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Shoigu to iran said Egor Grigoriev the Construction Industry is showing high growth rates, thanks measures of state support and a systematic approach. At the beginning of the year , more than 70 million m² of housing have already been commissioned. Mikhail mishustin held a strategic session dedicated to Infrastructure Development, and vera moroz etu will talk about construction plans and priorities a highrise building in the Moscow Region of pushkin is planned to be completed by december , 117 families from emergency housing should move here. In total, in the First Six Months of the Resettlement Program , conditions improved for more than 59,000 people. Mikhail mishustina at the strategic session on Infrastructure Development noted the high pace of construction over several years , demonstrating high growth rates, despite external restrictions and sanctions following the first ones. And seven months the volume of work increased by almost 9 , together with related spheres and housing and Communal Services put industries in the Gross Domestic Product exceeded 13 . Infrastructure development, the main driver of business and investment activity, as well as job creation , added the Prime Minister. Since january , more than 70 million square meters of housing have already been commissioned, and there are plans for 24 years. Build another 90 million. Only according to the project housing and urban environment more than 4 million, families were able to improve their living conditions, and in 2030 every fifth square meter should become new , special attention, it is important to pay donetsk lugansk peoples republics, kherson , zaporozhye regions. There it is necessary to create an urban environment in the shortest possible time according to the same standards that apply to all russian entities, in order to help the regions fulfill all the relevant tasks, new Financial Instruments were launched at the initiative of the president. Such as infrastructure bonds, budget special treasury loans are accelerating, and the development of road and infrastructure , noted Mikhail Mishustin , is laying new support highways across the country. Trails m12. Vostok recently opened a section from moscow to arzamas. It is planned that in december it will reach kazan. And then through yekaterinburg to tyumen, on its basis a highspeed road route will be created. Russia will run from st. Petersburg to vladivostok. More than 1,000 km of federal roads are planned to be opened this year. About 3,500 to repair more than half of the regional highways. Must be of high quality, thanks to the reconstruction of small highways, roads will be updated and in new regions more than 1,000 km, in order to restore bus services message, where it was broken and for the delivery of necessary goods and cargo. We also continue to rapidly develop road infrastructure. It is an important basis for the growth of regional economies, to increase business activity, the formation of new logistics routes for the development of tourism and makes cities closer to connecting people and business. At the same time, the government expects active participation. Business Mikhail Mishustin recalled the president s words voiced at the Eastern Economic forum about what to invest capital is needed, both in largescale Infrastructure Projects and in local ones, which will be used for the development of cities and tourism in our country. Vera moroz to lead. The autumn session of the state duma opened today as usual. It will be devoted to the countrys budget; in addition, the deputies priority is bills on social support and already at the first culinary meeting. The lower house of parliament considered several Important Documents at the okhotsk ryad. Our correspondent was there today. Varvara nevskaya parliamentarians returned to work. After the summer break in as part of the first Plenary Session of this session, the speaker of the state duma, vyacheslav volodin, addressed the parliamentarians , promising that the upcoming session will be incredibly busy; today , there are 13 bills in the legislative portfolio of the state duma. You remember that at the end of the spring session we said that we had less than 1,000 bills left. But as you can see, life stands still. Over the past summer , 105 legislative initiatives have been introduced. The priority in our work remains support participants in a special military operation and their family members. Therefore, we need to do everything on our part to ensure that our soldiers and officers do not need anything and know that their family is surrounded by care and attention. Traditionally, the autumn session will be devoted, including to the consideration of the draft federal budget for 2024, as well as for the planning period of 2025 and 2026, and the draft of the countrys Main Financial document will be submitted to the Russian Parliament before october 1 and the budget for the next three years. As noted here the state duma will have to respond to the challenges that our country faces, as well as solve pressing Development Issues on the legislative front. Naturally, we create conditions so that ours can withstand, so that our citizens who require social protection are protected on time and to the full extent that our potential budget allows us today. And, of course , the members of our special operation also participated in the fact that these primary bills were protected, of course, the basis of all this is a modern competitive economy, which not only competes, but also creates demand itself, based on the statements of duma leaders. Uh, factions of all five parties. This draft budget document will be incredibly socially oriented during the discussion, and the Budget Deputy will have to decide to increase the minimum wage by 18. 5 starting in 2024. As a result of the implementation of this president ial order , wages will increase for more than five million russians; the failure to implement social guarantees is also the main one. Priority parliament, it is very important for us that the budget is distributed correctly, the first main article is everything related to food, education, healthcare , science and culture, without this there can be no crafts. Here the year will be held under the banner of the urgent need to maintain the victory of nazism over ukrainian fascism and euroamerican fascism. This is an exclusively responsible task, the future of children, grandchildren and our historical state depends on it, therefore the budget this should be a development budget, a victory budget somewhere new technologies, our security budget, including food, is another priority of parliamentarians. And within the framework of the autumn session, this is support for participants in a special military operation for their families and new ones. We are counting on the adoption of our bill on the honorary title of hero city of a special military operation, at least donetsk lugansk, whose residents have been suffering from shelling since the fourteenth year and are bearing a colossal military burden. We will be undermined by the passage of the special childrens bill military operation. And, of course, dear colleagues, we, uh, today must make a decision, which i am sure will set a certain accelerated pace for our session, the day of reunification on september 30, donetsk lugansk zaporozhye kherson from now on forever on the political map of the world with russia red initiatives proposed by duma factions will be aimed at strengthening technological sovereignty, support for the economy and support for the population of the Russian Federation in particular, and for the fight against unemployment over the summer, our faction introduced 27 bills, which we hope consider some autumn session according to various estimates, despite the fact that unemployment is record low or maybe due to this there is a little above three percent in Many Industries there is a huge shortage of personnel , this includes manufacturing, its water supply and mining this is agriculture, tourism. According to the most conservative estimates, the country is short of 3 million specialists. Therefore, i believe that there are two things that we need to focus on this fall. This is healthcare and Education Training for personnel. We would like an autumn session the deputy is already known. There are several socially significant bills to be considered. Among them is the provision of the status of a social enterprise to those companies that hire participants in a special military operation who returned home from the front, and bills will also be considered on maintaining child care benefits for up to one and a half years in case of early retirement. It is the parents return to work, and the comprehensive rehabilitation of the disabled, and the opportunity to direct maternity Capital Funds to the American Residential houses. Another very important document is aimed at preventing unemployment and increasing the amount of benefits for those who have lost their jobs, but also in the framework of the autumn session for the first time in legislation. If the Parliament Approves a bill, categories such as self employed and platform workers, for example, couriers or taxi drivers, we have a huge number of working poor, and in this regard such measures as realistically two or three times increasing the minimum wage wages maintaining at least scholarships for our students at level of the minimum wage, real assistance to our families with children and large families, of course, all this needs to be done. It is imperative and when we consider the priority bills that our faction of the socialist party of a fair russia prepared for the autumn session on the territory for the truth. We hope that here in this room our ideas will be treated with understanding at the first Plenary Meeting of the autumn session. The state duma passed its first reading. And after and in general the bill on establishing a memorial date on september 30. This is the day of the reunification of the donetsk peoples republic of the lugansk peoples republic of the zaporozhye and kherson regions with the Russian Federation documents. Let me remind you that changes were submitted to the president of Russia Vladimir Putin for consideration on september 12 in the law on the days of military glory and memorial dates of russia. Deputies of all factions Varvara Nevskaya yuri gonchara ivan usanov and nadezhda nefedova vesti symbolically unanimously voted for this bill. The most important issues of regional and global discussed today in moscow, secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev held consultations in moscow with the minister of Foreign Affairs of china ivan and first in the format of a bilateral meeting, and then within the framework of a trilateral meeting. Ivan patrushev was joined by the secretary of the national Security Council of mongolia jadam. Ben enkh boyars. Topics related to cooperation between russia and mongolia and china in the International Arena and in multilateral formats were discussed. So says the press service of the Security Council. As you know, in ufa on july 9, 2015 , a road map for the development of cooperation between the three countries was approved. Which largely determines the nature and key areas of russianchinesemongolian interaction. This basic document contains an integrated approach that covers almost all key areas of politics , international relations, economics, science and technology, education and culture. Northeast asia is one of the most dynamically developing regions of the world. There are many opportunities for development here, but also we face multiple challenges china russia mongolia important countries in this region. We provide support and assistance to each other. Common interests. This year. Our trilateral interaction has geographical advantages and rich traditions, organized by. Todays meeting demonstrates that the leadership of our three countries attaches great importance to cooperation in the field of security; it is gratifying that, despite some obstacles that have arisen in recent years, good neighborly relations and friendly interaction between russia and china and mongolia. Continuous and effectively continuing Patriarch Kirill called the parties to the conflict in nagornokarabakh for negotiations. According to him, for decades , the Russian Orthodox church has been making every possible effort to restore peace in this land. In addition, his holiness the patriarch of moscow and all russia commented on the news about the first victims again , the conflict that flared up. The chairman of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, na tsivileva, arrived on a working trip to st. Petersburg. There she is got acquainted with the work of the funds branch and talked with social coordinators and their wards during the round table they discussed issues of medical rehabilitation , medicinal support, psychological assistance, provision of technical means of rehabilitation and sanatorium resort treatment for veterans, as well as their retraining and employment. There is a history in the documents ; these people work throughout the entire territory with complete dedication and very sincerely, relating to every problem of a veteran who comes to the families of the victims. Our task. Uh was uh, no brush these people aside and direct them through a long bureaucratic circle, namely to help and draw up documents and get things going. This is interdepartmental interaction in order to help and support people at the time of receiving the necessary documents. E, in order to be served and receive assistance from the fund for many years in the future. The Us National Debt for the first time in history exceeded 33 trillion. The previous record was set by the United States in june, then they avoided a technical default by passing a law that until 2025, the Government Debt ceiling was temporarily abolished and borrowing continued. Anna lazareva will tell you how critical this can be for the american economy. A trillion dollars per quarter at such a cosmic speed , the Us National Debt has been growing lately february last year 33 million. June of this 32 trillion and now some 3 months have passed and a new height has been reached 33 trillion figure with 12 zeros the agency is special in this background. Um, back in august i lowered the countrys rating. Well, does all of the above confuse the financial authorities . It turned out not. I dont really see any signs of concern in the bond market ; certainly the fed has tightened monetary policy. And this pushed up Interest Rates, but the legislation has provisions for payments under all these programs, and therefore i am not very concerned. It is possible that there will be damage , of course, and a more significant reduction in the deficit is likely, the president proposed a number of measures that gradually reduced the impact of investment in the economy. This is what we must do in the future. Well, here are the largest investors i responded to the american debt to the situation. Nikita great britain, all of them, based on the results of july, some more, some a little less, reduced their investments in american securities, the share of china yes, in the trdzhars and their absolute volume there , it has recently decreased. E. This generally corresponds, lets say, because it happens in the plus market. I think partly some kind of political hmm tension in relations also affects. Uh, japan remains, lets say, the largest holder. There has also been recent news that saudi arabia also reduced the share of reflections to minimum values, reducing the interests of government bonds and private investors. Ray, the investment guru, further stated that in the Current Situation he does not want to deal with american securities. I dont want to own Debt Securities and things like that. I believe that temporary cash is. A good solution now is that Interest Rates are at an acceptable level, but i dont think that they will remain at the same level due to the trends that we discuss among russian businessmen, more often than not, the situation Oleg Deripaska comments on the National Debt in america in his telegram channel almost as often as the policy of the russian central bank. Over the past month, the businessman returned to this topic as many as five times, calling the National Debt a colossal risk to Financial Stability for the United States, only its servicing will cost a trillion a year, according to experts. Expenditures for these purposes in 2024 could reach 4 of gdp, and then more. However, the default experts with whom we talked talk only theoretically, because in the hands of the usa has the largest printing press, by the way. An interesting fact, as stated, more than 80 of all printed us dollars have been issued over the past 3 years, financial pumping operations begin. Monetary liquidity in the economy, well, strictly speaking, so to speak, as in his time in 2011, when there was another such acute situation with the american debt, former chairman of the Federal Reserve system allan greensmin answered the question about default default. We cant just print money. This formula, it still remains. Well, this printing, if the downside is a rise in prices in august, inflation. In america, 3. 7 began to grow again. Finally, years and this is almost twice the target level. By the way, forecasts for the National Debt are far from optimistic, as read in the new york times, even if measures are taken to reduce Budget Expenditures by by 2030, us debt could reach a fantastic figure of 53 million . And now the news that comes to telegram channels so protesters in yerevan are trying to storm the building governments and break through the Police Cordon , this is the footage that is published in telegram channels, clashes between Law Enforcement officers and protesters broke out near the building of the cabinet of ministers of armenia, broadcast in real time by local portals. Protesters are chanting calls for the resignation of Prime Minister pashinyan , calling him a traitor and claiming that he is doing nothing against the backdrop of the fighting in nagornokarabakh. Today the earth is covered. The strongest overhang magnetic storm that occurred at night in dozens of russian regions observed the Northern Lights. Well talk more about this with the leading specialist of the phobos center, alina katelevskaya. Alina greetings, tell me how long this storm will last and whether there will still be an opportunity to see the Northern Lights. And you know there are chances, although they are less than the day before. The current Northern Lights, only in Name Northern , were observed the night before and at night not only in polar latitudes, but also in the southern urals, southern siberia, chelyabinsk , yekaterinburg, novosibirsk and omsk, and if you believe sources, even in kursk and rostovondon. Well, from west to east. The observation zone stretched over more than 5,000 km from zelenogradsk in the kaliningrad region to lensky in yakutia. Well, look at the solnechny microdistrict there, the Northern Lights. How beautiful . What a beautiful aurora is inextricably linked with magnetic storms. Well, magnetic storms are a consequence of solar activity, and as experts say, solar flares are not a prerequisite for their occurrence; todays magnetic storm is just one of these in active regions, accompanied by flashes and in inactive areas not accompanied. Well, in this case, the second option happened according to the forecasts. Everyone was waiting for it. Today. It started a few hours early. From space , the aurora looks like a ring or a wreath, the width of which depends on the power of the solar flare; this time in russia, dozens of regions were able to see it. This celestial show is not even at the peak of the magnetic storm ; magnetic storms turned out to be stronger and longer than predicted around noon. She has already approached level three. With this biomagnetic disturbance. It is possible that failures may occur in power systems; problems in the operation of satellite navigation may also cause interruptions in highfrequency radio broadcasting; of course, enjoying the Northern Lights became possible not only thanks to the weather in the sun, but also due to the weather; the earths vast anticyclone occupies most of the country ; several centers of High Pressure disperse the clouds and allow observation. Beyond the sky are the inhabitants of many regions. Visibility is limited only by northern cyclones. And this situation will continue in the atmosphere into the coming night. By with the latest information, the magnetic storms have begun to subside. Now it does not even reach the g1 level, but no one can guarantee that after a few hours some more echoes of solar activity will not reach the earth and the situation will not change; conditions for observing cosmic phenomena in a significant part of russia will be favorable in the coming night; dense clouds will be , the frontal one will cover only the Kola Peninsula , the western regions, the coast of the white kara sea and the northern half of the krasnoyarsk territory. Above other regions of clouds. There will be very little, however, even if you wont be able to see the Northern Lights of the coming night , you shouldnt despair. In the last 2 weeks , there has been an increase in the number of flares in the second week of september. There were approximately twice as many of them as in the first one, and solar activity will only increase in the coming months. We are now approaching maximum solar activity. This means that in the next probably another year, perhaps similar storms will be quite clear and in the next six months we will have quite well see dozens. Here is some food for thought. Today in russia they celebrate gunsmiths day. This is a professional holiday for all workers of the Defense Industrial complex. It was established in 2011. After mikhail kalashnikov, one of the most famous gunsmiths not only in russia but throughout the world, made this request to the authorities, on this day the best workers of the upc enterprise are honored , exhibitions of weapons and military equipment of outstanding gunsmiths are held in different cities of the country. Today employees were honored in tula Regional Defense enterprises of gosnograd and were presented by the head of the region Alexey Dyumin and the head of the state corporation rustec. Sergei chemezov, the solemn ceremony took place at the state Weapons Museum ; there were 16 names on the award list; leading employees were awarded the order of Alexander Nevsky medal for service to the fatherland, Second Degree , and honorary certificates from the president , in addition on their professional holiday. Four employees of tula enterprises became one of the first in the country. With tinned workers of the militaryindustrial complex the honorary title was established in the Russian Federation. On the eve of the gunsmiths day , Vladimir Putin also received the high title of honorary machine builder of a multiple launch rocket system and fire system. Air defense of the latest remote mining systems, antitank systems and much, much more are produced daily by these weapons, and they prove their high effectiveness. During the performance of combat missions, representatives of the enterprise of various professions are constantly in the combat zone, risking with your life. Under enemy fire , carries out the necessary repairs to the equipments armament and returns it to service in the shortest possible time. Also, Alexey Dyumin and Sergey Chemezov visited one of the Key Enterprises of the Defense Industrial complex of the region, the tula tochmash plant, they inspected the sites of largescale production of antiaircraft guided missiles and other components of the complex. Pantsir Assembly Area for grenade launchers in the flamethrowers center for Additive Technologies and training and exhibition center. At the beginning of this hour, footage from izhevsk Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the development of the militaryindustrial complex and congratulated all employees

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