Last time a Prime Minister from india visited washington back in 2009. That one was the first full blown state dinner. Capital s, capital d state dinner of the obama presidency. A virginia couple somehow managed to get into the steak dinner, everyone though on the official guest list, their names were nowhere to be found. On behalf of michelle and myself, welcome to the white house. Once inside, they snapped photos with everyone from white house chief of staff to Vice President joe biden. Twice. Pictures were then posted on facebook. Everyone who enters the white house grounds goes through magnetometers. They got so far as to shake hands with the new president of the United States during this formal event where you think there would be security everywhere. It was the first one that happened in public. We later learned that a couple of weeks before, without an invitation, in november, 2009, just a couple of weeks before that, during president obamas trip to asia, specifically on the way to the president s visit to south korea, there was a u. S. Military plane that got held up in tailand. It was not able to take off for south korea. One of the secret Service Agents had gone missing. He had gone missing in a brothel in thailand. Rather than hold up the whole plane, a secret Service Supervisor agreed to stay behind in thailand. He was drunk in the aforementioned thai brothel. The secret service shipped him home, flew him commercial, apparently at great expense to the american taxpayers. He reportedly faced no punishment. And then came the very serious incident in november, 2011. A man parked six football fields away managed to hit the upstairs residence of the white house while the president s daughter and motherinlaw were at home. We now know just how much the secret service bungled that response. Its important to note where the shooter parked. Thats where the shooter was located that night. Turns out, in the months before that shooting, secret Service Officials pulled agents away from that area of the white house grounds. Agents were dispatched to drive to maryland at the request of the head office. To instead, drive to maryland and check on the directors assistant. The director of the secret service was watching out for that person in maryland instead of watching the southern border of the white house grounds. Up until a few months before the shooting. They called it operation moonlight. That was 2011. In the spring of 2013, the staff at this hotel called the white house to report that a man was demanding to be let into a womans room at the hey adams. The agent had reportedly met this woman at the hotel bar and spent some time with her in her room that night. He apparently wanted to get back into her room to retrieve his bullet. She did not want to let him back in and ensued a hullabaloo when the secret service tried to force his way into the room. That agent was a senior supervisor in charge of overseeing the president s security detail. And in trying to force his way into this room, he apparently forgot that that was not his only indiscretion. It was also discovered in the routine followup there after turned out that he and another secret Service Supervisor had been sending suggestively sexual emails. Both were removed. But not before was discovered with the subjective emails. He, specifically, had also been one of the agents tasked with what went wrong in the giant hooker scandal, involved in hiring prostitutes and getting into disputes over how much to pay those prostitutes ahead of the president s trip in columbia back in 2012. So the bullet in the hotel Room Supervisor was picked with this ongoing scandal and ongoing story, it seems like every time theres a new detail, every time we find out something new, another shoe drops. And the second shoe was way worse than the first shoe. It seems like Something Else has happened. The pace appears to have picked up. And these stories are now just coming out one right after another. Lets start with the end of last year, december. We saw this strange story unfold in south africa. This was the memorial for nelson mandella. At some point, it became clear that the person standing next to the president , the person interpreting that speech for the hearing impaired was not interpreting that speech. He was essentially just standing there next to the president and moving his arms around, which was sort of funny at first and definitely strange and, obviously, offensive to some people for obvious reasons. But then when you stepped back from what was so strange, funny and even offensive, it turned out to be sort of alarming. He turned out to be quite mentally unwell. He was charged with murder back in south africa. The secret service is not supposed to let that happen. Three months later, three secret Service Agents had to be sent home from the netherlands. They were found to be totally drunk. Two months later, in may of this year, a male driver followed a car that was carrying president obamas daughters. He followed it into the white house gate. He was following the motorcade. And, in so doing, he was allowed in. That doesnt explain why the secret service let him in. And then september happens. First, were told that man was not armed. And then we learned, in fact, he was armed with a knife. At first, were told hes tackled as soon as he made it into the white house. And then we learned, he made it deep into the white house before he was stopped. We initially thought he had won through the white house by this path that we have marked here. Now we think he actually took this path before he was tackled by a secret service agent. And then, today, as the director of the secret service was testifying about this incident with the guy getting into the white house with a knife, as she was testifying, its further reported that the person who finally put a stop to this was not even a secret Service Officer to the whitous or to the area where he brought down that armed intruder. The agent who brought him down was not even on duty. He happened to be sprinting through. Had that happenstance, who know where is that armored man would have wound up inside the white house. As we were absorbing that detail, we learned three days before that, secret Service Agents allowed president obama to ride in a elevator with a man who had a criminal record and a gun. A security contractor with a gun and three prior convictions for assault and battery was allowed on a elevator with president obama during a september 16th trip to atlanta. Agents questioned the man when they used a National Data base check. At some point in the encounter, the man agreed to turn over his gun. They didnt know the that the guy in the elevator with the president had a gun. It is stunning to have these stories break one right after another. These new breeches, these new incredibly damning details. I mean, to have these stories breaking, even as a congressional hearing is underway thats supposed to get the current director of the secret service to answer for the agencys shortcoming, right . Its not a coincidence that were learning all of this new information from the press right now. It seems like it may be, itself, a symptom. All of this reporting that were getting right now, about new things that went wrong inside the mission to protect the president that we didnt know were wrong before, all of this new reporting is coming from leaks. Theyre linked to this agency which, after all, is a secret service. In an agency where things keep going very wrong, and they seem to now be going wrong on an accelerated pace. People who think the secret service is screwing up, people who think the secret service is not keeping him safe, theyre leaking it to reporters and members of congress. The Ranking Member of the committee that held this oversight hearing today had this to say after the hearing today about all of the leaks and whistle blowing and what it says about this agency. When you have secret Service Agents who are more comfortable talking to members of the media than whistle blowers because theyre in fear that theyre not going to be listened to, it seems to me almost impossible to correct that situation. Almost impossible to correct that situation. What are we going to find out next . Joining me now is the Washington Post reporter who has led the way on so much of that reporting. Carol, thanks very much for joining us again. Nice to see you. We have two new revelations. The person who took down the intruder was an offduty agent. Do you think we now understand the truth about those stories . And did i accurately summarize them . Yes, of course you did. I didnt mean that to be a tease. I just feel that there are a lot of details that the secret isnt willing to provide. Is obvious to me, that sources weve couple vated for a year and a half who care deeply about the reputation of this agency want to make sure that this becomes public. We will see, as time goes on, what we learned. You know, its something that we had heard about in the last couple of days. A couple of things were going on. A whistle blower, very motivated. Very caring and went to the congressmans concern about protecting himself and making sure that this lapse was made public. The people said come on, you guys dont realize that about four days earlier, the president was on a elevator, a small utility elevator inside the cdc complex, with a guy with a criminal record and with a gun. It checked out. And the secret service told us tonight that they are investigating this to try to understand better what exactly happened. And how the security protocols broke down. When you talk about the whistle blowers who are very concerned about the reputation and the performance of this agency, why do you think the public is the fix of the agency . Do they know what it would take . I think you and i talked a little bit about it last night. I dont want to make a group of people into one cliche. People have known for at least 1 1 2, 2 years that people think this agency is reactive. It doesnt expect to see one. Its not properly training and gurding itself for one. Two, the training is pretty meager. The standards that the secret service is supposed to uphold are not sort of drilled every day, every week. If nobodys coming over trying to assault the white house, you can get tired, you can get bored. Third, the morale, the staffing, the uniform division, the group thats responsible for this complex, theyre treated as sort of second class citizens and those guys are beat down. Theyre getting called in to work on their off days. What i keep hearing about the luster is boiled down to sort of just one thought which is why cant we be the the thing that we used to be . Its going to take some serious intervention. Its clear that this is going to have to be a big change, not a small one. Thank you for your ongoing coverage in this. Thanks. Thank you, rachel. Lots more ahead, including some latebreaking news about the ebola virus in the United States. Please stay with us. Ah come on lets hide in the attic. No. In the basement. Why cant we just get in the running car . Are you crazy . Lets hide behind the chainsaws. Smart. Yeah. Ok. If youre in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. Its what you do. This was a good idea. Shhhh. Be quiet. Im being quiet. Youre breathing on me if you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Head for the cemetery first thethen a littleeckin. Weekend to remember. Join us for the celebration package. With sparkling wine, breakfast and a late checkout. Doubletree by hilton. Where the Little Things mean everything. I have a cold. I took nyquil but im still stuffed up. Nyquil cold and flu liquid gels dont unstuff your nose. Really . Alkaseltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. breath of relief oh, what a relief it is. Thanks. Anytime. For the first time, somebody who was not known to have the ebola virus has been diagnosed with having it here in the United States. Over the past couple of months, the american shadow of the Ebola Outbreak in west africa has been the story of the american aid workers and doctors who were working in the area. There have been 6500 cases reported already. More than 3,000 people are known to have died. And the american shadow of that west african crisis has been a small number of aid workers working in those countries. Those american aid workers and doctors have successfully been treated so far at hospitals in georgia and nebraska. A patient who was not symptomatic and had no idea that he was infected, he traveled to the United States and then was diagnosed with ebola here. The patient left liberia a week ago friday. He left liberia and arrived the next day in the u. S. He did not start to feel sick until four days later. The person first sought medical help two days later. Nobody appears to have recognized what it was or what it might be. The person was sent home from the hospital on friday, but then he came back to the hospital and sought medical attention again on sunday. And, at that time, the patient was put into an isolation ward on sunday. Just two days ago, that happened in texas. This isolation ward happened last sunday. That test, as of early this afternoon, turned up positive for ebola. So now what happens, best as i understand it, is this, the patient is in intensive care, being treated under Infection Control protocols at texas prespeterian hospital. What are the prospects for this patient . What are the options for his treatment . Is the hospital wellequipped to handle this difficult if not novel case to treat. By the time it was announced by the cdc today, its about four days when the patient started feeling symptoms and when he was admitted to that isolation ward in the hospital on the 28th on sunday, wednesday to sunday. Ebola is not transmitted by people who are got symptomatic. Once a person has a fever and is showing bodyily symptoms, this person was symptomatic and not in the hospital for most of the time between wednesday and sunday. Cdc says it will work to find everyone in that hospital. But heres the question. How much of a risk are those people at, and do we have the capacity to safely treat those people if any of them end up themselves becoming sick . Doctor, thanks for being here. Did i say any of that wrong . No, it was accurate. Whats the Immediate Response in terms of recognizing that this is what theyre dealing with and the initial handling of it . Certainly, were on the front line. We can move them quickly to the isolation room. Does it have to be a more advanced isolation . Actually, ebola is not easily transmitted. Its actually through secretions. So in the emergency department, the First Health Care professional that patient has contact with in a process we call triage, is just asking questions. And then, more specifically, the countries that are affected. If the answer to those questions are yes, then we immediately place a mask on them and move them to an isolation room where we can do additional questions and testing, if necessary. As the cdc tries to find anyone exposed to this patient, will they be giving blood tests to those patients to check to see if theyd been exposed or is it the sort of thing that you just watched symptoms develop . The blood test wont be positive until the patient becomes symptomatic. So the incubation period can be 2 to 21 days. We monitor patients that potentially have been exposed for 21 days mainly for fever. We bring them in for isolation and additional testing. As somebody who deals with these things in a big way and a small way as youre practicing in your involvement of academic medicine, are you worried about your ability to be anyone to contain this as it inevitably spreads around the globe . Very little chance that well have an outbreak in the United States. Dr. Bristo, thank you. Youre welcome. Well be right back. The guyt Composites Horizons to map their manufacturing process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. What they do actually is rocket science. High tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. Were just their bankers, right . But financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. In this case, our top lean process engineers. So they showed us who does what, when, and where. Then we hit them with the important question why . Why put the tools over there . Do you really need those five steps . What if you can do it in two . Whoo, thats an interesting question. 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For your peace of mind, the sleep number dualtemp layer comes with a 100night inhome trial. Call or click now. Call now for your free 50 savings card and catalog. A week ago today in Colorado Springs, a conservative fiveterm congressman did a Campaign Event in which he took questions from the audience. And, in response to one of those questions, congressman lanbourne dropped a bit of a bombshell. He and others had been privately urging generals in the u. S. Military that they should quit their posts in order to make a political point against president obama. A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes saying, hey, if you disagree with the policy that the white house has given you, lets have a resignation. Lets have a public resignation and state your protest and go out in blaze of glory. I havent seen that very much. In fact, i havent seen that at all for years. Sitting member of congress, both the House Armed Services committee and the committee for veterans affairs. He says he is talking to generals behind the scenes to encourage them to resign from the military. The tape of those remarks was friday. The tape was last week after we launched a brandnew air war in syria. So a serving member of congress on the Armed Services trying to get armed generals to quit at the start of a war in afghanistan and another war in iraq. Which generals has doug lanbourne been trying to get to qiot. Who else has been doing this. When he says a bunch of us have been doing this, does he mean other members of congress are doing this, too. Why does doug lanboure think it helps the United States. The congressmans office told us on friday that a lot of us are talking to generals behindthescenes, his office told us that, in fact, the congressman was not referring to any current actions. He was referring to things in the past. This weekend, he told the Colorado Springs gazette he was talking about negotiations he had done when Defense Budget cuts were suggested last year. So that is when congressman lanbourne and others were encouraging generals to resign from the military. I have to say, that may be the explanation. Thats not really what it sounded like when he said it. Let me assure you on this. A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes saying, hey, if you disagree with the policy that the white house is giving you, lets have a resignation. State your protest and go out in a blaze of glory. The congressman is saying he forgot to put that whole statement in the past tense. He tweeted a link and said this, as a marine combat veteran, i know to keep my politics off the battlefield. Today, corey gardener also distanced himself saying that theres no room for partisan politics in the military. Both are in tough, close races right now in colorado. So its understandable that they would not want to be associated with, you know, effectively trying to inspire mutiny during wartime. But in addition, hes in a race of his own right now. And it turns out the guy that says hes urging the u. S. Military to quit the military, is himself right now running against a retired general, one with 32 Years Experience in the United States air force. Hes a conservative democrat and hes now running in a congressional case in colorado that just got a lot more interesting. We asked the congressman to come on the show again and talk about this matter. His office laugh and then said no. General halter, really happy to have you here tonight. Thanks for being here. Good evening. Thanks for having me. As i understand it, general, your district has a Huge Population of Service Members and veterans. How do you think they hear this when he makes a comment about want generals to quit . I was appalled. I had to ask them to show it to me twice before i believed what i heard. Having talked to veterans around the district, when theyve seen this, theyve all had the same view. It is absolutely inappropriate for them to be encouraging Senior Officers to resign their positions to make a political point. Is there any reason to believe hes just making this up . Theres always the possibility that he hasnt done any one of this. Or do you think that the congressman has been pulling off this sort of coup . Is there any evidence that this sort of lobbying is happening . It is interesting that mr. Lanborune will sit here and talk about it to the best of my knowledge, either. He is basically now in a position where hes spending time trying to back off from the remarks. But he has not denied them. He basically stayed with his story. Rather it was in the past or the recent past or the distant past, the fact is that he has done this. And i think if it was a madeup story, by this point, he would have decided to reverse course. Youve been through a lot in the military. After that kind of career, it seems to me that the world is sort of your oyster, at least in your field. The last thing i could imagine is wanting to serve with these guys in congress. Could i just ask you what made you want to run . I think like most americans, were all appalled at congress inability to get much done. This is not a partisan issue. That said, it is time for the nation to step up and use the experience theyve had in the military, also, my four years in business, and bring that practical experience to try to get something done. Democratic candidate in colorado against the lanborne. Thanks for your service. I really appreciate it tonight. Thank you. Weve got lots ahead including the best new thing that will mesmerize you. Tional is one of the busiest airports in the country. We operate just like a city, and that takes a lot of energy. We use natural gas throughout the airport for heating the entire terminal, generating electricity onsite, and fueling hundreds of vehicles. Were very focused on reducing our environmental impact. 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Unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. It lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. Ive never felt so alive. Get the future of phone and the phones are free. Comcast business. Built for business. Best new thing still to come. But, first, there is this. Just a few months after the last u. S. Troops left iraq, president obama made a surprise trip to afghanistan. He went there on the oneyear anniversary on the death of osama bin laden. He announced troops would leave afghanistan just as they had left iraq. The president said the leaving would be gradual but the u. S. Was already handing authority over to Afghan Forces and he said by 2014, the transition would be complete. That was may 2012. A few months later, a Master Sergeant with the u. S. Army in kuwait posed this haunting question to then defense secretary leon pi net that. We played this on the show when it happened. Im from the communications squadron. Looking at the longterm plan, my understanding is that the drawdown in afghanistan is not completely pulling out. So can we expect that five, ten years from now our children will still be serving in that region of the world to maintain stability . Five years, ten years from now, will our children still be serving in afghanistan, too . The Master Sergeant asked the question, we were about 11 years into americas war on afghanistan. Now were starting year 14. And today, in a development that the Beltway Press did not cover at all, the answer to that Master Sergeants question was finally, definitively given. And the answer is yes, yes. Five years, ten years from now, our children will still be serving in afghanistan. Its amazing to me that this is not seen as news in the Mainstream Press and in the beltway. But today, the American Government and Afghan Government signed an agreement that would leave roughly 10,000 troops in afghanistan basically indefinitely. The 10,000 american troops agreements signed today say it shall remain in force until the end of 2024 and beyond. So that happened today. And in the news, its being treated like some arcane domestic matter for afghans. Its not even being treated as an American News story at all. Something you might care about if youre an expert in the field or if youre in the military or studied landlocked central asia. This is a longterm agreement to keep deploying 10,000 american Service Members to afghanistan for a minimum of ten more years. It was never debated here. Our Congress Never weighed in. Even 99 of the pundit class totally ignored it. But it just happened today in the fine print in the middle of us already committing troops to our new war in iraq and syria. Now were committed to afghanistan basically forever. That happened today without a peep from washington. Apparently this is not supposed to be news for us. Not a matter for our politics. People talk about there being a civilian military divide in this country after so many years of war. This is why. They go again and again and again and again and again. Add another ten years to the 14yearlong war theyve already fought. And the civilian press and our civilian politics dont even pretend to notice let alone care. Its absolutely astonishing. To map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. What they do actually is rocket science. High tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. Were just their bankers, right . But financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. In this case, our top lean process engineers. So they showed us who does what, when, and where. Then we hit them with the important question why . Why put the tools over there . Do you really need those five steps . What if you can do it in two . Whoo, thats an interesting question. Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. A hundred percent bump in efficiency. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. But at ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. Okay. Best new thing in the world, this has no redeeming value whatsoever. But its mezmirizing. If you live in a swing state or swing district its all political ads all the time now. Million, many, many millions of dollars spent to show candidates at the ranch, doing stuff ranchers do, wrangling up a better america for you. Or candidates sitting in a local greasy spoon, where, of course, they always eat when theyre there, because theyre regular folks, too. Mmm, hungry. Or candidates in their offices, getting stuff done. Hard at work for you. Or a new one, candidates shooting stuff with guns because whoohoo, america. In the midst of the tide of political ads were dog paddling in, at slate. Com they edited together a super cut of what ive always thought of as the creepiest campaign trope of them all. Male candidates displaying for your pleasure the wife as political prop. Its always a little creepy at least in every instance, but when you put them together in a supercut, the trope blows up. You cant turn away. This is so good. Watch. You make me feel you make me feel like a natural woman woman when my soul was in the lost and found my husband scott loves to surprise me. Keeps the romance alive. I didnt know just what was til your kiss helped me name it now im no longer doubtful i will fight for you every single day. Thank you for watching. Admit it. Its absolutely mesmerizing. You cant look away. I mean, theres no right way, no right way to be used as a political prop, right . But there is a right way to show exactly how people use their political wives as political props over and over and over again. Slate. Com in this supercut, you have just cured all of us ever of seeing that trope that same way ever again. Best new thing in the world today. Thank you. I will never get that out of my mind. That does it for us tonight. See you tomorrow. Now its time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. I just cant figure out why that ad didnt work for anthony weiner. I dont know what it was. Thanks, lawrence. Well for the second time in 18 months, the secret Service Needs a new director because the current director simply cannot do the job. Yet another new report from Washington Post. The secret Service Allowed an Armed Security contractor with a gun an three prior convictions with assault and battery. On an elevator with obama. Another bad day for the u. S. Secret service. Its actually jawdropping. Every day, new details

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