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The president. Take a listen. I cant tell you everything hes thinking. I can only tell you what he told me. He said he thought much of the Stormy Daniels stuff was a political hoax. Who is operating on funding her tremendous Public Relations effort . The bottom line is, there has never been a claim of harassment. So the president looks at this and is looking at it look i am looking at it. This is politically motivated to hurt and embarrassment in some way. So a lawyer for Stormy Daniels is promising bomb shells, including tweeting out this cryptic picture from a cd or dvd, the significance of which he later made clear. That dvd contains evidence of this relationship. Let me still e tetell you why w sent the tweet as a warning shot to Michael Cohen and any other supporter of the president and the president , himself, to the extent they plan on disparaging my client, lying about what happened or spinning facts that have no basis in reality. All right, so there are several questions to run in this story we want to break down for you right now. What are we expecting to hear from Stormy Daniels that has not been made public . What kind of legal jeopardy could the president face based on stormys story this evening and will there be any political price to pay for a president that got elected despite that infamous access hollywood tape. For that i am joined by jeff bennett, betty woodriffe and msnbc contributor, Jill Winebanks and msnbc contributor and usa today columnist, great to have you all with us. We promise not to take up too much of your time. Lets begin with you, jeff the president will havemen plenty of time. He will not have many traffic slowing him down has there been anything about thiS White House that you have been hear something. There has been ra silence in return as you might expect. Previously, the white house repeatedly denied the president had any involvement with stephanie clifford, aka Stormy Daniels. They say the president had no knowledge of his payment the his attorney, Michael Cohen made to daniels in order to keep her quiet. While much of the story is salacious and sordid, there are things she could say, starting with that 100,000 payment. Whats the story behind that . Her attorney was on morning joe a couple weeks ago, suggests that figure, he suspected something specific. Id like to hear more about that. Remember the attorney also said that she was physically threatened. If she was threatened ahead or her signing that nondisclosure agreement. You mentioned the fact that the president wont be watching the 60 minutes interview the first lady is staying behind, she will celebrate or enjoy spring break with her son baron in florida. Let me ask you about Stormy Daniels attorney, he has been pumping up this interview with a lot of bomb shells. We played that, showed that tweet of the dvd and the caption about it he in a recent tweet had some caveat, saying not all of our stuff will be mentioned. That sound like someone concerned this interview my disappoint. How did you read it . Well, he certainly has been working full time as well as her attorney trying to drive as much attention as possible to her calls. Its unusual in a situation leak hers. Basically, they have a walltowall, set of consequence, he has been hyping this for weeks now, all of a sudden, we are coming up on a moment of truth. We will find out. Is Stormy Daniels going to Say Something new, more importantly, what kind of documentation or proof can she and her attorney bring forward . Especially about some of the biggest claims that theyve made . There are two things here that are really important from a legal stand point the first, of course, is the question of that 130 payment. Did it violate Campaign Finance laws . Is it dead, that in and of itself is a threat to the white house. Its something that will have massive consequences. And then, additionally, the question of threats being made to Stormy Daniels, also have legal significance. Are there people in the president s inner circle who threaten to do her harm if she came forward . If the answer to that is yes, if Stormy Daniels and her attorney can show documentation, proof, anything substantiating claims about those threats, that, itself, could also potentially be a bomb shell the operative word being potential. We dont know until this interview is through. You brought up a good point about that payment. The 130,000 i should say, jim, let me ask you about one of the things stormy has been fighting, which is to have the nondisclosure rule void, based on the fact for the other side the president did not seen i. So she can go on and tell her story. Her lawyer says theyre not going away. She is obviously going to them her story tonight. What itself the legal fight once this interview airs . What changes after tonight . Well, i think that betsy has named two really critical legal points, one is was she threatened before she signed it, in which case, it is absolutely nul and void. It cannot be that anyone can sign an agreement. Thats a very important point. It is strange the amount was 130,000. It may be unenforceable to say you would pay 1 million every single time you violate the agreement. All you got was 130 foul. For signing it. That makes it unconscionable as does potentially the fact that she was hide something the public has right and a need to know the courts dont enforce agreements that are against the public interest. This might be. Once its opened and out, unless the courts declare nul and void, she may be subject to penalties. Again, i think the amount of the penalties is so outrageous no court will enforce it. I dont think she will suffer legal damages, politically, the question is, what evidence does she have, that will get people to have to believe her side of the story and not believe the denials. Kurt, let me ask you, when it comes to that issue that was brought up by both the jill and betsy the claim of physical thet the attorney refused to say if it was donald trump, himself, who made the threat. Then he was more clear on hardball. Request itself. Chris, heres what ill tell you the threat was delivered in person. My client is going to describe it in detail on sunday, the American People are going to hear from her theyll get to judge her credibility. It was very frightening to her. Was the threat a part of the reason she signed . I think, absolutely. When the president s fixer exerts pressure on her, you dont ask a lot of question. You talk about the president s fixer. When he makes a threat, you do what you are told. If the allegations are still possibly removed for the president. Does this change anything politically . If, in fact, in the interview today, there is a clear threat established as somebody close to the president. Will that change the Public Perception . I think ultimately, things take on details, when there is actual proof. Whenever there is, the dvd, the lawyer tweeted out and shared and previewed. Whatever anecdotes and stories that stormy will tell tonight will tell a huge rule as the world views us. Right now, its he said, she said. There is not a lot of tangible things to attack. That should change in the next three hours. Once we have those details and know who directed this, owho told you what . Who threatened you . How did that make you feel . It becomes a lot more human, a lot more tangible for people to form opinions about. I want to ask you how much the president has been silent about this. Listen to this from the White House Press core has been pressing the white house for cmont on this. This is from friday. What do you make of the president s silence on this subject . Is he heeding the advice of aids telling him to stay away from this story or do you think he is worried about what Stormy Daniels has to say and what might come out tonight . I dont know about his state of mind what i can tell you on the litigation on the part of the legal team is moving forward, the president s silence will probably be important if trump were to tweet something. If you were to go after her, enter this fray. That itself something his leaders, lawyers could properly argue the president , himself, nullified the nondisclosure agreement there is a possibility the president will in some way violate his side of the bargain. So the fact the president is silenced, is probably in part due to advice he is getting from his lawyers. They are likely telling him, if you talk about this, then things will get much worse about you. Now, what we know about the president , he hates when there is a news cycle he cant comment on. It is likely he will show selfrestraint, the fact that he has it, as you alluded to is, in itself, quite legally significant. What legal jeopardy does the president face in this case . Well, he faces the problem of a financial contribution to his campaign, that hasnt been reported, that would be a violation. He faces possible problems with a threat to her made on his behalf. We dont know if he knew about it. He faces a lot of potential jeopardy for possibly lying, if he ever goes forward with it. But in the meantime, i will give her an honorary law degree. I think she is doing well on the legal issues. Guys, thank you very much. I told you to stick around. I am sure you will be tracking this for us. Especially if the president tweets or says anything. Dont miss case ca casey d. C. More drama on the Trump Legal Team in the russia investigation. Two lawyers are gone before they started working for the president. We will take a look at the Facebook Cambridge analytica scandal, what it means for the election. We will hear from a person that ran the analytics for a rival to the trump company. Say with us. Welcome back, everyone, new drama involving the president s legal team in the russian investigation. Two lawyers will not joan the team after being announced last week. The president s lawyer is issuing a statement leading to conflicts. They will lead to the two could help in other matters. The president insisted in a tweet, hes having no trouble attracting top flight legal talent, suggesting all lawyers want the film and fortune that comes from working for a president. This comes after one of his top lawyers john dowd resigned in a crucial time as the legal team negotiates excuse me a possible interview with robert mueller. Joining me is special correspondent with vanity fair and the other aspect we will explore and back Jill Winebanks. Lets talk about this piece you wrote which is the article, now i am fing doing it my way. I wont suggest what the fing is. We can figure that out. In the fact that the president wants to change his legal strategy, does this news about his lawyers, joseph and victoria, i believe, does that make this more difficult . In a certain sense, yes, clearly the effort to bring in digenova and his wife were a part of this more aggressive tact he wanted to take with this counsel, he said on fox news the president was being framed by law enforcement. So the fact that they are not joined, raises the question, who is the president going after the on his side that will go to war the president S White House counsel assigned, ty cobb, has wanted to take a go along, get along approach. I know in your piece, you talked about the fact that the president , i should say, lets start with his tweet this morning suggests that the narrative that he cant find top flight talent, legal talent to represent him is false. He says people want to work with him. Nobody turns down, ted olsen passed on the job a respected republican lawyer. A republican lawyer. Clearly the president s tweet is not true. This is clearly another case where donald trump says the opposite is actually the truth. I reported and others that there have been conversations with white shoe washington law firms and none of these firms for a variety of reason versus so far taken the president up on an offer to work for him. Sometimes theyre conflicted out with other clients, in the larger case, is that these law firms know that getting involved in the russia probe could open yourselves up to, you know a massive controversy and their clients, the Big Companies that pay them the millions of dollars to do legal work, they dont want to get those signals crossed. So theyre staying away. Jill, let me ask you what this means for an outside observer, when you look at this, you got john dowd who quits this week, you have two lawyers that turn out to be a bust because of a conflict of interest. Last week he goes after special counsel by fame. Do you still expect the president to become more aggressive after a week leak this . I think its always hard to predict what an unstable person will do. I can predict what someone who makes sense is going to do, but with the president , its very hard to predict how he will behave. It was wrong of digenova and townsing to meet with the president and let him announce their appointment, surely, they knew they had a conflict and couldnt take the case on. That was so obvious from the very beginning when we learned that mark coralla was a client of theirs. They shouldnt have met with him. That itself the first thing. Their theory of this being a hoax and the fbi was trying to frame the president is so ridiculous. If the fbi was trying to frame them, they would have done it during the campaign and wouldnt have waited until he was elected and they would have announced, if they were trying to frame him, the truth that the russians were investigating him. They were investigating the russian connection to trump. Speaking of the russian investigation. I want to talk about the incredible reporting you guys did this week. Its by some accounts a Significant Development you wrote this exclusive story for the daily beast, the hacker gucci fer 2. 0 slipped up and was will be linked to the russian intelligence agency. What do we know about this hacker . Why this could change the course of the russia investigation . So guccifer popped up nowhere in the middle of the company after the Washington Post broke the story that the dnc had been hacked and that the evidence pointed to russia. So the next day after that story came out, this hacker appeared, called him guccifer, he claimed to be an independent habitivist and posted documents stolen from the dnc and John Podestas emails. He proved immediately he was involved with the hack. That was kind of russias way, of setting up a counter narrative to explain the leaks that wouldnt implicate them. Okay, there is that direct connection with roger stone who has the former trump adviser who has admitted to being in touch with guccifer directly. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Thank you so much for joining us. Jill winebanks thank you to you as well. Founder Mark Zuckerberg is stepping up his apology tour, he took out several ads in newspapers apologizeing for a brooch of trust. It comes from fridays raid of the Cambridge Analytica office. They are accused of using 50 million facebook users to support the donald trump president ial company. That i have repeatedly denied these allegations a director of an lotics, and president of media matter, betty woodriffe is back with us again, good to have you with us. Scott, gathering data is obviously not illegal in its own right. Whats the difference between what Cambridge Analytica is accused of dock and whats say you were doing for the Rubio Campaign directing information . Sure, thank you for having many eon the campaigns have been doing the types of things cambridge has been reportedly doing. Theyve improved upon it and its something all the campaigns, major campaigns were doing this cycle. What cam bridge is accused of is teaming up with a couple students at cambridge doing some sort of psychology study. They built an app. The app was advertised to users on facebook, they self decided to install i. Recognized the privacy policy, filled out the survey the students then took the data and cambridge purchased the data from them, reportedly used it to model out. What the personalities of people are in the united states. This is all what they claim. Not necessarily what theyve proven to do, even if they were prove on the do it. There is no science to do it. Its basically fake science. Interesting. I know have you looked at how the Trump Campaign used Cambridge Analytica, what have you found out . In there the two things, one is they have used it for advertising. They used the data in part for engaging in what was essentially a neutralization company. To target voters, they are less likely and deceptive messages, or in some cases, completely fabricated story lines. But the second thing i think is more insidious and something most people arent discussing, it is of grave concern to me, that, it says there is a lot of indicia out there. Its not just the campaign was using cambridges service, they rep politicked the data set as a part of the larger alamo. In particular the Campaign Manager was the digital director. We talked about livinging three databases what the Trump Campaign had prior to their contract with Cambridge Analytica in august and lastly the rncs data, thats what im concerned about. I know you reported Paul Manafort rejected Cambridge Analytica as big. The Campaign Paid them nearly 6 million. How difficult is it going to be for Trump Officials to distance themselves from cam bridge analytica, when you have people, as angela mentioned, talking about it and Jared Kushner making reference in a magazine interview. Well, it will be quite difficult. Because filings with the federal Election Commission show that the Trump Campaign paid millions and millions notoCambridge Analytica. They cant say, its all right there in black and white. What is additionally important, Rebecca Mercer a president of the board, was very involved in a pro trump outside super pac. She was one of the top donors to creatively named make america number 1. Maid paid a significant amount of money during campaign. The other piece is important, is that Alexander Knicks who heads that companies. Cambridge analytica pops up all throughout this story. Your group media matters, misinformer of the year. Heres the facebook founder talking act his role in the 2016 election. Take a listen. If you told me in 2004 when i was Getting Started with facebook that a big part of my responsibility today would be to help protect the integrity of elections against interference by other governments, you know, i wouldnt have really believe thad that was going to be something that i would have to work on 14 years later. Knowing what you know now, do you believe facebook impacted the results of the 2016 election . Oh, that is hard. You know, i think that it is, its really hard for me to have a full assessment of that. You know, its the reality is, well, there are so many different forces in play. So in this particular case, why did you guys give him that title of misinformer of the year. Is he taking enough responsibility . I think in part hes not taking enough responsibility. The other big reason is he wasnt being transparent to address the problems we would know about. Lastly, it was the enabling of a lot of the misuse of their systems. When he let go of the human staff, turned it over to algorithms. There was a threefold increase in fake news, when he allows for the Trump Campaign to automate the approval process to advertise, because of the scale of the ad they were running, as opposed to the normal approval process that had a deleterious effect on the ability to impose standard things and allowed them to be gained and manipulated. Time and again, hes one step ahead of the property. It only seems to be the case with quality information. As we go into the midterm election, a lot of the questions come back once again. Thank you very much both for joining us. Thank you. Its the nomination that has the world on edge, john bolton, National Security adviser. What the bolton doctrine could mean for trumps foreign policy. Heres a hint a lot more bonds. And gaining historic marches around the country, is congress listening . Enough is enough were the cell phone at douglas n were the 17 at douglas enough . 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Time now for we said, they said, political turmoil continuing at the white house with a rotating cast of characters. Lets turn to washington now, where that revolving door at the white house continues to spin. There is a degree of shock at his latest shuffle of the pack. The latest administration shakeup. Mcmaster out, john bolton is in. John bolton the newest edition. Trumps third National Security adviser in 14 months. Known as much for his pressure style as notably unique facial hair. To talking about his walrus mustache. Bolton takes over in april ahead of a planned meeting and kim jongun while his boss taxi the wrath to deal with the nuclear arm nation. Both is seen as the keen advocate of military power. Mr. Bolton didnt see a war he didnt like. He was once rejected by north korea as human scum the bush era war hawk just last month called for a preemptive strike. He says it is causing anxiety in seoul the former ambassadors tough talk could create a make or break situation. Boughten urged aggressive actions against iran, iranian officials slammed the former ambassador, saying the decision to hire him was quote shameful, ashic website says the new state of appointment has the feel of a war cabinet preparing for a fight with iran, remember when trump called the iraq war the single worst decision ever made, he hired the men who thinks it was the single best decision ever made the former fox commentator, ascent to a single cabinet position was welcome news, they tweeted out, great appointment of ambassador john bolton, strordnary security expert. And palestinians on the other hand, reacting angrily, top lawmakers blasting trumps peck, saying this man has a long history of hostility. Boughtens understanding is to be on the same page as the president. Reporter the National Security advisers role is to make sure that the president s decision is carried out. All right. When it comes to russia the two really dont see eyetoeye, the guardian making that distinction in an editorial, saying, quote, meeting his soft line on russia couldnt be further from boltons antagonistic approach. We want to delve into what the bolton pick will mean for the trump foreign policy, for that i am joined by two of the best, ambassador michael mcfaul, former u. S. Ambassador to russia and david ignacious, former, foreign columnist, associated editor with the Washington Post. Gentleman, its great tough both with us. Since he has been on tv as a commentator, we know where boltden stand, we mentioned north korea, heres the incoming National Security adviser in his own words. Question, how do you know that the north korean regime is lie something answer, their lips are moving. Theyre not going to give up the achieving this objective. Why would they agree . Why would they propose talks now . Because they want to buy time, three months, sex months, 12 months, whatever it is they need to get across the finish line. Ambassador mcfaul, we know bolton talked about preemptive bombing of north korea, his appointment comes as the president prepares to talk with kim jongun, belmonteolton, thoy not like talking to the north korean dictator. Hes suggested. I did a whole big reading of his statements. I was supposed to debate him tomorrow night. Is he pulling out . He pulled out. Im glad he did. He wants those talks to be quick, to say that we tried. Theyre lying as you quoted him there, when we need to get on to other policies. I doubt he will undermine the idea of the summit. But he has no expectations that will lead to anything that has been promised. It will be a pre tech to moving to more coercive policies. David, we played that sound byte, where john bolton talked about his job is to help the president make a decision. The reality is, you know this more than anybody, how much of an impact can a security adviser have on the tone of talks leak the ones supposed to take place with the north Korean Leader . In modern times the National Security adviser has been in theory the honest broker with the Different Agency heads, cabinet sectors and the cabinet who is finally the Decision Maker the model is always thought to be brent psycscowcro john bolton couldnt be farther from that honestmodel. Comments like North Koreans are lying, if their lips are moving. Thats not the sort of person who brokers a coherent conversation about policy. So i think the fear is that bolton, through his career, has been something whose tentative to have his thumb on the scale in favor of something helps. Not somebody that listens, weighs, deliberates and makes decisions, thats why he made a lot of enemies at the state department when he worked there. Here is bolton on that nuclear deal. I think with the may date approaching, by which everyone thinks the president will make a decision one way or other, whether to get out of the Iran Nuclear Deal and i think its a strategic debacle for the united states, you can always tinker around the edges the question of whether to put lipstick on a big will get the answer here. Come may, are we, ambassador mcfall, expecting the president and now his new National Security adviser who wants to rip up this eastern nuclear deal, are we going to see the Iran Nuclear Deal a part of history . Ill be very surprised if they dont walk away from it. The president as candidate trump, said many, many times, its the worst deal in history. Your sound byte shows clearly where his National Security adviser stands, his incoming secretary of state is not a supporter of it the only one that supports it is secretary of defense mattis. So i think it will be very difficult for them to seen up and say lets keep going forward. Let me ask you, david, about his relationship with the iranrun opposition. We know bolton has controversial tigris hes been paid by the mek and iranian group, considered a terrorist organization. At one point. I want to ask you about an article that appears in the Washington Post, the organization describes him as having a rep taxi as a deranged cult. Since the National Security adviser does not go through a confirmation hearing on process. How does someone vet it in a way that would avoid future embarrassment with somebody like a Michael Flynn . Well, thats a good question the lack of a confirmation process in this case is disturbing. The last time john bolton had a big confirmation hearing is when he was nominated to be a u. N. Ambassador and that nomination finally had to be withdrawn, because there was so much, such intense opposition within the state department, from professionals, who surfaced a lot of stories, would be useful to have a similar discussion of bolton now. We wont have it. On the Iran Nuclear Deal question, i have a feeling this deal will die, it will wither on the vooivenlt i think it may be less likely ripped up. A dramatic move by the u. S. , let it die by inattention. It was interesting to note that former Israeli Defense chiefs of staff issued a statement over the weekend saying, we think this was a good idea. People shouldnt think there was uniform israeli opposition because prominent military disagree. Not to mention our european allies as well do not want to go down that word. You are an expert is russia with bolton supporting a more hard line stance. Do you have bolton could make trump rougher or is he going to act whiacquiesce to the preside on russia . I think north korea and iran are at the top of his list. I think something david said earlier about the role of the National Security sad advisor is important. I worked at the National Security adviser for three years. Some people in that job bring ideas together and tee up options for the president. Mr. Bolton is not one of those. He has very firm views about iran and north korea, i think he is taking this fro job job to a his views. If he needs to give up russia to give him leeway on iran and north korea, i think thats a trade hes willing to take. Not to mention his Zionist Organization of america praised john bolton as an excellent pick for israel. Ambassador, michael mcfaul, david ignacious, great to have both of you with us this hour. Thank you. A plea for action from americas children. Will the emotional moment in history lead to actual change . We will look at that and this programing note, 50 years after the assassination of dr. Martin luther king, jr. , mlk the movement and the media explores how social media have influenced everyone from the Civil Rights Movement to today. You do not want to miss that, thats tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern right here on msnbc. 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For the sales team, it and the warehouse crew. Give us the data we need. In one place, anywhere we need it. Help us do our jobs better. With domo we can run this place together. Well thats thats your job i guess. Welcome back, everyone, time for a global checkup, a look apt whats making headlines around the worm. We begin with the story about russia. They are indicating 37 people dead in a shopping fire, 69 missing, many children. Thick clouds of smoke could be see billowing from the complex. The cause of the blaze unknown at this time. In france, the packing of a hero traded places with a hostage and was killed attempting to end the standoff two a gunman claiming a allegiance to isis. French president macron has he will be honored with a ceremony. Former president obama stressed the importance of a multilateral approach to getting north korea to give up its nuclear weapons. A ferry hit a large rock in foggy weather the accident was not far from where another ferry sank, killing more than 300 people on board. Finally, christians in jerusalem, marked palm sunday. Followers walked the paths taken by jesus when he entered the city before his crucifix by roman rulers. He marked the event with a message urging young people to let their voices be heard in the face of corrupt leaders. Thats our global checkup. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. vo Intelligent Technology one can help protect it. Life. The 2018 audi q5 is here. 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Speaking of congressmen or at least former congressmen who are supported by the nra calls for change rang out all around the country. Marches and rallies took place on every continent except antarctica. Back with me once again Betsy Woodruff and kurt berdala. Congressmen who have strong ratings, strong support from the nra. This is Rick Santorum on cnn this morning when he was asked his thoughts on the student marches yesterday. Take a listen. Its all about politics. Is this really all about politics or is it all about keeping our schools safe . Because it is about keeping our schools safe, then we have to have much broader discussion than the discussion thats going on right now. How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem do something about maybe taking cpr classes. Mindboggling. What an idiot. So he obviously, Rick Santorum, i should say had an aplus rating from the nra while he was in congress. For those that are like him, theyre probably unreachable for these kids that actually demonstrated that theyre going out and doing a lot just by getting people to register and go to the streets to have their voices heard until they can vote. Are there republicans who can be open to stronger gun control legislation . Yeah, i think there are. If you look at even public polling amongst women republicans who are gun control owners they overwhelmingly support a ban to assault rifles and registering firearms. There are people that can be reached. The Rick Santorums of the world, theyre a lost cause, theyre gone. They dont speak for a majority of people who want commonsense reform, who dont want their kids going to school and getting gunned down. And theyd be open to this message. But what matters is these voices they need to show up and vote. In the 2014 midterm elections only 19 of 18 to 25yearolds showed up and vote. So this is all great seeing this type of outpouring of advocacy and people getting involved and expressing what they feel, but it doesnt matter if they dont show up and vote in november. Thats whats going to change opinions and policy, is if these people show up and vote, the people like Rick Santorum will be voted out of office and new decision can be made. The students have pledged to hold town halls and Voter Registration drives. We talk about the youth vote before elections then they fail to materialize at the ballot box. Do you sense it could be different in 2018 and 2020 . Thats a great question. At this point its hard to say. We know that charismatic candidates tend to do a better job bringing out youth voters, young voters than other candidates might. We saw this very clearly in the 2008 election when barack obama won historic win in large part because young people turned out to vote for him. That said, theres one politician who almost stands alone as the person who would be the most significant person to influence. Who is that. And thats mitch mcconnell. John cornyn has legislation that nearly threequarters of the senate supports that would close a loophole in the federal background check process, but mcconnell thus far has not brought that bill up for a vote. Theres pressure on him. But we have to see does this potential turnout of young voters, does the fear that that might generate among incumbents in washington result in actual changed behavior from a policy level . This isnt just about elections, its also about votes in congress. Do those votes actually happen . Its an open question and something important that well all be keeping an eye on. Well see if the kids and the youth that we saw outside yesterday keep the pressure on those politicians unboth parties. Betsy woodruff and kurt bardalla, thank you for joining me. Join me next sunday to break down the major stories of the week for you. You can reap out to me on social media. Be sure to join kasie hunt for kasied. C. Then catch hope fury. But first up next, its meet the press. Shooting pain in my feet. I hear you, sam. Cedric, i couldnt sleep at night because of my diabetic nerve pain. I hear you, claire, because my dad struggled with this pain. Folks, dont wait. Step on up and talk to your doctor. Because the one thing i keep hearing is. Im glad i stepped on up. Me too, buddy. If you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, step on up and talk to your doctor today. Step on up with its historical ance records. Test. You could learn youre from ireland. Donegal, ireland. And your ancestor was a fisherman. With blue eyes. Just like you. Begin your journey at ancestry. Com ftheres flonase sensimist. Tchy and watery near pollen. It relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. 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