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We have a lot more for you. New heart breaking stories of the victims and heroes in the synagogue shooting as a wounded rabbi vows terror will not win. The barr fight escalates. Democrats hit back as the attorney general threatens not to show up at a highly anticipated hearing. Could democrats subpoena william barr in the end . And Election Security or rather insecurity. A dire warning from the fbi director. The clock is ticking and russia ups the election interference game just in time for 2020. Were going to start this hour new details on the deadly shooting on a house of worship in california. Just over 24 hours old now, one person was killed, three others injured when a gunman opened fire. It happened as worshippers were marking the last day of passover and exactly six months after the tree of life shooting in pittsburgh. Another synagogue that was the deadliest attack on the Jewish Community in u. S. History. Poway mayor describes it as a hate crime. Today we focus on the four victims. 60yearold lori gilbertkay was killed. She was killed when she jumped in front of the rabbi. She was trying to shield him from the bullets. From the killer. Shed gone to the synagogue to pray for her mom who had recently passed away. Her husband, a doctor, was there helping victims. He fainted after realizing he was performing cpr on his wife lori. The second victim but a survivor, rabbi yisroel goldsteen was shot but staying to console congregants. Noya hassan was struck with shrapnel. And 34yearold almog peretz was shot in the leg. Cal perry outside the synagogue in poway, california. Cal, what is the latest that we understand about the survivors . Three individuals just describing and, of course, the big question, motive . Reporter you know, first to the survivors. Everybody is thankfully in good health and minor wounds, of course, the psychological wounds will be far greater. With motive, hate, a 19yearold white male who put online his hatred and picked a holiest days to act out on the hate. Luckily it wasnt as bad as it could have been. We are talking about this 19yearold white male with an ar15, fully loaded with lots of ammunition and then inside the gun jammed, this according to officials and or the gunman was confronted by an offduty officer and when the gunman fled and we know from what he put online he had aspirations of a new zealandtype attack, something on a much larger scale so its a tragic day in this community. No question about it. But a lot of the questions that police looked to answer in these investigations are being answered quite early, richard. Cal, we understand that, you know, an important figure in this, the rabbi and he was out in the streets trying to getter help, you have been reporting on that, after the shooter then got into the car. The rabbi we expect to speak in the next hour. Is that right . Reporter yeah. People anticipate this rabbi, hes a symbol of strength for the community and i think for people of faith around the country. Earlier today the rabbi was talking about the importance of freedom of religion in america and people come together in this moment an what the community is trying to do. They are, of course, grappling with a number of issues, the least of all being hate and antisemitism and gun violence, as well. We live where 100 people a day killed by gun violence. 40,000 people a year and something here that people are talking about but certainly this community and the synagogue behind me looked to leadership of the rabbi since its founding and will continue to do so and well look at that certainly press conference and the fresh comments in about an hour, richard. Cal perry, thank you, sir, for that report there in poway, california. Cal was mentioned the rabbi and recovering from injuries today and is going to still speak we expect in a briefing today. He spoke earlier today on nbcs sunday today from the hospital after emerging from surgery. I turned around and i was face to face with this murderer, terrorist, holding a rifle an looking straight at me. He started to shoot towards me and i putt my hands up and my fingers were blown away. And then he continued on and killed lori kay there on the spot. I turned around and i saw a group of children in the banquet hall including my granddaughter and i just ran not even knowing that my fingers were blown off, and just curled all the kids together and got them outside. Again, that was the rabbi speaking earlier. Lets go to clint van zandt. Clint, you know, been talking about this for 24 hours. What is it that stands out to you now that we are a day later . Well, theres a number of takeaways number one, this congregation practiced, they talked about what to do smould an event like this happen. So they were caught off guard, obviously, but they still knew what to do once they realized what was going on. Richard, when i went to the place that i worshipped this morning we have security both inside and outside. The chances are small that a house of religion will be attacked but i think churches, synagogues, all across this country are preparing for an event like this and this just makes this one more time run through our mind and say if we get a wannabe like this rngs someone that thinks they by themselves change the world and commit an act like this, how do we stand against it . We were speaking yesterday with jonathan greenblatt, of the Antidefamation League and saying they began to work on a National Level with the task force to find ideas how to protect and mitigate this these sorts of killings at places of worship across the country. What do you know about this task force and will it work in terms of what theyre doing an the ideas that theyre coming up with . I think itll raise the security level. Again, i spoke to one of the security people at the church i go to and they are very careful. They have been trained. Theyre inside. Theyre outside. They understand that current and former Law Enforcement officers may come and may be armed. Theyre very careful they dont have a blue on blue type of confrontation. Theyre trained to look psychologically for the physical movements of someone. If their clothing is inappropriate. If their demeanor is inappropriate. I think churches, synagogues, mosque, all across this country have been forced to prepare for the unthinkable which is what we saw one more time yesterday. You know, as we have been talking throughout the years you and i after such tragedies, were seeing places of worship increasingly being the target of these terrorist acts. More than the others are synagogues, places where folks, every day americans, are practicing the faith of judaism. Why is that number higher . From the adl, found a significant rise in antisemitism. 2015, 941 in terms of incidents were counted and then as we move forward to 2017 look at that. More than double. Why specifically disproportionately is this community facing such an attack . I think theres a lot more hate thats on the internet. Its, unfortunately, very easy, whether youre a white supremacist or a radicalized islamic fundamentalist to turn in to the internet, find people of like mindedness to encourage you to commit an act like this. This 19yearold who did this act yesterday, this guys not an original thinker whatsoever. He copied the actions, he copied the behavior of the shooter in new zealand and pittsburgh. He didnt have an original thought in his head. Other than to go in and try to kill people. Quickly here, i know youre wearing a profiler hat, could you profile this suspect . Would you be able to find such a person and is this profile becoming more common whether you say it is identifiable or not identifiable . Could i find him by looking at him walking down the street in no. But if we take the combined numbers of american who is are on the internet and say just like in new york city they told us years ago if you see something say something, if you see this fiery, deadly rhetoric on the internet and its attributed to one individual, and hes speaking about potentially doing something, we all, every one in america has an obligation to notify Law Enforcement. Thats all you have to do. Call the police. Call the fbi. Theyll figure out if hes someone on a path to murder or not and many times, richard, were able to interset the person along the path and stop him before he acts out like this. Flip side is starting to talk about other devices or other moves such as Artificial Intelligence to help in this space because of the language used along the way. Always great to speak with you. Thank you, sir, so much. I now want to move to jonathan greenblatt, ceo of the Antidefamation League. Thank you for taking the time. This is a very busy day. We spoke yesterday after the tragedy happened. What have you just learned in the conversations, either with those from the synagogue, the rabbi and what are they thinking and doing moving forward . Well, richard, we did speak yesterdays and now i must tell you i have been really just overwhelmed spending the past almost 24 hours here in poway, first and foremost, by the resilience and strength of this community. I spent last evening at the end of the passover holiday and the end of sha bat with the rabbi and his sons and other members of the community and the sense of strength from them, mourning the wounded and the dead, realizing the miracle not more people harmed in this heinous attack. It was inspiring and reminds us as the rabbi said today that we will not be deterred by terror. That we will not be intimidated by this kind of intolerance. Antisemitism has been a problem for thousands of years. And the jewish people we shall overcome. You had tweeted out some recommendations on what to do to further this discussion. I want to share some of them that you did tweet out. Commit to reviewing policies, provide staff training, publish a detailed breakdown. Give us more detail around that, jonathan. Sure. It takes many forms and troubling because in 2019 in modern day america we see it almost normalized. We see it from both sides of the political spectrum. New media but in traditional media. Like a heinous cartoon that ran in the New York Times just yesterday. Vile antisemitic propaganda and we were talking about the need for people in positions of authority. You know, whether the president of the United States or the head of the New York Times to speak out forcefully and firmly consistently and clearly against antisemitism in any form. We shouldnt tolerate it anywhere. Talking about the silver lining. Well finish with that. Lori gilbertkaye, 60 years old. Jumping in front of the rabbi to protect him. I spoke with a close friend of hers for about 20 minutes yesterday. She was a person that would cook for those who were unwell at the synagogue and she would not cook enough fir one meal but for days. What did you hear about lori . You know, ill tell you something. This is the kickoff today of Holocaust Memorial week. Im going to a service just after this where we honor the murder of 6 million martyrs. It saddens me that today we honor the memory of martyr, lori gilbertkaye. They make us stronger. Our hearts to out her and her family an well use the inspiration of her bravery, of her heroism, to energize us in this fight against intolerance. We wont giver an inch. Jonathan greenblatt, thank you sir. Appreciate your time as always. Thank you. All right. Coming up, with Cyber Threats lingering, how are local governments preparing ahead of the to 20 election . Lnlg barr is threatening to refuse to testify before congress this week. Our allergy . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms our allergy . Including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. What is that . Uh mine, why . Its just that its. Lavender. Yes it is, its for men but i like the smell of it laughs mno kidding. Rd. But moving your internet and tv . Thats easy. Easy . easy . Easy. Because now xfinity lets you transfer your Service Online in just about a minute with a few simple steps. Really . Really. That was easy. Yup. Plus, with twohour appointment windows, its all on your schedule. Awesome. Now all you have to do is move. That thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. Its just another way were working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. Foreign influence, maligned foreign influence, we use to describe the fairly Aggressive Campaign that we saw in 2016 and its described in special counsels report and that has continued pretty much unabated is use of social media, fake news, propaganda, false personas, et cetera, to spin us up, pit us against each other, undermine the faith in democracy. So that was part of fbi director chris wray describing the cyber threat to the country that it faces right now from hostile foreign actors in response to local governments already busy beefing up the Election Security in anticipation of 2020. A new call for a look into concern of Election Security on friday. Now, one of those that of those states is state of michigan which the president won by only 10,704 votes. Thats in 2016. Now the state is using 10 million in federal money received under a spending bill last year to try to protect its election systems. I like to go to michigan secretary of state jocelyn benson. Ma dom secretary, thank you for being with us. You know, there is that concern of what happened in 2016. As you know, the state of michigan was directly indirectly mentioned in the Mueller Report. There was an example of a fake twitter account. That was then retweeted by a candidate, the republican nominee at this point. What is your concern looking towards 2020 and then, of course, what are you doing to prevent that from happening . We need to do everything to detect threats and deter adversaries by making sure we are bringing the best ideas to michigan and upgrading the infrastructure so that we can stay ahead of emerging threats as well as being prepared for those we know of. There are three vulnerabilities in the system. The records, the machines and how we transmit data from machines to results on election day and shoring up the security areas of those pieces and making sure voters have confidence in the system is part of our effort to insure elections in our state. The senator there of ron johnson republican when asked today on meet the press the response was that dhs has done so well that larger investigation into Election Security is not needed. Would you say that dhs despite public calls recently for more focus on it, would you agree theyre doing enough . We need more focus and we need more focus. Dhs improved significantly in the past several years bringing in great minds and putting a strong focus on Cyber Security in particular but we always need to do more because even if you told me today were completely prepared for every threat we must be preparing for the threats emerging and ongoing focus and growth in this area is part of the democracy for years to come. As you know you and all the other secretaries of state trying to gather this year and this is a big topic for you. As you have been looking at the Foreign Influence Task force, again, ill say it, Foreign Influence Task force, and other groupings, what are the new ideas out there . This is a 365battle for folks reich now . Absolutely. I have an Election Security commission here in michigan bringing in National Leaders cochaired by david becker and a professor of university of michigan, theyre bringing in the best ideas to make sure we leave no stone unturned in implementing the Research Done to secure the machines in particular and ensure that voters are getting information that they can rely on. As opposed to including where to vote and the subject of the election. But we cant underestimate the voter confidence piece, as well. Even doing erg we can to secure the elections if voters dont have confidence then its potentially all for naught and were securing the elections and communicating with voters. Very quickly here, 2016 compared to 2020. If 2016 was rated 5 out of 10 in terms of Election Security from your point of view, whats 2020 look like . It say 8 out of 10 in terms of preparation but same time its the threats have likely increased, as well. As well as our attention on them. So its a dance that continues for cycles to come. You are hoping that voting there in that state is pure michigan. Right . Absolutely. Thank you so much, michigan secretary of state jocelyn benson. Appreciate your time. Lets bring in the panel now. The New York Times columnist michelle goldberg, david jolly and former u. S. Attorney from michigan barbara mcquade. Barbara, since we are talking about the great state of michigan and you heard what was said there by the secretary of state, and she laid out those three categories. Of the three in your discussions there with leaders in the state, what stands out to you . Well, im grateful that we have people like secretary of state benson to take care of this threat because what im hearing is concern that the president at the National Level is ignoring this threat. I think that he perceives that russian interference in the election in 2016 in many ways threatens the legitimacy of his presidency and so hes taking a hands off approach and in absence of National Leadership in michigan at least theres been statewide leadership to step into the void and im grateful to do that in michigan. I hope other states are as prepared. Representative, when we look at the thematics as barbaras talking about nationally, the president at the moment is equating the very idea of election interference with russia and russia for him at the moment is not a threat at least by his words that he chooses. Long the way. Your reflection . Every single one of our Intelligence Leaders here in the United States believes russia is a threat going into 2020. Apparently secretary nielsen believed that, as well. Her concerns quashed by the president himself and the chief of staff and to barbaras point this is where going into 2020 sadly because the president has either missed the moment or on vis kate the challenge, we have to look to leadership on this. We learned more about the 2016 race in florida that in fact one of floridas counties was likely compromised. I know it seems elementary. Well come out less or more confident than we were in 2016. If it is less it is a very dangerous trend for how we view democracy here in the United States. Voter by voter. One of the 2020 theres several 2020 Election Security concerns and ill one of the big ones is that 45 states using voting voting systems no longer manufactured. 40 states are using machines at least 10 years old. Jurisdictions without paper backups. Yeah. You would think that if this if this government took this seriously you would have a whole of government response to upgrade the systems, to make sure that everything was secure. I dont think its so much that trump doesnt understand the threat. I think that he as he did in 2016 likely welcomes whatever help he can get from, you know, supportive autocrats abroad and getting that support again. I want to switch to another subject somewhat related to this and over to you, barbara, on this. William barr expected to face again congress it is a possibility. Word is to refuse to arrive and new conditions on the attorney generals testimony. The house judiciary, new conditions saying this. For his testimony. Ask questions about redacted portions out Mueller Report in executive session. Also, that they can ask questions for 30 minutes after all members have finished. What if the attorney general says, no, to all that . Im not showing up. Ultimately congress has the upper hand here. They have subpoena power. Ordinarily theres an accommodation process that occurs where the parties try to work out a voluntary appearance but if they want to they can subpoena william barr to come and he has to come and testify and so if they want to play hardball they can just offer him the subpoena right now and bring him in. My guess is to try to work it out in the interest of professional courtesy to a coequal branch of government. So theres one element here i think might get negotiated to barbaras point an the fact that chairman nadler is suggesting that staff counsel could crossexamine the attorney general and washington protocol highly unusual for a staff counsel to directly examine a sitting cabinet chairman but chairman nadler says he makes the rules and not the attorney general. If that is not resolved and doesnt show up, a subpoena is in order but i think that democrats in the house need to move even more quickly and consider sencuring those who refuse to appear. This administration is not behaving according to normal historical parameters, if you will. I think it is time for democrats to move swiftly to admonish this administration including bill barr. Your former party in the house did issue a statement on the attorney generals potential testimony. They said in part, this. The attorney general isnt a fact witness. And this committees investigations as democrat leadership reminds us daily dont constitute impeachment. So democrats have yet to prove their demands. Michelle michelle . Thats the consistent response to this process that various committees are moving down looking for testimony. Well look. I think that it probably is a good idea for the democrats to begin impeachment hearings and do away with all of this stonewalling but lets remember this process of being interviewed by staff counsel good enough for christine blasieford, right . Thats how they approached the questioning of her in the senate and the idea that she should have to deal with this kind of treatment but bill barr, the chief Law Enforcement officer in the United States, cant handle questioning and kind of slightly adversarial process . Other thing is theres actual information that the American Public need to get out of this hearing. You will remember the Mueller Report. It was both about Donald Trumps misdeeds and possible obstruction but it was also about russian interference in the 2016 election. You know how maddening to go back and forth in the fiveminute blocks. Right . It makes it very difficult to kind of follow any thread of information. It makes it easy for witnesses to stonewall and so theres a real kind of legitimate Public Interest in having this done in a way that allows a sort of coherent narrative to emerge and thats why you have the halfhour blocks. If the American Public believes in most importantly. Michelle, david, barbara, thank you. Have a good sunday. Coming up, the religious bias fueling the recent rash of violent hatd crimes and what President Trump can do to try to unite or divide the nation. With venus, youre in charge of your skin. So, write your own rules. Because no one gets an opinion on why you shave or how you show your skin. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. 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Recent polling shows more democrats say the groups face discrimination compared to republicans and note bring republicans say of all groups, attacks on evangelical christians are on the rise. But the most recent fbi data shows that hate crimes against muslims and jews happen more frequently. President trump alluded to there is as you can tell here by the numbers a partisan disagreement. Joining me martin cohen, professor of Political Science at James Madison university, emma brown, managing editor at the atlantic. Martin, the perception that evangelical christians specifically believe that in their case on the republican side that violence is on the increase and the opposite for those who are not in that group. How do we put that together . Well, i think theres a growing divide on in everything in this nation and look at partisanship as the culprit. Regardless of identity and other aspects of peoples lives, everything now is seems to be filtered within a partisan lens. Emma, because you have been on the ground for instance in pittsburgh six months ago covering that horrific tragedy, the largest number killed in america in history for our country. Right. How do we put that into context . I was going down the road here with martin is it political first . Is it rely first . Its clearly a little bit of both but how do we understand this . So we see with growing White Nationalism and extremist white wing attacks blaming jews for being powerful, controlling the banks and the media and targeting them for all sorts of ills that they we perceive like rising immigration and pairs with antiblack racism. Theres a trio, a combination of viral sent. Against minorities that all falls under this header of White Nationalism which is on the rise in the United States. So how do we put it in context what happened yesterday, martin . If both of your thematics, story arcs here on the money and at least by the headlines it would appear that were pretty close, how do we understand what happened yesterday in poway, california and north of there where a man drove a car into a group of muslims and what we are hearing is the reason why we had done so . Well, i think that the White Christian nationalism we see on the rise has been a good predictor of support for donald trump in the 2016 election. Were seeing as emma pointed out not just one Minority Group targeted but several and the overwhelming, you know, perpetrators of these occurrences are generally White Christian men. If we have the different corners acting, right, unfortunately violent ways, emma, as we look at some of the leaders that could potentially pull folks together, the big tent, i was speaking with the mayor there of poway yesterday saying im the mayor of all my residents including people of all faiths and how recently he gathered each and every leader from the respective groups and all friends and friends of each other. Who might that be now on a regional, state or National Level . You know, ive been reporting in pittsburgh since those attacks six months ago and the thing i heard from people is theyre united an the leaders are you noited across the faith groups, the political lines and what they want to see from National Leaders, from Vice President pence, from President Trump, are clear statements of condemnation of antisemitism, antimuslim phobia seeing the attacks connected. Part of that we talk about president ial speeches or thematics or leadership here, martin, is you remember when president obama was first elected he didnt want to necessarily have to talk about race and religion but he had to talk about race and religion and gave a big speech that at least from our reporting was not necessarily one of the first things he wanted to do. Is that what is needed to lay out the platform, the religious platform, if you will . Well, i think whats needed is not necessarily a big, huge speech by the president or the Vice President or other National Leaders but just behaving in a normal human manner towards some of the victims of these crimes. We saw it with the reaction obviously to charlottesville back year and a half ago and i think the public is looking for the president to be emphathetic and to understand that he is not the only one agrieved at this time. Yeah. We are in a different time where things when an issue like religion certainly in a political lens is crossing over more in the last two, three years. Martin cohen, emma green, thank you. Former Vice President joe biden is a familiar face on the global stage. Many would say. Coming up, how the world is watching bidens run for president less than 24 hours before his First Campaign rally. S because i cant find a bladder leakage product that fits. Everything was too loose. But depend® fitflex feels tailored to me. With a range of sizes for all body types. Depend® fitflex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit. Depend® fitflex underwear tech at safelite autoglass, we every chip will crack. This daughter was Home Visiting when mom saw a chip in her windshield. Mom honey is that a chip . Tech they wanted it fixed fast so they brought it to us. Mom hi. Tech with our inshop chip repair service, we can fix it the same day. Guaranteed. Plus with most insurance a safelite chip repair is no cost to you. Mom really . Drive safely. All right. Acoustic music singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Time now for we said they said. Former Vice President joe biden threw his name in the 2020 race sparking a lot of media reaction overseas. The Democratic Party shifted to the left. Theres a Record Number of candidates running. Minorities are represented. Women, young candidates but joe biden is none of that. He is 76 years old. He is considered an old white man if you will. Bidens hopes his long time connection with working class voters help him carry states like michigan where trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. Joe biden will have to convince the youthful members of the Democratic Party that his 76yearold white man is the only candidate that can defeat president donald trump. In addition to that, news outlets were also focusing on some of the challenges biden might face. Hes not the me too candidate by a long shot. Not only does joe have his own touchyfeely proliveties. He has a challenge of having been in washington for decades and decades and the past positions taken on the certain issues dont necessarily appeal to progressive democrats. The former Vice President has been accused of women inappropriately touching them. Another one of the gaffes as they say from joe biden. There is plenty for democrats to attack when it comes to joe biden. Now, headlines in the uk, they offered up unique analysis. Dont expect a re luvolution. Theyre cheering for a candidate who represents everything the left should abhor. A moldering at the moment corpse of a long failed electoral strategy, a black hole of charisma and ideology. Biden holds the first rally tomorrow in pittsburgh in battleground pennsylvania. All right. Coming up for you, the story behind a defining me too moment. Well speak with a filmmaker whose powerful hbo documentary highlights the survivors of usa gymnastics dr. Larry nasser. 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How much is a little girl worth . Look around the courtroom. Remember what you have witnessed. Because everything is what these survivors are worth. Theres a new hbo documentary chronicling a defining saga defining sagas of the metoo movement. By one of the stories, i mean hundreds. This documentary followed 12 survivors and their experiences with former usa gymnastics dr. Larry nassar. Over 260 women stepped forward accusing him of Sexual Assault. At the sentencing, 156 women gave statements against him. Out of all those accusers he pleaded guilty to only a fraction of those crimes. Nassar admitted to sexually assaulting minors and for that he was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison in january 2018. Just over a week later he was sentenced to an additional 40 to 125 years for three counts of Sexual Conduct with minors. In march, 51 women sued usoc for failing to keep the women safe. You spoke to a lot of survivors. What is it that you learned that you didnt know when you started and i surprised you . I didnt think i understand the Ripple Effect abuse can have in a persons life. It really came down to a matter of do they trust people or not. Do we go, i dont know if i can trust anybody but at the end, i have hope still . The numbers are huge in is one doctor. Right. I try to approach it from an Investigative Journalism standpoint. Pinpoint and go through detail who are the enablers, msu, usoc. The people that surrounded nassar and focusing on the women in michigan who have not been able to tell their story. These are people who have known nassar 31 of 37 years. I mean, this is like he was family friend. He wasnt just a physician. The Sexual Assault timeline is five years long for some of these survivors, up to 20 years for others. He really tried to gain access to children when they were children. As they grew up, he still was part of their lives. He was their doctor. When they stopped doing gymnastics, they stopped seeing hill. As you asked before about like where does it go. Its like the cultural enabler, that section moving into these incredible toaestimonials of th women and moving into the courtroom where they confront him in realtime. By the numbers, bad, bad, bad person. Do you get into how the gears turned . Absolutely. Hes one of the most prolific pedophiles of our time. We spent specific time talking about the grooming behaviors that he participated in. Grooming behaviors . Gift giving. Really thinking about how to be nice to the parents. Really think about that. Did it write it all down or he just used the same method every time . It was a systematic method. We have not seen if hes written it down. He did it time and time again. The pattern did not vary wildly. You see someone like Kyle Stephens where that was a different pattern. We wonder how many more young survivors are out there. Perpetrator. We dont focus often enough of the perpetrator. A lot of victim blaming going on around the world. What do we learn from this perpetrator that we can apply the other spaces outside of what nassar is . Its a great question. Nassar did not look like the typical pedophile. He was the nice guy. It was somethibody the gymnasti trust. We need accountability about who is interacting with our children and vet every single person. Background checks should be a part of it. Really for me, it was thinking about who he was. When you look at him inside the courtroom, hes so sad. Hes deflated. He looks like who you think he would be. You see the videos of him before and him on the sidelines with these jgymnast. Hes smiley. Hes not the guy you would expect. For those who have seen him on the local news and feel they know they everything they know. Why should they see this . Theres such a different experience watching all these women inside the courtroom, in a documentary setting after youve heard their stories first hand from them. I think the news has gotten to own the story, which is important because it was a huge story but like now the women are take it back. You hear my voice but im not part of it. Im giving them the platform to communicate and do it. This is a movie for and by them with what i really wanted to think about. As they outline the person that destroyed their lives for a moment but they are all bouncing back, i assume. Absolutely. Coming out this friday. Erin lee carr is the film makers. Well be right back. He film makers well be right back. At panera, our salads are uniquely crafted. With peak season berries, creamy avocado. And a dressing fit for a goddess. Come taste what a salad should be. And with panera catering, theres more to go around. Panera. Food as it should be. Ten detailed acts of obstruction of justice. Robert muellers report lays out a roadmap for impeachment proceedings against this president and challenges congress to do its job. Im tom steyer and we cant let this president destroy the public trust, break his oath of office and get away with it. Congress has to do its job and hold him accountable. Please call them at this number. Tell them to get going. That does it for me. Im ill be back saturday. For now, reverend al sharpton and politics nation. Good evening and welcome to politics nation. Tonights lead on this sunday evening, americans of all faiths and none are grieving over the loss of life. The brutality we saw yesterday in california. The fears that many others and i initially had had been born out by the investigations thus far. One woman is dead. Three people are wounded. The 19yearold suspect in custody alleged to have been inspired by the attacks on two new Zealand Mosques last month and exactly six months prior to the attack. That horrific mass shooting at a synagogue in pittsburg. Authorities are reporting

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