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There are now more than 30 million american citizens who cannot get coverage. President obama has made health care the signature issue of his presidency. And sometimes the daytoday battles in washington make it hard to see through the fog, but his fight is literally changing history. Gallup has tracked the rate of uninsured americans since 2008. Last month 13. 4 of dulls didnt have health insurance. Thats down from 18 in september. Meaning the number of people without insurance has steadily fallen since the Health Care Law went into effect. In fact, the polls showed we currently have the lowest rate of uninsured americans since january 2008. Thats when gallup began asking this question. Its a major turnaround. But republicans refuse to admit it. Just check out this brandnew ad from an iowa senate candidate. Tony will take aims at wasteful spending and once she sets her eyes on obamacare, joanie is going to unload. Oh, one more thing. Joanie doesnt miss much. Yes, she wants to shoot up the law thats helping millions of people get covered. And that wasnt even the most extreme attack we saw about the Health Care Law today. A Tennessee State senator compared it to the holocaust writing, quote, democrats bragging about the number of mandatory signups for obama care is like germans bragging about the number of mandatory signups for train rides for jews in the 40s. An elected official says Getting Health Care is like being sent to a concentration camp . Its incredibly offensive. And it should be unbelievable. But since the day the president signed this law, hes been politically targeted. The opponents of this law came out in force, using ugly language and making all kinds of noise. But if you cleared that away, you will see our country is changing and you see that today, were still in the early stages. But this law is creating a fundamental transformation in this country. Do republicans really want to run against this . Theyre happy to let seniors pay more for prescriptions, happy to kick young people off their Parents Health plans, happy to take away protections for people with preexisting conditions . So im happy to tell them on a day where you can see all the progress weve made, this law is here to stay. Joining me now is congressman jim mcdermott, also a former u. S. Navy psychiatrist, and the washington posts jonathan capehart. Thank you for being here. It really is an historic date. The lowest rate of uninsured americans since theyve been keeping track. Whats your reaction today . I cant tell you how pleased i am that we have some figures to prove what all of us knew was happening. We knew that when the people got an opportunity, they would take it. And they have taken it gradually. Theyre picking it up naster and faster. And its going to spread across the country, rev. It has only started at this point. We have some states that are still resisting it. They wont sign people up in medicaid. They dont have an exchange in their state. Theyre trying to blame everything on anything bad that happens, they blame it on obamacare. But the truth is, its working. And its driving the republicans crazy. Because they cant figure out theyve got themselves stuck to this tar baby of trying to take it down, and theyre going to go into the election with their arms wrapped around the very same thing they said they didnt want. Republicans are still on the mission to smear this law. Just last week, a House Committee put out a press release saying that they surveyed Insurance Companies and found only 67 of health care enrollees had paid their first months premium. But paul krudman wrote, quote, the survey was rigged. It asked insurers how many enrollees had paid their first people yu premium. It ignored the fact that the first premium wasnt reeven due. And the fact that its so transparentally rigged is a smoking gun, proving the attacks on obamacare arent just bogus, theyre deliberately bogus. Deliberately bogus he said is that the best a gop can do in your opinion . It seems like it is. They are so invested in failure. From the very beginning. And its rooted in denying the president denying this president , president obama, any kind of success. When the tea party blew up in 2010 with the protests at the capitol, people against the Affordable Care act, those town hall meeting where is you saw members of congress being pelted with questions from an anxious public because they didnt know what congress was talking about, and unfortunately, congress was sent out during recess with no bill, with no actual legislation to quell and calm the fears. Well, here we are and having to do all kinds of double talks and triple takes and all of that. But heres whats happening now. Between the Gallup Survey and the hard and fast numbers of 8 Million People signing up. These are hard and fast numbers that democrats for sure can go back to their districts and say this is working. 24st not a failure. Dont be fooled by these people still trying to say that this isnt working. Quite frankly, i think were going to see maybe more than a few republicans who will go back in their district during reelection to try to take credit for some of the things that the Affordable Care act does. When the level of americans without insurance was falling to the lowest level, one republican congressman said more people were uninsured. Thereon this. Its hard to get accurate numbers, its hard to get accurate numbers on anything. But the numbers we see today, as i understand them, and we believe that there are more people uninsured today in kansas than there were before the president S Health Care went into effect. I thoukt tght the goal was to b more people into insurance. The fact checker gave them four pinnochios and said it was the most popular fact check of the month. How much longer can they get away with this kind of stuff . They are going to keep going right to the election. Because they are running a Propaganda Campaign to terrorize people and make people believe that what the president has done is they are not going to give that up. Because if they do give it up and admit that the president has done a good thing, that the democrats have done a good thing, they will lose seats. There are people in california who are telling their family in alabama and tennessee and some of these places where they refuse to do anything, hey, weve got a good thing going out here. And pretty soon, that information is going to change the way people vote in some of these state where is their representatives have been against it from the very first and are not ever hampered by the facts. They will say anything to destroy this president. And they will go to great lengths. I nemean, i showed the ad, jonathan, of the woman shooting the bill. The state candidate, comparing it to the holocaust. This extremism has got to backfire on them at some point . Well, it wont backfire on them now because theyre running in primaries. Theyre trying to get the votes of the party faithful. These kinds of messages, shooting at a bill that, the candidate in iowa has no power whatsoever to dismantle. That plays well with the Republican Party primary voter. Once they get into the general election is where the problem will come in. And reality should set in. No one person, as weve seen, over more than 50 votes, no one this law is here. Its not going anywhere. And even if they could get the votes in both the house and the senate to abolish the Affordable Care act, theres a president in the oval office who will refuse to sign it. And congressman, what i ask, and i almost know its a rhetorical question, but i have to ask you, where are the adult republicans that would stand up and denounce this kind of extremism in light of this historic number that has come out now and the fact that millions of people are being helped. Thats biggest problem we have is that the modern republicans are hiding. They are afraid to come out for fear the tea party will come after them in this election. Theyre absolutely petrified that they will alienate them and not win the nomination, and then be defeated in the general because people wont believe in them. Its ive never seen such a sad sight as a moderate republican. Sad. Very sad. Congressman jim mcder rmott and jonathan capehart. Coming up, how desperate are they getting . The benghazi obsession goes to a select committee. But are democrats ready to boyco boycott . Its being called a, quote, waste of time. Plus, the fight between the Party Establishment and the Tea Party Extremists heats up. What happens when rand paul stumps for a guy who once compared taxes to both the holocaust and apartheid. And from speaker painer to e ee boehner to eric cantor, the comedian in chief roasted them all at the White House Correspondent dinner. Plus, the punch line you didnt hear. Please stay with us. And im feeling sorry believe it or not for the speaker of the house as well. These days the House Republicans give john boehner a harder time than they give me. Which means orange really is the new black. To truck guys, the truck is everything. And when you put them in charge of making an unbeatable truck. Good things happen. This is the ram 1500. The 2014 motor trend truck of the year and first ever backtoback champion. Guts. Glory. Ram. Cut [bell rings] this. Is jane. Her long day on set starts with shoulder pain. And a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for. All day relief. Hmm. 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Theyve held 13 congressional hearings, the administration has shared over 25,000 pages of documents. The pentagon estimated the cost of the investigations is already in the millions of dollars. More than 1,100 fox news crams has mentioned benghazi in the past year and the rhetoric on the right has only gotten uglier. Were paying the price for the incompetence and quite frankly, the criminal negligence of this administration. This is the biggest coverup since watergate. This dereliction of duty as commanderinchief demands your impeachment. How is this different than wat watergate . Lets talk about this. Lets see four americans werent abandoned to be murdered in watergate. Both covered up the same way. Watergate leads to the president resigning. White house staffers in jail. Whats different in benghazi . The gop is lost. Theyre out of ideas on jobs, health care, immigration. And all theyve got left are phony scandals. Joining me now is the leading Ranking Member on the committee. Do you think democrats will end up boycotting this new Benghazi Committee . That would be my recommendation. I mean, obviously its a Leadership Call obviously. The military said they did everything they could in this instance to save the lives of americans. After all this investigation, theres nothing to be found. Its still a bit of a mystery what the scandal is here exactly. There is not a shred of evidence. Your recommendation would be that democrats should boycott this new committee . Yes. Theyve already done, as youve listed them, like seven different committees. So. Now congressman, leading this new committee is trey gaudi. Hes often accused the president and the attorney general of refusing to follow the law. Listen to this 3. Hes on the eve of being held for contempt of Congress Since hes refusing to follow the law. Since were a nation of law, it would be nice to have a chief executive and an ag whoing to that responsibility seriously. Mr. President , you want to run roughshod over the constitution, we have the power of the purse, were not going to fund your pet projects. This is the guy thats going to lead the new committee and investigate, congressmen . He seems a little extreme himself. I think oversight is the responsibility of congress. They had a responsibility to look into it, figure out what happened and how to prevent it in the future. Unfortunately, the republicans did not take that oversight responsibility seriously. Instead, they took it as a political opportunity. Which undermines the credibility of the institution of congress. They didnt exercise their oversight responsibly. They did it as a complete partisan act, attack dog exercise. It is shameful. Now congressman, you talked about the partisan hostility. But republican senator Lindsay Graham has been leading the charge on benghazi. But listen very careful to what he said this weekend. Anybody who plays politics with benghazi will get burned. Are those words going to come back to haunt him . It reflects evolving al qaeda ideology. What bush did was aggressively go after al qaeda leadership. That ultimately led up to the killing of bin laden but more importantly, to the dismantling of that Central Organization that attacked us on 9 11 and also the embassies in africa and the u. S. S. Cole in yemen. The president rightly said, theyve been very aggressive about disrupting that organization. The entire republican argument is that benghazi goes against that and thats why they didnt want to admit it. But number one, the president admitted it was a terrorist attack. Number two, this really points up what has grown up out of al qaeda, which a whole bunch of like minded groups. We need to face this the way we i did the al qaeda in pakistan, yemen, somalia, thiss what the president said he was successful at and he was. Now we have this other threat to figure out how to confront. I would like to talk about that over obsessing over talking points and who changed what message the day after this happened. Congress mang adam smith, im going to have to leave it there, but thank you for your time tonight. Still ahead, the joke is on the gop. We have the president s funniest and toughest jokes from this weekend. Also, rand paul embraces one of the most extreme candidates in america today. It could prove the difference in a key vote. Just hours away. But first, you know republicans are in trouble when Rick Santorum is the voice of reason in the party. Gotcha is next. Honestly, the offseason isnt really off for me. Ive got a lot to do. Thats why i got my surface. Its great for watching game film and drawing up plays. Its got onenote, so i can stay on top of my todo list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. With skype, its just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. Alright, russell you are good to go alright, fellas. Alright, russ. 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Plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to 423. Call. Today. Liberty Mutual Insurance responsibility. Whats your policy . Americans of all political stripes agree on raising the minimum wage. 93 of democrats, 69 of independents, and 52 of republicans support an increase. But republicans in congress, theyre having trouble seeing the light. Some have even suggested abolishing the minimum wage all together. If theres to be a minimum wage, may theory is if oklahomans want a minimum wage, we ought to the it. I dont believe there ought to be a National Minimum wage. Do you favor abolishing the minimum wage . I think that we need to look at all of the factors that go into job creation, and i think thats something that something obviously congress would have to take a look at. I want people to make as much as they can. I dont think the minimum wage law works. So you do not believe in the concept of the minimum wage . Thats correct. You would abolish the minimum wage . Right. But one on the right has decided its time for Straight Talk on the minimum wage issue. And its not who you would expect. Former president ial candidate rick sanatorium, hes not exactly the poster child for fairness. He once said, quote, i have no problem with income inequality. But today, even he could see the writing on the wall. This is one i dont get. If the republicans want to go out and say were against the minimum wage, go out and make the argument to the minimum wage and the 80 of the public who is for minimum wage. But theyre trying to make argument why we shallnt have an increase. Were for the blue collar guy but against any minimum wage increase ever. It just makes no sense. For once, i agree with them . Did republicans think we didnt notice when Rick Santorum is the one making sense theyre the ones in trouble . Nice try, but he gotcha. The jo. The up allnighters. And the ones who turn ideas into action. Weve made our passions our lifes work. 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Food stamps arent the only thing hes compared to slavery. In fact, thats one of his favorite analogies. Hes also compared to Affordable Care act to slavery, as well as abortion, bipartisanship and compromise, as if that werent enough, he cosponsored a rally with a southern Secessionist Group during this senate run. Hes also referred to senator jesse helms as a, quote, modern hero. And in a 2012 radio interview, he compared taxes, both to the holocaust and apartheid. How did we get along without income tax . When did Central Planning work . Its called the holocaust, the soviet union, apartheid. Americas version is better . Its not. The holocaust, apartheid, thats vile. And if this is what the far right think of the future of the gop should be like, then the whole partys got problems. Joining me now are Jimy Williams and angela ride. Thank you both for come on the show tonight. Thank you, rp 3. Let me go to you first. What does it say about the gop that a major player like rand paul could be back ing these kinds of views . Rand paul already said he thinks a part of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 is unconstitutional. I dont know why anybody would be surprised that he would then go to North Carolina where the Civil Rights Act of 1964 actually did good work and go endorse a candidate who says things like we dont need an army, air force, marines, we just need state militias. The militias and they should have Nuclear Weapons because they should have the right to keep and bear arms. Thats what he said. Im not making that up. I cant make that up. And so rand paul is making a nuisance of himself to the gop establishment err single time he goes and does one of these things. This guy sadly is not going to win in the primary tomorrow. Hes going to lose probably. Not by match, but hes going to lose. And the state speaker of the house is going to prevail. But it would be very good for us and it would be very, very good for kay hagen if she had a crazy like this that would prevail. Let say he loses. Rand paul is Still Standing with this guy. Rand paul is still one of the leading contenderers for the gop nomination and has no problem standing with a guy that represents now im not talking about 20 years ago now, these kinds of views. In fact, beside the beliefs ive already mentioned, brandon also believes owning a nuclear weapon. States can null fie laws. Oh, and he doesnt believe in public schools, either, angela. And heres what brannon said about president obama back in 2010. Listen to this. We clear what he believes in. He believes in a socialist government. He believes in class war fair. Read carl marx ten planks of a socialist government. Recall ten are law in our land today. He may be history tomorrow, but the fact that rabd paul would go in there to campaign for him and stay with him is not going away tomorrow, nor should it. Angela. Sure, rev. First, theres one big problem we need to address and that is why are these folks so eager to jump into a state senate race. Of course, it is a very its going to be very competitive and its a major race, but why would you throw your name behind, and you havent fully vetted them. This guy has jumped ahead and surged in the polls this week, according to a Public Policy poll. Brannon is now eight points higher than he was last week. If tillis, the speaker, cant clear 40 that i ear in a runoff july 15. It will be a problem closer to the 2016 election for rand paul. I think thats quite an issue. And you talked about the likening to slavery and weve seen it over and over again, even from some black gopers, i dont understand why this tom foolery wasnt addressed in the gop autopsy report you would think they would start using other terms for the policies they dont like. Now before campaigning for this Tea Party Candidate brannon, paul, senator rand paul invited Rupert Murdoch to the Kentucky Derby this weekend. And, of course, murdoch was his guest. That sends all kinds of signals and messages. And both murdoch and paul are too savvy to not know they were not sending signals and messages. How do you read this . That was one of the most politically calculated things ive ever seen. And frankly not a bad idea. What it basically says to Mike Huckabee and scott walker and Chris Christie, et cetera, et cetera. Ive got the woel thiest, most powerful news person in the entire world behind me at the Kentucky Derby. In my backyard, in my front yard, right . Thats a very big deal. But you better be careful. If you lay down with dogs sometimes you get fleas. I hate to use that old analogy. And so fim Rupert Murdoch, i need to be very, very careful about that. If rand paul continues to endorse crazy and i dont even mean right wing people, reverend al, i mean so far to the right that you cant even see them to the right. These kinds of people, if he continues to do that and rand paul implode what does that say about Rupert Murdoch . Thats the bad part here. Hes sitting around with a guy who i dont frankly is even electable in this country. You cant say you cant get black people to vote for you when you say the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional. Im sorry. Theyre just not going to do that. Some white people either. Yeah, right. Youre right, a lot of whites wont for you. And a lot of whites marched and lost their lives fighting for the Civil Rights Act 50 years ago. Lets not forget goodman cheaney. I mean, this is an affront to a lot of people. I would venture to say most americans now. Absolutely. I think, you know, going back to this North Carolina race, one thing that i think democrats are really going to have to Pay Attention to as they get closer to the general is the fact that there is a dropoff voter problem. However, theres some way that folks can look at tillis record and see all the bills hes introduced while in the North Carolina state legislature, you will see that theres no competition at all. I hope he does end up in a runoff so rand paul and this guy brann brannon, well see just how crazy they are. Ive got to leaf it there. Thank you both for your time this evening. Coming up, president obama roasts the gop over the weekend. Nobody was safe from his zingers. But did he also make some news . Next. Lets face it, fox. Youll miss me when im gone. It will be harder to convince the American People that hillary was born in kenya. We cannot let the fans down. Dont worry the United States Postal Service will get it there on time with Priority Mail flat rate shipping. 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A virginia man who has been stuck in the same parttime job for years, no respect from his boss. No chance to get ahead. I really wish eric cantor would stop writing me. You can just pick up the phone, eric. And he couldnt help but have some fun with new jersey governor Chris Christie. Washington seems more dysfunction than ever. Gridlock has gotten so bad in this town, you have to wonder, what did we do to piss off Chris Christie so bad. And for all their attacks on him, the president took a few jabs at fox news. I got a lot of grief on cable news for promoting obama care to young people on between two ferns. But thats what young people like to watch. And to be fair, i am not the first person on television between two potted plants. The Koch Brothers bought a table here tonight. But as usual, they used the shadowy right Wing Organization as a front. Hello, fox news. But the fwigest laugh of the night came after this. Im feeling sorry for the speakers of the house as well. These day, the House Republicans actually give john boehner a harder time than they give me. Which means, orange really is the new black. That was a great line. The comedian in chief did it again. But is there Something Real behind the jokes . Or did he actually make some real news at the mike . Joining me now, margie omara and krystal ball. I saw you there saturday night, what did you think of the president S Performance . Hes so good at this. I mean hes a hard act to follow because his kmeeding timing is so strong. There was a joke he delivered and the punch line was supposed to be a picture that was supposed to come up on the screen. Hes so comfortable hes able to make a joke even out of that mishap and roll with it. But there were some pretty hard punches thrown at the republicans. He had a line about how maybe the Affordable Care act could give Mitch Mcconnell a pulse. Which is a tough jab. It does show a real frustration hes feeling with them at this point and the fact that he doesnt really have any expectation that things are going to change a whole lot or that theyre going to be willing to work with him anyway. No. And you know, margie, the fact that the president had a great oneliner about what will happen once he leaves the oval office, watch this. Lets face it, fox. Youll miss me when im gone. It will be harder to convince the American People that hillary was born in kenya. That was funny, but some pundits are predicting is he endorsing hillary to be his successor. Hes making a joke that the hillary references are part of what people expect to hear. I think the real piece of that joke is mocking the incredibly personal attacks hes endured about residency and where he was born for years. It always gets a laugh because it just underscoring how ridiculous these attacks have been. On top of it, they seem like they dont take themselves too seriously. The president sometimes can seem pretty serious. When he does this standup act, he has an air of not taking it all very seriously, even something as personal as where is the president born attacks. He made some fun on the Hillary Clinton joe biden rivalry as we get closer to 2016. Watch this. You may have heard that hillary had to joj a flying shoe at a press conference. I love that picture. That was pretty funny. I do think it sort of speaks to the fact that the president is very comfortable with joe biden. You get the sense that theyre buddies and that biden can take a joke. He also featured in this video with julia louisdreyfus, a veep takeoff that was very funny. But there were some really harsh lines from joel mchale, the median that came after the president and the president is making jokes of the inevitably of Hillary Clinton. Probably didnt feel too good for joe biden. Joel called me the skinny man at msnbc. That wasnt harsh at all. But margie, krystal talked about the glitch. There was one Technical Glitch with one of his jokes. Watch this. George w. Bush took up painting after he left office which inspired me to take up my own artistic side. Im sure weve got a shot of this. Maybe not. The joke doesnt work without the slide. Oh, well. Assume that it was funny. That was the one glitch. Thats the picture that didnt come off. The first lady was supposed to be holding up what the president would have allegedly have done. I dont think so. But that was the joke that we missed sitting there that night, marge. Thats a good one. Look, again, it sort of i mean, thats a joke that makes him look good and makes former president bush look good. Thats a softer joke. Thats not one of the more roast type of jokes he made. But by and large, most of the joke he is made really he really nail themd. I thought he did a really grad job. Its hard to criticize hiS Performance. Hes very slow and the way he doesnt really laugh at his own jokes kind of adds to the drama. He did a great job. And he also joked on himself. Watch this, krystal. After my stellar 2013, what could i possibly talk about . We rolled out healthcare. Gov. That could have gone better. In 2008, my slogan was yes, we can. In 2013, my slogan was controlaltdelete. And he had fun with himself. And i think that is good. But there was a lot of harsh barbs thrown at Chris Christie by both he and mchale. Does that going over the top sometimes backfire and end up helping christie as a sympathetic fir youre . Or because theres so many angles here, it doesnt. Its hard as a comedian to find exactly where the line is, right, and where you go too far. I thought the president s folks were in good taste. Hes good at walking right up to that line. Joe mchale, some of the fat jokes, its not even really creative at this point. I thought the bridgegate stuff he did was funny and of the moment, but i dont know that it makes christie all that more sympathetic. I think people are looking at the culture that hes created and the questions around bridgegate in a pretty tough way, but i did think some of the jokes from joel were a bit too far. Thank you both for your time tonight. And watch crystal on the cycle right here on msnbc. Coming up, the hockey player who scored a gamewinning goal and took the bold stand against hate. Stay with us. Starts with back pain. And a choice. Take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve. For all day relief. Start your engines the was a truly amazing day. Without angies list, i dont know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. For over 18 years weve helped people take care of the things that matter most. Join today at angieslist. Com were back with a disturbing story from nigeria. A group abducted 276 girls from their boarding school. Theyre now allegedly being sold as brides to militants for 12. 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Up your game. Up the ante. And if you stumble, you get back up. Up isnt easy, and we ought to know. Were in the business of up. Everyday delta flies a quarter of Million People while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. Were raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. Sports can often show us the best in people, but sometimes it shows us the worst. Last week, a great moment. P. K. Subban scored a dramatic gamewinning goal in Double Overtime to beat the Boston Bruins in a playoff game. But it was followed by racist tweets. The nword was trending on twitter in boston because of the goal. One tweet read subban is an nword, everyone knows that. Another said what stupid nword doesnt belong in hockey. Whitesonly. But the player responded and it was all class. Its completely unfair for anybody to point a finger at the organization or the fan base. They have passionate fans here, great fan base. Since ive been in the league, its been awesome. Ive come to boston many times. My family has come here. Its been great. What people may say on twitter and social media is not a reflection by any means of the league or the Boston Bruins. Whatever said that will get dealt with, but it doesnt reflect the fans or the organization. Rise above it. I used to answer every attack and criticism. As i got older, i understood if you show your best face and your true self, thats answer enough to haters, critics and those envious and jealous. Thanks for watching. Im al sharpton, hardball starts right now. Voodoo politics. Lets play hardball. Good evening piem Chris Matthews in washington. Let me start off the week with this. The enemies of Hillary Clinton, by that i mean the partisan enemies have got their voodoo doll. Its called benghazi. Every sometime they put the pin in, they hope it

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