . That is a lot of money that theyre going to have to expend. So to make it work, they need to have a lot of healthy individuals. What this is, this is a more rightful approach, a more specific approach. It isnt this comprehensive reorganization that the president campaigned on and promised on and has been so short on in terms of the actual details. Hans nichols at the white house. Thank you. I amount want to bring in elizabeth. As you look at this threepronged approach to what the president has done previously, give us your sense of the pros and cons. Well, i mean intuitively there are pros to. This. Theyre going to have money to go on the Obamacare Exchanges and buy insurance. Its a small effort that might make a difference. But its something to kneecap obamacare and one of the things people are concerned about is these Health Reimbursement arrangements say to employed, here is a money, go buy a plan. And we know something the Trump Administration has done is to ensure shortterm plans. They bid in favor of an insurance light that wouldnt meet those aca criterias. People are worried when they go out to buy insurance actually wont buy real insurance so will find themselves vulnerable, stuck with really high drug costs. Im going to interrupt you because the president has come out. He loves the rose garden as a setting. This is something hes been promising, though, its not to the level he said he was going to do since he campaigned. It is however a key issue to a lot of voters. Lets listen to the president. Thank you. Beautiful. Wow. Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear president happy birthday to you very nice. Wow. That is very, very nice. Please. You must like what im about to say, i think. We all like what were about to say. We worked very hard at it, and thank you all for joining us on this magnificent day in the rose garden, a special place. Were hear to announce the latest historic action that were taking to help millions of americans receive highquality and very Affordable Health care, something so important. Weve been working on it long and hard. A Certain Group right in these first few rows have been working long and hard and i want to thank you. Were delighted to be joined today by Vice President mike pence. Mike, thank you very much. Thank you. In addition, i want to express my gratitude to secretary stephen mnuchin. Steve, thank you very much. Alex acosta, secretary, thank you. A man who has been working very hard for this day, secretary alex azar. Thank you, alex. And also with us are acting administrator of the Small Business administration chris pilkinton. Good, chris. Hi. Congratulations, by the way. Congratulations. Are you liking it . I hope youre liking it. I hear you are. And treasurer of the United States, jovita curanza. That ink you very much. I want to extend a welcome to the Small Business owners who are here. We have a lot of them in our midst, and thank you very much. This is a big advantage for you and something where you can take care of a lot of great people are going to be taken care of. That eng you very much. Small Business Optimism is soaring in our booming big economy and today we give you even more reason for your confidence in the future. Two years ago in october 2017 i signed an executive order to increase Health Care Choice in competition all across our nation. Since that time my administration has worked tirelessly to expand options and drive down the cost of health care for the American People. We took swift action to open shortterm health plans and Association Health plans to millions and millions of americans. Many of these options are already reducing the cost of Health Insurance premiums by 50 and really more than that. We have also launched a new initiative to bring down the price of prescription drugs. Were Holding Big Pharma accountable, and i must say big pharma has also been working with us to try to get prices down, and if we had support with the democrats, i must say, we could get it down even more. Weve reduced prices by quite a bit, and this year is the first year, alex acosta, right, in 54 years that drug price have come down. I want to congratulate you and all those working so hard. First year. We could get them down a lot more if we had a little support in congress. I think well get that support. I think that has to be a joint thats not going to be bilateral. Were going go get that done, and were going to get it done quickly. I have spoken to democrats, and theyre in support of it. We have to get them to actually raise their happened. If they do that, were going to see tremendous cuts in drug prices. Thank you center much, alex. We have a breakthrough cure for childhood cancers and weve begun a campaign to get rid of aids in america. Were looking at a tenyear plan. In ten years were going to be in very good shachl we even. We have it down by a period of of almost 17 this year, and when i heard it, i thought they made a mistake. I said youre not real. Thats not a real number, and it is very much a real number. Kellyanne and all the people who have worked on that, thats a tremendous thing. Think think 17 in one year, thats a tremendous achievement. Thank you very much. The president who was greeted by a very pleasant crowd, singing happy birthday on his 73rd birthday. Hes making claims about his health care. Dan, what are you hearing . How much is policy and how much is politics . I think a lot of it is policy. He can do that. He wants customers to shop for health care. He rattled off the drug price in america. Theres been progress there and the opioid e epidemic. But theres a wing thats pushing ideology, thats trying to strike down parts of the health care system, the Affordable Act to achieve his objective. A private memo was made public by house democrats. It says that a trop trump senior official was against the changes. She mentioned a measure that would alter an index. She warned they would, quote, cause cover problems. The administration went with that change anyway. Is she right. I think whats interesting about that level, the memo lays out the fight p side the admin stras the policy that this administration is arguing for, to help increase the coverage rate is being san tajjed by folks who have such hate tread, such opposition that theyre looking for ways to take it apart. The memo gives a window. Even if it does all the things. What is at stake is health care for millions of americans. Dan diamond, thanks for coming in. Thank you. 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Tensions between the United States and iran escalating quickly. Then overnight this released video. It shows a patrol boat removing an unexploded mine from one of the damaged tankers. Just hours later President Trump referred to the video and insisted that thursdays explosion had, quote, iran written all over it. Nbcs reporter joins us. As you well know, iran has denied this, but walk us through the video and tell us what were looking at. What this appears to show is an iranian patrol boat pulling up next to one of the tankers and what they say is a limpet mine. This is a mine that hit four tankers in may and allegedly hit these two tankers jeff this week. Its something thats zwrgenera placed with magnets along a batter line of a shin. It can be placed when someone comes up with a boat or come up by diver. In this case, what the u. S. Military again, the video is grainy. It shows an iranian patrol boat removing an unexploded mine and leaving what theyre saying is evidence that was, in fact, an iranian boat that placed these mines. Theres a lot around the president s statements. They may absolutely believe iran is behind this, but theyre expression concern about hawkish rhetoric. Theyre calling for deescalation. What are the implications here . I mean, look, this is not the only threat that the u. S. And the u. S. Military has been talking about for weeks now. Weve seen the threat ebb and flow and the engs thees go up and down. Weve been traveling here in the region for about 12 days now, and during that, the general said the maritime threat had seemed to not necessarily completely go away but that it had deescalated a bit. Well now, of course, its back to where it was in early may when we first heard the u. S. Talking about these threat streams. As you know, chris, its actually three differential threat streams theyre talking about. One is the maritime one against civilian ships against these tankers, one is a threat from the houthis in yemen. We saw that play out this week as well when a Houthi Missile hit a saudi airport in southern saudi arabia, saudi arabia craso a hallway and juinjure two doze people there. So these are these threat streams weve been hearing about for some time but the tensions as the rhetoric on both sides and the actions are actually playing out, tensions continue to build, chris. So is there a diplomatic off ramp, i know the japanese prime minister, shinzu abe, earlier today delivered a letter from President Trump to the iranian leader, where does that stand . Reporter well, President Trump has said now over the last week or two, hes interested in talking to iran. Its clear from u. S. Officials weve spoken to that President Trump is not looking for a war here. Whats concerning, though, is that as these actions continue to escalate on the part of iran and by iranian proxy groups is that at some point the u. S. Or a u. S. Ally is going to be forced to respond. This attack on the saudi airport in southern saudi arabia this week that was one of those attacks that is that is a large attack that saudi arabia is very likely to respond to. As we see larger and more provocative incidents like that, thats when the potential for any kind of talks are just going to become less and less likely. Thank you, courtney. Coming up mayor pete has one big idea to do away with the Electoral College. Why buttigieg think its a needed step to make elections fair and democratic. Next. E elections fair and democratic. Next the eye of a storm . Can you do more with less . Can you raise the bar while reducing your footprint . For our 100 years weve been answering the questions of today to meet the energy needs of tomorrow. Southern company when didwhen i needed ton . Jumpstart sales. Build attendance for an event. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. People wake. And smile, when they see the sun. Not that one. This one. It makes knowing when to take your prescriptions clear as day. Up to fifty percent of people dont take them properly. So at cvs pharmacy we got up early and built a system that helps calculate each persons ideal schedule. Its great for doctors. And caregivers. At cvs pharmacy, were just trying to help more people have more mornings. The 2016 election was the second time in less than two decades the candidate who won the Electoral College and was thus elected president did not win the popular vote. Since the election theres been a call to eliminate the Electoral College which raises questions whether the democracy works for everyone. There are some feeling let down by the government. Only 20 of how congress is doing its job, 40 approve of the job the president is doing. Less than half. Mayor Pete Buttigieg sat down with harry smith and talked about his idea to fix democracy. Im Pete Buttigieg and my idea is to strengthen american dr democracy through better voting. Reporter south bend, indiana is a small city in the rust belt, its mayor is perhaps this political seasons most unlikely contender. Pete buttigieg is a scholar, afghan war veteran, his big idea nothing less than to change the way our democracy works. Im afraid were taking our democracy for granted but right now we have work to do to make easier to vote and register to vote and make sure all the votes count equally. Which is making sure that d. C. And puerto rico get to be states and getting rid of the Electoral College so a vote in indiana counts the same as new york. If you get rid of the Electoral College is there a need for states . Yes. Im saying when we pick our national leader, when we pick the president of the United States, were picking somebody for all of us. Yet if you live in a red state like mine or very blue state, its like your vote doesnt count at all when it comes to the presidency. You go back and talk about the Electoral College. You look at the poles and if you are a republican you love the Electoral College and the idea of getting rid of it is a negative. And the democrats on the other hand say its time. Is that gap bridgeable . It should be a nonpartisan issue. Most republicans supported getting rid of the Electoral College, too, until it overruled the American People and installed President Trump. Maybe when we make this reform, we set it to take effect in the 2030s when its not clear which party is going to benefit. Where does this come from in you internally . It comings for a thirst for fairness when i look at how unfair our system has become, it makes me deeply worried that it leads to a cynicism that produces some of the dynamics that led people that dont like this president to vote for him just to burn the house down. You see it here in the midwest. Antigovernment feeling. Yes, and i get that but its not going to get better unless we have good representation. Buttigieg wants to target gerrymandering and Voter Suppression especially in minority areas. The pattern where its hardest to vote overlaps some of the uglyiest parts of our country. Are you the ride medium to be delivering this message . If this is a structural flaw in our system that is for example unfairly disadvantaging black voters it is doubly important that white politicians be speaking up about it, as well as africanamerican activists all of us need to stand up for each other at a time like this. That means men standing up for women, straight people standing up for gay people and people of any race ought to be in solitary dy to make sure we have more racial fairness in the country. Thats harry smith with mayor Pete Buttigiegs great idea. 12 days now and then we get the first president ial debate of the 2020 cycle june 26th and 27th in miami. Moderated by lester holt, savannah guthrie, chuck todd and robert muell rachel maddow. Theyll be broadcast across nbc and msnbc, and their digital properties. The International News agency afp reporting Notre Dame Cathedral will host its first mass since a fire devastated the landmark almost two months ago. The mass will take place in a smaller side chapel. There will only be a few people in there, but already theres been a lot of talk about the rebuilding. That wraps it up for me. Thanks for watching. Deadline white house with Nicole Wallace starts right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in washington d. C. If you swapped in Robert Mueller for george steph not positianos Mueller Investigation may have ended differently. Donald trump trashing don mcghan in that interview with abc news claiming mcgahn lied under oath when he told muellers investigators that the president wanted him to fire the special counsel. He lays out a lot of evidence including the episode where you

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