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A warm welcome to conjunction, who has arrived in russias far east to hold talks with the russian leader. They shook hands at the best option, a customer jerome or the north pre and later arrived by train. R t correspondent, eagerness down off was there for the arrival and brought us these details on the north Korean Leader kim jones on the him. He has a right to the bus dont need cause much room in russia where he is meeting his russian counterparts. Vladimir putin. We couldnt have more of a front row to whats going to happen here. Were about to witness. Will they . Ceremonial is, the Supreme Leader of north korea is right now, being greeted by the russian delegation. Now the venue chosen for this meeting is far from the ordinary, inspired sort of palace. Its not any official office. Basically, this is one of russias most wrong send. Its the newest causing woodrow and its not a secret that north korea has attempted to add the pursuing its own Space Program earlier this year. They did try to adjust satellite into space and that emission, unfortunately fail. So russia, so if you can bring a lot to the table and to help out a lot too, but any meeting should be mutually beneficial and of course the washer could pursue planting from north korea. Now the world, if it has been the russian might seek to use and see what was koreas military Industrial Complex could bring to the table from this could be anything from more to shells. Do you waves to even mess of south rule . This is something that russia could benefit from, and the rushes confidence rushes military campaign in ukraine, sume. So sadly, a lot to look forward to given that the russian minutes stale. Defense is taking part in this meeting today to of hello for holding their tox president button and the kids on the tour and the stops need cause. The jerome with inspections of the young doris space rock and carrier, as well as the saw used to Launch Complex construction of the on gar began in 2019, and is now in its final stages. Its Launch Complex will allow Research Programs of the solar system and beyond that to be launched. The rocket itself does not use any toxic fuel components which allows for improved environmental safety. The 2 leaders had a brief Public Meeting before moving on to further tasks. Here again, as our correspondent, the 1st down off who is following the visit. Well, the rush of president has suggest finished giving a private brief tool around the facility for his north korean county costs. And this is the final leg over the somewhat public program. Here you can see that the on switch it out. Lets much time, very glad to see and welcome you in russia this time at the storage, the costs much room as we agreed. Our meeting takes place at the special time. Just recently. The democratic peoples republic of korea celebrated 75 years since the stablish events and 75 years since the establishment of the people in magic relations. Our country was the 1st to recognize the silver and independent dpr. K. We express our gratitude for paying such attention to our visit and that we were able to see with our roll nice the present and future of prussia space power. The soviet union played a great role in the ration of our country. And our friendship has the proofs and now adult priorities relations with the russian federation. I am confident that our meeting is a decisive moment for reaching a new level of relations. Russian or Foreign Ministry spokesman that marias like a robot, has the hell, the north tray and leaders visit as important and edit current and geo political realities are take on to speak to the diplomat during the 8th Eastern Economic form to talk about russias current role on the global stage, you can watch the full interview on era throughout the day here on our team. For now, heres a small preview to, as well, for almost 50 years, they managed to keep their true sentiments well, and without eradicating it, which is certainly sad. And they were all sorts of things that were a manifestation of racism. But it was all disguised grace. And so, and they denied it being such as they denied it in the wes, im in the interview and kept talking about human rights, or they felt the more they talked about it, the less insignificant this problem would appear. And the fewer people would notice it. And then it all got out of hands with the collapse of the bipolar world. The system that kept racism in check. In fact, it was the soviet union that initiated the the colonization process and supported the actions and aid not words, but the soviet union gone. It all started yet again, right from the beginning. The baltic states, for example, started segregating their own nation discriminating against their own citizens. They even devised a new concept of non citizens for part of their native population. The new negroes, as they call themselves exactly then, little by little as transnational corporations came into play. All this lead to the situation we have today with burrell saying that there is a garden and a jungle afterwards, instead of apologizing for his words, are taking them back or blaming it on a bad script or a slip of the tongue. You further elaborate it on the topic asserting that there isnt your goals and billions and apparently the rest of us who are not golden. And he said very clearly that the rest of the world must surface golden 1000000000. So suddenly a crane has attacked, the russian in the city of service, stop all with 10 christmas holes and the 3 unmanned boats. Initial reports say 24 people were heard. Ortiz, Steve Sweeney has more details. A ship loading pon has been struck. This is a problem that is essential for the repair of some reason, crosses a black sea, a fleet, the governor of sylvester bolt, is on the scene where Emergency Services are working to tackle what was being described as a huge blaze. Now, according to preliminary reports, at least 24 people have been wounded in the attack. Now the crime in bridge has been close to the traffic as a precaution rates measure of what the governor says that somebody a named plus drop to a safe spot. Russian, a dependency is what to repel. Another incoming missiles that was lost the crime in the opinion. She the rational sowards you say the situation that is now under control and the Defense Ministry have released this site to, nor do you create and you know, full says launch destroyed with 10 cruise missiles on the ship power plants in the city of service topple while 3 agreeing and on man boats attacked a group of russian ships of the black sea fleet. Its a c crossing air Defense Systems have shut down. 7 crews in this house and the russian patrol ship destroyed all on man boats. As a result of being headed by enemy cruises, sauce to ship sons of go in repairs were damaged. Now theres no clear on the stage, but of course west to be supplied. Weapons have been used on strikes inc. Crime a, a in the policy crime. It has become something of an obsession for you, cried you were cool. Of course the means that was a collective on social media coating for a breach policy, a set of ration in crime in the summer. Now course that hasnt materialize, it doesnt look like its going to materialize. Any time in the near future, ukraine has increased its attacks on the crime in peninsula in the last few months now of mine and a woman civilians on the whole, they were killed in one such attack. In the last few months i daughter was less seriously wounded. And of course, often as a result of that, what would you cranes, counter offensive feelings . Something which is now being acknowledged by the west. We are seeing more and more these acts of desperation. Meanwhile, a local reporter sent us this report from some estoppel, adding that the city authorities were quick to restore normality. Following the attack means these border did you what the movements life and the cities back to normal, public transport, Texas Services and all Online Services are oh, per 18. There are certain difficulties with mobile internet and the city center, but this has happened before since service. Nope. It was a military base there on north, many part of trucks, not a huge number of ambulances. All the victims were taken away immediately up to destroy, which was now is a specialist will have to do to them. And what sort of a mess was used. You and destroyed the youth, the supplied storm shadow, some ukrainian walker, or perhaps even the u. A. B. In these areas, military government announced on tuesday, it would scrap a military impact with neighboring but knee and accusing it of authorizing the deployment of troops on his territory. For a possible military intervention against me, share by the west African Regional block at the beginning has decided to consider and aggression against the share. Instead of supporting us, the republic of the banning has authorized the station angel soldiers and materials on their territory with the prosperity from gression by friends in calibration with certain eco us countries. The National Council for the safe guard of the homeland, the Government Companies here, has decided to cancel the military agreement of july 11th, 2022 with banning and re to raise their desire to avoid any escalation. Well, thats those locals and the government push for the total departure of french troops from the west african country. Local journalist sent us this report from the ground. The mobilization of the majority doesnt look too routine to the amount of the departure of principals this evening in front of the French Military breast in the army. They removed from several loads of hose to over by descending to reinstate imagine pricing and the implications. So thats practice and is sort of the new, the fun thing here for nothing seems to sure that the determination of the engine and people who have been mobilizing for exactly 42 days to see the funds 1st differently to like lee more do, most of our to yeah, are they right in president e stress to his country will decide how to spend the 6000000000. 00 unfrozen by washington under the us are right in prisoners swamp deal. Washington was clicked to deny. Abraham raised his assertion, saying it will closely watch the funds after the deposit then can tarry banks. The least money belongs to the rainy and people, the uranium governments. So the slamming republic of a wrong will decide what to do with this money. The facts of this arrangement are when this money arrives in these accounts in guitar, it will be held there under strict oversight by the United States Treasury Department and the money can only be used for coming in and touring purposes. And we will remain vigilant and watching the spending of those funds and have the ability to freeze them again if we need to. On monday, the Biden Administration informed the congress that had issued a blankets waiver for International Banks to transfer the a ran in funds held in south periods. Restricted accounts into time. The document allows european middle eastern and the asian banks to convert the frozen assets without violating us sanctions and move as part of the prisoners swap of 5 americans and 5 radians both sides agreed to last month. The white house decision has been met with criticism with the Us State Department stokes person being grilled during a news conference. So this whole thing about were not getting it. Were not doing the youre doing every year. Youre on blocking it basically your, your telling your actual bags and these European Countries in the age of the middle east that youre fine, go ahead and do it. So. Ready the idea that you dont have anything to do with it is i, i, i did not say that would not say that we are, of course, taking steps to effectuate the transfer of these funds to be the rent, ronnie, and funds. However, the point i take issue is to give something that must be something thats yours and this is not our money. Its is around in money to waiver, sorry, grant the waivers, then they wouldnt get them. Im not disagreeing with it. Although its, its their money in the 1st place, they wouldnt have access to it, they wouldnt, they wouldnt be able to effectively yet assume history repeats itself, the federal analyst sector. And so he decided gives us more background on the move. Its is certainly is a big amounts of money and by didnt have space strong Credit Systems back home. Some republicans have talked about the us being black means or having to pay some ras and money. Thats the truth of the matter is that this is not the charity money. This is the money that legally belongs to iran and has been illegally blocked by the United States. Just one point that is could be, could be related to the conversation is that when it comes to humanitarian issue, the United States has a very interesting background in that i can remember that due to these sanctions, you on has not, was not able to import medicine then it was dealing with 19 and then now they are talking about 2 minutes here in issues for people sitting here and to run. It sounds a little bit more ridiculous. The saudi arabia administrative education has instructed all public and private secondary schools and then kingdom to begin teaching at Mandarin Chinese twice per week. The director of one school says the move or bring opportunities for students that do have a Forward Thinking Initiative on why did a ship has taken steps to introduce a new curriculum for each of the chinese language. This edition represents a significant and reach wind up with unity for all students in the building the awareness and has in their knowledge, acquainting them with diverse cultures and equipment them with valuable skills that will prove beneficial in the future. Indeverus model there it will open up multiple posts, recreation opportunities for them. This initiative focus numerous advantages and holds great promise for all students growth and development. I see that more than a 7000000 students. So if again, the new semester at the start of september will be assigned to learn chinese every sunday and monday. The development as seen as important for the 2 Countries Increasing cooperation in the field of education. So the students say the chinese language can help them with more employment opportunities. I left, i saw that i have the Chinese Language Initiative is a commendable endeavor setting changes in high school can significantly enhance or post Education Career prospects like spending or Job Opportunities for my help. Im genuinely and susie, i stick about the Chinese Language Initiative because its not totally enrich, has also with other cultures, but also opens upgrade to a Job Opportunities fictitious organizations with rubbish assessments. Thats how the ukranian president s advisor has branded International Groups like the un and the red cross, the phones and the one thats inside the u. N. Is involved the absentee organization. This, i would say, is a Public Relations or a lobbying office to money for the good old people occupying certain leadership positions. The motions of all the by the you have will always be negative. Like any, all the international institution. Kind of, i a, the International Red cross, amnesty international, all these all fictitious organizations that pollutes all consciousness was absolutely rubbish. Assessments, if they had knowledge exists that we probably would have solve many problems better and foster. So this is what you would call a classic case of nagging, just like when a dude who has a ton of issues, a real basket case, were talking a solid to on the attractiveness scale, wants to get with a woman who he considers to be a 10 so in an attempt to tough her down to his level, he starts making snide boot jobs to make her feel more insecure. Like, hey, is your nose broken or is that just totally the normal or do you play right . Me or are your shoulders normally not big. So you practice famously corrupt and that direction is routinely boat. As a reason why the you cannot commit to making you create a member, and the fact that ukraine is in a constant state of conflict is also why nato wont touch it right now either. So now the, once these entourage is negative, all of these major western institutions basically saying were not perhaps your, perhaps all this talk about dating down not excepting ukraine because of your loss, the standards and youre not exactly great couches yourselves. Thats the message goal of the even the reg process being get used to quote radish assessments. I wish i had 5 that linebacker and i was a little kid, and the red cross issue report cards for swimming, lessons hate my back float, isnt a problem. This organization, just issues, rubbish, assessments. You havent been getting what it wants at the pace that it wants. No firm integration commitments, no western lead king reports to prosecute russian leaders. And she has is using this western foot dragging to lay on a guilt trip on the jeremy foreign ministers. Recent trip to quito ukraines chief diplomat sounded anything but grateful. You asked done it in a way that she gave me and you called about dollars. Uh no, i wouldnt say that the went to be on the official position of the german government. But you know, you will, you will do it anyway. Its just a matter of time and i dont understand why were wasting time. So because their box could not cost more weapons for kias right there on the spot. Instead she plugs more money, another 20000000 euro. So that should buy germany about 10 more minutes of peace and quiet. Its kind of like giving a kid some candy. So he shuts up just long enough so that you can watch your tv show a piece. But it really does not solve the root cause of the problem that your kid is just spoiled, demand a and a brass in this case that would be ukraines total unwillingness to negotiate peace with russia to the point of criminalizing any attempts to even do so. In this way, this interview with the western press in the economist. So lensky talks about the problem being, quote, russia remaining on freight and territory, while totally ignoring the fact that he has allowed his country to become basically a flop house for washingtons anti western interest. And if the west doesnt see his way, hes now suggesting that its ultimately going to be europes problem, not because of dangerous russians, but because of dangerous ukrainians go to in a to ukraine will only prolong the war. Mr. Zalinski argues, and it would create risks for the west end its own backyard. Theres no way of predicting how the 1000000 so if you green refugees in European Countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally behaved well and are very grateful to those who shelter them. They will not forget the generosity, but it wouldnt be a good story for europe if its worth to drive these people into a corner. Now he doesnt sound like a mob boss there at all. Nice place you guys have over there in europe. Would be a shame if something were to happen to it. Im sure that you for any and refugees fleeing complex would be absolutely thrilled to hear zalinski describe his own people as some kind of sleep for ages who could activate against europe if he doesnt get what he wants. The chairman of the german, that council for constitution and sovereignty. Ralph niemeyer says kids isnt doing himself any favors with these kinds of statements. I think they simply say they are the center of the universe im doing on your pregnant government at the moment. They are the solving themselves because they seem to have no real support anymore. Also not from washington because many of the senators, not all the republicans are saying why should be funded for this war. So they are running out of time and running out of money. So they have to blame someone else and thats what was going on at the moment. We can say, i mean this fine organizations of the red cross as the United Nations to text them when they dont speak the way that you wanted. That is really bad. A poland has said no to ukrainian grain, those are the words of the polish Prime Minister and this is the stands taken in his Election Campaign as well move. You mean . Yeah, lot of we say no to attempts to damage the polish agricultural markets, consumers and producers. It was our top position that led to the suspension of the importance of ukrainian grain into the you common markets. The e. U is now deciding whether to maintain the embargo, but i will tell you how it ends. Poland will not allow ukrainian green to flood us, regardless of what the officials and brussels decide. We will not open the border. It is, the polls will decide what our common whole will look like. The country is agriculture minister has reiterated this position, saying warsaw will extend the embargo on the print in grand enforced by the end of the week. He also made it clear that if the restrictions are lifted, there will be another big crisis to other European Countries. Hungry and romania are ready to do the same. And its not just the politicians romanian farmers are threatening to go on strike if this band is lifted. And meanwhile the u. K. Is ministry of defense has been us to give it down while training ukrainian troops out for locals got fed up with a loud sounds of explosions and gunshots. The constant complaints have not done on heard the lead military base has promised to cut down the frequency of the trainings by 30 percent and to reduce the duration and the intensity. We spoke to academic and independent journalist jason michael, who says these events show you, your opinions are growing tired of the conflict influencing their daily lives. These 2 areas, although seeming very different to the casual observer, are very much 2 sides of the same coin. People within the European Union will effectively act in their own self interest. And as this, this conflict continues on does. It continues to deepen, it continues to impact on the lives of people inside the unit. Certainly this conflict inside to pull them to between. You know, the economic agenda and, and brussels allows the agricultural economy in, in poland, exposes having weeks the european project can be, particularly when youre because wanting to follow what is in essence, also on the military agenda. This is only the type of an iceberg. We have talking about neutral members growing tie and all along critical support and soft mobilization effectively against russia. Certainly over the past 2 decades and more has grew and kind of the drum beat for war. As the russian Army Intensifies its advance on the front lines, our teller remains the key for dominance on the battlefield. Our Senior Correspondent morale gasdio visited the positions of the 348th or temporary regimen recently bolstered with former wagner p. M. C. 5 years. There are new paved roads where we are going to hide the behemoths of this conflict. The gets into be a 12 meter long out so far in a 150 to meet the shelves. One of the most feared weapons on both sides. This was nicknamed babe, to weigh 36 on the rough as most fifths of artillery pieces now. And if it counts a battery roll, so shooting shoes, he gets me outside of the target we are told is an american supplied m 777. How as far as out to 33 kilometers. But wow, the using standard explosives filled out the 28 kilometers. Most of the crew are troops mobilized in the russian city of costs. Throw my a year ago. They are now veterans. Yeah, but we do them. I was a jeweler for a very large company. I was mobilized and decided that it was my duty blanket or not people in 1941 didnt like it much. Either. It must be done. The enemy wont destroy himself, sees it is necessary due to not. So hes unusual. Come on, the more and more back in the veterans joining the russian army. They are often placed with fresh recruits, so they can share their experience. Many of his friends from bag of the have also joined the 300 and 48th regiment. Its just like old times a lot of stuff with logging to pay and see school go through for how long does 10 months still, but where did you find sending the solar down and by how much go with it. What was it like . I see, and it was just awesome. Full grad there is a special satisfaction. Todays look. He with list solid and back most. He has little a mushy for the enemy. And you sent me when you started and say themselves exterminate their own people. They killed their own citizens. Ukrainians. I dont consider such people to be righteous, they need to be removed. It would be better if they just left themselves. It will be much easier for everyone. The conflict remains that fee of a page with hundreds of tons of shelves and explosives exchanged daily and unimaginable ca call for the of destruction. We have no end insights. More i guess, do you have a t from the gun screeching list . Next year . Is us president ial election fast approaching the republicans and democrats are stepping up their campaigns. However, jo bidens latest Campaign Video focuses on his support view crane instead of issues at home. He entered ukraine under the cover of night, and in the morning, joe biden was shoulder to shoulder with our allies in the war toward street air raid sirens. The 2 men walked together in the middle of a war zone. Joe biden showed the world what america is made of. Thats the quiet spread of a true leader vice president. This comes as President Biden found himself on the wrong end of his latest gaff or visiting vietnam. He reveals he takes questions only from pre approved journalist. He also claims that he was at ground 0 in new york city the day after the 911 terror attacks. However, it his own autobiography stated, he was at a different location at the time. Legal and media analyst, lionel says, americans want to know where their taxes are going, is by then focuses on helping ukraine. I am very near times, square the cross roads of the world. And if i wonder with you, my friend right now and offered a 1000. 00 to anybody to even give me just the rudimentary issues involving green russia a little bit, your reaction better yet. Find you crazy on a map. No. Been terms of a Campaign Information or, or i dont question issues catch, know where to be found. If there is an issue that we have talked about, Many Americans are asking wheres the money going . And will there be some form of accounting us to, to, to where was directed . Im sorry to say, but it doesnt make any difference. People dont resignation as one present with a. With that say what ever you want. Dont worry whether youve done it or not, whether youve accomplished it, whether its part of your policy didnt matter. Just show people, show them power, leadership, good video, strong voice. Thats it. Whether it has anything to do with reality, it doesnt matter. To our news in about 30 minutes time in the meantime, be sure to follow us on social media including at the

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