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Powers influence in the west african nation. So i dont know who dont need the french army here. They say that they are here to help us. I dont trust them. It is time for them to go today. Hes to make them with it is stuff that i hear at moscow and moments off to 5 pm rural. Hard at work here at ot loading up your top stories, so welcome to them. A quote barbarous killing of russian prisoners of war. Thats what the Defense Ministry has accused. Ukraine of, of the videos of most online reported, showing Russian Troops being killed while held captive by key of forces. The m o. D u went on to say its actually a common horrific practice, often overlooked by ukraines western back us the intentional and methodical murder of more than 10 immobilized russian servicemen, by the degenerates from the Ukrainian Army with direct shots in the head, cannot be presented as a tragic exception by the key regime as a claim to preserve the rights of all captured combatants. The brutal murder of russian prisoners of war is not the 1st and not the only war crime. This is a common practice of the armed forces of ukraine actively supported by the key of regime and ignored by its western patrons. Lensky and his henchmen will have to answer before the court of history, the peoples of russia and ukraine for every tortured and killed prisoner. Oh i, we are about to show you pod all the footage in question a warning. You may well find it disturbing. The 1st video is said to have been filmed by ukrainian troops showing a captured and unarmed russian soldiers. The apparently being told to lie on the ground as they came out from deck cover. The 2nd video from a drone of pace to show the same group of soldiers in the same place now lying dead. So they are. Russian Investigative Committee has opened an inquiry into this alleged massacre. It says at least 11 soldiers were killed. All the Foreign Ministry says it will push for an International Probe into exactly what happened. We have repeatedly drawn the attention of the International Community to the cruel and inhuman attitude of the ukrainian side towards the detained russian serviceman. We demand that International Organizations condemn this, agree just crime, and conduct a thorough investigation into it. Last month, the United Nations identified a 2 cases of russian prisoners of war being tortured and executed by ukrainian soldiers. One of the gruesome incidents was film. The video went viral. I should warn you again, you may find the following images disturbing. The 3 russian soldiers are shown, had shot in their legs portly by ukrainian troops. And there also been reports of foreign mercenaries participating in similar war crimes. While meantime, the russian Defense Ministry emphasize that all ukrainian soldiers upon being captured are in spite treated in accordance with international treaties. Moscow and have also swap prisoners several times already during the ongoing conflict. Now, as mentioned, moscow has stated it will demand an international investigation. But former c i, a analysts, Larry Johnson believes thats unlikely to happen. He says global organizations have long been silent about ukrainian atrocities committed in don bass going all the way back to 2014. There will be no justice from the International Organization or the International Communities are corrupted. This was, this is reminiscent of all what the nazis did to jews. Story world war 2 fell, what reminiscent of what isis did to syrian soldiers, they captured well, you just line them up and shoot them in the back of the head. You know, this is, this is criminal activity that should be condemned by the international. But its not, i dont, i hold no hope out that that wont fact take place. This war started in 2014. And it has gone on nonstop with civilians and done that skill hans been killed and the world being quiet, been silent about it that has not been an uproar. Theres not been a demands for a cessation of those kinds of activities. But multiple explosions have been home in a russian border city in the belgrade region after ukrainian attack. That is, according to the local governor, a shells hit the area of a residential apartment block. And an Industrial Facility is where the stand power lines also sustained some damage. Meanwhile, russian strikes, targeting Industrial Infrastructure had been reported again in the ukrainian controls city of the project. Local officials, clayman ammunition deep. I was sit in the attack as well as work shop is for Aircraft Repair and drone production. The Emergency Service has have been working at the scene. A relentless battles are also across the front line of the don bass. They are continuing to fight for the lives of a russian soldiers in hospital. Now senior correspondent, but id guess he had visited ones touch clinic. I should warn you. You may find some of this report to stop. It is late in the evening. A car horn blairs outside in warding get ready. It says new arrivals are coming in with a hes the operating theatre in the hallway. Medical station. The engine driven here for 10 minutes away from the front flood. There stabilized here. And then they are taken to evacuated to, to medical institutions, hospitals further away from the front flood, further away from the frontline, for proper treatment. The job here is to stabilize patients to stop leading and get them to say, they cool all the doctors here, doc. They appear calm, collected exactly what people need. The si, fi is finished physically. Its difficult. Were just humans. We feel the pressure and the emotional strain, but we fight it. We cant show weaknesses to our soldiers. A, with all of these doctors, all volunteers, they used to work and well equipped hospitals with the latest technology and science, have to offer comfort and careers. It was good, and yet they came to, ive been a surgeon since 2002. I volunteered. If not us with our experience than who i followed my heart to be here, i came to help the doctors and the troops. Whats happening in the world is scary, but thats the reality. I came to help house and i will. 5 doctors work here. There are no shifts. It cant be. Sometimes they are all needed. A rest. Only when the cries die down them. And the nurses who are also civilly and volunteers look at these her shrunken. Were proud to fall girls and proud of myself. Im going to cry during the year when you were little going, we came to help our compatriots. Are you scared . No. Is it difficult psychologically. Sometimes midway, girls who can cry sometimes i think its hard for the man with for you know, that was when you have deep wounds from small pieces of shrapnel. Its sometimes best to leave them alone. Its like looking for a needle in a haystack. You can do a lot of damage, try and find the shrapnel, tweezers, scalpels and needles, can treat the flesh, but it is not enough. When the soldiers come here, they are at their most vulnerable medicines, wont cure the mind more dickerson preserved as if were merciful. We know perfectly well the conditions our troops leave in, in forests, in trenches. When we take them in, we support them. They need to be brought back their senses after war. Theyve been through. We all have them psychologically battlefield medicine. Hes is chaotic, his war. There are never enough doctors, not enough time. Never enough sleep. You just keep going. And eventually it pays off just with each of mishimoto lucia, leap away, patch tarpon evacuated are coming back here. They come in and they say thank you. Alive. Healthy with their arms and legs. There is no greater reward with worship. You stood for your good. So i looked to so can you, i believe i did my part, ill have the memories and i have something to tell my kids. Ill be proud of what i did. Wherever we fill on lease sector of the front line, we have to pay special attention nor to show any for example, military positions. Because all of that information can be used against them and we would have set them up. But the irony, he is the it is the same case with his hospital. So weve been asked to delay this report until theyve moved to a new location. Ah, i sure thing is her naughty wera angry burkina faso protestors of attempted a storm, the French Embassy and walker do go at the mon, you the french ambassador, be expelled a police using tear gas to disperse the crowds, who were as we had to stop throwing stones and well basically setting fires outside the compound. Protesters then reported headed to a nearby French Military base, chanting quote, down with france. Locals are accusing paris of being the root of booking a fast or problems. In particular, failing to help deal with a rising is the most insurgency of people also demanded cooperation with other countries, including russia on security issues. So we heard the thoughts of those in the streets. I dont wanna say, look, we dont need the french army here. They said that they are here to help us. I dont trust them. It is not accurate to for someone to accept your help. They say they are here to fight terrorism. We know they have the equipment to win this war. Ready and they are not winning, they should go now. It is time for them to go. Our goal today is to make them i only had about they had been silence and asked for 60 years. 60 years you have been helping us and nothing concrete. We ask him them to disappear. Francis game is over. They killed our grandparents, our mothers and fathers, and they still want to stay to kill us. We say no. Our eyes on our opens enough is enough. A journalist and the Capital Records of a piece for us are showing perhaps signs of a waning western influence in the region at lunch. Here in west africa, the misses is loud and clear, the opium countries. Ive been dawning beside the region, living the west africa leaders to take care of their home secrets. Phrase has shut, tao liber candle petition. We read a kingdom is pulling out for money. Now, joe, money is, i know it will leave you in studies issue mission in my lead by next you. But the one things at westlake div map maps has changed from, with time off. So with them into prison in west africa. Dear hi, these are still up talking away knob and unity of co opting in vis a hell or do poor poor citizen of security. And now the United Nation is warning it, but more wish for the people in religion because of the im conflict as well as global warming. In this a hell, the Climate Crisis is combining with increasing and stability and the low level of investment and development to create a disempowering mix that is heavily taxing. So, hellion communities with the added risk of jeopardizing the attainment of Sustainable Development goals. But there are some signs of here in west africa, countries in religion. Optic you model into rel hates 5, was often countries been lookin a plot. So i will goals guy and target have met last week to legalize aqua in cfc from 2017 which means they want to team up against violent extremism. Did bridger, we will sustain confidence to the efforts to were making and closer collaboration between the member states. Of the acura initiative, fighting terrorism is a collective effort. So we need to work together, and we shall succeed in whatever were trying to do. Deborah henri gun welcome. Besides that, west african countries are joining for shelly in tilly jobs and helping its our to secure the region m sites till this as the cannot relay any more on west lockers. Who took long term advantage of african horde. The kids. This nation must loudly on their home forces whatever. Who can help their ok to work with him, including russia was then li wurrell oddity. What got to woo hoo kit of us. Well, but kenneth also is not the only country where the public is currently opposing a possible military intervention. By external players, haitians have taken to the streets of their capital to speak out against a crippling property, as well as reported government plans to have the United States military come and stamp out that protest movement. Local correspondent that sent us this brief report on the occasion of 219 anniversary of the battle of valencia. The battle that allowed hated to become the 1st independent black people in the will. What was in date is of the political movement. Pizza, de celine took the sweets of the capital of what was to put this begins the military head. The choir minister, how young has requested is sent a message in one of the office of been to say that haiti does not want plains canada and the United States. They are asking for corporation that who held the current, the 2 cost well, a growing energy crisis, gang violence, and an overall very tough economic situation. Just spotting outrage among the people there. Its growing into a national crisis, but massive and sometimes violent demonstrations all across the caribbean republic. The i think president who critics accuse of assassinating his predecessor was to resolve the sand off not by stepping down all resigning as the protesters demand. But by inviting us lead nato troops to well, essentially occupy port apprentice and pacify the citizens by fours is what some locals had to say. And now we see that the country is sinking in chaos. Insecurity, high living costs. We have leaders who do not take decisions for the good of the country, but rather for their own personal gain of what we see the misery of the hate and population current lead the cross rows. There is no peaceful area in the city. The subway for Prime Minister says it justified the presence of Foreign Military aids and the country in a speech should his, her foundations of democracy forum. The former us president barack obama warned the freedom is under threat all over the world, including in western nations. These democratic ideas are currently under assault, around the world. We see it in the back sliding this taking place in what were well established democracies. We see them escalating polarization and this information. Well, as the world is met with various forms of new crises, the u. S. Democratic system is dealing with its fair share as well. Open alpha correspondents, steve sweeney. Hes got a bit more on the story. Washington always seems to call those countries in its cross hes, autocratic, or authoritarian, is the us itself really any different . The white house will often deny to those it deems on democratic with molly being a recent example, United States ability to, to help molly on the Security Side is greatly constrained now. First and foremost by the fact that there was a qu show under us law. There is a limit on how we can support government forces, as i said, in the context of appeal in till democracy is restored. So until 2024, but even more by actually net. So molly government made to get into bed with wagner. Does washington really have the right to do this . It makes a u. S. Look like some kind of autocratic general talk. Chrissy run by the very oligarchs. It so frequently decries elsewhere is electric leader joe biden is old and frail. Although hes considering running for the presidency, for a 2nd term, were lying on cheat sheets prompting him. How to behave, major gatherings of well leaders, a weekly to is usually surrounded with an aging establishment. And they are the ones with the real power. The 2021 senate was, for instance, the oldest in american history. The average age of us senators is 64. 3 years. Senator Patrick J Lee has been serving for 47 years. Chuck grassley, 41 years, while Dianne Feinstein is now the oldest sitting you a senator at the age of 89. 00 each. Me being challenges. But its also benefit when it comes to being in congress. Ive seen changes and trans not only in california, but across the country, not to mention animal than senate. Living through that has made me much more effective at my job. Such administrations usually have the packing of the armed forces in the u. S. We can see the growing military influence, the pentagon, for example, already plays a leading role in manipulating social media in support of Washingtons National security priorities. We conduct those operations in support of National Security priorities. What i would highlight is that they must be undertaken in compliance with u. S. Law and beauty policy. And we have safeguards in place and are committed to observing those safeguards. These are not Public Affairs operations. These are military Information Support operations. Many of those responsible for you as defense policies also have shares in military companies, including Lockheed Martin or raytheon, and boeing, which is a major conflict of interest. While a 2014 Princeton University study found that the u. S. Is an oligarchy. Multivariate analysis indicates that economical leads and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on u. S. Government policy, while average citizens and mass based Interest Groups have little or no independent influence. But anyone who dares to speak out against this is either branded of mystic terrorist or faces censorship and even being shut down altogether. So how can the us really lecture, others on democracy when it is falling found of his own all, but she standards its good to have your company today is ready. Troops have demolished at least 6 palestinian homes in the west bank. Its claimed they were constructed without official building permits. Now thats according to one local homeowner who himself was also targeted for demolition. I know, i hope this situation changes. We dont pose any threats with this is not even a road to what is really settlements. The closer settlements with us is 5 kilometers away. Were building a work in certain areas of the west bank require palestinians to get permission from the israeli civil administration. However, most applications are reportedly denied. So if homes are still built, they are earmarked for demolition with palestinians forced to pick up the tab. Now the un says a total of 600. 00 buildings have been demolished in the west bank and East Jerusalem this year. Essentially forcing people on to the streets and the man we just heard from who also lost his house, believes the demolitions are part of a wider israeli policy of oppression. Out of what can i say, how was it this is the israeli policy and the crimes. I should be expand and destroy this land doesnt affect them whatsoever. Well, why do they refuse to give us a permits . Even if they destroy it, the land is still mine for them. I suffered a great weekend. I had about 40 to 50 all the trees, and i removed them to build this house. An explosion has ripped through a gas pipeline near russias Northern Capital of some petersburg, at the blast, a spot, a huge fire will show you pictures here. Now the Russian Emergencies Ministry said h a d pressurization in the pipeline was simply to blame for the explosion. The fire has since been put on a control. Theres so to be no risk of anything spreading to any residential areas. We also understand. No one was reportedly injured wasnt good news here on the program. The 1st of a railway bridge linking russia and china has been officially opened a trains and are running along the line that crosses the imo to river. A construction of the bridge was carried out as part of an agreement signed between the 2 countries back in 2008. The bridge which carries twin trucks stretches 2. 2 kilometers, is predicted up to 20000000. 00 tons of cargo will go fear the new crossing every single year. Auntie dot com has lots of articles for you to catch up on. If indeed you missed any of our stories here on air, we back soon with more of your head. With only 41 percent of us, it does have enough savings to cover a 1000. 00 emergency. We have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing Financial Hardship because of medical debt. In america, we do have a welfare system wise to help people who are struggling financially, but its a conditional system. You have to prove to the government that you truly need help. The simplest way, like explain a basic income, is that its like Social Security for the rest of us. A basic income would be a Monthly Payments that would go to everyone. Does a 1000. 00 a month, no Strings Attached about i would like their me. I dont know, i just wont go crazy. The reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve it. And just that virtue of your being here ah, the watches are almost completely removed from day to day. Watch the american people. And so the american people, i believe, provided good information left to their own devices, were counter on far more reasonable foreign conclusions than are coming to about world events, right. A lot. We have which are ours. We might, you know, im not know, let you to really care about me. If you care about the play. I wish somebody could just tell me why her hair or lynching beating poverty, why supremacy is disgusting. Amber, the people in mississippi voted on a black and 65 percent of the people voted to keep the car flag. Our purpose is to, to fan the good name and get better help because of these monuments that you see everywhere are not. Can they not mind elect to the can better government, their monuments to the, to the soldiers that are, you know, if were going to be offended by everything, every negative part of our history, we have to get rid of everything a little, you know, one, no, no, not a little more real to what they showed up unit 731 was a unique Organization History of the world. What they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short, then build the most powerful and most deadly biological Weapons Program that the world had ever known. A real good, you know, to production issue or sure good. Did that theyre not eligible. No new. Suddenly blue shield he on more modern but you know, margaret thought this meant union from all. Why not . Ive been no, im, i got over much sale. I got job. I got on monday. I wish to know about dory hornet. I love you didnt or got more pushed in jail its i had to put the sco their mother and all your body bill. Could you go out cows . Nice. Oh boy. Good to go that route on what the on this the wow she my and new other. Im all, i can send more on all said mom, good student. I dont the year, youll not, im all for them out that they keep us together. Wynja felton is not, is, you know, but you know, even in europe, poor burgers still waiting for alternative Energy Sources continue to heat their homes the Old Fashioned way with firewood i sent you all. Hobbies comes in dusty. I was quite a pussy of just good sister, popish or mender, formed to talk to the increase that hes at watson in all craner or corporate religions options and to population to work these shows on question to, to stay on to do the craft gosh, clever from bush for to the inverse for the clever. He started causing ross, seems sheila, she did mention hands are fund. I just gotta love us its height on the sort muscle. Can i go into the home knox and partially also high . Gosh, that sites on the external transition from finance. Excellent. And all that fun with blue wanted to seeing how she uses wholesale them to call from was are here which party, honest, some minor for me on dish that decrease in citing life. I go on them. No distinguishing event of it seems halting, touch on the cell. Essentially what you house, he shot with fontes for palm made. The whites for state the small is actually the ones that come on a handle on also called the hot mix. Now you have a new phone in your closet kilometer on here. The hot no holds. You hopped on the quantity fun. Ill dig more space. Does i committed a mission tale . Yeah, so for the bas edelman with unfeeling return, its usually on to the point of view is to side woman ton of to skip to info. Its malcolm. Well, tough as you go up to about 912 and to no middle ah, i wish in monday nobody is in with i was curious person, im just from putting up recliner huntington off this vac fights finder gospel for him. Also slammed high by just much, much i guess move it on such a bonus touch and im not good it by protein. Ms. Melissa debates a heated in the bonus tag and also on the

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