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For now i turn it over to reverend al sharpton and politicsnation. Good evening and welcome to politicsnation. Tonights lead, president ial pajama party. This evening there are questions over a potential convict of interest involving President Trump and his personal properties. Sound like a day ending in the letter y, right . On friday both the house judiciary and oversight committees publicly revealed letters they sent to the white house and the Trump Organization demanding information about the president s habit of guiding Government Spending into the trump family treasury. A nono considering that the constitution explicitly prohibits president s from earning money for themselves from government sources zporn domestic. The probes come as politico reports that an Air National Guard crew was ordered to make an impromptu stop at President Trumps Scotland Golf course en route to kuwait from the u. S. No word yet from the pentagon as to why. Elijah cummings state meeting were 200 miles away on dublin on the other side of the country. The president hasnt done his administration any favors with these probes, since he has publicly pitched his miami golf resort to host next years g7 meeting, inviting no less than seven foreign governments, eight if russia and the president have their way to come stay and put more money into the trump war chest. Its all part of what house judiciary chairman jerry nadler calls an ongoing impeachment investigation into the president s conduct. Our Political Panel joins me shortly. Later on, well update you on the unfolding disaster in the bahamas as we learn more about the devastation that has left 43 people dead. Much of the island nation literally under water. Joining me now, chris lui, former white house cabinet secretary under president obama, and a senior fellow at the university of virginias miller center, and sarah longwell, publisher of the bull work and director of republicans for the rule of law. Let me go to you first, sarah. Rule of law, it is clearly explicitly, its going to is the term i used opening up, written that a president should not gain personal profit or personal funds from government sources. Then how do we look at the fact that the Vice President 180 miles away from the meeting site stayed at the president s resort, this questionable stop that was made on the way to kuwait by military officers, the president constantly going to maralago or to his resort in new jersey, all of which uses lots of Government Funds and not to add on the attorney general having his Holiday Party 30,000 to the trump hotel in washington where reports say there were other venues available. How, according to the rule of law, do you look at this . Yeah, well, its unconscionable. Lets be clear about something. If this were a democrat who was behaving in this kind of way doing a tenth of what donald trump has done to selfenrich himself and his family, they would have impeached him months ago, maybe even years ago. This would already be over if the roles were reversed. Remember how republicans were about the clinton incident. We were incensed. With this corruption happening in broad daylight, i can find few republicans who will stand up for the rule of law. Isnt that the point, chris . You worked in the obama administration. I couldnt imagine if president obama had done anything even close to this. But isnt it the real issue we heard deafening silence from republican leadership, many of whom ran and won their offices years ago or recently saying they were the conservatives, they were the ones that would uphold the law . Let me give you my perspective having served in the obama administration. I had to sell the stock in all individual companies i owned. I was not allowed to fly business class. So whats happening right now is offensive on so many levels, not just the conflicts of interest, but this is so antithetical to what Public Service should be. You see hypocrisy on the republican side. In 2011 we had a big scandal. The department of justice may have spent 16 on muffins for a conference. Right. And it turned out it was just an accounting area, but you had Chuck Grassley saying heads should roll. We move from 16 muffins to millions of dollars of military funds that were used to fly planes to this airport in scotland for a refueling that cost the taxpayers more money than it should have simply to keep an airport in operation to help the president s scottish golf course. This follows what happened earlier in the week when he diverted money from the military, military schools, Day Care Centers to fund his wall. For a president who talks about being promilitary, hes often antimilitary. Sir, isn sarah, isnt this some cause, some challenging prospects to at least say this is going to look bad to voters, this is going to look hype critical, and it is absolutely a credit cards contradiction . Arent they concerned about the political fallout that this may have with voters . I wish they were concerned, but no, i dont think theyre concerned. I think mainly theyre focused on figuring out how they can o stay on team trump as clearly as possible and demonstrate to voters theyre in his corner. That seems to be their only play. Theyve completely abandoned the idea of principle. Nobody is going to primary them in the Republican Party or hold them accountable for their silence. At least not right now. I think the future i think republicans are going to regret this over the long term because they will never have the moral credibility now for if theres corruption in the future from democrats, what are they going to say about it . Where is their moral high ground going to be . They have completely abdicated responsibility on this issue. Where is mitt romney . Where is ben sass . These are thought of, decent people who arent saying anything. The Vice President purports to be a christian and an incredibly moral person, and hes standing making excuses about, you know, crazily staying hours and hours away just so he can put taxpayer money into the president s pocket and kind of, you know, suck up to him. It is unconscionable. Chris, even not just dealing with the law, which some citizens, not all, maybe not even most, some citizens dont sit and just read the conflict of interest in the law. But just the moral ground, forget the high ground, where you have americans working two jobs. You were deputy secretary of labor. You understand this better than anyone where theyre trying to make ends meet. And they see this selfserving by the president of the United States with tax dollars. Were not talking about private dollars here. How does this translate to the average american that is trying to struggle, some of whom voted for donald trump . Thats exactly right. Lets remember the president s pledge to drain the swamp. He was talking about cooperator interests shouldnt enrich themselves at the taxpayers expense. This is worse. This is the president enriching himself at the taxpayers expense. When you have 40 of americans who cant come up with 400 in an emergency. We showed a slowing economy. Low expectations. But well below expectations. Its going to be hard for the American People to fathom what is happening here. Going back to this diversion of military funds. In North Carolina, 80 million the is being diverted in North Carolina to fund the president s wall. So a senator like tom tillis, who has loyal to the president has to go back and explain how he justifies that. Theyre postponing a school to build the wall that the president told us mexico was going to pay for. Well have more with chris and sarah later. Coming up, my next guest says he may drop out of the white house race if he fails to qualify for the democratic debate in october. Ill talk with mayor bill de blasio next. Later, residents of the bahamas are now returning to open spaces where their homes once stood, picking through rubble and debris left behind by Hurricane Dorian. The number of deaths has climbed to 43 and is expected to keep rising. Well have a live report from the ground. Heres a dramatic report by nbcs Kerry Sanders moments ago. Im going to take you through here. Understand that i am walking very gingerly, even though i have steelto do shoes with metal bottoms for the nails. I believe based on the conversation i had with the miami fire rescue that this area has been examined and that there are no dead people here. But im going to walk ever so gingerly through here and try to answer your question. And your question is whether they can ever go through this area and determine what, if anything, is underneath all of this rubble. When you talk about the number of support people that are here, its limited right now, especially in this area. Maybe down at the port theres certainly much more because you have the boats coming in, but when you consider that getting to the people who are most in need, well, folks here after x number of days got tired of waiting, and so they started making their way out to find out where that help would be. Im not going to walk too much further here quite frankly. Its probably too dangerous to walk through here. But all i can do is stand here. And just really sadly think about how how terrified people were. Oh, my god. Im going to pick this up here. This tells you. There was a matt kutchchurch in here. Authorities made their way over here. We see somebody making his way out with some of his belongings. The authorities said they came here because they heard there might be people in a church. As i reach down here, the lare bible here. Its in creole, because as i mentioned this is primarily a haitian community. No doubt somebody was praying in their final moments as the hurricane was coming in. I am royalty of racing, raise your steins to the king of speed. Woman on phone discover. Hi. Do you have a travel card . Yep. Our miles card. Earn unlimited 1. 5 miles and well match it at the end of your first year. Nice im thinking about a scuba diving trip. Woman ooh gasp or not. You okay . Yeah, no, im good. Earn miles. Well match em at the end of your first year. You wouldnt accept from any one else. D. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. I am royalty of racing, i am the twisting thundercloud. Raise your steins to the king of speed. We believe in honesty, decency, treating everyone from dignity and respect, giving everyone a fair shot, living no one behind. This country cannot continue to have a president who is a pathological liar. There is a lot at stake, and people are scared. But we cant choose a candidate we dont believe in because were scared. Many of the 2020 democratic president ial candidates are spending the day in New Hampshire for the States Democratic Party convention. One of them is new york city mayor bill de blasio. And he joins us live. Mr. Mayor, welcome to politicsnation. Thank you very much, rev. You will not be part of the upcoming debate this thursday. You have said that if you dont make the third debate, it is likely you may move to end your campaign. What gives you any kind of indication that you may be able to qualify for the third debate . What trends are you seeing in your campaign and among the reaction of voters . I mean, what gives you hope that things will change . Yeah, rev. Look, heres what we know about the american political process. We know to predict the unpredictable, and we know that nothing is playing out in any way thats consistent. What is clear is when people hear a good idea or message that matters to them, they lock on it and things can happen really quick. Just this week i put out a major new policy on automation. Its an issue thats not getting a lot of attention but its going to affect tens of millions of american families. And i said its time to stop giving tax breaks to companies that literally put in robots and displace American Workers and leave them on the street. Its time to actually Tax Companies to have a robot tax to make Companies Pay if they bring in automation that takes away american jobs. Thats the kind of idea. Got a good, positive response here at the New Hampshire state democratic convention. I think youre going to hear a lot of people talking about that idea. So its putting out important ideas, showing people that we really can do a lot more for working people than this country is doing right now. Rev, things can happen in a matter of days. A good idea can spread really fast nowadays. The problem with good ideas in this political season is getting it out there because the president keeps so much noise going, and theres so many candidates. How do you break through to get your ideas to the maximum amount of voters that maybe something could change. Yeah, rev. Look, i mean, this is the beauty of the of age social media. You dont need to have a huge amount of money if youve got an idea that really medians something to people and they feel it in their hearts. Ive been talking from the beginning of this campaign about putting working people first. And everywhere i go, in New Hampshire and all the other states i visit, this message really resonates with people. I talk about the things weve done in dork, prek for all our children for free, paid sick days for working people, 15 minimum wage, guaranteeing health care for folks who dont have health insurance, literally giving them health care directly. Green new deal were implementing in new york right now. People hear this and get encouraged. If you believe that progressive voices are needed in this discussion, if you like the kinds of things ive done in new york, please go to bill de blasio. Com and donates at least 1. Thats how i get on the debate stage in october. But rev, its going to a powerful idea a powerful message can spread so quickly. Ill take this automation point again. Andrew yangs been talking about automation, but his solution is the wrong one. He talks about universal basic income. That means folks who lose their job get a check once a month for 1,000. But they dont get anywhere near the pay they used to get. They dont have the dignity and security of a job, they dont have a profession or trade. Thats not a solution. In fact, cynically i could say some people, maybe not him, but some of the folks in Silicon Valley are doing it to automate millions of jobs. People are worried about theyre not going to have a secure future, and im offering a plan that actually could address it and save millions of americans jobs. Thats something a lot of people are going to care about. If enough people get the word, i think it could make a huge difference. You wont be on the stage thursday night. Will you be watching the debate . What do you hope will be some of the issues that the american viewers will be able to see absent de blasio on this stage . What do you think will be discussed by the candidates . Well, rev, i will tell you. First of all, this has to be the party of working people. Right now it is often not perceived that way. We lost in 2016 because democrats, a lot of people, particularly in the midwest, felt democrats were not focused on labor unions and working people and their needs. I hope the debate is about how we actually rise up working people of all backgrounds. Because this could unite this country. I hope the debate is about 15 minimum wage, universal health care. Theres been differences in the party over that, but its a healthy debate. Rev, the thing i really get worried about, and a lot of the commentators push in this direction. Electability means we must have a the more candidate. I think its exactly the opposite. I think electability requires a progressive candidate, a passionate candidate, a candidate whos ready to change things and attack is status quo. Democratic voters arent going to come out for a candidate whos going to leave things the way they are. All those folks who dont vote, whoever the folks are that didnt vote in 2016, theyre not going to get motivated by a message of things are going to stay the same. Theyre going to get motivated by a message and a plan to actually address the inequalities in our society. So i hope the debate actually brings that out in the open. Were not looking for a democratic candidate whos sort of the least offensive. Were looking for a democratic candidate whos going to make the most change and has the most passion and is going to convince people that their vote matters. All right. Mayor bill de blasio, thank you for being with us tonight. Thanks very much, rev. Dont miss tomorrow, another president ial candidate will be on politicsnation, senator Kamala Harris sunday at 5 00 p. M. Eastern on msnbc. Coming up, President Trump has a blacklist full of blacks . Ill explain, next. If you live with diabetes, why fingerstick when you can scan . With the freestyle libre 14 day system just scan the sensor with your reader, iphone or android and manage your diabetes. With the freestyle libre 14 day system, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose levels any time, without fingersticks. Ask your doctor to write a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. You can do it without fingersticks. Learn more at freestylelibre. Us billions of problems. Sore gums . Bleeding gums . Painful flossing . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. Wayfairs got your perfect mattress. 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You see, last week actress and nbc alum, debra messing, best known for his leading role in the sitcom will and grace retweeted a photograph of an Alabama Church sign that read, quote, a black vote for trump is Mental Illness on one side, and a white vote for trump is pure racism on the other. I detect few lies on that latter point, but i digress because what really got under the president s skin at the same time was messing tweeting that the attendees of a Beverly Hills fundraiser should be made public. The president said the actress wants to create a blacklist of his supports. Also accusing her of being a racist because of the terrible things she said about blacks and Mental Illness. And, of course, calling on her to be fired by nbc. Now, im no republican, but even i dont endorse telling black americans how to vote. We are not a monolith. But ms. Messing apologized for retweeting the church sign, mr. President. I wouldnt have, but i guess thats why her best known character name is grace. She also explained that black voters are being expresssuppres your party, the Republican Party, and many of the violent bigots in charlottesville, virginia, were your supporters. Few lies detected. So for you to call anyone a president , President Trump, is the pot calling the kettle, well, you know what. But while were talking facism, last month several real news outlets reported your political allies are raising funds explicitly to dig up dirt on journalists critical of you going into 2020. My guess its for some list of some kind, or one with dark intentions. And it all fits, since you started off by blacklisting muslim countries, moved on to pesky reporters that dared to do their job, and then, of course, theres the blacklist of all, all the black journalists, politicians, athletes, grieving war widows, and whole nations youve insulted since taking office. 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Were less than a week away from the next democratic debate. And at this stage of the game, its important to note who black voters are supporting and not supporting to the extent some might expect. According to the latest National Morning consult poll, joe biden has a healthy lead among black primary voters, coming in at 38 . In second, 16 points behind is Bernie Sanders. But with two wellknown black candidates in the race, senators Kamala Harris and cory booker, why are two white men leading with this key demographic . Joining me now with her take, Political Writer maya king, and back with us, my panel, republican strategist sarah longwell, and former back home aide, chris lu. Maya, in your article in politico, why are you finding black voters are seemingly supporting, according to these polls, joe biden and then Bernie Sanders . Is t as it we are no longer in a certain category of voters, that white women voted more for trump than Hillary Clinton, or people are into who they think can defeat donald trump . I think thats exactly it. I think black voters are well aware of the fact that the stakes are very high in this election. And they are putting their vote behind the person who they believe has the best shot at winning. So among older black voters, thats joe biden. I mean, hes the only candidate who has already spent eight years in the white house as a Vice President. Black voters see the evidence and theyre saying, this is the person who im willing to put my support behind. And i think that black voters, its important to note, are very careful voters. And they understand that they need to really think about whats at stake here. In thinking about their vote for joe biden, its just a safe bet at this stage. But the numbers could change, you know. Were still very early in this race, and next week it depends on everyones performance. But you can bet right now that if you have the black vote behind you, you are sailing to the nomination. You cant win without the black vote, and weve seen through his Different Things happen differently. I won the black vote in washington, d. C. , but john kerry and john edwards did better with black voters in south carolina, same election cycle. People vote sometimes to make a statement, sometimes to say i want to see the ultimate winner. But in this case, is it the kind of bias that many blacks perceive about the Trump Administration that really exacerbates that feeling of i want to vote for who i think can really take him out of office . Oh, this is certainly a referendum on President Trump, absolutely. But this is also, like i said before, this is a knowledge vote. This is an understanding of the fact that they know who they believe can actually get in office. But i look at the numbers with younger black voters who have supported sanders, and theyre thinking the same thing about their candidate. Theyve looked at the policies hes put forward. Theyre looking at the things hes saying and they like his plans. And so for black millennials, its more of a sanders vote. Chris, you worked for president obama. And i recall in 07 summer Hillary Clinton was outpolling him with black voters. And as he kept building and finally won iowa and it became believable he could twin nomination, black voters started shifting in big numbers to obama. So this could change as late as iowa. Absolutely. For a long time people thought joe biden support was based on name recognition. But its also based on loyalty. Black voters understand that joe biden was a loyal Vice President to president obama, helped him get through recession, pass health care, and stand up to republicans. If you go back to 2007, obviously bill and Hillary Clinton had a huge amount of support within the africanamerican community. That took a long time for barack obama to really capitalize and he was able to do that after he won the iowa caucus. So theres plenty of time for Kamala Harris or cory booker or even Elizabeth Warren to capitalize on that. But whats also important with joe biden to understand is people just want comfort, they want familiarity. They want normalcy. There are voters in the Democratic Party who want big, radical change, but if you want things to go back to the way they were, joe biden is a good bet. Trump has done anything but reach out to black voters. We heard a lot of rhetoric before the 2016 race, we want to reach out and weve not seen that reachout. In fact, weve seen the opposite with President Trump. Can the Republican Party win if they lose overwhelmingly the black vote and atlas huge black turnout in the general election next year . No, they cant win. And i just want to just throw my hat in on joe biden here. Because i think that joe biden can steamroll this election. I look at these Democratic Candidates and it looks like theyre running for the mayor of berkeley, california, as opposed to the president of the United States. They have to win in wisconsin, in pennsylvania, in michigan. And joe bidens the kind of candidate who can not only win africanamerican voters but White Working Class voters, those trump obama voters that were lost in 2016, rightleaning independent voters, some of these republican women in the suburbs who find trump totally distasteful. Thats an opportunity to bring the coalition together and win by high margins, not just beating trump, but potentially beating trumpism and really teaching the republicans a lesson for going with somebody like this. Maya, thursday is the third debate. If you were given giving advice to joe biden, Bernie Sanders u liz warren, Kamala Harris on what they need to do to increase their support or maintain their support, depending on which of the four i named, with black voters, what would you advise they do . I would advise them to remember that black voters are not a monolith. What these candidates have to remember is while these numbers are moving in very similar generally directions, there are a lot of different agendas at play in this election for black voters. And the successful candidate will be the one who understand that, and the one who is willing the demonstrate that they understand that. It goes beyond just membership and organizations and willingness to put themselves out there. Its really being on the campaign trail and working for this black vote. Well, i couldnt agree with you more. I think, chris, one of the things we dont talk often about with president obama is he really did work from the ground up the black community. Thats exactly right. Just to follow up on your previous question, i want to hear more from the candidates about how were going to solve some of these disparities, whether its in education, health care, employment that still plague black america. Specific. Theres a race gap in these areas and theyre not saying how to close the gap. Black unemployment is still twice as high as white unemployment, and that needs to be addressed. Maya, great piece in politico. Chris and sarah, thank you for being with us. Meanwhile the devastation continues in the bahamas, which was decimated by dorian. The storm which has now been downgraded to a posttropical cyclone has been blamed for at least 43 deaths in the country. And that number is expected to go up, quote, significantly. Coming up at 6 00, my colleague, richard lui, will have special live coverage of dorians aftermath right here on msnbc. Coming up, members of congress return to washington monday and its shaping up to be a chaotic week full of legislative hotbutton issues, and a deadline driven agenda. Will impeachment be the main topic on everybodys mind . Be right back. At fidelity, we believe your money should always be working harder. Thats why, your cash automatically goes into a Money Market Fund when you open a new account. And fidelitys rate is higher than etrades, td ameritrades, even 10 times more than schwabs. Plus only fidelity has zero account fees and zero minimums for retail brokerage and retirement accounts. Just another reminder of the value youll only find at fidelity. Open an account today. Youll only find at fidelity. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. So youre with the ups store . 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Oh oh oh ozempic® announcer if eligible, you may pay as little as 25 per prescription. Ask your Health Care Provider today about onceweekly ozempic®. House Judiciary Committee chair jerry nadler is escalating the case for impeachment with the Committee Vote on wednesday that will define the parameters going forward. Beyond that, zmarlgnadler and h counterpart are looking into have wanted mike pences stay at a trump hotel in ireland. And the president s intent to host the next g7 summit at his resort in miami. These instances are a part of congresss Ongoing Investigation into trumps entanglement with his personal properties. Its just one of the factors that play ahead of wednesdays vote. Joining me now, a member of the house Judiciary Committee who will be casting a vote wednesday, texas congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee. Congresswoman, will impeachment be the main focus as Congress Comes back to work this week and the house Judiciary Committee convenes . Reverend, thank you so much for having me. Clarity will be the focus of the congress when it comes back, and that is clarity to the American People, that our task constitutionally is to deal with the ills of this administration and impeachment is certainly a form of holding any president of the United States accountable. Many of us have already written our altrticles of impeachment, have. What the committee is doing is right, a methodical placing before the American People one witness after another. We saw a sizable number of increase of people who indicated their willingness for impeachment after the mueller hearings. And he emphasized in particular that the president had obstructed justice and that if he was a civilian, he could be indicted. So what were going to do is show a number of other witnesses, reverend, cory lewandowski, the pressing for white House Counsel mcgahn. Those individuals were aware th violate the law, such as, in particular, lie to indicate that he had not the white House Counsel had not been asked to fire director mueller. So, away we so, what were going to do is lay it before the American People and move it to a point that we will make a determination whether we should file the articles of impeachment. Now, even as we move towards seeing which way the Committee Moves and the congress this week, the political fallout is already happening. Ill keep an eye on texas, in fact, ill be preaching at Lily Grove Baptist Church in houston in the morning, reverend terry anderson. Outstanding. And i noticed five republican congressmen in texas have announced theyre not running again. I believe congressman conway is the last one. What is going on in texas, and does the Democratic Party have good candidates that could possibly take five seats or three of the five seats . Whats going on . Well, i certainly think texas, reverend, is a laboratory for understanding that there is a toxic atmosphere out there for republicans. These are our friends and part of our delegation, we work together, and they may offer a variety of reasons why theyre not running, but its very difficult to run with President Trump at the top of the ticket. Heres a man who shoves you into his hotels internationally, heres someone whos being investigated about payouts for hiding affairs with women while he was married. Heres someone who continues to reject the idea that russian interfered with our elections, continually speaks about his friendship with mr. Putin, who is constantly our adversary and is intending to intrude and to infect or try to infect the elections of 2020, so its very difficult to have someone who says that the Hurricane Dorian, when it struck the bahamas and category 5 is going to alabama and continues to misrepresent to the American People. I think we have some very good candidates here. We have some good people in texas. We want to represent texans in the United States congress as democrats and all of us, reverend sharpton, when we respect our districts and i represent the 18th congressional district, i represent people from all parties. I represent them and want to hear from them and work for them and so if democrats are elected in these districts, and i think they can be, many of the districts, they will represent all of their district and they will serve the American People and the people of texas. You mentioned the bahamas and certainly youve been one that have worked in lot of crises around the world. Your reaction to what is going on, this total, total devastation in the bahamas, puerto rico, and our concerns for people up around the east coast and southeast of this country. My prayers are certainly for my fellow americans along the east coast. I think they were well prepared and we pray for them to be restored and certainly stand ready to help them. But it is clear that category 5 that was not acknowledged that could happen did happen and there is sheer devastation, unspeakable devastation that no one could even imagine in the bahamas and theres a group of us, members of congress, that are attempting to go down next week. Congresswoman wilson will be going down tomorrow and were working to do a number of things, temporary protective status, and to check on the issue of those in the United States who have visas that may be expiring but the real issue is that we are pushing this i just had a press conference today, reverend, in houston, asking for sort of a expanded international effort. We know the United States is working. A lot of assets down there. The coast guard has been stupendous in rescuing getting people out, if you will. Rescuing people. But and Great Britain and canada but we need a worldwide effort. We believe there are a lot of dead and we know that people need to have resources where they are. A lot of people trying to get out. A lot of people cant get out. We want to help the government, we want to help this country stand on its feet but its going to be a long, long, long time and what we said to the people in the bahamas that were going to stand with you. All right, texas congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee, always good to have you with us. Thank you, sir. Up next, my final thoughts. Stay with us. Guys, i want you to meet someone. This is jamie. Youre going to be seeing a lot more of him now. Im not calling him dad. Oh, nno. Look, [sighs] i get it. Some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, were all in this together. Right, champ . Im getting more nuggets. How about some carrots . You dont want to ruin your dinner. Youre not my dad thats fair. Overstepped. You get more than. YourFree Shipping. 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Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis, the number one cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Ask your doctor if eliquis is whats next for you. When we look at the devastation in the bahamas, when we look at those that have relatives, that have lost their lives, 43 and the number is to increase significantly. 70,000 or more homeless, and we look at those along the southeast and eastern seaboard of this country that have been rendered some of the most horrific things that one can have in life, all of their belongings gone, relatives harmed, and as i said, some losing their lives. Its a time for the whole world to come in and help. This is beyond party. This is beyond whether youre progressive or liberal or conservative. If you dont have a feeling for fellow human beings who are victimized by natural disasters, it tells you something about who you are and who you are not. I salute congresswoman Frederica Wilson whos going tomorrow. I join congresswoman jackson lee in calling for international intervention. There comes events in our lifetime that call for us to rise above our differences and have a commonality of saying that we, as human beings, must always stand for what is best for human beings that suffer. Some now not knowing where their visa status is, afraid to even inquire about their relatives because they dont know if it will lead to inquiries about immigration status. Imagine that kind of stress while youre dealing with that kind of grief. And that kind of homelessness and the complete shattering of your lives and your homes and your family. Lets not only pray, lets act and move on the world to act with us. That does it for me. Thanks for watching. Ill see you back here tomorrow at 5 00 p. M. Eastern. Up next, richard lu picks up the coverage. And hello, everyone, im richard lui live at msnbc headquarters in new york city, talking about Hurricane Dorian today at this hour. It is still putting out Hurricane Force winds, it is making its way to nova scotia and canada. Take a look at this crane that collapsed under the heavy winds of dorian. Were starting to get videos and

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