To get everyone to corinate joe biden as the next president. That is not how it works, the media does not get to select our president. The American People get to elect our president. Not all the republicans are sticking to the script. If your basis for not conceding is that there was voting fraud. Show us. Show us. If you cant show us, we cant do this. We cant back you blind lee without evidence. I believe it is destructive to democracy to suggest wide spread fraud or corruption. There is no evidence of that at this stage. I think that it is important for us to recognize that world is watching. Using basic and logic and facts. Lets get to it. Mike is in wilington, delaware, with more on president elect bidens plans, we got reporting out there, about the executive orders he plans on issuing in the first days of his administration. Acthinking that working with a divided condition, a republican senate, is going to be more difficult for this Vice President. Even if he is someone that is used to building bridges. Yes, that is right, if you remember back to the democratic primary, there was one candidate in the race that was famous for having a plan for everything. That was senator warren. Joe biden, running on a broader theme, restoring the soul of the nation, 34re7b8ging to unite the country. His campaign, throughout the course of the primaries, into the general election, released realms of policy position, about what he would attempt to do and through executive action, throughout early months in office are coming to light. The Transmission Team is working hand in hand with the Campaign Policy team to develop an action plan. You heard joe biden get a jump start, using his victory speech to make a policy announcement about this Covid Task Force he plans to announce on monday. The goal of the task force, take the plans proposed and give him an action plan, on january 20th, to begin tackling the pandemic. That is the beginning of a long laundry list for joe biden, of actions, take a look at what Simone Sanders says. Joe biden noted there are a number of things that need to tackle and do, and start on day one. Yes, that includes addressing the climate crisis. Yes, that includes in his 100day strategy, building on the success of the obamabiden 21st century on policing, tackling the virus, on monday, announcing the task force that will be a plan that government can use. Joe biden will make good on his promises on the campaign trail. And you really hit an important point, the control of the senate, the balance of power, has a big role in terms of policy and personnel. Think of how many positions he will need to be cop firmed in the early days of the administration. Two special elecs in georgia, one of the questions we have, just how aggressively will we see the president elect, and the Vice President elect. Campaign in georgia, to help to enact a biden agenda. They need both seats in georgia to regain control of a Democratic Senate and Kamala Harris be the tie breaker. Thank you for joining us. To the white house. I think today it is safe to say and i think the bigger question today, starting to see around the president s talking points how are the president and inner circle fighting back . Well, in word word, lawsuits, that is where they want to take it. That is what they say, when all of these lawsuits, and trump campaign, the president s republican allies filed. When they all play out, they say this will ultimately turn in the president s favor, and the president will prove to be right. We havent seen evidence of that yet. They filed multiple lawsuits in multiple states we expect they will file more. It underscores this is a president who is determined to fight. What that has done is put republicans on the spot to say whether or not they are aligned with the president in this or not. We have seen some come out and back the president. And we have seen others who are a little more skeptical of what the president is doing, and putting distance between themselves and the president on 24. Senator romney, who experienced defeat in 2012, against barack obam aspoke on meet the press. He said, it is fine if the president wants to pursue lawsuits, he needs to tone down his rhetoric. Take a listen. I think it is fine to pursue t the. When you say the election was corrupt, stolen or rigged, that gets picked up by authori authoritarianism, i it is important not to use rhetoric to cause something that would be very unfortunate. President electjoe biden, and Vice President elect Kamala Harris. He said this. The integrity of the election will be clear, the challenges will demand the best of biden and harris and we must come together for the future it former president george w. Bush. You heard from lindsay graham, saying there is no way the president should concede. The president s soninlaw is among those urging the president to continue to fight. The president tweeting, showed that that is what he intends to do. Since when does the lame string media call who the president is . It is not the media, it is the math. Four years ago, when the process played out, was more than happy to accept that he was president elect trump when the votes were in around the same time. He said he is going to fight. We dont know how long it will play out. There are those who are urging the president to continue this. So far, that is where he seems to want this to go. Multiple lawsuits in multiple states and not concede until all of those things run their course. Live for us at the white house. A quick point. You know the trump world better than i do. It is hard to imagine, it is one thing to make an allegation in one state to flip over one state. To get your numbers from 214 to 270, you have to allege fraud in multiple states, that makes it hard to believe at this point. Michael cohen said it, last hour. Nobody wants to tell the president the truth, he doesnt want to hear the truth. This is about making him feel better, pacifying his ego. There are those who avoided calling him. They dont want him to tell them they have to do xyz, so, it is probably going to come from his kids if anywhere. As of now, as carol was saying, he will continue to fight. The legal avenues they have are limited. It doesnt seem they will change the outcome of the election. When you have Rudy Giuliani trying to pull his twitter feed. It is not the media, it is the math. Thank you for that. And new york city streets are calmer than they were yesterday during the celebrations, the feeling remains the same. Thousands of new yorkers marked the historic bidenharris victory from dusk till dawn. Joining us from times square, it looks quietier. New york, the past couple of months has been off given the pandemic. I drove by there last night, a couple of hundred people watching president elect joe bidens speech. What is it like on the ground this afternoon . Reporter good afternoon, i can say that the anxiety has lifted. Speaking to a lot of folks on the ground. They are saying the mood shifted as well. You clearly dont see the celebrations we saw last night. The champagne popping, the dancing, the partying. You definitely see that city has come alive. And this is in stark contrast to what we saw days ago. In the middle of the pandemic. Weiss are at the epicenter of the pandemic. I can tell you, living here in manhattan, the streets were empty. Friday, i would say, things changed. Slowly started, people were waiting for the call for the elections, once the announcement was made yesterday. We heard people on the roof tops, yelling from the roof tops, and the partying, and the celebrations, shifted to the cross roads of the world here in times square. I had a chance to talk to a lot of tourists, who happened to be in the area that described the mood. Take a listen. For america, it is a good thing. And it is history, we have the first African American Vice President. It is not just about everything going on, it is about positivity and things moving forward. We have our different views, none of us agree with both candidates 100 . You will have people in your corner that support one candidate or the other, it is about who you grow up with. Who you talk to. That is where we come from. We come from different backgrounds. Something else, ray lot of people are here to check the large digital monitors behind me. Congrats, biden harris. This is a moment they want to capture. People are soaking it all in. We saw people doing that yesterday. They are out here, this is an iconic pl iic place. People coming alive. When the candidates were giving their speeches, they were glued to the monitors that is extraordinary for them. That is not sentiment we are hearing. I was at the party four years ago today, i walked through times square to get back, looking at the corporate apartment at the time, before the pandemic, times square, it was empty and dead. The next day, new york city was a zombie town, the election of donald trump hit them, they didnt expect him to win. It is so markedly different. A ton of energy out there. They were tired of donald trump, scared by donald trump, it was a collective catharsis of him, finally being called as no longer the president. Soon to be no longer the president. The journalist noted. If Barack Obamas presidency was joy, this was relief. They feel they can wake up, go about their business, without having that target on their back. Or at least, begin the process of healing so they can get to that point. Especially here in new york, where it is so diverse. Arizona has not been called, we are still watching it, Trump Supporters continue to protest the vote count. You have been doing incredible reporting, not only did you did you bunk the sharpie controversy, the other day, you other than talking about how people on the street were convinced that journalists, the media, were bringing nefarious ballots with camera equipment. What is it like there today. Do they still believe that crazy things are happening when they are not happening . I tell you what they dont believe. They dont believe that joe biden has been elected president of the United States. So, let me show you what is going on right now. A smaller crowd than yesterday. So, you have speakers who are angry, they say the crowd should be bigger. There are telling the people here, that they need to get on the phone, and they need to call everybody. And they are mad people are at home watching football. This crowd, a lot smaller than yesterday. However, there is a peaceful march. This is members of the Catholic Church we have spoken to. They are praying the rosarosary. They are doing seven laps around the state capital. They are going to go back to the marcopa election center, where votes continue to be counted. We have 100 247bd ballots left to be counted, and the lead that biden has had over trump at 20,000, 18,000 give or take. The ballots trickle n we dont have an exact number or exact day, as to when the rest of the balthe ones will come in. Here you can see, a lot of people refusing to accept that joe biden is the president elect. Saying the media does not make the decision. They want to see the votes certified, and questions about the certification of the vote in arizona. That sharpiegate. We talked about sharpie gate, and debunked it. We now have heard that the lawsuit or the beginnings of the lawsuit have been thrown out of court so far in arizona. There are other legal challenges in the works, no decision in arizona. No decision in the county, we should have that in the next couple of days. Thank you. We will continue to watch the fallout. These are the live pictures, live from black lives plaza plaza in washington, d. C. Plaza in washington, d. C. We will go there next. But now i practice a different philosophy. Quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. Hey more mercy. Save over 30 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. The easy way to a happier business. Did you know that 70 of the on your clothes are invisible . Under u. V. Light, you see the invisible dirt trapped deep down. Try new tide pods hygienic clean heavy duty. For a deep clean, just toss in a pac. 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With powerful words during his victory speech last night in wilmingt wilmington. Good to see you. In speaking those words, joe biden was sending a message, trying to send a message to the black community. I hear you, i will be there for you. It is more than just words. Voters want him to follow up with action. Do we have an idea of what is on joe bidens agenda, i know it is early days, to follow through with the words we heard last night . It is a great question. Joe biden signalling to African Americans that he recognizes the role they played in electing him, they never saw themselves, when president obama was elected president. They feel there is not a lot of representation other than that they want to see real change in the Biden Administration. You saw senator harris say, African American women, sometimes you are overlooked, that wont happen anymore. We will lead with conviction. The pandemic, and impacting people of color, as we reported, there will be a task force coming on board on monday for the biden campaign. I imagine that part of that will be focusing specifically on communities of color, and talking about the ways the communities will be able to get help and they will be able to get resources put into that. Based on statistics, that African Americans have not only less access to health care, they are often less likely to get taken seriously. The president elect was talking about rooting out systemic racism. The pandemic is top of mind. About the role you anticipation from your reporting that Vice President elect Kamala Harris will play going forward. There is a question of how prominent, how decisive a Vice President will be. What kind of role, what kind of position do you anticipate her playing in the incoming Bidenharris Administration . I think it is too early to say exactly what role will be. We imagine talking about systemic racism, and structural racism. Well connected with so many civil rights leaders, as is joe biden. And i have been talking about black lives matter activists, and the attorneys, who handled the cases of george floyd and so many others. They are hopeful to see changes at the department of justice. Cases reviewed, and issues, in a way that President Trump never d we saw joe biden do something that trump nerve did. Recognize structural and systemic racism. There are people gearing up for a fight. Black lives matter activists part of they are ready to push him on issues, and they pished president obama, racism is not going to be done away with in a couple of days, they are waiting on joe biden to follow through on all four years of his administration and beyond. That agenda will be important to races still ongoing in georgia. The two runoffs that will be taking place in january. Stacey abrams mobilized a lot of black voters to put joe biden into the lead that he is right now. I imagine those voters will want to hear more from him in order to turn out for the two senate candidates, to make sure they have a majority in the senate. Thats right. I have been talking to people about joe bidens agenda not only that he wants to deal with the coronavirus, he wants to repeal the muslim nation travel ban, do things on separated family, some of that are executive orders, some has to be legislation. Not all executive orders, he will need to gov vern and have a senate to pass the legislation. The two seats are critical to them. I would not be surprised if we dont see the Vice President elect, and president evekt playing a role. Because of how important it is because of how important it is to his governing. 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Join in the celebration and make sure they are here for history. Bringing into the conversation, semi is age 7. What made you want to come today, one day after the election to bring your daughter here, especially . For me, i wanted to come out here, this is history. As a black w as an american, such a divided country, to be here, and be able to teach my daughter you can accomplish anything. There is a possibility in america. One u. S. , one america, even the people that didnt vote for biden, i voted for him. Even those who didnt vote for him, he will work hard for them as well. 70 Million People did vote for President Trump, how do you feel the government can bring those people along, into president joe bidens first term, including Vice President Kamala Harris. We have to remember that everyones votes counted. Democracy spoke. We need to remember that we are the United States of america. But the sheer fact that we bear that narnlgs we need to reflect what we bear. Time for us to come together and be united. What do you feel being out here fd . I feel about being out here today, i want to learn about history and we were waiting to know, who won, President Trump or biden, we know and we love our family. Thank you for talking to us. And the celebration will continue. That celebration. You can hear everything in the white house. They can hear everything. And the motorcade. I am sure the president saw the celebration. That is the state. It is headed for a recount. The count still not complete. Two senate seat says in their runoff. Pricilla thompson joins us live from there. Georgia has the politics of the Upcoming Senate runoff. Dealing with the count for the president ial race. Give us an update. Reporter 99 of the vote in this state is in. Counties are working to count the remaining 1 , provisional and military and overseas ballots that came in. And we have seen joe bidens leads widen over the past several days this race is too close to call. With both candidates within 10,000 votes of one another, Officials Say it is likely headed toward a recount. To give you a sense of what that means, the state of georgia has until november 20th to certify results, at which point, if both candidates are within. 5 , either of them could request a recount. State officials hope that that recount would not take longer than a week. At this point, we could look at thanksgiving or later before we have a definite answer of who won the race here in georgia. That is Peachtree Park behind you . Piedmont. Cobb county. Come on. Fifth avenue park. Valid point, i stand corrected. First order of business, the coronavirus crisis, during his victory speech, biden announced the first steps is on coronavirus. We have to get coronavirus under control, we cannot relish lives presence moments, birthdays, wedding, graduations, all of the moments that matter most to us, until we get it under control. On monday, i will name a group of leading scientists and experts as Transition Advisors to help take the bidenharris covid plan and convert it into a blue print that will start on january 20th, 2021. Joining us, msnbc contributor. Doctor, thank you for joining us. The coronavirus is surging around the country. We havent gotten the results of yflt, the four days before that record numbers were confirmed. We say confirmed, those are the people who got test and confirmed it joe biden will be facing something very difficult when he assumes office on january 20th. What is the first order of business for him when he actually has the power to do something . The first order has to be putting together or implementing the plan they will start putting together tomorrow. The very first thing has to be a Vaccine Distribution plan, combined with a National Testing strategy, and a data strategy. All of those things take time to plan and put together, this is a transition like no other that i have seen. From the inauguration moment forward, i expect there to be executive orders and a quick rearranging of the chairs at hhs, nih, et cetera, to sad to say, we will see millions more, and possibly a hundred to 200,000 deaths between now and then. They need to hit the ground running. We are in the middle a pandemic. Changing leadership in places can be tricky. The leadership of some of these agents, like the cdc, fda, has been greatly politicized. Does joe biden need to change out the heads of the agencies to reestablish public trust . No question. What usually happens, is that the existing political appointees submit letters of resignation. In the majority of cases, the Incoming Administration accepts those letters. There has to be a clear signal between now and inauguration to go through the process of vetting names, to lead the aemthss, the first day, you can have someone put forward for senate confirmation, et cetera i think there is a reason it is not going noticed to do this. To restore the moral at these agents, these people have been working hard, had memos blocked, science and data manipulated, that has caused a devastating loss. We need changes in all of these organizations. Can i ask you about public trust for a moment. Assuming you get the allstar team of doctors that biden wants and implement every policy. Nine months now, where the administration, and some of the top surrogates have been undermining the masks, maintaining social distance, how do you regain that public trust . How do you get people to buy into it, since it is politicized regardless of the message out of the white house . You will hear many of us say the same thing. Add more to it. We have to start with letting science lead, not making it political in any form or fashion, to wear masks, keep a distance. I will say one more thing thoe, we need to actually appeal to people, not by telling them, you have to do this showing them why it matters. I do this when talking to patients with taking medication, and the third part of it, is across the administration, fighting it misinformation. Single handedly, the sources of misinformation while they did twitter and facebook, and utube, came to the front toward the end, they caused a lot more harm than help in the messaging. A lot to try to tackle. I wonder if deborah birx will retain her position. Dr. Fauci, president elect biden has been in touch with him. Ahhhahh im saved water tastes like, water. So we fixed it. Mio. Water tastes like, water. You work hard for your money. Stretched days for it. Juggled life for it. Took charge for it. So care for it. Look after it. Invest with the expertise of j. P. Morgan, either with an advisor or online, through chase. After all, its yours. Chase. Make more of whats yours. We did it can you believe it . I honestly kind of cant. It has been so long since something good happened. We are not going to stand here and gloat. Well. We are not rubbing our victory in anybodys face . Just a tiny bit. We are humbly. Anybody died half way through tuesday knows, i was reelected president. Stop the count i watched it in the car on the way home. Everybody is rushing out of here to make sure. I walked outside, they were crowds. And all have been waiting for me. I realized it was for chapelle, not me. And the former white house director, founder of sky bridge capital. You would be cheering for me. My friend, for sure. Someone who knows the president or at least used to know him, what is your expectation of how the next two and a half months is going to go . Trying to raise money. They have one last big, raised 60 million off this legal facade, this nonsense, all the fine print it says, this can be used for campaign debt, and other things they need it for. They are just going to grip their is notters for another couple of weeks or so. He will leave. He may not be man enough to invite the Vice President into the house, like they did for him. Or go to the inaugural. But right now, they are trying to raise money. They couldnt afford to the four seasons hotel, they went to the four seasons landscaping company. All of this is just a rus. Let me read this from the philly inquirer. What began five years ago, the made for tv announcement of Donald Trumps president ial ambition, ended with his aging lawyer, shouting conspiracy theories, near a sex shop and a crematorium. Is that the best they have right now . They are flailing, yes. It is the best they have. It is a poor reflection on the count country. It is further echds that American People have voted him out. In the last 96 hours, it is further compounding evidence of how unfit he is to be the president of the United States. I enjoyed that yesterday. Fulton countily, the back drop they were n i dont understand why the mayor would do that to himself or even core and david at this point. And you know what a transition is . What is a transition . It is a president ial twitter feed turning into your crazy uncles twitter feed by thanksgiving. Aside from the Government Agencies and the transition on an institutional level, talk about the president. 71 million voted for this guy. He has a strong command over them, how they think it is unlikely he will tone down his rhett rick, talk about the concerns you have about the relationship between the president and supporters opposed to just the transition, which is important for the continuity of government, not essential for it to continue if joe biden still goes ahead. I see it differently, i see that more of a noise, not a signal. Those people voted for themselves. That is a grievance vote. Dissatisfied with the system. Incumbent on the president , and the president elect and the team to help them to be successful in putting the right policy initiatives n their anger will dissipate. Trumpism will die. Once we clear our heads, all of this rancor going away, people will reflect back on the nonsense of the president s administration, President Trumps manager, why were we doing that again . Why do we need that anger . Bullying . Why accepting the normalization of this abhorrent behavior. I see him on the ash heap of history before long. What does what do they do . Does he lead them in some way . Does he become a media star on fox news, start his own media company, that has been talked about for years, does it work . When you are talking about a transition, whether or not donald trump concedes, remember how important a transition can be. Part of the reason y what 9 11 commission found, part of the reason we missed all the signs in the leadup to 9 11 is the failure of a smooth transition, between bill clinton and george w. Bush, because of the turmoil the 2000 election caused, that is why joenchlg w. Bush would make sure the transitions would be as smooth as possible. Barack obama did that with the trump administration. There is a big question how cooperative this government will be with the biden government, already, the gsa hasnt handed out full access to transitional material that is a normal president elect would get. They are steam rolling a bit. Good to see you. A conversation we should continue having. The world reacts to a biden presidency. What it looks like, next. Online last night and a yoga mat, to stay zen now, im gonna just buy a bike for him rakuten cash back on the stuff all in my home. I shop on rakuten. Rakuten the world is reacting to joe bidens win. Our Foreign Correspondent in london, molly. Same with israel. Netanyahu is now. How is the world taking this biden harris victory . We are waiting for the kremlin, nothing from putin, i will keep you posted if those two decide to pipe up late on a sunday night. Here in europe, and london, a resounding send of america is back. A return of faith. Take a look quickly, at the magazine covers from 2017 and from now. It could not be clearer. The mayor of paris, welcome back america. Now, with President Biden in the white house in washington, we have the real prospect of American Global leadership in tactling climate change. I am sure President Biden and Kamala Harris, with their well known commitment on this issue, will be able to get the United States with all of the influence, and power and might, to turn and focus on the issue of net0o by 20 2050. The Biden Administration, wanting to reenter the who, and iran nuclear deal, so many have faith that Biden Administration will return to embrace historic allies and alliances. Guys. I miss everything. I miss travel. To the state that put biden over the top, pennsylvania

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