Rare good news about covid. Pfizer saying a vaccine is 9d 0 effective. A great day for science. It is a great day for humanity. The dow is hitting a record high. Look at the big board. The dow up about 1100 points. Our news team is covering all of it for us this morning. Mike memoli with us with the biden team in wilmington. Monica and peter covering the white house. Dr. Natalie azar is talking about the promising vaccine news, and dominic chu is covering the market reaction. Mike, you have exclusive reporting on how team biden is getting ready to hit the ground running. The covid advisory board, and your reporting on how theyre getting ready to fill the federal vacancies coming open. Thats right. Joe biden celebrating saturday night. Today standing up his Transition Team. His team has been working quietly for months to get ready for this moment. Ted kaufman and others working, starting in the summer to Start Building out the team. I spoke with both of them about what theyve been doing behind the scenes to get ready. Heres a few things they told me. They already have 4300 individuals identified to start filling some of the positions to be filled. Theyve also preemptively cleared through security measures some of the individual who is will go into the federal agencies to take stock of what needs to be done starting january 20th. Dont expect to see cabinet nominations soon. Their priority is filling out the west wing jobs, also getting names put forward for some of the nonsenate confirmable positions and theyre putting a premium on all the positions that will help tackle the pandemic. Thats why youre seeing biden today announcing his 12 member Pandemic Task force. Its chaired by the former surgeon general, David Kessler as well as marsella munez smith. And rick bright, the ousd whistleblower sounding the alarm about in his view the Trump Administration not taking the pandemic seriously enough. Also an architect of obama care as the Supreme Court gets ready to hear the critical case that might determine the health care future. This biden team wants to be ready in 72 days and theyre getting off and running at this point. The focus. Pence is getting ready to put together his first Task Force Meeting in three and a half weeks or so . The last formal gathering was on october 20th, weeks before election day. All of last week as cases were surging across the united states, records were being broken. We saw the new infections. We reached out to the white house to ask why the task force wasnt meeting. It was because the priority was on the Reelection Campaign and the days it took to declare vormvor president elect biden the winner of the race. And what stands out is the Major Development with pfizer announcing a potential vaccine thats 90 effective. Thats something the Trump Administration is touting with the Vice President tweeting about it this morning. Its important to remind viewers of the context and the backdrop of this. Pfizer was not a part of operation warp speed. Thats the mean effort that was aimed at gathering and declaring a vaccine in the coming months. It did strike a partnership with the health and Human Services department in terms of rollout and distribution, the key next phase once its approved. Mike pence is trying to essentially take a victory lap, and then you also had something that raised eyebrows today. The president s eldest son, donald trump junior, raising questions about the timeline of this vaccine announcement and why its coming after the election. You remember, though, of course, it was the president himself who promised a vaccine would be ready by election day. He promised it for weeks and weeks. It was his own Health Experts who cautioned that likely wouldnt come until the end of november or december in terms of what we can really expect pfizer putting out a timeline that 5 15 to 20 doses could be ready by the end of the year. How its distributed playing out during this critical transition period where President Trump for his part hasnt taken part in a coronavirus Task Force Meeting in months and months. Hes not in regular contact with doctors dr. Anthony fauci or deborah birx. Hes being advised by dr. Scott atlas who has no background in infectious diseases. Thats an important point as the covid epidemic hits home at the white house. Mark meadows and four others infektded. And the reaction to the big announcement from pfizer, saying i want to read you a piece of the announcement. Its a 90 efficacy rate. 94 confirmed cases in trials so far with no serious safety concerns observed. I think we can show that to folks. When you look at this as somebody in the medical field, following this pandemic for months, are you optimistic . Are you cautiously optimistic . How should we feel about this news . Yeah. I think cautiously optimistic is the way experts have received this information today. Myself included but the emphasis is on optimistic. This is the first real trial data on efficacy that we have. Its an interim analysis but at 90 , it exceeded our expectations. We need to wait for that. You may recall the fda is requiring this safety period, thats two months after the last dose is received and half of participants. Were not going to get that information until the end of november. Were very excited about this 90 efficacy. We need to see all the data. What were really waiting to see now, how durable is this protection . Is it preventing transmission to others . Not just preventing illness itself . Is it preventing severe illness, not just mild illness, and is it also working in older individuals . We dont have all this information yet, but not to diminish todays exciting news, this is a very hopeful day for us in the pandemic. What about the distribution question that monica raised that i think some people are wonders about. There might be 50 million doses out by the end of the year. More than a billion next year. Talk about how they can distribute safely the vaccines in an effective way . Whats the challenge ahead . Certainly the biden harris plan has outline some of this in the document they released today. All about the equitable distribution of the vaccine. Theres been discussion among experts for a number of months about how Something Like this could get ruled out. An eua is not the same as approval. The first people to get it are essential and frontline workers. Older individuals at risk. And then in subsequent waves, the general population will likely be candidates for vaccination. What does that look like . Perhaps by january or february, the first of us will be getting it. And then march and summer for the rest of the population. Weve said for a vx to be successful, it needs to be safe, efficacious and available and trusted. I think were heading in the right direction. But we have to let everything play out, the science is still evolving. Don, i want to bring you in here. The dow soaring, the markets are up on the vaccine news. Talk about why. Is it because of word of a vaccine . Is it because the markets are feeling as optimistic as medical professionals are feeling as well . Whats your sense . Monica and dr. Azar hit on important things with regard to the context around covid. The reason the markets are reacting the way they are is because they are looking forward to a life that was there before covid. What did it look like . It looked like things were going on track. Unemployment was low. But the problem was we had so many parts of the economy shut down. In the future where you have a vaccine that has an efficacy rate in the 90 of greater realm, almost on the verge of e rati ratifying, you could go to a restaurant, stay at a hotel, watch a movie on the weekend. All these things come back into play if they do, those are the types of companies that start to benefit. The economy gets back on track and things look somewhat normal. They did so back before the pandemic and the reason why the markets are reacting the way they are right now is they are looking forward to a time when that can happen again. I would also point out that this is the most significant up Side Development in the market over the course of the past several months. It goes to show you, hallie, the relative value that investors are placing on things like the election which is very important. We are up about 400 points on the dow. Premarket, before this vaccine news came out. Once the vaccine news came out, it was off the to the races plus 1600. It gives you relative sense of how much importance the Covid Vaccine is to the market. Dom, soup eveuper quick, the up. Are we in the territory where a Circuit Breaker is tripped . We have to get back to the 6 or 7 range. Its not to say it couldnt happen, but right now well keep that in focus. Dom, thank you. Doctor, thank you. Mike and monica, thank you. Peter, let me go to you to round us out. Vice president pence this morning is talking about the Public Private partnership touting the vaccine news were talking about despite the fact that pfizer was never part of operation warp speed and the company says it never received any money. The president is tweeting about Something Different as he has been, rejecting the Election Results defiant in his defeat and now it seems like pressure might be building from some corners, not all, but from some corners for him to move forward and recognize the facts in front of him. Youre right. No concession from the president. No public statements before the cameras since thursday. In fact, the president spent his week golfing. And our reporting that hes spent much of the weekend at the golf club ranting to other members saying he was wronged here. In terms of the pr and legal strategies, theyre focussed on pursuing cases in a variety of states. Recognizing in georgia and michigan so far. Republican efforts to try to push back on the Election Results, their efforts to try to cast doubt, suggesting there was fraud have been rejected. The effort continues by the campaign. Already allies pushing back. Chris christie, hes one of the folks that helped the president ahead of the first debate. He said on television that its one thing to claim fraud, but if youre going to do it, were not supporting you blindly out evidence. Show us the evidence, and there has been none provided. Some of the president s biggest loyalists saying fight on, dont concede. Ted cruz saying the media doesnt project a winner y. The American People do. Saying we dont know who won the race. Its looking increasingly difficult as you look the numbers in the states, the gap is widening. There isnt room for a recount, because theyre outside of the margin, including inside pennsylvania. Peter, thank you. The race for the white house may be over, but the race for the senate is not. Its not going to be until we know the outcome of two senate races in georgia f. One of them is joining us live. First, guess who is back in town today. Members of congress in washington. When we may or may not see a Tipping Point in what peter was talking about. Our new reporting on the what the to do list could get checked off and why an intraparty democratic day taunt may be over. Intraparty democratic day taunt may be over at dell technologies, we started by making the cloud easier to manage. But we didnt stop there. We made a cloud flexible enough to adapt to any size business. No matter what it does, or how it changes. And we kept going. So you only pay for what you use. Because at dell technologies, we stop. At nothing. To fight wrinkles . Its what i use neutrogena®. The 1 retinol brand used most by dermatologists. Rapid wrinkle repair® visibly smooths fine lines in 1 week. Deep wrinkles in 4. So you can kiss wrinkles. And other wrinkle creams goodbye rapid wrinkle repair®. Pair with our most concentrated retinol ever for 2x the power. Neutrogena®. Sofi made it so easy to pay off my student loan debt. They were able to give me a personal loan so i could pay off all of my credit cards. I got my mortgage through sofi and the whole process was so easy. Choosing sofi was literally one of the best decisions i could have ever made because it gave me peace of mind. This morning the first working day of the biden president ial Transition Team and the lame duck session in congress. Our team is watching a couple things. First, how much will republicans speak up when it comes to telling President Trump to concede and move on . And two, even with that term youre going to hear a lot over the next 73 days, theres a lot congress could tackle soon, stimulus and Government Funding depending, of course, on how much lawmakers want to get done. Joining us from capitol hill, garrett haake. Garrett, talk about this to do list over the next few weeks and the appetite to check some things off where you are. The Government Fund hags to get done. They have to find a way to keep the lights on. The big question of whats going to get done over the next month and a half, two months while theyre working is a covid stimulus bill. A covid relief bill. Pelosi and mnuchin did their dance for several months over the course of this year. Never got anything close to an agreement. In reality. You need probably the president to push a big deal over the top if theres going to be a big deal in the republicancontrolled senate. The republican has declined Political Capital every day. Its harder and harder for him to make a big push and its not clear if he still wants to even do a covid relief deal. A lot of moving parts. I think both parties probably on the congressional sense, the democrats and republicans if theyre going to do a deal, theyd probably rather do it now. For the democrats, it would clear out space before the biden presidency begins and clears out space for his agenda. For republicans, theyre probably never going to have as much leverage in a deal as they do right now while the white house is still controlled by a republican. So lets talk about the other side of the aisle and democrats in particular. I want to play a piece of an interview from abigail spanberger. In my argument to my colleagues, we need to be clearer in what were for so people know what theyre voting for and any sort of doubt she is making the point, shes telling her colleagues the mixed messaging the progressives versus moderates almost doom her and others like her, and then alexandria ocasiocortez talked about how people run campaigns. Saying theres a reason barack obama built an entire National Company outside the Democratic National convention and theres a reason when he didnt continue that we lost house majorities because the party does not have the Core Competencies and no amount of money is going to fix that. How does this play out . Reporter our viewers are going to hear about this a lot until the next midterm elections. This is the intermural debate among the Democratic Party at large. Are the ideas of the left embodied by alexandria ocasiocortez and others ideas that can win at a National Level or win at a broad enough level to have and keep a House Majority and a Senate Majority if they are properly funded and executed as she argues or are they not going to work with the majority of the country like others argue, the ideas like defunding the police or rhetoric or medicare for all are not going to be sellable to the majority of the country . Democrats expected big gains in the house. Control of the senate is up in the air. Its going to be tough sledding for democrats to get there. The fight about what democrats should bring and how to bring it is essential for the next election cycle which im not ready to think about yet. Lets just take a beat. Maybe after christmas. Still, it is an important point and you make it well. Garrett haake on capitol hill. I appreciate you. You bet. Talking about the senate, two seats from one state will decide it all next year. Jon ossoff running for one of the seats is joining me next. And later, top medical experts cautiously optimistic about the pfizer vaccine, calling it a possible light at the end of the tunnel. More on what it could mean with the predictions ahead. H the predictions ahead. Look limu someone out there needs help customizing their Car Insurance with liberty mutual, so they only pay for what they need. False alarm. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. phone ringing es offers big button,lized phones. And volumeenhanced phones. Nes. Get details on this state program. Visit right now or call during business hours. I got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring. Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. And accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state Program Visit right now or call during business hours. This morning millions of dollars are pouring into georgia already. Actually, we know of at least 6 million already raised by Stacey Abrams Group Announced just in the last hour this morning. And this is probably only the beginning of a bonanza of cash dropping into that state for the battle over the senate that might not be like anything weve seen. Both of the races appear to be headed toward runoffs. One of the races is, tweeb jon ossoff and david perdue. As of right now, nbc news considers that race too close to call. National attention is building with new ads unveiled. At least one candidate requests for absentee ballots kicking off. Priscilla thompson is in atlanta. You are not done covering the campaigns. Georgia flipping the senate would be a huge shift in a state thats been reliably red for almost two decades. Georgia has not had a democratic senator since 2005. This is a big deal. Its why were seeing the money and resources flooding into the state. You mentioned stacey abramabram. She raised the 6 million. I was told that money is going to be divided among the candidates. So the organizations fair fight working to register voters and mobilize voters ahead of the runoff election. I have to tell you, in speaking to voters before election day, they were telling me they were already tired of the campaigning and the ads. Little did they know they would be getting nine more weeks. I checked in with folks about that this morning. Take a listen to what they said. Listen in. You all arent tired todd ads yet . Bring them on. I think right now we need to be inundated with heres whats going to happen if we dont get the senate. Reporter and hallie, theyre likely to get that wish of inundation when we look at the money flooding in. And republicans are also doing fundraising on their side. But those women i spoke to emphasized that joe biden they feel will not be able to make the meaningful progress he needs to on the coronavirus without a Democratic Senate, and for those women, both of whom have lost a couple people to the coronavirus, it is very important to see progress being made on that front. Hallie . Priscilla thompson live for us in atlanta. Thank you for being with us. I want to bring in Georgia Democratic Senate Candidate jon ossoff. It looks like hes headed for a runoff against david purdue. Thank you for being on the show. Hey, hallie. Lets talk about a letter youve sent this morning. Youre challenging i believe senator perdue to three new debates ahead of the runoff beginning in january. Senator perdue cancelled the last debate you had before the election to appear at a rally with President Trump at the time. It seems as though you feel like debates go well for you. Theyre advantageous to you. Perhaps senator perdue doesnt feel the same way. Do you think the debates will happen and why do you think theres a disconnect over what they mean . Senator perdue didnt cancel that debate to go to a rally. I was willing to debate any number of other times. He cancelled it because hes incapable of defending himself. Senator perdue has no record to run on. I asked him tough questions about his record on health care. I asked him about his selfdealing stock trades. I asked him why he had lied to the people of this state about the severity of this pandemic. He had no answers and refused to debate with hours until voting started rather than face me in an open forum. Now my message for the senator is clear. Youre asking for another six years in the u. S. Senate. A majority of georgians rejected your request in the recent general election. Were in a runoff. Come out from your hiding place and meet in a public forum. Discuss your record and your vision. Make the case for your reelection, and ill make the case why you need to be defeated. You havent heard back yet, have you . Not yet, but were waiting. Im ready to go. Stephanie ruhle is reporting that senator perdue is telling some donors hes going to want Something Like 500 million to be able to compete with you. Thats a lot of money. How do you compete with that . I mean, look, they already threw the kitchen sink. Last i checked, Mitch Mcconnell spent more money against me than any other democratic challenger in the country in the general election. And he was unable to get david perdue one of his most loyal lieutenants over the 50 mark. Senator perdue was expected six or eight months ago to be a lock to cruise to easy reelection. But the reason were going to win the two Senate Runoffs is georgia has two disgraced senate incumbents. Theyre among the most notoriously corrupt politicians in the country. Theres no enthusiasm for david perdue or kelly left ler nechlt we have all the momentum and energy. The nations eyes are rightly on georgia. If were going to prevent hundreds of thousands more needless deaths and jobless claims and business failures for closures and evictions, were going to need to govern and get things done to get us out of this crisis and restore normalcy todayly life for the American People after four years of division and one year of tragedy. Thats what this is about. Georgia democrats, we are ready to go. Weve got thousands of volunteers already phone banking and ready to get out to vote. If folks want to help, log onto electi e electjon. Com. Let us get out the vote here. One website plug per interview. There you go. You got yours in. How much money have you brought in since last week in the last several days . You look at your competitor, raising a potentially Staggering Amount of money. Have you seen a boost over the last couple days . I have to check with my team to get the latest. Its been pretty strong, but we need more resources because you just mentioned senator perdue saying 500 million of outside republican money . This is going to be a big fight. You talked about National Interest in the race. Thats an understatement. Weve seen in instances in the past backlash when there is national attention, outside money outside of georgia coming into places that are local, statewide races in georgia. I think there are folks who see this race between you and senator perdue as a referendum between Chuck Schumer and Mitch Mcconnell. How do you walk that line . Are you worried that might impact the way that you have to run this race . Look, this is going to become a big national spectacle. Its inevitable. And already david perdue has been among the top beneficiaries of massive outside republican spending in the country. Like i said, Mitch Mcconnell poured in tens of millions of dollars to try to bail this guy out in the general election and couldnt get him to 50 . Whats at stake, the consequences of this election, thats what will determine turnout and support for georgia voters and the consequences of this election are what i will remain focussed on. The hundreds of thousands of lives that hang in the balance. The prospects for a strong economic recovery or years more of gridlock and partisan dysfunction led by Mitch Mcconnell. Thats what im focussed on as i travel to rally voters. I know youre heading on the tour later this week. Have you been in touch with the other Democratic Senate candidate there in your state . Do you think about how his strategy might affect yours and vice versa . Yeah. Were in regular touch. And together i mean, look, two Senate Runoffs for senate control, and the rev rand and i will be working closely to get out the vote. We have an amazing team weve built in georgia. Stacey abrams will be heavily involved. Im not going to plug the website again because you told me not to, but im asking folks to get involved and help us win here. That is a rule for candidates on both sides of the political spectrum. Thank you for being with us. Up next, Coronavirus Infections surging across the country, especially in the midwest, and especially in illinois after that states Third Straight day of more than 10,000 cases. Coming up, were live at a hospital in chicago forced to shift around resources to handle that surge. Ndle that surge [ thunder rumbles ] [ engine rumbling ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know theres a 30minute limit, right . Tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. And at fidelity, youll get planning and advice to help you prepare for the future, without sacrificing whats most important to you today. Because with fidelity, you can feel confident that the only direction youre moving is forward. It is a great day for science. It is a great day for humanity when you realize that your vaccine has a 90 effectiveness. We can see light at the end of the tunnel. Thats the ceo on pfizer with more on the big news out that their vaccine is right on more than 90 effective in preventing infection. Its good news. However, it is not all good news this morning about covid. The u. S. Has hit more than 10 million cases of Coronavirus Infections. A sobering milestone and one that has cities and states across the country struggling. In texas with local leaders saying they need to double the morgue capacity as the number of covid cases skyrockets. El paso under a shutdown order. This chicago, cal talked with a doctor caring for patients in the icu. I want to know what he said he about bad things are now. Reporter theyre as bad as in may. Theyre worried about not only the Community Spread were seeing but that its being transmitted within families. Listen to ben singer. Heres what he said. A few things worry me. Here in the north people are gathering inside and with the holidays coming up, we anticipate families gathering. We know that family transmission within a household can be very, very high if someone has covid19. And so were worried that well continue to see this rapid rise in cases. If things continue to rise and we start really reaching capacity, if we start reaching a problem where we cant provide care to everyone that we need to at a high level, i certainly could see institution of more and more restrictions. Reporter hallie, when you run over the statistics, they are frightening, especially here in the midwest. And testing is trying to be ramped up. We can show this. Testing going on here at north western. That far lane of cars is where people are waiting for drive through testing. Over 10,000 cases a day in illinois. Over 5,000 a day in wisconsin. Those are some of the highest per capita states in the country. Thats about 15 of across the country and the hospitalization rates are also on the rise. Thats really what has folks worried. Were talking about 80 capacity in some of the hospitals. Regionally, its bad. Whats true in illinois is true in wisconsin, is true in minneapolis. Theyre starting to have to shuffle patients around to try to keep up with the ev everinskreesing hospitalizations. Something were seeing there and not just in chicago. Cal, thank you much. President elect biden has relir rerooifed at the location where hes getting his first covid briefing as president elect. Up next, brand new reporting on what to expect in his first 100 days in office. First, a live look at scotts dale, arizona. The president ial race there still too close to call. The votes are still being counted. Well show you that in a second. Joe biden is ahead by almost 17,000 votes as of last night. There were about 70,000 votes left to be counted. 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Xeljanz. An unjection™. At some point we are expecting to hear from president elect joe biden. He and Vice President elect Kamala Harris are receiving their first covid briefing from their newly formed task force. We know president elect biden has arrived at the location where its set to happen in the last five minutes or so. The coronavirus pandemic is one of the issues they plan to tackling in the first 100 days including economic recovery, racial equity. Jeff zeleny is with us. Our team is spread out given everything going on. Lets focus on the biden harris administration. How they plan to tackle issues and what we can expect in the first three and a half months in office. Reporter lets start with the pandemic. Were told that is the primary focus of the widen transition on the first full working day today. We expect to hear from the Vice President and president elect later today about their plan to confront the coronavirus crisis. We know joe biden says he will work with governors and mayors to mandate mask wearing. He wants a plan to account for the equitable distribution of vaccines and wants to expand covid testing. On the economy, expect for joe biden to push for another big massive stimulus package that includes direct funding to the states. He also wants to invest in manufacturing. And infrastructure. If you thought infrastructure was a thing of the past, we could come back to it. Racial equity, they say theyll make a commitment that any biden policy takes into account existing racial disparities. Theyre also calling for more funding, more investment in minorityowned businesses and historically back colleges and universities. And then on the Climate Change piece, joe biden is calling for 100 clean energy by 2050. Thats 30 years from now, a generation from now. When i talk to people about the policy framework, they say yes, it is ambitious, but they believe it is practical. More if hes working with a Democratic Senate. Along with those top priorities, you got joe biden as he has done over his campaign promising a packed day one agenda. Lets look ahead to january 21st, first week day after inauguration. Whats he going to do after the first day in office . Sign a slew of executive orders that would reverse key parking lots of the trump agenda. Rejoin the paris climate afford, repeal the ban on immigration from mostly muslim countries and reinstate daca. Thats the reason why when president s sign kpaeexecutive orders, so long as theres another president who shares a similar ideology. As quickly as donald trump signed the executive orders, president elect joe biden can unsign them effectively. Hallie . For sure. Geoff beett live in wil wilmington, appreciate it. There is a promise to black voters, using the biggest platform before Inauguration Day to make it. Heres the moment during his victory speech, acknowledging not just their role in his president ial victory, but his win in the primary battle, too. Especially to those moments when the campaign was at its lowest, the Africanamerican Community stood up again for me. You always had my back, and ill have yours. [ horns honking ] with me now is cofo hfcofo the black voters matter fund, latasha brown. Thank you for being on the show. Good morning. Im not sure i can hear your audio. Dont know if thats just me or if the control room can let me know. Yes, thank you for having me. No problem. Listen, how should president elect biden, in your view, put those words from saturday night into action . What are you looking for specifically from, for example, his cabinet picks, his policies in the first, you know, couple months in office from him . I think were going to i think we should see it across the board. One, i think we should see representation in his cabinet and the appointments he makes, but i also think we should see it in policy. I want to see the promises into policy. Part of a group of black women i was apart of, we said one of the third pieces we were really interested in for this administration is an agenda, having an agenda that would really deal with some of the political, some of the economic inequities we see in this country for the black community. 68 of black women are wage workers. Wage workers have been front line workers and were devastated in covid19. We want to make sure we see a package that really looks out for working class people in this country. When we also talk about health care, that in the middle of a pandemic, the Africanamerican Community has been devastated by covid19, so when were talking about health, expanding health care coverage, there are over 20 million americans that dont have health care. So we want to see that, as well. And the first 100 days, also when we talk about the reed act, many folks who have been part of the movement for black lives, have come together with the coalition around having this act to make sure when were talking about Police Accountability and the safety of our communities, that it is incredibly important. And we also care about the environment. When we talk about the red, black, and green, that wed have policies that would look out for Climate Change, policies that when we talk about protecting this country, this world, particularly with climate control. I want to ask you about something that congresswoman ocasiocortez said about Election Results specifically. She said, quote, if the party believes after 94 of detroit went to biden, after black organizers just doubled and tripled turnout down in georgia, after so many people organized philadelphia, the signal from the Democratic Party is the john kasichs won us the election, i mo mean, i cant even describe how dangerous that is, she said. You were one of the organizers. Do you agree with the congresswoman there . Absolutely. Whoever brings you to the dance, certainly, thats who you should dance with. At the end of the day, americans across the board really lift up and really we brought this victory. This was our collective victory, but we have to acknowledge that black voters were key to this win. Oftentimes what we see is this focus around getting black voters to participate in the process, but when it comes to policy prioritiepriorities, lit there is a different kind of story. Automatically, oftentimes, in the past what weve seen is the Democratic Party actually shift to the right automatically. What i am hoping in this case, that it was profound, what black voters did, but not just black voters, black organizers, black strategists, people in the community, organizations that were leading the work. We would not see this victory had it not been for philadelphia and detroit and atlanta and those centers, those urban centers where the black vote was key in bringing this victory home. So im hoping that just as we delivered for the biden harris ticket, they, too, will deliver for the Africanamerican Community. Congressman jim clyburn of South Carolina said something interesting. You know he is credited for helping biden win the democratic pr primary nomination in this ways. Jaime harrison in South Carolina, who ran against lindsey graham, started to plateau, he says, when defund the Police Showed up with a caption on tv, running across his head. He said that hurt jaime harrison. I wonder what your take is on that. I disagree. I think part of what happened, and what we saw earlier this year, when we saw uprisings in all 50 states that were led by members of black lives matter and others that came together, the Largest Movement ever, we also saw the largest number of voters ever in this country vote. I do believe that some of the Energy Behind voters, young voters coming to the polls, more voters coming to the polls was rooted in the black lives matter movement, in the defund the police movement. It may be a paradigm shift, particularly for politicians who may not be used to that, or maybe its a new message and, of course, there are some people that that did rub a particular kind of way. But when youre seeing the energy and when youre seeing the igniting of people, new voters and young voters really coming to the table, you have to acknowledge that the movement and the work its been doing the last six months made a difference. That has been rooted in this message of Police Accountability and defund the police. I think that played an element, actually, of bringing people into the fold that normally would not have seen themselves there. Latosha brown, thank you for your time and for being with us this morning and sharing your perspective. Thank you. Thanks to all of you for joining us here. Youll see president elect biden and Vice President elect harris shortly at the first meeting of the covid advisory board. Im in the sure if this is live or not, but i think its the arrival, preparing for the briefing. Well have the photo opportunity if he decides to address the cameras. My colleague craig melvin picks up our coverage after the break. Nonvalvular afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners. And if youre troubled by falls and bleeds, worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. Good monday morning to you. Craig mel kin hevin here. If you thought wed be slowing down after this election, think again, folks. Lots of moving parts this morning. The election is in president elect joe bidens rearview mirror. Right now, his focus is squarely on this intensifying pandemic. There are more than 10 million confirmed coronavirus cases in our country right now, and so far, as a reminder, weve lost close to 240,000 americans. Just a few moments ago, we saw mr. Biden, the president elect, in wilmington, delaware. He is receiving an da

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