Are no guarantees that they will not work on civilian objects and dual use objects, experts. They say there are no unsolvable tasks, but ms will not pose russian air defense. Moreover, our antiaircraft gunners became skilled at using standard ammunition. Hummers flights players up to 1500 m s, which allows our modern air Defense Systems to intercept them in all areas of its flight from the family of complexes s300 s400 beeches , the third missile is tough. Well, i think that all the calculations have already been designed and experimental firing has already arrived at the Training Grounds, with analogues and missiles. It is quite obvious that the me attack cannot and could not make any real difference in the course of the conflict, even if the armed forces had them, from the first days of the special military operation, delaying the transfer of ammunition, washington acted within the framework of its favorite boileddown strategy frog, as the western newspaper people called it. Give kiev weapons a little at a time, just so as not to provoke russia into a sharp escalation of the conflict on the other side and not giving zelensky this ammunition made no sense, because the missiles have served their purpose and from 2027 they should begin to be replaced with more modern analogues that have not yet been created. What to do with the old ones either dispose of them for money, or shoot them at a Training Ground in the country. This is a solid fuel rocket , a solid fuel engine, a solid fuel engine has a shelf life of 15 20, well, 25 years this is probably a 20year record this is a rocket launched in the early 2000s. Well, maybe even 25. This is the end of the midnineties, the second half. I think that these are the missiles that will be the first to be disposed of, and yes, they are prone to accidents. In general, we are waiting for new additions to the regiment of forgotten idols. Mighty javelins, deadly leopards, invulnerable challengers, elusive baraktars. We have not forgotten anyone in ukraine ingloriously. So many miracle weapons have already disappeared that i honestly dont even remember what. In your russian weapons, in turn, are already confirming their effectiveness with concrete facts. One example of the hyacinth gun, which performs best in counterbattery combat, these highprecision guns have destroyed many targets, including western m3 seven systems and nato tanks. And Anton Stepanenko will tell and show why our artillerymen are achieving such a result. Three sevens in the enemy installation worked out this unit of gunners 152 mm hyacinth was accurate. How many shells on average does it take to hitting one target most often from the second third projectile, the lieutenants shoulder straps are already hitting the target. Vadim put it on 2 years ago. Now he is already a senior lieutenant battery commander, the most effective one we had in one day we destroyed the em77 howitzer, and the enemys grad installation and towed t30 barreled gun towed artillery are inferior in mobility to selfpropelled guns. But her undeniable plus accuracy hits the top ten on the spot, alexander. In fact. It is he who puts the final point in a multistage operation to detect a target definitions and its coordinates and before destruction, but in front of the camera he is being modest; it depends on me to quickly and accurately locate everything so that the belongings are level, thats all, and the rest depends on the calculation. That is, how quickly the projectile is brought in, how quickly the battery commander calculates the corrections, the minimum time that his calculations sought. This is when the enemy is covered with rapid fire, 6 seconds per shot. It happens that you know the boys are fired at from the tiles. We have a very tough detonation, like fast, we run faster. All, its so much straight that i dont know, the rush, the adrenaline. There, they say, everything there is shooting at the boys. We must, as it were , cover, that is, the harassing fire, there is a counter battery, uh, the operation is all going on. That is, we fly faster here. That is, there we stumble, all while were on the move. We get dressed and, as it were, open fire, because we need to open it much faster, because it depends on this, taking into account the amazing accuracy of the gun , batteries most often work against enemy equipment, against infantry much less often, although there are exceptions 300 pieces per day per day, yes. Unrealistic expenses. Well, it wasnt just one weapon, of course, the batteries had time to write on the shells. Eh, from whom to whom . That is, it is as if the target is not visible, but we know where we are shooting on earth next to the weapon , the spare shaft, the intensity of the fire. Sometimes it happens that the standard ones cant stand it and break. So they put a spare one under your arm so as not to knock it down. You know, the pace can be compared even with sporting interest. I kind of compete with them there, that is, they are my opponents, i have to be faster and stronger, more precisely, artillery. Everything is extremely simple and clear, the coordinates were received , pointed, loaded, fired, well, in the case of, uh, with such a little mobile, little maneuverable uh, towed by artillery, like msta, everything is much more complicated and every fact of its work. This is a whole range of security measures. Eh, in fact, a kind of chess game with the enemy is set up. Positions were occupied and a lot of false weapons were placed. Ahh, they imitated the movement of personnel there so that the enemy would give himself away and begin working in that area with our means observations. We spotted them. And we begin to hit them with the weather zeus hit, as the military is entitled to machine guns. They work with them in body armor and helmets, bringing 42 kg shells to the gun. Its just that at first the special operations did not fire from them even once, if he took the machine guns in his hands, no, that is, to use it, it seems like its simply needed, because its needed and thats it, like a soldier just got taken off at work for lately they have to a lot of Anton Stepanenko brought down vinokurov vesti Southern Sector of the military special operation. In response to a simple question they say that they dont speak serbian so many times in a row these are the results of a survey conducted by a serbian journalist during an event called belgrade pride, a lot of perverts and their sympathizers came out on the street. However, in this crowd. It turned out that it was not so easy to find the serbs themselves. Talk from russia during the belgorod rainbow marshal judging by the materials from below, this sounded quite often , while the president of serbia did not support the gathering and refused to hang lgbt flags so instead of the mayor of belgrade , the usa came and went, and the crowd agreed to be portrayed by ukrainian refugees and some russians from among the locals, who for some reason consider themselves to have the right to impose their own order on the country that has sheltered them. Well, however, this situation is not unique. For example, russian emigrants in israel are trying to avoid compulsory military service. In confirmation, a sensational post in an extremist Network Published in a russianlanguage group in the city of haifa asked an anonymous participant what a young man should do. A person who escaped from being drafted into the russian army, but unexpectedly received a summons to the Israeli Military registration and enlistment office, is responsible for their homeland, they did not want to fight, but in a foreign land they have to fight and no one looks at their supposedly pacifist views, the pitiful story of the relaxants who rushed from russia israel after the start of the ukrainian conflict, is replicated by the liberal publication mosco. Times, although its website is blocked at the request of roskomnadzor. Here is 17yearold alice, for example, crying that she was called to the psal according to local laws the requirement to serve applies to any migrants who are under 22 years of age and acquire israeli citizenship and knowledge. In your case, he is not exempt from military duty. These people are an example of how effectively and at the same time, how dangerously destructively influences people about western propaganda, they believed that in the western world we will say. Violence is condemned in this way so that the western world does not have any double standards, that is, so that what western propagandists talk about is exactly what it is. They stumbled upon reality. They got into a developed strong and quite as it were. An effective country of the western community, israel. But in this country, almost its entire history is connected with the introduction of permanent warfare and permanent militarization of both society and the state. Service in israel, which positions itself in the middle east as a besieged fortress , necessarily for both men and women , the only differences terms, according to the jewish agency, in 2022 more than 43,000 people arrived from russia; emigrants are usually called up a year after being in the country. That is its time for our fellow citizens here to take arms. Probably, instead of saying the former, they were no exception. After all, they are just guests who decided to come with their charter to strangers, demanding pumpkin armor, but in return they receive only a summons to serve, and in the name of a foreign country, there is, in fact, no choice. And who will let them go . Yes, if they moved to israel they are subject to conscription there and , accordingly, if they fulfill these requirements, it means that they will face criminal liability, which is why they ended up in such a tough pseudodemocratic totalitarian system. Israel loves to say that it is a democracy in the middle east. It turned out that this is not at all true for those people who sought, uh, political asylum in it. Yes, thats how they position themselves. They fled the bloody regime in russia and found them there. Eh, actually, the current government is conscripting the splestinians into the army for the war. Israels intransigence and tactics against the palestinian population in the west bank, and all three gases in the region, constant clashes of fighting killed and wounded on both sides. So whats the chance there is practically no refusal to refuse service in the sahara, well, the number of refuseniks is growing; only more than a hundred draft dodgers from our country have officially turned to israel for help. Although much more often an escaped one. Mobilizations from russia arise with questions like these on anonymous social networks. Because im ashamed of wondering what the quote is , proven methods of excuses in the comments, this caused scales of anger, im scurrying out of here, packing my suitcase, the locals were indignant. In haifa , after all, their taxes go, including for the maintenance of emigrants, but in fact parasites who live in israel on social benefits. And at the same time they do not want to repay debts in the form of military service then. Let them return the money spent on them, they encourage users and add sugar this is the pride of the colonists. Israel is despised as traitors to the motherland. Although how else can you call those russians who fled during difficult times for our country for sausage migration, a phenomenon that has been well known since the eighties of the past. They fled exactly what was called to them, as it seemed to them, but from mobilization. What are they they were afraid, in general, and b for the sausage, what is that called . Eh, sobering up struck. I think everyone immediately as soon as it ended, the majority of mobilization immediately pulled back. Well, in general, the sausage sobering also overtook quite quickly, when it turned out that, in general, life in georgia is also not sugar, somewhere in israel life is sugar. Well, by the way, some relaxants, after moving from russia, suddenly forgot about their antiwar position and still decided to go serve, like, for example, nineteenyearold matvey, her fiance alice herself, who opposed the fighting and admits, he realized that israel had started him and he couldnt survive and is now in the cyber ​​troops. I would say, e mental ideological times in the slavery of western countries. So they were told that its bad here, but everything is fine there and keeps them in such a borderline mental state. In fact, without giving, as if this flow of information, a flow of lies does not make it possible to come to insight, and all the time to tell that it is bad to fight only for russia, but for israel this is fine. Well, of course, double standard. In general , what these pseudopacifists fought against in their homeland is what they ran into in a foreign land, but not everyone is ready to admit it and go back. He insulted an entire nation in a typical colonial style, and besides, he pretended that he did not remember american war crimes , which is how joe biden visited his vietnam , where the us president simply fell into his typical stupor, but also allowed himself openly provocative statements, for who, however, are in no hurry to apologize. Not him himself, not his administration, details of our staff correspondent in the United States, Valentin Bogdanov. They expected Different Things from jubaiden, who was visiting vietnam for the first time, to begin with , the american president had to go down the ramp without incident. He managed by taking a short break on the intermediate platform. Task number two is incredibly more difficult vietnam, with which america fought, the states now want to present it as an alternative to china, with which washington has frozen with the leader of the vietnamese pumpkin party, anguin. Fu, chongom ubiden, separate negotiations in the address of the president of the United States sounds like a somewhat dubious compliment given the general news background. You havent aged a day. And i would say that it looks even better than before. Every feature of yours, mr. President , greatly complements your image; almost millions of vietnamese people who died during the american invasion, the us president did not separately remember the vietnam war , biden with pity to the extent of an inappropriate joke. At the beginning of the Disastrous Press Conference it is now evening. Isnt it so interesting to travel around the world in 5 days one of my employees said, remember the famous song. Good morning, vietnam, well, good evening , vietnam and good morning america, biden, he got everything mixed up again, there are no such songs. There is a phrase in the film of the same name that is uttered by Robin Williams hero, dj adrian kronauer. Rebel who tries to improvise against the backdrop of the ongoing horror, biden is the complete opposite of him. Step right step. Even journalists are afraid to go to the left. Not ordered. Lets see, im just following the instructions i received, apparently elon musk was not so wrong recently when he joked about control over bidens teleprompter lists asking questions from the same series. If someone hasnt asked a question, no, im not asking you. I was told there would be five questions. And now biden is already quite tired. He began to openly send signals for help, and hints began to appear. More transparent, i dont know about you, but im about to go to bed and help has arrived, albeit in such a form that i immediately felt ashamed of everyone, the head of the white house was simply interrupted midsentence, the microphone was turned off when biden again almost said too much. We spoke stability. We talked about the third world and sorry the Southern Hemisphere has access to change. It wasnt a confrontation at all. The president of the United States clearly wanted to finish, but the voice of his press secretaries, amplified by the speakers, was already echoing over the hall. Thanks to everyone , this ends the press conference. Thank you all biden. At the same time, he still continued to speak. And then, to be faithful , they interrupted him with music and turned on some unpretentious jazz. To really rest, judging by everything biden did not manage to get on the plane, the us president had a hard time getting up to hold on to grab the handrails with both hands at once. Set course for alaska and in the studios of american channels we moved along the usual route. Can you imagine donald trump saying in vietnam lets go. Im in bed , how pathetic it looks , his advisers and assistants treat him like a sixyearold child. The leader of the country cannot behave this way, but for now biden is the president , which means he is expected to act in a president ial manner, and he becomes the first head of the white house in 22 years who, today, on the anniversary of the september 11th terrorist attacks, does not there will be another nail at the memorials to those who died. This disgusting coffin is the biggest slap in the face of all 9 11. Biden is spending in alaska not because there is any special meaning in this, but because it is so convenient from the most banal technological point of view. How many rating points will this miscalculation take away from biden will become known soon, how to return the lost points a little over a year before the elections. Thats the question. If the voting took place today, then the current us president would be surpassed by several competitors at once republicans, however, biden still considers trump the most dangerous, the republicans. Now biden is much more active in donating to his company; for the entire august he collected 19 million, while trump, in just 2 days, turned seven times to the most aggressive tactics. Heres according to nbc. The new strategy of the Democratic Campaign headquarters, in order to mobilize the voter, will first try to scare him. Naturally trump Valentin Bogdanov ivan utkin and timofey mukhin lead the usa lets return after a short advertisement, this is what they will talk about . First of all, its spectacular. And the romanians, who are filming the russian militarys attacks on the Port Infrastructure of the odessa region , now even have a dot on the map for a better overview. At the scooter, we knew that people needed unusual shower gels, and svetlana knew how to add some spice to them; we do the scooter well together with you. Excellent 10 cashback. I wonder who invented it more, which means 10 cashback will definitely come in handy. 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Launches autumn cashback as a gift for purchase, receive 30 bonuses for purchases from your favorite stores. The main thing is to log in using your sberbank id. Order profitably. They promise to look into it and take action. This is how the press service of the Ukrainian Armed forces reacted to the latest photo report from the reuter agency, which, according to essentially revealed the location of one of the air defense complexes on the territory of kiev well, actually. Here is an eloquent photo. Its not hard to see here. Where the sam operators are firing from, and then it was not difficult to calculate these exact coordinates using any satellite map. And in this regard, of course, it must be recalled that the regime severely punishes such things, and foreign media will supposedly not be an exception, but the key word here is allegedly, since previously American European publications have repeatedly filmed and published the work of Ukrainian Air defense without a hint of censorship, but with any penalties. As far as we know, we have never encountered it. And in general, the further, the more that for the collective west what is happening in ukraine has turned. Well, no more than a kind of buster, the main task of which is to provide the foreign viewer with a spectacular picture about other resonant examples that let Anastasia Ivanova take the best places and write where exactly just one point on the map became the reason for the layaway to again accuse romania of betraying the city the odessa public is distributing a charging post that the European Allied brothers have marked a point on the map from where the bombings will literally be best visible. Ukraine , i will paraphrase the statement of security. Scenes, vocabulary, romanians. Have you gone completely crazy there or are you still not groundless in wanting to watch romania burn . Last year it welcomed about half a Million People and was simply stunned, and i cant find another word for stunned, but from the rudeness that the ukrainians brought with them. Naturally, the relationship is room. Eh, ukraine is not worth much attention discount, and the fact that its just an interesting curiosity. Confirmation. These cadres of defense and baroness. We came to watch the fire show. The port of izmail in the odessa region is just visible across the danube. More precisely , according to the russian military, it was there that the ukrainian militants were located. Foreign mercenaries fuel Storage Facilities to supply military equipment. Where is the point visible for a better view . Maybe its true that food comes almost in families, no one is afraid of explosions, they even take cats, judging by the meowing not behind the scenes, but there is a trailer with popcorn there, interestingly, judging by the growing tension between ukrainian romanians. Maybe it will appear, romania actually does not recognize the fact that in 1940 northern bukovina southern bessarabia joined the soviet union and after the declaration of independence of ukraine they became part of ukraine when the special military operation ends, romania will be among those countries that will want to get some then the land of ukraine for yourself, therefore , these are still the points on the map from which you can observe the defeat of ukraine; this is an expression of internal desires, despite because of this, antirussian sentiment in the country in romania is not ready to be friends with the kiev regime even for this. Despite the ukrainian indignation, bucharest did not react with cards. But the romanian media are more often outraged by mikeevs actions, we continue to strengthen the topic with the russian drone, they write that their neighbors are pushing them into a conflict with russia, they refer to the statement of an adviser to zelenskys office in the distance that bucharest should actually help ukraine shoot down drones, the authors of the article, unfortunately , they note, despite all the help to the ukrainian to refugees, gratitude from kiev is no more than a request. So why not then observe the northern bukovinas of bessarabi for the highprecision work of our military, there are now in this region, including in the odessa region, according to various estimates, already hundreds of thousands of romanian rosen passports. That is , its not that something is planned there, you know this is it, its already quite concrete, but you and i have heard any objections about this, no. But when we gave passports to russian people in donbass, the whole world declared it literally white. So in this situations we see. The process of the collapse of ukraine, at least, bucharest no longer has any desire to support ukraine to meet provocations halfway. Kiev deputy secretary general. Nato Mircea Joanna said that romania has no reason to worry and russia is certainly not going to attack them, they will be hysterical while it is still only the beggars of zelenskys office. So you can see all over the world , there is no need to even look for a point for a better view. When it seems that things cant get better, closer penoplex gives a double advantage provide protection from heat and cold and help save on air conditioning. Penoplex effective thermal insulation the assault is inevitable, you will never take mariupol, we have no way out. This is our city home, honestly in a different way. Spotted and start throwing mines and i agree well. Look, they will come out with weapons, the surrendered blockade caught this breach. The Russian Armed forces repulsed today 11, and so the armed forces inflicted a series of strikes on the enemy resulting in the loss of zelenskys formation of almost 700 soldiers, officers and mercenaries in the area of ​​the populated area of ​​vodnevo by our aviation and artillery strikes, a column of Armored Vehicles was destroyed, 72 brigades of the Ukrainian Armed forces were destroyed. Western equipment in the kherson region, near bereslav, the control point for ukrainian drones has been eliminated

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